#nates yakuza 5 play
sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
I love Yakuza so much.
My favourite is “At least this is on my way hoooooooome” guy.
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thuganomxcs · 2 years
SONGS TO WRITE YUSUKE:  whether  it  be  melodies  that  give  you  inspiration  for  your  muse  or  songs  that  get  you  into  the  writing  mood   —   pick  10  songs  you  find  that  give  you  the  urge,   the  drive,   or  the  creativity  to  write  your  muse   !!
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1. Battle scars - Lupe Fiasco, Guy Sebastian.
“These battle scars, don’t look like they’re fading. Don’t look like they’re ever goin’ away. They ain’t ever gonna change.” Despite this giving me break up vibes, those lyrics gives me so much Yusuke vibes post the dark tournament. He’s dealt with two ‘deaths’ in his life in one little instances and it’s really left scars on him. It was at the moment Yusuke truly felt as though he’s taken the time he’s spent with his loved ones for granted and he’d be damned if he doesn’t cherish them even more now.
2. No love - Eminem ft Lil Wayne.
“I’m giving no mercy mark my words, ain’t letting up, relentless I smell blood. Don’t give a fuck. keep givin’ ‘em hell, where was you when I fell and needed help up?” Definitely one of those early pre-season one vibes with this song. This song definitely helps me vibe with Yusuke’s life before he got his life together. Back where people hated him without TRULY knowing him, the time where Keiko was the only one that shows any public kindness towards him. (I know you cared about him too in your own way Kuwabara, you’re still the GOAT.)
3. Judgment - Ryu ga Gotoku Zero .
“Wow, Breakin’ the law Breakin’ the world 壊せ 切り裂けTenderness” This entire song gives me Yusuke vibes, THANK GOD for Yakuza 0 because this lil piece here screams vibes for badboys. Whether it’s Yusuke during the start of the series or at the end of it, this song definitely reflects him in some way or another imo.
4. Daydream Generation.
“I know how it hurts when you been betrayed by people you trust, the pain never fades.” This is cheating considering it’s the ending of the entire series. I think this song could very well vibe with the entire cast to be honest but I always get a vibe to write as Yusuke when this pops on the playlist.
5.Old School - Overkill.
“They said that this would never last, we never gave a fuck!” This ENTIRE song is just attitude. It really vibes well with his flippant feelings for authority. Not to mention the name of the song is really tight if you’ve seen Yusuke in the ring.
6. Enemy - Imagine Dragons.
“Pray it away, I swear I’ll never be a saint no way.” I can honestly drop any single of imagine dragon,this one though..that ONE little sentence at the end is what gets me. It’s like Season 1 all over again, probably just those few minutes after he’s got ran over by car-chan. It’s kinda like ‘I got nothing but bad in me’ type of feeling when I hear it but OH he found out how wrong he was.
7. What about the rest of us - Action Bronson & Joey Badass.
“Lord have mercy, it’s the world we live in was only design for somebody wealthy.” To me this song speaks of how alienated Yusuke feels from the world around him. Like the song says with the prior statement, to him it really does feel like the world was made for the wealthy when people like him mean less than dirt to the ones with money.
8. Stand Proud - JJBA
“All right now. All right now. All right now 誇りのBullet (JOJO! JOJO! JOJO!)” This song itself is just hype. It was the chapter in the series I didn’t overall liked BUT I’d be damned if I don’t admit their openings were CLEAN. Either way just when this chorus hits I could literally that spark I need to get to my drafts. This is actually one of the songs that does play when i’m doin’ early morning drafts.
9. Headlights - Eminem ft Nate Reuss
“If the plane goes down, or if the crew can’t wake me up. Just know that I’m alright, I was not afraid to die.” This entire song is literally a redemption song. It gives me fees for both Yusuke and Atsuko, their relationship wasn’t perfect but there was still enough love there to fix them.
10. Dead and gone - T.I
“I turn my head to the east, I don’t see nobody by my side, I turn my head to the west, still nobody in sight.” This song right here is a letter to how much Yusuke’s friends and family shaped him by the end of the series. The old him was literally ‘dead and gone’.
