navnlark · 2 years
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The Convergence, 2022, Haven SMP
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imdedinsidex-x · 3 years
Some Haven art!
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@knife-moth-mc @navndyin @saturn-rabbits
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diamondjackdaw · 3 years
i am curious about haven for the ask game
I’ve had this finished in my drafts for far too long dsfhsfgjhfgjf rip
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) - impossible to pick just one, but c!Moth and c!Gawain have been living in my head rent-free lately
scrunkly (my “baby,” character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) - is that what skrunkly means? in my mind skrunkly is more "my beloved drowned ferret who has every disease," who is of course c!Jackdaw, but on the terminally endearing end of the spectrum I'd have to go with Whimsy, who is impossibly sweet and also a carnivorous polar bear with giant butterfly wings
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) - everyone on Haven deserves more appreciation imo, but special shoutout to c!Navn and c!Angel for having some Good Freaking Lore; everyone should go follow navndyin and angelhunnybunn on Twitch right now this is not a request
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) - the guy who sold me 4 barrels of tuna in DMs (33:10 of this video; please enjoy me dying of laughter as I relay the tale to Gawain)
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) - I mean, Rat is very literally Haven's poor little meow meow, but in the more metaphysical sense I would also nominate Sleep for this category, both for his moral ambiguity and his devastating social anxiety
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) - c!Oz but only because I love them
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) - K, because he hurt c!Moth and that is a crime
Moth - @knife-moth-mc
Gawain - @gawaininred
Navn - @navndyin
Angel - @saturn-rabbits
Jay (c!Rat) - @shieldcats
Sleep - @deepestsleep-streams
Oz - @osiliy
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420technoblazeit · 3 years
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Socials below!
@lightning-skys adayofaugust - twitch adayofaugust - youtube
@saturn-rabbits angelhunnybunn - twitch
@stars-and-branches Astarrys - twitch
@420technoblazeit Asterlsks - twitch Asterlsks - youtube AdAsterlsks - twitter
Beanie_BirdLive - twitch beanie_bird - twitter beanie_birrd - tiktok
@diamondjackdaw diamondjackdaw - twitch DiamondJackDaw - youtube
exist_maybe - twitch exist maybe - youtube
@fireyalex FireyAlex - twitch FireyAlex - youtube
@fizzanno Fizzanno - twitch
@corvidfeathers gawaininred - twitch
@kriber itskriber - twitch
@knife-moth-mc knife_moth - twitch knife_moth_mc - twitter Knife_Moth - youtube
Madkiska - twitch MadKiska - youtube madkiska - twitter
@navndyin NavnDyin - twitch NavnDyin - youtube
@osiliy Osiliy - twitch osiliyy - twitter
rennnnybugg - twitch rennnnybugg - twitter
@swordcats shieldcats - twitch
@i-am-the-sad stranger_gamer_danger - twitch
@deepestsleep-streams thedeepestsleep - twitch Deep Sleep - youtube
TheSuperestNova - twitch NovaSuperest - twitter
@whimsyobear WhimsyOBear - twitch whimsy_o_bear - twitter
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More Haven characters! This time (from right to left) is Navyn, Gawain, Renn, Aster, and Whimsy
(@s and closeups and stuff under the cut)
@gawaininred @420technoblazeit @whimsyobear​ @navndyin​
Taglist: (if you want to be on the taglist or taken off the taglist just lmk): @arya-skywalker @diamondjackdaw @justmeandmygayships  @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo   @writerwithtoomanyships @soap-allergy
kofi | instagram
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stars-and-branches · 3 years
Heyo I have two streams planned for this weekend - both at 1pm pst!!!
Saturday - I’m doing some lore with @navndyin and will be subject to. So much one sided pestering please send help.
Sunday - I’m recapping the Haven SMP lore so far on mspaint! This will be the worst recap ever so I will reblog with @knife-moth-mc ‘s recap when they finish it. 
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whimsyobear · 2 years
I will be doing Wingsy Haven SMP lore today at 7:30 pm EST with @navndyin!!!🦋
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navnlark · 3 years
/haven smp rp
thinking about haven smp. thinking about august and their lighthouse. thinking about their actions in the wake of navn giving them gunpowder and threatening them. thinking about the cracks in their friendship with oz, and the lengths people will go when they feel they're running out of options.
disclaimer: i have no idea where cc!august plans to take c!august's storyline, and i also am not completely caught up on lore, because uh. Life yk. so don't take any of this as any sort of gospel truth! this is simply the brain going brrrrrrr.
so, august is in-between a bit of a rock and a hard place right now. except that rock is a bedrock fountain and the hard place is the void and oh god oh no they've jumped into the void again. but basically, they've been recruited as a bit of a spy by navn, but they're also being threatened by navn, because the latter wants to keep this on the down low. additionally,navn validated them by believing them about the evil hacker man, but navn's not exactly sharing any of their own theories or plans at the moment, so they're kind of limited in trying to explore that avenue further unless they want to go and track down the being that broke into their lighthouse and threatened them with tnt. which uh. personally i would not want to do! i am not going to lie personally i would avoid doing that.
