#naruto is lucky to have you
comikadraws · 6 months
You know, it's okay to discuss your opinions and headcanons in fandom. It's okay to disagree over them. It's okay to sometimes get upset over them. It happens.
You know what is not okay? Spamming people, insulting, or harassing them over a headcanon or their opinion on a fictional character. Especially if it is completely unprompted. There are places in fandom for having a mature discussion. Fanarts and fanfics are not that place. If you don't like their content, just move on. Don't ruin the fun for others.
Because that's what fandom is supposed to be - FUN. Don't flood it with your hate.
And while we're at it, please don't sell your headcanons as "canon". I've seen a couple of those floating around lately, too.
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Madara - konoha founder version, new intro from the chinese mobile game
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sonknuckles · 8 months
extremely weird that i post abt a gay ship with the ship literally tagged just for someone to reblog like "omg theyre such good brothers" like. Okay. that is absolutely not what i was saying Fuck you
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Why do Hidan x Reader fics and such very frequently have reader so averse to converting to Jashinism? If you're in a relationship with the man there's no way you don't condone it. Cowards. Live a little. Perform human sacrifice with your immortal boyfriend.
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ramblebramblefun · 2 years
"We were fucking around in the mud with nothing but bodies to show for it. And now you tell me that they call us heroes. But do you tell me of trade between Konoha and Ame, of alliance and backup and support, another border shored up against Iwa? No! We blasted that place to hell for nothing," She takes a long, slow sip of what he hopes is water, scowling at the wall across from her. "Hero of Yanai. Fucking hell. You'll be calling me a princess next."
He wisely does not mention that there are already those talking about how 'Uzumaki-hime' has returned, you know, the one that fought with the Sannin?
The Sannin, as Uzumaki has already sourly informed him, were on the other end of the front far away from the worst of the action for most of the operation. The Sandaime Hokage hadn't wanted to risk his precious students unless he absolutely had to. They hadn't been The Legendary Sannin, then, and they certainly weren't supposed to be anywhere near Hanzo. How the Salamander had gotten so close to their base of operations without detection was a catastrophic failure on the part of the intelligence department.
... The Uzushio squads he'd slaughtered to get there weren't even a footnote in history, which perhaps explained the venom in the Huntress's voice. Shisui hadn't known how involved Uzu had been until this unfortunate war-nin had been spat out of the air in front of him.
Raiko Uzumaki hadn't been thrilled about that either, and his long-dead whatever-aunt Fuyumi was probably very lucky that whatever she'd done had killed her. Shisui had never heard of a Mangekyou that could send people to the future, but perhaps that was why.
Though why Fuyumi Uchiha had felt the need to launch Uzumaki decades forward in the first place was still a mystery.
Uzumaki, for her part, had been doing her best cryptid impression ever since, hiding in the Senju compound that she was able to unseal because, whatever, something something the Shodaime's wife, and only prowling out when Shisui went to the boundary and made a nuisance of himself, because she vaguely valued his opinion or something for some reason.
It was driving the Council mad.
It was exhausting.
And so here they are, both waiting for the Hokage to call them in like naughty children because Uzumaki had discovered and secreted away the other Uzumaki in the village while Shisui was in fucking Kiri.
How is this his fault? He wasn't even here. How is the Anbu being unable to keep track of one jinchuuriki long enough to keep him from tracking down and revealing himself to the long-lost relative the entire village won't shut up about anywhere within Shisui's purview?
If she wants to be a hermit, let her. Just dump some groceries at the boundary every week or so, it would be fine. Shisui has other, more important things to stress about than the Huntress, who doesn't seem inclined to do anything drastic as long as everyone leaves her alone.
At least find someone else to babysit her, if everyone's that worried. Someone else to ask her apparently stupid questions and get their heads bitten off. Shisui is tired. Let him sleep.
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r--kt · 6 months
Do you like Kakashi's dogs? Let's talk about why there are eight of them.
another example of naruto's ✨cultural code✨
contents | the eight dog warriors chronicles · legacy · eight confucian virtues. also look at the cuties love them sm
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Naruto Vol. 10 CH 90
[ one dog is wonderful, I'm saying as the owner of a sweet little york terrier. two dogs are good, they won't be bored together. three dogs? yeah, cool! how are you going to walk them though? four? yes... look, maybe we have to draw the line h- wha- EIGHT? Excuse Me!? ]
surely, it's worth starting with the fact that eight is a lucky number in Japanese culture — everybody watched Hachi. of course, this is not the only cultural detail where the eight is mentioned. I want to pay special attention to a thing that I didn't know about until I googled it, and this is clearly what Kishimoto was doing homage to with Kakashi's eight ninken.
The Eight Dog Warriors Chronicles
Better known as Nansō Satomi Hakkenden. and it's not just some kind of book, it's a novel, consisting of 106 booklets written by Kyokutei Bakin in XIX century. Hakkenden is considered the largest novel in the history of Japanese Literature. this is one of the main representatives of the gesaku genre, which includes works of a frivolous, joking, silly nature. further I will emphasize a few more times how damn popular this work is and how often it is reflected in culture.
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here are some illustrations for these books
now let's talk about the plot. It's weird, but it's weird at samurai-dogs-story level so stay here.
In brief, the story tells about the commander Satomi Yoshizane, whose native lands were attacked by the army of a man, whose forces surpassed those of Satomi, and the samurai in despair swore to a dog named Yatsufusa that the dog would get his beloved daughter Fuse as a wife if he chewed that man's throat. surprisingly, the dog not only understood the owner, but also fulfilled his wish! after that the commander refused to keep the promise. however, Fuse, true to her word of honor, went with Yatsufusa to the mountains and became his wife. upon learning that his daughter was pregnant, Satomi, in a rage, sent a samurai to kill Yatsufusa and bring Fuse home. she stood up for the dog anyways and died with him. at that moment, eight pearls with hieroglyphs that denoted the foundations of Confucian virtue burst out of her womb. (...cheers for mythology, I guess)
Soon, eight dog warriors who were Fuse's spiritual children were born in different parts of Awa province. after going through hardships, they got together and became vassals of the Satomi clan, then won the battle, and soon reached peace.
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some more illustrations made by Utagawa Kuniyoshi. from left to right: Inukawa Sōsuke (the dog warrior), Inumura Daikaku (the dog warrior), Princess Fuse (their mother).
the novel mainly tells about each individual warrior dog and his shenanigans in a funny adventurous way. huge fame has led to excerpts from Hakkenden being staged at the Kabuki Theater and mentioned in the anime and manga, such as Inuyasha, Dragon Ball, as it turned out, Naruto and so on. there's also a lot of films and video games.
The eight virtues
these are loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, love, honesty, justice, harmony, and peace.
they relate more to Chinese culture, but basically Hakkenden was inspired by it too. since I did not read the whole novel, I would still like to mention at least the values on which it is based, and which were embedded in the symbolism of this story. It's quite interesting to apply this to Kakashi's dogs. gives them more weight and depth.
It is also interesting to note that the reason why Fuse gave birth to dogs was also that her father was cursed earlier in the story in a way that his descendants would become depraved like dogs. in Japanese culture, dogs embody the duality of character: the same mentioned filth and depravity, and devotion and bravery. so as samurai. but this is a different conversation, more related to Kakashi and his dog poetry.
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Did you get here? Here's an additional discovery for you✨
Pakkun's name (パックン) is derived from the Japanese onomatopoeia “pakupaku” (パクパク) which reflects the sound of munching.
Kakashi, that's very sweet of you.
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thank you for reading this to the end ♡
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evilminji · 4 months
You know what would be HILARIOUS?
For everyone NOT involved in the situation?
If the Uzumaki, mad lads that they were, seal master's who routinely moon the Shinigami for funsies that they are, got SUUUUUPER drunk? And were like?
"F-! *hic!* FUCK your fancy ass Summons contract Himiko! I got one TOO, you know. A..An' it's TOTALLY better then yours! It's got BLACKJACK! And hookers!" *falls on their face unconscious*
Needless to say? Not their proudest moment. Actually, their kinda deeply embarrassed. But like FUCK ARE THE BACKING DOWN! Their mouths wrote a check their ass can't currently cash... so the only REASONABLE solution? Apologize and tell the truth? Psh! NO.
Break Reality Until It's TRUE.
THEN they weren't technically lying!
They're a GENIUS~☆! :D
And yes, yes this IS normal behavior for them. It's both cultural AND genetic. There was a REASON people were terrified of those insane mother fuckers.
Because? They just? MADE UP a A Summons Contract. With Who? Dunno! We're gonna find out! But it looks right Seals wise! *signs name before anyone with sense can stop them, does the signs, draws blood aaaand?*
Nani THE FUCK!? Says local dead Japanese 16th century fisherman who was flying by to visit the Lair of his buddy the 14th century monk. Behold! A FUCKING ZONE GHOST! He is unsummoned before he can react.
The Uzumaki have A Ghost Contract™.
.........th....they may have fucked up.
Roars basicly the ENTIRE Elders council. Who FUCKING FELT THAT. Because EVERYONE Felt that. They're SENSOR. That was a HOLE in REALITY that somehow GLOWED like a BEACON of both absolute Nothingness and Death! You TRAUMATIZED THE KIDS, YOU ASSHOLE!
Still....they ARE ninja. And Curious mother fuckers to the last.
So basically EVERYONE and their dog signs it. They somehow get WEIRDER. Bigger Chakra reserves. Obsessive tendencies. Meh, you win some, you lose some.
But? Then they fuckin DIE. (And their WHOLE ASS VILLAGE SHOWS UP IN THE ZONE. OH GOD, WHAT-!?)
And some grave robbing fuck tries to use the Contract. SUPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!
Ghost Uzumaki!
Your literal worst nightmare!
They DO NOT try using it again. It gets sealed DEEP. Until the Hokage gets wind of it. And, of course, Danzo. The Hokage sends Hound. And Team Kakashi on a completely unrelated but nearby "help a farmer" mission. Danzo sends assassins. Because he's fucking awful.
Kakashi gets the scroll.
Yep. Creepy rambling and shit handwriting, def Uzumaki. Time to go.
He gets attacked on the way back to camp. GDI Root. Well, its you or me. Sucks for you, I guess. They fight. They get a lucky shot. He bleeds on the scroll, doesn't notice. But SURELY... SURELY it isn't CROWDED enough with names that the Uzumaki just added a "and anyone who bleeds on THIS part at the bottom _______ plus does the handsigns" towards the end.... RIGHT??
RIGHT?! Look him in the EYES Uzumaki Clan, RIGHT??!
They would prefer not to answer that. The Vibez here are getting REALLY aggressive, you know? >.> It made sense at THE TIME...
So... he goes to summon his Dogs.
And he SURE DOES GET UM.... plus One(1!!!).
Who the FUCK is this glowing green dog? A puppy? Kakashi seeing the dimwitted looking little thing about to get STABBED tries to rescue it. It takes one look look at him (worried for it), the other dogs (growling at his enemies, fighting) and... turns around, shifting as it does, to HUNDREDS of times it's previous size.
Like an Akimichi transformation.
A sudden, hulking, green WOLF with red glowing eyes and killing intent that would Rival a demon's. The howl is unearthly. It joins the fray like a meat thresher.
