chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
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Chapter 3: Yachtie with a Body
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“So?” Nancy plops down next to T.K. on the deck, a bowl of something in one hand, a fork in the other. “What’s the deal with the new chef?”
T.K. groans. “What are you talking about?”
He’d come up to the bow of the boat to hide for a few minutes. They’re three days into this charter and the guests are being chaperoned on a shore excursion by Marjan and Paul, which means the rest of them are finally getting a little bit of a break. There are more bathrooms to be cleaned and the laundry has never looked worse, but T.K. had been enjoying a few minutes of peace and quiet before his boss found him.
“I mean what’s he like? He seems super nice. Like amazingly nice. He made me this.” She holds out the bowl of mango for T.K. to see. “Like I just walked through the galley and he asked me if I wanted mango and when I said yes he cut some up for me. There’s homemade coconut cream on here dude. Pearce would have murdered you with his eyes if you’d even thought about wanting mango in his presence.”
T.K. rolls his eyes because he doesn’t have any fond memories of their time together. He’d spent more of it with Pearce than most because they’d been cabin mates and if he never hears another rant about the importance of wiping down the shower after each and every use, it will be too soon.
“I think he’s nice,” T.K. tells her, leaning over and stealing a piece of fruit from her bowl. “At least, he seems to be. He hasn’t yelled at me about using the bathroom in the middle of the night like Pearce did.”
Nancy shakes her head. “That man. Only Pearce could believe it was possible to hear nature’s call and tell it to wait until a more sensible six am. Do you think he even has a soul? Or is it just like, a shriveled up little prune kind of thing?”
“He probably returned it to sender because it wasn’t up to code,” T.K. tells her, stealing another bite. The coconut cream is amazing. 
“So definitely a step up in both the roommate and chef departments,” Nancy says. “Good pick Iris.”
It’s the truth. Carlos is a major step up. T.K. has noticed the little ways in which Carlos goes out of his way to keep morale high for the crew. There have been homemade chocolate chip cookies, still warm from the oven, tortillas and guac, brownies, he’d even made arroz con pollo the other day when Mateo mentioned missing his abuela’s cooking. He’s going above and beyond not just for the guests, but for the crew too. It’s incredibly sweet.
“Do you—“ T.K.’s question is interrupted by the sound of a loud splash that catches both of their attention. “Are the guests back?” T.K. asks, an icy bolt of panic going down his spine as he check to makes sure his radio is turned up and that he hasn’t missed anything.
“No they’re not supposed to be back for like another two hours,” Nancy says, standing up and looking over port the side. “The tender is still gone.”
T.K. pushes to his feet and  jogs the few feet over to starboard. There’s nothing in the water on that side either. “Judd or Mateo doing something with the water toys?” T.K. asks.
“Mateo’s in his bunk and Judd was up on the bridge with Tommy when I came out here,” Nancy says.
They’re both walking now, eyes on either side of the boat as they move from the bow toward the stern. When they finally reach the back of the boat they stop dead in their tracks.
New chef Carlos Reyes is hoisting himself out of the cerulean waters of the Caribbean and onto the Nautibuoy platforms that extend off the boat’s stern. Time feels like it’s slowing and T.K.’s eyes go wide as he watches Carlos stand up, water cascading down over toned biceps and abs, his perfectly crafted thighs clad in only a dark pair of swim trunks that cling to him and leave very little to the imagination. 
“Holy shit,” Nancy whispers next to him, her tone appropriately reverential for what they’re witnessing. “New chef is a yachtie with a body.”
T.K. can’t speak and wouldn’t know what to say if he could. Carlos pushes his sopping wet curls back out of his face and then he looks up and spots them, giving them a friendly wave as he reaches for a towel that’s hanging over the railing.
They both manage to wave back despite their surprise. “Okay,” Nancy says, her voice low, a smile plastered on her face as her hand continues to wave back and forth. “Somebody’s gotta hit that. And it should probably be you.”
“Me?!” T.K. stops waving and turns to her in shock. “Why me?”
“Are you saying you’re not interested?”
“No I—“ Oh god, he’s going to embarrass himself. “Why would you immediately jump to me? He’s Iris’ ex.”
“Which is exactly why it has to be you,” Nancy says pragmatically. “Judd’s got Grace back home, Captain’s got her preacher man on shore, Marjan needs somebody within her faith and culture, Paul is seeing Asha, Iris doesn’t want him anymore, so that leaves you.”
