#natm Ralph Capone
64-jungle-planks · 1 year
Night at the Museum Wing AU
(AU by @multiversal-madness)
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I love this AU so much!
I based Al's wings off of a red-tailed hawk! Al always “thought of himself as “American” rather than Italian or even Italian-American.” (Al Capone by Deirdre Bair) The screech used for the Bald Eagle in Hollywood is actually the call of a red-tailed hawk!
Ralph's wings are based off a Rüppell's Vulture/ a Griffon Vulture. I don't have a lot of reason why, I just felt he should be a large bird of prey with feathers close to Al's. Griffon Vultures hold the record for the highest flying bird in the world!
Frank is based off a Northern Mockingbird. They are known for being very smart birds. They are also very aggressive and territorial, like Frank was. I feel I could have picked a bird of prey to fit in with his brothers, but I think a Northern Mockingbird suits him because of his description of being the best looking and mild-mannered brother.
(Colored Version below the cut)
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I love this AU a lot! I want to make more art for it. Multi says that "Those born in and later than 1900 have wings while some born 1890 to 1900 might have wings", which lets all the Capone siblings have wings! Ralph was born in 1894, Frank in 1895, and Al in 1899!
Since I headcanon Jimmy/Richard James "Two-Gun" Hart to be in Jed's group, I'm not sure if he would have wings! Especially since he was born in 1892. Maybe he did, but when he was made into a Miniature, they weren't added?
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all-yn-oween · 2 years
My hobby is looking at NATM screenshots and observe the people in the background.
Let’s talk about this picture!!
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I mean we could talk about how nice they look next to each other but why NOT TALK ABOUT THIS DUDE
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I love the little mustache. I love how he stands here and just stays in character. Amazing.
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Okay first of all, AL’S ARM.
and i love how Al’s goons look so stoic and menacing at every time of the movie, it’s just so funny to me.
Yes. A hundred time yes.
Let’s keep talking about Al’s men with this picture
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Al looks genuinely so proud, he doesn’t notice that the two around him are judging him and HIS MEN.
They look so proud too, happily encouraging him. Supportive mobsters. That’s all I got to say.
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May we talk about the posture of the mobster at the left? Because it’s so cool. It literally screams “Shut up, I don’t care.” He looks like he is overconfident and owning the conversation and this is genuinely amazing.
(also i think he looks kinda similar to Al. I’ve seen some people speculate about who the mobsters in the movies were based on, and I think it would be either Ralph or Frank Capone. Even though i think he looks more like Ralph. 👀 but that’s just speculations)
And the two at the right!???
The one most behind Al looks so bossy and serious. Whereas the other one looks so disgusted and annoyed like “wtf are they talkin’ about.” Also he seems smaller than Al and the other mobsters, which is a huge YES.
And since we’re talking about postures.
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I think we can all agree that this is the same mobster than at the left in the previous picture. The posture. The look. Just yes.
Can we also appreciate how he stands with his feet apart? This dude is confident and he is ready to knock you out if he needs.
Last one for now !!!
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This picture is amazing we all love it.
Every character here is looking at the same direction, except that soldier at Al’s right who is looking at Ivan (probably for support or orders).
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He looks like the small mobster and HONESTLY IM LIVING FOR IT—
Small mobster/Ivan is my favorite ship. Forget Capoleon and Jedtavius.
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(Credit goes to for the picture Doane Gregory)
The mobster (who is literally the same as before) is also looking at Ivan from behind Napoleon.
I think it was lidensword who drew him giving a flower to Ivan and it was amazing ksnksnd
The man’s in love.
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lidensword · 2 years
Howdy! I’ve been rewording this over two days so I’m really excited to share this with you! It’s my headcanons for Al’s boys and their historical counterparts (and why I picked them instead of the other hundreds on the Outfit’s payroll)!
I’m going to start off with a little historical background because I really, really love that! If you didn’t know the Outfit was the Mob that Al and MANY others were apart of which was founded by Big Jim Colosimo around 1910. After Big Jim was murdered, Jonny “the Fox” Torrio took over control with Al and Frank Capone as his two right hand men. When Frank was shot to death by police in 1924, a lot of threats were pinned onto Torrio. Al took over officially in the next six years.
The name, the Outfit, seemed like it was started to be used in the 60’s. Before that, Chicago Newspapers usually used “The Old Capone Gang” or a mix of Ship-like names of the leaders.
There are four men who were “revived” with Al, I picture these four as: Ralph “Bottles” and Frank Capone, Jonny “The Fox” Torrio, and Frank “The Enforcer” Nitti. As I’ve stated before, I headcanon Al as 26, which plants the story in 1925.
First: My reasons for Jonny Torrio was Al’s mentor. In late 1925, he moved to Italy with his wife and mother, so the “revival” takes place before that. It would be funny, though, that it did take place after! He helped make the Outfit what it was. Legend says he’s the one who murdered Colosimo and pushed the Outfit into Bootlegging! From the Museum’s standpoint, he would be a big point to bring up in an exhibit of Chicago in 1920’s Prohibition.
Second: Frank Nitti, Al’s right hand man and the person who inherited the Outfit after Al when to jail and Ralph stepped down. He’s first cousin to Al too. It seemed like they were really close, the first gang Al joined (I think? I mean when he joined this he was 8-9) Nitti led! It was called “the Boys of Navy Street” and Al was their mascot.
Third: Ralph Capone, “Public enemy #3”, and Al’s older brother of 5ish years (and my favorite). He earned his nickname “Bottles” from the bottling plant he worked at before the Outfit. According to Wikipedia too, “family lore suggests that the nickname was specifically tied to his lobbying the Illinois Legislature to put into law that milk bottling companies had to stamp the date that the milk was bottled on the bottle”! He’s described as a bit of a prick, bullying people into getting his way, but somewhere I read (I lost the source unfortunately) he take IOU’s and not collect them from clients who were down on their luck. He played semi-pro baseball with Al and the two stuck close together till the very end. They joined the Five Points together too before the Outfit. (he also really liked horses and had a racing horse for a while)
Fourth: Frank Capone, Al’s older brother of 4ish years, and (according to Al Capone: his Life, Legacy, and Legend by Deirdre Bair) the smartest of the eldest five of the Capone brothers. He would have inherited the Outfit if he didn’t die in 1924. He’s interesting so I’ll save talking about him for later lol.
