#nate sewell x reader
schmetective · 6 months
pairing: Nathaniel Sewell x the Detective synopsis: (Somewhere in Book 3,) After a night of sleep for all of Unit Bravo (humor me), Nate insists on seeing the Detective off when they leave the Warehouse for the police station. The Detective muses about home.
“Mmm,” you hum against Nate’s lips, resolve forcing you to lift your hands from his waist to his chest so that you can pull away. Your words are framed with soft laughter as you force yourself to say them. “Okay, I really have to go now.”
The rays of the summer morning sun peek through the canopy of trees surrounding the clearing around the warehouse, making Nate’s skin look as if he’s glowing. You hear Morgan’s voice somewhere in your head, arguing with no malice that Maybe you’re just that in love with him. You can hear a smirk in her voice to boot. And maybe you are just that in love with him. Your heart, let alone your mind, can’t help the smile that tugs at the corners of your mouth as you gaze at the tall vampire, suddenly thankful once again that real vampires aren’t like the vampires of myth. You get to enjoy how he looks in the glow of the morning; see the soft breeze play with his brown hair like you had done earlier in the morning. You refrain from following suit now, though, because then you really wouldn’t be able to leave.
At your words, he opens his eyes slowly. Something akin to sadness swims and swirls inside the warmth of them, but he smiles gently nonetheless. For a moment, you wonder protectively with a heavy heart about what, besides you leaving, makes him sad. “Do you?” He asks, no real force behind the question. “You’re welcome to stay home for one more day, you know.”
Home. Your heart flutters when he calls the warehouse that.
You let out a soft breath of laughter, and it draws Nate close once more, nestling the tip of his nose in your cheek as his smile grows. Your chest tightens with sadness at his words— how you wished you could stay. But your town needed you. You were meant to keep them safe, and all you did was be the cause of their loved ones going missing. You wished you could stay. You wished everything was fine in Wayhaven so that you couldstay.
The thoughts have your smile fading just a bit, your gaze dropping to the ground. But the way Nate pulls you even closer to him has you forgetting them until all you’re thinking of is him.
And how you don’t want to leave him.
“Nate,” you laugh again in protest. Despite the facade you were trying to keep up, your arms find their way around his neck in a loose embrace. “I’m going to be late now…”
This time when he pulls away, he laughs. Heaves a little, albeit still dramatic, sigh.
And surely it’s meant to tug at your heart (it does).
You smile.
He smiles too.
“Okay,” he says with another sigh, running a hand over his hair, then letting it rest at the back of his neck.
“Okay?” You confirm, eyebrows raised. Feeling the chill the breeze brings along with it now that he’s no longer holding you.
As if thinking, he purses his lips for a moment then nods and smiles reassuringly. “Yes,” he says with a laugh. “Now go.”
You reflect his smile. “All right…” You take a step back. “I’ll be home again before you even notice I’m gone.”
A couple weeks ago, home was your apartment. Home was Wayhaven. Nate calls the warehouse your home. But maybe…
Maybe home wasn’t really any of those places, or maybe it was. Maybe home was him. Nathaniel Sewell.
Nate’s eyes widen when you call the warehouse ‘home,’ but soon enough, the surprise is melting into a soft, gentle gaze. He highly doubts you could be home again before he notices you’re gone— he already misses you.
And he’s tempted to tell you just as much, but instead he just squints teasingly at you as he watches you walk back towards your car. The teasing look softens when you finally stop walking backwards and turn around. He pushes his hands into the pockets of his green pajama pants to keep from reaching out for you again.
His soft words float on the morning breeze, dancing as they make their way over to you and beckon you to turn around once more just as you reach your car.
Your eyes meet his, noticing their haziness; hazy again but not with sleep… “See you soon, ya rouhi.”
… with love.
He’s got this warmth washing over you even though he’s standing yards away— something only he can make possible. It washes over you and makes you feel as if you’re melting in the best way possible. Like sinking into a warm bath after a long day or burrowing yourself under a blanket for a nap. You bite down on your lower lip, trying to keep the smile on your lips from growing any wider. Searching and failing to find it in you to speak, you nod.
