radearthcrew · 4 years
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“Engaging in outdoor risky play brings forward the life preserving faculties in our mammalian nervous system, which offer profound opportunities for insight and growth.” -Nature-Based Therapy: A Practitioner’s Guide to Working Outdoors by Nevin Harper, Kathryn Rose, & David Segal . The natural consequences that come with taking risks is one of our greatest teachers. Children and adults need opportunities to test and adapt to risk. Playing in nature inherently offers these opportunities because of its constant change. These opportunities help us witness the constant change within ourselves. Offering up gentle challenges to our comfort zone as we test the limits of our danger zone. Which leads to the expansion and self-conditioning of our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical abilities. . My little man here biffed it hard coasting down a steep hill this morning as we walked around the US National Whitewater Center. He tested the limits of his danger zone head on. After he wept for his experience, he began talking about the next time we come and how he’s going to bike down the hill differently. . Take all the risks that feel appropriate to you and if you’re not comfortable taking risks go play in nature for a bit. #playinginnature #bikes #bike #bicycle #trailbiking #trailife #biffedit #biffedithard #naturalconsequences #consequences #takerisks #takerisksandprosper #foryourhealth #naturetherapy #naturebasedtherapy #usnationalwhitewatercenter #Ecoidentity #ecologicalmindset #re #radicalearth https://www.instagram.com/p/CCJHvNWh54B/?igshid=o8jhh6sath7j
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projectwonderlands · 6 years
Thank you Praxis for this recording from the night!
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