but august meets navn, and august gets a gunpowder gift and then gets their home threatened. this leads to august making tnt, as they want some boom boom blocks, and that's where things start getting really interesting. why?
because the first thing august talks about blowing up is their own lighthouse.
in their stream with gawain, august admits that they are attached to people and buildings, that they know this. navn threatening the lighthouse is an actual good threat because of that, and we've seen that august isn't willing to test and see whether or not it's bluffing— one of the things navn told august not to reveal is that navn gave august the gunpowder, and sure enough, when haven's four found the gunpowder farm, august lied and said it was their own gunpowder farm. august didn't have to do that— they could've said they have no idea who's gunpowder farm it is and that they just stole from the chests, they could've said that it wasn't theirs and that they got their gunpowder just from fighting creepers (although that excuse would be a lot more sus #augustalwaysdies)— but they didn't. instead, august lied to their oldest friends on the server, and covered fully for navn, because they don't want to give navn any kind of excuse to blow up their lighthouse, because they have a feeling navn would be thrilled to be given an excuse for destruction.
(it would be. thrilled, that is, to blow up the lighthouse. navn's biggest complaint about the server is how boring it is— an excuse to break out the tnt would be very welcome. of course, we'll never know whether or not navn would've counted august doing something else in that situation as a betrayal, but... using caution when dealing with the trigger-happy hostile mob who's threatening you is probably a good idea no matter the situation.)
but if august wants the lighthouse intact, why were they so eager to blow the lighthouse to kingdom come themselves during the most recent haven's four stream?
because the thing is, august was eager to do that. that's pretty indisputable. they brought it up multiple times during the stream, they pushed for it even after oz first said no— if oz had caved for even a second, if oz had given august the affirmative, there's no doubt in my mind that the lighthouse would be a smoking crater right now. but why would august want to do this if they're so desperately also trying to not give navn a reason to do the exact same thing? why would august not want navn to touch it, yet still be willing to destroy it themselves?
i think it's because of trust. friendship. care.
if august destroys it, they're out from underneath navn's thumb. if august destroys it for oz, they prove to oz that they do value their friendship, they prove that they don't want to hurt them and that they're willing to destroy the things they care about because they care about oz more. and— and maybe then oz will realize that august is not damned, maybe oz will see that the void isn't hurting them, isn't changing them, and everything can be okay again. (that last bit is a pipe dream, august knows that but—they find themselves hoping anyway. everything seemed to spiral out of control so quickly— maybe this can be the catalyst for things to change in a better way?)
so, why won't they do it without oz's permission? if it has that many positives, why hasn't august done it yet?
personally, i think it's because oz is already upset about august doing something for oz without checking to make sure that oz actually wanted it to happen, so august needs oz's approval here, needs confirmation that it is actually the correct thing to do. this won't fix anything if oz gets upset about this too, so august needs oz to be okay with it. personally, i think it's because august doesn't actually want to destroy their lighthouse, will be heartbroken to do so, so they need oz to tell them they want it to happen. they need oz to confirm that it will help so they can suck it up and tell themselves that they're doing it for their friend's well being, and that that's more important than their own connection to it.
and of course, of course, the kicker here is that oz will never give them that. the kicker here is that oz genuinely cares for august, and knows that august cares for the lighthouse, and would never ever dream of asking them for that. would never ever dream of telling august do that for them.
so the lighthouse keeps standing, and oz stays oblivious, and august remains stuck.
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navnlark · 2 years
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haven’s scrunkles are legally allowed to commit crimes, trust me i would know this, i’m their lawyer (lie)
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navnlark · 2 years
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despite popular (...c!Navn’s) opinion, sometimes Actions Do Have Consequences. Here they come.
(Haven SMP lore with Amber this Monday at 5:00pm EST at twitch.tv/NavnDyin!)
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navnlark · 3 years
8:00pm EST, Tonight
I’m joining the Ryft SMP with a new character and a new pngtuber model!
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navnlark · 3 years
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first haven smp lore stream in THREE HOURS!!!! tune in to twitch.tv/NavnDyin to watch it live ;)
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navnlark · 3 years
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some c!navn screenshots for @imdedinsidex-x !!! local vex is ready to cause problems and eat pumpkin pie, and it’s all out of pumpkin pie
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diamondjackdaw · 3 years
Streaming lore with @stars-and-branches and @navndyin today at 2:30 EST!
Gonna be investigating the mysterious wall behind Stars' house, using a very strategic plan to ensure minimal casualties.
(...Navn counts as a minimal casualty, right?)
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diamondjackdaw · 3 years
We’re live! Haven SMP lore time with @stars-and-branches and @navndyin!
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navnlark · 3 years
The first 30ish seconds of my Haven SMP lore stream, ft. @whimsyobear!!! Watch this stream live in about four hours, at 5pm EST on Sunday, January 16th at twitch.tv/NavnDyin!
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