Then pops back to a floating, tongue lolling, dimwitted pup the second everything is done.
G...God boy?
Far be it for KAKASHI to fear a dog, no MATTER how dangerous. So he carries it back to camp. Where it seems to instant fall in LOVE with Naruto. They become the BEST of friends.
There's frolicking.
Looking down at the pocket with the scroll he reclaimed? Yeah. Yeah that tracks. According to Pakkun, the pup has a "weird, echo-y" accent and is incredibly scatter brained. Training to be a gaurd dog? WAS Training. IS currently... what.
Okay. IS currently the gaurd dog/pet of an Emperor. Because THATS not alarming. Did the Royal family all... wait... he examines the pup again. Transparent. Was it KILLING intent he felt... or a Deathy pressure? Didn't the Uzumaki have Forbidden soul and death seals? It would stand to REASON...
Oh god damn it.
Pakkun. Pakkun please tell me that pup is ALIVE.
(He can not.) (Hilariously? Dispite being TERRIFIED of Ghosts? Naruto is TOTALLY COOL with Zone Ghosts? Don't be MEAN, Sensei! They're just PEOPLE! It's not THEIR fault They're dead! Now GHOSTS? Spooky and EVIL! Totally different.)
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @hypewinter @legitimatesatanspawn @mayfay
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
The Uchiha
Tobirama Senju x Uchiha!Reader
Synopsis: He hated all Uchihas, every last one of them. But you? You were somehow different... And he didn't like that.
Important note: I know the timeline/ages are OFF as Tobirama was 39 when he became Hokage. Let's pretend he was 25 :)
Naruto Masterlist: Here
Also, Tobirama drinks respect women juice. It's canon in this house.
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Madara's huff of annoyance sounded out in the room as you turned down yet another suitor. "Sister, why must you sabotage every proposal that comes your way? I'm trying to help you find a husband-"
"I do not wish to get married yet Madara, I'm only 21" You bit back, arms crossed as you pouted up at him. This whole 'suitor' search had been going on for months now, and you were growing tired of the good-for-nothing men your brother brought your way. "And when do you expect to finally be "ready" for marriage, Y/n... Your time is running out-"
"I'm only 21"
You always hated the idea of marrying young and it was the Uchiha way to be married by the time you turned 22. As the head of the clan, Madara was having a very hard time accepting that you were not willing to follow protocols when he was already struggling to maintain power amongst the members. "Y/n please..."
He sounded so pitiful, so tired... But you were done with this conversation. Standing from your spot on the floor, you brushed off the dirt from your dress and started towards the door "We can talk about this later, I want to go for a walk"
"You can't run from this forever Y/n. You will be married within the next 6 months"
You slammed the sliding door shut, eyes rolling in anger as you took off towards the town. "How could he be so selfish, trying to set me up with men that I clearly have no interest in" you huffed out to yourself quietly as you stormed past members of the clan. Some sent you glares, others averted their gazes knowing that one wrong look would mean certain death from either you or your brother.
Your body relaxed as you entered Konoha's downtown area, the Uchiha section and its demands of you were now far away. The sound of the people bustling around the market filled you with joy. There were many girls that were around your age sitting around outside of a cafe, they seemed to be laughing about some stupid thing that had happened to one of them. It was so simple but it was a reality you yearned for.
Sometimes you hated being a part of the clan. They were just so far behind the times and it felt almost suffocating to exist among their stuffy ideologies.
'You're supposed to get married young and give your husband as many children as he desires.'
'Your place is in the home, where you care for your husband and children.'
'Ambitions? You don't need them! Don't forget, your place is beside your husband and that's that'
God, it made you sick. There was nothing wrong with being a homemaker, but it wasn't for you. You wanted to get out there, work, have dreams, and find love naturally... Not through your brother of all people.
You wanted someone else, someone different. Someone who wasn't in the clan and someone who would challenge you to be something more than just a wife and mother. You wanted-
You halted in your tracks as he crossed in front of you, his Kage cape flapping in the wind behind him making him look bigger than he was. Your mouth dropped a little as you watched them walk away, you hadn't seen either of them since Tobirama became the second Hokage and it felt like today was your lucky day.
"Tobirama! Hashirama!" You called out, hand shooting up as you caught up to them. Hashirama smiled brightly at you, arm opening up urging you to hug him "Y/n! How've you been? How's Madara?"
You slyly shot a glance toward the white-haired man, and you didn't miss the slight annoyance that flashed across his face at your presence. You knew he didn't like your clan. You didn't like your clan either.
"I've been good. Madara's been... Madara" You were trying to sound chipper, but the thought of Madara soured your mood again. Hashirama nodded, he knew you and Madara were on thin ice what with him trying to find you a husband and you NOT going along with it. "Husband search not going well?"
Your face morphed into a scowl and Hashirama kicked himself for even asking when he knew that's what was wrong. Tobirama's eyebrows furrowed together at your change in demeanor, he was used to your ruthless attitude, so this was something he wasn't expecting. You grew embarrassed under Hashirama's pitiful look and Tobiramas inquisitive stare, "If I do marry, it won't be an Uchiha" you muttered quietly before brushing past the two men.
The two brothers stood there in silence as they watched you walk swiftly down the street towards some food stands, "I shouldn't have said anything" Hashirama sighed as he rubbed his face in anguish, "Her brother's going to kill me"
"Why does she not want to marry an Uchiha?" Tobirama breathed out, he didn't know what was getting into him, but it felt like he was seeing you for the first time in his entire life. He had known you for years, ever since you were children. He found you to be quite annoying and lumped you together with the other Uchihas that he hated.
Yet something felt off.
"They treat their women like property. It's mandatory that a woman marries before 22 and has a child before 23. Her place is in the home and they can't do anything without permission from their husbands"
"That's ridiculous. Women have needs and desires as well-"
"Yes I know Tobirama but that's how the clan operates-"
"Well, it's another reason as to why I despise that god-forsaken lineage-"
"If you're so upset with it why not marry her?"
Tobirama slammed his mouth shut at Hashiramas statement. Him? Marry YOU? An UCHIHA of all people?! Hashirama stood his ground though, he wasn't stupid and he saw the looks Tobirama has been sending you for YEARS now. Tobirama could lie all he wanted to, he has always cared for you more than he'd like to admit. Tobirama started to take off back to the Hokage's office, not liking the look Hashirama was giving him "I don't think marriage is a good idea, the clan will disown her if she marries outside of their circle-"
"She hates her clan Tobirama and honestly, I think you're the only person who can make her happy"
Tobirama tripped on his footing trying to stop in disbelief. His eyes were wide and his face was full of disgust at what Hashirama was insinuating. Him? Make you happy? Not possible.
"Uchiha or not, you can't deny that you care for her in some way. I know this because you look at her differently than you look at anyone else. You don't even look at the women you try to court that way-"
"I'm done with this conversation" Tobirama huffed out, his face was burning red and the whiteness of his cloak only made it more noticeable that he was embarrassed. Hashirama opened his mouth to make another statement but Tobirama stormed towards the Hokage's office, leaving him standing there in disbelief.
How could someone so smart, be so clueless.
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* 2 weeks later *
Your feet kicked at the ground as you waited for your turn to talk to the Hokage. Madara was unable to meet with Tobirama to go over the latest requests of the Uchiha clan, so you were left to the task of talking to the stubborn man who always seemed to make your heart race faster than it should.
"Y/n Uchiha? You're free to go in now"
You nodded at the secretary before standing and heading towards the door, heart pounding as your gripped the wooden door. Sliding it open, you popped your head in before letting out a quiet 'hello'. Tobirama's head shot up at the sound of your voice, he was expecting Madara so this was quite the surprise. "Y/n" he greeted firmly, trying very hard to calm his nerves as he took you in.
You were wearing a simple dress, not too fancy but not too casual. It fit you in all of the right ways, you were attractive sure.
But it was your smile that took his breath away. It reached your eyes, making you appear carefree even though he knew you weren't. "So sorry about my brother's absence. He grew ill over the weekend and asked me to step in for this discussion" you explained sheepishly as you navigated your way to one of the chairs across from the desk.
Tobirama didn't say anything but nodded at your apology, he wasn't upset with this change of plans. He was actually happy. After his discussion with his brother, he tried to push you out of his mind, but every time he saw you he was reminded of the feelings he so desperately tried to hide. "What do you want to speak about?" Tobirama started as you sat down in front of him. You looked at him wide-eyed as if he was asking you something foreign, "Oh! Yes, that" you finally stated as you opened up the envelope with the items to discuss.
Your eyes scanned over each bullet, humming to yourself in agreement with the requests on the page, but you grew still at the last bullet point. Tobirama cocked his head as he took in the way your face fell into disbelief and sadness. "Is something the matter?" His voice was clear but muffled at the same time thanks to the growing rage pounding in your ears. "They want your help with finding my suitor..."
His blood ran cold at the words, if they were asking for his help, that meant-
"They want to look outside of the clan" you breathed out, and in a way, you almost sounded relieved. "Is that something you want?" Tobirama's question was met with silence, but it wasn't a no. "I guess you'll need to marry into a higher-ranking family, do you have a preference-"
"Wait wait wait" you started, waving your hands as your cheeks heated up at the idea of marrying someone who wasn't in your inner circle. You didn't know if you were happy about this, you didn't know if this was a better option. Tobirama studied you from across his desk, you were somehow giving off the energy of relief but also anguish, two feelings that never went together.
"What do you want, Y/n?"
His question took you off guard, it wasn't usual for someone to ask you what you wanted. "I... I want to marry someone who will let me be more than just his wife. Someone that will let me be me." You finally breathed out, your nerves beginning to somehow morph into excitement at the idea of getting what you wanted. "So a higher-ranking individual who will let you be you? Is that all you desire?" Tobirama sounded calm, but inside he was kicking himself. He tried to rack his brain for who you could marry, but all he saw was himself.
"Yes. I suppose"
Your answer was quiet and bashful, had you somehow read his mind and saw the very image of you two together? "Do you have a preference to what clan-"
"Um... Maybe a Senju?" It was bold, very bold of you to blurt it out so quickly. It told him that you had pondered the answer to that question for some time now. "Well, you're in luck. The Senju clan isn't as backward as the Uchihas are. You will have no issue finding a husband who will nurture you and your desires" Tobirama was thankful you couldn't see his shaking hands below the desk. He didn't like the idea of you being with someone in the Senju clan, someone who wasn't him.
This felt wrong. He hated your clan so why were you different? Had he always felt this way and hated you to cover it up? He thought back to when you were kids. You were a couple of years younger than him and you were always trying to talk to him even though it was forbidden.
'The Uchiha clan is evil. I forbid you from talking to them in any way shape or form'
That's what his father always preached, Hashirama never listened but he did. Now he was regretting it.
"How do you feel about me?"
"I'm sorry what?" You sputtered out, eyes wide at how calm he sounded. Tobirama didn't falter, only stared at you as if urging you to answer even if you didn't want to. "I uh. I guess I like you? I don't know I enjoy your company and-"
"I meant marrying me"
Your blood ran cold but not in a bad way. Your face burned and the heat began to travel down your neck and chest. He was what you wanted, what you've always wanted. Ever since you were kids you decided that he was the one you wanted to be with. But he always hated you so you wrote it off as a stupid crush and tried to move on.
