#nct wish yushi
wonbuni · 22 days
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     ꈍ   𓎠𓎠   pity party   ꔫ  @j2sngs
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sunshyni · 1 month
gênero. fluff
tokuno yushi × fem!reader
wc. 1.4k
n/a. posso ser sincera? não gostei de nada que eu escrevi aqui, mas eu queria muito responder esse pedido desde que a mah (@nayuswifee) me enviou (inclusive mah tá um pouco diferente do que você me pediu, mas espero que você goste mesmo eu não tendo curtido kkkkkk se tiver minimamente bom eu já tô feliz 🙏). eu sinto que o yushi é um tanto quanto atentado, do tipo atentado no sigilo, sabe??? então eu tentei transmitir isso na escrita kkkkkk e no mais é isso!!!
Boa leitura, docinhos!!! ⭐
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2 . my love is young and it's strong
Você ainda se recordava de observar Yushi num uniforme da banda marcial em algum evento organizado pela escola de vocês, a imagem dele tocando um trompete com maestria enquanto você contava os minutos para aquela aula acabar, observando-o pelo vidro da porta, continuava viva na sua memória. Não poderia se esquecer de todas as vezes que Yushi esperava com expectativa o professor deixar a sala para te puxar para dentro do cômodo instantes depois.
Ele costumava ter a fama de bom moço, representante da sala e sempre o primeiro aluno quando se tratava de notas, mas ele gostava de te bagunçar um bocado sempre que tinha a chance.
Além de um ótimo musicista, Yushi gostava de cantar, foi por isso que ele resolveu se declarar num karaokê que o pessoal da escola tinha o hábito de frequentar, num dia específico em que vocês dois inventaram de matar aula e Yushi fez questão de mudar as letras das canções de forma proposital para dizer que estava perdidamente apaixonado.
As coisas continuaram dessa mesma forma por alguns meses, com Yushi te levando para a sala dos professores escondido só para te mostrar o grande arsenal de chocolates de um professor chocólatra e para te beijar também, certo, o chocolate era apenas um pretexto para deixar seus lábios inchados e vermelhinhos. Tudo estava absolutamente perfeito, até as provas finais chegarem e Yushi te dizer de que tinha passado para a universidade de Oxford, na Inglaterra; sem mesmo ter comentado sobre ter se inscrito para lá.
Você decidiu de que seria melhor terminar para que ambos não tivessem que ficar “presos um ao outro”, mas isso era só uma desculpa sua, já que queria um motivo concreto para parar de pensar nele, virar a página, qualquer coisa, e se Yushi não fosse mais o seu namorado, talvez isso ajudaria, você não iria sofrer todos os dias querendo vê-lo, tudo certo. E mesmo Yushi achando todo o seu diálogo uma bobagem, ele aceitou sua decisão, apareceu na sua casa de manhãzinha, antes de embarcar no seu vôo, e te beijou docemente, desaparecendo no carro dos pais logo a seguir.
Agora, haviam se passado dois anos desde então, era o seu aniversário de 20 anos e por coincidência, o encontro anual dos seus colegas do ensino médio foi marcado no mesmo dia, por isso todos ao redor da mesa do restaurante despojado que você havia encontrado, estavam com chapeuzinhos de aniversário de cores vibrantes na cabeça.
— O Yushi acabou de pousar, acho que ele só vai deixar as bagagens na casa dos pais e daqui uns 40 minutos ele chega — Riku disse sem pensar nas consequências e você engasgou com uma batata frita. Todos fizeram questão de olhar para Riku com uma expressão que dizia claramente “Você é tapado?” — Eu só chamei ele, como fiz no ano passado. Como que eu ia saber que ele ia aceitar o convite e não dar furo que nem na outra vez? Quer dizer, ele tá morando na Inglaterra agora.
— Você podia ter tido a decência de me avisar, Riku — Você admitiu ao passo que Sion se juntava a mesa com uma nova porção de batatas em mãos.
— E aí você não viria. Qual é a graça? — A graça é que você estaria se prevenindo de uma situação embaraçosa, se você já se esquivava de Yushi nas redes sociais e em conversas que o envolviam, direta ou indiretamente, imagine como seria pessoalmente, será que seu corpo entraria em estado de alerta e seu cérebro involuntariamente movesse seus músculos para debaixo da mesa? Ninguém sabia ao certo como responder.
