nasparegion1 · 6 years
Catch a Rising Star Award Spotlight!
Today we are spotlighting Ashley Archangelo from the University of Vermont. Ashley was the Region 1 Catch a Rising Star Recipient. This award is given to an undergraduate student who: 
Has made a significant contribution to the home campus
Demonstrated academic achievement
Exceeded the expectations of their respective leadership positions
Shown an interest in the field of student affairs
Want to recognize someone for the amazing work they are doing? Nominate them for a 2018 Regional Award today! https://www.naspa.org/constituent-groups/regions/region-one/awards-grants
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What does it mean to you to have won this award?
It has been an absolute honor to win Region 1’s “Catch a Rising Star.” I have been so fortunate to have role models and mentors who were thoughtful enough to recognize me for this honor in the work I do in Fraternity and Sorority Life as an office life assistant and a social justice event programmer for the University of Vermont.
How has this award motivated you forward?
This award has motivated me to teach my fraternity and sorority life community at the University of Vermont about social justice, diversity, and inclusion. The work around social justice is never done and it’s important to continue these conversations and enact change within our community. This award has motivated me to lead workshops within my own sorority chapter, to serve as a facilitator for our FSL social justice retreat, and to continue to work on student development efforts within UVM’s Program Board, a programming council that plans on and off campus events for students.
Why is recognition important in Region I?
This recognition is important for Region 1 and New England because we are continuously doing great work, especially around social justice and diversity. Being highlighted for the work we do helps to promote professionals and undergraduate students to educate, inspire, and strive toward equality in our world, universities, and throughout higher education.
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nasparegion1 · 6 years
Wellness & Health Knowledge Community Newsletter- September
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nasparegion1 · 6 years
Wellness & Health Knowledge Community Newsletter - September
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nasparegion1 · 6 years
NASPA Public Policy Update!
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Here are this week's Higher Ed Updates compiled by Beth Devonshire, Consultant for D.Stafford and Associates and Public Policy Coordinator.  If you would like something to be included, please feel free to send to Beth at [email protected].
Campus Safety and Violence Prevention
Activist Sue for the Right To Secretly Record Police https://www.wgbh.org/news/local-news/2018/07/24/activists-sue-for-the-right-to-secretly-record-police
Clery Quiz (how fun) https://www.campussafetymagazine.com/clery/annual-security-report-quiz/
VA Gov Warns Against Arming Teachers  https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/virginia-governor-assails-school-systems-plan-to-arm-teachers/2018/07/25/2d805436-9034-11e8-b769-e3fff17f0689_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.e53fe1d4d39b
Need for Renters Insurance  https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/growth-in-campus-fires-and-crimes-confirm-the-value-of-renters-insurance-for-college-students-1027399986
Schools can ban guns https://www.freep.com/story/news/education/2018/07/27/michigan-supreme-court-schools-gun-ban/851946002/
A Rush to Block Downloadable Guns https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/30/business/downloadable-blueprints-printable-guns.html
A threat of Violence, Calls to Fire RA https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2018/08/01/calls-stanford-ra-be-fired-after-he-threatens-fight-zionists
Students Seeking Access May find it Harder  https://wamu.org/story/18/07/25/students-seeking-equal-access-to-education-may-find-federal-help-harder-to-come-by/
Enrollment Management
Dems Introduce Debt Free College bill https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/debt-free-college-house-democrats-introduce-higher-education-bill/2018/07/23/4930eec4-8ecd-11e8-8322-b5482bf5e0f5_story.html?utm_term=.f8d3802a468c
Dem Message on Higher Ed https://about.bgov.com/blog/democrats-message-higher-education/
RI Looks to Expand Free Tuition https://www.wpri.com/news/education/raimondo-aims-to-expand-free-tuition-program-if-re-elected/1317860211
UW Tuition Freeze https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2018/07/24/scott-walker-would-extend-tuition-freeze-4-more-years/825696002/
