#nazli ertugul
carlavillanueva · 2 years
Location: A Spooktacular Soiree
Characters: Carla Villanueva & Nazli Ertugul ( @nazlixertugul​​ )
It had been months now, but coming across Nazli never got any less awkward than it first was when she moved to town. In Carla’s mind, she viewed the woman as a replacement of her favorite person and even if the other was not at fault, it didn’t make things easier. Yet she wasn’t surprised to see her here considering this was the Halloween event to be at. “Hey,” she greeted her awkwardly when the two came face to face at the bar, the interaction being completely inevitable. “Megara huh? My favorite femme fatale. I like it. You look great, Nazli.”
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providencepeakrp · 2 years
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Daisy Ines
Nazli Ertugul
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lorelai-tseng · 2 years
character: Nazli Ertuğul @nazlixertugul​
location: Lorelai & Nazli’s house; Summit Lake
“Bloody dumpling.” Lorelai cursed as she found her patience starting to waiver as she cooked. She was trying to recipe test a few dishes that she wanted to be placed on the menu for fall, but if she couldn’t get the folds and creases correct, she was going to have to call her gung gung and it was far too late for her to be doing that. She supposed she could ask her cousin who was only a few hours ahead, but she was most likely working. Hearing footsteps she knew it could really only be one person. “Hello, I’m making dinner, yes I know, is hell freezing over? But before you go on a tangent, I would really be happy if you could fix my apron strings because I’ve got filling all over my fingers and I don’t want to get it all over my dress.” 
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verdadurmaz · 2 years
location: the sweet spot
character: @nazlixertugul​
Yara Durmaz left little to be desired when it came to appreciation. She could be overwhelming in ways that Verda hadn’t appreciated it until a year ago, but others seemed to welcome it. “Just a fair warning, she’s... a lot. A good kind of a lot, but she’s definitely going to assume that you’re just absolutely starving and that you’ve never had a bite to eat before. Which means I hope you’re hungry.” That’s how she’d treated Sophia both times she’d visited and seeing as Nazli was curious to learn more about the bakery the older Durmaz ran in Detroit, Ver could only assume that it’d be worse in the best ways possible. “And don’t be surprised if she tries to bring you home. She’s always inviting one of my best friends over for dinner at my place whenever she visits. She’s big on family.”
With a click of a tongue, Ver checked her phone. Five minutes out. “I tried picking her up from the airport, but she insisted that she could handle it herself. I even told her we could do this after she’s settled in, but she was too excited to meet you.”
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tysingh · 2 years
location; the fair! tagged; @nazlixertugul​
Even though she’d been having fun at the fair, it wouldn’t be a day in Tyler’s life if she didn’t find something to get angry about. She’d been minding her own business eating some popcorn when one of the guys running a booth called out at her. It was a stupid thing where they swore they could guess your weight just by looking at you. Tyler shrugged and tossed a dollar at the game, her brows furrowing with frustration when the man guessed absolutely on the money. “How do you know what I fucking weigh?” she asked with a frown, taking a step in towards him. Obviously he was in some way cheating or, worse, had hacked into her personal information somehow. That felt more likely to Tyler, whose mistrust of all things electronic was now clearly being proven. Her fists curled together, knuckles turning white as she got more frustrated. The man had backed a step or two away, stumbling back and into Nazli. A saving grace for both the man and Tyler, perhaps. “Naz, this fucker knows what I weigh, he cheated me out of a dollar. Or he stole my information from the internet cloud. Where are the police?” 
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jaykartal · 2 years
spring extravaganza — closed starter for nazli ertuğul. ( @nazlixertugul​ ) location — the jagged yard, saturday !
Somewhere into his third beer Jay realized that his friends had more of less ditched him— he wouldn’t hold it against them, really but it was a little embarrassing to be pressed against the bar alone when so many people were clearly coupled up and having a great time. Not that he wasn’t having fun by himself but it was the principle of the thing, wasn’t it? It wasn’t the coolest move to ditch your friends in the middle of a night out but his friends, he mused, had the collective self-control of a peanut or something and he’d always been the most collected of the group. He sighed against the mouth of the bottle in his hand and took a step towards the exit, only to bump into someone far more roughly than he’d intended. “Shit, sorry! It’s crowded in here but I’m usually not such a disaster just trying to get through a room,” the apology was quick and his smile that much quicker, the beer he’d had enough to make him loose and not quite so tense and anxious as seemed to be his general state of being. “I didn’t spill anything on you, right? If I did the next one’s on me-- to make up for it.”