You reach for the car door handle halfheartedly, giving him a little wave with your other hand. He mimics it before his hand disappears into his pocket again.
Because if he hadn’t done so, then he really would be walking over to you. He really would reach out to you and take your hand, pulling you gently out of the car so he could hold you once more. You’ve got his heart in your hands, after all. Even as you buckle yourself into your little car and start the engine. How was he to stop himself from following after it?
He catches your eye through the windshield. Faintly hears your heart thud in your chest the moment your gazes connect. A smile spreads across his face at the sound, and he lets out a breath of laughter as it does.
I love you, Nate mouths to you over the sound of your car’s engine.
“That’s gotta be the longest goodbye,” Farah says with a grin, watching from the window of the common room as the Detective’s car rolls away. She watches Nate finally turn around and make his way back inside.
“You creep,” Morgan comments, plopping herself down on a chair and sighing. “Why are you watching them?”
It’s not really a question.
“That took like ten minutes! It’s like he’s sending them off to war or something.” Farah snickers at her own joke, surely waking the commanding agent if he’s not already up and about by now (he is).
Morgan lifts her foot and rests it on Nate’s coffee table, a smirk making its way to her face. “Watch it be fifteen tomorrow.”
“Is that a bet? I think it’s a—“
“You have a gambling addiction,” comes the voice of Adam as he steps into the room.
“Come on, Adam,” Farah laughs, leaning back against the wall and crossing her arms with a bright smile. “What’ll it be? I’m betting twenty minutes. Morgan’s got fifteen.”
Morgan’s gaze shifts to Adam, an eyebrow raised. The blond crosses his arms as well as he looks at Farah.
A moment of silence.
The vampires hear Nate’s footsteps as he make his way to them.
Then, Adam smirks.
“What’s going on?”
“Is your foot on my table?”
“Yeah right…”
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songofsoma · 2 years
Tumblr media
Karlach x F!Tav
All Roads Lead to You
one two three four
To Know Her, Body and Soul (NSFW)
The Hands That Heal
Until You See Stars (NSFW)
Sleepless (NSFW)
Take Her Apart (NSFW)
A Very Nice Dream (NSFW)
Shadowheart x F!Tav
Where Anyone Could See (NSFW)
Bound to Me (NSFW)
Lae’zel x F!Tav
A Dirty Way to Win (NSFW)
Minthara x F!Tav
Worship of the Godless (NSFW)
Mizora x Reader
Deal With a Devil (NSFW)
Jaheira x Reader
A Lesson Learned (NSFW)
Dame Aylin x Isobel Thorm
Under the Light of Her Moon
Ava du Mortain x F!Detective
Safe With You
You Are Everything
Always Yours
A Reminder of You
A Night With You (NSFW)
My Mellilla
Her Undoing
Abyssal Heart
Her Pale Knight
Chasing Nightmares
I'm Here
Tendrils of Honey
You on My Mind (NSFW)
Undone (NSFW)
A Test of Strength [ for @aelwen ]
Five More Minutes
A Touch of a Temptress
Kiss Me Goodbye
Beg (NSFW)
To Protect You [ for @aelwen ]
Upon an Eternal Moon
Counting Scars
Biting Words (NSFW)
Acts of Love
Under the Mistletoe
Call of Midnight
Empty Beds and Wanting Hearts (NSFW in first part)
All You Need is Love (And Salt)
A Little Reward (NSFW)
A Wish to be Loved
Adam du Mortain x F!Detective
Everything [ for @ladiemars ]
Until Death [ for @ladiemars]
Nate Sewell x F!Detective
Northern Star [ for @pixelnights ]
Prompts (mixed pairings)
a clumsy kiss [ for @pixelnights ]
come back here right now [ for @rosejellyy ]
bloody kiss [ for @ladiemars ]
kissing in the stairwell
do you want this
kisses that start from the fingers
a kiss that trails down the jaw
Syfyn Javall x F!Commander
Light of a Guiding Star
Where We Stand
Touch (NSFW)
F!Eivor x Soma
A Waking Dream
F!Eivor x Randvi
My Drengr
No Lone Wolves
Divinity is the Shape of a Woman
Kassandra x Reader
The Eagle and the Sparrow
Sea Maiden
part 1
part 2
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Jamie Goes Rogue (pt 1)
Fandom: The Wayhaven Chronicles (AU)
Characters: Jamie Watson, Mason, Adam du Mortain, Nate Sewell, and Detective Isobel Greystone (Iso belongs to my girl @megan-the-canadian)
Pairings: Jamie x Mason
Rating: mature
Warnings: swearing, lots of angst
Word Count: 2190
Summary: Jamie decides it was a bad idea to re-join unit bravo and leaves--again. 