“Or you, or Mateo,” T.K. points out.
“Mateo and I have a thing,” she says.
Wow she is really full of surprises today. “You. And Mateo. Have a thing,” T.K. repeats.
She waves a hand. “It’s casual.”
He tries to wrap his mind around that and decides he’d rather not. “He dated Iris. Which makes him straight.”
Nancy looks at him, offended. “Bisexual people exist.”
“Fine. Okay, yes, they do, but I would never date someone Iris dated. It wouldn’t be cool.”
“Did you ask her if it would be cool?”
“Why would I ask her that?!”
Nancy shrugs. “Because he’s hot. And you clearly like him. You’re basically drooling dude.”
T.K. instinctively wipes at his mouth with his hand and glares at her when he doesn’t find anything. “He’s my roommate. And Iris’ ex. And probably straight. Any one of those things is enough of a reason for me to leave him alone.”
She makes a face. “What is the point of yachting if not to make stupid sexual decisions? I’m making some. And it’s a lot of fun.”
“I really don’t want to hear anymore thank you,” T.K. says. He’s pretty open about sex, but he doesn’t want to know what his boss and Mateo are doing with each other below deck. 
“Just saying, it wouldn’t hurt either one of you to have a little fun. And if the Iris thing bothers you, then just ask her. You know she’ll tell it to you straight.” She pats him on the shoulder. “Also, did I mention you’re on carpet spot duty this afternoon?”
“Noooooo,” T.K. moans. 
“The guests were drinking a lot of red wine last night. Make sure you get them all out!” Nancy sing songs as she heads back inside. 
T.K. hangs his head and then slowly follows her. He makes a quick stop by his cabin to grab his phone and his earbuds (at least he can have Harry Styles for company as he scrubs) and nearly runs into Carlos. “Oh sorry,” he says.
“No problem,” Carlos says back.
He’s thrown a button-up on, thank god, so T.K. isn’t face to face with his incredible pecs, but he can still smell the saltwater on his skin, in his hair. “How was your swim?” T.K. asks.
“Great,” Carlos says. “I just needed to cool off for a few minutes and Captain said it was all right.”
“Yeah Tommy’s good like that,” T.K. says. 
“Right, Tommy,” Carlos says sheepishly. “I forget you guys are kind of informal.”
“We’re a family,” T.K. says. “That’s why she was such a good fit when she came on as captain. It might not work on all boats, but it does on ours.”
Carlos snorts. “It definitely wouldn’t have worked on my last boat.”
There’s something bitter in his words even though he says them lightly and T.K. feels a flash of anger at whoever made him feel bad enough to put that tone in his voice. “Your last boat was tough?” he asks.
“You could say that.” 
“Is that why you came here?” T.K. asks. 
“I came because Iris called,” Carlos says and the mention of her name, of their relationship, sends a stab of pain through T.K. “But yes, also to get away.”
“Do you…want to talk about it?” T.K. offers.
Carlos shrugs. “I’m fine. I survived. We’ve all been on bad boats before.”
“Well we’re all glad you’re here,” T.K. tells him.
“I heard Pearce was…quite a guy to work with,” Carlos says, flashing him a grin that says the crew has definitely been telling tales of some of Pearce’s more infamous moments. 
“Yeah you’re definitely an upgrade,” T.K. says, then winces at the blatant horniness of that statement. 
“An upgrade huh?” Carlos’ smile changes, drops into something lazy and sensual. The way he leans on one arm against the top bunk feels flirty.
T.K. loves flirting. He loves flirting so. freaking. much. So it takes a lot of effort for him to wrench himself out of charm mode and back into boat colleague mode. “Honestly anyone would have been an upgrade from Pearce,” he says. “Did I tell you he used to time me in the bathroom? If I took more than five minutes in the morning he’d start to bang on the door and tell me to get out.”
“Yikes,” Carlos says, unbuttoning his shirt and slipping it off and, oh god, the abs are back and T.K. feels like he needs to avert his gaze, like he’s a gentleman from a Jane Austen novel trying to protect someone’s modesty. Which is ridiculous. Because he’s seen hundreds of naked chests before in all different contexts. But this chest, these abs…something about them calls to him. 
