cinnamonfridge ยท 7 months
So sorry you've been victimized by people over, what, a writing website? Do you think the whole thing's a false flag for them to find a scapegoat? Was it your bosses/the mods over there going after teenagers and saying it was you? Did they really not give you any help or support when your wife died in 2019 or 2020 or 2021 (sorry, just trying to read the different posts so might have gotten years wrong)? Did you ever give them a doctor's note for your medical problems? Cuz you can probably sue them if there's like a paper trail. Why did they target you and no one else? What do they have against you, is it just your radical honesty? Sorry so many questions.
It was other participants making the bullshit claims that I had been targeting them. Too bad 39 seconds reviewing my PMs would have proved that was a damn lie. Staff just refused to admit it.
My wife died June 2nd, 2019. The actual heart attack was actually on May 31st. And to correct something, I was given the support I asked for.
As for my health issues, most of them I didn't even mention for a very long time. I honestly can't remember if I shared the note from my PCP with them when I found out I was stage 5. I did PM Sarah, Heather, Letitia, and Samma_Jaye though. Sarah, because it was going to affect my ability to manage the ML group that year. Heather because I knew she knew me well enough she would understand why I was begging to be allowed to remain a moderator as long as possible. Samma_Jaye was the moderator I was most certain would be able to spot the warning signs as my behavior changed as a side-effect of the toxins building up because of the kidney failure and the fact it was only a matter of time before I would have to stop my dialysis (and I'll get into that weirdness in moment). Letitia, of course, as the lead forum mod has final say on whether or not I would be allowed to continue as a moderator.
As for targeting me? There's two sides to this that people need to understand. At the start of June I knew I was going to have to end my mod duties, but I was also sick and tired of seeing the toxicity that had been building up and was continuing to build up. I'd seen that shit before and I wanted staff to address it once and for all in a way that didn't involve a bunch of other bullshit getting in the way.
So when I saw some well known malicious flaggers that I also knew had made a habit of stalking my posts, I took advantage of it. I deliberately posted I would override the lock on the CTT thread if it happened because of the flags. And sure enough, within minutes they'd gone running to the Moderation Feedback thread about it. And that's when the fun started.
All those violations of the moderation policy I did? Staff and the other mods knew from the start it was intentional to force fhem to see just how toxic the forums had truly become so they could try and fix it. And well, as recent days have proven, they ignored my warnings and the shot I gave them at fixing things.
Now, here's the other half: if you find the What's Happening Here thread from December of '22 you'll see in the public posts I'm not exactly friends to Marya. A lot of that was because initially we were ordered to not moderate that thread at all. And I chose to go malicous compliance on her. I lowered my trust level to level 2 and then flagged every violation, no matter how minor it was.
See, we were told we couldn't moderate, but we were also told we could participate so that is exactly what I did. It wasn't long after word came down that with some exceptions we were permitted to moderate it.
But the true story is that there are a lot of whispers (mod/admin only posts) in that thread and I was far more blunt and honest in those comments than Marya liked.
And every interaction Marya and I had after that there was a very noticeable animosity in it, especially after she decided kissing donors' asses was more important than making sure she had all the facts before commenting on a situation.
So yeah, I guarantee a lot of the reason staff never addressed the shit they knew was false because Marya told them not to as revenge for me not bowing down and kissing her ass.
That's also why I'm now 100% certain she lied to the board by leaving out key details to try and save her job at the expense of Letitia's.
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cinnamonfridge ยท 7 months
Would you go back if NaNo asked you?
Honestly? No.
Before they removed Letitia as an admin I would have said yes.
A lot of people who don't believe the lies staff allowed to be told about me and refused to correct have shared a lot of information from the posts by the board with me. Many of those posts make it very clear that staff, Marya in particular, has not been truthful with the board.
First, there's the fact that they referred to Danni as my "domestic partner". That is a damn lie and an insult to both her deceased wife and her current one!
Danni is a very dear friend, and she's literally the closest I will ever get to having a child. Calling her my domestic partner implies a very different type of relationship that neither of us would ever consider.