The key word was 'tried'.
"I've wanted that for a while yes-"
"Then it's settled. I will send a notice to your brother. I will be taking you to dinner tonight, do you have a restaurant you like- What's wrong?"
Tobirama noticed your eyes widening at his words and he didn't know if it was a good or bad thing. You had just admitted that you wanted to marry him, so why were you looking at him like he had 5 heads? "I just didn't expect this to happen. I thought you hated me to be honest"
He bit his lip, contemplating what to say to reassure you that you were different. He did hate your clan but he didn't hate you. The hatred he felt was because he was infatuated with you. But how could he put that into words? There was no way to reassure you in the way you deserved. Instead, he stood and circled the desk before leaning against it. "Let me take you out. Let me court you... You'll see that the feeling of hatred was one of forbidden desire"
You nodded slowly at his words, still uneasy and unsure.
"Now where do you want to go for dinner?"
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jidaohuashi · 4 months
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うちはマダラを捧げて、サポートに感謝して、幸運が続いています( *ˊᵕˋ)✩︎
Offer Uchiha Madara,thank you your support,and have good lucky (ૢ˃ꌂ˂⁎) 
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year
I Just Want To Be The One You Love(Virgin!Naruto x Fem!Reader\Virgin!Sasuke x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: virginity loss, unprotected sex, making out, kissing, vaginal play, smutty themes, post-war Naruto and Sasuke pairings: Virgin!Naruto x Fem!Reader and Virgin!Sasuke x Fem!Reader a/n: This is the first post from my poll! I hope you all enjoy! It's been a hot minute since I wrote for either Naruto and Sasuke!
Smut under the cut!
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He’s so shy and timid about everything. Especially since you’re a little more experienced than him. But it’s the way you’re so soft and sweet with him that makes him just absolutely melt into your touch.
He never thought he’d be able to have a love like this. Naruto figured he’d probably just end up alone once again despite being the hero. With everything else that has gone on in his life, he never knew to expect such a sweetness that is you.
The man cums within minutes. He looks up at you as you ride his cock, and he’s just a whining mess. Naruto can’t control his noises either, which is no surprise.
Naruto looks up at you, his eyes hooded as the lust takes over him. You two have been kissing and making out for a good while now, and he feels his cock might explode if you don’t show him even the least bit of pleasure. You just don’t want this to end too fast, considering it is his first time.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, pressing another kiss to your lips. “I’m so lucky.”
You giggle, “I’m the lucky one.”
You slowly maneuver yourself to straddle him. Then you help pull down his pants and boxers. Your eyes widen a bit when you see his length. He’s quite well-endowed. It’s so thick too with such a pretty pink tip. You’re pretty much drooling at just the sight of his erection. He blushes at your reaction, trying to hide his cock.
“Fuck, you’re huge,” you let out.
Naruto chuckles nervously, “I-is that good?”
You nod your head, “Yeah, baby. But I’d love you just the same if you weren’t.”
He feels his heart fill with love. You’re truly an angel to him. You’re always so sweet and so kind, knowing just what to say. You begin smearing the precum that’s leaking out of the tip before you stroke him. Naruto whimpers and his hips buck up for a bit more stimulation.
“You like that, baby?” You ask, cocking your head to the side.
“Fuck yeah…”
His voice is raspy and full of lust. It doesn’t take long for you to strip down and you guide the tip of his cock to your dripping pussy. He’s not sure if he should look as you take his virginity. He worries that just watching your cunt swallow up his cock might make him cum immediately. You giggle at how cute he looks like this.
“You ready?” You question, looking into his hooded eyes to see what he truly wants.
“Uh huh, please.” He pleads softly. 
Slowly, you begin sinking down on his cock. The noises coming from Naruto are feral and wild. He’s never felt such warmth like this before. It’s so intense and it’s wet and slippery too. He begins panting as you let him bottom out. The pulsing and squeezing from your walls would definitely be enough to get him to blow his load right here and now.
You begin rocking your hips, tentative at first and then with a bit more vigor. Based on the look on Naruto’s face, you know this isn’t going to last long at all. But you also know that based on his stamina, it shouldn't take long for him to recover and to be able to fuck you for longer.
“So good,” he whines. “So fucking good.”
You giggle softly and lean in to kiss him. The moment your tongues touch, he’s a goner. With loud grunts and desperate moans, Naruto pumps into you. His warm, thick cum begins coating your insides as you help him ride out the rest of his high pleasurably. Eventually, you slow to a stop and lean in to kiss him again.
“I love you, Naruto.” You tell him so gently.
“I love you too,” he rubs his nose against yours. “Can we do it again?”
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Sasuke is a bit more brooding after the war. He’s not really sure what he wants. But when you two meet up after he comes home from his walk of atonement, he finds himself completely smitten with you.
He’s definitely nowhere near as experienced as you are, but he doesn’t even let you know that. Any kind of fumbling or slight error on his part, he passes it off as something he wanted to do. It ends up with lots of surprising things for you.
Sasuke lasts a little longer than Naruto, but not by much. When you let him slip into you the first time, he becomes completely addicted to the feeling of you surrounding him.
It’s after a few drinks of sake that you have Sasuke come up to your apartment with you. You’re both a little tipsy, but there’s so much warmth between the two of you. You’ve never seen Sasuke quite like this and it really warms your heart. Once you two reach your bedroom, Sasuke finally takes initiative and he cups your cheek.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you for some time now,” he tells you before he presses his lips to yours.
You’re almost breathless at this kiss. He’s so good to you. You know what people think of him, but you’ve never wanted to believe that he was truly an awful person. He’s gone through so much in his life, and you’ve always wanted to just be a friend to him. But now you think you might be something more…no, you know you’re something more.
Within seconds, the two of you are making out fiercely. Teeth clashing and tongues rubbing together, fighting for dominance. Sasuke pushes you onto your bed and he crawls on top of you. You’ve never felt this way before; both like prey and like a lover. It excites you in ways you never thought you’d experience.
“You’re so cute,” Sasuke comments, blushing a little from how intense all of this is.
“You’re so handsome,” you compliment him right back.
Then the kisses turn a little more sweet. Sasuke helps you undress and you help him undress as well. The more of his body you uncover, the more you find yourself becoming aroused. He’s so damn gorgeous. Even with the few scars scattered here and there, you still find him to be so breathtaking.
Sasuke leans against you, kissing your lips with hunger. His fingers gently part your wet folds, and he teases your clit to make you whine. You let him play with your pussy for a few minutes, just getting you even more wet than you were just from the kissing. Then he looks into your eyes to make sure you have no regrets. When he sees the love you hold for him, his heart melts.
“C-can I…” he tries to figure out the right words for this.
You cup his cheek, “Of course, Sasuke. I’m yours.”
He doesn’t need to hear anything else. He spreads your thighs and begins stroking his long cock. You’ve never seen one that size before. You wonder if all the Uchiha men were blessed as well as Sasuke is. Then he spits into his palm and spreads it over the already leaking tip.
There’s a moment of silence before he slowly pushes into you, and already his head is whirling from the sensations of your tight walls pulling him in. They pulse in such a way that he needs to control his breathing so he doesn’t cum right away. Sasuke wants to last long enough to get you to cum.
“Is that okay?” He asks, and you nod eagerly.
“It feels so good,”
He can tell considering your walls are just fluttering around him wildly, trying to accommodate for his large size. His hand grips your hip and he begins pumping into you. It’s a little sloppy and inexperienced at first, but eventually he finds his rhythm. It becomes a little too much when you moan for him and begin cooing words of love.
He lets his thumb come to rub your swollen clit, and he tries to angle his hips perfectly so that you can feel the head of his cock brushing up against the sweet spot inside of you. It’s when you start squeezing his cock with those tight and warm walls that he knows he can’t last much longer.
“Hnnng…gonna cum!” He cries out and holds onto you tighter.
Sasuke snaps his hips faster and sloppier until he’s cumming deep inside of you. With every spurt of cum, he pumps into you harder and deeper. Eventually, he just slumps on top of you. When he feels your hands in his hair and your lips on the top of his head, he knows he’s in love with you.
“We can do it again,” Sasuke suggests.
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𝙽𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚞 - 𝙰𝙱𝙾 𝙿𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐
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ft Claiming|Mating, ft sex ed; Demonstration, teacher/student|age gap, fingering, nipple play, size difference, belly bulge, knotting
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: I do not own Naruto or its characters, all credit goes to its creators and actors
WC: 4,225
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: includes underage(16), Omegaverse, very slight mention of Blood, No use of Y/n, 2nd Person POV, obligatory exhibitionism/public sex warning (Series Warning)
𝔐𝔦𝔫𝔦 𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔢: Shikamaru is aged up to about the age he is in Boruto(and a couple others of the Konoha 13 are mentioned to be older too), the students are anonymous so they can be pictured as the New Gen kids or just random peeps, whichever floats your boat, oh and Temari doesn’t exist here lol or at least they never got together
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“Make sure you’re all paying attention, got it? Otherwise, you’ll stay incompetent little Alphas your entire lives if you don’t learn.” Shikamaru Sensei announced to the class from behind you, sitting in his chair with you on his lap, legs spread open wide, hanging over the armrests.
You figure you would have been more embarrassed by your position if you weren’t so caught up in the Sensei’s pheromones. You felt his arm reach to the front of your body and spread your lower lips to show off your glistening, slicked-up cunt.
You’re a student of his friend, Kiba Sensei, who teaches older kids, old enough to have already presented, whereas Shikamaru Sensei teaches kids right about or just younger than the age to present. They reached the sex ed portion of the curriculum and he said he needed an assistant, vaguely remembering that your friend, an Alpha, was requested as an assistant for Naruto Sensei, the Omega course instructor. Another of your classmates, a Beta, was requested to help with the same course for the Betas and possibly again for an overarching lesson.
This wasn’t quite what you had in mind but you couldn’t get yourself to care, this felt too much like heaven for that.
You gasped at the sensation of his fingers on your slit, even if just the edges. The rough pads of his fingers felt amazing against your sensitive skin. At the rate things were going you wouldn’t have been surprised if he triggered your heat.
“You see how her pussy is dripping?” He called out, receiving a couple of vacant nods as all attention was solely on your naked form, “That’s called Slick. It’s a natural lubricant that every Omega produces. It indicates arousal and makes the process of mating easier for everyone involved. If you’re lucky enough to have a big ass fuckin’ knot, you might have to add more lubricant.” He drawls on, clearly not happy he has to actually be teaching these kids how to properly fuck an Omega, though he was clearly slipping in a hint of subtle bragging with a silent ‘like me’ in his statement.
“Uh, Sensei?” A hand flew up from the second row, the only female Alpha there it seemed, “What about male Omegas? Do they have both like Female Alphas?” She asked, fidgeting nervously.
“Yes.” He sighed, having assumed that was common knowledge, “Instead of having testicles behind their little cocklettes, they have pussies. It generally looks pretty similar down there for Female Alphas and Male Omegas apart from proportions, since Female Alphas, such as yourself, have internal testes. Moving on.” His voice was firm and left no room for argument, wanting to just get through the lesson.