Context: In this AU, Jamie Watson was the fourth member of Unit Bravo before Felix. She went rogue due to...disagreements with Rebecca and Adam, and despite her amazing friendship with Nate, and her “thing” with Mason, they weren’t enough to keep her around. However, she recently rejoined the team (not without protest from certain parties) to help her dear friend Isobel with the trapper bounty placed on her head. 
Edit: So the text thread scene here is -technically- written backwards to simulate scrolling. For example, if you got a notification saying you got a match on tinder 5 minutes ago, and then got a discord notification 1 minute ago, the discord notification would be at the top of your screen. So in this story, Mason’s texts were sent the earliest (from what she read, there could have been more under his), and the 7+ missed calls from Nate are at the top because those calls are what she is getting as she’s scrolling. I had my roommate read this after I posted it and that concept went over her head, so I thought i would explain. Sorry for any confusion!
“You’re reckless, uncalculated, and immature! If I had any say regarding your “re-introduction” to Unit Bravo, I’d have you caged for going rogue in the first place! I’ve never seen anyone so ungrateful in my life!” Adam boomed at Jamie. Their sparring match had spun completely out of control and was now a full out brawl. She dodged a punch and came up, seething, “Why would I be grateful for another chance to be constantly disrespected, and threatened with my life when I even slightly disagreed with an order from my commanding agent,” she sneered. They really brought out the worst in each other. Jamie went to punch him with enough force to break a human’s jaw, but whiffed it instead, catching his elbow to her nose instead. 
“See? If you think before you swing, you might land some h-” 
Jamie’s knee made contact with his ribs, and she seized the moment of surprise to punch him square across his stupid face. He stumbled back, and Jamie started to take her hand wraps off. She was done. 
However, Adam, having just gotten the wind knocked out of him, was not. He growled in frustration and ran at Jamie, only to be stopped dead by both of her hands meeting his chest and pushing him away.
 “I am done!” Jamie shouted before turning to storm out of the training room. Adam scoffed at her and said, “You’re done? Of course you are. Anytime someone holds you accountable for anything you do, you run away like a coward. Running and dodging is all you’re good at,” 
Jamie stopped at the door and whipped her head around to meet his icy glare with her razor sharp, violet eyes. She smiled. Not a warm smile, a wicked, cunning, dangerous smile that showed off her small pointed incisors.
“You know nothing, of what I am capable of,” she spoke low, venom dripping off of every word. “If you did, you would be wise, and bite your fucking tongue,”
Jamie slammed the door behind her and started stomping down the hallway to her bedroom at the warehouse. Rejoining Unit Bravo was a a stupid idea and she knew it. She could have run when she was found out in Wayhaven, she should have. She should have shoved her feelings about Isobel and the bounty on her head away, and not have even gone back to her apartment that night. She was stupid to think anything would change, but she hoped anyway. 
Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
She heard a door open behind her, and knew Mason popped out to follow her down the hall. She could smell him. Cigarette smoke, rain, and a hint of Suave for Men. Damn was she going to miss-
No. She cut her own train of thought off. She had to stand her ground this time. She was leaving and she wasn’t coming back. Not ever. She couldn’t succumb to her feelings now. 
She flung open her bedroom door, turned, and slammed it behind her. She waited to hear the sound of her door against it’s frame, but only heard Mason catch it and let himself in.