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tagged: @curseleads​ (thanks for tagging the boy)
tagging: @universestreasures​ (yusei), @pluviacuratio​ , @theothervonkarmagirl​ , @healingwords​ (ann), @adamnedmartyr​ , @xkokuryuhax​ , @chibitantei​ , @solforger​ , @acandlelitdeath​ , steal it homies
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coffeebeannate · 3 years
I was tagged by @moonlightandromache thanks Abby!
name/nickname: Nate (Name) /Naterade/Naters (Nicknames)
gender: Trans Bro
star sign: Gemini (If one wants to be supeerrrrrr technical, Taurini)
height:  5′8′‘
time: 3:53pm
birthday: 22nd May, 1991
favorite bands: Uh, you see, the thing is. I have so many bands I like but none that I would probably consider a favourite? Just..look at one of my messy playlists sometime.
favorite solo artists: See above aksjdnak
song stuck in my head: Whatever that one last instrumental song that gets played during a street battle in Yakuza 0 is. (This would be b/c I’m playing the game constantly rn)
last movie: Uh..A Dangerous Fortune akjsdnskasdkj oh dear.
last show: Original 90′s Unsolved Mysteries
when did i create this blog: 2020, Sideblog goodness.
what do i post: On this blog? The Old Guard, fanfic, actor adoration. Meta. Reviews and Nonsense.
last thing googled: Japanese Yen to Canadian Dollars, I believe.
other blogs: @coffeemakesmeahappybean main blog.
do i get asks: Yes
why i chose my url: I wanted something fairly close to my main blog so I’d remember it and not get too confused, and it seemed simple. Plus, I love coffee.
following: Uh like, 300 something?
followers: More than I understand, aksjdnasnksnj
average hours of sleep: Chaos
lucky number: 5
instruments: Clarinet
what am i wearing: Uh, black Iron Man comics t-shirt, black leggings, slippers
dream job: Digital Archivist
dream trip: All over, anywhere my friends are, Japan, England, Europe, etc. I’d also love to see Hungary one day. b/c family and history things. (History things tied into said family)
favorite food: Steak, Sushi, Cheese, etc
nationality: Canadian
favorite song: So.Many.
last book read: Blood Communion (The Vampire Chronicles, Anne Rice)
top three fictional universes i'd like to live in: I’m..actually not sure. Ha. Tagging: Steal at will folks.
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jq37 · 5 years
The Gary Gygax Job (An Adventure in Two Parts)
I was asked to post my “Hardison forces the gang to play D&D fic” that I wrote for @alexromero​ so here it is. It’s actually just the set up and not the game itself because that would have been a whole undertaking but, anyway, I hope the anon who asked for it enjoys it.
Part One
BASE. Gyutou. Paris.
It's Parker's idea, surprisingly. Well, surprisingly to someone who knows Parker well but not very well. The team is breaking up, at least partially (though the kids have a secret pool running about how much wedded bliss Nate and Sophie can stand before they're ready to get back into the fight). She's not ready to lose two people from her very small inner circle.
"We should do, like, a girls' night," she suggests out of the blue, over the comms while crawling through air ducts (she has some of her best ideas in air ducts, which makes sense, statistically speaking).
"Girls' night?" says Hardison from the van. "You and what girls?"
"Me and Sophie. But also you and Nate and Eliot."
"Tha-that's just hanging out Parker. It's not a girl's night if there are guys."
She shrugs (tries to shrug. There's not enough space in the air duct). "Whatever. We should do it. I miss Sophie. And Nate," she adds, belatedly.
"Me too."
"Me three," Eliot finally cuts in. He's been providing an ambient background of grunts and things smashing into other things for the past minute or so, but that kind of thing is surprisingly easy to ignore after a while. "But can we do this AFTER THE CON???" They grudgingly decide to put a pin in it while Eliot runs his hand through his hair in annoyance. Honestly.
When they call the "Call us if you need us but please try very hard not to need us," number, they get Sophie, which is good. She'll be easier to convince and if they convince her, they've got Nate too. Parker explains her idea and Sophie is very into it: Group activity, once a month, full team.
