#naked co-signing by global governments
maggi-cube · 10 months
There’s just so much evil I’ve learned about today I don’t know how to hold it all
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
Accenture, the silent partner cleaning up Facebook for $500 million a year
Accenture, the silent partner cleaning up Facebook for $500 million a year
In 2019, Julie Sweet, the newly appointed chief executive officer of global consulting firm Accenture, held a meeting with top managers. She had a question: Should Accenture get out of some of the work it was doing for a leading client, Facebook?
For years, tensions had mounted within Accenture over a certain task that it performed for the social network. In eight-hour shifts, thousands of its full-time employees and contractors were sorting through Facebook’s most noxious posts, including images, videos and messages about suicides, beheadings and sexual acts, trying to prevent them from spreading online.
Some of those Accenture workers, who reviewed hundreds of Facebook posts in a shift, said they had started experiencing depression, anxiety and paranoia. In the United States, one worker had joined a class-action lawsuit to protest the working conditions. News coverage linked Accenture to the grisly work. So Sweet had ordered a review to discuss the growing ethical, legal and reputational risks.
At the meeting in Accenture’s Washington office, she and Ellyn Shook, head of human resources, voiced concerns about the psychological toll of the work for Facebook and the damage to the firm’s reputation, attendees said. Some executives who oversaw the account argued that the problems were manageable. They said the social network was too lucrative a client to lose.
The meeting ended with no resolution.
Facebook and Accenture have rarely talked about their arrangement or even acknowledged that they work with each other. But their secretive relationship lies at the heart of an effort by the world’s largest social media company to distance itself from the most toxic part of its business.
BillDesk, the Indian fintech firm that predates the word ‘fintech’, will soon be acquired by global tech investor Prosus in a $4.7 billion all-cash deal. MN Srinivasu, one of the firm’s cofounders, told us why BillDesk said yes to Prosus
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For years, Facebook has been under scrutiny for the violent and hateful content that flows through its site. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has repeatedly pledged to clean up the platform. He has promoted the use of artificial intelligence to weed out toxic posts and touted efforts to hire thousands of workers to remove the messages that AI doesn’t.
But behind the scenes, Facebook has quietly paid others to take on much of the responsibility. Since 2012, the company has hired at least 10 consulting and staffing firms globally to sift through its posts, along with a wider web of subcontractors, according to interviews and public records.
No company has been more crucial to that endeavor than Accenture. The Fortune 500 firm, better known for providing high-end tech, accounting and consulting services to multinational companies and governments, has become Facebook’s single biggest partner in moderating content, according to an examination by The New York Times.
Accenture has taken on the work — and given it a veneer of respectability — because Facebook has signed contracts with it for content moderation and other services worth at least $500 million a year, according to The Times’ examination. Accenture employs more than a third of the 15,000 people whom Facebook has said it has hired to inspect its posts. And while the agreements provide only a small fraction of Accenture’s annual revenue, they give it an important lifeline into Silicon Valley. Within Accenture, Facebook is known as a “diamond client.”
Their contracts, which have not previously been reported, have redefined the traditional boundaries of an outsourcing relationship. Accenture has absorbed the worst facets of moderating content and made Facebook’s content issues its own. As a cost of doing business, it has dealt with workers’ mental health issues from reviewing the posts. It has grappled with labor activism when those workers pushed for more pay and benefits. And it has silently borne public scrutiny when they have spoken out against the work.
Those issues have been compounded by Facebook’s demanding hiring targets and performance goals and so many shifts in its content policies that Accenture struggled to keep up, 15 current and former employees said. And when faced with legal action from moderators about the work, Accenture stayed quiet as Facebook argued that it was not liable because the workers belonged to Accenture and others.
“You couldn’t have Facebook as we know it today without Accenture,” said Cori Crider, a co-founder of Foxglove, a law firm that represents content moderators. “Enablers like Accenture, for eye-watering fees, have let Facebook hold the core human problem of its business at arm’s length.”
The Times interviewed more than 40 current and former Accenture and Facebook employees, labor lawyers and others about the companies’ relationship, which also includes accounting and advertising work. Most spoke anonymously because of nondisclosure agreements and fear of reprisal. The Times also reviewed Facebook and Accenture documents, legal records and regulatory filings.
Facebook and Accenture declined to make executives available for comment. Drew Pusateri, a Facebook spokesperson, said the company was aware that content moderation “jobs can be difficult, which is why we work closely with our partners to constantly evaluate how to best support these teams.”
Stacey Jones, an Accenture spokesperson, said the work was a public service that was “essential to protecting our society by keeping the internet safe.”
Neither company mentioned the other by name.
Pornographic Posts Much of Facebook’s work with Accenture traces back to a nudity problem.
In 2007, millions of users joined the social network every month — and many posted naked photos. A settlement that Facebook reached that year with Andrew Cuomo, who was New York’s attorney general, required the company to take down pornographic posts flagged by users within 24 hours.
Facebook employees who policed content were soon overwhelmed by the volume of work, members of the team said. Sheryl Sandberg, the company’s chief operating officer, and other executives pushed the team to find automated solutions for combing through the content, three of them said.
Facebook also began looking at outsourcing, they said. Outsourcing was cheaper than hiring people and provided tax and regulatory benefits, along with the flexibility to grow or shrink quickly in regions where the company did not have offices or language expertise. Sandberg helped champion the outsourcing idea, they said, and midlevel managers worked out the details.
By 2011, Facebook was working with oDesk, a service that recruited freelancers to review content. But in 2012, after news site Gawker reported that oDesk workers in Morocco and elsewhere were paid as little as $1 per hour for the work, Facebook began seeking another partner.
Facebook landed on Accenture. Formerly known as Andersen Consulting, the firm had rebranded as Accenture in 2001 after a break with accounting firm Arthur Andersen. And it wanted to gain traction in Silicon Valley.
In 2010, Accenture scored an accounting contract with Facebook. By 2012, that had expanded to include a deal for moderating content, particularly outside the United States.
That year, Facebook sent employees to Manila, Philippines, and Warsaw, Poland, to train Accenture workers to sort through posts, two former Facebook employees involved with the trip said. Accenture’s workers were taught to use a Facebook software system and the platform’s guidelines for leaving content up, taking it down or escalating it for review.
‘Honey Badger’ What started as a few dozen Accenture moderators grew rapidly.
By 2015, Accenture’s office in the San Francisco Bay Area had set up a team, code-named Honey Badger, just for Facebook’s needs, former employees said. Accenture went from providing about 300 workers in 2015 to about 3,000 in 2016. They are a mix of full-time employees and contractors, depending on the location and task.
The firm soon parlayed its work with Facebook into moderation contracts with YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest and others, executives said. (The digital content moderation industry is projected to reach $8.8 billion next year, according to Everest Group, roughly double the 2020 total.) Facebook also gave Accenture contracts in areas like checking for fake or duplicate user accounts and monitoring celebrity and brand accounts to ensure they were not flooded with abuse.
After federal authorities discovered in 2016 that Russian operatives had used Facebook to spread divisive posts to U.S. voters for the presidential election, the company ramped up the number of moderators. It said it would hire more than 3,000 people — on top of the 4,500 it already had — to police the platform.
“If we’re going to build a safe community, we need to respond quickly,” Zuckerberg said in a 2017 post.
The next year, Facebook hired Arun Chandra, a former Hewlett Packard Enterprise executive, as vice president of scaled operations to help oversee the relationship with Accenture and others. His division is overseen by Sandberg.
Facebook also spread the content work to other firms, such as Cognizant and TaskUs. Facebook now provides a third of TaskUs’ business, or $150 million a year, according to regulatory filings.
The work was challenging. While more than 90% of objectionable material that comes across Facebook and Instagram is removed by AI, outsourced workers must decide whether to leave up the posts that the AI doesn’t catch.
They receive a performance score that is based on correctly reviewing posts against Facebook’s policies. If they make mistakes more than 5% of the time, they can be fired, Accenture employees said.
But Facebook’s rules about what was acceptable changed constantly, causing confusion. When people used a gas station emoji as slang for selling marijuana, workers deleted the posts for violating the company’s content policy on drugs. Facebook then told moderators not to remove the posts, before later reversing course.
