#narumitsu i love u forever
SHAKES U i have loved ace attorney for YEARS the hyperfixation just came crashing back last week how have you missed my reblog sprees omg i was going so insane i hit post limit
LETSGOO ACE ATTORNEY IS MY SHIT lmao i’m ive been swamped with work for the past two weeks havent been able to touch social media
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kotofeden · 19 days
POV: U went to Chief Prosecutors office in the morning
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courtrecord · 2 years
hey, i’m riley rethal!
i’m a pharmacy student who enjoys ttrpg design and fanfic writing. currently my main interests are casablanca (1942), andor & ace attorney, with the mainstays of friends at the table, greek mythology, and Learning About Stuff always in the background.
my main social media is twitter, and i plan to stay on it as long as it’s viable, but i’m back on tumblr now too!
my ao3 is rib14, and i’ve written:
court record companion (5.9k, T) a collection of tweets, texts, posts, and articles surrounding the first 4 aa games
when the chips are down (28.5k, T) my narumitsu magnum opus; a canon-divergent story of disbarment
the ones who deal the cards (2.1k, G) trucy & kristoph have a totally normal conversation in the basement of the borscht bowl club
yours forever (14.3k, T) the life and loves of thalassa gramarye, told in letters and memories
history lesson (1.7k, G) a conversation between mon mothma and 14 year old leia organa, set during andor s1
a few more ideas (8.4k, T) a canon-divergent andor fic where a certain character survives and fake dates another character and also i can’t help but be a sucker for mon/tay
the tree remembers (4.4k, T) leia organa in the aftermath of the destruction of alderaan, reflecting and moving forward
also a bunch of jaceaddax one-shots for the fatt fans out there, but i’m assuming u all already know me lmao
i’m currently publishing what the future brings, a post-canon casablanca fic, and it would mean the world if u checked it out! victor/ilsa/rick is so important.
my ttrpgs can be found at metagame.itch.io, and here’s a few of my faves:
galactic 2e: a game of rebellion, relationships, and war among the stars (what if star wars was good?!)
venture & dungeon: two games with a new perspective on the high fantasy genre (i wrote venture, which is like, what if dnd was good, dungeon is by jay dragon of wanderhome fame)
doikayt: a jewish ttrpg anthology i co-organized! it’s a got a bunch of jewish themed games by jewish ttrpg designers
the riot starts: a gmless game about a revolution in the literal capitalist hell of the underworld, inspired by hadestown
it’s been a long, long time: a two-player ttrpg about characters who are in love, are separated, and finally reunite
i haven’t done a ton of game design in the past year, but my main current wips are an untitled resistance system game inspired by fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood, and a game of card-based mini-games inspired by les mis called “music of a people”
so yeah, that’s me! i haven’t spent a lot of time on tumblr since 2015, so this will be an interesting experience. looking forward to posting with you all.
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glimmeruos · 2 years
Do u have any recs for klapollo in a non-aa au?
Fair warning i dont think many of these if any will be multichap bc my brain is messed up n i wld rather read an a million word singlechap fic than a short 8 multichap fics excluding like 5+1 fics if theyre multichap. Anyways this had me going thru my 125 klapollo bookmarked fics on ao3. But yes i most definitely do. if you walked away (from me today) is one of my fave klapollo fics ive ever read n ive read a lot. I guess u cld say its semi aa au but theyre in college so not rlly. Apollo is majoring in criminology n fashion n klavier is his model its so good please read it. This au is semi similar but it focuses in on the law aspect more so if ur looking for non aa ones id rec the first one more but theyre both Sooooo good. Me realizing all of these might be college aus sorry but taking hints is also one of my forever faves. Apollo is trying to learn german for an extra credit n klav offers to teach him. Cue misunderstandings oblivious apollo and more hilarity! Clay is in it too not very much but hes there so u shld read it. NON COLLEGE AU! This is an office au n its so good shut the fuck up right now. Triangles, Circles, Hearts is abt klavier keeps bringing apollo lunches for work n everyone else is tired of apollos cluelessness n klaviers obviousness its so good n i know theres another office au fic but its abt klavier stealing his lunches so if i find it ill link it here. I recommended this one in my other fic post so srry if ur seeing it again but Backup Vocals is a jove lives au where klavier is holding band auditions n apollo is one to audition its rlly cute n thalassa n jove r a nice addition to it. This next one is again kinda aa but like it doesnt focus on it n phoenix isnt apollos boss. i like you a latte (and other coffee shop clichés) is a classic coffee shop au but like x10 more frustrating bc apollo is oblivious but he gets there eventually. Apollos still a lawyer n works under constance courte but klav is a barista n if i remember right so is simon but hes only mentioned like once. Theres a like second fic to the series thats narumitsu i think but i havent read it Sorry im not rlly interested in narumitsu centered fics Call me fake but only aa fics i rlly read r klapollo faraskye n found family. Fifty Cents is so good clay n apollo work at like a theater that the gavinners end up performing and apollo n klav end up meeting i like this one a lot too every klapollo fic ive saved is my fav so maybe these r all biased. Now confession for this one. I havent actually fully read it ive been meaning to but ive only read the first couple chaps. Stuck in the middle with you is abt apollo being apart of the troupe n klavier comes one day to visit his mom wanting to collab. His grandpa ends up getting the idea to have apollo n klavier fake date what ive read of it is good n tbh apollos characterization in this is bitch alert (accurate btw) so i love it so much. Theyre both like highschool age in this btw. DIDNT REALIZE HOW LONG THIS POST IS SORRY but thats all i have for now but as a bonus u can have this cute klapolly fic of meeting the parents + misunderstandings itd one of my faves ever
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ladyloveandjustice · 6 years
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ahhh this is. incredible. There’s so much.
