nemojokard-blog · 3 months
greetings everypony, it is I Nemo Jokard. I come offering my fancures for the fancuries .
Here are my main fanseries:
Nature Shift! Precure
The Four Seasonal Kingdoms of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter lived in harmony, protected by the precures. Until one of them went rogue. Regalia, the Winter precure, along with some other rogues, attacked the kingdoms with these monsters called Heartaches. The only one who can help them now is the Princess of Spring, Tupper who holds the 3 remaining seasonal keys. Can she find the new precure? (I don’t know, CAN SHE??)
Ayame Mizuki/Cure Vernal
Our resident pink cure of the team, she is spring themed. Ayame is a reserved girl who isn't great at socializing. She's a little lazy and tends to procrastinate, but she's trying to change that. She also panics on a daily basis and is in a constant state of screaming inside her head.
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Kaori Natsumi/Cure Solstice
Our orange cure who is summer themed! Kaori is bright, energetic and seems to always be moving. She is kinda unreliable though and tends to forget things easily. She has a big sweet tooth and has a family sweets store called Natsumi♡Pastry. She's an optimist and can kinda annoy her teammates with her constant positive attitude. She has a bit of a competitive side.
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Etsu Akino/Cure Fall (tumblr hates yellow)
Etsu is the yellow cure and mom friend. She's the one helping the other cures with their homework, scolding them, and discouraging them from doing bad things. Although she isn't without fault. She's very hardworking, which is good, but is prone to burning herself out with all nighters and club activities. She also tends to be the most passive agressive person ever. She learns to balance her life and leave time for herself.
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Tulipa 'Tupper' Flora Leis Fleur Bouquet Laverne
Tupper is a meanie. She usually bosses the cures around and comes up with the strategies. She also gives the cures a lot of sass and criticizes their flaws. She obviously cares about them, she just sucks at showing it.
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The fanseries themes are seasons, friendship, and change.
This was my first ever fanseries and I’ve probably done the most for this one. I’ve written ten episodes for them that you can read on Ao3 and wattpad ! (A rewrite of chapter 1 and chapter 11 are in the works !!)
Ahoy! Pirate Precure
About nine years ago, Umi Ishikawa met a mermaid! She's been obsessed with them ever since then and still carries the gift that the mermaid gave her. When her gift happens to be a treasure from the Cordelia Kingdom, she is hunted for theft. Suddenly a crab and parrot are talking and wait, is she transforming?!
Umi Ishikawa/Cure Ness
Umi is an airhead that is infatuated with mermaids. She's always wanted to live in the ocean. The mermaid obsession started probably when her parents went on a cruise and she was all alone by herself. Then suddenly she came face to face with a real mermaid. No one believes her tho. She loves swimming and wishes to live in the sea one day.
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Yuzu Egawa/Cure Citrus
Yuzu is a sour girl who doesn't like much of anything. She's ready to sass anyone and everyone. Because of this she doesn't have many friends and throws herself in her studies as a result. She tends to be a know-it-all. Apparently she loves visiting the aquarium in her free time.
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Nyoko Izumi/Cure Aurorus
Nyoko is a spoiled girl with a rich background. She's pretty annoying and tends to brag about her money. She's also very very competitive when it comes to swimming and often her & Umi compete. She's also a sore loser.
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The old advisor for Cordelia Kingdom. She's strict and crabby.
A parrot with powerful magic. It helps the cures in battle or sometimes it mocks them. Whatever Parry feels like doing.
The motif of this series is pirates and the main theme is treasuring life.
I don’t know when I’ll do more for this fanseries since it was originally made as a joke, but I might write it some day!
Beauty Guru Precure
The Queen of the Glamour kingdom was the Super Instant Influencer. She stood strong until the scandals attacked. She was dethroned, and in her last stitch efforts to pass on her wisdom, was to pass on her legendary Make Up Pallet to the Precure to fight the scandals. She handed it to Pinkity Drinkity her trusty snake.
