2021 NaNoWriMo Project
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Thriving: Meridian
When something sinister is unleashed from Triangulum, stars begin to violently die out one by one—uprooting the worlds living within their systems. Whole planets fall under the possession of otherworldly specters, important individuals are taken prisoner, and once again someone learns that things can go fatally wrong no matter how hard they try to prevent it.
NaNo Word Count Goal: 50,000+ Draft Word Count Goal: 150,000+
Number of Previous (Completed) Drafts: 0 Planned or Pantsed: Plantsed
Every day of November, I will be posting updates tracking the development of my project. If you’d like to be tagged in those daily updates, please let me know!
Updates will be tagged under #nanoupdate21 as the month progresses!
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NaNo ‘21 Update #10
Word Count: 26,082
I’m On Chapter: Four
Feelings So Far: soooo I’m sick. which isn’t surprising as I ALWAYS get sick when my son gets sick, but like last time it’s just a cold so. idk. it could be worse. but I’m also tired as shit. so while I managed to get an interesting conversation out of Warren and Scot to make up for the fact that I really didn’t want to have to worry about intro-ing these characters in this draft, I am not really at my best rn. either way, I’m progressing.
Most Listened to Song: “Hurricane” by 30 Seconds to Mars even though I’m pretty sure that’s not the song I listened to the most lol
Best Line/Excerpt:
"Okay," Warren sighed, boarding the bridge as the Setae'togun neared ———. Zac manned the helm and Byanca had control over the shields protecting them from the radiation, while Scot stood at the center of the room watching the display through the viewscreen. "Where's the nuisance?"
Thoeala snorted behind him. "Wow. Right here, Papa."
"Oh, I'm sorry," Warren said as she passed him. "I'm not the one who drank all my fuckin' coffee before I could have any this morning. If I did, I wouldn't be standing here calling you a fuckin' nuisance, now, would I?"
"I mean I'm also your child, but I think I can wear this new title with pride." She stood by the comm station. "I didn't drink your coffee, by the way, so, you know, go fuck yourself or whatever." She threw an amused glance Byanca's direction. "I don't care nearly enough for this."
Zac turned in his seat to imbue Warren with a sheepish grin. "The coffee thief...may have been me."
Warren leaned against the stabilization railing, somewhat dissociating as he jabbed a finger at him. "A curse on you, your entire family going forward, and your ancestors retroactively."
"Grandpa was pretty cursed," Byanca said. "Congrats on a job well done."
Other Notes: I really thought about using a snippet of the convo between Warren and Scot but...hm. perhaps not appropriate for most audiences.
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #1
Word Count: 4,534
I’m On Chapter: One
Feelings So Far: Things are going quite smoothly! I woke up a little later than I’d wanted (near 6 AM instead of 5 AM lol) but I’ve gotten quite a bit done as you can see!
Most Listened to Song: “Bottom Of The Deep Blue Sea” by MISSIO (the first song on the Meridian playlist 😊) 
Best Line/Excerpt:
"Mind the foam," Thrive said quickly in his native tongue, grabbing Thoeala under the arms and swinging her around to his other side. "That is not something you want in your eyes."
"Father!" Thoeala squealed. "I am not going to get it in my eyes!"
He let her go and threw himself dramatically backward into another wave, all but sending Thoeala rolling with laughter. She parted the water for him with a flourish of her hands, letting him get back to his feet before releasing.
"Uh," Warren called over the roaring ocean, a hand poised over his eyes to block out the sun, "I know we're still kind of a rogue society here but can we maybe agree that patricide is against the law even now?"
Thrive peered at Warren over the top of Thoeala's head, beaming. "Good morning, th'saiya."
"Patricide?" Thoeala protested. "I saved his life just now, don't you think?"
"I saw what I saw." Warren shrugged. "A jury of your peers is gonna have to determine what happens now, I think."
