#nat talks anons who live in taylor’s asshole
bisluthq · 2 years
lol you and your anons are such miserable haters gosh and it’s even more pathetic because it’d make sense if you were actual haters but you are her “fans”😫 I should start directing Taylor antis like Katycats, Adele fans and Little monsters your blog’s way since y’all are in the exact same group chat 100% of the times whenever we get a new Taylor update. You all feel the need to criticise her first even when you want to praise her like that anon “ I think Taylor is the most pathetic actress ever but yeah her tiktok with haim was funny ig” bunch of cunts ngl. Also the harries who pretend to be Taylor’s fans on this blog girl harry ain’t winning best mv at the grammys.
Bruh idk how saying “MVs shouldn’t be awarded in the live action short film category unless they’re actually legitimately saying something profound because historically that category has been used to reward marginalized creators who tell important stories” is “hating” on Taylor Swift. That’s a fucking stupid argument.
If Katy or Ari or Dua or Harry or Gaga were doing this I’d have the exact same energy for it.
Like lol Gaga made some of the most iconic MVs of the late 00s and early 10s and none were Oscar short film worthy. It’s just not that kind of category and it is EXTREMELY fucking embarrassing that she apparently can’t see that and thinks her fucking love life is worthy of merit in that particular category.
Taylor deserves like ALL the VMAs imo - it’s an incredible MV - but we simply can’t start awarding MVs in that category because then how will we reward like… the genre that has been rewarded in the category for the past 80 years?
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bisluthq · 2 years
Her multiple mansions aren’t great for the environment either\\\
Calm down, it's her homes and her money, also the house you live in is not suitable for the environment, live on the street, it's better and you will help the world too
Lol okay dude let’s suck celeb and corporation dick. The only two possible positions here are “🥹🥹🥹 Taylor Swift should have all the houses and jets her pretty little heart desires 🥹🥹🥹 let the Trumpie insurrectionist auntie ride around on them and live in them she’s so nice for that 🥹🥹🥹🥹” or “GO LIVE IN THE FOREST” like fuck offffffff dude.
Also like this was EXTREMELY classist, tone deaf, and just… fucking moronic dude.
And like to make matters worse, you sent this off anon lol so I guess you’re proud of being stupid which tracks tbh.
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bisluthq · 2 years
many articles call joe london boy i don't think he said that because he hates taylor i think the reviewer has a clear agenda against the author Sally R and i think he wanted to refer to taylor's song like she did describes joe as an interesting guy but in the series he thinks joe is not interesting or engaging in the character of nick.
No dude he called it her most toe curling song babe - he hates Taylor and her boyfriends idk. If you hate Sally you probably hate Taylor even more idk same as if you like one you’re likely to enjoy both. People only say the phrase London Boy to mock them both. No one says it to describe him as an interesting guy lmfao - they say it to say he’s a fucking joke and his girlfriend is a vapid Yankee dumbass.
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bisluthq · 2 years
I kind of think Joe encouraged taylor even more to end everything with karlie because let's be hones neither of them would be friends with joshlie because Joe hates sneaky fake and hypocritical people like josh
….. ya Joe Alwyn is so much better and smarter and more moral a person than Trevor Noah dude we should really look to point our moral compasses according to the superior conduct of English actor Joe Alwyn. Come the fuck on loooool. Josh has INCREDIBLE political friends - he’s full on friends with activists. Joe’s friends with Nic Hoult.
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bisluthq · 2 years
you don't think opening industry wide conversations on predictory men who use their age and fame to abuse and manipulate women is an "important topic" ??? just say you hate and taylor and go. remove her from your lore and your pfp and be done with her "embarrassment"
*predatory you fucking moron lmao and Taylor didn’t open “industry wide conversations on predatory men” with ATW MV like first thing on Sunday and I’m already losing brain cells.
It’s literally not a new conversation and she didn’t even tell it that well lmao like she did but not yk THAT well.
I fucking am giving this 2 more inbox asks and I’m deleting this app: fuck her and fuck the lot of you and I hope her cum tastes good as it’s dripping down your throat and you’re getting to wash it down with tea from a $20 teacup.