Tomoko Ayano/Cure Guru
The first girl to awake as a Precure. Tomoko is an airhead with a bit of an ego. Her teammates keep her check. She isn't very smart, but tries her best! She's really into makeup and likes to experiment with different kind of looks. She transforms with the Aerie Lip gloss into Cure Guru. At first scared of Pinkity Drinkity and still kinda is. Lovingly calls the snake "Pinky."
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Keiko Arai/Cure Blush
The second girl to awake as a Precure. Keiko easily embarrassed and has a short temper. She enjoys studying and has a one sided rivalry with Kagami. With the Periwinkle Compact, she transforms into Cure Blush. She loves Pinkity Drinkity to a fault. She calls her "Pink-chan."
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Aimi Hitomi/Cure Shadow
The third person to awake as a Precure. She seems to keep to herself a lot and has a bad habit of bottling everything inside. Although when they are with Tomoko and Keiko, she seems to turn into a different person who can't keep their mouth shut. She transforms with the Goth Pallet into Cure Shadow. They so not lovingly refer to Pinkity Drinkity as Future Soup.
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Kagami Ayano/Cure Cosmetic
Technically the actual first one to awaken. She helps the girls in a pinch, but always seems to keep her distance. She doesn't seem to want to get closer to any of the girls. An exception to this is Cure Guru, which the girls and Pinkity Drinkity find strange. (Of course this is because she’s Guru's twin sister, but shhhh, they don't know that.)
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Pinkity Drinkity
The girls’ trusty snake partner in crime. She ventured out to find the legendary Precure and now that she found them, she’s a bit worried. She thinks the girls are too young to be fighting Madam Masquerade’s Scandals and fears for their safety. On the other hand though, she knows that the only thing she can really do is guide them as Precure.
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Dragon Drinkity
Dragon Drinkity just screams a lot. She sometimes says wise things, but completely cracks under pressure. She was sent first to find the Precure of Lipstick and the Precure of Nail Polish.
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The motifs of this series are angels and make up. The themes of this series are inner beauty and love.
This series also kind of started off as a bit of a one off thing. Might also get written someday but no promises!!!
Sew Magical
This fanseries is a crossover between lalaloopsy and precure! It admittedly no longer has a plot anymore but I did make some cute designs .
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Live Laugh Love! Precure
Kasumi Ieiri is used to her simple life with her father where it's just the two of them against the world.. Well until it wasn't. Suddenly there's this whole new marriage and there's three random kids living with them! Tsumugi, one of the kids, is the same age as her, but that's where the similarities end. Tsumugi is quiet and you can never really tell what she's thinking. Kasumi is anything but quiet and is easily read.
However these two supposed sisters are now forced to work together when a monster comes marching at their front door and is terrorizing a poor helpless mascot who drops two items that resemble mood rings. The mood rings then fly onto Kasumi and Tsumugi, recognizing them as Precure! Kasumi transforms into Cure Haven and Tsugumi into Cure Comedy. They manage to defeat the monster and rescue the mascot! Who seems a little mortified about this whole development..
Omg new Nemo fanseries !? Admittedly this is kind of the first time im mentioning them and I haven’t thought abt them for a hot minute 👁️👄👁️💧 But perhaps I will work on them some day! Might even get around to drawing them. I really like duo seasons.
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(the order is Kasumi, tsumugi, cure haven, and cure comedy)
Their only theme is Live, Laugh, Love.
And that’s all, folks!
I recycled a whole lot of it from last time but I hope you at least consider nominating me :]
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nemojokard-blog · 1 year
Happy new year!!! i drew etsu from nature shift! precure because in 2022, i drew kaori and in 2021 i drew ayame so why not continue with the trend
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(in case anyone is confused on what's she's holding its a broken paper net for goldfish scooping because she's really bad at it)
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nemojokard-blog · 1 year
u know, i realized i never properly plugged my fanseries on tumblr..
let's change that >:)!!