Thrive raised his eyebrows. "Wouldn't her peers be a conflict of interest in this case?"
"Look, all I know is that I just witnessed, with my own eyes, an attempted assassination. You're going down, kid," Warren added, pointing a finger in Thoeala's direction. "I don't make the rules."
Rubbing his hands together to rid them of sand, Thrive's grin turned impish. "You have a surprising amount of influence on the rules, actually."
Other Notes: in a way I’m super lucky that my kid doesn’t like candy (as of now) because it means I get the majority of his Halloween haul 😈
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #13
Word Count: 30,103
I’m On Chapter: Five
Feelings So Far: I’d actually just like to use this space to say that I’m super grateful for everyone’s support as I chug along. I really hope you guys who are also participating in NaNo are reaching your goals, and if not, I hope you’re still being kind to yourselves! I take this month pretty seriously but that’s a personal preference and a major flaw. It’s supposed to be a fun event! Your well-being should always be prioritized over word counts.
Most Listened to Song: “Legendary (feat. Armanni Reign)” by Artizan
Best Line/Excerpt:
"Warren…" Thrive's lids grew heavier. "It's two whole galaxies...or me."
A chill bolted down Warren's spine. This was the decision he was forced to make, then. Let these unknown beings slaughter the entire population of Andromeda and the Milky Way combined, or let Thrive continue this horrific existence, whatever it was that they were doing to him, wasting him away until he eventually died and they moved on to someone else. Buying time to find a way to eliminate them before they could cause more terror.
The choice was clear, and it devastated him. He flashed back to the picture Scot had shown him from Efthim, and his throat lodged with grief.
"Scot," Warren stammered, choked by the effort of staving off sobs. He ran his hands over Thrive's head, brought their foreheads together, wished he could remove the helmet to kiss him. "It's time to go."
"I'll...tell Zac to bring the ship around."
"Hey," Warren murmured to Thrive, forcing him to look at him. "I love you. I love you so fucking much."
Thrive nodded, overcome with emotion himself. "I love you, Warren." He dragged a cataplectic hand to the chest plate of Warren's armor, breath shortened by anxiety and fear. "Eternally."
Warren carefully reached into the pouch tucked under his thigh guard. "I need to know that you'll forgive me. I can't...I can't move forward without knowing you'll forgive me."
"Without question."
"And I need you to know I won't rest until I fix this."
"I know you'll do everything in your power."
Taking a bracing breath, Warren nodded. "Good."
He whipped his knife from the pouch and with a furious swipe, severed all the cables and tubes at once. He'd already raised the rifle with his other hand and fired into the group of specters behind Thrive when it registered what he'd done, and the fog scattered as the tubes sprayed fluids both familiar and unfamiliar onto the floor and the two of them.
Warren took advantage of the lull in activity to bowl into Thrive, using his forward-up momentum to lift him off the ground and drape him over his shoulder. The adrenaline and determination to get righted again kept him from buckling under Thrive's weight, and he caught the heart in the ceiling stuttering grotesquely before he took off in a dead sprint through the door.
Other Notes: *watches someone inch a piece of paper across the table that says, in tiny, nearly unintelligible letters, “Warren Is Hot As Shit And You’ve Known This For Years”* *beats them over the head with a rolled-up newspaper* 
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #8
Word Count: 22,764
I’m On Chapter: Four
Feelings So Far: well. we’ve arrived! the race to find our boy commences. the following snippet is from near the end of chapter three, and I cannot wait to show off what a badass Warren really is as he takes charge and hunts for ‧͙⁺˚*・༓ ghostly kidnappers uwu ༓・*˚⁺‧͙.
Most Listened to Song: “Gunning Down Romance” by Savage Garden
Best Line/Excerpt:
Thrive gently pushed his plate away from him. "I think I'll try to rest for a while."
Thoeala pressed a hand to Thrive's cheek. "You do feel chilled. The stress probably caused you to catch something from Efthim. You want me to call Gouna into the bedroom?"
