#natural runner rug queensland
cozyrugsaus · 1 year
Rugs were always a symbol of luxury, but now you will find them in every house. Even though it gives a luxurious look to your rooms, kitchen, and hallways. Are you looking to buy wool rugs in Australia? Let me know some of the best rugs that you can consider. You will find various kinds and styles of rugs according to your preference, whether you want a traditional, modern, or aesthetic look for your house. You will also find natural runner rugs in Queensland, a city in Australia. Let’s get started with some of the most common and best rugs that will surely suit your taste.
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bigruntheory · 4 years
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            “To everything I’ve ever lost, thank you for setting me free.” 
This event happened in Tony William's backyard, Mount Victoria, NSW. Fri 27- Sun 29 November 2020.
This report will swing from serious to joking, but will at all times be genuine with the best intentions; you will just have to try your best to navigate the subtle or dramatic changes for yourself,  bearing that in mind. 
This report is a true (made up on the spot then heavily edited) account of events I experienced within the beating heart of endurance running, the true spiritual home of ultra, the best concept to emerge in running since putting one foot in front of the other:  A Last One Standing Endurance Race. (LOSER)
The Blue Goat Backyard LOSER is a little shorter than the official distance of 6.7 something kms, at just 5.23km a lap, but what it falls short of in distance, it more than makes up for in rugged, uneven, highly technical terrain-  which pretty much makes it Australia’s toughest LOS event. 
Whatever its comparable status, agreed or not, or however you approach it personally, it’s definitely an authentically challenging, scenic course, held within a supportive, fun, party atmosphere: 
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 The buzz at the Blue Goat & Fatboy Slim’s Big Beach Boutique II - 
         equally awesome & hazy in my mind- and I was at both. 
These LOS events will work for anyone who enjoys to run.  The Blue Goat Backyard will work for anyone who enjoys to run challenging trails.  And if you don’t like running or trails or a challenge, then they will suit anyone who likes to party while other people do.  So they’re great events for everyone. 
The LOS format will especially suit you if you are on a path to self-discovery, self-transcendence or to just see how far you can personally go and run for, in one go.  You might be surprised to find that in just turning up to have a go, you discover new things about running, runners & yourself.  
 LOS event vibes & hubs will differ somewhat in style, and you can expect them to be as diverse and unique as their hosts-  they should all provide a brilliant gateway for some amazing personal journeys in running & in life.  This one delivered. 
The LOS format, and specifically the way that AAA racing & BMF organise events, means ANYONE of any ability, can come and enjoy the experience of their running lifetime, seeing how far they can go, or set a target of laps or distance and create a PB in a unique, supportive, safe and fun setting.  
When I say party and fun, I mean it. They had the most amazing Britpop and other timeless classics (Creedence/Stones/Beatle’s) blasting out the speaker all day and night; there was also a Robbie Williams song in there.....
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Training and attitude will only take you so far- a lairy shirt must do the rest. 
In spite of the bushfires & the pandemic, this event still happened, as seen & predicted by me, which in part is why I felt so deeply that I had to be there. You can’t escape your destiny, really, so you had better make it double awesome when it arrives. 
After last years event ,which slipped under my radar for some reason, Tony’s backyard pretty much got burned to the ground in bushfires which massively damaged the whole Blue Mountains & Hawkesbury areas. There were also floods, which actually helped stop some of the fires but which bought their own destruction. This all happened during the end of 2019 and early 2020, after which everything went tits up, particularly for gyms, trainers & organised racing- due to the reaction to the COVID 19 bullshit pandemic.
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                Fun on one of the Blue Goat Bees, earlier in the year.  
Getting involved behind the scene for this years event was great fun.  Seeing it transform gradually until the race day was awesome, it went from burnt sticks, charcoal and indistinguishable trails to looking like a nature trail again by race day.  It still has a way to go, but it’ll get there; it’s still a beautiful course which i parts feels like you are in the Grand Canyon at Blackheath, or the Grose valley, which are only just down the road.  
If I’m correct, I don’t think anyone really thought this event was gonna be on, due to the COVID, but I had no doubt at all… . I knew I had to be there helping out and I knew I had to be there on that starting line and knew I was definitely going there to be the last one standing.  This is not to say that it was time to put my feet up and just waltz in there like it was easy and in the bag - far from it.   I trained hard. Really hard. 
So call me mystic Steve if you like, but months prior to the event I bought a ticket and started manifesting, which is a pretty simple & powerful practice, not to be underestimated at all….it’s very much like goal setting to be honest, except there is a spiritual dimension and much that you can’t explain or prove scientifically.  It works very well with the art of training your body mind & spirit for tough challenges and healing, too, which really go hand in hand. You basically write your story then walk into it. 
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                                                                             Law of attraction/ manifestation. 
This write up will cover some matters of running & strategy but mostly matters of the mind, heart & spirit. I present this to the world in genuine gratitude for the experience and I hope that it inspires others to be on that starting corral of an LOS event, wherever that may be, whatever your age, ability or experience.  
                                        How does it all work, this LOS?
Every hour on the hour, you have to be ready in the starting corral to go and run your lap, then back in time to do whatever you need to do-put your feet up, go to the loo, refuel or maybe have a banana & dance like no one is watching you- or in my case, like you are Bez from the Happy Mondays - whatever you do, however you roll, you have to be back in the staring corral to go do just one more lap, again.  It’s really as simple as that. One loop, one hour, make of it what you will and what you can; bring out your soul & enjoy!
  Should you do just one lap, you might find yourself in the position of saying, well why not see if I can do just one more? And so it goes…
These events are happening now, they are quite new & fresh and trust me, they will stand the test of time, because as I keep saying, there’s nothing conceptually better than the Last One Standing Format - it really is the Rock n Roll of endurance running & every event that happens has been a living testimony to that in one way or another.  