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nemojokard-blog · 2 years
Nemo's Fancuries Nominee Spotlight!!
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Heyo, it’s Nemo the Memo/Nemo Jokard! This is my nominee spotlight post. I got four nominations and I’m really surprised (and also overjoyed) that I got this many since this is my first time participating in the fancuries. Now let’s get to what I was nominated for.
Chapter of the Year: Nature Shift! Precure Chapter 7: Tupper’s Fever!?
This chapter was pretty fun to write. I enjoyed sprinkling in a bit of Tupper’s past along with her interactions with each of the members of the Nature Shift! Team. Also it was a bit of a breather from the previous motw plots, so I didn’t have to write any fights which is always a plus. Here’s the link if you want to read it: 
Unique Motif of the Year: Beauty Guru Precure
The motifs in Beauty Guru Precure are beauty and makeup. Precure has done the whole makeup motif with Tropical Rouge before technically, but I feel like it was more of an afterthought if anything and didn’t really relate to the main themes at all. The motifs of makeup and beauty tie into the major themes of fanseries which are inner beauty and being true to yourself.
Best Mascot Design: Tupper
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What can I say? I love this bratty cat so much. I’m glad other people feel the same way too. Tupper’s not the most realistic looking cat, but we don’t care <3 She’s adorable and that’s what matters.
Ideal Best Friend: Etsu Akino/Cure Fall
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Etsu is that best friend who you call when you want to be bailed out of prison. She is always looking out for you and will try to discourage you from doing dumb stuff. She cares a lot about her friends and will throw hands if you mess with them.
For those who nominated me, thank you, I appreciate it a lot! Also thanks for reading this!
Good luck to all the other nominees!!!
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nemojokard-blog · 2 years
Nemo Fancuries FYC:
Yello! My name is Nemo Jokard (or Nemo the Memo, doesn't really matter), or Nemo for short. This is my very first fancuries!! Today I'm going to be talking about all of my fan precure projects, but mainly the one I'm writing right now, Nature Shift Precure.
Nature Shift! Precure
Here's a little synopsis on the series.
The Four Seasonal Kingdoms of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter lived in harmony, protected by the precures. Until one of them went rogue. Regalia, the Winter precure, along with some other rogues, attacked the kingdoms with these monsters called Heartaches. The only one who can help them now is the Princess of Spring, Tupper who holds the 3 remaining seasonal keys. Can she find the new precure?
spoiler alert, she does and here the idiots are.
Ayame Mizuki/Cure Vernal
Our resident pink cure of the team, she is spring themed. Ayame is a reserved girl who isn't great at socializing. She's lazy and tends to procrastinate, but she's trying to change that. She also panics on a daily basis and is in a constant state of screaming inside her head.
Kaori Natsumi/Cure Solstice
Our orange cure who is summer themed! Kaori is bright, energetic and seems to always be moving. She is kinda unreliable though and tends to forget things easily. She has a big sweet tooth and has a family sweets store called Natsumi♡Pastry. She's an optimist and can kinda annoy her teammates with her constant positive attitude. She has a bit of a competitive side.
Etsu Akino/Cure Fall
Etsu is the mom friend. She's the one helping the other cures with their homework, scolding them, hugging them, and discouraging them from doing bad things. Although she isn't without fault. She's very hardworking, which is good, but is prone to burning herself out with all nighters and club activities. She also tends to be the most passive agressive person ever. She learns to balance her life and leave time for herself. 
Tulipa 'Tupper' Flora Leis Fleur Bouquet Laverne
Tupper is a meanie. She usually bosses the cures around and comes up with the strategies. She also gives the cures a lot of sass and criticizes their flaws. She obviously cares about them, she just sucks at showing it.
If you wanna learn more about these dorks, their story is being written on AO3 and Wattpad!