Sophie's in so they're in business. Hardison puts all of their names into a randomizer and Parker ends up with first pick.
"Greece!" she says, immediately.
"Excellent choice, Parker!" says Sophie, picturing the food and beaches and museums. And then she remembers who she's speaking to.
"Parker, what are we doing in Greece?"
They find out two weeks later and Hardison thinks that it's a good thing he loves Parker to death, because he's pretty sure she's going to get him killed.
BASE Jumping on Zakynhos Island.
"Oh, come on!" Hardison whines as he's tossed a parachute. Sophie is also not thrilled, but she seems to think that encouraging Parker's social skills is worth 5-ish seconds of sheer terror.
The jump order is Eliot, Sophie, Nate (who is choosing to be amused by this whole thing), Hardison, then Parker. Hardison and Parker are the last two on the cliff.
"Come on you big baby," she says. "You've jumped off of buildings before."
"Not for fun."
She touches his chest very deliberately. "Then don't do it for fun. Do it for me."
He shakes his head and steels his nerves. "Sophie's rubbing off on you and I don't like it."
He is so happy to land in one piece that he immediately drops to his back and makes sand angels. From above, he can hear Parker's adrenaline-high scream. He opens his eyes, sees her parachute explode out, and then closes his eyes again. Maybe if he pretends to be asleep, she won't make him go again.
Somehow, Eliot's pick is worse.
He says they're going for a cooking lesson which sounds safe enough. The lesson is at a tiny sushi place in Brooklyn and the chef is some Japanese buddy of his. They're not allowed to know how they know each other specifically (Eliot says he's a "work friend") and they're not allowed to know his name, so they just call him Chef.
Everyone's having a good time and whatever work Chef did with Eliot before, cooking is obviously his calling.
And then…well, Hardison's not sure. It happens really quickly. The door bursts open and a man in dark clothes bursts in. There's a flash of silver from Chef's side of the room and the man drops. Hardison doesn't even have time to jump.
Chef isn't holding his knife anymore, Hardison notices. He looks across the room. It's implanted in the intruder's chest. A gun falls out of his hand and Nate kicks it away.
"What just happened?" says Hardison, trying to keep his voice level.
"It's a Gyutou," says Eliot. "Sharpest knife in the game."
"I'm not asking ab--why would you think I was asking about the knife?"
"Because the guy's Yakuza. Obviously."
"Wait, Yakuza? Like, Yakuza-Yakuza?"
"No, one of the many other Yakuzas out there. Yes, that Yakuza!" In the time it's taken them to have this conversation, Chef has dragged their attacker's limp body into a supply closet, found a clean knife, and gone back to chopping ginger.
Hardison has so many comments that he doesn't know where to start. He just throws up his hands and goes to stand in the corner for a minute. When he remembers that the corner he's in very recently had a dead body in it, he picks a new corner.
Sophie takes everyone for a weekend in Paris because of course she does.
Paris is great. No one tries to kill anyone in Paris. There's no jumping off of anything in Paris.
But it's a little like being on a three-day date with your parents sometimes. And Hardison has been Team Nate and Sophie since day one basically. That doesn't mean he wants to know every museum in Paris they've done it in. Not that he's asking, for the record. But they'll walk in and give each other this kind of smug smirk and he can just tell. It's disgusting.
So, when Hardison's turn rolls around, he feels exactly zero guilt for choice.
"Dungeons and Dragons?" Eliot says with the kind of scorn he reserves for especially bad bad guys and Hardison.
"Oh, I don't wanna hear that tone from you, alright? I don't wanna hear it from any of y'all. Little miss adrenaline junkie over there," Parker blows him a kiss, "And your crazy Samurai friends," Eliot rolls his eyes, "And y'all two making googly eyes at each other for three solid days."
Nate takes a second from doing just that to say, "You're exaggerating."
"He's really not," says Parker.  
"BASE. Gyutou. Paris," Hardison rattles off again. "I did your thing now you're doing mine." He pulls a d20 out of his pocket and holds it between two fingers with a satisfied smirk. "Age of the geek, baby."