Even during a global pandemic, nothing could hold the LOS back; in fact it just got stronger & rose to another level.   While other events we imploding, postponing, being moved virtually and seeing reductions in numbers and interest, the annual Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra, usually in Tennessee,  went ahead, on a satellite basis, across the world, live on the internet, and made history with record breaking performances & a once in a lifetime twist to the team dynamic; a twist so good, and a global audience buzz so great, that even the satellite event format will definitely go forward in some form or other into 2021 and beyond…..so many benefits to keeping things local and compet8ing more widely.....
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      The Australian Team sporting their AURA gear ready to take on the world.
Each country put a team together, which lifted the LOS format into another dimension. Instead of competing against your own team mates & globally in Tennessee, each country had their own teams on their own loops, competing against other teams. So in effect, this bought teams together and made the connection between the assist & the Last One Standing less of a battle of breaking the other down and more of a battle of building the other up, supporting them and remaining strong for the team.  How good is that to see in  competitive endurance running!?
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                  Clint Eastwood, still cool after all these years.
I fell in love with the LOS format when I watched the Clint Eastwood Last One Standing, hosted by AAA Racing in Oxley Park Queensland and it was great to watch many of the same familiar faces, with the same party atmosphere, running together and taking on the world at the World Champs.  Massive, genuine kudos to the whole team from the Clint Eastwood  & The Big Dog satellite event, all runners and behind the scenes – and Sam Penny needs special mention for the GoPro awesomeness, without which I may never have had that fly on the wall buzz of being at the event.
So, runners of all ages and abilities, whatever your goal, this is your opportunity to get up and at it & be part of something life-changing, challenging & massively fun, one short lap at a time.
Don’t go thinking you have to be superman, genetically gifted or even an ultrarunner or even a ‘runner’ Basically just ditch any thought or label that creates doubt or fear or holds you back and simply get up and go for it. You just need to be willing to turn up and have a go & enjoy the experience.
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        “Anyone can do anything”  Tony Williams, Blue Mountains Fitness.
So, there was this running race my running mates told me about & I can’t remember when I made the decision to be there but it was also around the time a running mate was talking about helping out building trails and tracks and I know this must sound vague and I’m probably getting my wires crossed but I somehow put these two ideas together & they gave birth to the idea that I needed to be at the Blue Goat Backyard. And that’s how it all began….
Thanks to Tony & Alun – the whole BMF & AAA Racing collective , Fabiano & Sean for being on hand to help and support and look after us through the night and day and Keith for the awesome photos- popping up all over the course to catch candid snaps- all the sponsors, too. T8 for the awesome shorts and underpants, Papadino’s for the Pizzas & the prize voucher even made peace with Tailwind and had a recoverite after the event.
Thanks to all the people I met and worked with on the several bees & for all the care, imagination & spirit that put energy into making this happen- the whole event- not just the LOS; all the work that goes into delivering a vision into reality, planting the seed & helping it grow.  
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                            Hawkesbury Trail Runners
Massive shout out to the Hawkesbury Trail Runners!  So glad you all came to support the event you fell in love with last year before a period of tragedy hit the area and awesome to see you at the event (well, sort of -in the heat of the moment and the day, socialising was very short lived due to needing to cool down, fuel up and get back out;  and after the event, I puked up & conked out!) Managed to wave and mumble to a few of you and had a chat with regular run buddies Mike & Vicki.
You all did so well, especially in that fierce heat and I’m  quite fond of the memories of just blurting random stuff out in the zone- the Britpop running the event of your lifetime zone….
Congrats to Jackie and Claudio in their runs, had a brief chat with Jackie in the fierce heat....also to Matt & Jen from Plus Fitness running the marathon and half respectively on a tough course in tough conditions.
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All any of us really need to do is turn up and make the most of it, and that’s exactly what everyone did; and that’s how a great event works, really, so let’s all do it again next year!  Mystic Steve predict big things happening in the Blue Goat Backyard for 2021…..!
Whilst I was busy running and didn’t get to join in the party for too long & during the later phases and the high heat was stumbling around like a bull in a china shop, it was huge fun singing, dancing &, running all night and day. The energy I drew from Britpop was out of this world!  I’ve never sung & danced at an Ultra or race before to my knowledge. It just got better with every lap!  
Massive thanks for all the runners I had a chitchat with and shared a song joke or story with, however mish mash it all was, it was great fun all night and day - and apologies for the audible fart and swearing- it was quite challenging keeping this under the radar at times.  
 Everyone who stepped up to that course was a winner whatever the goal, distance or outcome. Sorry if I missed you on the day, or if I didn't miss you but wasn't making much sense in the delirium of hot endurance. Here’s some awesome photos:
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Rob heads up to the Corral.
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It is said, when you blow this horn, Beer & Pizza arrives
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The drone, sounds like a swarm of bees.
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In all the excitement I forgot to get a t shirt. 
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   Got some awesome car stickers though and part of a Goat’s skull. 
When I’m in the zone I often adopt a different persona and mindset-  I’m not the same often reserved introvert as when you see me under normal conditions; I guess the animated extroversion gets magnified , as you’d expect from anyone giving the performance of their life up on stage.  
There are moments of surrender, where I’m in total alignment with higher self, emitting my frequency with a genuine smile & peace into the world and that is where the practice creates the art.....
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    Endurance running is all about finding your inner peace, well, sort of....
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        I think Alun’s singing Tom Jones here- I’ve zoned out to Oasis classics
I missed the presentation- seems to be a trend of mine (happened after the Hounslow Double when, after accidentally busting in on the elite presentation, did I mention bull in china shop already? I went and nodded off in the car!) That was the inaugural year when Tony took out the first place in the Double by a long, long way.