Facebook also tweaked its moderation technology, adding new keyboard shortcuts to speed up the review process. But the updates were sometimes released with little warning, increasing errors.
As of May, Accenture billed Facebook for roughly 1,900 full-time moderators in Manila; 1,300 in Mumbai, India; 850 in Lisbon; 780 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 300 in Warsaw; 300 in Mountain View, California; 225 in Dublin; and 135 in Austin, Texas, according to staffing records reviewed by The Times.
At the end of each month, Accenture sent invoices to Facebook detailing the hours worked by its moderators and the volume of content reviewed. Each U.S. moderator generated $50 or more per hour for Accenture, two people with knowledge of the billing said. In contrast, moderators in some U.S. cities received starting pay of $18 an hour.
Psychological Costs Within Accenture, workers began questioning the effects of viewing so many hateful posts.
Accenture hired mental health counselors to handle the fallout. Izabela Dziugieł, a counselor who worked in Accenture’s Warsaw office, said she told managers in 2018 that they were hiring people ill-prepared to sort through the content. Her office handled posts from the Middle East, including gruesome images and videos of the Syrian war.
“They would just hire anybody,” said Dziugiel, who previously treated soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder. She left the firm in 2019.
In Dublin, one Accenture moderator who sifted through Facebook content left a suicide note on his desk in 2018, said a mental health counselor who was involved in the episode. The worker was found safe.
Joshua Sklar, a moderator in Austin who quit in April, said he had reviewed 500 to 700 posts a shift, including images of dead bodies after car crashes and videos of animals being tortured.
“One video that I watched was a guy who was filming himself raping a little girl,” said Sklar, who described his experience in an internal post that later became public. “It was just awful.”
If workers went around Accenture’s chain of command and directly communicated with Facebook about content issues, they risked being reprimanded, he added. That made Facebook slower to learn about and react to problems, he said.
Facebook said anyone filtering content could escalate concerns.
Another former moderator in Austin, Spencer Darr, said in a legal hearing in June that the job had required him to make unimaginable decisions, such as whether to delete a video of a dog being skinned alive or simply mark it as disturbing. “Content moderators’ job is an impossible one,” he said.
In 2018, Accenture introduced WeCare — policies that mental health counselors said limited their ability to treat workers. Their titles were changed to “wellness coaches” and they were instructed not to give psychological assessments or diagnoses, but to provide “short-term support” like taking walks or listening to calming music. The goal, according to a 2018 Accenture guidebook, was to teach moderators “how to respond to difficult situations and content.”
Accenture’s Jones said the company was “committed to helping our people who do this important work succeed both professionally and personally.” Workers can see outside psychologists.
By 2019, scrutiny of the industry was growing. That year, Cognizant said it was exiting content moderation after tech site The Verge described the low pay and mental health effects of workers at an Arizona office. Cognizant said the decision would cost it at least $240 million in revenue and lead to 6,000 job cuts.
Internal Debate More than one Accenture chief executive debated doing business with Facebook.
In 2017, Pierre Nanterme, Accenture’s chief at the time, questioned the ethics of the work and whether it fit the firm’s long-term strategy of providing services with high profit margins and technical expertise, three executives involved in the discussions said.
No actions were taken. Nanterme died of cancer in January 2019.
Five months later, Sweet, a longtime Accenture lawyer and executive, was named chief executive. She soon ordered the review of the moderation business, three former colleagues said.
Executives prepared reports and debated how the work compared with jobs like an ambulance driver. Consultants were sent to observe moderators and their managers.
The office in Austin, which had opened in 2017, was selected for an audit as part of Sweet’s review. The city was also home to a Facebook office and had large populations of Spanish and Arabic speakers to read non-English posts. At its peak, Accenture’s Austin office had about 300 moderators parsing through Facebook posts.
But some workers there became unhappy about the pay and viewing so much toxic content. Organizing through text messages and internal message boards, they called for better wages and benefits. Some shared their stories with the media.
Last year, a worker in Austin was one of two from Accenture who joined a class-action suit against Facebook filed by U.S. moderators. Facebook argued that it was not liable because the workers were employed by firms like Accenture, according to court records. After the judge in the case ruled against Facebook, the company reached a $52 million settlement with the workers in May 2020.
For Sweet, the debate over the Facebook contracts stretched out over several meetings, former executives said. She subsequently made several changes.
In December 2019, Accenture created a two-page legal disclosure to inform moderators about the risks of the job. The work had “the potential to negatively impact your emotional or mental health,” the document said.
Last October, Accenture went further. It listed content moderation for the first time as a risk factor in its annual report, saying it could leave the firm vulnerable to media scrutiny and legal trouble. Accenture also restricted new moderation clients, two people with knowledge of the policy shift said. Any new contracts required approval from senior management.
But Sweet also left some things untouched, they said.
Among them: the contracts with Facebook. Ultimately, the people said, the client was too valuable to walk away from.
This article originally appeared in The New York Times.
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Is the far best on the increase in New Zealand?|The Spinoff
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Are we missing out on the increase of the far-right? What would the symptoms of such a motion be and how could the media better cover them?Hundreds of Kiwis have promised
to march versus an odd UN migration pact today under the guise of a brand-new organisation calling itself NZ Sovereignty. The central problem emphasised by the group, whichran ads in papers the other day, worries the New Zealand government's assistance for the Worldwide Compact on Migration. Opposition to the arrangement first emerged on sites like the alt-right site Breibart andneo-Nazi site Daily Stormer which warned it would"Bring 60 Million Brown People to Europe". Can the furore over the UN pact, which explicitly draws from the " to"Criminalize Christianity, marginalize heterosexuality, demonize males and promote the LGBT program all over. The real goal is never ever"equality"however rather the marginalization and shaming of anybody who reveals any male characteristics whatsoever". In another thread, users discussed the degrees to which they would enable anti-Semitism. One member threatened to leave the group "if I see anymore publishing [...] of this zionist shows ". A 2nd retorted,"come out of the cave mate ". A third:" What is the distinction between Zionists and deep state? Imo it's same thing, really much current". Although group administrators kickedthe very first user out, other anti-Semitic posts were overlooked, consisting of a tirade about the UN being out to "damage all western countries they are our natural opponents dominated by Jews, Catholics n muslims, after the ultimate stock market crash and international disaster and American army depleted they will reveal there true colours, there Muslim armies are well and truely placed to cause optimal damage".
(Image: Facebook/Reject the UN Migration Compact)When I tried to join a group titled' Kiwis United Versus the Radical Islamification of New Zealand', a group moderator declined my application. Seeing that I was Jewish, the mediator also kindly reached out to me to notify me that there was" no room for kikes in my area. Inform ya mates to get their hook noses all set gor the lynching of the century. [...]
The showers and ovens shall be fired up again". Clearly,
the movement has yet to settle its internal anti-Semitism debate.When I consulted with NZ Sovereignty's Jesse Anderson about the planned march and his wider movement, nevertheless, he insisted it was neither racist nor conservative."We have no tolerance for bigotry, for sexism, for any of that. If we see anybody who is revealing dreadful views, we will ask to move along ", he swore. Anderson later on included, in reaction to concerns about NZ Sovereignty's political leanings, "I do not see patriotism as conservative, I do not see nationalism as conservative". Everything the motion stands for is straight out of the reactionary playbook. The conspiratorial assertions that the UN pact will result in censorship of the press or an increase of migrants stemmed on alt-right forums and news websites. The naked Islamophobia, homophobia, anti-Semitism and other despicable views are particular of the modern far-right. Protestations to the contrary deserve little in the face of self-evident facts.Conspiracy central There is, nevertheless, a section of New Zealand society that is vulnerable to the reactionary but is not yet naturally left-or right-wing. This is the second possible constituency that Spoonley sees. He calls them adherents of "new age conservative conspiracy politics. The opposition to 1080, the opposition to fluoridation, the
scepticism about vaccinations. These neighborhoods are not undoubtedly part of the constituency [of the far-right] They offer up some activists who are capable of equating their opposition to the modern state into reactionary politics."The threats here are two-fold. As account, without serious reaction from half of the political establishment. In New Zealand, meanwhile, the conventional sources of authority-- media, political leaders, the judiciary, etc-- are mostly consulting with one voice against the far-right. Donald Trump speaks throughout a post-election press conference at the White House following the midterm elections. Image: JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images Trust in traditional media remains high. A 2017 study by Colmar Brunton found that 7 in 8 Kiwis trust papers and radio, while just 38 %trust Facebook as a news source. If the media effectively combat reactionary propaganda and fake news-- something American outlets initially tripped up on-- trust can remain high.This requires abandoning'he-said-she-said 'journalism which allows habitual liars to spread out fallacies essentially undisputed. A great example of how to do it much better is Andrea Vance's short article for Things on the New Conservatives'most current expert, previous NZ Rugby head David Moffett. Vance keeps in mind that" To back up his viewpoints, Moffett grabs conspiracy theories he's checked out on the web. He struggles to articulate them, or convincingly defend them.
