#natural bug bite soother.
attheideality · 1 year
10 plastic free summer essentials in your summer bag
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vidhyateckey12 · 1 month
What are the benefits of Citronella essential oil?
Citronella essential oil is a botanical wonder when it comes to natural therapies and holistic wellness. Originating from the fragrant leaves and stems of the citronella plant, this adaptable concoction has a lengthy history and numerous medicinal advantages. Come along on an enthralling voyage as we investigate the origins, characteristics, and numerous uses of citronella essential oil for skin, wellness, and other uses.
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Unveiling the Citronella Plant: A Fragrant Legacy
The scientific name for the citronella plant is Cymbopogon nardus, and it comes from Southeast Asia, where it has been grown for millennia due to its fragrant leaves and therapeutic qualities. Associated with the grass family, this perennial herb is widely used in gardens, cooking, and traditional medicine because it releases a crisp, lemony smell when crushed.
A Glimpse into Citronella Essential Oil Extraction
The fresh or dried leaves and stems of the plant are steam-distilled to produce the essential oil of citronella. The powerful medicinal properties of the oil are retained by this careful, yet delicate, process, producing a fragrant elixir that is highly valued for its many uses. The resultant oil captivates the senses and begs for investigation with its zesty scent and earthy overtones.
Unlocking the Benefits: A Holistic Approach to Wellness
There are numerous advantages that citronella essential oil has for skin, health, and general vigor. Now let's explore its wide range of characteristics and uses:
Natural Repellent for Insects: Natural remedies for insect bites and pain include citronella essential oil. Say goodbye to bothersome insects. Because of its special blend, it has a strong repelling effect, covering up the smells that draw flies, mosquitoes, and other unwanted visitors. For those who enjoy the great outdoors and the natural world, citronella oil provides a safe option that can be applied topically or dispersed into the air.
Skin Soother and Protector: Pamper your skin with the soothing embrace of citronella essential oil. Rich in antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds, it helps combat blemishes, promote clarity, and maintain a healthy complexion. Incorporate it into your skincare routine to balance oil production, reduce inflammation, and unveil radiant, glowing skin.
Stress Relief and Mood Enhancement: Immerse yourself in the uplifting aroma of citronella essential oil and experience a newfound sense of tranquility and calm. Its refreshing scent has a soothing effect on the mind, helping alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension. Whether diffused in the air or added to bathwater, citronella oil serves as a beacon of serenity in a fast-paced world.
Pain Management and Muscle Relaxation:  Ease muscle soreness and tension with the analgesic properties of citronella essential oil. When massaged into the skin, its warming effects penetrate deep into the muscles, providing relief from discomfort and promoting relaxation. Incorporate it into your post-workout routine or daily self-care rituals for enhanced mobility and well-being.
Harnessing the Power of Citronella: Practical Tips and Suggestions
Now that we've uncovered the myriad benefits of citronella essential oil, let's explore some practical ways to incorporate this botanical marvel into your daily life:
Outdoor Protection: Before venturing outdoors, apply a diluted solution of citronella essential oil to exposed skin to ward off insects and mosquitoes. Alternatively, create a natural bug spray by combining citronella oil with other repellent essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint.
Skincare Sanctuary: Elevate your skincare routine by adding a few drops of citronella essential oil to your favorite cleansers, serums, and moisturizers. Its purifying properties help clarify the skin, minimize blemishes, and promote a clear, radiant complexion.
Aromatherapy Oasis: Create a tranquil oasis of relaxation by diffusing citronella essential oil in your living space or bedroom. Combine it with complementary essential oils like bergamot, geranium, or ylang-ylang for a personalized aromatherapy experience that uplifts the spirits and calms the mind.
DIY Delights: Get creative in the kitchen and experiment with incorporating citronella essential oil into homemade skincare products, candles, soaps, and bath bombs. Its invigorating scent adds a refreshing twist to DIY creations, making them both functional and fragrant.
Experience the Essence of Citronella with Moana Essentials
Ready to embark on a journey of holistic wellness and natural living? Discover the transformative benefits of citronella essential oil with Moana Essentials, your trusted source for premium botanical products. Explore our curated collection of citronella oil and unlock the secrets of radiant skin, enhanced well-being, and a bug-free lifestyle.
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Transform your skincare regimen, elevate your mood, and reclaim your outdoor spaces with citronella essential oil from Moana Essentials. Harness the power of nature and experience the difference firsthand.
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Elevate your senses, rejuvenate your skin, and embrace the essence of citronella with Moana Essentials. Unlock the secrets of holistic wellness and natural beauty today.
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androgynoussuitlady · 2 years
10 Home Remedies for Bug Bites That Actually Work
0 Home Remedies for Bug Bites That Work | All-Natural Skin Soother
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Getty Images/Cunaplus M.Faba Simple techniques to stop scratching Summer offers a lot of exciting things, including pleasant temperatures, long days, outdoor barbecues, and plenty of sunshine, but one unappealing aspect of sunny nights spent on the patio is mosquito bites. Depending on what bit you, these bothersome, itchy, and occasionally painful skin lesions might vary, but they’re all horrible in their own special way. Although you should try to avoid being bitten by these pests by using bug zappers and mosquito repellents, bites can still occur. However, you don’t have to stoically endure it while rubbing your flesh raw. In fact, using a few clever (and simple!) home cures, you can quickly stop the itch.
According to Monisha Bhanote, MD, a triple-board-certified physician who specializes in integrative medicine, “the basic premise is that when an insect bites, it releases its saliva into the epidermis, causing the skin to have an inflammatory response with localized itchiness from the release of histamine and other biologic chemicals.” The finest post-accident remedies, unless you’re having an allergic reaction, will counteract that reaction by calming skin, lowering inflammation, and even preventing infection.
Better still? You don’t need to worry about applying possibly harmful chemicals on your skin because the suggestions on this list are entirely natural. Purchase many so you always have these on hand. And avoid this problem altogether by surrounding yourself with mosquito-repelling plants and learning a few more organic bug-repelling techniques.
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Getty Images/Madeleine Steinbach essential oil of peppermint This tasty essential oil also works as a pain reliever for insect bites. Its cooling effect on the skin balances out the stinging, burning, and itching. Additionally, according to David Friedman, ND, a clinical nutritionist and doctor of naturopathy, peppermint has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which means it may help prevent infection. In addition, peppermint can help avoid getting bitten by insects in the first place. Dr. Friedman claims that spiders, fleas, flies, wasps, and mosquitoes all detest the scent of peppermint oil.
Dr. Friedman cautions against using peppermint oil directly to the skin because it may result in burning and stinging, regardless of whether you’re using it as a home treatment for bug bites or as a preventative step. Instead, he advises combining it with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba. Before applying it to your skin, he advises, “use five drops of peppermint oil per ounce of carrier oil.” By adding water to a spray container, you may also generate a diluted spray by combining three drops of essential oil and four drops of carrier oil per ounce of water.
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Lavender essential oil
If you’ve ever inhaled deeply of lavender, you are aware of how peaceful it can be. It soothes your itchy, irritated, and infected skin just as well. According to Melanie St. Ours, a clinical herbalist and the author of The Simple Guide to Natural Health, “lavender essential oil can help reduce itching and inflammation within minutes of application. It is renowned for its ability to soothe inflammatory skin conditions — including minor burns, wounds, and acne.” She advises picking a product like this one from Orchid & Temple that is made entirely of French lavender grown at high elevations. Directly apply one to two drops to the affected region, and repeat as necessary. If you’ve ever wondered why you never see mosquitoes in Disney World, here’s your answer.