After it was all over, I puked up then momentarily imploded and had a lie down.
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                         Deep relaxation is really good for you.  
The medics gave me ice packs and aimed a big fan on me (was really nice to have a fan at one of my races, actually, i could get used to that) They took good care of me, so thank you for the care and the cups of tea and water I recall there were two of you and you were lovely.  I had a power snooze for a couple of minutes, which I think actually lasted a couple of hours, and I cooled down, which brought me back to life.
Before this, I fondly recall running up to the corral giving the goats a wave the final time and being greeted by everyone going wild.
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                                                   Hello gorgeous.
I blurted out a speech, that I know would've made total sense to everyone if it actually left my lips the way it was written by my heart- the former not sure, the latter no doubts.  Basically gratitude, peace & love, keep going, never give up and things will get better- as in running so in life. ❤️
In spite of it being the hottest day of the year so far and genuinely a tough course we had a lot of laughs and fun moments in the middle of it all. Some of it is a Blur but most of it was Oasis and also notable tunes also from the Stone Roses, Muse, Radiohead, Prodigy, Rolling Stones, The Verve, Doves, Manics, REM and many many more
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             Music is medicine & I’m so grateful to my musical brothers & sisters.
There were several different events happening at the same time during the heat and middle of the day and it became a little confusing at times with all the different energies going off around the hub, but once back into the peace & calm of focussing on the running every hour, everything made sense and came together. The music fired me up like a second wind every lap, I thought I was dreaming at one point, like I could not have scripted the day better if I’d have sat there and made up my own story about a perfect day out running around with Britpop classics in the background, because that’s exactly what it was like!  
Again, never underestimate the power of manifestation, positive thinking and the art of raising your vibration so that you attract good, positive people & experiences into your life.
I can’t wait to go to Queensland now and join in for an all weekend running party at the Clint Eastwood. I can see myself dancing and singing my way round that course al day and night and day and.....well, if they’ll let me in!
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                           Correct, you also swear and sing a fair bit as well.
I’ve said it before I’ll keep saying it and you heard it from me first: There is nothing conceptually better in running than a Last One Standing Endurance Race. It’s the Rock n Roll of endurance running.  It’s raw, simple, pure & true and it happens in the now. It provides a stage for you to give the greatest performance of your life-  every present moment-  every hour, on the hour & all the minutes in between. It really gives you the opportunity to be loud & proud and really turn up, (not just to be fully in the present moment) your training and turn up your performance to the next level.
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                                         Turn up, turn it up & BE LOUD!   
As in running so in life; God calls upon you to bring all that you are to the starting corral and step up into the very highest version of yourself. All your experiences, the culmination of physical mental & spiritual training, as you step into space, out past the music (of Britpop!) into the blinding lights, then the darkness & then the many winding turns that lead us to who knows where, because there is no finish, is no end….. the end is just the beginning, of another loop, another lap- another chance to shine.
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                            Competitive mindset bypass. There is no finish, there is no competition, there is no advantage to being the fastest runner, no disadvantage to being the slowest. Anyone who can complete a lap in time to be back ready to go out on another, has an equal chance at being the last one standing to complete that beautiful, identical repetition of what we all love: simply running in nature; one foot in front of the other, moving forward, fully grounded in the present moment; putting the practice of our meditative flow state into effect as best we can.  
The reality of endurance trail running is that it is a tough struggle and your achievements are hard earned.   Such is anything worth doing.  And I’m sure anyone who heard me stumbling, swearing singing & shouting through the dark and the day, will  attest that I am not the exactly an oasis of calm- I’m probably more like Oasis the band.
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As many of you may already realise or guess from reading this, I don’t take the competitive, type a personality,  or egoic side of running at all seriously.  I do genuinely regard running as part of a spiritual practice. It can at times be done purely as a spiritual practice, like meditation or Yoga or making music. Running can bring us together, individually and collectively. 
Not every time that  run do I run spiritually, just as not every time I sit down do I meditate or every time I pick up my guitar do I make medicine music; sometimes I just make a noise or just sit or just go and run and zone out to music, However, there is a great light to be found  when you just get out into nature and breathe and move gracefully, gratefully and in complete alignment with the flow of the universe and everything in it. 
The Bluegoat track, like a spiritual path, is rocky, uneven, twisting & turning, it requires total concentration & surrender to the process; still you may trip, slip, maybe fall; there will be blood, sweat  & tears….you need to climb & descend, there are milestones, you meet others at different stages in their journeys and there is no finish in sight; there are surprises, tests and you find yourself back at the beginning with each cycle….
There are tears and laughter and moments you don’t even comprehend at the time. It can be dark and ugly and chew you up and spit you out many times, all day long in fact....until you surrender to the process and let go.....Then you may see, there are obstacles and trials, but they are not in your way; the only thing standing in your way is you – and that’s really more of an illusion you created than a real living person, so you just get your unreal self out of the way and let your best self shine-  & shine it does…. 
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You can tell this is lap 1 - my legs are the still the same colour as my shirt.
All you need to succeed, at whatever you turn your mind to, is a single-minded determinism- pure focus & intention of putting one foot in front of the other and deciding not to stop until you have succeeded.  May you spirit drive your machine wherever you may roam, knowing within you , is where you are home,.
So now we know the power of manifestation and endurance and the value of community &  service to others, the plan must be created to use apply energy skills to seed & grow something of genuine, lasting value in this world.  So that’s what’s gonna happen….it’s out there in the Universe, God is my witness, momentum is building,  so watch this space….like, not literally here this is just a web page. 
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Whilst I train & participate in events during all conditions, phases & biorhythms, I do love a full moon.   Clear full moon nights are magical & highly energetic; Blue Moon rising at the Blue Goat was perfectly poetic!