Steadily getting to his feet, Thrive nodded. "That could be wise. Warren can attest that...I haven't been at my best since I lost…"
He blinked at the table and Warren stopped chewing. Thrive placed a hand palm-down on the marble to balance himself and the color drained from his face.
"Are you even gonna make it to the room, dude?"
Thrive took a step back and went down hard, his shoulder catching a chair and splitting it clean in half on the way. Thoeala leaped out of her seat, running for the stairs, shouting through the halls for Gouna while Warren all but vaulted over the table to get to Thrive.
Other Notes: today has been pretty busy. had my first physical therapy appointment to combat my scoliosis, had to take my kid to the emergency room last night and we were there until midnight, I’m running on fumes yet I’m oddly okay lmao
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #16
Word Count: 34,206
I’m On Chapter: Six
Feelings So Far: I mean it’s not too bad right now, lateness aside. I realized the cause behind the ease of last year’s NaNo versus the difficulty of this one and you’re all gonna laugh at me because it’s so stupid
Most Listened to Song: “Slow Down” by Du Tonc
Best Line/Excerpt:
"That gives us enough time to gather the evac teams again," Warren said once Atoa was out of earshot. "In light of all their mishegoss surrounding the qrihk, I'm dreading the conversation about the venevans."
"We're holding them on Oun and Rem," Thrive said. "If we need to make space on Lio, we will."
"They're not gonna like that."
Thrive turned to look at Warren over his shoulder, a surprisingly mischievous, lopsided grin adding a degree of youth to his face that once seemed impossible to retrieve. "Fuck them."
Warren blinked from the floor, the words smacking into his chest like the broad side of a closed fist, and among the succeeding pause he forgot to exhale. "What?" he blurted within the space between a high-pitched whine and a breathless plea. He coughed, embarrassed, pressing a hand to his own chest. "I'm so sorry...I went to a dark place there for a second..."
"I've seen that place before," Thrive said, moving to follow Atoa out of the office. "There’s a box under the bed containing my leather harness and a velvet rope, isn’t there?"
"Yeah," Warren sighed into the screens of the devices on his lap. "The dark part was that I was wearing them instead of you."
He heard Thrive's poorly stifled laugh from the middle of the hall.
Other Notes: also I didn’t time-manage too good today so...my bad lmao
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #21
Word Count: 50,014
I’m On Chapter: Seven
Feelings So Far: more filling in. I think I’ve managed to fill in the major gaps on the 50k mark, so I’m going to be focusing on the rest of the story going forward! I DID IT!!
Most Listened to Song: “Deliberation” and “Orbital Dissonance” by Skywaste (I made the songs as best as I could to keep myself sane this morning. I think it may have only marginally worked lmaosdalhfdjfh)
Best Line/Excerpt:
Warren pried his eyes open and it was still dark outside as well as inside. The window had been opened, the curtains wide, and the cool Tournaltis air left welcome goosebumps on his bare skin as it breezed into the room, over the bed. He turned his head and found himself mildly surprised to find Thrive still there beside him, on his back with an arm curled beneath the pillow.
Thrive never slept on his back unless he was really asleep. Though after the previous night, it was hardly unwarranted.
The outside activity sounded like it died quite a while ago. A quick glance under the door told Warren the hallway lights had been turned off, and the house was blanketed in silence. Dull, throbbing pain behind his eyes served as a reminder and a cautionary tale, and he let out a careful wince as he rubbed his forehead.
The mattress shook with the sudden force of Thrive bolting upright.
"Hey," Warren said, leaning to him. He cleared the hoarseness from his voice. "Hey, easy. Easy."
At the sound of Warren next to him, breathlessness exploded from Thrive as if he'd stopped in his sleep, and he passed his hands over his face, settling back down onto his pillow.
Warren rubbed a hand over Thrive's arm. "I thought obhelians couldn't dream."