I hope you have a good rest of your day and I can’t wait to hear your theories for who was “revived with Al”! I’m going to the Natural History museum where the og NATM was filmed for the first time today so I’m super hyped! (I Hope this is legible bwt, I’m really excited that I finally get to talk to someone else about this)
Thank you for the historical contextualization and facts about each of Al Capone's men! Also, I'm curious about what you might say about Frank Capone.
I must admit that I simply created OCs for Al's boys in NatM 2 (I focused particularly on two of them) instead of seeing them as historical figures. However, your headcanon is indeed a very interesting and relevant perspective.
I'm sorry for answering just now... Yet, that gives me the opportunity to ask you how was your visit to the Natural History Museum? I confess that I would really like to visit it, but more than that, I would LOVE to visit the Smithsonian!!
Thanks for sharing, ⭐! I really appreciate it!!
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Bad, bad Alphonse Capone (Chapter 11)
Cher soldat.
Fandom/Movie/Series/Ect: Night At The Museum
Setting: Larry is still the night guard, several exhibits from the Smithsonian are at the Museum of Natural History
Pairing(s): Eventual Capoleon, Jedtavius, Teddy/Sacagawea
Characters: Al Capone, Napoleon Bonaparte, Ivan the Terrible (Awesome), Larry Daley, Teddy Roosevelt, Sacagawea, Jedediah Smith, Octavius, Ahkmenrah, Shaka Zulu, several Zulu tribe members, Dr. Richard McPhee, several Mobsters, Antonio Villalobos, Mariana Villalobos, Ramón Espina, Doctor Jess McClain, Docteur Alain Chaput, Claude Travere
Genre/Warnings: Some slightly graphic violence, Foul language, Fic inspired by a song, I’ll come up with more tags later
Notes: I listened to the song “Bad Bad Leroy Brown” by Jim Croce about a thousand times and decided I just HAD to make a fic.  The reason Al and the boys get made into color (as a plot point) is so everyone can see what happens to Al.
If anyone is OOC or this reads like a Dick & Jane, this is my second posted fic and I haven’t done much writing in the NATM field. (Disclaimer: I don’t own the song, nor the characters.) (If anything suddenly changes, I had to fix a mistake I missed.)
The title’s translation is “Dear soldier.”
I’m sorry it took so so long to update but I lost my motivation there for a bit, and I finally forced myself to finish this chapter and begin on the next one!
I proofread this thing what feels like five times and I’m honestly so done with it, just message me/comment if you notice any mistakes.
Word count: 1,495
Summary: Al and the boys practically beg (Though they won’t stoop so far as to say they were actually begging.) for him and his gang to be colored up like everyone else.  Finally one day they get a paint-job, despite McPhee’s ever-present paranoia; Capone and the gang being popular in grey-scale.  Several weeks after they finally get what they want, Al gets in a fight, and doesn’t come out of it well.  Luckily for him Napoleon is compassionate enough to put up with Al’s grating personality to help him.
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Napoleon leaves the office next to Al, and makes his way to the usual meeting room.
Napoleon had planned to meet with Frankie and Claude in the meeting room at seven, one hour before the meeting is to take place.
Napoleon and Claude find Frankie there, sitting on a stool and down to some kind of bodysuit at six forty-five.
“Set the trunk there, and return at eight.”
The trunk thunks when it hits the floor, and the soldiers march out and off down the hall.
Claude opens the trunk and pulls out a shirt.  Frankie snatches it from him.
“What’s with you French and puffy shirts, anyway?”
“Frankie, if you had been in Italy during our time, you would be wearing a shirt five times as billowy as this, count yourself lucky.”
Frankie snorts.
“If you say so, Napoleon.”
He bunches it up and almost puts it over his head before Claude manages to stop him.
“Wait, take off the...  Whatever that is you have on.”
Frankie’s eyes widen.
“Are you kiddin’?  You want me to take off my union suit?”
“Oh, so that’s what Al was talking about...  Yes.”
Frankie stares at Claude like he’s turned green.
“But...  I’ll be naked...”
Claude glances over at Napoleon and visibly bites his cheek.
“Not after you put the shirt on.”
“So you go around commando all day, every day?”
Napoleon grins when Claude makes a confused noise.
“Just take it off.”
Frankie sighs and unbuttons the union suit down to his bellybutton, pulls the sleeves off of his shoulders and puts on the billowy shirt, before unbuttoning the union suit the rest of the way and letting it fall out from underneath.
Frankie cups his hands in front of his crotch and both Napoleon and Claude have a hard time not laughing.
Claude hands him a pair of stockings and garters.
“Well I know what these are-”  He shakes the stockings in one hand.  “But not these.”  He shakes the leather garters in the other hand.
Napoleon shakes his head.
“Garters, how else will your stockings stay up?”
Frankie sighs and sits down on the stool, and pulls the stockings on, before wrapping a garter around his thigh.
“No, just below the knee, they’ll slip if you put them around your thighs.”
Frankie buckles the garters on.
Claude pulls a pair of creamy white breeches out of the trunk and hands them to Frankie, who just stares at them.
“Did anyone wear these before me?”
“No, those haven’t been worn.  You draw the tails of your shirt between your legs when tucking your shirt into your breeches, so even if they had been, no direct contact is made.”
While Frankie pulls on his breeches and buttons them, Claude buttons Frankie’s collar and buckles on his stock.
Claude hands him a pair of boots, which he pulls on.
“You are coming together, Frankie.”
“You’d think that, Napoleon.  I feel like an idiot.”
Napoleon sighs.
Claude hands him a waistcoat and coat.
While Frankie puts on and buttons the waistcoat and pulls on the coat, Claude dusts off a hat.
“Great, and a hat too, huh?  Can’t have me besmirching the French army, can you?” 
Claude tosses the hat at Frankie.
“I’m going to round up some of the men, I shall see you momentarily, Général.”
Claude bows respectfully and jogs out of the room.
“So...  Would you prefer I call you ‘Frankie’, or your whole first name while you’re a French soldier?”
Frankie sticks the hat on his head.
“Call me Frankie, Francis, or Francesco, I don’t care.”
“Francis it is.”
Napoleon sees Frankie step on another soldier’s feet again and halts everyone.
“Francis, come here a minute.”
Frankie tromps up and does his best to stand at attention.
“Were you ever in the military?”
“Nah-  I mean no sir.”
Napoleon sighs.
“Francis, I mean no offence, but you’re a terrible soldier."
“That’s why I didn’t get drafted, sir.”
Napoleon points him back in line and continues drills.
Napoleon only stops drilling once Frankie gets the moves correct, mostly.
“You’ve done good today, men.  Find a group, set up your fire, and we’ll eat.”