“This right here,” he slid one hand up and stroked two fingers over your clit before spreading them just enough to frame your already swollen bud. The feeling made your body tighten up and your head to be thrown back onto his shoulder as a moan was ripped from you at the sudden movement, “is the clit.” He smirked at your reaction and teasingly nosed at your cheek.
“As you can see, it causes massive amount of pleasure for our pretty little Omega, here. It’s extremely sensitive so even the slightest touch can affect her,” he emphasized his point by simply moving his middle finger to gently caress it in slow, tight circles. Your back arched and your hands gripped the chair’s arms, your little Omega claws digging in and scratching lines into them while your feet flexed and your toes curled.
“Holy shit…” One of his students muttered, his voice heavy with arousal. You whimpered when he moved his finger away from your clit again.
“Please…“ You whimpered out, grinding your hips the slightest bit against his cock, barely restrained in his pants. He moved his finger away from your whole cunt, and to the juncture of your thigh and pelvis, which drew another, more needy whimper and whine from your throat as you started to grind your hips more desperately.
“See that? You do it right and you can make your Omega just as needy as she would be in heat. So even if you haven’t given her anything from your dick, she’s already basically cock drunk.” He drawled, though he was clearly proud of himself. “And you brats obviously know what tits are. If you didn’t I’d wonder how you even made it this far.” He muttered and got a soft airy giggle from you which he smirked at.
“If you do your job right and you knock her up with pups,” he punctuated his point with suddenly plunging 2 fingers into your awaiting cunt and made you cry out at the unexpected pleasure and arch your back while his other hand slid up your body to grasp at your breast, “then these pretty tits will fill with milk in preparation for the pups.” His hand shifted from groping you to pinching your nipple and lightly tugging. You became a mewling, whining mess and your body couldn’t decide whether it wanted to arch your chest into his warm palm or buck into the hand with 2 of his big Alpha fingers moving inside your pretty pussy.
“And how do you ensure you get your good little Omega to carry your pups?” He asked whether it was meant to be rhetorical or not, you weren’t sure but he answered in lieu of his students anyhow, “You knot her. You fill her with cum and her fertile little Omega cunt will be plugged up full and she’ll get nice and round with pups. If you do it right.” He growled out lowly at his students, practically convinced they’d be incompetent Alphas for one reason or another. He slowly dragged his fingers back and forth in your pussy and smirked at the lewd squelching of your slick. The Alpha made your back arch with a jolt once again when he scissored his fingers inside you and spread your puffy lips and let even more slick rush out of you and drip onto his pants and down to the chair he had you spread out over.
“Now, to make sure that you get it and actually learn this shit, I’ll be giving you a live demonstration.” Shikamaru Sensei spoke with a bored expression but his scent betrayed his true feelings of excitement to fuck your tight little Omega pussy. Your little virgin pussy, well, not so virgin anymore, but still untouched by a real cock, only ever your toys for your heats. The arousal in his scent served to cloud your mind even more with your own horniness rivaling even your heat at that point.
“Ready, ‘Mega?” His deep gravelly voice was right next to your ear as his lips brushed the shell of it, his hot breath fanning against your face. It sent shivers down your spine and arousal to spike directly in your core where his fingers still slowly moved in you. You whimpered out a hum of approval and shifted your hips in his lap once again. “I need words, Princess.” He spoke like a soft command though it still held just as much authority.
“Yesss..!” You hissed through the torturous pleasure of his devastatingly slow pace. A low rumbling emanated from his chest, a pleased sound, as he nosed at your cheek to silently show his delight for your answer.
“Good girl…” He rumbled and removed his finger from your slit, earning a displeased whine that he simply snickered at. Shikamaru Sensei slid his hands under your thighs and unhooked them from the chair’s arms and patted your hip to signal for you to stand. You obliged on shaky legs and almost lost your footing before he caught you with steady hands as he stood. “Careful. Can you make it to the desk, Omega?” He asked in a flat tone but you could tell he was actually concerned. You nodded with conviction and made your way, still on shaky legs, to his desk that he had cleared off before the lesson started and leaned your bare ass against it, waiting for the Alpha’s instruction.
He had a pleased smirk and a satisfied rumble when he saw how obedient you were being. Such a good Omega, waiting for your Alpha to give his command. It had his already hard cock stirring in his pants. He advanced like a predator to their prey and stood in front of you, back straight to showcase his height and how much larger he was than you. Instinctively, you bowed your head and tilted it to the side enough to bear your scent gland to him, ready for him to sink his teeth into and claim you. The realization gave you pause for only a moment and you corrected your stance to simply show your submission to the large Alpha. Another pleased sound left him, though this one was more throaty.
“Good girl.” He purred and moved his large hands to your hips to help you hop up onto his desk. Your bare ass and cunt made contact with the cool surface and made you shiver. “All of you.” Shikamaru barely turned his head to address his students with a harsh commanding voice, “Come up closer so you can see. Everyone, sit in the first rows and watch carefully because this will be the only demonstration today. Depending on the other groups, you might get a chance for another demonstration but don’t count on it.”
You glanced at the pups when the shuffling sounds started but a hand guided your face to look back at the Alpha in front of you and then returned to your waist. There was a faint spark of reassurance in his eyes as he blinked slowly at you which you returned after a moment, silently assuring him you were ready and completely willing. A tiny smirk tugged at his lips before he schooled his expression and slid his hands up from your waist, gently cupping your tits for a moment and tweaking your nipples as his deft fingers passed over them. A small chirp left your lips at the feeling and his hands settled on your shoulders to gently push you back to lay on his desk.
You followed his silent command and let him move your pliant body in whatever ways he needed to. Consciously, he shifted your leg closest to the pups to rest over the front of his desk, perpendicular to your body to expose your dripping cunt to them before he lifted your other leg to plant your foot on the surface for the moment. He stepped back not even a foot, still keeping himself close enough to adhere to your Omegan instincts— your neediness that grew more and more for him the longer he went on— to tug at the waistband of his pants. Finally, with a small sigh of relief from him, he freed his aching cock that bobbed up from its confinement and hit his toned and tender stomach with an audible ‘plap’ from his pre-cum coated tip.
The sight of his cock, a bit longer than he is thick, sent another wave of arousal gushing from your cunt that clenched around nothing. Seeing the effect he had on you, he didn’t hide his smirk from you as he tugged his pants down to rest around his thick thighs. He stepped closer to you again and rolled his hips to slide his member through your glistening pussy lips. The foot he had set on his desk was lifted and your knee rested in the crook of his elbow, spreading you further for him.
“See what happens when such a pretty little Omega sees a suitable, worthy Alpha? When she sees a nice big Alpha cock? She knows how good she’ll be bred. How good she’ll be knotted.” He stated, though it seemed to be more about boasting than truly teaching them a lesson at that point. Nonetheless, he pressed forward and grabbed the base of his cock to slide his tip through your folds. Instantly your head fell back with a ‘thunk’ when his fat tip glided through your slick and over your swollen clit.
Shikamaru let loose a low rumble deep in his chest at the feeling and grabbed the meat of your thigh that rested in his hold as he pushed forward once again. His cock finally pushed past the soaked, twitching ring of muscle and into your tight, wet heat. You both groaned at the feeling and he stopped himself from pushing all the way in. He had to remember that even though you’re an Omega, that your body was made for this, you were still so much smaller than him. He had to let you get used to his size, Kami knew it would be more than worth it. Your body tensed up when he initially entered and your hole quivered around him. Far sooner than he had assumed, you mewled a needy whine and shifted your hips as much as you could with the position you were in.
He had only put in a couple of inches to let you adjust but that proved to be not enough. You needed more. Shikamaru happily complied and slowly began sliding more of his thick cock into your greedy little hole. You hummed, pleased, and shifted your hips up to meet him until his hips were flush with yours. When you felt the barely-there swell at the base of his cock you shuddered with pleasure and bore your neck to him.
His Alpha preened at your show of submission and even more at the simple fact that he was properly pleasing an Omega. His Omega. His good little Omega who was being so pliant and obedient. A swell of pride bloomed in his chest with a rumbling growl that sent shocks down to your cunt and a shiver up your spine. Your body quivered around him and sent him into action. Shikamaru pulled his hips back slowly and steadily and snapped right back into you.
“Fuck, Omega…” He grunted, reveling in the way your cunt clung to his length, the tightness that wrapped around him. The gravelly tone of his voice appealed to your instincts in a way no Alpha had before. Though, to be fair, the only Alphas outside your family you’d been around were your classmates and Kami knew none of them were even close to as mature as the Shadow User. Your own Sensei was a good runner-up but something about the Alpha who was thrusting inside of you just adhered to your wants and instincts just right.
“You hear those pretty little noises? Fuck- Those cute little fuckin’ whines and whimpers? That’s how you know you’re doing it right.” Shikamaru— still a Sensei— remarked to his students, a near feral smirk on his face, especially when he glanced out the corner of his eye at them and saw the looks on their faces. The enamor and want on their faces called to the Alpha so thoroughly that he couldn’t help but lean even further into his instincts. He couldn’t help but feel pride and possessiveness over you so strongly that he hunched his body over yours to shield you from their wanting gazes.
He thrust wildly into you and let the rest of the world fall away, the only thing that mattered was you and how you felt wrapped around his cock. How you felt clenching around him. How you would feel spasming around his knot. He wanted to knot you. He wanted to breed you. He wanted to mate you.
In the midst of his thrusts, you felt a thrum of deep-seated yearning and need rush through you, stronger than it was before. Suddenly, you felt your body heating up and new waves of slick gushed out around his cock.
“Oh, fuck, Omega…” Shikamaru grunted, his hips stuttering for only a moment before he was reinvigorated and jackhammered into you with a new energy. “Feelin’ so fuckin’ good that she went into heat. Her body and her instincts picked up on a prime candidate for her Alpha and are fuckin’ calling out for me, for my knot.” He spoke, only partially even thinking about his students.
“Pl.. Please, Alpha..!” You whined, bearing your neck and clawing at his shoulders. A low growl escaped him and he hummed, satisfied with a smirk that curled his lips to show off his fangs, shiny with his drool as he looked at the completely untouched spot on your neck just begging for his bite.
“You want my knot? You want my bite? Huh? You wanna be mine, ‘Mega?” His tone was teasing but he also knew that you still had enough of your wits to answer honestly.
“Yes! Please, Alpha, want it! Want your knot! Wanna be yours! Wanna be your good Omega! Mate me! Breed me! Alpha!” Your heat fuzzed your mind just enough that you didn’t have the capacity to think about lying so you were more compelled to just spout what was truly on your mind. His cheeks flushed with heat but his thrusts remained full force and his grip on your thigh and waist tightened. He jolted forward with both his hips and his upper body and when his pelvis pressed flush against yours, he crashed his lips against yours in a bruising kiss. Your lips molded and tongues tangled as he swallowed your moans and met them with pleasured groans of his own.
His cock filled you up so perfectly, his size hitting all the right places and made you feel fuller than you ever had before. Even your heat toys weren’t as big as him. And through messily colliding lips and nearly uncontrollable moans, you communicated that. He swelled with pride and swiveled his head to lead an attack down your jaw and to your neck. As he laid kisses and nips on the span of flesh, your moans increased in volume and octave and your hips thrashed wildly against him. The knot in your lower belly was pulled so tight it felt like it would explode any moment. When he laved his tongue over the crook of your neck, it did.