"It wasn't a dream. It was a trauma response."
"Yeah...I'm too familiar with those."
Thrive shifted onto his side. "I apologize if I woke you."
"Funny story—I'd just woken up a few minutes ago."
"Has everyone gone to bed?"
"Sounds like it."
They watched each other in the soft rustling of the chilled air coming in through the window. Warren swallowed and laced his fingers with Thrive's.
"Think we're gonna be okay, E.T.?"
He could feel Thrive's mind again, reaching out on all tendrils to make itself at home within Warren's. It was the most comfortable feeling in the universe.
Other Notes: I am. so tired.
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #17
Word Count: 36,726
I’m On Chapter: Six
Feelings So Far: as is quite clear, the ease in which the words flow into the document has increased significantly. The writing gods have smiled upon me and said ‘get the fuck back to work’ lmao
Most Listened to Song: “Big Bad City” by Evalyn
Best Line/Excerpt:
They caught up with each other again later, Warren entering the commander's quarters as Thrive pulled a form suit up onto his torso. They shared a thoughtful silence, Thrive sliding his arms into the skin-tight sleeves, and Warren regarding him with some level of nerves he had trouble vocalizing.
"If it doesn't work," Warren began, and couldn't finish.
Thrive crossed the room in pensive steps, gauging the whirlwind of Warren's emotions through their connection. "I can't guarantee that it will this time."
"I know. Fuck, I know." Warren screwed his eyes shut and buried his head in his hands, willing himself to breathe. "God, I...I don't think I want it to end like this."
"There's still time for you to take a shuttle and escape to safety."
"And then what about you guys?!" Warren gestured to Thrive and the rest of the occupants of the ship. "I can't...I'm…" He ran a shaky hand through his hair. "...I'm really scared this time, man. I know you're gonna try your best, but the chances...every other time we faced the idea of dying, the odds of you swooping in to save the day were enormous, but you're talking about protecting an entire planet from a star exploding over our heads. That's a big ask of you at any time, let alone when you've only had your abilities back for not even a full week."
Thrive inhaled, expansive and considerate. "It is. And I empathize. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. Unfortunately, I can't offer much in the way of encouragement other than I'm going to do the best that I can to keep everyone safe."
"Can we just...can we all just turn around and go home? No, we can't. I know we can't. Shit, I—I just...I dunno if things are gonna work out this time, I—"
Thrive moved forward to slide his arms around him, cutting him off before he could fully spiral. He held him close, smoothed a hand over his back, cradled the back of his head, let Warren rock them from side to side with his terrified sniffles breaking the quiet of the room.
"I believe in you," Warren whispered, holding onto Thrive as tightly as he could muster. "Enough for a hundred of us."
Thrive pressed his lips to the side of Warren's head. "I've only ever needed one of you."
Other Notes: here, have some angst free of charge 😀
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #15
Word Count: 32,732
I’m On Chapter: Six
Feelings So Far: this NaNo has been a little weird for me. my pace is odd...fast in relation to the average, but the last few years I’d be up to 40k or so by now. there’s nothing wrong with any of that, it’s just weird. what I’m saying is I don’t know what’s going on or who I am anymore lmao
Most Listened to Song: “P5HNG ME AWY” by Linkin Park
Best Line/Excerpt:
Thrive angled his face to the false window, and the crackling fire acted as a background track to their collective silence. The longer it went on, though, the deeper his frown, until he raised his eyes to one of the corners of the ceiling. "How did it come to this?"
"It could get better…"
"It won't." Thrive gazed into the fire, now, boring through the flickering flames with distance and vacancy. He tapped a finger against his glass, the crease in his brow growing deeper. "It will continue like this, and they will rule from their thrones, and where will I be? Right here. Where I have always been, forgotten by oblivion. Sucking up the embers time leaves behind. Self-medicating my own disgust towards the fact that my purpose has become a mockery in the eyes of those who will cease decaying before I ever witness the final star of the universe draw its last breath. I am no king, I am no god. I am a plaything, a gilded trinket, a trussed bauble. The Consortium kneels before me and tightens my shackles behind me, and marches me ahead of spectators crying out to see their beloved reigning savior. In my youth I swore my soul to an oath of which two whole galaxies have taken every advantage, and expecting me to accept my fate is nothing short of a violation of righteousness."