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ivandzyuba/Getty Images Baking soda
Since baking soda is so gentle, it’s a fantastic home cure for bug bites on both adults and kids. Baking soda is a genuine multi-tasker since in addition to enhancing the flavor of your food, it also soothes inflammation and itching. Olivia Rose, ND, a naturopathic physician in Toronto, suggests mixing 1 tablespoon of baking soda with water to create a paste. Apply the paste to the insect bite, let it dry, and then wipe it off with a cool washcloth, she advises. “Add 1 cup of baking soda to a bath of neutral temperature if you happen to be covered in bites.”
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Madeleine_Steinbach/Getty Images Echinacea liquid extract
For good reason, this natural cure has been a mainstay in people’s medicine cabinets for decades. The echinacea plant, a member of the daisy family, produces echinacea as a liquid extract. Everything from curing colds and relieving sore throats to halting infections has been done with it. Apply echinacea tincture to the entire affected region every hour until the swelling is gone, advises St. Ours, if you find that the area around your bite is turning red, hard, and swollen. “Use at least a quarter of a teaspoon of tincture every application, patting it into your skin with your fingertips. She advises calling your doctor right away if the swelling does not considerably go down after 24 hours of regular use or if you ever start to feel feverish.
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For a number of ailments, including bug bites, ice can be oh-so comforting. According to St. Ours, there are two reasons why this straightforward treatment relieves itchiness, edema, and general discomfort. The nerves that were telling your brain, “This is itchy!” change their tune and start telling your brain, “This is chilly!” she explains, because your sensory nerves can only relay so much information to your brain at once. Second, localized edema and inflammation are lessened by the cold.
Keep things from getting sloppy and melty by using a gel-filled ice pack, such as this highly rated alternative from Rester’s Choice. However, you should only do so for a short period of time at a time and use a piece of cloth between your pack and the skin.
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Nikolay_Donetsk/Getty Images Plantain leaves
St. Ours notes that although the plantain that can treat insect bites has the same name as the starchy fruit related to a banana, it is a completely different kind of plant. It’s a widespread weed that thrives in compacted soil, so it’s frequently simple to locate in playgrounds, hiking trails, and even growing next to the pavement in cities, according to the expert. “The vertical veins that run down the leaves of plantain species are arranged like a circle of ‘rays’ emerging from a central point. This plant is a common component in healing salves and ointments because of its amazing wound-healing properties.
Dr. Friedman advises using a mixture made of plantain leaves, bentonite clay, or activated charcoal, and water immediately to the insect bite for quick relief. If you don’t have these additional ingredients, you may also produce a paste by blending or grinding 1/2 cup of dried plantain leaves with just enough distilled water, the expert advises. “Apple cider vinegar can also be used in place of water. Grind it until it is a thick, but not too watery, consistency before applying it straight to the skin.”
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boonchai wedmakawand/Getty Images Vinegar
Honey may attract more flies, but vinegar also works well! According to Bernard Buttone, manager and associate certified entomologist at Triangle Pest Control, “vinegar can relieve stinging or burning sensations and is a natural disinfectant, especially if you’ve been scratching a bite.” He advises placing a washcloth or absorbent paper towel to the bite for a few minutes after soaking it in cold water and vinegar. If you have several bites from a mosquito feast, add 2 cups of vinegar to a warm bath and soak for 15 to 20 minutes, the expert advises.
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Arx0nt/Getty Images Oatmeal
You most likely have this substance in your cupboard, but you might not have known that you could apply it on your body. It turns out that oatmeal is one of the greatest natural cures for bug bites since it has skin-healing, skin-moisturizing, and antioxidant characteristics. According to Amy Lawhorne, vice president of the pest control business Mosquito Squad, “Oatmeal helps soothe itching and minimize swelling, which is exactly why you need it after getting bit or stung by something.” Simply make a paste out of oatmeal and water, she advises, and apply it directly to the bite. “Wipe it off after 10 to 15 minutes of letting it sit.”
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nipapornnan/Getty Images Aloe vera
Few people are aware that aloe can also lessen the sting and itching of bug bites, despite the fact that it is well recognized for soothing sunburns. According to Dr. Rose, the cooling effect of aloe vera gel when applied directly to the bite will assist minimize itching and swelling. If you already have a mature aloe vera plant at home, that’s great, but you can also buy aloe vera gel, which works just as well. If you have pets, buying aloe vera gel is a particularly smart choice. Aloe is one of the houseplants that are harmful to cats and dogs.
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GideoniJunior/Getty Images Toothpaste
Apply a little toothpaste on a mosquito bite to alleviate the intense itching! Buttone explains that when a mosquito bites you, it emits an anticoagulant that allows it to feed covertly. You itch and the bite mark grows because of your body’s normal response to that anticoagulant, which is to produce histamines and deliver them to the bitten area. In order to take advantage of the soothing and calming effects of mint, he advises applying minty toothpaste directly to the bite. He continues, “Toothpaste is also naturally astringent, so it can stop additional swelling. Check out these chemical-free methods to get rid of domestic bugs now that you are knowledgeable about all-natural, at-home treatments for insect bites.
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boxergram · 4 years
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Does your dog have itchy skin/paws? Hot spots? Or do they get the occasional boo-boo, rash, bug bite, allergies, or mystery wound? It’s always great for pet owners to have natural healing products like #SkinSoother by @naturaldogcompany on hand. Skin Soother is a 100% natural healing balm that is antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory…perfect for healing all types of infections and wounds. And it’s SAFE for pets, unlike human products. . ⭐ SAVE 20% off @naturaldogcompany with code BOXER at NaturalDog.com | worldwide shipping | ad 📷: @caymus_theboxer https://www.instagram.com/p/CE5VopEhaX7/?igshid=n8y73q38ym4g
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lakiblogsposts · 2 years
Home Remedies for Bug Bites That Actually Work
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Home remedies for trojan horse Bites That truly work 10 home treatments for bug Bites That work All-herbal skin Soothers
Bypass to fundamental content material Lady scratching her arm
Female scratching her arm
Cunaplus_M.Faba/Getty images Surefire approaches to forestall scratching There are so many matters to look ahead to in the summer time — heat weather, long days, outside BBQs, and plenty of sunshine — however one of the much less perfect capabilities that comes along side heat nights on the patio is malicious program bites. Those pesky, itchy, on occasion sore skin markings can range relying on what bit you, however they’re all awful in their personal manner. While you’ll need to do your nice to thrust back these pests with mosquito repellents and worm zappers, bites can still appear regardless of your first-class efforts. However you don’t have to simply grin and undergo it as you scratch your skin uncooked. In truth, you could effortlessly forestall the itch with some smart (and smooth!) home remedies for bug bites.
“The fundamental premise is that when an insect bites, it releases its saliva into the dermis, inflicting the skin to have an inflammatory reaction with localized itchiness from the discharge of histamine and different biologic chemical substances,” explains Monisha Bhanote, MD, a triple-board-licensed health practitioner who focuses on integrative medication. Unless you’re experiencing an allergy, the high-quality after-the-reality fixes will counteract that reaction, soothing skin, lowering irritation, and even preventing contamination.
Even higher? The hints on this list are all-natural, so that you don’t have to fear about slathering potentially toxic chemicals to your pores and skin. Inventory up so that you have those available each time you need them. And prevent this example within the first location by way of surrounding your self with plant life that repel mosquitoes and learning a few different natural methods to repel insects.