Você se tornou monossilábica depois disso, uma amiga ao seu lado não parava de contar sobre a vaga de emprego que conseguira numa multinacional, mas tudo que você conseguia pensar era em Yushi, será que seu visual continuava o mesmo? Ele estava mais maduro? Seu inglês adquiriu algum sotaque britânico? E a pior curiosidade de todas: será que ele estava de rolo com alguma britânica misteriosa e sensual?
Você balançou a cabeça para todas essas indagações e direcionou o olhar para a entrada do restaurante como se já soubesse que ele estava por alí, parecia até que a temperatura do lugar havia mudado, a mesa de vocês estava bem longe da cozinha, mas você conseguia sentir as bochechas esquentarem como se estivesse com o rosto próximo dos fornos. Sinceramente, ele parecia mais alto, o cabelo mais cumprido, mas o estilo descolado ainda continuava presente considerando a escolha do moletom da universidade de Oxford como a peça principal do seu visual. Yushi se acomodou bem na cadeira livre do seu lado, a cadeira em que a garota da multinacional estava sentada, mas que se tornou desocupada assim que ela se levantou para dar um pulinho no banheiro.
— E como andam as coisas, senhor advogado britânico? — Yushi sorriu para o amigo Riku que empurrou uma cestinha de nachos para Yushi, que aceitou o alimento sem pestanejar. Você permaneceu imóvel ao lado dele, vendo-o mergulhar metade da tortilha na guacamole e torcendo para que ele não percebesse que você estava observando-o feito uma maluca, embora essa fosse a verdade.
— Suportáveis. Estudar direito é legal, mas eu 'tava é com saudade de vocês — Ele confessou e virou o rosto bonito na sua direção, tocando na sua bochecha e acariciando a pele sem vergonha alguma, como se vocês nunca tivessem terminado e continuassem íntimos daquela forma — Senti sua falta também.
Mesmo que você parecesse ridícula aos olhos dele, com aquele chapeuzinho que mal cabia na sua cabeça e a expressão abobalhada, seu coração disparou com a confissão como se vocês tivessem regressado alguns anos, quando seu interior facilmente se abalava com uma fala sussurrada e um beijo roubado antes do início da aula.
Você vem que tentou dispensar o convite de ir até o karaokê mais próximos relembrar os velhos tempos quando Sion sugeriu, insatisfeito com apenas aquele momento que tiveram conversando e gargalhando no restaurante com direito a muitos acompanhamentos e os drinks mais malucos do cardápio. No entanto, quando deu por si, lá estava você, sentada no meio do sofá extenso da sala de karaokê enquanto o tempo que pagaram por passava na tela juntamente com a letra de uma canção que Yushi tinha escolhido para cantar.
Alguns colegas cochilavam de cansaço no estofado, outros foram procurar por glicose no balcão do karaokê para terminar bem a noite, então quando Yushi chegou nos últimos acordes da música em questão, a única pessoa que pode testemunhar os cem pontos foi você no fundo da sala. Reconhecer que foi exatamente com aquela música em questão que ele se declarou para você anos antes fez seus olhos se encherem de lágrimas e você desejar que as coisas não tivessem terminado daquele jeito.
— Feliz aniversário — Yushi desejou, erguendo um isqueiro que tinha tirado do bolso do moletom canguru, por algum motivo, ele costumava dizer que era devido a sua experiência de escoteiro, Yushi sempre tinha consigo as coisas mais inusitadas como o presente isqueiro fofo de um dos personagens de Hello Kitty. Você sorriu, gostando de mirar seus olhos sob a luz da pequena fonte de calor e no momento que você fez o movimento de assoprar a vela improvisada, Yushi fechou o objeto, selando os lábios nos seus de repente. O que fez com que você desse um pulinho do sofá pega completamente desprevenida.
— Você tá tão fofa com essas bochechas rosadinhas, não consegui resistir — Yushi sorriu, puxando as suas pernas para o colo dele com a maior naturalidade do mundo e fazendo as suas maçãs do rosto se aquecerem um bocado mais, se isso era possível.
— Eu não consigo mais. Não consigo mais te ver online em alguma rede social e não poder te dizer que tô com saudade e que não vejo a hora de te encher de beijos — Ele disse enquanto acariciava suas pernas cobertas por uma meia-calça, ele tocou seu queixo suavemente, fixando seus olhares — Você me entende, né? Também se sente assim?
Você assentiu com o olhar, contemplando quando um sorriso esplêndido se fez presente nos lábios dele.
— Acha que consegue lidar com um relacionamento à distância?
Yushi não demorou nem um milésimo para te responder de prontidão:
— Eu só não consigo ser só o seu amigo.
