prowlnation · 5 years
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Mysterious things are happening in Freedom Falls, which is drawing the presence of supernatural creatures from all across the country. With the threat of angels coming down should their secret get out, Maine has become a very dangerous place to be.
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prowlnation · 5 years
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Belcourt - 40 - Nick Wechsler
His father had led the coven, and now he leads the coven, and he has high hopes that one day his daughter will also lead the coven. That day is far off though and until then Belcourt will protect his daughter with his life, since he could not protect her mother. His wife of 15 years was slaughtered in cold blood by a lycan, for no real reason from what he could tell. Belcourt has yet to mourn the loss of his wife. Instead, he busies himself with taking care of the coven, his work with his security business, and protecting his daughter. In his eyes most supernatural creatures are not to be trusted, but he has recently created an alliance with a particular nest of vampires. While he doesn’t trust these vampires, he believes that they will not only lead him to his wife’s killer, but that their protection will keep the coven and by default his daughter safe as well, since he could not.
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prowlnation · 5 years
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Mysterious things are happening in Freedom Falls, which is drawing the presence of supernatural creatures from all across the country. With the threat of angels coming down should their secret get out, Maine has become a very dangerous place to be.
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prowlnation · 6 years
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--- Belcourt | 42 years old | Michael Fassbender
After his parents were killed in the attack by the angels, Belcourt took over the Belcourt Coven and moved the family to Freedom Falls where he opened his security company to support the coven. It was in Freedom Falls that his wife was killed by a lycanthrope and his life spiraled out of control. His main focus now is revenge and also making sure that his daughter is kept safe. He has high hopes that one day his daughter will also lead the coven. That day is far off though and until then Belcourt will protect his daughter with his life, since he could not protect her mother.
In his eyes most supernatural creatures are not to be trusted, but he has recently created an alliance with a particular nest of vampires. While he doesn't trust these vampires, but he believes that they will not only lead him to the lycan that killed his wife, but that their protection will keep the coven and by default his daughter safe as well, since he could not.
Belcourt is not only an important leader to a coven on the site, but has many familial ties as well. Currently his daughter is in play as well as two of his nieces. There is plenty potential for threads with him and he is a character that we’d love to see!
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Mysterious things are happening in Freedom Falls, which is drawing the presence of supernatural creatures from all across the country. With the threat of angels coming down should their secret get out, Maine has become a very dangerous place to be.
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prowlnation · 6 years
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--- Carroll | 28 years old | Amber Heard
She and her twin brother were sixteen when the pack was attacked. When a family friend sent word that the pack had been rebuilt, she immediately wanted to go and see for herself. She's been in town since, though she may not have joined the pack right away. The most adventurous and outgoing of her siblings, and sometimes a little bit too reckless, she frequently challenged Rhydian's decision to stay away from Freedom Falls even as a teenager. She's the kind of woman who wants to experience something herself instead of just hearing about it, and isn't content to stay on the sidelines when she can be in the middle of things.
Wanted on Prowl by Jax
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Ainsworth - 30 - Alexander Calvert
Theo, the first born son of the Ainsworth family. And the fully-blooded brother of Thea, son of Aviana and Raymond. 
Unlike the rest of his family, Theo is completely uninterested in the life set out for him. He doesn’t want the family fortune, he doesn’t want the name, he doesn’t even want to be involved in the business, which is why his sister took such a liking to it. If the heir didn’t want to be the heir, at least his little sister could take his place as the heiress. 
Instead, Theo wants do do something good with his life - he wants to go into politics, and make a change. He’s done with the 1% being treated like they’re better than everyone else because they’re worth more. He’s done with his dad’s illegalities, he’s just done with it all. And once he achieves his goal, there’s going to be nothing to stop him.
That being said, Theo is extremely loyal to his family. More than anyone else in the Ainsworth line, he’s loyal to his sister. The two of them have each others’ backs through thick and thin, and there’s no way in hell that’s going to change. That was, until their mum came back into the picture. While his sister might not want to reconcile, he definitely does and is putting in a valiant effort to do so. This definitely drove a wedge between the siblings.
Now, Theo is forced to make a choice between his sister, who has been there through every step of his life, or his mum, who was gone for over a decade, but in his eyes genuinely wants to make up for it. Will he choose a side, or will he stand on his own side of this family feud?