The fanseries themes are seasons, friendship, and change. While seasons aren't the most original motif, I think they're still really cool which is why I used the motif for my first fanseries. The references are kinda old though.
Ahoy! Pirate Precure
About nine years ago, Umi Ishikawa met a mermaid! She's been obsessed with them ever since then and still carries the gift that the mermaid gave her. When her gift happens to be a treasure from the Cordelia Kingdom, she is hunted for theft. Suddenly a crab and parrot are talking and wait, is she transforming?!
Umi Ishikawa/Cure Ness
Umi is an airhead that is infatuated with mermaids. She's always wanted to live in the ocean. The mermaid obsession started probably when her parents went on a cruise and she was all alone by herself. Then suddenly she came face to face with a real mermaid. No one believes her tho. She loves swimming and wishes to live in the sea one day.
Yuzu Egawa/Cure Citrus
Yuzu is a sour girl who doesn't like much of anything. She's ready to sass anyone and everyone. Because of this she doesn't have many friends and throws herself in her studies as a result. She tends to be a know-it-all. Apparently she loves visiting the aquarium in her free time.
Nyoko Izumi/Cure Aurorus
Nyoko is a spoiled girl with a rich background. She's pretty annoying and tends to brag about her money. She's also very very competitive when it comes to swimming and often her & Umi compete. She's also a sore loser.
The old advisor for Cordelia Kingdom. She's strict and crabby.
A parrot with powerful magic. It helps the cures in battle or sometimes it mocks them. Whatever Parry feels like doing.
I plan to write this series on Wattpad and AO3 when I'm further along with Nature Shift! Precure.
The motif of this series is pirates and the main theme is treasuring life. 
Beauty Guru Precure
The Queen of the Glamour kingdom was the Super Instant Influencer. She stood strong until the scandals attacked. She was dethroned, and in her last stitch efforts to pass on her wisdom, was to pass on her legendary Make Up Pallet to the Precure to fight the scandals. She handed it to Pinkity Drinkity her trusty snake. 
Tomoko Ayano/Cure Guru
The first girl to awake as a Precure. Tomoko is an airhead with a bit of an ego. Her teammates keep her check. She isn't very smart, but tries her best! She's really into makeup and likes to experiment with different kind of looks. She transforms with the Aerie Lip gloss into Cure Guru. At first scared of Pinkity Drinkity and still kinda is. Lovingly calls the snake "Pinky." 
Keiko Arai/Cure Blush
The second girl to awake as a Precure. Keiko easily embarrassed and has a short temper. She enjoys studying and has a one sided rivalry with Kagami. With the Periwinkle Compact, she transforms into Cure Blush. She loves Pinkity Drinkity to a fault. She calls her "Pink-chan."
Aimi Hitomi/Cure Shadow
The third person to awake as a Precure. She seems to keep to herself a lot and has a bad habit of bottling everything inside. Although when they are with Tomoko and Keiko, she seems to turn into a different person who can't keep their mouth shut. She transforms with the Goth Pallet into Cure Shadow. They so not lovingly refer to Pinkity Drinkity as Future Soup.
Kagami Ayano/Cure Cosmetic
Technically the actual first one to awaken. She helps the girls in a pinch, but always seems to keep her distance. She doesn't seem to want to get closer to any of the girls. An exception to this is Cure Guru, which the girls and Pinkity Drinkity find strange. (Of course this is because she’s Guru's twin sister, but shhhh, they don't know that.)
Pinkity Drinkity
The girls’ trusty snake partner in crime. She ventured out to find the legendary Precure and now that she found them, she’s a bit worried. She thinks the girls are too young to be fighting Madam Masquerade’s Scandals and fears for their safety. On the other hand though, she knows that the only thing she can really do is guide them as Precure.
Dragon Drinkity
Dragon Drinkity just screams a lot. She sometimes says wise things, but completely cracks under pressure. She was sent first to find the Precure of Lipstick and the Precure of Nail Polish. 