Peppermint important oil
Peppermint critical oil
Madeleine_Steinbach/Getty pics Peppermint critical oil This delectable essential oil doubles as a worm-chew soother. The cooling sensation it offers to the skin counteracts the burning, stinging, and itching. Plus, peppermint is each anti inflammatory and antimicrobial, so it is able to help lessen contamination, says David Friedman, ND, a doctor of naturopathy and a medical nutritionist. By the way, peppermint can also prevent trojan horse bites inside the first area. “Mosquitoes, fleas, flies, wasps, and spiders hate the odor of peppermint oil,” says Dr. Friedman.
Regardless of whether you’re the use of peppermint oil as a home cure for bug bites or as a safety measure, Dr. Friedman advises against applying it at once to the skin because it is able to purpose burning and stinging. Instead, he suggests blending it with a service oil like jojoba or coconut. “Use five drops of peppermint oil consistent with ounce of service oil before applying it on your pores and skin,” he says. “you could additionally make a diluted spray via filling a spray bottle with water: blend 3 drops of vital oil with four drops of provider oil consistent with ounce of water.”
Lavender essential oil In case you’ve ever taken a massive whiff of lavender, you realize immediately calming it could be. Nicely, it’s similarly calming to your inflamed, irritated, worm-bitten pores and skin. “famed for its potential to appease inflammatory pores and skin situations — which include minor burns, wounds, and acne — lavender vital oil can assist reduce itching and inflammation inside minutes of application,” says Melanie St. Ours, a medical herbalist and the author of The simple guide to herbal health. She suggests deciding on a emblem that’s manufactured from a hundred percent French lavender grown at high altitudes, like this formulation from Orchid & Temple. Follow one to 2 drops immediately to the affected region, and reapply as needed. By means of the way, if you’ve ever wondered, here’s why you by no means see mosquitoes at Disney world.
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Baking soda for bug chunk alleviation
Baking soda for trojan horse bite relief
Ivandzyuba/Getty photos Baking soda This home remedy for bug bites is terrific for each adults and youngsters considering that baking soda is so gentle. A real multitasker, baking soda doesn’t just paintings its magic on your meals — it could additionally relieve infection and itchiness. To make a paste, Toronto-based naturopathic doctor Olivia Rose, ND, recommends combining 1 tablespoon of baking soda with water. “upload enough water to shape a paste, and apply to the bug chunk, letting it dry earlier than removing with a fab washcloth,” she says. “if you happen to be blanketed in bites, upload 1 cup of baking soda to a neutral temperature bathtub.”
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A bottle of natural tincture with sparkling blooming echinacea
A bottle of herbal tincture with clean blooming echinacea
Madeleine Steinbach/Getty pics Echinacea liquid extract This natural treatment has been a staple in humans' remedy cabinets for hundreds of years — and for exact purpose. Echinacea is a liquid extract from the echinacea plant, that’s part of the daisy family. It’s been used for the entirety from treating colds and soothing sore throats to stopping infections in their tracks. “if you note that the area around your chew is turning into pink, difficult, and swollen, follow echinacea tincture to the whole affected vicinity each hour till the swelling is gone,” says St. Ours. “follow the tincture liberally via patting it into your pores and skin with your fingertips, the use of at least one-fourth of a teaspoon according to application. If the swelling does not lower appreciably after 24 hours of regular use, or in case you begin to run a fever at any time, she recommends calling your health practitioner without delay.
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Ice Ice may be oh-so-soothing for a ramification of factors that ail you — worm bites protected. St. Ours explains that this easy remedy works on itching, swelling, and usual pain for two reasons. “First, your sensory nerves can only communicate a positive quantity of records to your mind at one time, so, while you apply the ice cube, the nerves that had been telling your brain, ‘this is itchy!’ exchange their music and start telling your mind, ‘this is cold!’” she says. “2d, the coldness reduces neighborhood swelling and irritation.”
The usage of a gel-filled ice %, like this well-reviewed alternative by using Rester’s choice, keep things less messy and melty. That said, you may want to place a cloth between your percent and the pores and skin for brought comfort, and also you’ll handiest need to apply it for a couple of minutes at a time.
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Broadleaf plantain leaves
Nikolay_Donetsk/Getty snap shots Plantain leaves Although it stocks the same call with the starchy fruit much like a banana, the plantain that can help with trojan horse bites is a wholly exceptional plant, explains St. Ours. “It’s a common weed that grows properly in packed soil, because of this it’s frequently smooth to find at playgrounds, hiking trails, or even growing along the sidewalk in cities!” she says. “you may apprehend plantain species by the vertical veins that run along the leaves, which are organized like a circle of ‘rays’ emanating from a valuable factor. This plant has remarkable wound-recovery capabilities, that’s why it’s an ingredient used in many recuperation salves and ointments.”
Dr. Friedman recommends making a paste the usage of plantain leaves and bentonite clay or activated charcoal with water and putting it without delay on the computer virus chew for instant alleviation. “if you don’t have these other components you may also placed half of cup of dried plantain leaves in a blender or espresso grinder with enough distilled water to make a paste,” he says. “you could also substitute apple cider vinegar in area of water and grind till it’s a thick consistency (not too watery) earlier than setting it at once on the pores and skin.”
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Apple Cider Vinegar for malicious program chew alleviation
Apple Cider Vinegar for malicious program chunk relief
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Boonchai wedmakawand/Getty pix Vinegar You could capture greater flies with honey, but vinegar can also do the trick! “Vinegar can lessen stinging or burning sensations and is a herbal disinfectant, specially in case you’ve been scratching a chew,��� says Bernard Buttone, supervisor and partner licensed entomologist at Triangle Pest control. He recommends soaking a washcloth or absorbent paper towel in bloodless water and vinegar and applying it to the bite for a few minutes. “if you’ve been a mosquito banquet and you have a couple of bites, dilute 2 cups of vinegar in a lukewarm tub and soak for 15 to twenty mins,” he adds.
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Rolled oats for worm chunk alleviation
Rolled oats for trojan horse bite remedy
Arx0nt/Getty photos Oatmeal You possibly have this factor somewhere in your pantry, but you can by no means have notion to use it to your frame. As it seems, oatmeal offers recovery, moisturizing, and antioxidant residences for the skin, making it one of the excellent home treatments for trojan horse bites. “Oatmeal can relieve itching and reduce swelling, that is precisely why you want it after getting bit or stung via some thing,” says Amy Lawhorne, vp for the pest manipulate employer Mosquito Squad. “sincerely mix oatmeal with water to create a paste and apply it immediately to the chew,” she says. “let it sit for 10 to 15 mins, and then wipe it off.”
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Aloe Vera leaves on wood history.
Aloe Vera leaves on timber history.
Nipapornnan/Getty pictures Aloe Vera Aloe is well-known for soothing sunburns, but few people comprehend that it could also ease the sting and itch of trojan horse bites. “when implemented directly to the chew, the cooling motion of the aloe Vera gel will help shrink swelling and reduce the itch,” says Dr. Rose. If you have a mature aloe Vera plant at home, that’s an advantage, but you could additionally purchase aloe Vera gel, which works similarly nicely — and is an particularly correct idea when you have a pet discern, because aloe ranks a few of the houseplants which can be poisonous to cats and dogs.
