dougwalker14th · 29 days
I highly recommend fetch, because you can just enter receipts and get points that becomes money back. They also added a way you can play some select games for points as well. Those points can be turned into gift cards, every 1,000 is a dollar. Me, family and friends have used it for years and have gotten many a gift card; it's very helpful especially when you're pinching pennies to get some money back to help towards stuff. And if you're doing good on money than a little something for a treat, in game skins, or anything like that. So if anyone who sees this tries it out, if they can enter my friend code so I can get referral points it'd help a lot. 😅😀❤️ My referral code is CGDAE. ❤️
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dougwalker14th · 29 days
Dbd is just so rough to play lately. Constant tunneling, camping, and slugging. I can only play a handful of games before I rage quit, and in those games not like I can really touch gens most the time. I mainly play overwatch lately instead or watch stuff. Now overwatch makes me upset too don't get me wrong but nowhere near as much as dbd. Was excited for the castlevania dlc characters but oof it's just hard to stomach dbd, can only do so in small quantities. But for both games I wish I could afford more skins. 😭😩😫🥲💔 Especially the big pack of skins in the overwatch shop now that they brought back, but hot darn I don't have $70 to drop on them.
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dougwalker14th · 4 months
Why is it that whenever a new dlc comes out everyone but a couple are complete sweat lords?! Like I get so excited for new characters and a map in dbd and the fun of it all is ruined by all these super sweats. D: :/ It's a game but these killers act like they'll die without a 4k and tunneling/proxy camping and it's not fun.
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dougwalker14th · 6 months
To YT_PantlessMyers, though I know they won't see it, you were ruuuude man! My friend wanted to be tombstoned, even flipping stood and waved for it and you purposely lunge and hook them?! Wth?! Rude as heck! We love tombstone Mikey cause he's so rare, and to do that was uncalled for! 😡🤬
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dougwalker14th · 6 months
Why can't killers respect glyphs anymore? 😭 Like darn man you can down and hook me but let me get my glyph first, green glyphs are hard enough already to find and get. 😭💔 They didn't even need it either, they were just sweating for moris so I was petty and killed myself on my 2nd hook, can't have my glyph than you don't get a mori. 🤷‍♀️
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dougwalker14th · 6 months
I'm tired of teammates who screw me and my duo over and get away with it because the killer is too busy being a prick to us!! Like screw the killer and our randoms because hot damn!! I see videos of the killer returning what's due to the person who screws other people over but nah that hardly ever happens to us! Just ugh, too busy being sweaty assholes to have a heart or do what's right or have any fun, like this game pisses me off way more than I have fun in it anymore! :/ D<
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dougwalker14th · 6 months
MAN, just most killers obviously have no heart and compassion. Get teammates who give up and they still play like they're sweating their balls off for the 4k. It's like perhaps that's why teammates are giving up,I occasionally do it too, killers just can't have fun and they ALWAYS need 4ks. I get pissed when my teammates give up but I can kinda understand but I don't understand the need for the killers to play as sweaty try hard dicks. :/ I preferred this game more 2 years ago when killers weren't as sweaty all the time for 4ks, because now killers always want 4ks and can't do funny stuff. Like it's a game, just chill out and calm down.
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dougwalker14th · 7 months
I thought I made friends with this unknown, we played snack bar and watched the cinema. After everyone died they faked giving me hatch and than faked giving me the door only to than hook me. 😭💔 Like screw you man, most of the other killers are all being dicks it wouldn't have hurt you to let me go. Just hecking betrayed me! 😭💔
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dougwalker14th · 7 months
As stated prior, every killer needs their 4ks EVERY game. Like can you guys chill? After playing the new survivor and killer along with the new event,I'm gonna take a break for a little after because this game is driving me up a wall. I keep coming back but hot darn, it's way less fun than when I started. I just want the killers who can have fun back, not these sweaty try hards I've been getting every match pretty much. Had a handful of funny killers lately but they're soooooo rare to get.
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dougwalker14th · 7 months
If killers are just gonna camp, tunnel and sweat their balls off for 4ks than idk man. Dbd is gonna die at this rate because people over here acting like its a everyone for themselves game and they'll lose their life if they don't get a 4k. But most the community acting like this unfun and toxic gameplay is okay is what's making it continue and to be okay. Been playing 2 years and the longer I keep playing the worse all the other players are getting.
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dougwalker14th · 7 months
I get real tired of using head on and I hit my buttons before the killer grabs to open it but somehow it doesn't work and I get grabbed instead! Pisses me off! Idk, maybe it's the huntress cheating or the servers but I'm sick of it! DX<
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dougwalker14th · 7 months
Idk who shat in everyone's cheerios today but hotdarn!! All killers are DICKS today, like massive ones with no heart, slugging and/or killing everyone at 5 gens!! Than lousy teammates too some matches, today just sucks ass. :/ A lot of killers act like we're bots and have no hearts or feelings and a lot of teammates act like Dbd is an everyone for themselves game and not a team game. I honestly don't know sometimes why I keep playing it, the new content and outfits aren't worth it most the time but here I am. 😭💔
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dougwalker14th · 10 months
Honestly beside 1 game, the event today isn't any better, either terrible teammates or every killer is sweating their balls off. Like hot damn, every single one of you has a stick up your cheeks, coal in your stocking and you're a GRINCH! Like none of them know how to have fun, and I'm getting SOOOOO sick of it!! It's a GAME but every killer acting like their lives depend on 4ks! Apparently no one can have fun in dbd anymore. :/
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dougwalker14th · 10 months
Sooooo fun, first day on for the dbd event and everyone has been sweaty pricks. :/ I honestly am getting so tired of this game, most the killers and teammates I get are dicks and take the game so seriously and constantly sandbag. Like I can barely stomach this game at this point, 3 games in for the dbd event and I dc'd and switched games to dreamlight valley. People ruin that game and I'm getting so sick of it. Thank god for the dreamlight dlc, I'll gladly rather play that instead. I'll just have to slowly somehow get the event done at some point though later. 😕
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dougwalker14th · 10 months
I thought with chucky coming out there'd be some funny haha killers with personality, but no they're all sweaty pricks with sticks up their cheeks. :/ D: This game is mainly filled with sweats, and it makes it soooo unfun. :/ Like how most people play now and with the ability to escape becoming very slim now it's just hardcore making me wanna stop playing the game. D: I'm addicted to this game still but it's becoming so hard to stomach the game at this point.
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dougwalker14th · 10 months
I love putting up BP offerings because someone's name is asking for us to and I'm being nice, just for me not far into game to be camped at 4 gens and left to die on my first hook by my teammates! Screw the killer and screw them! I would like BP too, I didn't get to do ANYTHING!! I got camped right off the bat but just far enough it won't fill my bar up and my teammates were pansies! 🤬😡 Not bringing BP offerings again and forget helping my teammates, I didn't get to touch a gen or anything that match!
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dougwalker14th · 11 months
Idk what crawled up most everyone's ass but almost all the killers have been extra dick-ish lately and it's making this event SOOOO unfun. :/ Like with how bad everyone's gotten and so little personality, it just makes me debate uninstalling this game. I wish I wasn't so addicted to this game because this game sends me over the edge mentally and emotionally daily. If you just double hook and do event stuff you can get a buttload of points on killer, but no they wanna be extra sweaty and need all the points and survivors get NONE. :/
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