nostrildamus · 6 months
4, 5, 7 and 15 for the asks? 💕
why but of course~💕
4. Do you like to induce yourself? If so, how often do you do so?
I actually do sometimes enjoy inducing! Tragically though, I rarely have the time or the privacy to do so, so it's usually relegated to special occasions waaaaahhhh. I enjoy sneezing for others, so any time I induce I sure as hell am gonna try to record it and share with fellow snzfuckers <3 Being induced by someone else tho? Now that's where it's at.
5. Do you have a sneezing pattern? (ex. you always sneeze 3 times)
I think I'm kind of inconsistent tbh!! It's always at least 2 in a row these days though. Sometimes they're rapid and back to back, almost overlapping, sometimes there's a torturous pause between them where my nose is just on fire. At most I'll have 4 in a row (naturally), if I'm inducing or using chinkkni tho then it's all out the window, my sneezes are all over the place haha.
7. If someone gets off to your content, would you wanna know?
Oh 100%! Like I said I enjoy sneezing for others, but also making snz art for people to enjoy! I just like knowing that I can make y'all horny one way or another, what can I say I'm lowkey a slut for attention lol. So if u ever get off to my wavs or my art, please let me know, it is immensely flattering (and sometimes hot) to know someone has nut to my content 😌💕
15. Do you have any other kinks?
Oh man I sure do. A lot of them admittedly I only enjoy in combination with the sneeze kink (my main kink/fetish) but just to give an idea:
-size kink (i.e. macro/micro, size difference, hyper, etc.)
-praise/humiliation (I enjoy receiving both but also giving in some cases)
-exhibitionism/public stuff (works great with the snz kink because you can snz for someone in public and nobody will bat an eye LMAO)
-orgasm denial (probably as nsfw as I'll get on this list)
-medical (something about cold, clinical talk gets to me dfgxsfsfd)
Anyhow, thank u for the asks NT!! Hope my answers are satisfactory 💕
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kawaii-kushami · 1 year
im gonna drop so much art bro. idk when. but soon
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aliasnz · 9 months
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Undesirable Presents: Le/vi Acker/man for @nametakensff and @kawaii-kushami's snzblr secret santa event <3
Tags: aot/snk-canonverse, allergies (pollen), cold, contagion mention, spray, mess, language. Word count: 2000 (and counting) A/N: I have several apologies to make about this fic >-< First of all, I am so sorry that it is so late! Secondly, I apologize for being unfamiliar with the other fandoms requested, I couldn’t help but feel guilty for writing for my fav. Third thing: just so I can have something out sooner rather than later, please consider this a part 1 that will be edited, updated, and self-reblogged upon completion. Finally, this fic may be too indulgent, but I am crossing my fingers that it is enjoyable anyways ~ 
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If Levi had his way, he would have spent the day in solitude. 
His ideal birthday was simply his ideal day. In the warmer months, it would have been a sunrise run followed by a cold shower, his warm sweat and clingy pollen swirled down the drain. Then, his civilian clothes and a walk to the brick cafe at the edge of town. Black tea, white croissant, yellow pages of his favorite novel. Head ducked down and buried in his book, anyone who recognized him - for better or for worse - received the message: leave him be. He would sip until the porcelain ran dry, would stay until his stomach rumbled. With the last hours of daylight, he would stop at the butcher stand and purchase a few ounces of meat. It was about all he could afford on his military salary, but with rare optimism, he preferred to say it was all he cared to buy. Steak dinner for one. Lights out by dark. It was his way.
But Levi hardly ever had things his way.
He was a December baby, as Hange so mockingly put it, who loathed winter cold and winter colds. Instead of that morning jog and downtown stroll, he shuttered himself in his room with intermittent napping and tidying. Some considered his celebration traditions pitiful, but he could not complain. In ways as weighty as a family to visit or write to, yet also in aspects as miniscule as a good night’s sleep, Levi had been cheated in most realms of life. In time, he had come to live with it, found comfort in little joys, and wished the others understood that. That wish was most wanted on his own birthday, for everyone else seemed to celebrate it more than the man himself.