Toothbrush on the table with toothpaste
GideoniJunior/Getty images Toothpaste To stop a mosquito bite from itching like loopy, genuinely observe a touch toothpaste to it! “whilst a mosquito bites you, it releases an anticoagulant that we could it feed without being detected,” explains Buttone. “but your body’s natural reaction to that anticoagulant is to create histamines and send them to the bitten vicinity, that’s why you itch and the chunk mark swells.” He recommends applying a minty toothpaste to the chunk so you can advantage from its soothing and cooling residences. “Toothpaste is also clearly astringent, so it may prevent further swelling,” he provides. Now which you’re up to the mark on all-natural, home treatments for trojan horse bites, test out those chemical-unfastened ways to take away household pests.
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Made my own facial toner and sunburn soother using fresh #aloe from a plant in a garden, fresh #lavender from 1 neighbor, and fresh #rosemary from another. I also used the juice on irritated skin and the sensation from the natural water base stopped skin from itching! Great mix to use on popped pimples, bug bites, and small exposed cuts. #allnatural #allnaturalbeauty #freshingredients #allnaturalmedicine #medicinal #allnaturalskincare #organic #herbs (at Sunset District, San Francisco)
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
Flea Bites: How to Treat, Prevent, and Soothe Pain and Itching on Your Dog
https://www.centralparkpaws.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/41tH7f8iVwL.jpg As a dog mom, I like to imagine that I can protect my pup from anything she may come across.
Her safety is always my top priority, but there are some things that even the most vigilant dog owners can’t prevent.
One of those things is the common annoyance of fleas.
Fleas are everywhere, especially in places where dogs like to visit. Dog parks are a common home for fleas, which can be where dogs encounter them or dogs who already have them.
There’s no need to worry about keeping your dog away from the dog park.
I worry about fleas sometimes too, but I still walk Maggie to the park for the occasional game of fetch.
That’s because I know that flea bites are easily taken care of.
Here’s what every dog owner should know about treating flea bites and making your dog more comfortable as they heal.
How to Treat Flea Bites on Your Dog
If you notice some flea bites on your dog, there are a few different options for treating them.
Basically, you need to get rid of the fleas so they can’t bite your dog any more.
See which one may be best for your dog and try every method until you see the flea bites go away.
Method 1: Flea Shampoo
Flea shampoo is the quick go-to solution that many dog owners use after they’ve identified flea bites on their dog.
Every shampoo will have slightly different directions on the bottle, but here are some basic steps you can use for whatever shampoo you buy.
Step 1: Scrub Really Well
Make sure to use plenty of shampoo and really scrub your dog’s coat.
The shampoo has to be worked in and around the roots of your dog’s hair so that it kills the fleas where they hide.
Step 2: Rinse and Repeat
One round of shampoo may not do the trick for dogs with a big flea problem.
Rinse your dog out thoroughly and repeat with the shampoo.
Do this until you’re no longer seeing any black spots in your dog’s fur.
Method 2: Flea Comb
A good bath with a flea shampoo will kill a large number of adult fleas on your dog, but the eggs and larvae can still be attached.
That’s why it’s a good idea to follow the bath up with a flea comb.
Step 1: Go Outside or in the Tub
Flea eggs can stick to your dog, but when you’re using a flea comb, they may fall out[1].
Don’t let them hatch in your carpet or rugs!
Instead, go outside or have your dog stand in the tub.
Anything that falls off of them can be sprayed with pesticide or washed down the drain.
Step 2: Brush Out Knots
Flea combs are fine toothed, so they won’t work as effectively if your dog’s fur is knotted.
Use a regular brush or comb to work out any knots before starting, and then wash or throw away what you used.
Step 3: Work Slowly
Work up from the roots with the flea comb to remove any remaining fleas or larvae that could continue to bite your dog.
The key to this step is working slowly, so you get as many fleas as you can.
How to Prevent Flea Bites on Dogs
Maybe your dog is recovering from fleas or hasn’t had them at all.
Either way, you can prevent flea bites on your dog with a couple easy tricks.
Method 1: Spray Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a natural flea repellent[2], though it’s important to know it won’t kill existing fleas, larvae, or eggs.
You can spray this on your dog before going to the park or use it on outdoor bedding.
Method 2: Buy a Flea Collar
There are different kinds of flea collars out there for dog parents to buy, such as Bayer’s Seresto.
Some emit a gas to keep fleas away and others are medicated, but they’re all safe for dogs to wear[3].
Check how long the flea collar will last before you buy it,and always consult your vet if you’re wondering about the chemicals in the collar.
Method 3: Get a Prescription
Many dog owners choose to give their dog medication to prevent fleas.
If this interests you, talk with your vet to determine which brand and dosage is right for your dog.
How to Soothe Itching and Pain from Flea Bites
Flea bites are no joke, especially when there’s so many of them all over your dog.
They make dogs itch and feel generally uncomfortable, so here’s what you can do to soothe the itching and pain.
Use Good Shampoo
A good flea shampoo will kill off fleas, but a great shampoo will also contain ingredients to soothe your dog’s skin.
Oatmeal is a natural skin soother[4], which is why it’s in many sensitive skin shampoos.
Some flea shampoos may also contain aloe vera, which is another common itchy skin remedy[5].
Try a Topical Treatment
There are also topical treatments you can try to relieve your dog’s itching and pain outside the bathtub.
Method 1: Calendula Gel
Calendula gel is commonly used for dogs with any kind of inflammation.
It’s all natural because it comes from the plant marigold[6].
This gel is safe for dogs to use on irritated skin, and you won’t have to make your dog wear a protective cone because it’s okay to lick too.
Method 2: Fish Oil
Some temporary itch relief can also be provided through the use of fish oils.
Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which decrease inflammation in skin cells[7].
Use this on your dog to minimize itching in between flea treatments.
Method 3: Baking Soda
Don’t want to head out and add expenses to your budget?
Use the baking soda you probably already have in the kitchen.
Baking soda soothes the skin and is safe for dogs[8], so rub it into your dog’s dry fur and use a brush to work it through.
It can be removed later with another brushing or a bath.
Invest in a Medical Treatment
Vets can prescribe oral, topical, or injectable medicine for dogs with extreme itchiness or pain from flea bites.
This is always an option for dogs with very bad flea infestations.
You can also give your dog Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCl) for basic allergic reactions, like itching and discomfort.
The standard dose is 1 mg per pound of body weight, with a max dosage of 2-3 times per day[9].
Always call your vet with any questions you may have about medical treatments or suggestions.
The idea of bugs making a home in Maggie’s fur makes my skin crawl, but it’s good to know there are so many ways to make her comfortable if they were to appear.
Try some of these easy remedies on your dog the next time they have fleas, and always call your vet if you’re unsure about what you’re trying.
The post Flea Bites: How to Treat, Prevent, and Soothe Pain and Itching on Your Dog appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/pet-health/flea-bites-prevention-treatment/
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teresasbigo · 5 years
Remember a few weeks ago, when I ran off to the middle of the woods for America’s birthday?
The area we visited is in the northern Adirondack mountains, within spitting distance of the Canadian wilderness. Our family friend has what’s referred to as a “camp”; a small house with a couple of outbuildings plopped in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by maple trees and a beautiful river. It’s gorgeous, and in the spring it’s an actual, working maple sugar farm.
It was a lovely weekend, full of family and good food and laughter and beers. Oh, and bugs. SO. MANY. BUGS.
We expect the bugs, based on this kind of setting, but this year seemed extra buggy. Everyone was speculating about the reason, like an extra wet spring, or an increase in the number of people at camp (there were 19 people, and three dogs… I think it was a record), but the reason was irrelevant. The bottom line was that it sucked.