"She fact-checks each claim he makes throughout the post, such as in this exchange:"Recently, Australia had an agreement with the United States to take a few of the individuals onManus Island-- unfortunately, when they got to America they discovered that there weren't all these free hand outs and they wished to return,"he states." They've got their foot into America and they don't wish to be there due to the fact that it is too difficult. These individuals-- in a lot of the cases-- are not genuine refugees."Moffett is uncertain where he sourced this example. It has been reported that nearly 3 quarters of the refugees were rejected by the US, apparently because they were born in Muslim countries."Well, it's remained in the news,"he says."Maybe, if the mainstream media was to report some of this stuff, they would see ... you'll discover it in an Australian newspaper somewhere."Journalism is another of Moffett's bugbears. He says the'mainstream'media aren't reporting on the migration pact, or any of the other issues he's anxious about."You have to comprehend that there is something called the worldwide mass media. It is generally run by 9 business around the world and they have actually made decisions about what they desire the world to look like."Who are these nine business?" I don't understand what their names are, however you know who they are-- the Murdoch empire."Previously, Moffett had told me he first discovered of the migration pact on Sky News Australia.It's important, too, to comprehend the way coded language isdeployed. Referrals to "globalism", for example, are frequently not merely directed at the idea of open borders or open market. Rather, according to Spoonley and various civil liberties organisations,"globalists" is often a pet dog whistle for Jews, who are believed to be controlling finances, media, and other huge parts of society. The reactionary think it is Jews who motivate mass migration, apparently in an attempt to ruin Western society from the
inside.Likewise, Pepe the Frog isn't simply a safe green meme-- it's been co-opted by white supremacists according to the Anti-Defamation League. The number 1488 referrals the 14 words, a well-known white supremacist motto and"Heil
Hitler "(where the eights represent the 8 th letter of the alphabet ). Knowing these and other odd codes are essential to properly covering the far-right. In the long-lasting, New Zealand
media outlets should devote reporters to covering political extremism, as Forbes has done with reporter J.J. MacNab. the Huffington Post with Luke O'Brien, and Buzzfeed with Charlie Warzel. People who understand the methods in which right-wing
extremists interact, how they think, and what they want can produce clearer and more precise reporting than general task reporters who have little to no experience with the more arcane elements of reactionary movements.After embracing brand-new approaches of covering Trump in the age of phony news, American outlets have taken pleasure in a veritable trust renaissance. In mid-2018, a survey found a bulk of Americans had"a good deal"or"a reasonable quantity"of trust in media, for the very first time considering that Trump burst onto the scene.Whether the far-right comes about in New Zealand is not yet a foregone conclusion, but it is certainly possible. Caution is sorely needed to avoid that motion from dominating-- and today's march will show the first test for New Zealand's media and the nation at big. This material is funded entirely by"target ="_ blank"data-saferedirecturl ="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.flickelectric.co.nz/&source=gmail&ust=1538424516351000&usg=AFQjCNGdVdlTuY4m5AbEK6djAVd52uUXzw"> Flick, the electricity retailer providing New Zealanders power over their power. With both spot price and fixed cost plans offered, you can be sure you're getting true cost and real option when you sign up with Flick. Assistance us by making the switch today.
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newsfundastuff · 5 years
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is using an iron fist to smash the protests over his latest effort to erode the citizenship rights of Indian Muslims. He, along with many of the state governments that his party controls, have dispatched paramilitary forces to storm Muslim colleges to beat up students, suspended the internet in many cities, and imposed a ban on protests including in Bangalore where police roughed up and arrested one of India's most renowned historians, Ramachandra Guha.Modi is out of control. Even China's authoritarian rulers have shown more restraint in dealing with the Hong Kong protesters.It is high time that his admirers in the West — politicians, business leaders, and Hollywood celebrities who fawned over him — admit that they made a profound mistake. They embraced him despite clear warnings that his high-minded talk about turning India into an economic and technological powerhouse masked a sinister Hindu nationalist agenda.He is not a hero of progress and development but a populist blood-and-soil nativist arguably more dangerous than any in the West.Let us remember what we once knew but seem to have forgotten: He cut his political teeth in the RSS, the militant wing of his party that is obsessed with avenging historic slights — real and imagined — that Hindus endured under Muslim rule centuries ago. One of its members assassinated Mahatma Gandhi whom some Hindu nationalists regard as a Muslim "appeaser." Modi himself has a long history of anti-Muslim animus. In 1992, he rode a chariot in the Hindu procession that marched to the iconic Babri mosque and razed it. But his feelings morphed into actual bloodletting in 2002 when he was the chief minister of the state of Gujarat. Hindu thugs, some connected with his party, went on a rampage and slaughtered 1,000 Muslim men, women, and children as the state police stood by.Modi expressed not an iota of remorse or regret for the events in Gujarat when he ran for the prime minister's office in 2012, even comparing the murdered Muslims to "puppies" run over by a careless driver.Yet after he became prime minister, the world gave him the benefit of the doubt — and the man who had been banned from many Western countries, including America, because of his role in the Gujarat pogrom became an international sensation.A campaign-style extravaganza that Modi held in Madison Square Garden to celebrate his victory was attended not only by 18,000 gushing Indian Americans but also 40 U.S congressmen. Hugh Jackman introduced him, applauding heartily when Modi recited Sanskrit shlokas or verses calling for world peace, totally oblivious to the irony.Even President Obama went beyond ordinary diplomatic protocol in welcoming Modi during that visit. He hosted a White House dinner for Modi and invited him to stroll to the Martin Luther King memorial with him. A year later, when Obama went with first lady Michelle to India for a state visit, he commended Modi's "legendary work ethic" and his fashion sense, even joking about wearing a kurta shirt to imitate Modi's sartorial style.The silencing effect that Obama's chumminess had on Modi's critics cannot be overstated. If the first black American president who fully understood the struggle for minority rights could endorse Modi, then Modi-naysayers were just paranoid hysterics whose hatred was blinding them to his manifold virtues.President Trump, who isn't shy about hobnobbing with odious leaders, has unsurprisingly taken things to a whole new level in a naked bid for the Indian American vote. He warmed up the crowd for Modi, calling him "his friend" and "a great man and a great leader," at the HowdyModi rally held in Houston to celebrate Modi's re-election this summer. A whole throng of Texas leaders from both parties, including Republican Sen. Ted Cruz and Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson, stood behind Modi on stage like a hallelujah chorus.But even more disheartening has been the reaction of U.S. industry leaders. Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg got the ball rolling five years ago when he enthusiastically served up Modi agitprop, holding a townhall event for him at his company's headquarters. Zuckerberg asked Modi such pointed questions as how much he loved his mother and how he planned to use his mastery of social media to transform India. Two weeks after this lovefest, India experienced the first in what was to become an epidemic of beef lynchings under Modi. Hindu cow vigilantes stormed a Muslim family's home in Dadri, a village not far from Modi's home in New Delhi, and pulled the old patriarch from his bed and bludgeoned him to death. Modi the transformative leader's response? Utter silence for days.But Zuckerberg is unfazed. He reiterated during Modi's HowdyModi visit that he "deeply appreciates PM Modi's commitment to Digital India." This was one month after Modi shutdown the internet in Kashmir and imposed central rule on this Muslim-dominated state, arresting its leaders and scrapping its constitutionally-guaranteed autonomy. That shutdown is now in its fourth month, earning Modi, the vaunted digital leader, the great distinction of engineering the longest internet shutdown in a democracy ever. But that still hasn't deterred Zuckerberg's fellow I.T. luminaries from piling their own encomiums on Modi.Microsoft founder Bill Gates this September bestowed his foundation's prestigious "Global Goalkeeper Award" on Modi for his "Swaatch (Clean) India" campaign and expanding access to toilets in the country. This elicited howls of protest from human rights groups. Muslim artists Riz Ahmed and Jameela Jamil pulled out of the awards ceremony. But Gates defended the award, calling Modi "brave" for tackling the issue of toilets.Then there is Bridgewater Associates co-founder Ray Dalio, who opined last month after India's economic growth hit a 10-year low and unemployment a 45-year high that "Prime Minister Modi is one of the best, if not the best, leaders in the world." And Qualcomm Chairman Paul Jacobs proclaimed that Modi's leadership is "really moving in the right direction." And Unilever CEO Paul Polman declared that he was "very confident about the Modi government."The effect that such endorsements have in emboldening Modi and undermining the internal points of resistance to him is incalculable. Try criticizing Modi to his supporters, and they’ll instantly throw all his international awards and accolades in your face. But whatever the excuse of these leaders for issuing such deluded statements in the past, there can't be any now that Modi is taking the gloves off. He has demonstrated that fanatics may change their tune but they don't change their minds.The least these leaders can do now is condemn Modi's campaign of persecution. It has been painful for many of us who believe in India's pluralism and democracy to watch Modi transform himself from an international pariah to an international star with the help of Western elites. He may be unstoppable at this stage and who knows how far he is prepared to go to advance his Hindu nationalist project. But he is also a profoundly vain man, a publicity hound who craves international attention and respectability. So their condemnation now may well make a difference.The protesters in India are putting their lives on the line to stick up for their constitution and their fellow minorities. It is their fight and they are fighting it. But it is not too much to ask that his "useful idiots" in the West acknowledge their mistake.Want more essential commentary and analysis like this delivered straight to your inbox? Sign up for The Week's "Today's best articles" newsletter here.More stories from theweek.com Rise of Skywalker dominates box office despite devastating reviews George Conway has a savage new nickname for post-impeachment Trump Watch the absurdly slow crash of 2 mammoth cruise ships
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giftofshewbread · 5 years
Pray for America, Israel & the World
 By Daymond Duck    Published on: October 6, 2019
I was honored to speak at a prophecy conference this past week, and I want to begin with some interesting things that came from other speakers.
One: One speaker showed two or three commercials that are being shown on Israeli TV.
A speaker in one commercial said this is the generation that will rebuild the Temple, and a speaker in another commercial urged the Israeli people to support the efforts to rebuild the Temple.
Think about it: When asked about the signs of His Coming, Jesus revealed that the Antichrist will defile the Temple. Later, Paul said the Antichrist will sit in the Temple showing himself that he is God (Matt. 24:15; II Thess. 2:3-4); and today, there are commercials on Israeli TV urging our generation to rebuild the Temple.
Two: We were told that some of the Jewish rabbis have reminded Pres. Trump that many U.S. Presidents have been concerned about their legacy.
These rabbis said the greatest thing that Pres. Trump can do to establish his legacy is to make it possible for Israel to rebuild the Temple.
Three: It is common knowledge that the Temple Institute has rebuilt all of the clothing, music instruments, etc., for use at the Temple, but they have not rebuilt the Ark of the Covenant.
They haven’t rebuilt it because they say they know where it is.
Four: The Jews have made a replica of the tabernacle; and if they can get government approval, they are ready to start the animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount with or without the Ashes of the first nine Red Heifers.
Five: Know that the Second Coming is not the end of the world; it is the end of human government and the beginning of the reign of the King, Jesus.
If you are discouraged or disgusted by what is going on in our government today, understand that God knows all about it; and that is one reason why He intends to bring human government to an end.
Six: Moving from the prophecy conference to current events, the Bible teaches that there will be a departing from the faith at the end of the Church Age.
It has been announced that the United Methodist Church (UMC) will meet in May of 2020 to discuss an orderly and amicable split in the denomination.
The Bible is clear on gay issues, but a rejection by many leaders and members of what the Bible says about this is splitting that once great denomination.
Seven: Recall that in May of this year, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Florida Emergency Management Director Jared Moskowitz visited Israel and the Wailing Wall where both men inserted a prayer that no hurricanes would strike Florida this year.
Hurricane Dorian headed toward Florida, but turned aside; Hurricane Humberto headed toward Florida, but turned aside; Hurricane Lorenzo, the most powerful hurricane ever this far out in the Atlantic, is headed toward the U.S., but is projected to turn aside (perhaps we really need to repent of our sins and pray).
Eight: The Antichrist and False Prophet will need surveillance equipment to track all buying and selling during the Tribulation Period.
On Sept. 19, 2019, it was reported that the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace said at least 75 countries are actively using artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as facial recognition for surveillance.
Nine: On Sept. 22, 2019, Pres. Trump’s Special Envoy to the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, was in Israel to discuss Pres. Trump’s Peace proposal.
Mr. Greenblatt said the election turmoil in Israel has fundamentally changed things on the ground, so the publication of Pres. Trump’s Deal of the Century will be significantly delayed.
I would love to hear Pres. Trump say it is permanently delayed and the U.S. will throw its full support behind Israel (that would be great for his legacy).
Ten: On Sept. 21, 2019, it was reported that Syria has sent tanks, vehicles, troops, ammunition, and heavy weapons to areas near her border with Israel on the Golan Heights for unspecified reasons.
At some point, war will break out, and God told us how it will end (Isa. 17:1-3, 14).
Eleven: Concerning Iran’s use of missiles to attack Saudi Arabia, the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Israel, EU, England, France, Germany and Japan have all said that Iran did it.
It is obvious that Iran is led by a bunch of liars.
Iran’s efforts to move missiles into Syria and Iraq, and Iran’s stepped-up enrichment of nuclear material have prompted an Israeli General to say that Israel is starting to reach the point of war with Iran.
Israel is now debating whether to launch a pre-emptive strike on Iran or wait and retaliate after Iran attacks.
Twelve: The Israeli election has turned into a spiritual war over Israel’s future (God called Israel to follow their Messiah and serve Him, but Satan wants Israel to be a secular or non-religious nation and follow him).
Know that Israel will continue to have a form of godliness (They will rebuild the Temple, offer animal sacrifices, etc.); but Satan will lose, and they will accept Jesus at the end of the Tribulation Period.
Thirteen: When Russia, Iran, Turkey and others attack Israel in the Battle of Gog and Magog, the Bible says they will cover the land like a cloud (Ezek. 38:9).
I have long believed “cover the land like a cloud” refers to planes and helicopters.
On Sept. 26, 2019, it was reported that Russia is expanding its large air base in Syria, adding a second landing strip and building facilities for more aircraft.
Some of those aircraft will be drones, so we can add drones to the list of aircraft.
Fourteen: On Sept. 27, 2019, Turkey’s Pres. Erdogan said Turkey is not afraid of being sanctioned by the U.S., and Turkey will not abide by U.S. sanctions on Iran.
Erdogan said Turkey will not destroy its relationship with Iran.
Turkey is plainly on Iran’s side and lined up for the Battle of Gog and Magog.
Fifteen: Two women in Ft. Collins, Col. sued the city for the right to go topless in public because men can go topless.
According to these women, gender equality means that they should not be required to wear anything above the waist, and a federal judge agreed with them.
Women naked in public from the waist up is now legal in six states (the days of Lot have arrived, and one must wonder if this is coming to every state in the U.S.).
Sixteen: Pope Francis has scheduled a meeting at the Vatican for May 14, 2020, to present a humanistic document (human values, not religious or spiritual values) for the world to abide by.