Career-Tech Ed Bill Sent to Trump https://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/campaign-k-12/2018/07/congress-technical-education-bill-president-trump-sends.html ; https://utahpolicy.com/index.php/features/today-at-utah-policy/17292-hatch-priorities-included-in-perkins-higher-education-bill
WV Push for HE  http://www.register-herald.com/news/higher-education-officials-say-percent-of-west-virginians-need-postsecondary/article_6dec169a-adde-50bd-8e80-59d55ce833ff.html ;  http://www.register-herald.com/news/higher-education-officials-say-percent-of-west-virginians-need-postsecondary/article_6dec169a-adde-50bd-8e80-59d55ce833ff.html
NJ Plan on Access and Affordability http://6abc.com/community-events/nj-plan-to-make-higher-education-more-accessible-and-affordable/3863130/
Flip Flopping on Race in Admissions  https://www.chronicle.com/article/What-Happens-When-a-College/244124?cid=wcontentlist_hp_latest
Fraternity and Sorority
Penn State Fraternity Member Gets House Arrest http://www.mcall.com/news/breaking/mc-nws-penn-state-frat-member-sentence-pledge-death-20180731-story.html
Their Students Died, and now they are trying to make sure it doesn’t happen again  https://www.chronicle.com/article/Their-Students-Died-at-Frat/244130?cid=wsinglestory
Mizzou Greek Life  https://www.ozarksfirst.com/news/mizzou-greek-houses-face-changes-meant-to-fight-hazing-excessive-drinking/1340258832
Gender and Sexuality
GLBTQ not protected by law https://www.metroweekly.com/2018/07/michigan-attorney-general-lgbtq-people-not-protected-state-civil-rights-law/
2nd Ivy Investigated for Excluding Males  https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=11162
Judges side with School in Bathroom Policy  https://pilotonline.com/news/nation-world/national/article_b81164e7-4718-5c37-8904-05f0af507480.html
Number of Women in HE up  http://odishatv.in/nation/number-of-women-in-higher-education-up-45-in-8-years-311114
Sessions Religious Liberty Task Force Panned https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/sessions-religious-liberty-task-force-panned-civil-rights-groups-lgbtq-n896271
Indigenous Peoples
UMontana adjusts supports for Native American Students  https://missoulian.com/news/local/university-of-montana-adjusts-to-support-native-american-students/article_431f900b-f5e9-58a9-ada1-57852f5e1fb8.html
Positioning Ourselves to Support College Success for Men of Color http://diverseeducation.com/article/120538/
CA HE Lacks Diversity https://www.sfchronicle.com/education/article/Study-California-public-higher-education-13101980.php
Police called on Student Eating Lunch  https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/02/us/black-smith-college-student-oumou-kanoute.html
Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention, Education, and Response
Maxine Waters Bill http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/campaign-k-12/2018/07/maxine_waters_rebukes_betsy_devos_civil_rights_probes_new_bill.html
Kiss Resigns at Clery Center https://www.campussafetymagazine.com/clery/clery-center-executive-director-resigns/
HALT Bill Introduced http://nhlabornews.com/2018/07/representatives-kuster-introduces-bipartisan-bill-to-combat-campus-sexual-violence/ ;  https://riponadvance.com/stories/fitzpatrick-proposes-halt-sexual-violence-u-s-college-campuses/
OH Bill regarding Sexual Violence Moves Forward https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/legislation-summary?id=GA132-HB-240
School Discipline in the Age of #MeToo https://youthradio.org/journalism/education/back-of-the-class-school-discipline-in-the-age-of-metoo/
MSU President at Senate Subcommittee https://statenews.com/article/2018/07/engler-testifies-before-senate-subcommittee
More than 200 Women Suing USC https://www.glamour.com/story/usc-lawsuits-alleged-sexual-abuse-george-tyndall
Do Campus Investigations Damage Colleges – The opposite may be true https://www.salon.com/2018/07/25/do-rape-investigations-damage-colleges-actually-the-opposite-may-be-true/
Judge Dismisses Bullying Lawsuit https://wjactv.com/news/local/judge-dismisses-federal-bullying-lawsuit-against-altoona-area-school-district
New Baylor Lawsuit  https://www.theeagle.com/sports/baylor/federal-judge-allows-new-lawsuit-against-baylor-briles-mccaw-waco/article_00bb1e3c-eb93-59fe-bff7-28edf6896169.html
TN Case  https://journalstar.com/sports/woman-testifies-in-rape-trial-of-ex-tennessee-players/article_e2db11c1-94c7-57aa-9be4-d8d64b68dfd2.html
How TIX Got Swept up in Culture War  http://www.wbur.org/radioboston/2018/07/26/title-ix-transformation-melnick