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theaxharris · 2 years
Character: Nazli Ertugul @nazlixertugul
Location: Coyote Ugly Night; the Jagged Yard- Spring Extravaganza
Was it wise for Thea to be confronting Bash’s baby mama while drunk at an event that she knew a lot of people were at? Absolutely not. But she was annoyed with the audacity of this woman just to make her way back here and stay and not even acknowledge her child. “Well if it isn’t the infamous Nazli Ertugul.” Thea said as she strolled up to her. Was she looking for a fight at the moment to distract her from other things that had happened tonight? Maybe. But also she couldn’t believe that someone would move back to where they had abandoned their child and then came back and thought they wouldn’t still be here. “You have some nerve.”
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samnawaz · 2 years
closed starter for nazli ertuğul ! ( @nazlixertugul​ ) location ; sam’s apartment, university heights !
“Quitting my job outright is insane, right?” Sam asked quietly from her position curled up on her most comfortable, albeit slightly shabby, armchair-- glancing up at Nazli as if the woman would have every answer she could possibly need. The archaeologist sighed, taking a slow sip of the tea in one hand and scratching behind Kenyon’s ears affectionately-- the large cat purring contentedly from his place on her lap. “I’ve been planning this project for almost a year and we’re so close to getting the funding and I’m just... tired. I don’t wanna be locked in an office for the rest of my life-- researchin’ things I never get to find myself.” It was something she’d been wrestling with since Kat had mentioned what she was doing, work wise-- and it had inspired a somber streak in the Australian that was generally unfamiliar given how exuberant she tended to be. “It’s not like I’m hurting for the money, either-- Mum would help if I asked and Allah knows she has more money than she knows what to do with,” She sighed, her head lolling to one side as she looked at Nazli with a pleading expression. “Someone take my adult card away-- I don’t want it anymore, Naz.”
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providencepeakrp · 3 years
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Character Name: Nazli Ertuğul .
Type of Connection: Her Three Co-Creators/Owners/Partners of the Silk Road Restaurant.
Connection Name: UTP.
Connection Age: 32-42.
Suggested FCs: 1) Trevante Rhodes, Dewanda Wise, LaKeith Stanfield, Amber Riley, UTP ; 2) Gemma Chan, Avan Jogia, Chantal Thuy, Henry Golding, UTP ; 3) Aiysha Hart, Mena Massoud, Yasmine Sabri, Marwan Kenzari, UTP ; Ask me if you want anymore options! It’s important to me that these characters are MENA, Mediterranean, Asian, and African descent due to the creation of the restaurant being because they wanted to create a restaurant inspired by and honouring their respective cultures, wanting to share these recipes with more people.
Nazli and these three would’ve met on a trip ten years ago and all connected over their love of food and cultures. All of them having diverse backgrounds, they came up with this idea of a fusion restaurant that would serve food from the MENA, Mediterranean, Asian, and African regions. The name is inspired by the historic Silk Road, the routes stretched from China through India, Asia Minor, up throughout Mesopotamia, to Egypt, the African continent, Greece, Rome, and Britain. I imagine these four being best friends and that they all potentially share a house together out in Summit Lake. Whether or not any of them also have any families or are roomies with Nazli is up to you!
Do you need to be contacted before someone applies? Yes please!
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verdadurmaz · 2 years
location: the sweet spot
character: @nazlixertugul​
Eager but trying to keep her excitement at bay, Verda had invited her potential business partner to her bakery near closing hours. It had been less of a formal invite and more of a friendly offer for the other to take if she wanted. To her surprise, she heard the chime of the front door alert her of someone’s arrival and a wildly beating heart, she rounded the corner from the back and smiled when she realized that Nazli had actually accepted. “I hope you’re okay with things being a little more quiet tonight. I already sent the rest of my employees home because it was slow going and I was hoping to keep the distractions to a minimum. I know I don’t need to sell you on anything, but I want to earn my spot. I appreciate Avery’s high praise, but I want to know you feel the same.”