Part Two
Nate claims character creation is too complicated for him to understand which is a blatant lie because Hardison has seen him rig an election and manipulate the stock market on the fly and give a guy a nosebleed with his mind like he was freaking Professor X.
"This isn't my thing, Hardison," he says. "Just make a character for me. I don't care about the details. Do whatever you want."
Do whatever you want.
Famous last words.
Hardison makes him a dwarf barbarian character with an intelligence score so low he'll have trouble scratching himself.
Nate texts him a one-word response: No.
Well if you don't like my painstakingly created character you can make your own, Hardison texts back.
Just fix it.
Oh, he'll fix it alright. But first, he has to deal with Eliot.
He tries a different tactic with Eliot.
"Alright," he says when Eliot reluctantly drops in the chair across from him, looking like he's just been plunked into the heart of Gitmo. "You don't have to make a character. I premade one for you. Check it."
He fans out the materials he's printed out that show the character he created--premade for Eliot's approval. He's a human fighter, with a greatsword as his main weapon. He's proficient in several languages, weapons, tools--Hardison had to fudge the rules a little to give him so many skills at level one but it's nothing more ridiculous than what he can do in real life. He even had a sketch commissioned--he knows from experience that Eliot is a sucker for cool artwork of himself.
Eliot's eyes scan the sheets of paper and Hardison thinks he detects that trademark grudging approval he was going for.
"Did I do good or did I do good?"
Eliot looks up, scowls, and then something clearly goes off in his head because a slight smirk replaces the scowl. Hardison doesn't trust it but he doesn't react either.
"OK," says Eliot. "I'll play your character. One change though."
Just one? He can handle that. The way Eliot was looking at him he thought something much worse was coming.
"Sure, what?"
"I want to play as a pacifist."
Hardison's brain BSOD's and reboots in time to see Eliot's slight smirk go full Cheshire cat.
"I'll play your guy in your little nerd game, but I want to play as a pacifist."
"You're telling me, you want to play this character, this fighter--a guy whose entire skillset is based on fighting--as a pacifist?"
Hardison scatters the papers in front of him as he thinks of all the high-level encounters he'd planned, counting on Eliot's super buffed fighter to keep the party alive, just like in real life.
"I don't get no respect around here."
While he's reworking the campaign, he gets a text from Nate re: the second premade character Hardison sent him--a sexy tiefling ranger. A sexy, female, tiefling ranger.
You're aware that I know where you live, right?, the text reads.
Not my fault you won't be specific. I'm working on pure guesswork here, Hardison texts back.
Fix it, Nates texts again. Then he adds, Don't forget I know how to hypnotize people.   
Hardison snorts: And I can hack your bank account and spend everything on My Little Ponies. Make your damn character Nate.
Sophie is confused.
"If there's no goal, how do you play?" she asks him over Skype.
He never got a chance to really explain how the game worked and clearly, she hasn't looked it up in the meantime.
"There's a goal. There's just not one singular goal. You usually get some kind of quest and then you choose whatever you want to do. It's an RPG, just without the computer." When she squints in confusion he explains. "Role playing game."
Recognition goes off in her eyes and he realizes how he needs to sell the game to Sophie. "You get to pick a character. Well not pick. Make a character. You come up with a backstory and their abilities--"
"It's like coming up with a cover."
"Yes, exactly. It's exactly like that but you can also do magic if you want."
After she makes the connection, she's sold. The next day, she comes over with her backstory prepared. Or, rather, her backstories.
"I made more than one character because I couldn't decide on playing as a bard or a rogue. They're both very me. Oh," she gasps in much more excitement than Hardison thought he would ever see Sophie Devereaux show about Dungeons and Dragons. "Is there any way I could play as a bard and a rogue?"
"I got you," he says pulling out an info sheet he'd printed in anticipation of her request. "Bam. Sophie special."
"Songfilch?" she reads from the top of the sheet.
"It's not an official class," Hardison explains. "It's kind of a homebrew hybrid I whipped up. Half thief, half performer."