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bisluthq · 2 years
She fucking replies to Gofundmes and reports every donation. She loves people knowing she’s kind (she is). As she should. // she defs doesn’t reply to and report everything she donates? she’s been known for years as donating much more than is reported lol. just in the pandemic she’s donated to multiple people i know that never posted about it lol like you can say she’s not doing enough as long as she isn’t losing money every year which would be fair but it’s simply untrue that all her donations are public info because they just… aren’t
I mean come on her giving a K here or there is like me giving ZAR 2 here or there. It’s not a thing. She’s not special for that. She’s not actively evil - genuinely - but like come on she fundamentally does absolutely nothing of importance. She entertains us and that’s fine and she earns IMMORAL money from it and lives a sickening lifestyle. She has 0 causes we know of and 0 actual impact in real life on those causes beyond making it harder for people to negotiate contracts at UMG because now they block rerecords. What a queen 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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bisluthq · 2 years
As you say, he chose this. She literally didn’t ask her costar in her debut to fuck Taylor Swift./// Now why are y’all being weird true fans of cwf are always gonna talk about the series and not Taylor swift. This isn’t Taylors fault that’s just how media works stop blaming taylor. Alison and Joe can suck it up like adults.
… no one blamed Taylor we blamed Joe lol and to a point Lenny for casting him like she didn’t force herself on him and Lenny didn’t have to cast him (nice he did but it does cast a shadow over what is a very cool show).
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bisluthq · 2 years
Taylor was on the cover of time because they offered it to her because she won her case against her aggressor, at no time did they put Taylor swift the activist of the year on the cover and her speech at the Grammys is "don't let anyone take credit for your work " etc. and you keep repeating yntcd but how did that video and that song affect you so much that you keep repeating it 1 and again like a broken record ? in none of those moments Taylor is activist or describes herself as an activist or did she say I'm an activist for x reason rather you put her in that category and how did you go from saying that Taylor doesn't stand for anything to being an activist ?lol
She does stand for nothing but continuously positions herself as an activist - that’s why she’s a hypocrite bestie. Plz wipe her poop out her eyeballs.
The cover was The Silencer Breakers. It was about women who speak out against sexual assault. Taylor clearly only cares about it when it’s her affected 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ which like fair fucking enough yk but why did she take the cover? She could’ve said “I actually don’t feel comfortable being the face of this movement sorry - big fan but I would like to just stick to my music.” She didn’t.
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bisluthq · 2 years
She’s not the antichrist but she LITERALLY stands for nothing at all. //// No Popstar stands for anything guys please get off celeb gossip tumblr blogs and stan people like idk Malala Yusuf and someone like that. And the other dumbass anon who said Taylor should be bullied for doing a cameo should stop indulging in pop culture periodt. It’s not the pop stars it’s you dumbasses who accept something out of people from an industry that’s essentially KNOWN for being immoral if you guys were so moral in the first place you’d not be here so puhlease. Stop having expectation with pop stars and stan activists and whistleblowers please 🙏
Well yes obviously but TAYLOR positioned herself as an activist and whistleblower on the TIME cover babe you fucking dipshit. She took the place of an actual activist to talk about her sexual assault activism so puhleeeeease climb out her asshole and allow her to be critiqued.
TAYLOR inserted herself into that narrative dude and if she wasn’t gonna follow through she genuinely shouldn’t have.
She shouldn’t have given the speech on feminism at the Grammys, shouldn’t have done TIME, shouldn’t have made YNTCD or The Man, and she shouldn’t have made Miss Americana.
Climb the fuck out her asshole.
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bisluthq · 2 years
lol now everyone is a troll when they see a review about Taylor from that movie but those who review the movie badly are not trolls haha ​​wow here are the professionals who know who is trolls and who is not 🤡
Fuck I’m getting so many dumb takes goodness gracious me.
This is a real sounding review:
Tumblr media
This isn’t:
Tumblr media
Both are complimentary towards Tay but one makes sense and one literally doesn’t.
I can try explain why again but like I can’t teach brain dead morons critical thinking tbh.
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bisluthq · 2 years
Like love this so much lol just now we were yelling about plagiarism and derivative shit but also everything is just a variation of everything anyway 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍//// its soooo funny and so in character for swifties😂😂😂😂😂 they LIVE to suck taylors dick and will even defend her if she murders anyone saying “ she just did it because she had no other choice she was just being a generous and kind human🥹🥹🥹” but god forbid if some other artist does the same thing taylor has done in the past they’re being dragged to hell by swifties then but taylor no she’s an angel 😇
I meaaaan look LEGENDS inspire a next gen of artists. Rihanna literally couldn’t exist without Madonna. Taylor couldn’t exist without Shania and Dolly and shit. Harry couldn’t exist without Bowie and Prince. And Olivia couldn’t exist without Taylor and Avril. (And Taylor is MUCH bigger than Avril).
Olivia is on her debut - we have no clue if she can sustain this and I kinda doubt it. It’s not as inspired as some other people’s shit.
But acting like Olivia is the worst person ever and Taylor is a saint ain’t it for me. They’re both smart businesswomen. Let’s see how smart Olivia winds up being and how talented she is as a writer.