1. Miles immediately knowing who “SIGNAL BLUE” is.
2. Phoenix just...wrote this really cute longing “I MISS YOU SO MUCH” message of love on the off chance Miles might be listening and hear it. he did that. That was the level of his deviotion. did he get the idea from a shoujo manga im serious i’ve seen this plot
3. Phoenix being sure to add “I hope your dog’s doing okay!!!” because that is part of the Miles Edgeworth Package the dog has to be okay too.
4. WRITING A LOVE LETTER TO MILES WHEN HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE STUDYING IN CLASS every school based narumitsu fic just became canon. (also im the student sleeping in the background)
5. Staring up at the sky wistfully as he says “I’LL ALWAYS BE THINKING OF YOU AND SUPPORTING YOU FOREVER NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE LET’S MEET AGAIN WE WILL RIGHT” im just...Phoenix...you’re so...
6. Miles being like “okay that’s definitely Phoenix Wright no one else in the world could be that extra and sappy”
7. The radio lady being like “aw u 2 sound cute I SUPPORT YOU AND HOPE FOR YOUR EVENTUAL REUNION” she doesn’t know them but she’s on board this ship
8. The way Miles closes his eyes and visibly relaxes and feels better.
9. Mles saying “you never change” in this super fond way which he will say to Phoenix AGAIN later as an adult when they reunite ahhh
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mangosteen · 7 years
Rules: answer the questions and tag twenty of your followers that you’d like to know better!
I was tagged by the lovely @polaroidpidge​
Name: Fi
Nicknames: fi, Ms. "KLAPOLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" (that one is NEW thanks eggman), fiona from shrek, vanilla (its not calling me boring it just sounds like my full name lmao), any and every mispronunciation of my nickname and/or real name
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 5′2? ‘3? something. like that.
Age: 19! (i’m 20 in two days. help me)
Orientation: Bi af
Ethnicity: *unfurls a long-ass scroll* Well, I’M like, Chinese (nyonya) and Scottish, BUT my great grandparents on my dad’s side is irish, and my great grandparents on my mum’s side come from SW China, BUT I live in England. aaaaAAAND to top it all of? I sound like I’m from North America. I’m a rac*st’s worst nightmare
Favorite Fruit: strawbs, cherries, blueberries, rambutans (ironically i need to use a rambutans url but idk if i wanna use it for this blog im still decidin) mangosteen (a url i DO have and im using it for a webcomic sooner or later. power move) apples, oranges, i like a BUNCHA fruits really
Favorite Season: I love the transition inbetween seasons, like when you notice things are getting colder/warmer, after it being stuck in the ssame temperature for what seems like forever.
Favorite Flowers: Bougainvillea. and I spelt that right on THE first try. bazongo
Favorite Book Series: I don’t read much cus I never had the time in the past few years. Maybe I’ll pick it up again if tI have a good enough recommendation AND have the time to read
Favorite Scent: Flowery and Fruity scents. Also Vanilla
Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa: COCOA!!! Call me a child but I like the simple things in life. Like nice music and a Nintendo Switch
Cat or Dog Person: D O G
Average hours of sleep: like 6-7 hours now that it’s getting back into a routine
Favorite Fictional Character: I mean everyone knos how much I LOVE [insert one of my 599949449 faves here] BUT I’ve been playing AA4 for the first time and I gotta say? Klavier Gavin? A GREAT DUDE? NICE? HONEST? GOOD? shame his bro is a m*rderboy :////////////////
OTP: I have a few :0 I literally earned the nickname  Ms. "KLAPOLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" after like. 3 days of playing AA4 (lol) so I think I owe them a spot here (still.... gotta fight that #1 aa ship u cant outdo narumitsu im srry) and KLANCE I LO  VE, and u kno WHAT? Im gonna put my OCs since I’ve been writing so much for my webcomic on here hell yeah Calex u rule I lov thos cuties. Also.... maybe. MAYBE. M A Y B E, kaiverine. maybe. m ayb. 
Dream Trip: I would travel to a BUNCH of different places. It’s just that... finding the right people to travel when they can afford it is tough. I know this says ‘dream trip’ but I would travel to many many places if I didn’t have the anxiety about shit going wrong or not having enough money
Blog Created: :’) August 2012. This blog is. 5 years old already. (I didn’t use it till like. December, maybe. But still. This is half a decade of my life on here. fuck)
Number of Followers: uhhhhhhhh 2.3k? roundabout- (music plays)
Im super hungry and tired rn so like. I’m lettin anyone who wants to do this, to do this. This is free game. If u wanna do this u can say I tagged u its nbd
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