Damn he’s fast.
Jamie rolled her eyes and began looking for her suitcase. “Get out,” she ordered without facing him. He ignored her, and instead sat on her bed facing her back, admiring how she looked in her athletic attire. 
“What happened?” 
Jamie yanked her suitcase out of her closet and slammed it down on her bed, purposely barely missing Mason’s hand. 
“Aren’t you supposed to have hyper sensitive hearing? I said get out,” said Jamie, this time with a little more force behind her words. Mason shrugged, and smirked, “Selective hearing,”
Jamie was ignoring him, and throwing her belongings into the suitcase, using supernatural speed to do so. Sure, this might be a waste of her limited daily supply of magic, but she was desperate to leave. 
“What happened?” he asked again. Jamie still ignored him, continuing her rapid and messy packing. Mason furrowed his brow at her. What could he possibly have done to make her mad this time? He stood up, and placed himself in front of her suitcase. She ran straight into his chest and stumbled back, now even more irritated than before. 
“What’s going on, Jamie? What are you doing?” he asks, crossing his arms and planting his feet.  Jamie huffs and pushes past him, “I’m leaving,” she says. There was a tinge of hurt in her voice that she didn’t want there, but he probably didn’t notice. She wasn’t going to invade his privacy by reading his mind to find out. 
He did catch it, he felt and heard his heart rate rise. 
She doesn’t mean it, she’s bluffing and throwing a tantrum to make a point. She’ll be here tonight with a cup of tea and a bag of blow pops like nothing ever happened. He thought in an attempt to calm himself down. “What happened?” he demanded for the third time. Jamie zipped her suitcase and slammed it down onto the floor, the loud noise made Mason cringe slightly. “I don’t know, why don’t you ask Adam?” she sneers before pushing her way past him towards the door. 
“That’s what this is about? You and Adam are at each other’s all the time, that doesn’t mean you have to leave,” Mason says, reaching out to catch her arm. He misses when she whips around to face him, her face scrunched with anger. Her hair, black as a starless sky, barely missed his face when she spun around, causing a gust of coconut, and campfire to flood his senses. He was momentarily intoxicated.  
If she wasn’t being fucking insane right now I’d-
 “That’s not why I’m leaving!” she yells, snapping Mason out of his trance. His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. 
“I’m leaving because Adam is a mindless buffoon with head too far up his own ass to listen to anyone else, Nate treats me like I don’t know how to control myself, Rebecca treats me more like a child than her ACTUAL child, I’m the butt of all of Felix’s jokes, and you” she drives her finger into his chest. 
“I am done being your fucking cum dumpster, Mason,” 
Jamie didn’t need to read his mind to know that stung. 
She spun around before he could see the tears well up in her eyes, walked out the door, and started down the hall. She heard him take a few steps toward the door when she was about halfway to the exit of the warehouse. She knew she couldn't see him again, so she picked up her suitcase and bolted out the exit in a panicked sprint before he could stop her. 
She ran away. Again. She ran forever, until she couldn’t run anymore. This was the third time she had run away from any sort of family she had come across. Maybe Adam was right. Maybe this was all she really knew how to do. The fearless girl she masqueraded as was a sham. A bamboozle. A lie. 
She shook the thought off and blinked the tears back and looked up at the scene in front of her. She had sprinted all the way to the big city outside of Wayhaven. She nodded and tried to focus on finding someplace warm to rest for the night. She couldn’t risk running out of magic and losing the glamour that hid her terrifying appearance to the human world. 
Jamie checked in to the nearest hotel using the emergency cash she had left, and a stolen debit card. That night she would gather her thoughts, and make a plan. She didn’t need to be a member of Unit Bravo to protect Isobel. She could solve this whole bounty issue by herself, without the need to ask for permission from Rebecca, or Adam or anyone. Jamie was meant to work alone. No emotional liabilities. No sexual ties to anyone that would turn into emotional ones. Just her.
The buzzing of her phone brought her out of her thoughts as she got on to the elevator. 
She mentally scolded herself for bringing her phone simply out of habit. She answered the call from Nate, then immediately hung up so he couldn’t leave a voicemail. 