“Sorry, he sounds like a nightmare,” Carlos says as he pulls on a white undershirt, effectively bringing T.K.’s lustful thoughts to an end.
“Nightmare is definitely the word,” T.K. agrees. “Ask Nancy about the pineapple disaster of week three. She still has the scars.”
He chuckles and T.K. feels a thrill at being able to affect him like that. “I will definitely ask,” Carlos says.
“Hey, T.K.!” Iris comes bopping down the hallway, slightly breathless. “Oh, hey Carlos,” she says when she spots him through the open door. She looks back and forth between them. “Am I interrupting something?”
They both speak a little too quickly, as if there’s something to hide, even though there’s not. They’re standing here with the door open, not sneaking around.
So why does T.K. feel guilty anyway?
Her eyes narrow suspiciously, but she doesn’t press it. “I can’t find those little disco balls we used a couple weeks ago. The rainbow colored ones.”
“I put them in the cabinet in the dining room,” T.K. says.
“You did not.”
He sighs. “Yes I did!”
It takes some searching but they find the missing disco balls (it turns out he did put them in the dining room cabinet, but Mateo took them back out again for some game they were playing with the guests). Then it’s onto red wine stain purgatory, armed only with a spray bottle of club soda, a white rag, and determination. By the time he’s done the carpet looks like it’s never seen a drop of wine in its life, and T.K.’s back and arms are sore.
He hauls himself to his feet and trudges to the galley to return the salt he’d borrowed in case the club soda wasn’t enough. Carlos is chopping up veggies for the crew dinner, several filets of salmon set to the side. He looks up when T.K. comes in and frowns. “You look like you just fell off a bucking bronco.”
“I’m banning red wine from the boat,” T.K. tells him, setting the salt shaker down onto the prep counter. “White wine only. No sangria. No merlot. Clear liquids and nothing else.”
“Good luck with that,” Carlos says, going back to his chopping.
“Thanks for the sympathy,” T.K. says sarcastically. “You have no idea the agony of scrubbing out carpet stains. Over and over and over. It never ends. It’s like some kind of polyester Groundhog Day nightmare. And definitely not my preferred way to get rug burn.”
Carlos bites his lip in amusement. “I didn’t know there was a good way to get rug burn.”
T.K. scoffs. “Then you’ve clearly never had sex with me.” 
The words are out before he can stop them, a flirty reflex that he can’t contain. It often gets him what he wants, but right now he’d like to melt through the floor.
Carlos sets his knife down again, something shifting in his eyes. “Is that something you’re offering?”
It’s light, but there’s an undertone. Something more serious, something that makes T.K. want to go over there and show him exactly how much he’d like to offer sex.
“Carlos, Carlos, Nancy,” the radio squawks, breaking the moment.
Carlos picks it up. “This is Carlos.”
“The guests are heading back. If you could get their snicky snack ready that would be fabulous darling.”
“No problem.”
T.K. flees. It’s cowardly, it’s stupid, it’s extremely not cool, but he runs back to their shared cabin and locks the door behind him. He leans against it and exhales. Who the fuck does he think he is? It is not appropriate to proposition your cabin-mate-who-has-dated-your-co-worker for sex. It’s just not. 
He lets his head thunk back against the door. What is he going to do?
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Yacht Platform Market Detailed Strategies, Competitive Landscaping and Developments for next 5 years
Yacht Platform also known as beach clubs. It is an ideal element to develop the exterior space and connect it with the interior. It providing easy water access as well as space to enjoy the view. These platforms or balconies can be equipped with many features such as swim ladders and umbrellas, lounge chairs, making a luxury outdoor living space close to the water.
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/29016-global-yacht-platform-market-1?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
Latest released the research study on Global Yacht Platform Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Yacht Platform Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Yacht Platform The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Aritex Cading (Spain), Batsystem (Sweden), Besenzoni S.p.A. (Italy), FreeStyle Cruiser (United States), Mar Quipt (United States), Megafend Mooring Products (United States), NautiBuoy Marine Ltd (United Kingdom), Nautical Structures (United States), Newthex Ned (Netherlands), Opacmare SRL (Italy)
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jacks-shacks · 3 years
Ah it seems that Ruffles has gotten himself separated from the group while on a treasure hunt.