Every soldier finds his preferred group, leaving only Frankie standing alone in the middle.
“Francis, join this group here.”
Napoleon points toward a group that always sets up in front of his and Claude’s tables.  The whole group looks between themselves and grumbles quietly.  Napoleon give them his best “Try me.” glare.
Frankie leans his gun on the wall and joins the group.
After several minutes of arguing they finally set up their fire, pull out stools, and set up the trivet.
Napoleon hears a mumble behind him and turns around to Al standing in the doorway.
“Hey, Napoleon, wanna talk?”
Napoleon dodges a few soldiers carrying his table and stool, and slips out into the hallway beside Al.
“Is there something urgent?”
“No, just wanted to talk to ya, we didn’t make much conversation while you were changing my bandages tonight.  Sorry for yellin’ at ya when the door was locked yesterday.”
“It’s alright, Alphonse.  Again I am sorry for looking into your life without asking you first.”
“I’m over it.  What all did you learn anyway?”
“The most important would be is when you accidentally insulted a woman and got slashed by her brother, and you hate being called Scarface.”
“It wasn’t much of an accident....”
Several shouts of “Join us, Général!” pulls Napoleon out of the conversation.
“I have to go, I must converse with my men.”
Al nods quickly and turns to walk away.
“Uh, feel free to gather the rest of your men and join us, it’ll be much more interesting with some new company.”
Al turns back, grinning.
“Will do, Napoleon.”
Al salutes and jogs off down the hallway.
A few minutes before food is served, Al and his men show up, hovering awkwardly in the doorway.
Napoleon waves over a few men and has them set up a table and stool next to his own, with a bowl, spoon and knife.  A few more soldiers set up some stools in other groups, away from Frankie.
Johnny, Tony and Ralph all find stools among the soldiers, while Napoleon waves Al over.
“Sit, sit, we’re about to eat!”
Al shuffles over and sits down.  The stool creaks underneath him, and Al winces.
 “They do that all the time, we’ve only had one break so far, do not worry u mo amicu.”
 Al grins a little and drums on the table softly with his fingers.
“So what are we eating?”
A soldier comes around with a pot and a ladle, and pours bean soup in their bowls, Napoleon first, then Claude, and finally Al. 
 Another soldier comes up with a plate of bread slices next half of a loaf, and a small platter with butter on it.  He sets the half loaf and the butter on Napoleon’s table, and three slices each on Claude’s and Al’s tables. 
 “Soupe de haricots and bread.”
Napoleon watches Al out of the corner of his eye, and notices him glance several times between his and Claude’s tables and Napoleon’s table.
“You sure get preferential treatment, eh Napoleon?”
There it is, the judgement.  Napoleon sighs loudly.  He waves over a soldier carrying platters and takes two, dividing the butter into thirds and giving both Al and Claude one.
“Général Sir, you know I don’t want butter on soupe de haricots night.”
Napoleon stares at Al as Claude slides the platter back to Napoleon’s table.
“If you want anything else, feel free to insult me again.”
“I didn’t...  I’m sorry.”
“Un-training the etiquette is harder than just asking for something.  Your apology is accepted.”
A third soldier comes up with three wine glasses and a bottle of wine.  He sets the glasses down and pours the wine in the same order, Napoleon, Claude, Al.  He sets the wine bottle on Napoleon’s table and walks off.
Al picks up his glass indelicately and sniffs it, a puzzled look on his face.
“Is it no good?”
“Nah...  it’s just, I’m not good at identifying wine.”
“By the way you are holding that glass, I can tell you don’t drink it much.”
Al chuckles quietly.
“So...  How’s Frankie been doin’?  Hopefully he didn’t accidentally stab anyone.” 
“He came close a few times, but no injuries, aside from squashed toes.”
“Mmm.  He didn’t mouth off to you at all did he?”
Napoleon cuts off a chunk of bread and butters it thoroughly.
“Fortunately no...  Any more pain?”
“Nah, just tingly if I bump my neck.”
“That’s good.”
Napoleon spoons some bean soup on his bread and eats it.
Al snorts quietly.
“Nice, I do that too.”
Al spoons a big pile of beans on his own bread and manages to fit it in his mouth.  Napoleon tries not to laugh when bean juice drips down Al’s chin.
Napoleon watches Frankie conversing with the other men in his group.
Général = General
Soupe de haricots = Bean soup
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64-jungle-planks · 1 year
Happy New Years guys!
I hope you guys have an excellent end of a year and a start of one! I’m at my friend’s, Kasper, house playing Pictionary. I’m taking a break to look up movies to watch. I’m going to try to get them to watch either the Graduate or Chinatown, I love both!
This was super fun to animate, I tried to include everyone that was mentioned to me! I want to draw something similar to what I did during Halloween this year! If it’s hard to understand, Frosty (my character) throws a snowball at Jim (@all-yn-oween’s OC) and Passerine (another one of my OCs) who are building a snowman. The snowman is based off of the Minecraft ones, that’s why there’s a pumpkin. Passerine gets hit, which makes her mad and she storms off after Frosty. The film cuts to Jimmy(The Capone one) and Ralph chatting while Pass runs after Frost behind them. The film then moves over Al and Napoleon who are chatting to Ivan and @lidensword who are reading Warriors books. Jim comes in from the snow and pops up to flirt with Ivan who looks annoyed.
I’ll see you folks next year! I hope you guys have a good rest of your year if your like me and it’s 2022 in your time zone.
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64-jungle-planks · 2 years
Back in Black (and White)
Howdy guys! Sorry this is a bit short and half a rewrite of the intro basement archives scene! I got back into Studio Ghibli films, especially The Secret World of Arrietty and Howls Moving Castle! I'm probably going to redraw some scenes from those films with NATM 2 characters (and a few of my own) soon, so be on the lookout for that!
I hope you enjoy! I don't have a proofreader anymore so I am sorry if there's any spelling mistakes, or any mess-ups in grammar, or anything else! This is mostly themed around Frank and Ralph Capone and has a bit of @lidensword's oc, Étienne in it!
“Holy Shit, Frank? You’re alive?” 
Frank Capone shook the glass bits off of his shoulders after busting through the glass that surrounded him. Looking around, he saw his brothers—Al and Ralph Capone, His cousin Francesco “Frank” Nitti, and his good friend and old boss, Johnny Torrio. Things were off though, Ralph and Al looked a little older than he remembered, they weren’t outside the Western Electric plant either, and, the thing that Frank thought the most out of place was, they were all black and white. They were all staring in disbelief at him, almost like he just said something that insulted their mother. 