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verdadurmaz · 2 years
location: fun fair, bighorn hills
character: @nazlixertugul​​​​​​
With her mother’s trip quickly coming to an end, Verda hadn’t passed up an opportunity of the woman seeing the fun fair. She remembered all the fun they’d had in her youth at the pop up carnivals within walking distance of the bakery. While lost in that nostalgia, her mother had taken it upon herself to dive head first into the sea of people. Leave it to Yara Durmaz to feel at home anywhere she went. In an attempt at fitting in herself, she wandered around until she spotted a familiar face. “Nazila,” she greeted, her smile widening. “I don’t know if you’ve seen my mother around here somewhere, but we were supposed to walk through together and she decided to go her own way. I’m sure she’s fine though. She’s never met a stranger a day in her life. How are you? She’s been talking about you and your business nonstop, by the way. I think she’s a little obsessed.”
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tysingh · 2 years
location; mayor’s booth  tagged; @nazlixertugul​
It didn’t seem to matter how much money Tyler made with her career, there were still some habits from her years growing up with nothing that stuck with her. When she’d stumbled into the mayor’s booth and bought her five raffle tickets, there was an absolute certainty in her mind that she needed to win the free stuff. Which, for Tyler, meant finding a way to rig the raffle. Spotting Nazli nearby, Tyler had pulled the woman aside, her gaze looking conspiratorially over at the booth. “I need to put more tickets in that stupid box. I want to win,” Tyler huffed out, nodding rather obviously towards the booth. “They only let me buy five, but I can just…steal some extras. I need a distraction.”
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verdadurmaz · 2 years
location: the jade palace
character: @nazlixertugul​
"Hey, I’m going to have to call you back. Yeah, it was nice. Look, I love you and I’ll talk to you soon, I promise.” With that, she ended the call with her mother, the woman all too eager to get an update on how life was going for her only child. “Sorry about that. She just likes to check in at the worst of times, I’ve learned. Was there anything you were wanting to try out today? If you ask me, I’d say one of everything is worth it,” she teased, a smile wide on her mouth. “This place is amazing, isn’t it? Avery wasn’t lying when she said this would be a good business opportunity. It’s a shame I didn’t take her up on it sooner.”
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carlavillanueva · 2 years
Location: The Jade Palace, Spring Extravaganza’s Brunch your way around the city
Characters: Carla Villanueva & Nazli Ertugul ( @nazlixertugul​​​ )
Carla had purposely been avoiding the place like the plague since Avery had left Providence Peak. It wasn’t a place she had frequented much, always too expensive and too high-class for her, but now she would avoid even getting close to it if she could. Yet here she was, being forced out of the house by a friend and dragged along to brunch even if she was still nursing a hangover from hell thanks to the coyote night. She found a spot in the warm sunlight, black coffee in hand as she slowly sipped away at it, trying to hide from the world with her largest sunglasses. It was then that she spotted the woman who had replaced Avery. She harbored no ill-feelings for her, but she definitely wanted to avoid talking to anyone that was closely related to the woman she loved. So she pretended that she had not seen the other woman, hoping and praying that Avery had not mentioned Carla’s existence to her cousin.
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providencepeakrp · 2 years
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The results of Summit Lake’s Annual Kayak Race are in! The city would like to thank all those who participated in the event and are already looking forward to seeing everyone back next year.
Coming in First Place and winning the grand prize of two brand new kayaks, two life vests, two paddles, and a year’s launching license is: NAZLI ERTUGUL!  Coming in Second Place and winning the prize of a $275 gift card to Take It Outdoors is VERDA DURMAZ! And coming in Third Place and winning a 50% off coupon on a purchase of $200 or greater at Take It Outdoors is NATHAN CRANE!
Take It Outdoors would like to remind everyone to stay healthy and get outside and enjoy the weather this spring - and for all of your outdoor rental and sporting equipment needs, come on down to their storefront in Summit Lake!
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providencepeakrp · 2 years
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The following characters have 24 hours to resume activity or risk being unfollowed:
theo bailey ( 3 interactions )
nazli ertugul ( 1 interaction )
dom baccari ( 1 interaction )
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