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dbdet-blog · 7 years
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well, they don't call it the nice buoy ✨ #nautibuoy #sparklemagic #clicketyclack #lakestclair (at Muscamoot Bay)
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Nautical Ventures at the #triton expo. Yacht crew and marine industry networking event. @bahiamarmarina #yachts #yachtcrew #yachting #marineindustry #nautibuoy #frib #gocycle #seabob (at Bahia Mar Fort Lauderdale Beach a DoubleTree by Hilton)
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Yacht Platform Market Size, Share With Top Companies, Region Forecast 2021-2027
Yacht Platform Market 2021-2027
A New Market Study, Titled “Yacht Platform Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Yacht Platform market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Yacht Platform industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Request Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/Global-Yacht-Platform-Market/57984  
The report begins from overview of Industry Chain structure, and describes industry environment, then analyses market size and forecast of Yacht Platform by product, region and application, in addition, this report introduces market competition situation among the vendors and company profile, besides, market price analysis and value chain features are covered in this report.
Company Coverage (Company Profile, Sales Revenue, Price, Gross Margin, Main Products etc.): Aritex Batsystem Besenzoni FreeStyle Cruiser Mar Quipt Megafend NautiBuoy Marine Nautical Structures Newthex Ned Opacmare Pin-craft SeaNet Group SONG WEI ENTERPRISE Tenderlift
Product Type Coverage (Market Size & Forecast, Major Company of Product Type etc.): Lifting Floating Articulated Others
Application Coverage (Market Size & Forecast, Different Demand Market by Region, Main Consumer Profile etc.): For Yachts For Boats for Ship
Region Coverage (Regional Production, Demand & Forecast by Countries etc.): North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico) Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina etc.) Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, South Africa etc.)
Ask Queries @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/enquiry.php/Global-Yacht-Platform-Market/57984
Table of Contents
1 Industry Overview 1.1 Yacht Platform Industry Figure Yacht Platform Industry Chain Structure 1.1.1 Overview 1.1.2 Development of Yacht Platform 1.2 Market Segment 1.2.1 Upstream Table Upstream Segment of Yacht Platform 1.2.2 Downstream Table Application Segment of Yacht Platform Table Global Yacht Platform Market 2016-2026, by Application, in USD Million 1.2.3 COVID-19 Impact 1.3 Cost Analysis
2 Industry Environment (PEST Analysis) 2.1 Policy 2.2 Economics 2.3 Sociology 2.4 Technology
4 Major Companies List 4.1 Aritex (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.) 4.1.1 Aritex Profile Table Aritex Overview List 4.1.2 Aritex Products & Services 4.1.3 Aritex Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Aritex (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 4.2 Batsystem (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.) 4.2.1 Batsystem Profile Table Batsystem Overview List 4.2.2 Batsystem Products & Services 4.2.3 Batsystem Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Batsystem (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 4.3 Besenzoni (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.) 4.3.1 Besenzoni Profile Table Besenzoni Overview List 4.3.2 Besenzoni Products & Services 4.3.3 Besenzoni Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Besenzoni (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 4.4 FreeStyle Cruiser (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.) 4.4.1 FreeStyle Cruiser Profile Table FreeStyle Cruiser Overview List 4.4.2 FreeStyle Cruiser Products & Services 4.4.3 FreeStyle Cruiser Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of FreeStyle Cruiser (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 4.5 Mar Quipt (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.) 4.5.1 Mar Quipt Profile Table Mar Quipt Overview List 4.5.2 Mar Quipt Products & Services 4.5.3 Mar Quipt Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Mar Quipt (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 4.6 Megafend (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.) 4.6.1 Megafend Profile Table Megafend Overview List 4.6.2 Megafend Products & Services 4.6.3 Megafend Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Megafend (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 4.7 NautiBuoy Marine (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.) 4.7.1 NautiBuoy Marine Profile Table NautiBuoy Marine Overview List 4.7.2 NautiBuoy Marine Products & Services 4.7.3 NautiBuoy Marine Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of NautiBuoy Marine (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 4.8 Nautical Structures (Company Profile, Sales Data etc.)
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marketgrowthreseach · 3 years
Yacht Platform Market Report | Global Forecast To 2028
The global yacht platform market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.5% during the forecast period, from 2021 to 2028. The market is driven by the increasing demand for luxury yachts and boats, which in turn has led to an increase in the number of yacht platforms being manufactured. The demand for luxury yachts and boats is also fueled by the increasing disposable income of consumers across different regions. 