The elevator opened up to her floor, and she walked out, her phone buzzed again with another call from Nate, she didn’t answer it this time, she simply pressed the red button and ignored it. In doing this, she saw the tons of missed calls and unread text messages from her now ex coworkers. Jamie put her phone in her pocket, and pulled out her room key to stick in the card reader on the door. 
Smells clean.
She tossed her suitcase on the bed and layed down next to it, pulling her phone out to ignore another call from Nate. She also couldn’t help but scroll down the stream of the text messages and missed calls littering her locked screen. 
-7 missed calls from: Nate-
Rebecca: Jamie, this is Agent Greystone. Please call me immediately, we need to talk. 
-Missed call from: Rebecca-
Nate: I know you know I’m calling. Please call me back and talk to me. Please. 
Nate: Iso just came back from your room. She says all of your things are gone. Please tell me this doesn’t mean what I think it means. 
-3 missed calls from: Isobel-
Isobel: Why is all of your stuff gone? Is this what “she’s gone” means? Call me. 
Isobel: I just overheard Mason and Adam screaming at each other, and I heard Mason say you were gone. He sounded pretty mad about it. I hope you two aren’t fighting, because I’ll kick his ass 
Isobel: Never mind I’ll just go check myself, and I totally won’t use some of that super sexy perfume you had on the other night
Isobel: Is the tea kettle in your room? I can’t find it.
Mason: I saw you take your phone. I know you are getting these calls. Listen, you don’t need to come back, but can we at least talk about this? You know where I’ll be. 
-4 missed calls from: Mason-
Mason: I would say I couldn’t believe you were leaving again, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this point. At least you said goodbye this time. 
Mason: I know you couldn’t have gone far. I’m standing out in front of the warehouse with your blow pops if you want them back. 
Mason: This is stupid. Quit throwing a fit and get your ass back here. You have work to do, and we need to have a conversation. 
Mason: You left your blow pops. 
Incoming call from: Isobel.
Tears spilled over from Jamie’s eyes and her scrolling was interrupted. Her finger hovered over the green button, wanting to assure her closest friend that she wasn’t abandoning her, just working from afar. She clenched her eyes shut, pressed the red button, and turned her phone off completely. Jamie knew Rebecca, and she knew that the second she answered the call, they would ping her location, and she would be captured. There was no way she could fend them all off in the state she was currently in, she needed to sleep. Jamie stood up from her bed, opened a window, and chucked her phone out onto the busy street below. The phone barely missed a windshield, but instead shattered to the ground, and was run over multiple times.
Jamie didn’t get ready for bed that night. She just crawled into bed, in the same clothes she had been training in that day, and drifted to sleep. 
When she was finished with her plan, all of them would kiss the ground she walked on for cleaning up their mess. Iso would be safe, and Jamie could finally disappear for good. 
Jamie shivered and snuggled down into the covers even more when she felt an aching absence at her back. Mason was never there when she woke up, but he had been there as she fell asleep almost everyday now. 
I’m alone. 
No one was there to see her silently admit her growing feelings for him. No one had to see the tears slowly streaming down her face. Part of her regretted what she had said to him.
“I am done being your fucking cum dumpster, Mason,”
It was true though, she was done. She wanted, no she deserved more from him, but admitting that would mean the high probability of him rejecting her completely. She would rather have part of him instead of none of him at all. None of that mattered now though, she was gone for good, and  she knew that whatever conversation he mentioned in the last text messages he sent would be him letting her down easy.
“You know there’s nothing more here, right? I don’t think I ever lead you to believe otherwise. If I did, I’m sorry,”
Jamie shuddered at the thought, and buried her face into the soft hotel pillow. 
How fucking pathetic. 
Jamie decided that she would allow herself a silent moment of weakness tonight. She was tired, and lonely, and pissed, and there was no one to witness it and hold it against her anyway, so who the fuck cared. 
Tomorrow she would pick herself up, and get back to work. It was these thoughts that pulled her into a dreamless sleep that night.
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