TIX Appeals can Unwind Punishments and Catch Victims Unaware   http://www.columbiatribune.com/news/20180728/title-ix-appeals-can-unwind-punishments---and-catch-victims-unaware
OCR Drops TIX Investigation at Iowa State  https://www.thegazette.com/subject/news/education/iowa-state-university-title-ix-investigation-dropped-us-office-of-civil-rights-20180730 ; http://www.iowastatedaily.com/news/article_d3eb47a8-947c-11e8-99fd-6ffd6e57ce0a.html; http://www.amestrib.com/news/20180731/title-ix-complaint-against-isu-dismissed  
TIX Process  http://www.columbiatribune.com/news/20180729/title-ix-process-is-sensitive-complicated-and-sometimes-messy
Colbert Addresses Sexual Harassment (video) https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/stephen-colbert-cbs-les-moonves-me-too_us_5b604727e4b0de86f49ad9f4
John Oliver and Anita Hill (must watch)  http://time.com/5352446/john-oliver-anita-hill-metoo/
TX A&M Football Coaches have Clause Regarding Reporting https://sportsday.dallasnews.com/college-sports/collegesports/2018/07/31/new-clause-am-contracts-say-mishandling-gender-violence-cases-can-cost-football-coach-job
Advocacy Group Pushes OH State http://www.dispatch.com/news/20180801/advocacy-groups-seek-federal-probe-of-ohio-states-handling-of-strauss-complaints ;  http://www.dispatch.com/news/20180801/advocacy-groups-seek-federal-probe-of-ohio-states-handling-of-strauss-complaints
Knox College Resolves 6 TIX Complaints https://www.centralillinoisproud.com/news/local-news/knox-college-resolves-six-title-ix-complaints-against-the-college/1338932878 ; http://www.pjstar.com/news/20180731/knox-college-resolves-six-title-ix-complaints-with-feds
Missouri Player Found Responsible https://collegebasketball.nbcsports.com/2018/07/31/missouri-refutes-claims-of-former-player-regarding-title-ix-violations/
OSU Sued Over Mutual No Contact Orders  http://www.orangemedianetwork.com/daily_barometer/osu-student-sues-university-after-reporting-rape-incident-involving-football/article_8ed7f842-95f2-11e8-9252-5f8244ffcedb.html
Colleges Stick With Obama Guidance  https://www.weeklystandard.com/alice-b-lloyd/why-colleges-are-sticking-with-obama-era-title-ix-guidance
Spirituality and Religion in Higher Education
Religious Liberty Task-Force  https://thinkprogress.org/jeff-sessions-announces-religious-liberty-task-force-8c264c763081/
How football Coaches Became the Vanguard of Conservatism (editorial) https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/jul/25/nfl-football-coaches-conservative-values
UNM Cutting Sports  https://www.abqjournal.com/1200952/excestisti-rerchillam-ium-ius-dolorib-erupid-maio.html
Boys Sue to Join Girls Dance Team  http://www.startribune.com/minnesota-boys-sue-to-join-girls-high-school-dance-teams/489172271/
UAlbanay Lawsuit can Proceed  https://www.timesunion.com/7day-sports/article/Suit-alleging-Title-IX-violations-at-UAlbany-can-13111719.php
How Net Neutrality Could Impact HE http://www.leadscon.com/how-net-neutrality-changes-could-impact-higher-education/
Top Trends https://www.educationdive.com/news/what-are-the-top-trends-in-ed-tech/528449/
3 Elements of Award Winning Websites https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/call-action-marketing-and-communications-higher-education/top-3-elements-award-winning-website
Virtual Assistants on Campus  https://www.chronicle.com/article/Hey-Alexa-Should-We-Bring/244129
Undocumented Immigrants and Allies
Lewis Bill for DREAMERS  https://johnlewis.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/rep-john-lewis-bill-prohibits-discrimination-against-dreamers-seeking
Wellness and Health Promotion
Wellbeing is a Staff Issue Too http://www.brunel.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/articles/Wellbeing-in-Higher-Education-%E2%80%93-it%27s-a-staff-issue-too
1st Amendment
Jeff Sessions Slams Liberal Colleges. https://www.dailysignal.com/2018/07/25/justice-department-weighs-in-to-protect-free-speech-on-campus/ ;  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sessions-slams-liberal-colleges-for-fostering-sanctimonious-sensitive-snowflakes/ ; https://www.chronicle.com/article/Colleges-Are-Creating-a/243997
What Jeff Sessions Doesn’t Get (editorial) https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2018/07/31/what-jeff-sessions-doesnt-get-about-u-s-higher-education-and-political-correctness/?utm_term=.c9401a19a99e
SLU Policy (editorial) https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/opinion/article_baa0c1b2-8f66-11e8-a040-67b434f38675.html
No 1st Amendment Protections for Charlottevill Marchers NASPA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, gender identity, gender expression, affectional or sexual orientation, or disability in any of its policies, programs, and services.