The lifting type segment accounted for a major share of the global yacht platform market in 2018, with a share of over 50%. This can be attributed to its high demand among customers owing to its ability to lift heavy loads without any difficulty. The floating type segment accounted for a share of around 30% in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% during the forecast period, from 2021-2028.
The global population is increasing and the number of people with disposable income is also increasing.
The world's economy is improving, which means more people are able to afford luxury items like yachts.
There are more billionaires in the world than ever before, and they all want a yacht to show off their wealth and success.
Yacht owners are getting older, so they're looking for ways to make their boats easier to use as they age.
Yacht builders have been making improvements in technology that make it easier for them to build yachts.
Industry Growth Insights published a new data on “Yacht Platform Market”. The research report is titled “Yacht Platform Market research by Types (Lifting, Floating, Articulated, Other), By Applications (For Yachts, For Boats, for Ship), By Players/Companies Aritex, Batsystem, Besenzoni, FreeStyle Cruiser, Mar Quipt, Megafend, NautiBuoy Marine, Nautical Structures, Newthex Ned, Opacmare, Pin-craft, SeaNet Group, SONG WEI ENTERPRISE, Tenderlift”.
Global Yacht Platform Market Report Segments:
The global Yacht Platform market is segmented on the basis of:
Lifting, Floating, Articulated, Other
The product segment provides information about the market share of each product and the respective CAGR during the forecast period. It lays out information about the product pricing parameters, trends, and profits that provides in-depth insights of the market. Furthermore, it discusses latest product developments & innovation in the market.
For Yachts, For Boats, for Ship
The application segment fragments various applications of the product and provides information on the market share and growth rate of each application segment. It discusses the potential future applications of the products and driving and restraining factors of each application segment.
Some of the companies that are profiled in this report are:
FreeStyle Cruiser
Mar Quipt
NautiBuoy Marine
Nautical Structures
Newthex Ned
SeaNet Group
Detailed Report: https://industrygrowthinsights.com/report/yacht-platform-market/
Highlights of The Yacht Platform Market Report:
The market structure and projections for the coming years.
Drivers, restraints, opportunities, and current trends of Alpha Hydroxy Acid for Cosmetic Market.
Historical data and forecast.
Estimations for the forecast period 2028.
Developments and trends in the market.
By Type:
By Application:
For Yachts
For Boats
for Ship
Market scenario by region, sub-region, and country.
Market share of the market players, company profiles, product specifications, SWOT analysis, and competitive landscape.
Analysis regarding upstream raw materials, downstream demand, and current market dynamics.
Government Policies, Macro & Micro economic factors are also included in the report.
We have studied the Yacht Platform Market in 360 degrees via. both primary & secondary research methodologies. This helped us in building an understanding of the current market dynamics, supply-demand gap, pricing trends, product preferences, consumer patterns & so on. The findings were further validated through primary research with industry experts & opinion leaders across countries. The data is further compiled & validated through various market estimation & data validation methodologies. Further, we also have our in-house data forecasting model to predict market growth up to 2028.
Regional Analysis
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
Latin America
Note: A country of choice can be added in the report at no extra cost. If more than one country needs to be added, the research quote will vary accordingly.
The geographical analysis part of the report provides information about the product sales in terms of volume and revenue in regions. It lays out potential opportunities for the new entrants, emerging players, and major players in the region. The regional analysis is done after considering the socio-economic factors and government regulations of the countries in the regions.