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bisluthq · 2 years
I accept Olivia is much more derivative than Taylor but Taylor has had her own fair share of plagiarism concerns. /// What is your problem why do you need to bring taylor into everything we were talking about olivia being a copycat and you somehow bring taylor into it who always has been so sweet to other artists and never tries to take credit unlike olivia who just credited them when she was heavily called out like a little bitxh. Taylor is much much much more gracious that olivia will ever be olivia is just tacky and unpleasant version of taylor
Ehhhh babe she stole this lyric:
She had Matt’s lyrics written on her arms during SN tour so she’d 100% heard it and she stole the lyric. She still hasn’t credited him to this day.
They stole Bad Blood basically shot for shot from a KPop band:
Taylor stole Misery Business for BTR same as Olivia stole it for GOOD 4 U lol.
Like no Taylor isn’t “so sweet” - they’re pretty much the same lmfao. Maybe Taylor is more talented but it’s hard to tell since Olivia is on her debut rn.
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bisluthq · 3 years
You know she was like 15 when she wrote picture to burn write so saying she was endorsing guns is a big reach she wasn't out giving out guns to people or selling them or whatever we can call out people who are selling guns to murderers instead of a 15 year alo who was trying so hard to make people think she's actually from the south that sounds stupid but yes you can call her out for the homophobic lyric
Babe - she figured out those two lyrics were bad and so she changed them. Stop fucking deepthroating her about it. Like TAYLOR realized those weren’t good lyrics to have in a song because she’s willing to learn and grow and be better - imagine that 🤯🤯🤯🤯 - and so she fixed them.
No one is “calling her out” or saying she’s a crappy person or anything.
She was a 15 year old white girl from rural Pennsylvania who’d just moved to Tennessee with a Republican daddy and hard Republican relatives from Texas like yes she obviously had somewhat bigoted views dude but she’s always willing to improve upon them and her making the effort and fixing Picture to Burn DEMONSTRATES THAT.
She could’ve doubled down and been like “no!!! I said it and I meant it!!!” but she was like “yikes what I said there was kinda fucked so let’s not say that anymore” and that makes her a VERY FUCKING GOOD PERSON dude.
It makes her a better person and a better role mode than all y’all who are doubling down on how she farts and poops rainbows and barfs unicorns. She doesn’t. She’s a human being and she’s always working to be better and she often succeeds 💀🤷🏻‍♀️
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bisluthq · 3 years
I actually wasn't in the room with joe j and taylor and it sounds like you were so I don't know and why should we discuss someting that taylor has never publicily mentioned and probably is not comfortable discussing it who cares maybe she regrets sleeping with some of those dudes or just doesn't want to talk about it
… and this ladies and gentleman is a cupcake lmfao.
1) weird you’d think she regrets fucking anyone - she hasn’t ever suggested that tbh. Abigail regretted fucking her first boyfriend but Taylor never did as far as we know. Weird for you to think you know that about her lol.
2) I don’t particularly care what Taylor likes or doesn’t like - I’m gonna guess she doesn’t like 99% of stuff I post here but I don’t post for her so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ whatever.
3) Taylor mentioned she used to watch Joe J sleeping babe in a song and we know they shared hotel rooms and he’s been very open about his sex life so yeah I think it’s fair to say they did everything but PIV 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
4) this all started with me saying it’s bizarre people think they know when Taylor lost her PIV virginity lmfao like that’s all I said. It was to some guy who wasn’t Joe Jonas at some point and no one except for her knows and it’s bizarre to think she sent klues about it to her fangirls because that’s not something that’s tbh anyone else’s business really unless it’s relevant or you’re on Call Me Daddy.
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bisluthq · 3 years
Jeez everything is a competition here (and Taylor must end on top lmao)
Ya she must be the prettiest while making the least effort, have the biggest boobs but they’re not so big that anyone would notice them, dress the cutest while not caring at all or getting any help, the smartest and most woke and most generous while also repeatedly stressed as the richest, etc.
My point was the uniting factors between all of the exes of Joe’s we know about are they’re cute, have nice boobs, are smart, and are creative and a bit weird. Beyond that he doesn’t seem that interested in like hair color or height or particular styles or whatever.
So if he and Taylor broke up I’d assume that’s what he’d be interested in, not finding another Barbie like I don’t think the Barbie thing was the primary appeal (tho he obviously doesn’t complain lol).
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bisluthq · 3 years
Sure Taylor and Joe are both workaholics but I feel like Taylor is more workaholic than him. Taylor works ALL the time, she doesn’t get like 2 months off from working like he does.
I mean they have different jobs babe like 💀💀💀💀
Once more y’all compare apples and oranges and the purpose is for Taylor Swift to be the best and shiniest and most wonderful human alive.
Idk who in acting who debuted in 2016 works or has worked as much as him in that caliber of productions.
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