“What do you mean, Al? Ralphie, mph-!” Frank started to ask, but was quickly cut off when his older brother barreled into him, giving him a bone-crushing hug.
“Jesus Christ, Frank, it’s so fuckin’ good to see you alive again!” Ralph said, letting him go from the hug and putting his hands on Frank’s shoulders. 
“Yeah, you too, Ralph. Wait-the fucks you mean ‘alive again’ n’ why are we all black n’ white like the sliva screens?” Frank asked, pushing Ralph away to look at his younger brother and his cousin. 
“We'r still tryin’ to figure dat out ourselves, Frank,” Al stated, scratching the back of his neck. “And, you died. You died April 1st, 1924, at the plant from ‘em stool-pigeons while we were gettin’ people to vote for Klenha,” Al paused, putting down the briefcase he was holding and wiping his eyes with his thumb.
“Gah, they filled you with lead even before you could bring out your gat. They took yous down right in front o’ me n’ I couldn’t do anything about it,” Al said, slurring his words together the way he would when he got angry and clenching his fists. 
Frank felt like the wind was knocked right out of him… he died?! There? Then? Why? If I could kill those asses, I would, Frank swore in his head. 
“We stopped everythin’ for yous after yous died, Frank. The family missed you so much, I’m glad to see yous alive again,” Ralph said with a slight smile, trying to lighten up the mood. 
“We’re glad to see yous again, brother,” Al started to smile too, coming over to pat him on the shoulder. 
“We are too! We can finally get that dinner you promised me after that game at the lodge.” Nitti said, patting Torrio on the shoulder. Torrio nodded in agreement, pocketing his hands. That made Frank smile and chuckle a bit.
“Alright boys, let's see if we can find someone who can give us some answers,” Al said with a grin, clapping his hands together and picking up his briefcase. 
Torrio grabbed some liquor bottles that were at the base of their glass prison, passing to the others as they started to walk towards the main part of the building they were in, towards a stone gate looking thing. Frank popped open his as he followed behind everyone else, with Ralph’s arm around his shoulders.
“I’m glad to hav’ yous back, bro,'' Ralph whispered to him, taking a swig from his own bottle. Frank shoved him and smiled. 
Napoleon Bonaparte, a French military leader and the first French emperor, pointed at Kahmunrah, an Egyptian king thrown from power, angrily. Kahmunrah put his hands up in defense, which made Napoleon back down. 
“Yeah, is there goin’ to be killin’ involved? ‘Cause I’m really good at the killin’,” Al said with a snide grin. “It’s kinda my niche.” 
“You never get no talk back from no corpse,” Frank said, curling his lip up in anger. Ralph turned to him, blinking in shock, and then smiled. Nitti patted him on the back. 
“I think that’s nieesh,” Ivan the Terrible said, making Frank’s younger brother look over at him angrily.
“Nich,” Al hissed back, making Ralph snicker. He was quickly bumped in the side by Torrio before Al noticed it. 
“D-duly noted,” Kahmunrah stuttered to Al, nodding his head and tapping his fingers together. 
The Russian tsar rolled his eyes and looked back at Kahmunrah, taking a few steps forward, “If we are talking about world domination, then of course I’m interested. But first I want to clarify something, so you know where we are all in business, hmm?” Ivan paused and raised an eyebrow, and Kahmunrah gestured for him to continue. 
About then, Frank started to zone out and look around at the Frenchies and the Russians that stood behind Napoleon Bonaparte and Ivan the Terrible. Some of the French soldiers were still dusting the packing hay off of themselves. A Frenchman with short blond hair and a mustache seemed also to be bored, for he, too, started to look around at the other interesting people around him. Frank nodded to him and then tilted his head towards Kahmunrah and widened his eyes, as if to say ‘jeez, take a look at this bozo’. The Frenchman looked back at him quizzically, making Frank sigh and roll his eyes. 
Looking over to his older brother, Frank could see that Ralph was having a bit of fun. Ralph wasn’t taking the leaders seriously either, a laughing smile plastered onto his face as he looked back and forth between whoever Kahmunrah was talking to, as if he was watching a tennis match. Since they both left school around middle school to work for money to pay the bills, Ralph and Frank both didn’t know much about the French general and the Russian Tsar, and nothing about the Egyptian ruler, just that they were somewhat important people, not from their time though. 
Ivan started to list great things that he did, making Al bow his head in boredom, that made Frank tune back into the conversation. 
“Duly noted,” Kahmunrah said again, this time to Ivan once he was done. “Now I would like to wrap up the old meet and greet by asking you gentlemen a question; Are you with me?!”
Al looked back to the group, mostly looking at Torrio for guidance. Torrio thought for a moment and then nodded. This is going to be fun, Frank thought with a grin, nodding too. The only person in the group who didn’t seem entirely on board was Nitti, who already was nervous because of how many people were in the tightly packed alleyway created by boxes around them. 
Looking back and shrugging, Al answered with the other two leaders.
“Yeah. Yeah, sure.”
“Then bring Larry Daley of Daley Devices and the Golden Tablet of Ahkmenrah to me!” Kahmunrah said with a determined look on his face. 
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64-jungle-planks · 2 years
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I went on a car trip today to meet up with some pals and I doodled a bit of the Capone Brothers. I’m not too happy with how Jimmy’s nose came out, but it will have to do!
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64-jungle-planks · 2 months
Night at the Museum: Redesigning Characters 2/4(?)
Character profile: Al "Scarface" "Snorky" Capone
This character is based off of and takes inspiration from the historical Al Capone.
Real Name: Alphonse "Al" Gabriel Capone
Nickname and Meaning: Scarface - He earned this nickname because of the three scars on the left side of his face, two on his cheek and one on his neck. Embarrassed by them, Al hates the nickname and never shared the real story of how he got them, siting that he actually got them fighting in WWI.
Snorky - Snorky was slang for sharp dresser. Al loved expensive, flashy clothes. Only close friends used it for him
Age: 26 (January 17, 1899)
Time Period: America's Prohibition in the 1920s, around mid-1925 Johnny Torrio, Al's boss, stepped down and let Al take over the Outfit.
Family: James "Jimmy" Vincenzo Capone, Raffaele "Ralph" James Capone, and Salvador "Frank" Capone + Three younger brothers and one sister that wasn't brought back.