I'm not knocking a new moon, by polar contrast, or any other phase, but the energy was just right and I guess I was feeling lucky.
Let’s talk about feeling ‘lucky’ as I’ve already stated my predictions and what I positively manifested with my energies & intentions form the moment I made the instant decision to be at this race.  
I basically created my own luck through being completely honest with myself whether this was something I could achieve.
Did I have what it takes to run at an LOS event? Of course, I did, no doubts at all. Why? Not arrogance or confidence, but the format itself.  You can’t really lose in an LOS unless you are the last one standing!  So going to win is going lose, and losing is glorious in all its forms.   There is no shame in the DNF (Did Not Finish) at all if you’ve given your all. The DNF in other events is nothing to strive for or celebrate, but the DNF in the LOSER is a test to see how far you can go….what could be more pure? And the only one who doesn’t get to fully reach their potential on the day; reach the peak of what they can do on that day, during their race time, is the Last One Standing.
I created my own luck by setting my intention and my energy to creating & following a training program that would enable me to achieve my goals.  I visualised being the last one standing for months and I trained like it was in the bag already, because that was what I felt deeply.
I knew it was my time & I had the God given ability to create my story & walk right into it.  I said many times during the event that it was just perfect and that I couldn’t have scripted it better myself.  I stepped into a higher version of myself that I’d created through some very tough training & some heartfelt actions; in another sense it felt like I was on stage performing.  
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Apart from key milestones that marked out the path of consistent focus and intuitive training, as I regained fitness from hiatus, there were some very specific and tough challenges that I set myself in order to prepare for a race of this nature. A race that just goes & goes & goes interminably requires you to leave no stone unturned regards you physical body, your mental ability your nutrition plan & your spirit. Someone once said runners don’t’ run with their legs they run with their arms.  I believe runners. once the body is trained sufficiently, run with their minds- and the mind is fuelled by limitless energy & power of the spirit.  
So you go through every motion of training and preparing your physical body and you feed you mind and your spirit with positive thoughts and genuine love for self & for others. If you don’t see this kind of thing in training programs, then you soon will do just as soon as I can get my shit together…..
I’d watched the Clint Eastwood & I’d watched the Big Dog & I fell in love with the concept of the LOS. I fell in love with all the people in the front row. The runners slogging it out in the Clint Eastwood LOS & the Australian team at Bigs Backyard Ultra satellite event. I decided in a moment that I wanted to be part of it, so I made it happen; the moment I’d made my mind up, everything started falling into place and I was sent signs and opportunities that I had to take without a moments thought. I knew that everything surrounding this journey had to be  centered on other, something outside of, larger than self.
 An ex Army bloke from the UK RunGrahamRun was doing a mental health charity treadmill World Record helping blokes with mental health and suicide prevention.  The run was to complete 21  marathons in 7 days – on a treadmill! . He invited teams to rival of beat him in the challenge. So I supported this and set out to do just 7 marathons in 7 days.
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This set me up very nicely for the next opportunity in my path, which was to support Mark Avery doing a 20 marathons in 20 days challenge for Gotch4Life and Run4MentalFitness- an Australian blokes charity helping with suicide prevention and setting up places for blokes to engage in ways that deal with the root of bloke issues.  Safe places to share stories, feelings and concerns without judgement. 
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Instead of just marathons,  I actually did ultramarathons and also added in a lot of cycling. I know how to listen to my body and push it through adaptations with fasting, nutrition & specifically focussed rotations across all terrains and relevant speeds and intensities.  You are really just calibrating a complex God driven physical body through a series of experiences in order to achieve a specific goal. 
The goal in this instance was conceptually perfect in that it was technically interminable, ie. kind of eternal.  You simply had to train to go as far as you could go; so you had to see how close to the edge you could get to that point in the training, without breaking yourself.   
I genuinely pushed my limits and discovered more about running and endurance than all the hours my studying had taught me, and infinitely more than debating with ultra coaches online could ever have revealed. I trained and pushed harder and longer than ever before and also balanced that with more rest & recovery and fine tuning than ever before. I applied every technique I knew and discovered exactly what nutrition worked best in all situations. 
After all the training and the experience of others doubts, I thought it would be quite amusing to win one of the toughest ultra endurance challenges in Australia while singing and dancing & wearing a lairy pink shirt and cargo shorts I got from Big W, fuelled up with honey water, bananas and hemp and walnut oil .   I had a plan, a 50 hour plan. It consisted of 30 litres of honey water (1kg raw honey per 10l)  25 ripe bananas, 250ml x Hemp seed oil 250ml x Walnut oil, a few vitamin e capsules and  a few coq10 capsules. 
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So let that be a cheeky lesson to all you very serious runners in your expensive compression gear, with your gadgets & gimmicks and fancy nutritional products & lord knows what else you use, slogging away to the beat of your watch, as I did before a great meltdown of over training and loss of genuine joy-  in running and in life.  In many ways the way I run today is a result of hard lessons and failures, or going too far too son, and burning out. I’ve been obsessed with a quicker this a quicker that, gotta beat the last time every time.....lets set an unrealistic goal....it slowly takes all the joy out of your passion like all addictions inevitably do. 
Let this light shine on those who talk the talk so readily in their little cliques and so called training groups, especially those who have personally attacked me and tried to shut me down or censor the story of my training and my experiences for reasons best known to their egos and projected issues. I forgive ya. 
 May the light of my achievements and those of my brothers & sisters- everyone walking the walk- everyone saying I can-  illuminate the dark attitudes of the ‘can’t’do this ‘can’t’ do that-  and the put downs and rationalising words of so called science, and disbelief in your training, thinking , fuelling, wider wellness strategies..... genuine experiences......May my brothers & sisters who are in doubt, or disliking, hating, fearing, not loving, put down the ego, and find a better way.  May my walk inspire others to walk the walk and to never say they can’t do something, or be held back by others as to what they think they can or can’t achieve.  And may I long take all my own best advice back to my own heart as well and never forget it.  