“Alpha!!” You cried out as your cunt gushed around him and clamped tightly enough that he almost felt like he’d already knotted you.
“Fuuuck, Omega… So fucking tight. So good, such a good fucking girl for me, such a fucking good Omega.” He growled out against your skin and nipped at your neck, aiming to leave a dark mark as if like a precursor. The raven-haired man forced his dick to move through your vice grip and pulled back to slam back in. Again and again. Harder and harder.
“Please- Alpha-! Mate me! Breed me! Pleasepleaseplease-!” Your words slurred together as your little Omega claws dragged over his shoulders, leaving angry red marks that he decidedly would wear with pride. It was the final straw before he would give you a mark you would wear with pride.
With a glance shot at his students, Shikamaru dipped his head down and sunk his teeth into your neck. Right over your scent gland. The metallic taste flooded his mouth like an explosion when it hit. An explosion you shared as you came again. The feeling of his big Alpha fangs sinking into your flesh and the bond snapping into place sent you hurtling over the edge before you even realized you were close. Just as your pussy gushed around his cock for a second time, his knot fully expanded and he bullied it into your tight little hole. While his potent seed filled you to almost bursting, you didn’t register your voice coming out in a pleased cry.
He claimed you. He really claimed you. Your Alpha. Your big strong capable Alpha claimed you and knotted you. His big dick had already made a bulge in your tummy as he pounded into you and crashed into your cervix effortlessly. Then his cum inside you bulged you even more. You nearly looked heavy with pups already. His pups. Your Alpha’s pups. Your Alpha.
Your chest heaved with each heavy breath you took as Shikamaru still rutted his hips into you, plunging his cum that much deeper into your womb. You keened at the feeling and hummed in satisfaction with the feeling of his cum buried inside you, soothing the heat that hadn’t even fully embedded itself yet. Shikamaru Sensei lapped at your new bond mark, soothing the ache and cleaning up the blood. You shivered at the affection and let out a pleased purr that he responded to with a rumble of his own.
“And that’s how it’s fuckin’ done.” He growled proudly at his class, though he didn’t take his eyes off you. He dipped down and pressed another kiss to your lips and you could taste the residual metallic taste in his mouth as he licked into your mouth. “Now, if you want to complete it, which you should always do unless you want to be a piece of crap Alpha, you gotta have your Omega bond you, too. So, how about it, babygirl? You wanna gimme a mark like a good girl? My good girl?” There was a gravelly rumble to his voice that sent sparks down your spine and you shyly nodded. It brought a small smile to his face and he bore his neck to you, showing off the unmarred skin just waiting for a claim on his scent gland. He emitted a musky, undoubtedly mature scent that appealed to and enticed you wholly. It drew you in like a drug that you had no intentions of resisting.
You laved over his skin with little kitten licks and that clearly pleased him if the slight change in his scent and the rumbly purr in his chest was anything to go by. Opening your mouth as wide as you could, you leaned in and bit down as hard as you could to sink your teeth into his flesh, managing to puncture his thick skin with your little Omega fangs after a moment. The bond snapped into place again, wholly this time, and a sense of peace washed over you. You could feel how pleased he was with the outcome through your new bond and happily lapped at your bite that decorated his skin.
“So.. you’re like… really bonded now?” One of the chattier young Alphas-to-be spoke up from where he was fully leaned over the desk beside you.
“Yea. And if you play your cards right, you might be able to bond an Omega, too. Though, that really relies on if you paid attention or not. If not, you’re not gettin’ another demonstration and you’ll be doomed to be an incompetent Alpha for the rest of your days.” Shikamaru spoke lowly, purposely scaring the boy as a tactic to make sure he followed the lessons, particularly the first part of the etiquette lesson. “And yes, I’m aware that I pretty much skipped the main courting part, but this is a special situation. One that you more than likely won’t get to be in, so you make sure you follow that lesson. At the very least don’t be a dick.” He rolled his eyes a bit, though you giggled a bit at the show, able to tell that that’s all it was.
“Good Alpha…” You murmured, still just a touch too hazy to form a proper sentence, as you nosed at his neck. He turned his head back to you and nosed at your temple with a kiss to your cheek.
“I’m gonna be tied to my Omega for a while, so we’ll just continue the spoken portion of the lesson for now.” Your Alpha carefully picked you up and maneuvered you into a comfortable position in his lap as he sat in his chair before his class once again. Exhausted and satisfied, you curled into his chest and just listened to the rumble of his voice as he continued with his lesson.
He kept his arms secured around you and would press the occasional kiss to the top of your head and nosed at your hair to ensure you were still comfortable and came down smoothly. He explained that to the class and brought the atmosphere mostly back down to normal while he spoke about the domestic aspects of caring for an Omega and taking care of a mate. He touched on having a Beta partner but mostly kept explaining how to be a proper Alpha to an Omega.
“So make sure you don’t screw it up. I’ve explained it pretty damn clearly.” That brought a small smile to your face as you let yourself drift off into sleep against the firm, warm chest of your Alpha. You would later hear about when a fellow instructor walked in and saw him not only knotted in you but now mated to you and gave him an exasperated tongue lashing but overall just rolled their eyes at him and carried on. Many of the other Omegas in your class were envious and practically demanded gossip but life remained relatively the same, save for having a wonderful Alpha caring for you and taking every opportunity to dote on you, especially in front of his students.
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Crossed out if I can’t tag you for some reason!
@frosch-thefrog @hellsingalucard18
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detectivestucks · 7 months
Overnight Training
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interract
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader
Summery: Your adopted baby brother Naruto isn't being treated fairly by his Sensei as he prepares for the third Chunin Exam. You go over to Kakashi's house to give him a piece of your mind.
Warnings: NSFW, gaslighting, spanking, slapping, fingering, oral, unprotected penetration
Word Count: 4.5k
Anon Request
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The smell of Ichiraku ramen wafts through the air and into your nose like a welcome friend on your way towards the noodle shop. You see a familiar pair of legs dangling off the stool as you approach, ready and waiting for you to pay for their meal.
“Hi Naruto!”
“Hi Y/N-san!”
“How ya doin kiddo?” you say as you tousle his blonde hair. 
Though he was a royal pain in the ass, you took a liking to Naruto shortly before he enrolled in the Ninja Academy. He was loud and crazy, and terrorized the village plenty, but then one time you caught him between acts of corruption. You saw the sad orphan who just needed attention and you took it upon yourself to become a sister figure to him. You’d chase down shop owners who were rude to him, gossiping wives spreading false rumors about the boy, and yes, you went toe to toe with Iruka several times while he was at the Academy. The latter may have resulted in a brief relationship but ultimately caring for Naruto was your primary concern and Iruka couldn’t appear to be favoring the boy more than he already was. The two of you had started talking on and off now that Naruto was no longer at the Academy but now you have a new sensei to worry about. 
The infamous Kakashi Hatake, the Copy Ninja. You were less than thrilled to find out he would be responsible for your baby brother because of his reputation as being ruthless. Naruto needed a nurturer like Iruka, not a solider like Kakashi. Lord Hiruzen assured you it would be fine but you had your doubts, hence why you began checking in on Naruto more than ever. 
“I’m doing really really well! I learned all kinds of chakra control stuff and I made it through the second exam!”
“That’s wonderful!”
“But now I’m trying to learn a cool new jutsu for the third one and Kakashi-sensei is too busy with Sasuke to train me!”
“What?! He’s not helping you train!”
“No” He crosses his arms in front of him. “I’m relying on some pervy old sage guy who said he’d train me.”
Your stomach sinks knowing who he’s talking about. “His real name wouldn’t happen to be Jiraiya, would it?”
“Yeah! That’s the one! But he spends most of our time looking at girls instead of giving me directions.”
“...I bet he does.” you murmur under your breath.
“Look Naruto, Jiraiya happens to be a really great ninja. You’re lucky to have gained him as a sensei.”
“You think so?!”
“They don’t call him one of the Legendary Sannin for nothin.”
“Wow! Really?”
“Really. And while you train with him, I’ll go give your Jonin Leader a good talking to. Remind him that he has three genin he’s responsible for, two of which made it to the final round.” You say in a firm tone as you accept your bowl of ramen.
“Yeah, yeah. Just don’t go dating him like you did with Iruka-sensei. That was embarrassing.”
The heat on your cheeks rises as you nervously tuck your hair behind your ear. “It’s not gonna be like that. Iruka is…well…sweet,” you blush “But Kakashi is such a, well…”
“A Jerk!”
“Naruto! Don’t say that about your sensei!”
“Why not? You were going to.”
“Was not!”
“Were to!”
“Just eat your ramen.” you say with a soft tap of your chopsticks on his yellow mop.
The two of you chow down before you escort Naruto back to his home. He excitedly blabbered on and on about his experience in the second chunin exam and you couldn’t feel more proud of the kid than if he were your actual biological brother.
You reach the door to his second story home and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Okay, kiddo, have a good day of training tomorrow. Learn everything you can and put your all into it like usual.”
“Will do Y/N-san!”
“Night kid.” you say with a chuckle releasing his shoulder and watching as Naruto unlocks the door.
“Night Y/N-san!” he shouts as he closes the door.
You couldn’t help but smile at the disappearing image of the world’s most adorable little punk with a heart of gold to match his spiky locks. The idea that Kakashi abandoned him right before the third chunin exam had your blood boiling.
What the hell was Kakashi’s problem? Did he have some vendetta cause Naruto housed the Nine Tails? Was he favoring Sasuke cause of unresolved feelings about his old teammate, Obito? Or was he just a wannabe Uchiha jerk who needed to be taught a lesson?
You march your way over to Kakashi’s house and bang on his door. He takes forever to answer so you knock again, feeling your temper rise. 
You hear the latch of his lock click and the sound of the knob twisting. As the door opened, you saw a shirtless Kakashi standing before you in sweats, with a towel in his hand. He had clearly been showering after a day of training with Sasuke and was in the middle of drying off when you disturbed him. 
“Oh hey, Y/N. Come in.” he says casually as he walks away from the door towards his kitchen and lowers his head to dry his hair with the towel in his hand. 
“Oh hey nothing, Kakashi! Don’t act like you didn’t do anything wrong.”
You let out a grunt of anger. Was he really that arrogant that he couldn’t have possibly done anything wrong. It just made you fume.
“You’re spending all your time training the Uchiha boy and left Naruto to fend for himself! How can you be so callous to your own team?!”
“I already told him I’m sorry. Plus what I’m trying to teach Sasuke is very complex and only someone with a sharingan can learn it.”
You stride up to him standing centimeters from his face as you glare and poke at his chest.
“Look at you all high and mighty. ‘Only someone with a sharingan can learn it.’ Bull! Naruto is swimming in chakra! He brims with potential while you’re out here playing favorites!”
Kakashi grabs the finger you were poking him with and spins you around so that your hand is pinned behind your back. He holds you firmly as he whispers dangerously in your ear, 
“I’d be careful who I’m poking that finger at, little lady.”
Your breath may have faltered a little from the change in position but you had a point to prove so you press on.