He clearly wants the UN to use the world’s education systems to push world government and world religion without the input of Christianity.
In co-operation with a prominent Muslim Sheikh, a complex is being built in Abu Dhabi called the Abrahamic Family House.
It will have a Church, a Mosque and a Synagogue or separate places of worship for Christians, Muslims and Jews; and it will have a fourth place for people of all religions to come together as one body (world religion; not the body of Christ).
The purpose is to promote peace, coexistence and brotherhood among all religions.
Finally, Pres. Trump was at the UN this week where he urged the nations to reject globalism; to normalize relations with Israel; he opposed taxpayer-funded abortions as a global human right; he urged world leaders to let their people live by faith and to give glory to God, and more.
It is easy to see why globalists, abortionists and others dislike Pres. Trump so much and why they want him removed from office so badly.
Pray for America, Israel and the world.
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republicstandard · 6 years
Earth 2070: A Glimpse at One Possible Future
Back in 2019, having a sense of what was to come, select Frenchmen, Spaniards, and their European kin started to move in small numbers back into the old medieval haunts of their ancestors. Motivated by an instinct never articulated for sure imprisonment, these prescient few lived as they had done, raised their families, and carried on as before, but with the knowledge that, at the very least, there was one extra protection against that day they knew in their bones would eventually arrive. Their countrymen were too paralyzed by fear or too deluded by utopian visions to see that an old, weary continent, but for the far-sighted few, had already surrendered.
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Not that this ennui was limited to Europe, no. Across the Western world the painted-faces of tolerance and inclusion happily abolished their borders, and if it was an ocean that separated them, that, too, was abolished, as the ships streamed in to port and planes landed and more vibrant colors were sewn into the rich tapestry of humanity in New Zealand and Australia and Nova Scotia. Backward as they were, and heaped with scorn, the prescient ones quietly rejected these “gifts”; some of their progeny stayed, some left for the vibrant big cities, but their numbers were replaced by others sensing where the river of history was flowing.
There was much global congratulations on the release of the French census one year that showed they had finally joined their enlightened cousins in demographic transformation. It hadn’t been easy. French President Jean Loumont was a veritable rock star at the Annual Global Diversity Summit sponsored by the United Nations in Dubai. Most memorable, perhaps, was the embrace shared by Loumont with UK Prime Minister Raheem Sahel, with German Prime Minister Hidayet Gülden looking on approvingly in the background. After a series of contentious trade disputes, the notorious near-miss of Brexit and the full re-integration of Britain in an arduous process into the European Union, the moment reminded the global community that progress doesn’t just happen on demand. It is a difficult process, hard-won through activism and political change and education, but it seemed, finally, that humanity was ready to embrace this new, long-heralded future. Almost everyone, anyway.
Notably absent at the Summit were heavy-weights Japan, the Russian Federation, and the United States, always behind the curve it seemed. Chinese President Xi Xiu had drafted a resolution condemning the three nations—as well as the other abstainers in the Visegrad Union, the Balkan League, the Baltic Defense League, Ukraine, Belarus, Argentina, and Uruguay—which was co-signed by every other major international political leader present. Some of these so-signers, like Italian Prime Minister Giorgio Sentorini and Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Fernandez, did so with great reservation, but under immense pressure from their home populations. Sentorini, with yet another election looming, was backing off some incendiary comments he had made a few months prior regarding the root cause of a crime wave across southern Italy.
The Summit was a perfect chance for healing and reconciliation for those nations present. After an introductory speech by Gülden that featured a standing ovation for his commitment to stronger sentencing for those convicted of hate speech and Holocaust Denial, and praising the contributions of his fellow Turks in transforming Germany from a nation stained with shame from the Holocaust to one at the vanguard of demographic change, the keynote address by South African President Prince Malusi-Iwoh Buza really set the world on fire. After the first two-thirds of the internationally televised speech drew polite applause and much nodding of heads to President Buza’s social justice boilerplate, Buza shifted gears, calling for the “abolition of whiteness,” which has been such a uniquely destructive and pernicious force in human history. After citing well-documented examples of oppression, racism, enslavement, and genocide, Buza put the exclamation mark on the speech by rising to a crescendo with the immortal words of Susan Sontag:
“The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al., don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone — its ideologies and inventions — which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself!”
The gallery exploded in applause, and around the globe, Buza quickly became canonized, surpassing in just one evening his countryman Nelson Mandela as the patron saint of justice and equity.
It was not a good night for everyone around the globe, however. Riots in Milwaukee, Baltimore, Memphis, and St. Louis in the United States claimed a total of 138 lives, and the banlieues of Paris burned for three days straight. Across the entire planet, Buza’s words stirred a ferment in the breast of those victimized by whiteness, by colonization, and by systemic oppression. In Sydney, three teenaged girls walking home from school were raped and decapitated by an agitated mob of Aborigines. A Leftist demonstration in Amsterdam turned violent, and seventeen civilians and eight police officers were killed. The world-renowned Mullah Ishaq Azam led a demonstration in Copenhagen that turned violent, with twelve of his followers killed by police. In Durban, South Africa, a white woman was accused of uttering that most unholy of words—kuffar—and was lynched from a streetlamp. Toronto, Frankfurt, Brussels, Stockholm, Oslo, and Auckland all witnessed major unrest, but the worst violence of all was the horrific massacre in central Cameroon of an entire village of Christians.
Despite all of the forward progress toward a unity of all peoples, civil unrest became the norm for the next few months. Already unwilling to enter the notorious “No-Go Zones” of Europe for fear of their lives, police in major European cities—along with first responders—began to restrict their patrols even further. The neighborhoods bordering these No-Go Zones became increasingly victimized, and fires often burned out of control. One firetruck dared to try and put out a fire raging on the outskirts of Rinkeby, in Sweden, and the firemen were brutally assaulted, the truck stripped for parts while several apartment buildings went up in flames. Eighty-nine people died that day.
Buza’s world tour was met with a dramatic spike of violence in every city he landed in, but the global press was essentially eating out of the palm of his hand. His speeches, all generally variations on a theme, advanced the abolishment of whiteness as the singular aim of his administration, as the single greatest good mankind could commit to in order to secure an equitable future for all. The constitutional land expropriations in South Africa, already decades in the books, had reduced the few remaining whites in the country to abject poverty, and the general outcry at fast-tracking thousands of white farmers out of that South Africa in 2018 by the Australian government was a blow that nation was never quite able to recover from. Ostracized by most of the global community for its explicit racism, Australia had tried to make amends by increasing its acceptance of refugees and loosening its immigration laws, and the youth vote galvanized by this naked racism pushed the Australian government hard to the Left. Their sweeping legal changes in 2022 regarding hate speech and racist speech were still not enough to remove their scarlet letter in the eyes of the world, and despite her presence at the Global Diversity Summit, Prime Minister Andrea O’Hara was treated a bit like a leper. Never mind that her nation was far ahead of France in equity, justice, and demography, the stain was still there.
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The world was moving forward, coming together under the aegis of globalism—diversity, equity, and inclusion; the abolition of borders; the rise of socially-conscious megalopolies driving social change; supra-national entities and banking syndicates determining fiscal and immigration policy—in short, much of the world was finally in the hands of those who truly knew what was best for its people.
It was truly the dawn of a Golden Age.
from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine https://ift.tt/2P2mDlu via IFTTT
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The Five Phases From Grief In Separation.