Everyone, today, just get outside  and get moving and enjoy what you are doing and be grateful that you can do what you can do; and you’ll find that you can do a lot more and a lot more and a lot more......  
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             Genuine footage from an online Ultra running research conference.
 I know what it’s like to lose things, we all do, but there’s no use banging on about that old story; a great spiritual teacher recently told me that I had to put that down and never pick it up again.... and so it is.  So know this - an event that celebrates losing in all its glory is of divine significance when you are running on a spiritual path.  You ether win or your learn ; and in a race/journey with no winners, everybody learns, which is a glorious & pure win win paradox. 
It takes the biggest fear in endurance running - the dreaded DNF (Did Not Finish) and turns it into a glorious badge of honour. A badge that says you gave your all. You went as far as YOU could go on that day, in that place. There is nothing to fear in the LOS regarding a DNF.  You really cannot lose.....
......unless you win!? Ooops, well, oh well, I think I can handle it. 
I wasn’t quite ready for my glorious DNF just yet, so I became the biggest LOSER.  And I’ll just have to wait and see where my glorious limits truly lie.....
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                    I caught quite a tan out there. 
So, after an extended power snooze I revived myself and had some pizza and some Goat’s pish, and enjoyed the hospitality and company of Tony,Alun & Susannah, thereafter kipping on the sofa for the night, where upon I made a swift exit the next morning, before the England v Wales Rugby came on....I think I might’ve predicted the score and dIdn’t want to hang about for it.
Truth is, I had to get back to talk to my son Jack (also race strategy/challenge consultant) on the phone and then on Zoom and told him the news.. He was pleased I won, and notwithstanding the pep talks about the true nature of taking part, he  rightly likes it when I win.  I think it has a positive effect when your son knows that you’ve gone and done something a bit special, even if it might not make full sense to him now, it may well help him in the future, so that's a win win. I actually asked him during one of the training cycles (20 maras in 20 days) whether I should beat everyone on the leaderboard or let the organiser take the top spot. He said nah, beat him, I don’t think he’ll mind if you win. So that’s what I did.... thanks for the tip matey! 
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So here endeth the tale of a fantastic weekend and experience, can’t wait for next year, see if we can get double the numbers starting and smash some course records. Hoping to see more of my running buddies on that starting corral with me having a dance and a song and then heading out onto the endless, beautiful loops of our own personal limits...... anything can and always does happen in a race- sorry journey- of this kind.  
You may be next years LOS, with me to help you to go as far as I possibly can, leaving YOU to do just one last loop and be the biggest LOSER on the day?  You know it makes sense.   Big love from Steve. :)
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Heavenly Western Bathroom Rugs
This Vintage Cowboy Hats Pattern for Western Bath Rug is a soft and comfortable mat that will beautify bathrooms and kitchens and other spaces in your home. It is constructed with a memory foam internal structure and short pile microfiber outer cover that is 100% polyester to resist water. Items 1 – 36 of 116 – Welcome to Lone Star Western Decor’s bath accessory category. Here you will find several new and unique Cowboy Decor pieces for your . Buy products related to western bath rugs and see what customers say about western bath rugs on Amazon.com . we bought the whole set. rugs, towels. Western Horses Bathroom Rug Set Horse Bathroom, Bathroom Rug Sets, Bathroom Ideas, . Collections Etc. Find unique online gifts at CollectionsEtc.com. Western-themed bathroom and kitchen rugs for sale. . Western Bathroom Rugs On Amazon Sunnyglade Bathroom Contour Rugs Combo, Set of 2 Chen… Items 1 – 32 of 36 – Stampede Bath and Kitchen Rug. $42.95. Chalet Bath and Kitchen Rug. $42.95. Desert Rose Bath Rug. $42.95. Bath Mat, Wild and Free, Rustic, Typography, Bath Mats, Hipster, Bathmat, Farmhouse, Unique, Home Decor, Bathroom Decor, Bath Rug, Mat. Visit Sheplers.com for a great selection of Western Bath Decor from the brands you trust and at guaranteed lowest prices. Shop today! Shop for southwest bathroom accessories and western bathroom accents. . Southwest bath accessories are interesting and unique. . Make the difference in your southwest bathroom decor with these classic works of art and bring the flavor . Shop Wayfair for the best western bathroom rugs. Enjoy Free . This Chagnon 3 Piece Bathroom Rug Set is plush and luxurious with craft design. Treat your feet . Buy products related to western bath rugs and see what customers say about . Ambesonne Western Decor Shower Curtain Set, Traditional Rodeo Cowboy Hat . Buy HiEnd Accents Kitchen and Bath Western Star Rug: Bath Rugs – Amazon.com ✓ FREE . Best Sellers Rank, #1,018,427 in Home & Kitchen (See Top 100 in Home & Kitchen) AGPtek Star Decorative Shower Curtain Hooks, Set of 12. Items 1 – 18 of 31 – Our western bath and kitchen rugs can help you finish off that western bathroom decorating project. We have several different styles of rugs . Items 1 – 60 of 365 – Shop online at Walmart Canada for bath rugs of all shapes, colours and sizes. 