“What, can’t take criticism?”
Kakashi slams your upper body down on his kitchen counter, your free hand barely catching you before you hit your head too hard. He leans down over you, his body pressing into yours as he chides, 
“I treat all my soldiers the way they need to be treated. Only I can know what all three of them need from me at any given time. Right now, the only Uchiha in the village needs training from the only other posesser of a Sharingan in the entirety of Konaha. Unless you’re secretly an Uchiha bastard who can train him, I’d suggest you simmer down.”
His words were chilling. Ice to your ears. It made sense but why should Naruto get the short end of the stick? He was always excluded from everything. You struggle in Kakashi’s grasp trying to turn around and face him as you continue to defend your little brother.
“That’s a bullshit answer! Just cause Naruto doesn’t have  a sharingan, means his own sensei can’t give him any training at all?!”
Kakashi slaps the flesh of your ass with all his might making you cry out in pain. 
“Enough! I’ve heard about as much as I will tolerate from you! You don’t know a thing about leading a squad! I will not subject myself to any more of your baseless, ignorant opinions.” 
He brings his hand down again on the same spot. All the muscle he spent years developing, employed in this moment to humiliate you as you laid bent over Kakashi’s counter, hand still pinned behind your back by nothing more than his grasp on your finger. 
Your breath hitched as the blow landed, pain searing your skin. You were certain that a bruise would form within the next few minutes. 
Overcoming the shock of his actions you begin to struggle in his grasp. “Fuckin’ asshole, let go of me!”
“I’m the asshole? You’re the one who came to my house to yell at me!” he snarls, twisting your arm painfully. You cry out but he doesn’t loosen his grip. No, he stands directly behind you, leaning in, securing your hips against the edge of the counter. He begins rubbing his hand in large circles over your hip and cheek as if preparing the area for another assault. 
You continue to struggle when you feel his warm breath as he chuckles in your ear. 
“Did you really think you could come over here to yell at me and get away with it?”
He interrupts his rubbing to deliver another striking blow to your cheek. “No. It seems you’ve been spending too much time around Naruto. You’ve forgotten your manners.”
His free hand slides from your ass up to your neck where he grabs you at the base of your jaw and turns your head to the side just enough to press his nose into your cheek.
“Maybe you need some private lessons from a sensei of your own. Hmm?”
You can feel his manhood hardening beneath his sweatpants, your compromised position once more causing your breath to falter. 
Smiling at your reaction, Kakashi kisses your cheek before standing up. He keeps his hips ground against your rear, pinning you to the counter still. He begins to play with your hair using his free hand as he continues,
“Naruto’s lucky to have such a pretty big sister. Watching out for him, picking senseless fights.”
“It’s not senseless you’re showing favoritism.” You grumble before he twists your arm again causing you to wince. 
“As likely as that may seem, let's not jump to conclusions yet.”
You scoff at him and he slaps down on your backside once more. You let out a small groan upon impact making Kakashi chuckle. 
“Let’s look at the facts, shall we?”
Kakashi releases your arm to grab your hips and spin you around. He steers you towards the wall, backing you up against it, caging you in as he grabs both your wrists, bringing them up above your head and pinning them together to hold with one hand. He casually props his free hand on his hip while leaning his weight against your wrists with the other as he continues.
“Naruto is a high energy kid who needs a high energy sensei. His father’s former sensei is in the village, available to train him. Ask yourself, is that a coincidence?” 
Your eyes narrow as you glare at him. His words were so convincing but you couldn’t shake the feeling he was full of it.
“Sasuke has no other options and happens to have the same chakra nature as me. A perfect student to pass my jutsu onto.” It takes every fiber of your being to resist the eye roll threatening to make an appearance at the mention of passing down his original jutsu. “It’s only logical that I give Naruto the honor of studying under one of the Legendary Sannin while I take on Sasuke”
He was damn good, you’d give him that. You knew he was full of shit but you almost believe him.
“Now what do you have to say to me?”
“Excuse me?”
He takes his hand off his hip to give your face a sharp slap.
“No, you do not need to ask to be excused. Try again.”
Your mouth falls open in disbelief. Your eyes scan down his body, starting with his covered face and dropping down to his shirtless chest. You take note of his war torn body carved to perfection with an alluring V-shape plummeting down into his baggy sweatpants currently pitched by his erection. 
“Eyes up here, Sweetie.”
You look back up to his uncovered eye suddenly very aware of your nipples stiffening in your bra. You were so mad at yourself. You came to defend Naruto but found yourself pinned to the wall doubting your convictions as Kakashi closed the space between you. He gave you no other option than to feel his entire body against your own, pressing himself into your chest as his free hand roamed up and down your side. 
Your breathing becomes shallow. All the free air between you is being used up by him when he reminds you what he’s waiting for.
“What do you have to say to me for coming to my house at night to yell at me?”
“I’m sorry?”
He slides his hand to your sore rear and grips it harshly, pulling your pelvis into his.
“Try that again.” 
Brimming with shame you whisper in his ear, “I’m sorry”
“Good, but perhaps I should ensure this lesson really sticks so we don’t have a repeat of tonight, hmm?”
Your eyes grow wide as you search his face for answers but with a stoic expression he begins to unbutton your pants and tug them to the floor. 
“Hey! What are you do-”
Your protests are cut off by Kakashi quickly removing his mask to kiss you. He presses his lips into yours, silencing your voice. It was surprisingly welcome. Tender but passionate with the taste of his orange mouthwash freshly on his breath. You couldn’t stop yourself from leaning into it.
Once he had the cooperation of your lips he resumed removing your pants. Stripping you down to your thong. He began to rub over the fabric, circling around your clit making your breath catch in your throat. 
“It seems like you’re struggling to stay mad at me. Isn’t that right Sweetie?” He stops rubbing to give your sex some firm pats over the cloth. 
“Your underwear is soaked. Is that cause of me?”
Arrogant asshole. You were embarrassed and ashamed. You looked down so as not to acknowledge his statement but he gave a more forceful slap between your legs causing you to sharply inhale. He hums into your ear, enjoying how he is toying with you. 
He slips your thong to the side exposing your bare folds and you can’t help but return your eyes to his face. He slips one of his long fingers in causing an involuntary whine to slip past your lips. The corner of his mouth turns up at the sound. He strokes in and out of you a few times before adding in a second finger. “Ah”
The sound was quiet and small but it ignited him in a primal way. He leans his forehead against yours as he continues to taunt.
“Naruto’s mouthy older sister. Always sticking her pretty nose where it doesn’t belong. I was wondering how long before I saw you at my door. Heck, I was practically counting the days.” He gives you a long drawn out kiss as his fingers continue to stroke in and out of you. “Been hoping to get a taste of what Iruka had ever since the kid was assigned to my team.”
You were so mad at him for bringing up your ex, but the way he was working your walls was enough for you to hold your silence. You didn’t want him to stop. You needed him to keep going, even as your trapped arms began to lose circulation and fall asleep above your head.
A third digit slides in leaving you gasping and breathless. 
“You like that, don’t you Sweetheart?”
You’re biting your lip and closing your eyes, resisting the urge to scream ‘yes.’ 
“You don’t need to say anything, just let the cream running down my knuckles do the talking for you.”
You hated giving him the smug satisfaction but you squeeze around his fingers helplessly. Then he finds just the right spot and begins to hook his digits as he drags them outward. A long moan spills from your lips
“Oooh, gods Kakashi, yes!”
He hungrily kisses you, attempting to claim you as his own. The scent of his soap lingering on his freshly washed skin fills your nostrils as you inhale between kisses. His tongue explores the inside of your mouth, the muscle dancing with your own. A need to devour you communicated by his greedy lips.
He withdraws his fingers from your cavern and feeds them to you. You suck on them while making eye contact with him before he takes them out and finishes licking them clean in his own mouth, sucking one digit at a time. 
When he was done he released your wrists and brought both of your arms to wrap around his neck, holding your gaze while he did. 
The familiar tingle of circulation restoring itself spreads through your limbs as you tighten your grip around him. His hands run the course of your back. Wandering, touching, feeling, groping, before settling with one around the small of your back and the other in your hair. You lunge back into a kiss, nibbling and biting his lips, consumed with want. He pulls back briefly to pant, “bedroom.” You get the message and the two of you kiss sloppily as you stagger over. Once through the door you each shed your remaining layers before you fall to your knees. 
Immediately you grasp his length, wrapping your fingers around its base while your other hand reaches up to claw at his back. You stroke him a few times before you point your tongue and drag it all the way from his base to his tip. You feel the rush of his blood pulse through his shaft as your grip tightens before you seal your lips around him. Up and down your hand tugged, keeping the pressure firm while your tongue worked along his slit, siphoning out his oozing pre cum. His hips shifted forward slightly and you knew he was yearning for you to swallow him whole. 
You released his head with a wet pop before licking one more stripe up from his base.
You look up at him through your lashes and part your lips, breathing on his tip before opening up and swallowing till he hit the back of your mouth. 
“I know you can do better than that” he taunts
You grip his hips, bracing yourself as you reangle and relax your throat, allowing him to sink past your vocal cords. Your nose brushes against his silver body hair as you push forward.
“Mmmm much better.”
He sinks his fingers into your hair, guiding you up and down along his length, the lip of his mushroom tip catching in your throat with each pass. 
“Feels so damn good. This is where you belong. On your knees before me. Fuck”
He draws a breath through his teeth feeling a tingle run over his entire body. The lewd sounds coming from your mouth fill the air as he begins to rock his hips into you. He closes his eyes and groans, letting you service him, excited by the powerful feeling of having you choke on his cock. 
Saliva dribbles out of the corners of your mouth and down on your barren chest. Your tongue glides along the underside of his length. When he bottoms out in your throat you stick it out further, trying to lick some of the skin below his endowment, making him shudder. 
“Grab them.” he whispers.
You reach down and tactfully massage his balls in your hand. One arm still gripping around his hip and your nose flush with his abdominals, Kakashi was twitching harshly in your mouth. He was on the brink of cumming.
“Fuck Y/N! I didn’t wait all this time just for a blow job. Get on the bed.”
Slowly you withdrew your lips from his manhood and crawled up onto the bed. As much as Kakashi wanted to rail into you from behind, he wanted to see your face when he entered you for the first time. Cause it definitely wouldn’t be his last. 
“On your back, Sweetheart. I wanna see your face.”
You nod and lay down with your knees propped up and legs spread. He settles between your thighs and slaps you clit with his slobber-soaked dick, allowing you to flinch from the strike. Your eyes are fixated on his thick girth as he lines himself up with your slit. You watch him begin to sink in when he demands, “eyes up here.” 
Your gaze snaps up to meet his as your mouth drops into an O shape, brows furrow together and a shameful breathy moan slips from your open mouth. A stifled grunt from Kakashi lingering with it.
Your face was everything he hoped it would be. You paint the picture of pleasure while your pliable silken walls fold around him perfectly. He couldn’t help how his toes curled from the simple act of entering you. A mutual understanding that this would be the first of several rounds was silently communicated by nothing more than your response to his intrusion. 
He slides back and forth, lubricating his length as he slowly acquaints himself with every part of your interior. Your core knots up each time he fully sheaths himself in your cavern, arms clutching him, forcing him down to your lips. 
