oneofmanyselves · 3 years
that dating luffy headcanon was so cute!! Could I request something similar with zoro or perhaps nami?
Of course you can!!
I'll do Zoro and Nami if that's ok:))
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- Ok first up is Swordy Boy™:
- Naps ALLL the time EVERRRYYWHERE. You rarely cuddle, but he won't stop you if you put your head on his shoulder, he may grumble or grunt, but deep down he loves it. - Odds are, you're strong, otherwise he wouldn't have taken interest in you. But you wouldn't necessarily have to be physically strong. While physical strength is something he would take an interest in quickly, he would eventually notice someone who is, if not physically, mentally strong. He would respect and admire that.
- Zoro certainly wouldn’t want someone weak, as they would slow him down and distract him in a battle. But if you can’t fight well, he would fix that.
- Remember that he is a tsundere, he won’t be into PDA, though wouldn’t object to the occasional hand-hold. 
- When you first start dating, holding his hand- especially in public- will cause him to look skeptically down at your intertwined hands. Eventually he will learn to accept it, though with the occasional blush and classic look-away. 
- When he’s comforting you he’s somehow even more awkward. He’s a blunt kind of guy, but he still won’t want to upset you, so he comes off as a bit dodgy and awkward.
- While he isn’t an overly affectionate person, he does love hugs from you. He won’t usually start them, but he gives back the hugs you give him x10.
- Overall, he is a caring, blunt boyfriend trying the best he can to prove just how much he loves you:)
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- Now for my main girl NAMI
- She will treat you like a princess/prince/nonbinary royalty
- She hates spending money but when it comes to you she’d buy the WORLD
- She is forever loyal to you and will go to the ends of the earth to fight for you. Her loyalty extends not only to fighting, but other people as well. She makes sure everyone knows she’s yours, and she won’t even slightly entertain someone trying to flirt with her (that includes you Sanji). 
- She’s also constantly making sure you’re comfortable
“did you eat enough today?”
“Here! I brough a blanket we can share.”
“Are the boys bothering you?”
- That last one she asks quite a bit.
- Sanji and you are the best of friends and arch rivals.
- On one hand, you guys could form the “Nami Protection Squad” (NPS for short).
- But on the other hand, you and Sanji are constantly competing for Nami’s attention.
- Of course, Nami always gives you the attention, it’s not even a competition.
- But, sometimes you do get jealous. Not of Sanji, of course, but of all the other people who give Nami looks. You know that Nami could have whoever she wanted, but you have to remember she picked you for a reason. And she’s good at reminding you; she craves affection and loves PDA. 
- Whether she’s in public or in private, her hands will either be at her sides, or on yours. Sometimes she’s feeling more affectionate then others, and she’s suddenly be super clingy. Other times she’s more reserved. 
- Overall, Nami will be a caring and loyal girlfriend. She will treat you like you’re her whole world (and you are), and you’ll never feel lonely with her around.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Sorry this took so long! I was waiting for inspiration to strike with me
I hope you guys like it, just remember that this is purely my interpretation of the characters, so if you disagree I’m sorry.
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