12 Excellent Black Bath Rug Design Ideas Bathroom Rug Sets, Apartment Chic, Feather Blue Rug – 8 x 10 Bath Rugs, Bathroom Rugs, Western Furniture. Set of 2 Western Horseshoe Star Towel Racks ~ Body & Hand Towels Bar ~ Cast Iron Rustic Cowboy Bath Kitchen Home Decor. Western Bathroom . Sold Out – Call for Availability. (MFW6121802-20-22) “Horseshoe & Star” 3-Piece Western. “Horseshoe & Star” 3-Piece Western Bath Towel Set – Chocolate. Western Style Bath Accessories for just about every bathroom in the house. . we have a variety of furniture, horse fabrics, western lamps and curtains to adorn your home with what you love best. . Running Horse 3-Pc Towel Set (#F3003) NYMB InterestPrint Antique Old Planks American Style Western Rustic Wooden Fabric Bath Rugs, Non-Slip Floor Entryways Outdoor Indoor Front Door Mat . Western-themed bathroom and kitchen rugs for sale. . HiEnd Accents Western Star Kitchend and Bath Rug, 2… $45.97 Country Bathroom Rugs On Amazon. Shop Wayfair for the best western bathroom rugs. . Search results for “western bathroom rugs” . Western Brown Pale Coffee Primitive Country Bath Rug Cacti with Flowers Exotic Western Nature Cartoon Style Succulent Growth Bath Rug. Western Star Bathroom Rugs Bathroom Rugs, Bath Rugs, Country Rugs, . Farm Cow with Wreath on Brown Ticking Country Style, French Country, Ticks, Cows. Results 1 – 30 of 34 – Western Bath Decor, Western Decor for the Bathroom, Western Bath Rugs . Country Baths, Western Horses, Team Roper, and Cowhide Print. Items 1 – 36 of 116 – Shop for western bathroom accessories, cowboy bathroom, and . Durango Diamond Bath Rug, Skull with Flowers Bath Rug, Desert Diamond Bath Rug . Bring style into every room starting with our Western Bath Accessories. . Star Western Decor, your online source for country western accessories. Add style to every corner of your bath with the dark chocolate and tan Cowboy Brands Contour Bathroom Rug. Non-skid backing. Machine wash. Measures . Items 1 – 32 of 239 – We’ve got all the western and horse themes covered in our bathroom decor: horse, start, saddle, boots, barbed wire, horsehoe, etc. Add western turquoise bathroom decor to your space with this rustic bath rug. . Bath Rug Western Decor, Western Theme, Western Style, Southwest Rugs. The iconic lone star bathroom and kitchen rug is made from 100% polyester and measures 24 by 36 inches. The perfect accent for your kitchen or bathroom sink, . Buy products related to western bath rugs and see what customers say about western . HiEnd Accents Western Star Kitchen and Bath Rug, 24 x60, Chocolate. Items 1 – 32 of 36 – Complete your western or horse themed bathroom with accent rugs that are both functional and . Western Classic Star Bath & Kitchen Rug. Dress up your décor with this wonderful work of spiritual art. Slender wrought-iron curlicues form the graceful shape of the Divine Cross, beautifully accented by . Buy western decor at Black Forest Decor, including western bedding, . Lone Star Shower Curtain Hooks – Set of 12 . Sacred Trail Red Burst Rug Collection Here we’ve gathered a selection of Western and Southwest rugs to complement . Western Scroll Turquoise Bath Rug Sacred Trail Red Burst Rug Collection . You searched for: DivineLuxury! Discover the unique items that DivineLuxury creates. At Etsy, we pride ourselves on our global community of sellers. Each Etsy . Divine Designs Burgundy Gold Velvet Table Runner. Rose Tufted Ivory 8×10 Rug Pier 1 Imports. Home Design Ideas. . Relax Plush Bath Rugs Extra Large Bathroom Rugs. XClose . Western Bedding King Size San Angelo Comforter Set Lone. XClose . Country Shower Curtains Abilene Star 72 Quot X 72 Quot. XClose . Explore deborah philips divine*deals’s board “pottery barn rug from divine*deals on eBay” on Pinterest. . POTTERY BARN star KILIM wool and cotton rich warm colored rug 5 x 8 New Modern. Modern . West Palm · Floors . {bonjour bath} . NYMB InterestPrint Antique Old Planks American Style Western Rustic Wooden Fabric Bath Rugs, Non-Slip Floor Entryways Outdoor Indoor Front Door Mat . The iconic lone star bathroom and kitchen rug is made from 100% polyester and measures 24 by 36 inches. The perfect accent for your kitchen or bathroom sink, . Items 1 – 32 of 36 – Complete your western or horse themed bathroom with accent rugs that are both functional and decorative. Items 1 – 32 of 239 – Don’t forget the bathroom when decorating your house in a western or horse . Horse Portrait Bath Towels . Flowering Field Horse Bath Rug. Shop Wayfair for the best western bathroom rugs. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. . small dresser, two daybeds, brown shag rug, and clean tile bath (no phone, no TV) At Dai Bosatsu, guests can choose between quarters in the Japanese-style . mesas beneath assertive western skies was reason enough to take the train. . of New Mexico was the engrossing focus of this restful crosscountry journey. There’s also an oriental rug gallery and a new Afghani area, featuring jewelry, . gardens and woodlands surrounds a 1939 Spanish Colonial-style mansion. Inside the 13-room, 7-bath house are original examples of 17th-century French, . Lots of country-and-western clubs have retired to that great roundup in the sky. 21 Completely Engrossing Fan Fictions You Won’t Be Able To Stop Reading and for dedicated Queenslanders like halfback Ian Prior (Western Force), centre Ben . Click through the gallery to see how Lily Collins’ red carpet style New to The . yarns are perfect for kitchen accessories like dishcloths, mats, bathroom rugs . . thinking you could sweep the front porch and take care of the guest bathroom. Engrossing telescoping window shadeless look on new front porch addition on The term porch is used for many of the above styles, but is also used for a mud . Options Kristi from Missouri writes: I live in the mid-western United States. Buy products related to western bath rugs and see what