“Fuck Kakashi”
“Yes?” He bottoms out again pushing your groan past your tongue. “Did you have something to say?”
“Just fuuuuuckk.”
“Apologize for jumping to conclusions and maybe I can treat you this good everytime we see each other.”
“Are you fuckin serious right now?” You pant, sexual pleasure stealing all bite from your words. You are little more than a pile of flesh at the present moment unable to argue with Kakashi’s ego.
He leans closer to whisper in your ear, “dead serious” before leaning back up and establishing his pace. You know his mind is almost as clouded as yours from the way your bodies mold together. His usual calm and domineering demeanor faltered each time you squeezed around him. The pleasure creasing his features as he pushes into you, maintaining his tempo. 
He shifts all his bodyweight over to one arm as he uses the other to grab your face, pulling you into him for another heated kiss. His lips working against yours, sucking off the last remnants of your chapstick. Normally he didn’t kiss his hook ups so much but something about you made him hungry. Maybe it was how mouthy you are. He needed to give your lips something better to do than shout your ignorant opinions. If that’s the case he’d kiss you for hours if he had to. Never able to get enough of the taste. 
You thread your fingers through his soft hair. It was nearly dry and smelled heavenly from his conditioner. You push your chest up into his, allowing your tits to rock against his pecs with each thrust into your soaking wet folds. Little sighs and groans filling the space between you. He couldn’t help but think that you were the cutest fuck he’d had in awhile. Maybe he needed to piss you off more often since it got him here, between your legs, panting and moaning for him the way that you are. His eyes roll backwards as your fingers toy with the silver strands. 
“Shit Y/N, on your knees.”
You comply with one last hungry pull at his lips, shifting to all fours. Kakashi grabs two fist fulls of your ass as he plunges in, hitting so deep you can’t breathe. The wind has been knocked out of you. It’s all you can do to catch it again. He lets his excitement get the better of him and launches into you with brain rattling speed. 
He hit so deep he found a sweet spot that has been long neglected. One you can’t reach on your own. When he felt how you constricted around him he focused on it. Pummeling into that same spot, making you drop your face to the sheets. You cry out from the pressure and he knows you’re on the brink of orgasm from how white your knuckles are as they grip the sheets for support.
He smiled at the bruise he created in the kitchen while watching how your ass rippled violently from his hips colliding into it. His shinobi training allowing him to get carried away. Speed far exceeding any normal man. Your poor little cunt is no match for his unrelenting strength and stamina.
You start to scream from the stimulation. Kakashi fists your hair and yanks it back so he can hear your screams properly. Your cries are by far the sexiest sound he’s ever heard and he needs to make you louder. He needs to hear the power his cock has over you. Your current predicament, boosting his ego far more than it should ever be boosted. One arm tugging back on your hair, the other secure around your waist, he arched your back impossibly far, his tip displacing your cervix, you both speed to the precipice of orgasm. The squelching that omits from where your bodies connect, mingles with your moans and screams. Kakashi doesn’t think he’s ever heard a more beautiful melody. 
All of Naruto’s more tedious qualities are completely justified in this moment. They are worth his patience if he can ravage you like this everytime Naruto throws a tantrum. 
“That’s it. You can take it Sweetie Just a little more.”
His praise only continues to lead to your undoing. One hand clutching the arm wrapped around your waist while the other grabs around the wrist of the hand in your hair. Words aren’t even an option in this position. All you can do is empty the air in your lungs with whatever noise comes out. You are millimeters away from falling over the edge. Each thrust scooting you there. He’s almost there too. He’s losing his rhythm. His strokes are getting sloppy but it doesn’t do anything to dampen the intensity of the moment. 
You cry out as the orgasm finally hits. You start to tremble and quake. Kakashi lifts you all the way back so you are flush against his chest as he empties himself inside of you. Deep groans fill your ears as your walls flutter closed around him, sucking out every last drop. You feel a rush of relief flood your core as his strokes slow to a complete stop. 
The two of you kneel on the bed, you weak in his arms, as both of you catch your breath. You feel him grow soft inside your walls while a mix of both your cum slips out of you and slides down your inner thighs. Kakashi holds you tight, not letting go. He begins to kiss the curve of your neck making you close your eyes and moan some more. 
“Thank you, Sensei” you breathe
“Mmmmm, you up for another round?”
You feel his length hardening again between your legs. He responds to your question by twitching his cock so that it tapped against your labia. 
“Do I seem ready to you?”
You obediently lower back to all fours again, letting him slip past your lips a second time. He strokes in and out of you lazily as he says, “Brace yourself, Sweetie, it looks like we’ll be training all night.”
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team7-headquarter · 10 months
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I'll never shut up about the Land of the Waves arc.
Here are the facts:
A corrupted man —who was believed to be the richest man in the world due his shipping and transportation business— decided he wanted to make his a small land made out of islands, better known as the Land of the Waves.
In Tazuna's words: "Nami No Kuni (the Land of the Waves) isn't a real prosperous land. Even our local lords are poor..."
The name of the corrupted man is Gato. He was affiliated with drug trafficking and contraband, as well as being a criminal who employed gangs and teams of shinobis to help him (through violence) to take over companies and countries alike. That's what he did to the Land of the Waves, taking hold of all the marine transportation and their shipping industry. Since the Land is made of a number of islands, Gato successfully isolated them. He was now the owner of the local economy and had the power to decide how people lived there.
Tazuna is an old man with no money at all who had been tasked to be the architect and overseer of the new bridge. If completed, it would mean that Gato no longer had absolute control over the Land of the Waves. It'd free them all, bring more movement to their economy and stop the crazy violence promoted by Gato's gangs.
To make sure we all understand the severity of the mission and the power of Gato, let's remember that he employed Zabuza Momochi.
Zabuza is one of the Seven Ninja Swordmen of the Hidden Mist. Kirigakure was known for one of the cruelest traditions regarding shinobis: they'd have to fight each other to death and only the survivors would be promoted. Zabuza put an end to it himself, killing an entire year of graduates. He was not even a student yet.
Zabuza also plotted a coup against the Mizukage, but he was betrayed. He became a rogue nin after that, taking money from men like Gato in order to keep living.
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That's the first Team 7 mission.
Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke are staked to help Kakashi free a land of a corrupted businessman and in the process have to fight one of the most legendary shinobis they can encounter out there. We're talking about an entire small nation!!! We're talking about the insane irony of Zabuza being a rogue because he fought against the corruption of his own Hidden Village, and he lost and now he has to work for a man doing the same to others.
The first Team 7 lesson was not only to work as one, to value their teammates, but to question the world around them. Kakashi told them to not follow orders blindly and the narrative throws the Team on a mission to test it.
Kakashi accepted to continue the mission without telling the Hokage anything. He knew he had the jinchuriki and the last Uchiha with him, that it was a great risk, but he accepted because he wanted to help Tazuna and the Land of the Waves and he knew Tazuna had not enough money to pay for a class B mission. Hell, he was lucky Kakashi got a genin team. One of the best jonins of the Hidden Leaf could give his service under the disguise of a rank C. Kakashi was using a loophole to disobey orders and he complains the whole time in his head because he knows it's gonna be a mess of a mission, but he does it anyway.
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Do you want to know why is my favorite arc?
The reality of the Land of the Waves is a perfect scenario to force Team 7 to wake up. Naruto and Sasuke sure know loneliness and misery, but they were also part of a very rich land and a powerful Hidden Village. Sakura didn't go through anything like Sasuke or Naruto, which is worse in the sense that she was more naive than them.
Their world falls apart when they meet Haku and Zabuza, when they realize this is not s fairytale of good heroes and bad villains, but people who had to become violent to survive.
Like Kakashi said, the only reason he and Zabuza are trying to kill each other is because they were paid to do so. Zabuza works for Gato, Kakashi for Konoha, that's it. Kakashi didn't want to kill Haku and Haku didn't want to kill any of them, but the Naruto world is old and messy, the customs and the means to survive are others.
Shinobis are no heroes. They're mercenaries, they act as the military force for the strongest nations. They are tools and weapons. It's not advanced in any sense, so many years after the Warrant Era and the world was just as cruel and wild. People with kekkei genkais were forced to practice that violence to protect themselves, like Haku, Sasuke and Neji. People with bad luck like Naruto and all the jinchurikis were the same. People like Sakura, who loved and cared for those others, devoted their lives to joining the fight, to try and protect the ones dear to them.
That's why the final conversation of Team 7 —the one after the events of the bridge that ended with Zabuza and Haku dead— went the way it did. The members of Team 7 weren't happy with the reality of the shinobi life. Naruto even ended up saying that he would make his own ninja way, basically denying such reality and promising to break the traditional ways that kept all shinobis chained to violence, fated to kill each other.
Just look at it:
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Sakura: ... But still... Master Kakashi...
Kakashi: Hmm~~?
Sakura: ... I can't help wondering. Were those two right about what a ninja should be?
Kakashi: A Shinobi shouldn't be concerned with a reason for her own existence... It is important merely that we exist as a tool for our homeland to use in whatever way they need. That's as true for us in Konohagakure as it for any ninja anywhere else.
Naruto: Is that really what becoming a full-fledged ninja's gonna be about? I don't like the sound of it!
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Sasuke: Do you really feel that way, master Kakashi?
Kakashi: Well... No. And that's why all we ninja live our lives with that ideal always bubbling beneath the surface of our minds, disturbing us. ... Like it did Zabuza ... And the boy.
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Naruto: That's it. I've made up my mind! I am going to create my own nindo— my own ninja path. My own destiny!
This arc plants the seeds of what should be the rest of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. Team 7 is frustrated and they don't agree with the tradition. None of them, not even Kakashi. Naruto promises to be the change, to make his own destiny.
Sadly, it doesn't happen. The manga changes its tone halfway through. Naruto ends up becoming part of such tradition and he ends up being the fated reincarnation, the chosen one. His destiny is not his exactly and his own ninja path gets lost in the way, replaced by a hollower desire to become Hokage. Naruto doesn't evolve to deeply question the order of his world or his society.
Instead, Sasuke occupies his place and the story turns him into an antagonist (someone who wants the direct opposite of the protagonist, someone who is on the way of the protagonist to reach his goal). The story radicalizes the dream that was so innocently spoken in this chapter. It also ends up chaining Kakashi to the same system, uses him as someone to fill the Hokage role until Naruto is old enough and then gives Naruto the hat, forgetting the themes set on the Land of the Waves arc.
What started as Team 7 fighting corruption and people sick with power while trying to help the victims of the system, understanding that their world is made of greys and not moral absolutes, ends up becoming a kids tale of ninjas = heroes and aliens = villains. All the complexities of politics get softened by Black Zetsu's manipulations and Kaguya's existence.
It wouldn't be a reach to say that the Land of the Waves belongs to a very different type of manga, one that never got its continuation.