When our company first laid out to map the industry of feminist political economic condition, in late 2007, the United States and Europe were being drunk by recession. Among those influenced informed the West German parliamentary detectives that many of their travel luggage was swiped coming from a yard "where a Pole stood up with a whip in his palm, hugely blasting our team." He recollected that some "girls and also men must strip naked. There is actually one place where Stock market has a very clear mandate for more women participation: property monitoring. The job is partnered along with Wikipedia, The New York Moments, The Financial Expert as well as The Guardian. Nyc City is diverse in general, but Great Jones Road is pair of blocks of strange facilities that possess little bit of to no commonality.|An additional highrise deluxe house tower is actually very soon to begin in Center City, at 1919 Market Street, on the corner of 20th & Market Streets This new tower gets on the site from a conspicuous yard right at the center of Inner city's largest and also highest office hallway. Our team look for positive, routing five-year increases in revenue, incomes, cash flow, as well as returns. Often it's, avoid the MVM as well as do EDLP, and really involve the desk with one thing that is a wow, on an ongoing basis. When business patterns in those individual markets come back along with an increase, as they unavoidably will, we would rather have TM at present assessment amounts compared to wait mistakenly for the group to increase the inventory costs on the car manufacturers one by one or by substitute using the First Depend On NASDAQ Global Car Mark Fund ETF (NASDAQ: CARZ ).|Our team better acquire this off the beaten track instantly; I make sure several of you may be actually inquiring on your own, Is actually Cold weather Harbour in fact a component of the Island of Dogs?" This's an authentic inquiry - the region has consistently been segregated from the rest of the Island, as well as that performs possess a various feel to that in some areas, elevated due to the amount of old as well as in some cases big homes that includes as well as the unique absence of post-war council housing. Good seafood, inexpensive beer, bunches of exciting. The supply seems economical on profits or even cash flow. However at once when significant properties in New york city City were being actually finished within One Year approximately, development from the chapel property would certainly be a long run.|When our experts initially laid out to map the field from feminist political economic climate, in late 2007, the US and also Europe were actually being actually beveraged by depression. This was actually during the course of this time around that Franzen ended up being a main and also widely known existence in Occupy Atlanta ga He assisted begin the Occupy Exchange offshoot, and also had actually been actually apprehended when authorities battered their encampment in a downtown Atlanta playground.|2017 was our fifth total year from function from our Loved one Purpose. As you could observe, at presents the Urban area from London Club, beings in the shadow from High rise 42, which till 1990 and the construction of One Canada Square at Buff Jetty was the tallest structure in the UK. Nowadays that's simply the third highest high-rise building in the Metropolitan area from Greater london having actually been actually eclipsed lately by the Heron High rise (our experts'll stick to that title thank you) and 122 Leadenhall Road (a.k.a the Cheesegrater").|When we initially laid out to map the area of feminist political economy, in late 2007, the US and Europe were actually being shaken through economic crisis. Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki and Steve Johnson (New York: Oxford Educational Institution Push, 2010), 77 - 94. Nonetheless, trying to forecast specific future rates or percent gains and declines is actually an Exchange video game that our team pleasantly decide to prevent on Key Street.|Yet another highrise luxury condo tower is actually soon to begin in Inner city, at 1919 Market Road, on the corner from 20th & Market Streets This brand-new tower gets on the internet site of an obvious lawn right during Inner city's biggest and tallest office passage. The SEC's activity is an ideal moment for us to consider the greater image of just how the American folks were sold on the guarantee from nonstop abundance while Wall Street was managing an enormous transfer of riches coming from the mid lesson to the wealthiest Americans.|2017 was our 5th complete year of operation of our True love Goal. I bear in mind the Hot Shops on Levick and also Bustleton, Continental Pizza (on Castor Ave) where I possessed my first job, Knorr Street Drug store where I bought medicine to be provided to my residence, although I wasn't sick even if the person I had a crush on worked there.|We much better get this out of the way promptly; I ensure a few of you may be inquiring your own self, Is actually Cold weather Port actually a portion of the Isle from Canine?" It's a legitimate inquiry - the area has actually consistently been actually isolated coming from the rest of the Isle, and that carries out have a various feeling to this in some respects, enhanced due to the lot of old as well as sometimes huge residences this has and the unique lack of post-war authorities casing. If I do receive a permanent promotion, I have actually actually arranged my post-college plan: invest pair of years at Lehman, most likely to company university, start a tech company, become a billionaire, get a property in the Hamptons, possess an eruptive breakup, perish old and also alone however surrounded through a mountain range of gold pubs.|, if you sign up online to The New York Times you get breakthrough copies of components that will definitely appear in the Sunday version of the printed paper. I feel electricity motor vehicles are going to have a considerable influence on the auto market, however Tesla investors are likely to view huge reductions in their collections off current costs before this occurs. The University finally transformed the monument in to offices-and even they ask yourself some times why they bought the structure years ago. WASHINGTON - Our Home of Agents recommended to examine the Federal Reservoir on Wednesday, an extensively bipartisan require monetary reform that came with 2 various other bipartisan ballots delivering government perks to Commercial on whatever from greater home mortgage fees to conjecture in surveillances markets. I possess no organisation relationship with any type of firm whose sell is mentioned in this post. Throughout the road on Shoreditch High Road are actually a number of fine Victorian buildings including Wells & Firm Commercial Ironworks integrated in 1877 but merely maintaining its commercial functionality up until 1895. St James's is actually well known as a symphonic music place and I was actually blessed sufficient that my see accompanied a lunchtime presentation due to the prizewinning Classical pianist, Konstantinos Destounis The church is actually also really proactively associated with highlighting political and social concerns and also is currently hold to Suspended, an installment by artist Arabella Dorman which highlights the predicament of expatriates seeking to leave coming from mistreatment and also scarcity to the safety from International shores. Sometimes young women tell me they admire exactly what I have actually done," she composed. This was actually Katoomba's fifth general post office as well as replaced earlier temporary offices in the train line terminal (1880 ), Balmoral Residence (1885 ), Key Street (1887, 1895). This easy tour will take you the greatest locations to observe road craft in Lisbon, and also Rodrigues is full of past history and expert know-how so you'll receive totally involved in to the explosion from art happening in the city. As well as, significantly, most people that like to reside in the country do not often wish, or demand, great deals of bistros, clubs, stores and places like that which you normally locate in areas - individuals who desire to stay in the countryside prefer a different, quieter life, typically. This presents the former Co-op property, 'Community Property', built c1928 at number 7 Wellington Street, Stockton. If this arised from the head simply brilliant individuals would love - obviously certainly not the situation. On Time 2 of Nyc Fashion Full week, our team viewed extra different colors and also smarter coatings But as for beauty road type, we still possessed our eyes on the hair This moment around, bob hairstyles allowed. Properties had actually started to show up in Coldharbour by the 2nd many years of the seventeenth century, as the surge of growth motivated due to the position from the East India Business's shipbuilding lawn at Blackwall in 1614 steadily dispersed southwards along the riverfront, and also the position from Browne's (later on Rolt's) shipyard in the late 1660s probably offered an additional improvement to the process. Christ's Residence from Meat was about a block north from the NE corner of John Youthful Parkway and also Colonial Ride (W, Hwy 50) A participant from my loved ones had their wedding reception there certainly 22 years ago - that property is still there certainly. Lee Jackson is actually a senior business economics primary at Stanford who modifies a financial newsletter gotten in touch with The Favorable Time He has interned on Wall Street and also considers to operate in financing after graduation, but confesses the profession requires reform.
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/plus-size-blogger-cheyenne-poses-topless/
Plus-size blogger Cheyenne poses topless
If you’re fat, you’re usually denied sexuality altogether or it’s forced on you within the form of a fetish. Human beings expect you have sex with a blouse on and the lighting fixtures off, that is proper for some of us. I was so frightened of what I’d appear like to someone acting cunnilingus, I wouldn’t interact with it. We contort our-our bodies, hide under covers, or refuse positions because God forbid our companion to see we have a stomach. Right here’s the thing. We aren’t fooling everybody. Our partners realize what we look like and that they need to have intercourse with us. Not in spite of our looks, however, due to the fact, our look is appealing! Embracing nudity helped me recognize this. By taking selfies, lounging, and dozing absolutely nude, I grew cozy enough to percentage my nakedness with others. Your smooth belly, jiggly hips, dimpled thighs are beautiful and horny. That muffin pinnacle you once hid? It should be unleashed in all its glory for the duration of sex! every person who’s disrespectful of that doesn’t deserve sex with you. Don’t waste yourself on someone who doesn’t honor your body the manner it merits.