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8 Reasons to Buy This Report
Includes a Chapter on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic On the Market
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Global Swim Platform Market 2019 | Industry overview, supply and demand analysis and forecast 2024
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The Global  Swim Platform Market  Report 2019 aims to deliver an explicit evaluation of the market. The report offers sweeping insights extracted by thoroughly analyzing historical and current developments in the market. It also provides par excellence futuristic estimations for various vital factors including Swim Platform market size, share, net profit, sales, revenue, and growth rate. The market competition by top manufacturers/players, with sales volume, price (USD/Unit), revenue (Million USD) and market share for each manufacturer/player The report covers the market study and projection of Swim Platform market on a territorial along with worldwide point . The report establishes subjective and quantitative valuation by industry examiners, direct information, help from industry specialists alongside their latest verbatim and every industry producers through the market value chain. The examination specialists have also evaluated the by and large sales and income creation of this specific market. Moreover, this report additionally conveys broad examination of basic market drift, many key essentials while overseeing macro-economic indicators, combined with market enhancements according to each section. Get more information, Ask for Free Sample Copy of this Report@ https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/sample-request/111685/ Some of the most prominent Key Vendors:  AMERICAN PLEASURE PRODUCTS, Batsystem, CANDOCK, Goiot Systems, Hovercraft, Karl Innovation, NautiBuoy Marine, Opacmare, Poralu Marine, SeaDuction Floats, SONG WEI ENTERPRISE Regions covered in the market report: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa) Applications Segment Analysis:  For Boats, For Yachts, For Sailboats, Leisure Centers, Others Product Segment Analysis:  Concrete, Plastic, Stone, Metal Key questions answered in this report • What will the market size be in 2024 and what will the growth rate be? • What are the key market trends? • What is driving this market? • What are the challenges to Swim Platform market growth? • Who are the key vendors in this market space? • What are the Swim Platform market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors? • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors? For detailed information regarding Swim Platform market, Contact Us: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/industry-reports/swim-platform-market/111685/ Reasons to Purchase this Report • Analyzing outlook of the Swim Platform market with the recent trends and Porter’s five forces analysis • Market dynamics which essentially consider the factors, which are impelling the present market scenario, along with growth opportunities of the market in the years to come • Market segmentation analysis, including qualitative and quantitative research incorporating the impact of economic and non-economic aspects • Regional and country level analysis integrating the demand and supply forces that are influencing the growth of the Swim Platform market • Competitive landscape involving the market share of major players, along with the key strategies adopted for development in the past five years • Comprehensive company profiles covering the product offerings, key financial information, Our experts and analysts evaluate the vendors in the Swim Platform market and provide understandings to articulate current and future market trends, innovation, customer expectations and competitive forces. The overviews, SWOT analysis and strategies of each vendor in the market provide understanding about the Swim Platform market forces and how those can be oppressed to create future opportunities.
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megaricos · 6 years
MC Yacht International ha anunciado una asociaciones exclusivas con el principale fabricantes de juguetes acuáticos del mundo, OceaNemo, por lo que promete como resultado una lujosa “casa de diversión” flotante 44 metros (144 pies) de largo nombrada: OceaNemo Sport Utility.
Promocionado como el primer yate de utilidad deportiva, la embarcación estará equipada con todo tipos de comodidades orientadas a la tierra, el mar y el aire.
El yate – el primer en su tipo – tendrá una selección de posibilidades recreativas que harían que los parques de diversiones se sientan celosos, como:
Una pared de roca para escalar inflable, un tobogán de agua gigante, trampolines acuáticos de la compañía con sede en Texas, FunAir.
Plataformas de descanso multifuncional por la compañía con sede en Gran Bretaña, NautiBuoy.
Una embarcación de hidroplano eléctrica de Quadrofoil en Eslovenia.
Sumergibles privados de la compañía basada en California Seamagine Hydrospace Corporation.
Una ve que el yate llega a la tierra, no tendrás ningún problema moviéndote sobre la tierra tampoco, porque este yate viene bien equipado también en esa materia, con el WaterCar y dos aerodeslizadores Marlin de la Compañía Británica Hovercraft completando la impresionante lista de juguetes para adultos en esta embarcación.
Si todo esto no te impresiona, entonces seguro que los amantes a los yates van a hacer fila para obtener la embarcación deportiva anfibia de la innovadora compañía italiana SeaMax Easy para un viaje de diversión.
Pero, el almacenamiento a bordo es extenso — lo que significa que hay suficiente espacio para juguetes divertidos en esta lujosa casa flotante.
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OceaNemo: Este yate concepto de 44M es realmente un parque de diversiones sobre el mar
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woodsrobertlove · 7 years
Swim Platform Market Analysis, Capacity, Market Size, Key Players, Cost Analysis, Gross Margin and forecasts to 2022
Swim Platform Market Research Report 2018
The Research study provides Informative Data of the Swim Platform market. Further, it evaluates qualitative and computable information of the market. In addition analysis of the this market scenario and future prospects are given. The Swim Platform report initiate with the introduction and represents the market data in a specific and clear manner. This Report covers all the essential information regarding this industry which helps a user to grasp the overall market. Also, Swim Platform report gives the readers with an approach to the competitive scenario of the market.
