kimayraworld-blog · 2 years
Brahmi: Bacopa Monnieri A Herb of Grace
Ayurveda has worked for humankind for generations by balancing the equilibrium between our mind, body and soul using various herbal herbs and treatments. Brahmi is one such unique herb that empowers our brain. Today's blog will discuss the Miracle herb Brahmi and its numerous health and hair care benefits. But firstly, let's start with what Brahmi is.
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 What is Brahmi?
Brahmi is a Sanskrit word that means consciousness and creativity. People believe that the word Brahmi is derived from the name of lord Brahma, the creator of mother earth. It is a non-aromatic herb commonly grown in wet marshy land and on the shallow water of the Northern region of India. Brahmi has been used in Ayurveda to improve the nervous system, and it contains stress-relieving properties that benefit the body's overall health condition.
If quickly and efficiently you want to relish your mind and body with the fantastic benefits of Brahmi, then undoubtedly go for Kimayra's Brahmi Powder. Kimayra's Brahmi Powder is 100% organic and natural; it is extracted by the traditional method with no added chemical 
or preservatives. 
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 Health Benefits of BrahmiPowder:
Boost Memory and Concentration: Brahmi is commonly known for its cognitive development property, which helps to work as a mind booster. It increases the brain's mental ability and improves concentration power and memory.
Reduces Stress and Tension: Brahmi has natural stress-relieving properties; it provides a comforting and calming effect on the nervous system, eradicating stress and strain from life.
Strengthen Immune System: Brahmi works as an immunity booster as it fights against harmful pathogens and bacteria and helps to provide fast relief during congestion and the common cold.
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 Benefits of Brahmi Powder for Hair:
 ·         Reduce Dandruff and Baldness: Brahmi works as an anti-dandruff agent and helps to clear the itchy, flaky dandruff from the scalp. In addition, it has a soothing effect that relieves stress and tension, which helps to reduce temporary baldness caused by stress.
·         Thickens Hair Volume: Brahmi is rich in vitamin C, saponins and flavonoids. These nutrients help to strengthen the hair roots and nourish the damaged hair; this will result in less hair fall, which gives you thick healthy hair.
·         Prevents Split Ends:  Brahmi contains alkaloids which help to increase the amount of hair protein, providing proper nourishment to hair and preventing split ends. 
·         Treats Hair Dryness and Dullness: Alkaline, amino acids, and esters fibre are present in Brahmi, which help to treat hair dryness and dullness and give a tremendous luscious look to hair.
 How To Use Brahmi Powder asHair mask?
1. Take the required amount of Kimayra's Brahmi Powder in a bowl.
2. Make a paste of it by adding lukewarm water or coconut oil.
3. Apply evenly on your scalp
4. Rinse it off after 30 minutes.
 Here's I am going to end this blog. I hope you liked it; let me know Your suggestions and thoughts in the comment section and share your experience with Brahmi Powder.
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