There are masses of folks who would like to worship your body and experience every inch of you
All of us worry about No longer being skilled or flexible sufficient, however sex for anyone comes with its demanding situations. No longer all positions work, and that’s k! There are usually options. Just do a quick google seek, and strive out some new stuff. Also, firm pillows and lubricant can be quite helpful 😉 For a complete guide, read “Big Big Love Revised: A sex and Relationships manual for Humans of Size (and people Who Love Them)” sex can resurrect every insecurity we’ve, but it doesn’t need to.
By using brazenly discussing our desires, embracing our naked bodies, and selecting the right companion, we’re allowing ourselves to sooner or later have fun, pleasing intercourse. Our bodies have outstanding talents to present and get hold of pleasure, and no matter what your fat content is, you should enjoy that satisfaction. So, whether or not you’re a svelte tigress or a voluptuous vixen, you are allowed to have all the unapologetic, unbridled intercourse you need! How are you taking lower back your sexuality? What works for you and what advice can you provide?
The Blogger by James Raven Book Review
James Raven’s stalwart and astute detective Jeff Temple is again for the 5th time around in the Blogger. A fast-paced and plot-twisting study, Raven’s most modern work is a properly-written and timely thriller perfect for our modern age.
The world over recognized and surely arguable Internet sensation Daniel Prince is no stranger to controversy. On his blog, Human beings-Energy, Prince is famous for breaking hard-hitting, and often politically devastating, stories that reveal scandals, corruption, and different unpleasantries which might be rampant inside countrywide governments. Maximum these days, a submit on his blog prompted several excessive-ranking British ministers to surrender. Unnecessary to say, Prince has made a variety of enemies. However whilst he’s located dead outside his rental building one night time, all symptoms factor to suicide.
Jeff Temple and his group are called into research what looks like a textbook suicide case. However one interview with Prince’s fiancé, Beth Fletcher, but, raises Temple’s suspicions. Beth is adamant that Prince wasn’t suicidal, that he had in no way even proven any signs of depression. She’s convinced that one of the countless enemies that he had made thru his running a blog is guilty of foul play. And despite all other proof, Temple is inclined to agree with Beth. In addition proof in Prince’s rental points in the direction of homicide, as well.
But unluckily, there may be no lack of suspects in this case.
Apart from the limitless enemies that Prince had made abroad, there are masses of suspects at domestic as properly. In his rental by myself, there are numerous unsavory characters. There may be the sneaky condominium constructing concierge George Reese, whose wallow-demeanor and wholly get admission to the entire building makes him extra than capable of sorting out the deed; There’s resident Hari Basu, recognized for his mood and quick-fuse, who had already quarreled with Prince several instances; the seemingly mild-mannered Mr. And Mrs. Connor, who’ve mysteriously gathered a scrapbook of newspaper articles that mentioned Prince; and in the end the mysterious married lady with whom Prince changed into supposedly having an affair at the least, this is, consistent with his buddy and confidante Joseph Kessel.
It’s as much as Temple and his crack team, which includes his lifestyles-companion Angel, to delve thru the numerous suspects within the hopes of in the end catching a killer. However while Beth goes lacking after vowing to take over the reins at Prince’s blog, the stakes emerge as even higher, and Temple should race in opposition to the clock to forestall a ruthless killer from placing a 2d time.
Find Best Deals on Luxury & Budget Hotels of Cheyenne
Cheyenne is one of the maximum populous cities and the capital of Wyoming. It’s miles the county seat of Laramie co-state of Wyoming. It had become the terrific agreement for railroad employees and it turned into a railroad town which turned into the vicinity to settle for squaddies and settlers. This lovely metropolis is situated simply 90 miles north of Denver. It is situated near the arena famous monuments of South Dakota’s Mt. Rushmore and Black Hills, Devils Tower, Yellowstone Country wide Park and Grand Teton Countrywide Park.
The records previous to the 16th century is not honestly known. The officially regarded file of the Cheyenne is in between 1600 and 1700’s, in the course of this period the Cheyenne moved to Minnesota and North Dakota. all through mid 19th century, the Cheyenne changed into established and due to the gold rush, there was a massive settlement which left out the treaty and hence the Cheyenne misplaced their land.
Cheyenne exhibits some of the most attractive and must go to attractions in Wyoming.
The remarkable and extraordinary sights together with the Cheyenne Botanic Lawn, Nelson Museum of the West, Wyoming kingdom Museum are attracting traffic from everywhere in the global. The Cheyenne Botanic Garden offers a unique website online aside from the standard greenhouses and gardens. It features a sun-powered conservatory and horticulture therapy software. This Garden additionally incorporates an Arboretum that’s domestic to some of the most historical flora and timber. It houses around 8000 greens and trees. Kiwanis Lake and Vacation Park some of the alternative primary points of interest which might no longer come up with the money for to miss and It is like a paradise for every birdwatcher as they offer an extraordinary possibility to take a glimpse of waterfowl and black-crowned night herons.
Cheyenne Frontier Days Vintage West Museum mounted in 1978, has been constantly serving the traveler by way of supplying some of the maximum numerous exhibitions, awe-inspiring collection, and educational applications. It is also a proud organizer of numerous cultural programs all round the 12 months.
Cheyenne offers a first-rate range of accommodation options which varies from luxurious to price range motels considering the desire and choice. The lodges of the metropolis are simply specific and fantastic because of the town itself. It gives a number of luxury hotels such as the holiday Motel, Los Angeles Quinta Resort, Nilaya Hermitage that is meant to offer extraordinary service and accommodation at the most affordable rate. Little American Resort is one of the quality steeply-priced models for the humans searching out luxurious life. The Resort is inside the region of 80-acre supplying 188 rooms which can be tastefully adorned and are ready with all the present day amenities and centers. The room facilities consist of flat panel television, smartphone, espresso, and tea maker and a countless list of facilities.
Glass Railing and Topless Glass Railing – Attractive and Maintenance Free!
  Most any residential or industrial property needs some form of railings. They’re required each inside and outside for stairs, decks, swimming pools, ornamental portions, windbreaks, safety measures and different uses.
Glass railings provide an appealing alternative to timber and wrought iron kids while nonetheless meeting or exceeding protection necessities. The standard glass design is usually made up of panes of glass, topped by an aluminum horizontal rail with aluminum vertical guide rails.
The most up-to-date and Maximum fashionable style are the topless glass railings, those structures no longer require a top or bottom horizontal rail. The topless rail device offers the cleanest and unobstructed view to be had.
both of these railing sorts can be utilized in homes and commercial programs.
The topless glass system has been receiving rave evaluations from developers, architects and home proprietors due to the fact they will provide your own home an entirely new appearance and picture at an affordable price, with clean installation and protection free enjoyment.
Including a brand new railing or replacing a vintage one isn’t always without a doubt that difficult of a project. Within the past few years, there were great advancements in production railing systems designed from the perspective of an installer making them so now even the Maximum novice of available man can easily put together a stunning railing assignment as easy as “A-B-C”.
The aluminum posts come with a powder coated end making them durable and preservation unfastened… No more portray or staining your railings.due to the fact that aluminum is absolutely proof against the climatic conditions that may wreak havoc with traditional railing merchandise along with wood, iron or metal your time is spent enjoying your deck and railings in place of solving and maintaining them.What’s more, there are various fashionable shades and countless custom hues available. Aluminum railing structures offer numerous forms of post designs and put up tops, are to be had for packages requiring stair railings and come as both outdoors and interior railing structures.
These railing systems additionally serve extremely good as wind breaks.
Due to the fact these railings create one of these lovely, open areas in any region wherein They may be used They’re often utilized in buying department stores, business facilities, holiday homes and of the route for non-public houses.
Originally posted 2016-08-28 01:19:52.