In the depths of his heart, he knew they cared about him. The yearly plethora of visits all accompanied with gifts should have proven that, but he loathed the treatment he received. Perhaps the early symptoms of the annual cold were to blame for that. No matter how hard he tried to avoid it, contagion made quick work of the barracks. Sooner or later, it would catch up to him, and that onset always seemed to hover around his birthday. On occasion, he wondered if he would be better off facing that inevitable infection head on rather than repeating the futile delay, but his train of thought was always cut off one way or another. A pang of headache, a harsh cough, a runny nose, or a sudden sneeze. This time, it was a knock at his door, the first of the day, one of many sure to come. 
Levi swung his legs over the side of the bed. Bright rays reflected off the metal buckles of his gear and reflected into his eyes, garnering a wince and dawning thought: just how late did I sleep in? Standing up, he immediately noted how his shoulders felt heavy, his breaths labored. If he had to guess, his cold would take hold of him before the 25th was over. Lucky him. 
Hand clamped down hard on the handle, startling the two on the other side just before he creaked his door open. The tall couple cast shadows over him: Nanaba and Miche with -
Levi braced himself for their scream, but instead, they spoke calmly, handing over the bouquet with a pair of matching smiles, “Happy Birthday, Levi.”
He startled, not because he was surprised by their presence, but intimidated by their present: a bundle of bright-red poinsettias, pointed with specks of pollen he doubted they had noticed. They were far too innocent to have purposefully gifted him such a slew of allergens. Others, however, he was less sure about.
Instead of reaching out to grab them, Levi crossed his arms and tipped his tongue in refusal - refusal of their gift and refusing to indulge in the sneeze he already felt budding. Speaking quickly, he aimed to rush them out before they could witness his unravel, “I don’t want them.”
“C’monnn, Levi!” Nanaba pleaded, bending at the knees and shooting up again quickly. In her eager bounce, his eyes widened as he watched the petals flutter with her. His arms instinctively flinched before him as if he could block the microscopic wave. “Miche and I stood outside for hours in this freezing cold -”
Great, two more patients upcoming.
“- waiting for the flower shop to open.”
“First in line,” Miche added. “Do you know how popular these things are at this time of year?”
Levi’s stance remained unchanged, Nanaba saw his disinterest and felt compelled to play it up, selling the present rather than gifting it. “They smell good, too!”
Miche, on the other hand, preferred the path of insistence. Snatching the stems from his partner, he thrust them to Levi’s face, nearly touching, “Go on, smell them, you’ll see for yourself.”
He held his breath, reluctant to inhale as long as those were within reach. Aiming for subtlety, he feigned to nonchalantly scratch his nose with his wrist, “If you like them, keep them.”
“Someone’s ungrateful…” Miche teased, unhurt by the shorter man’s attitude, but never passing up an opportunity to rag it. “Y’know, most people would say ‘thanks’ or something…”
Levi frowned, he wasn’t ungrateful. Deep down, he was touched. On the exterior, though, he was objectively irritated, and could understand why they misread him. With a pang of guilt, he sought to correct the miscommunication, but that pang was miniscule compared to the burn of his nostrils, a flame that the leaves were now fanning.
“No, it’s just…” his face scrunched as he attempted to fight it off, just until he could finish the sentence, at least? “It’s… just…” 
However, that bouquet was set on denying him. Throwing in the towel, a rare occurrence for humanity's strongest, he whipped around and buried his nose in the crook of his elbow, “Hah’AESCH-ihh!” 
Fuck, all three parties unknowingly shared the same thought. For Levi, the nature of his curse was multifaceted. Foremost, the unexpected harshness of that sneeze, the wind knocked out of him first thing in the morning. From that, the daunting notion that this was the first of many sure to come, either from allergies or the cold. Finally, the flush that flooded his cheeks. That outburst had shown enough vulnerability already, Levi lingered behind his arm and remained turned away, waiting for the blush to disappear as well. 
Yet, even after those awkward seconds of silence, neither Nanaba nor Miche could erase that image from their mind: his tan coat spotted brown, the mist that shot from beneath his elbow and faded into the room’s sunlit atmosphere. With the captain turned, they allowed their faces to contort with disgust. When his audible sniff confirmed what they thought they saw, they looked to each other and cringed, agreeing that this birthday visit was over.
His comrades did not put the dots together, that the sneeze was a symptom of his allergies rather than the cold that was notably floating through the halls. Fearing for their own immune systems, they retreated several paces, but not before Miche thrust the flowers in Levi’s grip and snapped his hand back, no chance of handing them back now.