customers say about western bath rugs on . Large rug, great design, and a shade or two darker than pictured. . Used it as part of my rustic themed baby shower, it’s soft and well-made. Shop Wayfair for all the best Western Area Rugs. . Theme: Western Machine-woven from polypropylene, this durable design features a low 0.2″ pile height . The design is dyed into the fibers of the rug for a long lasting image. . Legend Cowgirl Leather Boots Wild West Theme Cultural Print Non-Slip Plush Bath Rug. Shop Wayfair for the best cowboy and western rugs. . This multicolored novelty rug features a wild wild west themed print that . Larrabee Decorative Modern Contemporary Southwestern Navy Area Rug . If you aren’t finding the perfect product in the results for your current search for cowboy and western rugs, you can . Shop the Avanti linens’ collection of Decorative Bathroom Rugs today. . All of these ideas, and many, many more, are exactly the kinds of questions our . with any design scheme, our decorative bath mats use pure cotton, cotton blends, no skid . Coastal, Contemporary, Floral, Lodge, Novelty, Southwest, Texas/Western, . Freshen up your bathroom with 100% cotton bath mats and bathroom rugs from west elm. Choose from a variety of colors, styles and patterns. Shop west elm for bathroom decor and hardware. Find towels, shower curtains, bath mats and other bathroom essentials that add style to your home. . shop modern bath hardware. bathroom lighting . You can update the feel of your bathroom with a new theme for your bathroom decor. . Find A Store · Design Crew. Shop AllModern for modern and contemporary Bath Rugs + Mats to match your style and budget. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. Mariposa Bath Mat west elm Bodrum Banyo, Banyo Döşemesi, Banyo Paspası, West . The dramatic butterfly design of the Mariposa Bath Mat is the perfect way to . Purl Bee – Knitting Crochet Sewing Embroidery Crafts Patterns and Ideas! Items 1 – 32 of 36 – Complete your western or horse themed bathroom with accent rugs that are both functional and decorative. Results 1 – 24 of 69 – Online shopping for Home & Kitchen from a great selection of Contour Bath Rugs, Bath Runners & more at everyday low prices. Add style to every corner of your bath with the dark chocolate and tan Cowboy Brands Contour Bathroom Rug. Non-skid backing. Machine wash. Measures . For half bathrooms, contour bath rugs are your best bet. Many come in three-piece sets so you can easily diversify your look. Choose a round bath rug set or . Keep it classy in minimalistic-style mats, or indulge your festive side with colorful bath mats. You also have floral-print mats, or mats that are shaped like a . Featuring a scene straight from the rodeo, the HiEnd Accents Contour Team Roping Bath Rug brings western fun to bathroom décor. The brown and tan rug . 2019. 2. 7. – Luxury Target Contour Mats Best Brown Large Fieldcrest Shadow Posh . The minimalist interior décor – white walls light wood and muted . 2019. 2. 6. – White Black Rug Target Fieldcrest Mohawk Astounding Bath Sets Piece Contour Coral Gray Rugs Navy Large Beyond . The minimalist interior décor – white walls light wood and muted textiles reflects simple living and makes the home look bright and light. Surprising Western Turquoise Bathroom Set. Living room storage; ; TV & media furniture; ; Sofas & armchairs; ; Coffee & side tables; ; Living room textiles & rugs; ; Living room lighting; ; Series · All sofas . Shop Wayfair for the best western bathroom rugs. . This Vintage Cowboy Hats Pattern for Western Bath Rug is a soft and comfortable . This large-sized bath mat is soft, fast drying and has a slip-resistant latex backing for added protection. Enjoy a zen-like, cozy and romantic atmosphere with this nice floor pedestal toilet . This printed microfiber contour bath rug is made of 100% polyester. . This rug is part of the larger collection which combines iconic with Western accents for . Shop Pottery Barn’s selection of classic bath rugs and bath mats. Our collection contains an . Double Wide. Saved. Textured Organic Bath Rug – Double Wide. Buy Bath Rugs at Macys.com! Browse our great low prices & discounts on the best bath mats. . Bacova Cashlon Big Blooms 27″ x 45″ Accent Rug. Quickview. Buy products related to extra large bath rugs and see what customers say about . the bathtub, it will not occupy too much room and still let you feel comfortable. Memory Foam Bath Mat-Incredibly Soft and Absorbent Rug, Cozy Velvet Non-Slip Plush Shower, Toilet Floor Bathmats Carpet – Red – Large Size 20”x32”. Items 1 – 60 of 365 – Shop online at Walmart Canada for bath rugs of all shapes, colours and . hometrends Oversized Rug Set . Ladole Rugs Durable Border Design Comfortable Made from Turkey Bath . Financial Services · Walmart Rewards MasterCard · Manage Walmart Rewards MasterCard Account · Western Union . 2018. 4. 24. – That the incredibly cozy bathrooms you’ve been perusing on Pinterest for . A solid bath mat is a necessity for any bathroom (it keeps you from slipping!) Hey, you might have a seriously big bathroom—I don’t know your life. bathroom bath rugs from west elm. . Quiet Town Topanga Cotton Kilim Bath Rug – Nightride. Saved . Quiet Town Home Mendocino Bath Rug – Moon Jelly. 2019. 1. 10. – Emily Henderson bathroom trends 2019 photo by sara tramp for ehd from: reveal alert: how i transformed a dark & dull downstairs bathroom in . 2019. 2. 18. – Want to know what bathroom trends to embrace in 2019? . the top third of your bathroom with a remarkable wallpaper design,” says Wesley. 2019. 1. 7. – From statement artwork to infrared saunas, these bathroom trends should be on your radar this year. 2018. 3. 23. – Bathroom Trends 2019 / 2020 – Designs, Colors and Tile Ideas. 