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(Headcanons under the cut)
Based on/taken from History:
Can play Banjo and Mandolin, prefers Mandolin
involved in the Five Points Gang with mobster John Torrio as a kid. John Torrio mentored him and gave him the role as the Chicago Mob leader
Only got into the mob for the money to care for his family
Can go from 1 to 10 very quickly
Played in a semi-pro team in Brooklyn as a kid/teen with Ralph. They were known as the Al Capone Stars
+ Intelligent + Generous + Confident - Overdramatic - Attention seeker - Petty
My own silly headcanons:
A little twerp, Al doesn’t respect authority
Feels that he’s better than Ivan and Napoleon because he’s from a newer generation and knows more.
“Okay boomer” vibes
Acts like he hates Napoleon and Ivan (mostly Napoleon), but likes them secretly. They are two men in history that did grand things- in fact he liked learning about Napoleon in school! Al just thinks he had a too big of a head.
Only has one tone of voice- really loud
Swears every other word
He’s a basically still a kid, one with too much power. Al knows his way around the mob, he’s been in it since he was around 15, but now he’s been given power over the Outfit and hasn’t come down off that high yet of being in charge.
Hes happy to have Frank back, they were four years apart in age and were extremely close. He’s missed Frank the year he’s been dead
Was extremely tempted to play baseball using the Einstein’s as balls. He doesn’t like them.
On that note, Al is slightly unnerved around the miniatures. He doesn’t seem to know what to do with himself around them.
He likes sitting at the bench in middle of the hall of miniatures just watching them. Al liked Cowboys and liked playing cowboys and robbers with his brothers as a kid. Some part of him wishes he could be part of their group.
After finding the Sinatra songs made after Al died, he’s constantly found humming them and making up his own lyrics to go along with them. He likes That’s Life the best.
Al somehow acquires a camcorder and films the whole night that they’re trying to take over the world, making himself a big star and part of the plan. He wants that stardom, he loved it when he was alive – he was just getting a part of it when he was alive
Really loves making up nicknames and short stories for people around him. One of his favorite things to do with Ralph is people-watch.
Al: I don’t like Napoleon! He’s a fuckin’.. fuckin’ bitch! A short ass goblin! Ralph: Yeah.. goblin’ that dick. Frank: MMHHEHEHAHAHAHAHAAH!!! Al: What.
Makes jokes about Napoleon and his boys being gay because he's frightened about questioning his own sexuality. He knows he likes women, but he's got that good ol' "1910's Christian beat the gay away" ideal still stuck in his head. It takes a bit for Al to realize he's bi
Loves giving gifts
He likes having at least one of his brothers by his side. Historically it's been Ralph, but during the events that take place during NATM 2, Al kept Frank close because he was frightened of loosing him again.
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Frank, Ralph, Napoleon
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64-jungle-planks · 2 years
Howdy! I’m probably going to be gone for most of the month of November but I want to leave you guys with some art and ScreenCap Analysis! This is the first of hopefully three queued bits for this blog this month!
NATM2 ScreenCap Analysis: The Jed Cage Guy
A few nights ago while doing homework, I was rewatching NATM 2 for inspo. and I got to the scene where Al’s gang capture Jed in the birdcage and Kah’s putting him in the hourglass. I’ve watched this so many times so I was looking at background characters when this was happening and I saw something with the antagonists of the film- everybody (besides Ivan and Kah) seemed very surprised that the hourglass scene was happening.
I wasn’t able to get good screenshots of Al’s face but by the two I was able to get, he doesn’t look to happy to me (Then again, I’m not too good at reading facial expressions). To me, he has a look of “Who the fuck does this guy think he is? First my men call him boss and now he’s ordering them around?” and a mix of “Holy hell, is this guy serious? Where is he puttin’ this cowpoke?”
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The Mobster who’s holding the cage, who I headcanon as Ralph Capone, doesn’t seem too happy about this either. Firstly, I headcanon this guy as Ralph because of this guy's facial features, and it seems body type (From the one picture I have of Ralph when he was 21, can’t really tell though because he is sitting down). Ralph was also really important to Al, so I figure he would have a pretty important job, i.e. looking after hostages. To me, in this scene, Ralph does not look happy to do this. It seems likes he’s holding a poker face but isn’t doing it too well and his surprise is showing through. He’s brows are furrowed, and it seems to keep looking over at Al to ask questions and down at Jed.
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lidensword · 2 years
Howdy again! I’m back with another Al Capone Fact from Al Capone: his Life, Legacy, and Legend by Deirdre Bair!!! This time, I want to tell you a bit about Al’s eldest brother, Vincenzo “Jimmy” Capone.
Jimmy loved cowboys and wanted to go to Hollywood and become a cowboy movie star. He ran away from home sometime in 1905 when he was thirteen (Al was I think 6), and turned up in Homer, Nebraska. He changed his name to Richard Hart and earned the nickname of "Two-Gun” as a sheriff who liked to bust bootleggers.He loved to dress up just like a cowboy and especially loved to wear his signature boots with red hearts on them.
Here’s an excerpt from the book:
“Two Gun Hart never made it to Hollywood, but that did not stop him from playing the role of a colorful cowboy character. He enjoyed wearing full regalia: the ten-gallon hat, the holster with two pistols he was adept at quick-drawing with either or both hands, and hand-tooled cowboy boots that had large hearts emblazoned on them to call attention to his adopted surname. His great-grandsons tell family stories of how, even in the 1920s and 1930s, the mere sight of him in costume was enough to turn hardened criminals into quivering messes.” (p. 509)
When he returned back to the Capone family back in the 1940s, everyone in the family was ecstatic. The person who seemed to be the most though, was Ralph (my favorite out of the Capone siblings), Al’s second eldest brother.
A cool yet unrelated fact about Ralph is that he used to play semi-pro baseball with Al starting around 1916.
My personal headcanon for Jimmy Capone in the NATM universe is that he was remade in Jed’s group. I would love to hear some of your headcanons of NATM and facts that you find intresting about Napoleon! I've been looking for a good book about him for a while but I haven't read one thats caught my interest yet! -⭐️
First of all: I LOVE Jimmy's boots (red hearts on them?! Too good)!
I would really enjoy watching Al playing baseball with his older brother. ;)
"the mere sight of him in costume was enough to turn hardened criminals into quivering messes." This is exceptional! 😂
Yes, YES! Jimmy in Jed's group is just perfect! Probably Jimmy would be a cowboy très voyant ;)
Well, I must admit that most of the facts I know about Napoléon are not very pleasant :/ I can however tell you some interesting things I remember: he made a lot of spelling mistakes when writing in French, as it was not his mother tongue. Also, one of the facts I especially like is that he was interested in science.