By the time Levi turned himself around, arm still bent at his nose, the pair was already a distant blur.
Nanaba waved over her shoulder, “Feel better soon! Don’t come near us until you do!” A joking-not-joking singsong to her departure.
“Have fun with those!” Miche cupped his hand around his mouth, allowing his bid to beckon from down the corridor, “You can thank us later!”
Levi dropped his arm, prepared to call back. Doing so, however, meant that his guard was let down, and he should have known better, that his assailant would be quick to take advantage. With the distance, Levi did not turn or cover - not that he had the time for that - and instead ducked his head down, sneezing onto his own torso. “Hnn’kkshu! Heh-ISHhew!!”  
Unfortunately for him, the height at which he landed placed him adjacent to the very bouquet that set him off. A dire proximity, each inhale killed every second - any hope - of relief. 
The mess was not only audible, it was tangible, piercing the threads of his button-up and sinking through to his undershirt, summoning a shiver. The clean freak could not bear the sight, nor was it his habit to. After each sneeze and before opening his eyes, he assessed the tickle. If it remained, his lids likewise remained shut until his system managed to kill it. The first attempts at regular breaths informed him outright: you’re not done yet. Levi kept his head down, bangs intercepting his eyeline with each jolt. “Heh’tchew! Kk’shuu!!” 
Once again, he paused to survey his own state. Although he beckoned for a break, his body merely mocked him. That all you got? Clearly unsatisfied, with frustration, he submitted to its demands, exacerbating the expulsion as best as he could, aiming to please. “Hah-ESHhew!! HIH’kit-chew! Hah…Hah-AEshih!!” 
His intakes had been audible even from those meters away, his fit an early alarm clock for all still asleep in the vicinity. Dammit. As an insomniac, he was especially remorseful to have been responsible for waking anyone on the weekend. Even redder now, he tried to convince himself it was not his fault, that they should have known better than to shove those flowers in his face. However, as his voice crescendoed, it became more of a stretch to blame the gifters rather than the receiver, the inducer over the screamer.
The burn in his sinuses was unbearable, he decided to look to the windows behind him, hoping to coax relief. Before he could lure his gaze that way, though, he caught a glimpse of pity on his teammates, and somehow, that was what bothered him the most.
Fuck, this has to stop. At this point in the fit, breaths were hard to come by, and his life-or-death experiences had molded his mindset to meet his most urgent needs first. Perhaps counterintuitive, Levi understood that defeating the irritant meant battling with it. Working through rather than around. Meeting their eye contact, Levi yanked their gift to his face and took a deep, deliberate intake, figuring that his unconventional strategy could get two messages across: he was allergic to their gift, but at least it was good for something. And maybe they’ll remember this scene come next year.
Indeed, they would, and Levi would be lucky if the memory remained confined to those two. The finale was a sneeze that made them cover their ears and made the last few sleepers snap up in panic. For him, the aftermath resembled the end of a workout: tire and exhaustion, yet inexplicable relief. For them, it read like a newspaper headline: steadfast, hardass germaphobe of the branch soaked in his own saliva and other unspeakable substances. The tight-lipped, ever calm captain engaged in the toughest battle of his life: no titan in sight, but tiny irritants also impossible to see. Screaming the barracks awake, he would have been the last culprit anyone suspected. Only true friends would keep this episode a secret, maybe he shouldn’t have been so terse with them.
Vengefully, and with the slightest bit of told you so, Levi motivated himself through the end with the anticipation of seeing their guilty faces, but by the time he opened his eyes again, they were long gone, either cowering from contagion or gossiping already. Around here, viruses and rumors spread like wildfire. 
Worked up and let down, Levi released a shaky exhale, wiped his face with his sleeve, flung the door shut behind him, and tossed the bouquet onto his bed.
One down.
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softsnzstuff · 9 months
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Decided to write a lil something something requested by @nametakensff - please enjoy some Rockstar AU Steddie with kink!Steve and sick!Eddie
Eddie is still exploring the link and figuring out how he vibes with it all
“ii’TCH! G’tsh! … H’eKTshiew!”
“Bless you!”
Eddie sniffled thickly against his wrist and brushed the loose strands out hair out of his face. He was sitting on one of the barstools in his apartment playing some chords on his guitar.
“Take a break Eds! You’re gonna get your guitar all germy.” Steve called from the sofa in the living room.