0 The rectangular ceramics offer elegant style, an extraordinary possibility of . hexagon tiles on trend. See more bathroom trends for 2019: Bathroom Goals, Laundry . 6 Tips To Make Your Bathroom Renovation Look Amazing. Bathroom . We’ve compiled the hottest 2019 bathroom trends and design ideas from our best . Take a look at our Bathroom Reno-Inspiration page or see this 50 amazing . 2019. 1. 8. – Is a bathroom reno or update in the cards for you in 2019? Check out 2019 bathroom trends that will make this space fresh and current. 2018. 3. 26. – . this weekend! We have pooled months of bathroom-trend research to bring you our 2018/2019 Bathroom Trend Edit by Ziporah Lifestyle. . and the tiles from Porcelanosa in the USA are really amazing: TREND 5: Keep . 2019. 3. 23. – modern small bathroom trends 2018 for design style charming 9 top in . style agreeable contemporary with many storage cabinets remarkable. 2019. 1. 31. – What bathroom trends will we be seeing more of in 2019? a feature wall or lining the top third of your bathroom with a remarkable wallpaper. We offer a huge range of Bathroom Suites, Showers and Radiators at the best internet prices. Next day delivery available. We offer a huge range of Bathroom Suites, Showers and Radiators at the best internet prices. Next day delivery available. Whether you want to increase the available storage space, expand its functionality or simply add some designer style to your suite, we’ve got a wide range of . 2018. 8. 22. – Whether you’re looking for a low-cost bathroom or a designer st. . all Bathroom Takeaway® ranges offer exceptional quality and even better . Welcome to the official YouTube Channel for Bathroom Takeaway UK! Subscribe . The Relax Basin Mixer Tap will give a luxury look to your bathroom with its . Bathroom Takeaway (@bathroomtakeaway) Instagram photos and videos With its totally luxurious-looking yet practical design you can lay whichever way . Bathroom Takeaway Reviews. . buying a bathroom should be as easy as 1, 2, 3… that’s why at Bathroom Takeaway you can find all the latest designer st… Bathroom Takeaway Hi! Pinterest is . Baths. Bathroom Takeaway • 3 Pins. More from Bathroom Takeaway · ‘Edge’ set . Modern Bathroom Suites. Bathroom . Bathroom Takeaway UK. 5.2K likes. The home of fantastic bathroom products at internet only prices ! All as easy as 1-2-3 ! #BathNorlandCollege #WesternStarBathroomRugs #BathRugby #BathroomWallT-shirts #BathInEuroUmrechner
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/heavenly-western-bathroom-rugs
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renoxa · 6 years
A Fresh, Organic, Scandi-Look Cottage by the Sea
Now that the hot muggy days of summer seem to be behind us and the nights are drawing in, what could be nicer than a few days in a cosy cottage for two? The Cotton Tree via the Unique Home Stays site is getting my vote for it’s fresh, organic, Scandi look. Not to mention it has a wood burning stove and a hot tub. The owners took inspiration for the interior from their own time spent on Australia’s north coast and it’s very easy to imagine you are actually in Queensland. With its thick linens, salvaged sailing relics and exposed wood it embodies the very essence of seaside living. There’s also a wraparound sun deck (complete with hammock), beach grasses and a comfortable outside seating area for those warmer autumn days. And if you are feeling energetic, it’s just a mile’s walk over undulating hills to the surf and sand.
The Cotton Tree might be a luxury cottage but pretentious it’s not. The wood cladding the walls has been left unpainted and the wood battening provides a handy and effective shelf for displaying rusted anchors, fisherman’s utensils and beach finds. Even the dining table is a re-purposed wood cable reel. The wooden floorboards have been painted white with occasional natural fibre rugs thrown about and the curtains pooling on the floor are linen. The addition of the rattan hanging chair and dining chairs give it a real beachy, Scandi look.
Other Key Elements That Complete the Look
Sheepskins to add comfort and ward off chills.
A wood burning stove to hunker down in front of.
Rope and metal elements to complement the wood.
Sack cloth cushion covers.
Chunky reclaimed glass.
A kitchen built entirely from reclaimed wood.
Wooden chopping boards.
Industrial looking metal wall lights.
Simple kitchen shelves to hold everyday crockery.
Wire baskets to hold fruit and vegetables.
Bamboo trays.
Rustic looking hooks for hanging coats on.
A wooden chest for hats and scarves.
Baskets for shopping and picnics.
Fisherman’s nets, just for decoration.
An old ladder for hanging towels on.
Simple linen blinds tied to a bamboo pole.
An end of bed bench.
Bamboo bed posts.
Industrial looking metal light switches.
A rattan bedside table.
A metal porthole shaped mirror.
A free-standing bath.
A high-level toilet cistern.
A shady pergola for lounging outside.
Pebbles from the beach.
Rattan lanterns.
Get The Look at Home
This post does contain affiliate links. If you decide to buy anything featured you won’t pay any more, but Dear Designer’s will receive a small commission to help keep this blog up and running.
Rattan Renoir Hanging Chair from Sika Design, Cuckooland.
Broste Copenhagen Zigzag Runner Rug, Amara.
Lene Bjerre Hadria Vase, Houseology.
St Ives Up and Down Light, Garden Trading.
Vania Accent Mirror, Wayfair.
Woven Jute Cushion, Maisons Du Monde.
Broste Copenhagen Sally Bamboo Lantern, Amara.
Dutchbone Lon Trunk, Houseology.
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The post A Fresh, Organic, Scandi-Look Cottage by the Sea appeared first on Dear Designer.
A Fresh, Organic, Scandi-Look Cottage by the Sea published first on https://medium.com/@ConklinBros
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