#naok yamada
K-On! is a four-koma music comedy written by Kakifly and published in Houbunsha starting 2007. The anime adaptation was directed by Naoko Yamada and produced by Kyoto Animation, starting its run Spring 2009.
The anime follows Yui Hirasawa as she makes friends and learns to play guitar in an attempt to revitalize her school’s light music club.
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This anime, like many a high school slice of life anime, doesn’t really have anything going on in the airplane department.  There is an off-hand comment during the first episode about “giving an airplane as a prize” to the first person to join the club (as it is hurting for members), but this is ultimately a throwaway joke and easily forgotten. Not that there was really much space for airplanes in general, but, with Kyoani’s known attention to detail we could have at least had some in the background.
Unsurprisingly, K-On! is getting low marks, and receives 0.25 airplanes out of 5, because they at least talked about one once.
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