Wanted by Dia on Prowl.
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Open Adoptive Brother
When Cam was fourteen, he found out that his adopted family were hunters. He started hunting with them when he was eighteen. A few years ago, he and his brother found a newly turned vampire who claimed she'd never hurt anyone. Cam believed her and wanted to help her, but his brother killed her without hesitation. It led to a crisis of conscience for Cam, since he began seeing the supernaturals they hunted as human rather than monsters. A few months later, he packed up his things and walked away without a word. His family likely thinks he was killed on a hunt.
In the app, I called the brother Marcus, but that can be changed. He's at least six years older than Cam, and while they were growing up, Cam always looked up to him. Even though Marcus enjoyed hunting, and never saw supernaturals as human beings, he wasn't some kind of bloodthirsty psychopath. When hunting, he was merciless and aggressive, but he thought he was doing the right thing, and of course he was saving people. Unlike Cam, he's never wanted to leave hunting behind him. He's likely come to Freedom Falls hunting some supernatural or trying to find Cam.
His exact age and playby are both open, as is his first and middle names. There's a few more details about their family in Cam's app but the important stuff is all mentioned here. I'm pretty open with how this goes. though I'd prefer that he's an active hunter, with no current intentions of leaving the life. That can always change down the road but I kind of like the idea of Cam trying to convince him that supernaturals are normal people just like they are. Marcus could also have been turned, maybe thinks Cam would hunt him if they met, for some extra family drama.
Wanted on Prowl by Jax
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Completely Open Half-Sibling
What if Garrett's  mother had a child she put up for adoption before  his parents got married?
Or his father slept with a stripper at the bachelor party?
Since both his parents are deceased, it could make things even more awkward. lol
The character itself is wide open   for gender, species, job, personality, etc...
Wanted on Prowl by Lia
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prowlnation · 6 years
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ShadowStorm Pack
An inside look at the ShadowStorm Pack den, which serves as the headquarters for the pack. This is where a lot of the wolves congregate and some even live within its walls. In this large multi-level home you will find a large kitchen, (which you’ll be in trouble if you leave a mess) and a huge dining room with a large round table to house their huge pack. Also within the home there is, what is lovingly referred to as the pack pile room. This room is rarely empty and some wolves even spend their nights here when their needing some extra companionship.
The den always has its doors open to fellow pack members, and should be seen as a safe haven from the outside world.
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Mysterious things are happening in Freedom Falls, which is drawing the presence of supernatural creatures from all across the country. With the threat of angels coming down should their secret get out, Maine has become a very dangerous place to be.
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Drake - 45 - Nathan Fillion
After the death of his wife, Drake was left with two baby girls to raise all on his own. Little did he know that at least one of those children held incredible gifts. Drake lived in New Orleans the majority of his adult life with his two daughters. These girls were his everything after losing the love of his life. He did everything he could for them, even when he didn’t really know how to handle the gifts and it hurt him greatly when his eldest ran off with a boy to another state. It hurt him even more when he found out that things had gone horribly in that situation. Drake felt helpless, and thus he did the only thing that he could do, he wrote. After publishing several best selling novels, he decided that he would put the money towards something great for the gifted community. He would start a school, where they could learn to use their gifts. He would use it to bring together the gifted community, so that they could learn from each other. The only thing that held him back, was wondering where to start this school. When his eldest ended up in Freedom Falls, it all became clear to him. Drake would start this school in Freedom Falls. So, while the Lycan pack began rebuilding Drake began creating the skyline institute.
Side note: both of his daughters are in play on the site.
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Open Female Wanted
So I am very open for/with this one.
So the idea is: Eddie had a daughter when he was a teenager, and not in transition yet. He carried the child to term, cause he just couldn’t abort, and gave the kid away (for adoption) or she got cared for by the bio dad. (Whatever you'd like best)
So she would be around her teenage years now, around 16-ish. And suddenly, she is standing in front of Eddie like: Hi, I am your daughter. So she probably found out some information via the agency/Dad and probably also via Eddie his parents, cause they especially have always been open for a meeting/contact etc.
I think it could be a nice dynamic and it’s maybe also a little bit extra drama, cause why not? Eddie knows about her, just never tought he'd see her again. The relationship between them could start a bit strained, and eventually grow, or not.