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disneyprincemuke · 8 months
the female rage * vettel reincarnate
(series masterlist) | (📂 a day in the life)
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“shot,” she slurs, barely glancing at the canadian as she gestures for him to hand her a shot. her jaw is clenched and her voice is tense as she takes the shot into her hand, swallowing it all in one go. “thank you.”
lance presses his lips together, worry taking over his tipsy self. “i think you should stop drinking.”
the intensity of her glare as she holds her hand out to him for another shot almost makes him cower into a far corner of the club. who would have thought that someone so small and so young has a temper?
well, when he remembers the fact that she is an oldest sister, it kind of makes sense.
oscar reappears next to him with a glass of water, his hand darting out to snatch the shot that she’s just about to drink. “mate! i told you to stop drinking!”
“and who,” she snaps her head to the australian, “fucking asked you?”
lance watches as the younger man handles her flawlessly, almost. it’s like he’s not scared of her, which is a feat in lance’s eyes. he doesn’t do well with other people’s temper.
“nobody, but i’d very much prefer that you’re not complaining about a hangover.”
she releases her grip from the shotglass. she grabs the glass of water and takes a big gulp.
“thank you,” oscar sighs. he looks at lance and shakes his head. “i’m so sorry about her. this is why we don’t take her drinking often.”
lance hisses, looking over oscar’s shoulder with a sympathetic smile. “i can imagine,” he laughs nervously as he tears his gaze away from her. “does she usually get this mad when she drinks?”
oscar shrugs, glancing over his shoulder with a soft laugh. “only sometimes. in her defense, that guy was kinda pushy.”
“understandable. but is she– oh, god.”
lance points behind oscar, prompting the younger boy to turn curiously. they’d torn their eyes away from the fuming girl for about 30 seconds at best.
“i told you to leave me alone!”
oscar can barely react before she winds her arm back, hand balled into a fist and it flies forward with vengeance. there’s a chorus of gasps and shrieks around them as a body stumbles back and the younger — and very intoxicated — girl is now tearing up from the pain shooting up her hand.
she looks down at the man now sat on the ground after she’s pushed him down. “what’s wrong with you? did nobody ever teach you that no means no? does it have to take a woman to punch you in the face for you learn your fucking lesson?”
oscar’s arm darts out in front of her body as she hurls herself forward, with all intentions to continue her rampage against the unnamed man. “yeah, that’s right! be lucky that oscar’s here to stop me from messing you up! be glad, cunt! consider yourself saved by the gods!”
“oi, shut up,” oscar warns the girl through gritted teeth as he drags her away. “i need to find logan. oh, god, how do i stop this rampage?”
“i better not see you again, bitch, or it’s over for you!”
“what happened?” sebastian pops up next to him curiously. “is she okay?”
“the question is, is the guy okay?” lance says softly with a frown. “she punched him.”
“fuck’s sake,” sebastian mutters under his breath and pushes past lance. “hey, why did you do that?”
lance has interacted with her several times before her promotion to f1 under sebastian’s wing. she’s always been very lovely, albeit sometimes a little shy, and bubbly. her temper has never been one to make an appearance often. unluckily for her, lance doesn’t do well with that.
and officially, after watching the girl deck someone’s halls in some random club in bahrain, he is now terrified of angering her at all.
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @nikfigueiredo @darleneslane @happy-nico @namgification @sadg3 @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @inejismywife @love4lando
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the-hatake-herald · 3 months
Crestfallen On The Landing (KakashixReader)
A/N: I was listening to Champagne Problems when I thought of this scenario. This whole thing is so whiney. Sorry, here ya go.
Warnings: *SFW* Curse words. Yearning, so much yearning. They do not get together in the end. Kissing. Hand holding. Lusting.
Word count: 1700+
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She would've made such a lovely bride; what a shame he's f*cked in the head.
The Winter Solstice celebration marked the longest night of the year. It was a time for reflection and renewal. Family and friends gathered together to remember lost loved ones, share a meal, and enjoy each other's company. Later, at midnight, the village bundled up and made their way outside. Fireworks would shoot through the sky and give everyone energy again. If the children were lucky, a snowball fight would ensue, and the entire village would laugh and pelt each other with snow.
The food had been put away. Everyone gathered in the living room, and you weren't sure how you ended up behind Kurenai's old piano.
"Hey, (Y/N)-sensei, play us something!" Naruto cheered, always the life of the party.
"You have been quiet tonight. It would be nice to hear your voice." Kurenai added as Iruka raised his champagne flute in a mock salute.
If looks could kill, they would've been on the floor. It was Kurenai who insisted you celebrate at her place instead of sitting in bed at home. Since your latest fight with Kakashi, you'd spent most of your time completing various missions and hiding in your apartment with cheap wine. You didn't want to be anywhere near him, but you also wanted to be as close to him as physically possible in a public space.
While you had successfully avoided him so far, you couldn't help but sneak looks at him throughout the night when he was too busy to notice you. The curve of his jaw, the way his shoulders heaved when he laughed, the flex of his biceps as he helped Guy move the couch, the way he rolled a pair of dice as he and Iruka played a card game - everything about him drove you crazy. You wanted to go to him and beg him to take you home, but in your lust-filled daze, you couldn't forget your fight.
Your fight had been brewing for weeks before it exploded, months even. This fight bubbled under the surface the moment you and Kakashi decided to take things further than friendship. He couldn't commit. It wasn't that there were other women and he was sleeping around - there was only you. He said as much in the heat of your fight. His past - it always went back to his past. You sympathized with his fears of losing yet another person he cared for, but as you screamed at him, you admitted it was already too late. If you died on your next mission, he would lose another person he cared for.
Kakashi refused to admit he cared that deeply. He said they could end their relationship that night and return to being friends, and he wouldn't feel as much fear. So that's what he did. He told you no, he wouldn't admit he loved you, he wouldn't marry you. He'd go back to being lonely before he'd let himself be that vulnerable again. And you had been avoiding him ever since.
Now, you were put on the spot. Forced to speak beyond the simple pleasantries you'd be making all evening. Forced to perform for everyone. You didn't have stage fright; you enjoyed singing, dancing, and music, which was well known. Singing now, however, meant that either Kakashi wouldn't stop staring at you, or he'd not even bother to look at you. You didn't know which was worse.
"Come on, (Y/N). Play something beautiful!" Guy cheered from his corner of the room. Right next to Kakashi, of course. For the first time that evening, you two locked eyes.
Flooded with grief and confusion, your arms trembling, you sat at the piano amidst the cheers and muted conversations in the room. You wanted to play the most heartwrenching melody. Instead, you played a lively tune with Naruto, Kiba, and Choji battling for the "loudest voice" award. Their camaraderie made you laugh, brightening your spirits for the first time in days.
As eyes drifted away from you and everyone returned to their conversations, you needed a moment alone. Kurenai's guest bathroom was the smallest room in the world, you were sure, and the lack of space didn't exactly calm you down, but the cold water was a relief against your face. It wasn't until you completed three breathing cycles and turned the water off that you heard the silence coming from the living room.
Coats and mittens were gone from the guest room as you went down the hall. By the door, everyone's boots were missing. Everyone had left for the fireworks that would be starting any moment. Everyone but Kakashi.
You stopped in your tracks, wringing your coat between your hands as you stared at each other.
"Are you okay?" -- "Why did you wait for me?" You both asked at the same time.
With a slight smile, you shrugged, "I'm okay. Just needed time alone."
Kakashi stuck his hands in his pockets as he leaned against the wall, "I didn't want you to get left behind all alone," He offered.
"Then I guess we should join the others," you said quickly, wrapping yourself in your coat. As you opened the front door, you gasped at the crowd gathered outside. Kurenai's doorway was blocked by a large, imposing figure waiting for the fireworks display to start. He turned to look at you, and you waved awkwardly before closing the door.
"Nevermind," You faltered, keeping your face turned away from his.
"Kurenai's balcony will have a good view. It would be quieter, too." Kakashi gestured through the kitchen.
Quiet was the last thing you wanted, and throwing Kakashi in with the quiet wouldn't do any good, but you moved through the kitchen in silence as Kakashi led the way.
The cool, crisp air stung your eyes as you settled against the railing of the balcony. The Winter Solstice fireworks were always beautiful and a marvel, but you couldn't get excited. You imagined the fireworks would light up Kakashi's face in stunning hues of oranges and reds, blues and yellows, and your stomach churned.
He would smile through his mask, the mask you'd kissed so many times before. You loved kissing him through his mask; it made kissing him without it so much more special. His eyes would sparkle as the fireworks shot up into the air - even his Sharingan eye hidden underneath his forehead protector. The tomoe in his eye would spin in beautiful circles. He would be beautiful. And you had to sit here and watch it while your head swam with the grief of knowing he'd never truly be yours. How could you move on from this?
"(Y/N)." Kakashi started, turning his face away from the night sky, "I'm sorry. I really am." His breath frosted on the air.
"Don't." You held up a hand. How long had you been staring at him like a love-struck puppy?
"Please let me finish." He begged, taking your hand in his. Your heart fluttered, but your head recoiled, urging you to pull away from the embrace you so desperately wanted.
"I know I've fucked this up before repair," He sighed, circling the back of your hand with his thumb, "But the right person will come along and sweep you off your feet, and-"
"Oh, don't give me that," You jerked your hand away. You should've smacked him, but instead, you curled your hands into fists by your side, "You love me, Kakashi. It's too late for you to back out of ... whatever this is!" You argued, your voice rising slightly.
"(Y/N)." Kakashi warned, taking a step toward you.
"And I love you too. We love each other. This isn't purely physical, even if it started that way." You continued to protest as he continued to move closer.
"You even told me there was no one else for you. You can't commit to me, even though losing me would break us both. It will be just as bad as losing me on a mission. Except in the former scenario, I'm alive. You have to see my face nearly every day." You rattled on. You'd already said this last time. It didn't work then, but something in Kakashi's eye made you push on.
"You'll have to see me be with someone else. Marry someone else. Have children with someone else. You may even be my future child's sensei... is that what you want?! Do you want me to be someone else's?" Tears welled up in your eyes. He was only an arm's length away now.
"If there's no one else for you, then there's no one else for me." You whispered. You turned to face him, now only inches away. He pushed you backward, gently, until your back hit the wall and closed the space between you.
You didn't see when he removed his mask before his lips crashed into yours. His kiss wasn't gentle; it was hungry and filled with a sense of raw yearning that had been kept away for far too long.
A hiss raced through the dark sky, exploding into a beautiful pop of pink and white. Once the fireworks started, they didn't stop for a full thirty minutes. They exploded one after the other, casting vibrant hues across your faces.
You gripped Kakashi's shoulders, afraid that he might disappear. You returned his kiss with equal passion, your mouth parting slightly to deepen your connection. His tongue met yours in a heated display of dominance, exploring and claiming you.
Kakashi's hands roamed down your back, pulling you as close to his body as possible. The feel of his toned body beneath yours sparked a fire in you that matched the exploding fireworks in the air, but as you let out a soft moan. Kakashi stopped. He led a small trail of kisses down your neck and buried his head in the crook of your shoulder.
You gasped for air, your bodies heaving. You wanted so much more, but the sinking feeling of dread welled up inside your body. The feel of his body against yours was starting to burn.
"I can't." Kakashi finally whispered, leaving a final kiss on your collarbone, "I would rather live in agony watching you be happy with someone else than shackling you to me." He pulled away, his eye meeting yours.
You tried reaching out for him again, but in an instant, he was gone. Leaving you with only the booms and bright colors in the sky and your heart on your sleeve.
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