The open layout of the rocker’s apartment made for easy conversation - the downside being that there was no hiding his sneezes especially not from Steve.
“I can’t get it germy, Steven, because I’m not sick.”
The retort came out practically as a rasp, the older man clearing his throat and then coughing.
Steve rolled his eyes at his boyfriend as Eddie twisted the cap off his water bottle and took a few sips.
“You know you don’t have to do that.”
“Do what?” Eddie took the hair tie off his wrist and started tying his curls up into a loose bun.
“Denying the sickness. We’re not on tour anymore, you have literally no commitments. You’re allowed to rest Eddie.”
The man stood up from the stool, hanging his guitar back on the wall and then padding over to the sofa.
Quicker than ever, he twisted away, hovering a bent arm several inches away from his face.
“Eh’TSZziew! T’sSHuhew! i’KSHTzz!”
The (practically uncovered) sneezes sprayed the air in front of him. The balcony window backlighting the spray in a show for Steve.
Eddie snapped back up, turning towards Steve, “whew! Sorry. That was gro-”
Steve had crossed his legs on the couch and flushed in the face. Eddie raised an eyebrow and cheekily put his hands on his hips.
“Color m’be impressed! Even that???”
Steve closed his eyes and nodded, slightly embarrassed to be put on the spot. Eddie’s known about the kink for months now. Eddie has been experimenting with it every now and then - indulging Steve while feeling things out for himself.
Feeling mischievous (and admittedly horny), Eddie flopped face forward onto the couch, resting his head in Steve’s lap. He rubbed the damp tip of his nose into the hip of Steve’s sweatpants.
“I n’deed a tissue.”
Steve looked and saw the box all the way across the room where Eddie was playing guitar earlier.
“I can get them for you, just let me get up…”
“No.” Eddie whined. “Stay.”
He looked up at Steve and winked. Steve, now catching on, made an offer Eddie couldn’t resist.
“Do you wanna… you can use my pants for now.”
Eddie nodded and helped Steve out of the sweatpants, his erect member springing to freedom in his boxers.
“Awwww, for me?” Eddie teased, playfully flicking it and grinning devilishly.
Steve nodded again, rubbing Eddie’s arm that was propping him up.
“Can you help me with a tickle?” Eddie asked, guiding Steve’s hand to the bridge of his nose. “Right here.”
Steve bit his lip and traced the bridge with a slight pressure, gently rolling the tip of Eddie’s nose before moving back up.
His boyfriend’s nostrils flickered, pressing against Steve’s fingertips.
“HAESSH! G’tchIEW! .. h-hh- H’iiTSCH!”
Eddie crumpled forward, sneezing directly onto the tall bulge emerging in Steve’s boxers, spraying it each time.
“Ugh fuck!” Steve moaned, his cock twitching in the familiar rhythm that meant Eddie had done his job.
The rocker looked at the stain on Steve’s underwear and then looked up at him and smirked.
“Looks like we both need those tissues now.”
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kawaii-kushami · 1 year
my art of various scenes from this fic by @nametakensff !! go read it!!!
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(sfw preview to grab attention 💚)
original sketchdumps plus cropped versions of the individual images under the cut because the original images are huge and got their quality lowered upon upload and also i know what it's like to be too lazy to zoom in so im doing it for you <3
warning it's very nsfw!!
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kawaii-kushami · 2 years
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yet another art based on @nametakensff's snzkamu thoughts 😭
this is propaganda to get you all into g/olden ka/muy
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kawaii-kushami · 1 year
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ITS HERE... my art of various scenes from this fic by @nametakensff !! go read it!!!
cropped versions of the individual images under the cut because the original images are huge and got their quality lowered upon upload and also i know what it's like to be too lazy to zoom in so im doing it for you <3
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
VERY self indulgent and naughty Kink!Edissy fic is coming soon 👀
@nametakensff got a preview and can hopefully vouch
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
@nametakensff and I are collabing on something special and I can already tell you’re not ready for it because IM not ready for it 😂
Anything y’all really wanna see from us? 👀
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
Working on an intense work project this week and then immediately fleeing the state to see my best friend.
Once I come back though, I plan on starting my prompts for Sicktember!
And going through my inbox
Annnnd working on my collabs with @vilbro and @nametakensff 😏👀❤️
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