Warren's jaw ached with the strength in which he'd been clenching his teeth together. "Then do something about it."
Letting out a soft, sarcastic snort, Thrive peered into his glass before bringing it to his lips. "If I could rebel..." At Warren's startling silence, he met his eyes. "Be reasonable—"
"Your oath binds you to correcting injustices."
"Within the jurisdiction of my wards."
"Your wards, your planets, your kids. Me, you, Tournaltis, all of whom are being grossly disrespected by the very people you've just said keep your hands tied. You wanted to help the qrihk and the Consortium wouldn't let you. Their death toll is ticking up because they still don't have a place to settle, and you wanted to keep them on Oun and Rem so that wouldn't happen, Thrive, and the ‘Sort said no."
Thrive swirled the amber liquid around in his glass. "You're suggesting I take the Consortium to task for this. Your conscience won't allow it."
Heat from Warren's ire rose in his face. "But what about yours?"
The tension seeping from the implication of what they were discussing caused the air to thicken. Thrive took a sip of his beverage, not breaking eye contact, and the lack of protest seemed to further cement the idea of their conspiracy.
Other Notes: he can’t just abdicate. there’s blackmail involved, it’s a whole thing. it can’t ever be that easy 😩
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #14
Word Count: 31,516
I’m On Chapter: Five
Feelings So Far: Okay so I’ve had to skip a little bit because I cannot figure out how it’s gonna play out yet. it’s a discussion between Warren and Thrive, pretty heavy, could end either fine or very much not fine, and in the meantime I’ve started it and used brackets for the end and am proceeding as if the discussion did not end well.
for a tiny bit of context, for those who may not know, Thrive is currently without his abilities, because it was discovered a chapter or so ago that something is wrong with him. I won’t get into the whole thing cuz spoilers 💀
Most Listened to Song: “If Everyone Cared” by Nickelback (and honestly I don’t really care for the Nickelback hate asjflhdf ✋🏽)
Best Line/Excerpt:
Warren faded into consciousness with a numb face and someone half-shouting at him over his head. He fought the impending blackout, tuned into the smell of smoke and metal and the sharp cut of something cold across the back of his neck. He jolted, hands giving through a bank of snow, his skin burning.
He reached out for the first thing in front of him and his hand grasped an arm, which pulled him forward and wrapped tightly around him. He peered around until his frantic, blurry gaze landed on Thrive, wiping at his face and holding him close, presumably to keep him warm.
"Warren," Thrive said again, his fingers coming away from Warren's face covered in red. He sounded as if he'd run miles to get to him. "We lost the ship. Byanca and Zac are dead."
"...the fuck," Warren mumbled. He spat blood onto the snow, and it froze as soon as it hit. A familiar occurrence. "...Scot…"
"He's suffered some damage, but he's with the wreckage trying to salvage anything he can to contact someone."
Warren looked up at Thrive, clarity returning. "Byanca...and Zac…?"
"The bridge hit the ground first. They didn't stand a chance."
"No…" Warren held onto Thrive, who held his face with disbelief and reverence he didn't recognize at first. "No, that's…"
Thrive pulled him to his feet. "You're not wearing a form suit, so you need to come with me or you'll be next."
"Thoeala!" Warren squeezed Thrive's arm. "Where's Thoeala?"
"She's fine." Thrive smoothed Warren's hair back and did a sweep for unseen outward injuries. "She's with Scot."
Other Notes: hellooooo, Araleth 👀
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #12
Word Count: 28,707
I’m On Chapter: Five
Feelings So Far: Well...it sure is a book!