I can't really recommend a book about Napoléon to you because most information I have about him comes from my school History books (even though I can't remember everything :/).
As you asked about my headcanon, I'll just say that I absolutely LOVE the idea of Al being unable to see colors (I read a short fanfiction about it and I just thought it was perfect)! Also, I have my headcanon about the ship Capoléon ;)
Thanks for sharing and for asking too :]
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Bad, bad Alphonse Capone (Chapter 7)
Fandom/Movie/Series/Ect: Night At The Museum
Setting: Larry is still the night guard, several exhibits from the Smithsonian are at the Museum of Natural History
Pairing(s): Eventual Capoleon, Jedtavius, Teddy/Sacagawea
Characters: Al Capone, Napoleon Bonaparte, Ivan the Terrible (Awesome), Larry Daley, Teddy Roosevelt, Sacagawea, Jedediah Smith, Octavius, Ahkmenrah, Shaka Zulu, several Zulu tribe members, Dr. Richard McPhee, several Mobsters, Antonio Villalobos, Mariana Villalobos, Ramón Espina, Doctor Jess McClain, Docteur Alain Chaput, Claude Travere
Genre/Warnings: Some slightly graphic violence, Foul language, Angst, Fic inspired by a song, I’ll come up with more tags later
Notes: I listened to the song “Bad Bad Leroy Brown” by Jim Croce about a thousand times and decided I just HAD to make a fic.  The reason Al and the boys get made into color (as a plot point) is so everyone can see what happens to Al.
If anyone is OOC or this reads like a Dick & Jane, this is my second posted fic and I haven’t done much writing in the NATM field. (Disclaimer: I don’t own the song, nor the characters.) (If anything suddenly changes, I had to fix a mistake I missed.)
Word count: 1,460
Summary: Al and the boys practically beg (Though they won’t stoop so far as to say they were actually begging.) for him and his gang to be colored up like everyone else.  Finally one day they get a paint-job, despite McPhee’s ever-present paranoia; Capone and the gang being popular in grey-scale.  Several weeks after they finally get what they want, Al gets in a fight, and doesn’t come out of it well.  Luckily for him Napoleon is compassionate enough to put up with Al’s grating personality to help him.
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Last Chapter
Al and Claude enter the lobby.  Two groups huddle on either side of the room, and British soldiers stand in the middle, creating a wall.  Larry stands at the information desk, eyeing the two groups.  You could cut the tension with a knife.
Al sighs and rubs his eyes.
“Alright Stache’, come on.”
Al practically drags Claude over to the information desk.
“Slim, what happened?”
Larry picks at the corner of his book, staring at the French soldiers, who don’t look happy to be in the same room as two groups they think of as enemies.
“I heard yelling and ran back here to find them mid-brawl.  Your guess is as good as mine as to why they were fighting.”
“Damn idiots, always raring to fight...  Claude, you talk to your men, I’ll talk to mine, and we’ll compare stories.”
Claude marches over to his men, and presumably orders them to relax and stand up straight.  They still give the British and Al’s men dirty looks, though.
Al is pretty sure Frankie would go off and Ralph would babble, so he’ll start with someone else.
“Hey Tony, come here a minute.”
Tony stares at the French soldiers as he walks over.
“Tony, what the Hell happened here?”
“Well...  Umh...”
“Tony, whatever it is, you gotta tell me.  We don’t need some kind of all out war with the French guys, alright.”
Tony grimaces and picks at his shirtsleeve.
“Ah, I wasn’t paying attention to everything...  Talk to Frankie, maybe.”
Al rolls his eyes.  He doesn’t know how Tony manages to be both secretive and gabby at the same time.
“Go sit down, send Johnny back.”
Tony slinks away like some kind of gumshoe and Johnny walks up.  Al gives him a questioning look.
“All I know is a fight started and I joined in.”
Al digs his nails into his palm.
“Fine, sit down and tell Ralph to get over here.”
Ralph, per usual, immediately starts shooting his mouth off.
“Listen boss, it wasn’t my idea, someone else started it!  I didn’t mean anything I said, it was the heat of the moment!  It’s not my fault Frankie decided to poke the Frenchies about Napoleon-”
“Ralph, Ralph!  Shut up, relax!”
Ralph clenches his hands and stand up straighter.
“Sorry boss...”
“It’s alright, Ralph, now what happened- Put it simply.”
“Uh...  So we were sitting around in the lobby, talking and laughing, the normal.  Then the French soldiers walk in, staring at us, sneering, babbling in French, ya know...”
Al motions for him to carry on.
“Frankie made some comment about Napoleon, I wasn’t listening so I didn’t catch it.  Whatever it was it pissed the French off.  Next thing I know we’re beating each other...”
“Frankie started it, great...  Go send him over.”
Ralph draws his shoulders up under the gaze of the French, and points Frankie over to Al.
Frankie marches up, head high, hands in his pockets.  The poster boy for defiance.  Al almost wants to slap that smirk off his face.
“It wasn’t my fault, they started it.”
“Ya sure about that?  Ralph says otherwise, Frankie.”
“You know Ralph, can’t tell a cow from a cat.”
“Hey now, Frank, Ralph might be a little scatterbrained, but he knows what he saw.  Now, what did you tell the French?”
Frankie leans his head back and crosses his arms.
“Why do ya care, Snorky?  You’ve hated the French since the Smithsonian.”
“Maybe I’m changing my mind about em’.  Spill!”
“Maybe I don’t want to spill, see ya later, Al.”
Frankie turns and walks a few steps away.
“Oh by the way Frank,-”  Frankie turns to looks at Al.  “-don’t call me Snorky.”
Frankie’s face drops but he doesn’t say anything, he just walks away with his head down.
Claude sneaks up beside Al, and makes him jump a little.
“Well, what did you get out of em’, Claude?”
“They won’t tell me what was said, only that your men started it.”
“Mine won’t spill anything either, but I have a feeling this is all wrapped around Napoleon.”
Speaking of Napoleon, he walks through the door.  Al jogs over and grabs him by the arm, pulling him out of the room towards the night guard office.
“Wha-  Capone!”
Al doesn’t release Napoleon’s arm until the office door is closed and locked.
“What was happening out there, Capone?  Why did Frank look so upset?”
“Well...  It was a fight.”
Napoleon’s face wrinkles up more than Al has ever seen.  It was cute, if Al admitted it to himself.
“Fight?  Who started it?  Why did it happen?”
Al lays his hand on Napoleon’s shoulder, to get him to shut up.
"Ni- Uh, Napoleon, let’s not talk about it.”