The report has been prepared based on the synthesis, analysis, and interpretation of information about the Swim Platform market collected from specialized sources. The competitive landscape section of the report provides a clear insight into the market share analysis of key industry players. Company overview, financial overview, product portfolio, new project launched, recent development analysis are the parameters included in the profile.
You can get free access to samples from the report @  http://garnerinsights.com/EMEA-Europe-Middle-East-and-Africa-Swim-Platform-Market-Report-2018#request-sample 
This report will give the user confidence to make the correct business decisions based on a detailed analysis of the industry market trends for the coming five years.The market opportunity section will inform the user about the various requirements that are expected to generate revenues during the forecast period. The description includes technical specifications, recent orders, and the expected investment pattern by the country during the forecast period
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions:
Europe: Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy and Benelux; Middle East: Saudi Arabia, Israel, UAE and Iran; Africa: South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt and Algeria.
The major players in Global market include: AMERICAN PLEASURE PRODUCTS, Batsystem, CANDOCK, Goiot Systems, Hovercraft, Karl Innovation, NautiBuoy Marine, Opacmare, Poralu Marine, SeaDuction Floats, SONG WEI ENTERPRISE,,
On the basis on Main Product Type, this report covers : Concrete, Plastic, Stone, Metal,,
On the basis on the end users/application, this report covers: For Boats, For Yachts, For Sailboats, Leisure Centers, Other
Important Questions Answered in this Report
1.What will the market size be in 2022? 2. What are the key factors driving the global market? 3. What are the challenges to market growth? 4. Who are the key players in the market? 5. What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key players? 6. What will be the growth rate in 2022?
Check Discount for this Report @ http://garnerinsights.com/EMEA-Europe-Middle-East-and-Africa-Swim-Platform-Market-Report-2018#discount 
Then this report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains historical data and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to market segments such as geography, technology, and applications.
Some Points from TOC:
1.Swim Platform Market Overview 2. The Market Competition by Players/Manufacturers 3. The Swim Platform Sales and Revenue by Region 4. The Swim Platform Sales and Revenue by Type/ Product Category 5. The Swim Platform Players/Suppliers Profiles and Sales. 6. The Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers 7. Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders 8. Market Effect Factors Analysis 9. Continue…
Read Detailed Report @ http://garnerinsights.com/EMEA-Europe-Middle-East-and-Africa-Swim-Platform-Market-Report-2018 
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from Blogger http://ift.tt/2tKcqV1 via IFTTT
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dbdet-blog · 7 years
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ahoy! i christen thee #bangtime ✨ #sparklemagic #nautibuoy #lakestclair #clicketyclack (at Muscamoot Bay)
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Aquazone & Electric Pavilion at #pbibs2017. Make sure to check it out today! #kayak #sup #lampuga #seabob #live2fish #nautibuoy #freestyleslide #boteboard #hobie #xjet #wavejet #WaterToys #staysalty #schillerbikes @nauticalventures
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makeacocktail · 9 years
New Post has been published on Boats Journal
New Post has been published on http://boatsjournal.com/2016/02/12/stella-maris-in-nautibuoy-partnership/amp/
Stella Maris in NautiBuoy partnership
INFLATABLE PLATFORMS: Stella Maris Yachting has been appointed as a re-seller of the recently introduced NautiBuoy range of inflatable platforms. Boating Business – News
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dbdet-blog · 7 years
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had a few people out on the boat last weekend 🤣 ... thanks for the great pics @alexboge! ✨ #sparklemagic #nautibuoy #lakestclair #clicketyclack #raftoff2017 (at Muscamoot Bay)
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dbdet-blog · 7 years
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#nautibuoy ✨ we in there, like swimwear, from Italy 💦 #keepitsplashy #seamen #lakestclair #muscamoot #ihatepants #sparklemagic #zerofucksgiven #psfuckyou (at Muscamoot Bay)
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dbdet-blog · 7 years
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ahoy! no excuse for bad #seamen aboard the #nautibuoy 💦 see you all soon! ... #sparklemagic ✨ #funinacup #lakestclair #muscamootbay #muscamoot #ihatepants #safetyisnoaccident (at Muscamoot Bay)
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