prowlnation · 6 years
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Drake - 45 - Nathan Fillion
After the death of his wife, Drake was left with two baby girls to raise all on his own. Little did he know that at least one of those children held incredible gifts. Drake lived in New Orleans the majority of his adult life with his two daughters. These girls were his everything after losing the love of his life. He did everything he could for them, even when he didn't really know how to handle the gifts and it hurt him greatly when his eldest ran off with a boy to another state. It hurt him even more when he found out that things had gone horribly in that situation. Drake felt helpless, and thus he did the only thing that he could do, he wrote. After publishing several best selling novels, he decided that he would put the money towards something great for the gifted community. He would start a school, where they could learn to use their gifts. He would use it to bring together the gifted community, so that they could learn from each other. The only thing that held him back, was wondering where to start this school. When his eldest ended up in Freedom Falls, it all became clear to him. Drake would start this school in Freedom Falls. So, while the Lycan pack began rebuilding Drake began creating the skyline institute.
Side note: both of his daughters are in play on the site.
Wanted on Prowl as a canon
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