I tried to be prepared this year and brought extra bug spray. The other families brought bug spray. There was communal bug spray at the cabin. We used almost all of it because there were 19 people reapplying it every half hour, all day long, for three solid days. We all still ended up as buffets for bugs, but some of them worked better than others.
Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus IR3535® Expedition™ SPF 30
Pro: Smells good. I appreciate that it’s combined with sunscreen so we didn’t have to do multiple steps. The spray wasn’t too aggressive. Kept the black flies and gnats at bay. Reasonably priced.
Con: The mosquitoes had zero fucks to give about us wearing this. They stayed off for about five minutes before continuing to chow down on our tasty blood.
Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus Picaridin
Pro: Also smells good and isn’t insanely expensive. This had a little more staying power than the above, especially on our clothes. This also kept away the gnats and black flies.
Con: While this did keep the mosquitoes away for longer than the last spray, I still found myself reapplying about every 20 minutes, especially in the evenings. This is also supposed to be washed off at the end of the day. Part of me is on board with that, because ew sleeping in bug spray, but sometimes I’m just too lazy. Also, mosquitoes get inside, and I don’t want to spend the entire night being gnawed on.
Bug Soother Spray
Pro: This is made by a small, family-owned company in Iowa and it’s natural, so I felt like I was doing a good thing by purchasing it. It smells really good and doesn’t feel greasy or heavy.
Con: I had multiple people try this over the course of the weekend, and the bugs gave zero fucks about it. It didn’t keep shit away, and the nozzle leaked to boot. I was so disappointed.
Repel Insect Repellent Sportsman Max Formula 40% DEET
Pro: It’s relatively cheap and easily acquired.
Con: Literally everything else; it smells bad. It feels sticky and makes me want to scrub my skin off. DEET isn’t good for anyone. And even after all that, the bugs chowed through it on my skin and my clothes. What’s the point of buying and using something that claims to be MAX FORMULA FOR MEN IN THE WILDERNESS if it doesn’t actually do the job?
Cutter All Family Insect Repellent
Pro: Smells ok. Feels light on my skin instead of greasy or sticky. Supposedly leaves out the hazardous chemicals in favor of healthier ingredients.
Con: At the point that I tried this one my feet and ankles were already swollen from dozens of bug bites, so I’m not actually sure whether it worked or not. I didn’t get any extra bites on the top half of my body when I used it, so maybe it’s ok.
So all in all, nothing kept those little bastards away from my feet and ankles. The entire weekend was unusually hot so putting on real shoes or pants was not an option. When given the choice between being hot as balls and being a snack for bugs, I chose the latter. Of all of the sprays though, I’d say the winner is the Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus Picaridin. I bought another bottle and plan to use it again on some slightly less intense bugs.
Honorable mention: Walgreens Wal-Dryl Itch Relief Spray
Have you ever been so insanely itchy that it’s driving you literally insane, and it’s the only thing you can think about? Yeah, that was me by the time I got home from camp. I bought one of these and used the entire thing. It’s amazing.
Battle of the bug sprays Remember a few weeks ago, when I ran off to the middle of the woods for America's birthday?
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ghaw2007 · 6 years
32 Baking Soda Benefits
32 Baking Soda Benefits
1. Natural Deodorant – Create your own deodorant by mixing a teaspoon of baking soda with enough water to create a milky baking soda paste, then rub it under your underarms or even on your feet.
2. Face Exfoliator – Remove dry skin from your face by creating your own baking soda exfoliant. Combine one teaspoon of baking soda with half a cup of water and rub it on your face in a circular motion, then rinse. Using baking soda for face exfoliation is an inexpensive way to refine skin, just don’t use baking soda too frequently because you don’t want it to upset the pH balance of your skin.
3. Hand Softener – To scrub away dirt and odors, mix baking soda with warm water and rub it on your hands. This natural hand cleanser will leave your hands clean and soft.
4. Foot Soother – Create your own foot bath with a tablespoon of baking soda and warm water. This baking soda bath will remove bacteria and odors and can help to prevent toenail fungus.
5. Itchy Skin Relief – Baking soda can help to reduce discomfort from sunburn, allergic rashes, and skin affected by poison ivy or poison oak. Mix a teaspoon with some water to create a baking soda paste and apply it to the areas of concern. Leave it on for several minutes and then rinse. You can do this a few times per day as needed.
6. Splinter Removal – Splinters will come out naturally after a few days of soaking it in baking soda (use a mix that includes a tablespoon of baking soda and warm water). Soak the affected area twice a day in the baking soda water.
7. Bug Bite Soother – Rub baking soda on your bug bite to relieve the itching. Create a paste with a teaspoon of baking soda and water. Keep applying the soda paste – about three times a day – until the bite dissipates.
8. Sunburn Relief – Your fragile sunburned skin will benefit from soaking in a mixture of baking soda and water. Soak in a warm (not hot) bath that includes half a cup of baking soda. You can also mix baking soda into your favorite body lotion to calm a sunburn.
9. Hair Cleanser – Baking soda for hair? Yes! Simply add a teaspoon of baking soda to your shampoo, rub it into your hair and rinse as usual. Baking soda shampoo is ultra clarifying so it’s a great way to remove dirt and oil as well as residue that is left over from hair products.
10. Brush and Comb Cleaner – You don’t want to use harmful chemicals to clean your hair tools so try baking soda instead! Take advantage of this baking soda benefit by creating a paste by combining two teaspoons of baking soda with one cup of water. Coat your brushes and combs with this paste and then rinse thoroughly.
11. Homemade Toothpaste – Baking soda toothpaste is a great way to improve dental health. Baking soda is known to increase plaque removal — that is why it’s commonly used in both conventional and natural toothpaste. Straight baking soda has abrasive qualities, and over time it may wear away enamel. Instead, to keep fresh breath, you can add baking soda to your toothpaste, make your own homemade toothpaste, or just dip your toothbrush in baking soda a few times a week. (15)
12. Teeth Whitener – Baking soda uses for dental health continue! To keep your teeth looking pearly white, create your own paste with a teaspoon of baking soda and water. Once a week, rub the paste onto your teeth, let it sit for five minutes, and then rinse your mouth. This is such a great natural way to whiten your teeth and kill bacteria without any harsh and questionable chemicals.
13. Heartburn and Indigestion Relief – Baking soda for heartburn is really a thing, so much so that conventional manufacturers of conventional heartburn medications include sodium bicarbonate in their formulates. Baking soda is a cost-effective way to reduce heartburn and indigestion, as opposed to other options like Tums and Rolaids, which also contain bicarbonate. Simply add half a teaspoon of baking soda to two cups of water. An hour after eating, drink this mixture to gain some relief.
14. Cancer Prevention – When you have a pH imbalance, unhealthy organisms are able to flourish, which damages tissues and organs, and compromises the immune system. Baking soda is known to increase the pH of acidic tumors without affecting the pH balance of healthy tissues and the blood. Scientific research has demonstrated that oral doses of sodium bicarbonate can raise tumor pH and inhibit spontaneous metastases in animal models of metastatic breast cancer. (17)
15. Exercise Enhancer – Baking soda benefits can carry over to your exercise routine too. Soaking in a warm warm with a half cup of baking soda added is said to help neutralize lactic acid build up in the muscles after a workout. (18) Some studies, as I mentioned earlier, also point towards its internal use to reduce fatigue post-workout. It also may enhance athletic performance when consumed prior to physical activity.