Most Listened to Song: Nothing, again, because I actually forgot to listen to anything this time lmao
Best Line/Excerpt:
"I think you're just about there," Scot said quietly into his helmet. "There's a large room straight ahead that has a figure inside. They're close to the floor, possibly hunched over. Likely unconscious. Be vigilant."
Warren stopped. The slow, rhythmic throbbing sound he'd been following was the loudest it'd ever been, encased in the corners and the ceiling, pounding through the air, and sweat began to form on his brow as his entire stomach rolled. Breath shallow and staring in silence at the unmoving door, he mentally placed why that sound had been so familiar to him.
"It's him," he said into his helmet. He swallowed the foulness sneaking up his throat. "He's inside the room."
"That's what we suspect."
"No, I know." Warren flexed his grip on the rifle. "It's him."
Thoeala's voice came through next. "How are you so sure?"
"Because I'm standing here listening to his heartbeat within the walls of the fucking building."
Other Notes: heyyyy. how’s it going? everybody doing ok? that’s cool.
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #9
Word Count: 24,604
I’m On Chapter: Four
Feelings So Far: I’ve JUST hit a creative snag. Tomorrow I’ll probably just slap my hands on the keyboard until I force my way through it. it’s aight. I’ve been introducing a few new characters and that always feels kinda gross for me in a first draft lol idk
Most Listened to Song: “Stripped” by both Depeche Mode and Shiny Toy Guns
Best Line/Excerpt:
"I am at a loss as to how someone could run off with him in the first place," Scot said.
"The only two times it's ever happened, he had to be incapacitated before he could even react, which is extremely hard to do." Warren sighed. "He came home from Ashva sick. We thought he picked something up, but…"
Thoeala turned to him. "We're gonna find him. Even if he can't fight back, he can protect himself. And we know he's still alive, because if this was a successful assassination by an opposing group or individual, we would've heard something by now. I don't think someone who managed to kill Orthrive'poliea would stay silent about it."
Scot nodded. "She's correct. As much as I'm sure it's not something you would particularly appreciate hearing…"
"I'm all for hearing Thrive's still alive," Warren said as Corin's lab came into view. "Even if it's not true, it's all I wanna hear."
"If it wasn't true, you'd know," Thoeala told him. "You've been through oras'at with him. That's a rare phenomenon seldom experienced by obhelians on the old world because the effects of a partner passing after the fact are too physically painful. If he was gone, you'd know."
Warren decided it unnecessary to bring up the fact that he'd already experienced the effects once before and though the memory wasn't very clear, he already knew he'd rather not go through it again.
Other Notes: why introduce new characters when I could just telepathically communicate them to readers and move on with my life. also I don’t LIKE not having Thrive there, I’m so used to writing him that it FEELS WEIRD that he’s not here, HELP me
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #7
Word Count: 20,476
I’m On Chapter: Three (yes, still, we’re nearing four tho)
Feelings So Far: um. well, there’s a pretty big plot point coming that I’m excited to write and it’s gonna shake some shit up. somebody goes missingggggg 
Most Listened to Song: “cycle” by Lubalin
Best Line/Excerpt:
Thrive slowed to a stop when they reached the shuttles.
Warren turned when he realized he was no longer beside him. "Yo. You good?"
He didn't respond. His brows drew together and he cast his attention upward, into the sky.
After a beat Warren looked up as well. He couldn't see anything out of the ordinary save for the cloud of exploded star that hovered over them like a massive hand about to clamp down. "Do you hear something I'm not hearing?"
Scot stopped, too, closer to the shuttles. He turned to them, face seams solid purple, and looked directly at Thrive, who met his wide-eyed stare.
Then Warren felt it. A drastic drop in temperature that pierced his armor and form suit, plateaued through the sweltering heat, then dropped even more. His HUD blinked in alarm, unable to keep up with just how quickly the cold moved in on them.