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nasparegion1 · 6 years
From Boom to Bust?: The Changing Landscape of Student Enrollment in Higher Education
Daryl Healea, Ed.D 
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nasparegion1 · 6 years
Wellness & Health KC- June 2018
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nasparegion1 · 6 years
Award Spotlight!
Throughout the next few months we will be highlighting all of the individuals that were recognized at the Region I Conference last year. Want to recognize someone for the amazing work they are doing? Nominate them for a 2018 Regional Award today! https://www.naspa.org/constituent-groups/regions/region-one/awards-grants
 Richard F Steven Outstanding Graduate Student for MA                     Richard F Steven Outstanding Graduate Student for Region I 
Recipient: Kyla Martin 
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What does it mean to you to have won this award?
I cannot say how grateful I am to have won both the state and regional award last year. As a graduate student I know I work hard and it just meant so much to be recognized on that level through an organization I have been a member of since I was a NUFP.
How has this award motivated you forward?
I would say I have continued to challenge myself and seek more opportunities in regards to developing myself professionally.  I'm not doing this to be recognized again by any means, but I now know more than before that intentional hard-work is valued and appreciated.  Also, hearing about the other nominees and winners has truly made me think about what path I want to go down and the type of professional I want to be known as post-graduation.
Why is recognition important in Region I?
There are so many wonderful things happening in the region and unfortunately, even through we are small, we don't always get to hear about what others are doing.  Having professionals on all levels be nominated and recognized shows that we are growing and challenging ourselves in this field and it inspires others to think about the ways they can take that back with them into their daily work.
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nasparegion1 · 6 years
Wellness & Health KC- November Update!
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nasparegion1 · 6 years
Region I Regional Director Nominations are open!
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Region I is currently seeking nominations for this important leadership position. This position provides rewarding networking experience to help professionals progress in their careers within Higher Education.  Please consider nominating a colleague to lead our region.
The Regional Director position is a four-year commitment, and begins in March, 2019 at the conclusion of the NASPA 2019 Annual Conference. Please be aware that the successful candidate will serve on the Region I Advisory Board for all 4 years and will serve on the NASPA National Board of Directors for the 2 RD years (2020-2022).  The terms of service are as follows:
March 2019-March 2020 serve as the RD-Elect
March 2020-March 2022 serve as the Regional Director
March 2022-March 2023 serve as the Past-RD
The Regional Director has the following responsibilities:
Serve as the regional representative on the NASPA Board of Directors.
Coordinate regional activities as an official spokesperson for the Association in the Region.
Serve as the official representative of the Association at meetings of other associations in the region, when requested by the Chair or Board of Directors.
Inform members and affiliates within the region of activities by regular communications or meetings.
Plan and conduct regional activities which are scheduled at the NASPA Annual Conference.
Strengthen membership in the Association.
Develop, maintain, and participate in succession planning for new Regional Directors.
NOMINATIONS are due no later than Friday, September 14th.   To nominate a current NASPA member please complete the following form:  https://tinyurl.com/NASPAR1RD
Here is the Nomination and Elections Timeline for your information:
Mid-September – October – Committee will contact candidates who have been nominated
November 1st – Nomination packets are due
November 16th Final Candidate materials submitted to NASPA Office
December – NASPA  office prepares ballot
January 2019 – Ballots are sent out to NASPA membership
February 2019 – Candidates are notified and election results are shared
March 2019 – Elected candidates begin their term
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