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sherristockman · 8 years
CDC Seeks Quarantine Powers Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The federal government’s legal authority to detain and quarantine persons infected with certain highly communicable and deadly infectious diseases historically primarily has involved detaining people entering the U.S. by boats and airplanes or traveling across state lines. Federal government officials have long had the authority to apprehend, isolate and quarantine people for a limited number of infectious diseases on the U.S. quarantine list. However, the legal authority for surveillance, detention and quarantining of citizens residing in the U.S. suspected of being infected with certain non-quarantinable communicable diseases historically has resided with state government health officials.1 On January 17, 2017, the last day of the Obama administration, a new final rule on the Control of Communicable Diseases was issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is schedule to take effect in March. The new rule gives the CDC expanded authority to apprehend, isolate and quarantine for at least 72 hours a person entering the U.S. or traveling between states, who is suspected of being infected, or at risk of being infected, with one of the nine diseases on the U.S. quarantine list (cholera, plague, diphtheria, smallpox, yellow fever, infectious tuberculosis, viral hemorrhagic fevers (like Ebola), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and influenza that can cause a pandemic.2 The rule also strengthens federal surveillance of travelers for symptoms of non-quarantinable diseases like measles, pertussis and meningococcal disease.3 While proponents are touting the changes as necessary to protect the public health, critics have been arguing since the CDC first published the Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) in August, 2016, that it is an example of government overreach, which poses a risk to health and civil liberties.4 Because the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and other organizations advocating for protection of civil liberties urged Americans to contact the CDC and oppose the NPRM last summer, the CDC received more than 15,000 comments from the public, many of them expressing concern that the rule violated the U.S. Constitution, and human and civil rights. Although the CDC rejected this characterization, the agency did make changes to the final rule, including eliminating a provision that would have allowed the CDC to require individuals to agree to submit to public health measures such as hospitalization, vaccination and medical treatment. In addition, the final rule states that medical examinations can only be conducted with prior informed consent.5 Who Could Be Quarantined Under the New Rule? The new rule gives the CDC the power to detain for further health assessment a person who is crossing the U.S. or state borders if he or she is exhibiting certain infection symptoms associated with quarantinable diseases, such as fever, headache and acute gastroenteritis (abdominal cramps, loose stools, vomiting). The new rule also makes it clear that rash and cough symptoms of non-quarantinable infectious diseases, such as measles and pertussis, among travelers are going to be more closely monitored by federal government officials as well. For non-quarantinable diseases, CDC will be working with state health departments, who have the legal authority to detain and quarantine citizens suspected of being infected with, or at risk for, being infected with a communicable disease. James Hodge Jr., a professor of public health law and ethics at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, told NPR, “Because of the breadth and scope of the definition of ill persons, CDC can target a much wider swath of persons to assess and screen.”6 Airline Pilots and Ship Operators to Become Surveillance Crews? The new rule also includes new reporting requirements for airplanes and ships. If the rules take effect, airline pilots and ship operators would be required to report not only deaths on board but also “certain overt and common signs and symptoms of sick travelers” to the CDC prior to arriving into the U.S. Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC co-founder and president noted:7 “It is not a good idea to make the public’s airport experience even more difficult by enlisting flight crews to report passengers with symptoms that could be nothing more than eczema, acne, norovirus or the common cold. …. What started out as a vacation could be turned into a nightmare spent in an airport quarantine center.” The required signs and symptoms include the following, and must be reported not only during international travel, but also on airline flights flying domestically, between states:8 Airlines Ships (1) Fever (defined as measured temperature of 100.4°F [38°C] or greater, feels warm to the touch, or gives a history of feeling feverish) AND one of the following: Skin rash Difficulty breathing Persistent cough Decreased consciousness or recent onset of confusion New unexplained bleeding or bruising Persistent diarrhea Persistent vomiting (other than airsickness) Headache with stiff neck Appearing obviously unwell; OR (2) Fever that has persisted for more than 48 hours; OR (3) Other signs or symptoms of communicable disease CDC is concerned about and has announced in the Federal Register. (1) Fever (defined as measured temperature of 100.4°F [38°C] or greater, feels warm to the touch, or gives a history of feeling feverish) AND one of the following: Skin rash Difficulty breathing or suspected or confirmed pneumonia Persistent cough or cough with bloody sputum Decreased consciousness or recent onset of confusion New unexplained bruising or bleeding Persistent vomiting (other than seasickness) Headache with stiff neck Appearing obviously unwell; OR (2) Fever that has persisted for more than 48 hours; OR (3) Acute gastroenteritis (inflammation of stomach or intestines or both), defined as: Diarrhea, defined as within a 24-hour period, 3 or more episodes of loose stools or an occurrence of loose stools that is above normal for the person, or Vomiting and one or more of the following additional symptoms: one or more episodes of loose stools in a 24-hour period, abdominal cramps, headache, muscle aches, or fever (temperature of 100.4°F [38°C] or greater); OR (4) Other signs or symptoms of communicable disease CDC is concerned about and has announced in the Federal Register. Is This Part of Global Efforts to Eradicate Measles? In the August, 2016, NPRM, the CDC pointed to “the ongoing persistence of measles in the United States” as an example of why the updated rules are necessary. They even said, “Every case of measles in the United States is considered a public health emergency because of its extremely high transmissibility.”9 The World Health Organization (WHO) and U.S. health officials have targeted mass MMR vaccination campaigns as the solution to eradicating measles, even though serious questions remain about the vaccine’s efficacy and safety. In the final rule, measles outbreaks in the U.S. were again highlighted. It illustrates why travelers with a rash or cough could become the subject of scrutiny and reporting to the CDC by airline and other public transportation personnel as the federal government more closely monitors almost all signs of illness in all travelers. Will the New Rules Backfire? Once it becomes widespread knowledge that an airline pilot or ship’s captain must report symptoms of common illness directly to the federal government, and that information could be used to immediately detain or quarantine you, there’s a good chance people may try to evade the system. Jennifer Nuzzo, a research epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told NPR:10 "The worst-case scenario is that people may try to evade these procedures by, say, taking medicines to reduce their fever, or be afraid to report it if they are feeling ill on a plane … We don't want to drive cases underground by putting measures in place that seem as though they carry some penalties associated with them." Emergency Health Measures Should Be Grounded in Science, Not Fear While one concern is that increased surveillance of travelers by health officials could drive diseases underground, another is that overreaching power could allow people to be wrongly detained. An op-ed piece in The New York Times described the case of Kaci Hickox, who had volunteered as a nurse treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone, West Africa. She had no known exposure to the disease, as she had worn heavy protective gear, but upon her return to the U.S., New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie ordered her quarantined to an area hospital. This was against the current CDC guidelines, which stated she should monitor herself for symptoms at home. “It’s imperative that whenever the next outbreak hits, emergency health measures are grounded in scientific evidence and guided by clear, fair rules to protect people from wrongful deprivation of their liberties,” the Times piece states, continuing:11 “That incident wasn’t an anomaly. During a bubonic plague outbreak in 1900, for example, government officials quarantined the entire Chinatown neighborhood of San Francisco. The quarantine applied only to Chinese residents, and lacked any scientific basis. It was fueled by little more than naked fear and racism. Given this history, we want to ensure that federal officials applying the new regulations will act on the basis of science and evidence and not on politics and public fear.” What Diseases Are Covered in the Quarantine Rules? According to the new rules, “CDC may apprehend, detain, examine or conditionally release an individual if it reasonably believes that he/she may be infected with or exposed to a quarantinable communicable disease.”12 Those diseases currently include the following: ✓ Cholera ✓ Diphtheria ✓ Infectious tuberculosis ✓ Plague ✓ Smallpox ✓ Yellow fever ✓ Viral hemorrhagic fevers (Lassa, Marburg, Ebola, Crimean-Congo, South American, and others not yet isolated or named) ✓ Severe acute respiratory syndromes (e.g., SARS, MERS) ✓ Influenza caused by novel or reemergent influenza viruses that are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic However, as mentioned, the new rule also allows the CDC to step up federal surveillance of travelers displaying a number of common illness symptoms associated with non-quarantinable diseases like measles and pertussis. Although travelers found to be infected with or at risk for being infected with a non-quarantinable disease like measles cannot be quarantined by federal health officials, state health officials do have the legal authority to detain and quarantine residents infected with certain communicable diseases, depending upon the state’s public health laws. The final rule was originally scheduled to go into effect February 21, 2017. However, with the change in administration, the new regulations are being reviewed and will not take effect until the end of March 2017, at the earliest.13
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