Napoleon’s face smooths out, his eyes wide.
“Alphonse...  When do you ever call me ‘Napoleon’?  To my face?”
Al feels his face heat up and by the slight crinkle in the corners on Napoleon’s eyes, he’s turning red too.  Damn himself, and Napoleon too.
“Shut up.  Just shut up.”
There it is, that infinitely glowy smile, all tooth and joy.  Damn if he isn’t turning redder.
“I might, for a price...”
“Do I want to ask?”
Napoleon’s done it, he’s struck the nail on the head, finished him off, with that stupid, stupidly cute little giggle; the Goddamn one where his cheeks nearly force his eyes closed, and you can see him bite the tip of his tongue.
If Al had any less self-control, he’d cave right here.  Say “Whatever you want, I’d do anything.  Anything.”  A faint thought of him pinning Napoleon to the wall crosses his mind.
Luckily he yanks himself together in time to hear whatever Napoleon has in mind.
“Walk with me, let me tell you about the art from my time.”
Al stands there like a dope, glancing around the room, seeing if he has any fanatical excuse to say no.  He wasn’t going to say no anyway, but it made him feel better about himself.
“Fine.  But no three hour spiel on one painting alone.”
“You have a deal, Alphonse.”
It wasn’t nearly as boring as he thought it might be.  Napoleon told stories of kings and queens, myths of dragons and the French Revolution. Al doesn’t think about the quiet steps behind him.  He know who it is, and he plans to make him leave them alone for a few minutes.
Al muses about what his life would’ve been like during Napoleon’s time between paintings.  Mid-thought about what kind of clothing he’d have to wear, he runs into Napoleon’s back.
The painting they’re looking at now is of a familiar figure standing on a hill, facing the ocean, framed by blue sky.  Al would’ve said it was “Poetic” or some shit if it hadn’t been for Napoleon’s shoulders shaking a little in front of him.
Napoleon’s inhale was shakier than his shoulders.
“Me on Sainte-Hélène, by Fran Josef Sandmann in 1820, roughly one year before...”
Al lays his hand on Napoleon’s shoulder squeezing gently.
Napoleon swallows thickly, trying to steady himself.
“Roughly one year before I died...”
Napoleon shifts to move on to the next painting, when he notices just which one it is, the one of himself on his deathbed.  He jerks and bends over, choking on a sob.
Al just barely manages to keep him from falling over.  He pulls Napoleon around the corner, where he couldn’t see the painting.
Napoleon practically sits in Al’s lap when they get to a bench.
Napoleon looks Al in the eyes, his face red and scrunched up, tears running down his face.  His Adam’s apple bobs several times and he chews his lip, like he’s trying to think of something to say.
All Napoleon manages is a depressing moan before he buries his head in the gap between Al’s neck and shoulders.  Al takes both his and Napoleon’s hats off, intending to run his fingers through Napoleon’s hair, but he’s got a fabric cap covering his hair.
Absently Al wonders why he’s wearing a cap under his hat.  Maybe it’s to keep his hat from getting sweaty.
Napoleon squeaks out this pathetic little sob and Al forgets about the cap, and squeezes Napoleon tight, rubbing his back.
There’ll probably be wrinkles in the back of his jacket, the way Napoleon’s hands are clenching the fabric, but Napoleon is more important than something that can be steamed.
Frankie leans around the corner.  Al regrettably locks eyes with him.
Al can’t read Frankie’s expression, he almost looks sick, but he also looks a little depressed.
Napoleon lurches, slamming Al back into the wall.
“Sorry, I’m sorry...”
Al pats his back.
“It’s okay, Napoleon.”
Napoleon practically wails at that, and Al squeezes him tighter.
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Bad, bad Alphonse Capone (Chapter 3)
Scarface Versus Snorky.
Fandom/Movie/Series/Ect: Night At The Museum
Setting: Larry is still the night guard, several exhibits from the Smithsonian are at the Museum of Natural History
Pairing(s): Eventual Capoleon, Jedtavius, Teddy/Sacagawea
Characters: Al Capone, Napoleon Bonaparte, Ivan the Terrible (Awesome), Larry Daley, Teddy Roosevelt, Sacagawea, Jedediah Smith, Octavius, Ahkmenrah, Shaka Zulu, several Zulu tribe members, Dr. Richard McPhee, several Mobsters, Antonio Villalobos, Mariana Villalobos, Ramón Espina, Doctor Jess McClain, Docteur Alain Chaput
Genre/Warnings: Some slightly graphic violence, Foul language, Fic inspired by a song, I’ll come up with more tags later,  Chapter names may change later
Notes: I listened to the song “Bad Bad Leroy Brown” by Jim Croce about a thousand times and decided I just HAD to make a fic.  The reason Al and the boys get made into color (as a plot point) is so everyone can see what happens to Al.
If anyone is OOC or this reads like a Dick & Jane, this is my second posted fic and I haven’t done much writing in the NATM field. (Disclaimer: I don’t own the song, nor the characters.) (If anything suddenly changes, I had to fix a mistake I missed.)
(I am starting to see why they say “The beginning and end are easy, the middle is hard.”  this chapter is either going to be good, or real fucking boring, you decide.)
Word count: 1,300
Summary: Al and the boys practically beg (Though they won’t stoop so far as to say they were actually begging.) for him and his gang to be colored up like everyone else.  Finally one day they get a paint-job, despite McPhee’s ever-present paranoia; Capone and the gang being popular in grey-scale.  Several weeks after they finally get what they want, Al gets in a fight, and doesn’t come out of it well.  Luckily for him Napoleon is compassionate enough to put up with Al’s grating personality to help him.
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Last Chapter
Thank God Larry got a bottle of fleshtone latex for Halloween.
Disguising Al’s stitching for every morning was far easier than he’d thought it would be.
Al was ready for this nightmare to be over.  ‘Change his bandages once a day.’
Napoleon is nothing if not dutiful.  He’s done just as prescribed, every day, the past couple days.  Al is getting sick of it.
Al sits on the desk, slapping Napoleon’s hand away for the second time.
“Quit tryna mollycoddle me, I can do it myself!”
“I plan to do as Docteur Chaput told, you cannot stop me.”
Al slaps his hand away again.
Everyone hears an angry screech from the office.
“They were doing so well...”  Teddy sighs, unwrapping himself from Sacagawea.
“I thought it was amusing, their little vendetta.  Now it’s annoying.”  She chuckles.
“I laughed the first time as well, but since they’ve been consistently interrupting our evenings...”  Teddy rubs his temples.