Sophie lights up. "You made me a grifter!"
"I told you this was a fun game."
"One more question," she says. "Is it possible I could play as a vampire? They get the thrall ability which would be useful I think."
"Uh, well you could," said Hardison. "But vampires also can't enter homes without being invited. The whole point of being a rogue is sneaking into houses without being invited to steal stuff. You can't expect them to just open the door and let you…" His words trail off as he remembers who he's speaking to. She bats her eyelashes at him, teasingly. "Yeah. Vampire songfilch. Go for it."
Nate texts him again later in the afternoon. He thinks it's gonna be in response to the munchkin baker character he sent (not a real race or class but Nate's not gonna check) but, miracles of miracles, it's a real character. Not a full character, mind you. It's just sketchy notes for a character: A cleric turned paladin. Servant of the god Helm--god of protectors.
There's not a lot there but there's enough for Hardison to know he actually put effort into it. He thinks Sophie must have gotten to him. Either way, it's enough for him to fill in the blanks and make Nate a character he will actually enjoy playing once he gives it a chance.
An enjoyable character who kicks ass since Eliot is still refusing to.
Parker is actually pretty game about the whole thing.
Which she better be, Hardison thinks. You can't force a guy to jump off of a cliff and then get mad about a little geekery.
She picks her class easily (rogue, natch) but she has trouble picking a race.
"What are you playing as?" she asks.
"I'm not playing," he explains. "I'm running the game. I'm like the narrator."
"Oh." She frowns. "That's lame. It would be more fun if you played."
"Someone has to run the game, Parker."
"I guess," she says. "It's still lame though."
He helps her finish her rogue (halfling rogue they decide), but he's only half paying attention. By the time they're done, he realizes there's someone he needs to call.
Hardison arrives at the game sesh with a guest. "Hey guys," he announces. "This is Chris, my foster brother. He's exactly like me, minus the criminal activity and rugged good looks."
He's also white, but no one mentions that.
"What's he doing here?" Eliot asks.
"Hardison asked me to DM for y'all," Chris answers.
Parker realizes what this means first. "You're playing?"
He nods. "Elven Wizard. I'm gonna hack reality, baby."
Chris rolls his eyes. "You can't just use the word hack whenever you want to. It has a very specific meaning."
"I can if I hack the language," Hardison shoots back as he sits down.
Chris grits his teeth like he's had this argument many times before (which he clearly has). "Let's do this before I kill you. Not in the game, in real life. Are you guys ready?"
Hardison looks around the table: Fighter, Songfilch, Paladin, Rogue, Wizard.
It's a weird group.
He grins.
"Ready. Let's do this."
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
If Haruka tells Yamaura she doesn’t want to participate in the Princess League finals, T-Set will win the finals by default, However, Haruka later gets a voicemail from Mai, that makes her sound more human and genuine than she really ever does at any other point in the game. Azusa kinda gets a moment like this when she saves Haruka from a creep producer in one of her Road to Fame stories, but it’s a bit of a shame Mai’s moment is hidden behind Haruka not following through with her performances.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
(Yes Saejima can stop a moving car with his HANDS)
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
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The dynamic these two have is spellbinding btw
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
FA LA LA LA FUCK YOU! @hylasregilla @c8h7n3o2blue​
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
Two for One Tiger Drop?
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
Akiyama Dance Battles
The only downside here is he only gets two of them.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
I had the thought of how amusing it is that in Watase’s introduction he basically gets to sit like a King of old with hired entertainers as Kiryu beats the ever loving shit out of his best men.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
Well. That sure told me didn’t it. Sorry Hirakawa. XD (Hey I’m not THAT drunk, tiny bit tipsy! One champagne tower at the cabaret club, I just wanna race-okaaaaaaay)
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
Looks like I have a New Game Plus from last year I only got around 20 minutes into so HEY NOW- LETS USE THAT
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
I like the song that plays as Saejima goes to rescue Okudera.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
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I always wondered a bit about Kugihara’s scar-did someone come at you with an ax bro? It goes from his eye half way up his head, and down most of his face.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
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This is quite the face, Kiryu.
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