16. Improve Kidney Function – As an alkaline substance, baking soda buffers acids in the body and helps to keep pH levels balanced. Low-functioning kidneys have a hard time removing acid from the body, so consuming baking soda can help with just that and some research has shown it may slow the progress of chronic kidney disease. (19)
17. Reduce Ulcer Pain – Because baking soda neutralizes stomach acid, it can helpful for ulcers. Speak with your doctor first, but taking baking soda in water internally may help relieve ulcer symptoms.
18. Natural Kitchen Scrub – Sprinkle baking soda on the surfaces in your kitchen and use a sponge or rag to scrub. You can even add a few drops of lemon, lavender or peppermint essential oil to add a natural fragrance to this DIY cleaning product.
19. Pots and Pans Cleaner – Baking soda can be used to hand wash pots and pans, and it won’t hurt these valuables either. Just let them soak in baking soda for 15 to 20 minutes … the grease, grim or food will come right off!
20. Carpet Cleaner – Many carpet cleaners include chemicals that can be harmful to your pets or children, so use baking soda to give your carpet a good cleaning and neutralize odors. Sprinkle your carpet with baking soda; let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes, and then vacuum.
21. Gentle Baby Clothes Cleanser – Baking soda can be used as a natural cleanser, detergent booster and even a fabric softener. It’s the perfect way to clean baby clothes — just add one cup to your load of laundry.
22. Fruit and Veggie Scrub – Make your own natural scrub by adding a teaspoon of baking soda to water. The pasty mixture is a perfect way to remove bacteria from your fruits and veggies.
23. Silverware Cleaner – Create a paste that is three parts baking soda and one part water. Rub the paste onto your silverware and let it sit in a large tray or bowl. After 15 to 20 minutes, rinse the silverware.
24. Oven Cleaner – Don’t use harmful chemicals to clean your oven; instead, just add a teaspoon of baking soda to a damp sponge or rag. This combination will wipe away food and grease easily.
25. Drain Cleaner – Mix baking soda and vinegar to create your own drain cleaner. A vinegar and baking soda mixture is a much safer option than the harmful chemicals that are typically used to clear drains. Let the combination bubble for 15 minutes, then rinse with hot water. Just wait until you see how effective baking soda and vinegar cleaning can be!
26. Dish-Washer Helper – Want to test out if baking soda cleaning your dishes is really a thing? Add baking soda to your regular dish washing cycle; this will help to eliminate unwanted grease and grime that builds up on your dishes.
27. Fire Extinguisher – If you experience a minor grease fire in your kitchen, you can use baking soda to extinguish it. Pouring baking soda on a small pan fire shouldl stifle the flames quickly. (21)
28. Shoe Deodorizer – Can’t get that unpleasant smell out of your shoes? Shoe deodorize is yet another one of the many common baking soda uses. Sprinkle baking soda inside your shoes to deodorize them. You’ll see how that foul odor clears up within minutes.
29. Coffee and Tea Pot Cleaner – To remove coffee stains and funky tastes from your coffee or tea pot, make this quick mixture: one-fourth cup of baking soda with one quart of warm water. Rub the mixture on and in your pots; if you are battling tough stains, let it sit for a few hours first and then rinse.
30. Shower-Curtain Cleaner – Get rid of those stains that show up on shower curtains by rubbing baking soda onto them. Add a little water and the grime will be gone shortly.
31. Closet Freshener – To freshen your closet, place a box or cup of baking soda inside. Periodically change the baking soda to keep your closet smelling fresh and clean.
32. Wash Your Car – Ever hear of a baking soda car wash? Because baking soda easily removes grease and dirt, it’s the perfect ingredient for the ultimate car cleaning. Create a paste with one-fourth cup of baking soda with one cup of warm water. With a sponge or rag, rub the paste onto your car (tires, lights, seats, windows) and then rinse. Or dilute in a gallon of water to remove dirt and grime off your paint as well — just make sure to thoroughly dissolve as baking soda is abrasive in its powdered state.
http://musicbanter.com/song-writing-lyrics-poetry/79770-ghaw2007s-lyrics-collection.html http://futureproducers.com/forums/production-techniques/songwriting-and-lyricism/ghaw2007s-lyrics-523656 http://musesongwriters.com/forums/index.php?/topic/65827-ghaw2007s-lyrics http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/topic/55799-ghaw2007s-lyrics http://justusboys.com/forum/threads/435561-ghaw2007-s-Lyrics http://gayheaven.org/showthread.php?t=536605 http://allthelyrics.com/forum/showthread.php?t=159439 http://writerscafe.org/ghaw/writing http://songwriterforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=11560.0
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Omgosh is summer here??? I just went outside and there was ☀️☀️☀️😳 #pnw . . For some of us that means we get to hang outside until almost bedtime and with that might come some pesky bugs. Well, I have a spray for that ❤️ . . Here's a quick snapshot of me hand pouring every item that goes out. It's ohhhh so time consuming but I KNOW deep in my heart that it's done correctly and I can GUARANTEE that it's made with LOVE. Thanks again for shopping small. My family and I thank you! Happy Friday . . Click the link in my bio to shop for my all natural bug spray and bug bite soother. You can also shop other items and connect with me there 😊😊 EtsyShop: All Oil Everything or alloileverything.com . ---------- . . . #handmadewithlove #madewithlove #madetoorder #shophandmade #handpoured #allnatural #deskie #bugspray #outdoorlife #feelslikesummer #deetfree #lakelife #outdoors #etsy #happymail #supportsmallbusiness #summertime #bugbites #bugbitesoother#mompreneur #goals #etsylove #shoppingaddict #shoponline #handmadeisbetter #alloileverything (at Alloileverything.com)
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titoslondon-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Titos London
#Blog New Post has been published on http://www.titoslondon.in/go-for-essential-oils-for-healthier-skin/
Go for essential oils for healthier skin
Essential oils can have a wonderful effect on the body. (Source: Thinkstock Images)
Essential oils like jojoba oil and Calendula extract can not only have wonderful effect on the skin if applied religiously but will also have impressive health benefits, says an expert.
Ghazal Alagh, co-founder of MamaEarth, first toxin-free baby care brand by Honasa Consumer Pvt Ltd lists the benefits of essential oil.
ALSO READ | Keep your hair healthy, shiny and smooth with these essential oils
Jojoba Oil
* Jojoba oil is very effective at balancing skin condition, preventing it from becoming too dry or oily.
* It has antibacterial properties. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, soothing the irritated skin.
* It also acts as moisturiser, relieving itching and dryness. It forms a protective layer over the skin, forming a barrier to external irritants, which can be an advantage in the case of eczema.
See what else is making news in lifestyle, here
Calendula Extract
* Some of the most impressive health benefits of Calendula include its ability to speed heal and improve the appearance of the skin.
* It also boosts vision and reduces inflammation.
Lavender Essential Oil
* Lavender oil is a soother and helps one sleep better.
* It is also used to disinfect scalp and skin. It has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
* It also promotes hair growth and treats various hair problems like hair loss, dandruff etc.
Chamomile Oil
* Roman chamomile promotes smooth and healthy skin. It has been used as a natural remedy for eczema, wounds, ulcers, skin irritations, bruises, burns and even skin conditions like cracked nipples and diaper rash.
* It has anti-spasmodic properties which allow soothing of menstrual cramps and body aches that are commonly associated with PMS.
Lemon Eucalyptus Oil
* Eucalyptus helps cleanse your body of toxins and harmful micro-organisms that can make you feel sick.
* Eucalyptus essential oil is highly effective for treating respiratory problems, such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis.