The motifs of this series are angels and make up. The themes of this series are inner beauty and love. 
This series will also be written at some point!
Sew Magical Precure
The peaceful residents of Lalaloopsy Land have been turned into a bunch of dolls by an unknown illness.. Now most of their parts have been scattered across the world.. Some of them have even been turned into monsters.. A few girls, boys, and enbys are bonded to a certain Lalaloopsy then via magical mascot become Precure. Now it's a matter of time of finding all of the residents and putting them back together again.
Beatrice 'Tris' Spellman/Cure Bea
Beatrice Spellman is a massive nerd. She loves to ramble about a lot of the things she watches to anyone who will listen. Since many people do not want to listen to her ramblings, she doesn’t have many friends. She’s also a bit of a know-it-all. She also can be extremely nosy and likes to help out.
Sophie Moore/Cure Spot
Sophie Moore is an artist constantly on the lookout for inspiration. She usually is sketching in the margins of her notebook instead of actually writing notes. They tend to lack focus when it comes to school work and prefers to just do their own thing. Sophie wants to go to art’s school but her parents want her to become a doctor instead. They can be extremely clingy.
Dorothy 'Dottie' Starr/Cure Starlight
Dottie Starr is a spacey person who doesn’t really participate in the conversation very much.  She is very fascinated by zodiac signs and the first thing she’ll ask you is your birthday. She has an interest in learning about space and wants to know more about it. She is also very blunt and can sometimes hurt feelings without realizing it.
Peggy Thompson/Cure Peanut
Peggy Thompson is the class clown who always disrupts every class she’s in. A lot of people find her annoying, but a few people laugh at her antics. She’s also a huge prankster but sometimes takes it way too far. Surprisely very insecure.
Julia Roberts/Cure Jewel
Julia Roberts is the one whose recruiting the cures. She became a Cure recently but is too busy doing actress things. In her free time, she mentors the cures and gives unsolicited fashion advice. She’s scary when she gets angry.
The teddy bear thing that’s giving the Precure their powers. They are kinda rude and sassy, but this is mostly because they’re missing their Lalaloopsy companion. They hope the Precure can help save their partner.
The motif of this series is Lalaloopsy. The themes are childhood, growing up, and friendship.
This series was made because I really loved Lalaloopsy.
[Also most of these cures have designs, but Tumblr is kinda being a tad annoying rn. You can find most of them on my blog here]
That's all for now!
Please consider nominating me ^^
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nemojokard-blog · 3 years
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my precure fanseries Nature Shift! Precure
(From top to bottom)
Cure Vernal/Ayame Mizuki
Ayame is a reserved girl who isn't great at socializing. She's lazy and tends to procrastinate, but she's trying to change that. She also panics on a daily and is in a constant state of screaming in side her head.
Cure Solstice/Kaori Natsumi
Kaori is a very spontaneous girl who's always moving. She is usually sweet until you insult her family's bakery. Once you do that, Kaori goes sicko mode.
Cure Fall/Etsu Akino
Etsu is the mom friend. She's the one helping the other cures with their homework, scolding them, hugging them, and discouraging them from doing bad things. Although she isn't without fault. She's very hardworking, which is good, but is prone to burning herself out with all nighters and club activities. She also tends to be the most passive agressive person ever.
Tulipa ‘Tupper’ Laverne (Her name’s longer, she legit just forgot part of it)
Our "lovable" cat. She's a meanie. And also the princess of the Spring Kingdom. Tupper is highly critical of Ayame mainly because she is the Precure of Spring, a title that she thinks Ayame is bringing shame to. She bickers with Kaori quite a lot. She likes Etsu the most out of the 3 and confides in her.
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nemojokard-blog · 3 years
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Happy etsu day- I mean Halloween
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nemojokard-blog · 2 years
Happy New Year Y'all! Kaori wishes you all a good 2022 :))
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