“We really should go see what they’re doing.  If Al breaks his stitching it could make things worse.”  Sacagawea stands and pulls Teddy off of the bench and through the doorway.
“Come on!  Really guys?”  Larry stares at the two.
“He keeps changin’ my bandages, and I already told him, I can do it myself!”
Napoleon puts all of his weight on Al’s stomach and tightens his grip on Al’s chin, dangerously close to the wounds on his cheek, making Al squint.
“I told the docteur I would change them, I refuse to go back on my word!”
Larry sighs and scrubs a hand over his face.
“Get up, guys.  Al, let Napoleon dress your wounds.”
“Aw, come on!”
Napoleon grins triumphantly once they’re both righted.
“Sit.”  Napoleon points at the desk. 
Larry gives them both a pointed look and leaves, meeting Teddy and Sac in the hallway and closing the door.
“I have a question.”
“Shoot, Nippy.”
“When I described your injuries, you looked and sounded...  Distraught.  Why?”
Al’s eyes search the wall over Napoleon’s shoulder.  “It’s nothing, Shortstack...”
Napoleon knits his eyebrows together but doesn’t press on.  He’s seen trauma, mild to severe, physical and emotional, and thinks he should give Al some time before asking again.
That doesn’t mean he won’t look into Al’s history to see if that gives him any information, though.
Napoleon walks towards Al’s room.  He spots a group of Al’s gangsters near by.  He catches a fleeting bit of their whispered conversation, where they lean on the wall opposite the Al Capone exhibit.
“Damn, Big Boy looks rough.  I ain’t never seen him this bad.”
“Yeah, even when they first started callin’ him Scarface he didn’t look so...  Depressed?”
“Least we can do is start callin’ him Snorky again, what do ya say, Ralph?”
“Best idea you’ve had in a while, Tony.”
Napoleon looks into the room from the doorway.
Al is looking at a hand mirror dejectedly, lifting the latex carefully and examining the stitches.
Napoleon gets a few steps into the room before Al’s men grab him by the arms.
“Ehi! Miullu, i idioti!“
Al almost drops the mirror.  He spins around and holds up a hand to keep the gangsters from dragging Napoleon to the door.
“French Toast, what the Hell are ya doin’ here?”
“I wanted to remind you to meet me in the office, evidently your men dislike my commitment.”
“Nippy, don’t be dramatic, I told em to keep everyone out.  Thanks for remindin’ me though...”
“Monsieur Daley, can you teach me how to use that, uh, laptop?”
“Yeah sure, what do you want to look up?”
Napoleon fumbles for a moment.
“No that’s alright, you don’t have to tell me.  Here, sit...  Now see the keys?  Press them gently to make words...”
Napoleon accidentally runs twelve W’s into the search bar, causing Larry to snicker.
“Now you know that can happen, use the backspace to erase all but one.”
Napoleon is a little less heavy-handed this time.
There, now if you can manage to spell everything well enough-  Don’t give me that look, I know how spelling worked back in your days.  Anyway you should get the results you want.  Press the enter key when you wanna make it search.”
Larry holds the mouse and slides it around.
“Use this to click on things-”  He deliberately clicks it a few times.  “-And that little X in the corner will close everything.”
“Grazie, Monsieur Daley.”
“No problemo.  I’m gonna go do a round, catch you later.”
Larry pats him on the back and walks off
Napoleon, backspacing the remaining W and, carefully selecting keys, types out ‘Al Capone injuries’.
The little circle spins, then ‘The infectious disease that sprung Al Capone from Alcatraz.’
“I hope the tablet got rid of that...”
Napoleon moves the little hand down and clicks on one link simply titled ‘Al Capone’, and hopes for the best.
Luck is on his side.  To the right side of the screen is what is presumably a photo of Al when he was older, in black and white.  He’s wearing a nice dark grey three piece suit, a shiny, striped tie, white shirt and pocket square, and a shiny watch chain.  He’s also gained weight and lost hair.  The banner under the photo reads ‘Al Capone in 1930.’
“Yet he pokes at me because of the paintings I commissioned when I was in my forties.  It must run in Italian blood...  Or it’s all the bread and cheese.”
Al was born in the Brooklyn borough of New York City.
“That’s not very far from the museum, is it?  I wonder if I could convince Larry to take Al and myself there..”
His parents, Teresa and Gabriele, immigrated from Angri, Italy.
He had eight siblings, six brothers and two sisters.
He did well in school but had difficulty following the rules at his parochial Catholic school.  He was expelled permanently at fourteen for hitting a female teacher.
“At least I didn’t hit my teachers, u mo Diu.“
He worked at a bowling alley and a candy store, and was influenced Johnny Torrio, whom he later regarded as a mentor.
First he got involved with the Junior Forty Thieves, then the Bowery Boys.  Then he joined the Brooklyn Rippers, and after that the powerful Five Points Gang.
He was employed by mentor and racketeer Frankie Yale, who tended bar at a dance hall and saloon called the Harvard Inn.
“Saloon?  I thought that was only in the West in the eighteen seventies?”
Al inadvertently insulted a woman while working at the door of a nightclub in Brooklyn and was slashed by her brother Frank Gallucio.
Napoleon opens a new tab, searches ‘Al Capone scars’ and pulls up a photo that marks each slash with a number.
They match scarily close to the fresh ones on the side of Al’s face now.
Napoleon’s mouth falls open slightly and his eyebrows pull together.  He switches back to the other tab.
The wounds caused people to give him the nickname ’Scarface’ which Al loathed.  His close friends called him 'Snorky', a word for sharp dresser.
“Ay Nippy, watcha doin’?”
Napoleon quickly closes out the browser and shuts the laptop, none-too-gracefully.  Al smirks at him.
“Thought we were gonna meet in the office, what have ya been doin’?”
“Nothing, I was looking something up.  None of your concern.”
“Mhm, ‘lookin’ something up.’  Be sure clear the history when you’re done.”
Al spins around and saunters off towards the office.
“So, Short Stuff, did you enjoy ‘lookin’ something up.’?  Was it...  Sexy?”
Napoleon pulls the latex off roughly.
“It was informative.  The two photographs I looked at were...  A bit attractive.  No contest with the real thing, though.”
“Yeah, I bet.”  Al pulls a knowing smirk.  He doesn’t know as much as he thinks he does though.
Docteur = Doctor
Ehi! Miullu, i idioti! = Hey! Let me go, you idiots!
Monsieur = Mister
Grazie = Thank you
U mo Diu = My God
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