* Eucalyptus oil has anti-microbial and antiseptic properties that are effective at treating wounds, burns, cuts, abrasions, sores and scrapes. It also heals bug bites and stings.
Important facts: Make sure you dilute the essential oil in any carrier oil before using it as undiluted essential oil can cause redness and irritation on the skin.
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boxergram · 2 years
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Does your dog have itchy skin/paws? Hot spots? Or do they get the occasional boo-boo, rash, bug bite, allergies, or mystery wound? It’s always great for pet owners to have natural healing products like #SkinSoother by @naturaldogcompany on hand. Skin Soother is a 100% natural healing balm that is antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory...perfect for healing all types of infections and wounds. And it’s SAFE for pets, unlike human products. Save 20% off with the code BOXER at naturaldogcompany.com * worldwide shipping * money-back guaranteed. ad 📷: @caymus_theboxer https://www.instagram.com/p/CdcMyxEryVJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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boxergram · 2 years
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Does your dog have itchy skin/paws? Hot spots? Or do they get the occasional boo-boo, rash, bug bite, allergies, or mystery wound? It’s always great for pet owners to have natural healing products like #SkinSoother by @naturaldogcompany on hand. Skin Soother is a 100% natural healing balm that is antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory...perfect for healing all types of infections and wounds. And it’s SAFE for pets, unlike human products. Save 20% off with the code BOXER at naturaldogcompany.com * worldwide shipping * money-back guaranteed. ad 📷: @littleboxerlily https://www.instagram.com/p/CaxMJg3Jgq9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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boxergram · 3 years
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This stuff is the ultimate healing balm for dogs. If your pup gets a rash, wound, hot spot, bug bite, itchy skin, etc. this balm will heal it in literal DAYS. What's even better is that Skin Soother is made with only 100% natural & pet-safe ingredients, so you don’t have to worry if your dog licks some. Definitely a pup-aid-kit essential! • • • ⭐ SAVE 20% off @naturaldogcompany with code BOXER at NaturalDog.com | worldwide shipping | ad 📷: @thedogloungewebshop https://www.instagram.com/p/CKsZPMWBc8P/?igshid=1lk5opyohqxhz
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boxergram · 7 years
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Does your dog have itchy skin/paws? Hot spots? Or do they get the occasional rash, bug bite, allergies, or mystery wound? It’s always great for pet owners to have natural healing products like #SkinSoother by @naturaldogcompany on hand. Skin Soother is a 100% natural healing balm that is antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory…perfect for healing all types of infections and wounds. And it’s SAFE for pets, unlike human products. >> Save 10% off your entire order with code BOXER at NaturalDog.com [Photo by: @boxerpup_brothers]
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ghaw2007 · 6 years
Essential Oil Uses: Health, Beauty & Home
Essential Oil Uses: Health, Beauty & Home
Acne face wash: To get rid of acne, make a homemade face wash by mixing tea tree oil (melaleuca) with raw honey and rub on your face. Then rinse off with water.
Age spot reducer: Put on frankincense essential oil three times daily directly on skin to improve sun spots and age spots.
Blistered skin healer: Mix two drops of tea tree oil with two drops of unscented oil and apply to the blistered area up to five times per day.
Body butter: Mix coconut oil, shea butter, magnesium oil and essential oils for moisturizing body lotion.
Body spray: Add 5–10 drops to four ounces of water and use as a fragrant body spray.
Breath freshener: Use a drop of peppermint essential oil (or Mentha piperita) for a natural way to freshen breath.
Bruise healer: Use essential oils as a hot compress to treat bruises or other wounds. Add five drops of lavender oil and five drops of frankincense oil to four ounces of hot water and soak. Apply to affected area.
Bug bite soother: Use lavender oil for bug bites and stings.
Burn healer: Mix lavender essential oil with aloe vera to treat burns.
Cellulite reducer: Mix five drops of grapefruit seed essential oil with 2 teaspoons of coconut oil and massage into dimpled areas.
Dandruff remover: Mix five drops of rosemary and lavender essential oils with three tablespoons of an unscented carrier oil such as jojoba oil. Massage into your scalp and leave on for 10 minutes. Shampoo mixture out.
Deodorant for women: Combine coconut oil, beeswax and your favorite essential oils like cedarwood and clove oil for men and lavender and tea tree oil for women.
Deodorant for men: Combine coconut oil, beeswax and your favorite essential oils like cedarwood and clove oil for men and lavender and tea tree oil for women.
Detox bath: Mix lavender oil, Epsom salts and sea salt to a warm bath to cleanse and rejuvenate the body.
Dry, cracked feet soother: Add three drops of lavender oil to two tablespoons of coconut oil. Apply to the feet at night and put on some socks.
Eczema/psoriasis cream: To treat eczema, psoriasis or red dry skin, apply a mixture of lavender essential oil with shea butter.
Facial scrub: Mix one-fourth cup yogurt, one-fourth cup cornmeal, and five drops of lavender, grapefruit and patchouli oils. Apply to face and wash off.
Facial sugar scrub: Mix a few drops of an essential oil with almond oil and rock salt or sugar to make your own salt or sugar scrub.
Foot bath: Add a few drops of lemon or eucalyptus oils to a large bowl of warm water to help soothe the feet.
Hair conditioner: Mix 15 drops of rosewood oil with five drops of sandalwood and lavender essential oils into unscented oil. Place mixture in a small plastic bag and dunk into warm water to heat up. Apply to hair and wrap for 20 minutes. Shampoo as usual.
Hair thickener: Add rosemary oil to shampoo to naturally thicken hair and increase volume.
Itchy scalp helper: Add lavender, cedarwood or basil essential oil to shampoo to reduce itching.
Lip balm: Combine coconut oil, beeswax and lavender oil for an amazing healing balm for chapped lips.
Nail strengthener: Mix 10 drops of frankincense, myrrh and lemon essential oils into two tablespoons of vitamin E oil, then rub on cuticles.
Oily hair reducer: Mix 10 drops each of ylang ylang, lime and rosemary essential oils with two ounces of an unscented carrier oil. Massage it scalp 2–3 times per week. Wash out as usual.
Perfume: Use 1–2 drops of jasmine essential oil on your wrist as a fresh natural fragrance. Lavender and vanilla oils also agree with most women, while cypress and clove oils work well for men’s cologne.
Sauna therapy: Add two drops of your favorite essential oil into two cups of water in a sauna.
Shampoo: To make homemade shampoo, mix lavender oil, rosemary oil, aloe vera gel and coconut milk. Use as you would regular shampoo. It lasts 2–4 weeks.
Skin toner: Mix eight ounces of water with two drops of lavender, geranium and frankincense oils.
Sore feet reliever: Add 10 drops of peppermint oil with a tablespoon of Epsom salt and add to a warm-water foot bath.
Stretch mark reducer: Mix five drops of frankincense, myrrh andgrapefruit seed essential oils with coconut oil and apply to stretch marks.
Sunburn soother: Combine lavender or chamomile oil with one tablespoon of coconut oil and apply to the skin with a cotton ball to reduce swelling and pain.
Sunscreen: Mix coconut oil, zinc oxide, shea butter, helichrysum oil and lavender essential oil, then store in a squeeze bottle to make homemade toxic-free sunscreen.
Teeth whitener: Combine lemon essential oil, coconut oil and fresh strawberries, then rub on your teeth. Rinse after two minutes.
Toothpaste: Combine sea salt, baking soda, coconut oil and xylitol with peppermint essential oil to make homemade remineralizing toothpaste. Then brush.