Wanted on Prowl by Simone
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Open Natalie Dormer Character
So I am pretty open with this. I just want someone to be Apollo’s apartment neighbour and know about his life a bit. Like they have keys to each others places and drop by whenever kind of friends. She takes no shit and doesn’t filter her thoughts all too much. Will call people out on their bullshit as she sees it. Her and Apollo get on like a house on fire, sometimes he needs someone there to call him an idiot and likewise. He’s happy to share personal details about his life, she can do the same if she dates around. Apollo is the least jealous person in the universe.
They’ve been friends/neighbours for years now, you can decide how many! Apollo moved into the apartment 6 years ago, just after he’d separated with his kids mom (Hannah - npc) and she was shredding him to pieces in court. The divorce was ugly and drawn out, 1yr into living at that apartment his divorced was finalized and he’s been single ever since.
His kid stays 1 weekend every month. Aria turned 9 this year and she’s Apollos diamond in all the shit he’s had with her mom. He never goes into detail about how bad Hannah was, not even to his neighbour. It was enough to put him off pursuing relationships for 5 years and learn to love himself a bit more. She’s probably been a huge help with this process with him too. Apollo would do anything to help her out. She’d definitely know about his gift. He’d probably use it in front of her just to mess with her XD
Nothing sexual has happened between them thus far, but that could potentially always change. He’s got the thirst bad for a certain mr hot teacher right now, she’ll definitely get to hear about that when we thread! She’ll probably know all the above about Apollo, and I’m game with whatever plots you want going forward! I love complicatedly long and drawn out stories. All the highs and lows!
Wanted by Aurora
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Mysterious things are happening in Freedom Falls, which is drawing the presence of supernatural creatures from all across the country. With the threat of angels coming down should their secret get out, Maine has become a very dangerous place to be.
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Gallagher - 35-40 - Katheryn Winnick
Zain and Amelia met when she was twenty-one. Zain had been on the force for a year and Amelia was the latest rookie that nobody believed in. They bonded over being the underdogs of the force and became fast friends. Amelia was older, but it never bothered Zain. Having never really thought about being romantically involved with anyone, Zain was more surprised by the relationship’s development than anyone else. But Amelia stole her heart faster than a speeding bullet. They had their fights, like any couple, though theirs were mostly over Amelia’s wandering eyes and Zain prodding her; Zain was constantly telling Amelia that she could go on to higher ranks if she put her mind to it.
Part of her was embarrassed of Amelia. Zain was an overachiever and she became a respected detective in no time – Amelia was laid back and did the bare minimum to stay on Augusta’s force, though she remained a beat cop. It all came to a head three years ago when they got into the biggest fight of their relationship. Zain told Amelia that she was lazy and going nowhere in life and Amelia told Zain that she was a manic ball of nerves that didn’t know when to relax. So Zain took off work early the next day to surprise Amelia with a surprise lunch only to find Amelia with someone else. Naked. Doing the do. They rarely speak to each other now. Zain can’t even find it in herself to be angry. Just sad.
Side development, is that the girl who Amelia cheated on Zain with is actually in play on the site. Her name is Brooklyn Evans and she is a personal trainer a gym that is competition to Zain. Brooklyn and Amelia haven’t spoken since that day they were caught together, but Brooklyn was unaware of Amelia being in a relationship and was quite upset when she found out. There is a lot of drama to go around for this trio.
Wanted on Prowl by Foxx & Poe.
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Clearwater - 30 - Jessica Parker Kennedy
Clearwater comes from a large family of mages, and holds a relatively high place in the coven. She was raised by her grandmother, as her parents were too busy fighting all of the time to pay much attention to her. Her parents were always butting heads on mage type things. Her father, a Clearwater, was a strong mage who wanted his daughter to follow in his footsteps, while her mother, a human, wanted to take her as far away from the business as possible. It was clear though who would win in the fight, and so Clearwater's grandmother taught her everything she knew while the parents fought like cats and dogs. Even after the fighting ceased, she spent most of her time with her grandmother, up until the old women finally passed. It was devastating to lose someone who she was so close to, but she used the loss to make her stronger. She has been promoted to be one of the leaders of the coven and many of the coven respect her, with some of the younger members even look up to her.       
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