Oh, and that "data breech" post is actually a bunch of bullshit in other ways too. Staff know exactly what information Danni has access to, how it happened, and why until she made that stupid comment in the chat I literally had no reason to believe she even remembered it.
So what was that "sensitive information" you may ask? Freaking username changes that were logged before Discourse (partially because of my bitching about this actually) implemented the feature that logged username changes in the admin log!
Because I considered that information to be sensitive because it included teens, some of who changed their usernames for safety reasons.
The day Danni saw it she was still in the early days of her recovery from her breakdown at the beginning of 2020 related to the death of her first wife and my own wife just a few months apart. She walked in on a meeting with my attorney about a legal issue I was stuck in because I had to either violate Arkansas's mandatory reporting laws or I had to violate the NaNoWriMo moderation policy to get a key piece of information to contact CPS.
And that's all I'm saying about that one. The other incident that people keep harping about happened in May when, god forbid, when in a hurry to pick her current wife up from work Danni disconnected and took the wrong iPad with her. We had the same model and they had the same wallpapers so the only way you'd know which one is which is based on which Wi-Fi network they were connected to in my home.
Basically she saw a notification of a thread she was watching, reacted to some posts posts, and then saw the wrong avatar in the upper right corner. The minute she saw it and undid the reactions she then turned off the iPad and called me and told me what happened. She literally had no access to any extra functions because my iPad was configured to block access to the moderation tools.
I previously touched on the whole off boarding thing, but to be very clear I was literally told on May 24th, 2023 during a google meet meeting with Grant, Letitia, and Marya that I was to continue moderating when necessary but to leave things for the new mods as much as possible, which I did. The problem is, the new mods who were supposed to be taking my place with the CTT moderation? They literally didn't do jackshit until after the category lockdown.
Which, btw, although none of the staff or mods will have the balls to admit it now, I was 100% against that shit. The minute Letitia told us it was going to happen (it was before my removal) I literally told her it was a bad idea to isolate them! And when they did it anyway, take a wild guess who was assigned to make sure all the known regulars are added to the access group... yeah ME!
Oh, and those bullshit claims that I tried to keep them isolated? I was constantly trying to get them to participate in other parts of the forums and they mostly ignored me.
Oh, and people who love to claim staff didn't know about the moderation issues? Yeah they did. It's the entire freaking reason they had dedicated questions about specifically being willing to moderate CTT and the RP section!
So, now do you see why I'm so bitter?
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cinnamonfridge ยท 7 months
I'm about to really piss off a lot of people on @nanowrimo when they see this post.
So to address a few asks I've received today:
Background checks: Hell yes they need these. I'm still surprised they never did one on me when I started being responsible for the teens. They had all the information needed for it. They had to in order to send me my stipend each year! And if cost was the issue? I'd have paid for it myself.
Hell, if the board wants I'll send them all my information including my pre-transition name so they can request one right now if they want.
Off boarding me as a moderator: So, I find it very interesting that there are claims they were planning this at the start of May because here's a screenshot of document I will be quite happy to share with the board of the notes of my meeting with Grant, Marya, and Letitia on May 24th, 2023.
Oh and believe me, I know the staff member who has concerns was Marya, who hated my guts because I wouldn't bow down and kiss her ass when she was wrong. I was the only moderator not afraid to stand up to her and call her out on her bullshit.
I'm betting staff have been less than honest about the situation and, exactly as I feared, are throwing a Letitia under the bus to try and save their own asses.
Sorry, Marya, but not happening.
Those meeting notes:
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And a bonus, outright proof Marya lied to members and very likely the board to try and save her own ass:
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Yeah... that claim she didn't know I was still shown as a moderator of the Documentation category was an outright lie and there's your proof !
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cinnamonfridge ยท 7 months
Hey everyone! ๐Ÿ“ข So, I've been getting asked about the NaNoWriMo board's post about me, and even though I haven't had a chance to check it out myself yet, I promise to share my thoughts once I do! ๐Ÿค“ From what I've heard so far in some of the asks I'm getting, it sounds like it's going to be, as Spock would say, 'Facinating'.
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