Wrinkle reducer: Mix 3–5 drops of sandalwood, geranium, lavender and frankincense essential oils with an unscented lotion and apply to face. Avoid applying to eyes. 
Achy muscle rub: Mix eucalyptus, wintergreen and cypress oils with an unscented lotion or coconut oil and apply to muscles.
Allergy fighter: Rub frankincense and lavender essential oils on your palms and inhale deeply to relieve itchy eyes and throat.
Anxiety reducer: Diffuse lavender essential oil around your home to reduce feelings of stress and tension.
Arthritis reliever: Mix two drops of wintergreen, cypress and lemongrass oils into an unscented lotion. Massage into affected areas.
Asthma remedy: Make a homemade vapor rub by combining eucalyptus, peppermint and coconut oil. Rub on your chest and neck.
Back/neck pain reducer: Combine peppermint, cypress and ginger oils with cayenne pepper and coconut oil for a homemade muscle rub.
Broken bones helper: To support the healing of broken bones, apply helichrysum, fir and cypress essential oils.
Circulation improver: Add 8–10 drops of grapefruit essential oil to warm bath water.
Cold reliever: Take three drops of oil of oregano and frankincense oils three daily for one week.
Concentration helper: Inhale bergamot, peppermint or grapefruit seed essential oils to increase concentration during the day.
Cough reducer: Eucalyptus essential oil is known for its powerful ability to fight coughs and open airways. Add a few drops into steaming hot water or diffuser. Inhale to help clear nasal passage.
Depression reliever: To boost mood and relieve depression, add rose essential oil to baths, inhalations and diffusers to improve mood.
Digestion helper: Take ginger, peppermint and fennel essential oils to support digestion and healing leaky gut.
Fever reducer: Add 1–3 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender essential oils to a cool cloth and sponge the body.
Food cravings curber: Inhale peppermint and cinnamon essential oils to reduce your appetite and balance blood sugar. 
Head lice remedy: Mix three drops of thyme, lavender and eucalyptus oils with unscented oil and apply to scalp. Cover head with a shower cap and leave on for 30 minutes. Shampoo out.
Immune system booster: Mix one drop of oregano oil with four drops of carrier oil and rub on the bottom of your feet before flying on a plane.
Love potion: For a cute bridal shower gift or for you and your partner, create a “love potion” with essential oils. Add 20 drops of sandalwood essential oil, and four drops of cocoa, vanilla and rose oil to unscented lotion.
Massage therapy: Use a few drops of cedarwood or lavender oil, mixed with an unscented lotion during a relaxation massage.
Migraine/headache reliever: Try combining a few drops of lavender oil and peppermint oil and apply to temples to help with headaches and migraines.
Morning sickness reducer: Add a few drops of wild orange, lemon or ginger oil to a handkerchief and inhale.
Motion sickness reliever: Use peppermint, lavender and ginger essential oils to reduce motion sickness.
Nausea reliever: Breathe in peppermint oil through your nose to get rid of nausea, and also apply to your neck and upper chest. Ginger and lavender may also help.
PMS reliever: Mix two drops of sage, basil and rosemary oils, then apply to a warm, moist hand towel and apply to abdomen.
Poison ivy/poison oak remedy: Mix three drops of peppermint oil with unscented oil and apply to affected area.
Relaxation mixture: Apply 2–4 drops of chamomile, lavender and peppermint essential oil to your temples for a cooling effect and immediate relaxation.
Ringworm remedy: Combine three drops of tea tree oil with coconut oil and massage over the affected area twice a day.
Sleep aid: Lavender oil can alleviate insomnia. Sprinkle a few drops on your pillow to help you fall asleep.
Spiritual enlightenment: Diffuse frankincense essential oil while praying, meditating or reading to increase spiritual awareness.
Teeth grinding stopper: Massage 1–3 drops of lavender on the bottom of the feet and behind ears before bed.
Tension reliever: Help to relieve anxiety by using a single drop of lavender oil on your hands, rub together, and cup your hands to your nose and let the smell flood your senses.
Upset child smoother: Help soothe and calm children by adding lavender or chamomile essential oils to their stuffed animals.
Weight loss: Combine grapefruit, ginger and cinnamon oil and take as a supplement three times daily to support metabolism.
Workout energizer: Inhale peppermint oil before a workout to reduce fatigue.
Yoga and Pilates: To relax during yoga or meditation, inhale lavender or sandalwood before class. Also, mix clove and citrus essential oil to clean yoga mats. 
Air cleaner: Diffuse cinnamon essential oil in the air and enjoy its anti-microbial properties.
Air detoxifier when painting: Add peppermint and eucalyptus oil to a gallon of paint to dispel fumes.
All-purpose cleaner: Add three drops each of lemon essential oil and tea tree oil (melaleuca) to a few ounces of warm water, then spray countertops to naturally disinfect.
Bathroom freshener: Put a cotton ball soaked in lime or lemon oil behind the toilet for a bathroom refresher.
Bathtub scrub: Mix one-half cup of baking soda, one-half cup of vinegar and five drops of bergamot or lime oil; use as a scrub for a sink or bathtub.
Burnt pans cleaner: Use a few drops of lemon oil and some boiling water to help remove burnt food from pots and pans.
Carpet cleaner: Mix 20 drops of tea tree oil with Borax for homemade carpet powder.
Christmas scent: Add a drop of pine, sandalwood or cedarwood essential oil on a fire log about 30 minutes before burning.
Dishwasher fluid: Add a few drops of lemon oil to the dishwasher before washing for a spot-free rinse.
House fragrance: Diffuse clove, rosemary and orange essential oilswhen guests come over, and they will talk about how amazing your house smells.
Kitchen odor eliminator: Add a few drops of clove, cinnamon or citrus essential oil to a simmering pan of water to get rid of cooking odors.
Medicine cabinet: Makeover your medicine cabinet and create a family physician kit with essential oils of lavender, lemon, peppermint, tea tree,oregano and frankincense. 
Mold killer: Add tea tree oil to your diffuser to kill mold and other pathogens in the air.
Mosquito repellent: Combine one drop each of lemongrass oil, citronella oil and eucalyptus oil with one teaspoon of coconut oil to makenatural bug spray and rub on exposed skin. Reapply as needed.
Pest killer: Combine orange and clove oils and then spray to kill pests on contact.
Produce washer: To clean fruit and vegetables, add two drops of lemon oil to a large bowl of water, then wash.
Refrigerator cleaner: To freshen up the fridge or freezer when cleaning, add a few drops of lime, grapefruit or bergamot oil to the rinsing water.
Shoe smell eliminator: To remove the smell from shoes, add a few drops of tea tree oil and lemon oil to freshen them up.
Shower scum remover: Using a 16-ounce spray bottle, use four drops of eucalyptus essential oil and four drops of tea tree oil with warm water; spray onto your shower for natural mold-killing action.
Smoke eliminator: To remove cigarette smoke, put four drops of rosemary, tea tree and eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle and spray around the house.
Sports gear freshener: If your kids play sports, add two drops each of tea tree oil and lemon essential oil to one quart of warm water; next add four tablespoons of baking soda and mix. Use to clean ripe (!) jerseys, cleats and sports gear.
Trash can freshener: Put a cotton ball with two drops each of lemon oil and tea tree oil at the bottom of the trashcan to help decrease the odor and detoxify.
Vacuum cleaner freshener: Add 5–10 drops of your favorite oil in your vacuum bag or dust container.
Washing machine freshener: Add 10–20 drops of your favorite scent per load.
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