"Oh, shit," Warren shouted. "We need to move!"
Other Notes: I mean if you’ve seen the countdown I posted a couple months ago you already know who goes missing lmao it’s not that hard to figure out
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #3
Word Count: 11,602
I’m On Chapter: Two
Feelings So Far: I realized why things felt weird yesterday and the start of today’s session—I had a LOT to cover and no real plan on how I was going to do that. I’ve overlooked quite a few details but that’s a later draft problem. I feel good about everything again...as good as one feels for a first draft lol.
Most Listened to Song: "Big Bad City” by Evalyn
Best Line/Excerpt:
On one particular trip to Scot’s apartment, Warren was faced with an interesting development regarding his budding personality.
"Oh." Warren froze, taking in Scot’s new look as he answered the door. He eyed the white blazer with the sleeves pushed up, the black turtleneck, and the round black gems nestled in his earlobes with surprise. "Fuck me, the android's hot."
"Your Highness."
Warren held up a warning finger. "You get one of those."
Other Notes: I’ve crossed out SIX stickies on my jamboard already. just one more, and the plot REALLY gets moving. that may not be a good thing, but I dooooo not care right now!!! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #2
Word Count: 8,790
I’m On Chapter: Two
Feelings So Far: things got a little weird. I can’t exactly explain what’s going on here but it’s weird and uncomfy. I suspect it may be the fact that I’ve effectively wiped the slate clean so to speak. first drafts usually feel icky but not like this lmao. still on my writing flow tho so 🤷🏽‍♂️
Most Listened to Song: I’m not actually sure, so we’ll say “Derezzed (Remixed by The Glitch Mob)” by Daft Punk since it was the last one I listened to lol
Best Line/Excerpt:
Warren swallowed. "Scotty, can you hear me?"
"I am here."
The floodgates opened again, and fresh tears left Warren's eyes before he could properly gather his thoughts. "You ready?"
"See you on the other side, dude."
"I look forward to it."
Other Notes: there is a chance I will be writing more later, and if I do, I’ll add the count to today’s total on the site but add it to tomorrow’s update
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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NaNo ‘21 Update #20
Word Count: 45,143
I’m On Chapter: Seven
Feelings So Far: today was just for going back and filling in some stuff while I figure out how to end the book! the plan is to wrap up NaNo tomorrow with more of that (I’d skipped more than I think I mentioned) and then finish the book with the remaining updates.
the following snippet will be from chapter two! because I cannot post anything from today! oops!!!
Most Listened to Song: “Gunning Down Romance” by Savage Garden (ugh this song does things)
Best Line/Excerpt:
"How much longer?" Warren asked over the clamoring crush of bodies.
"They've just arrived." The guard smiled as he ushered Warren past the admirers to the gate. "It's crazy, I don't think I ever knew how popular he really is."
Warren snorted sardonically. "If there's one thing Thrive hates more than injustice, it's his own popularity. I heard Thoeala's with him?"
"Yeah, she's been invited too. Hondris got here the other day, so it's just you guys left."
They broke through the crowd and past the heavier detail of security keeping the people from entering the gate. The noise level dropped significantly on the other side, and Warren let out a sigh, straightening his jacket.
"Bet you're excited," the guard said. "It's been a while for you, hasn't it?"
"That altogether depends on what you're talking about."
The guard paused as they turned the corner, the airlock door sliding into sight, cased off by royal sentries preparing to open it. "Well...I was under the impression that one could not be done without the other."
Warren stood against the wall across from him and winked. "You don't know that."
"What the fuck does that mean?"
Other Notes: the Node security fellow there is actually revealed within the next few paragraphs as Thrive and Warren’s son Ataneq. there’s something particularly special about Ataneq, and I like him a lot.
NaNo Tag List: @ashen-crest @drippingmoon @ettawritesnstudies @drabbleitout
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