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kpop-locks · 1 month
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ yushi ; simple ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @exolyxions
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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hwchaey · 2 months
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𔘓 𝓛 ִִֶָ 𝗒𝗎𝗌𝗁𝗂 : simple ✿
ㅤ ⊹ㅤ 𓈒 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𖹭 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀⠀ ۫ ꒱
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minimultiestfandoms · 15 days
˜”*°• *.* ˜”*°• ! nct wish masterlist ! •°*”˜ *.* •°*”˜
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| Headcanons |
NCT WISH As Boyfriends (solo headcanons)
Sion | Riku | Yushi | Jaehee | Ryo | Sakuya
Nothing Yet!
| Reactions |
Nothing Yet!
| Fake Texts |
boyfriend text with nct wish!
| Drabbles |
Nothing Yet!
| Series |
Nothing Yet!
| Timestamps |
Nothing Yet!
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awesomeyukaillust · 1 month
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nanazluvs · 23 days
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Jaehee being the cutie patootie ever in the back while Yushi & Sakuya have an lgbt moment
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boasource · 2 months
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240304 BoA posted the message NCT WISH Yushi wrote for her:
TRANS: To: BoA-sunbaenim (noona) This is the Korean version of our album. How is our picture? It came out well, right? Always be healthy! Please continue to take care of us, we will continue to work hard as a group.
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alfaire · 2 months
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⸜( ྀི。 ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝  愛・おぼえていますか ⭐️ ⠲ ⢤
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p-oisn · 1 month
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𝜗𝜚  The  One  Exists  In  My  Memories  🍓  (՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞)
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hakkkuu · 3 months
What kinks do you think nct wish legal line would have? And who would be more of a dom/sub/switch/neither?
Sion - size kink, discipline (punishment), role play
•he's definitely a dom🙇🏻‍♀️ i LOVE how he's such a sweet talker but it's just his way how to get you in bed with him..you would be all shy around him while he's secretly fucking you with his flirty eyes..his hands always on your waist and pulling you closer so you can feel his hard cock 😞 hes giving me jealous type vibes so he will be ready to punish you in bed and he will NOT apologize later🥱 fucking you until you cry and begging him to slow down, taking you from the back as hes holding your face down and ass up and thrusting in your mouth until he will shoot his load down your throat ruining your makeup..sweet boyfriend
Yushi - breeding, blindfolding, erotic asphyxiation (I need him to choke me)
•born to be sub😸 he would give dominant vibes in front of other people as he's always having some mean comments and jokes on you but once you get in bed he's obsessed with you being the "mean" one..blindfolded yushi having you sitting on his lap and ride him like a horse with your hands on his neck ughhh😩 he's 100% whiny and he likes when you jerk him off painfully until he cums so much and then you suck on his sensitive tip so he can cry out your name..when he's on top of you, you kind of "force" him to cum inside you and continue thrusting in you😁 he acts like he's not into it but he loves the sticky feeling on his dick when he's covered in a cum
Riku - handcuffs, spanking, DOMINANCE
•he's mostly dom BUT when he's really needy ESPECIALLY in the morning he loves being sub..so basically kind of switch? honestly he's really simple (and hot😕)..put your hands behind your back, handcuffed, ass up, face down and the only thing you can do is take it and scream..in return you will get the best sex of your life🤷🏻‍♀️ he knows how to fuck and how to use his dick, and he knows how to hit your sweet spot..your face buried in the pillow screaming because the pleasure is too much to handle, your legs shaking but hes not stopping anytime soon..spanking you and massaging your clit ughh🥴 when he wakes up with morning hood the only thing he want you to do is give him a mind blowing blow job and play with his balls..holding your face down so he can thrust in your face and paint your face with his load
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haeczen · 1 month
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nct wish layouts ⭐🌷🐿
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sunshyni · 3 months
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Eu sinto q eu ainda vou perder meus cabelos por causa dele.
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eusion · 16 days
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪nct wish hyung line as ur college bf ⌒☆
word count ⌒☆ 858
pairing ⌒☆ nct wish hyung line x reader
note ⌒☆ ive done it... save me
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sion ⌒☆
walks with u to ur every class even if his own class is across campus
attends every club formal event with u bcus he cant let ppl see u without him!!! esp if ur dressed all pretty
despite wanting to be around u all of the time he will give u more than enough time to urself or w ur own friends
hes jumping into dance circles at parties but will periodically check in on u to see if ur doing ok
"did u eat yet" "ok did u wna go get food"
never gets jealous or competitive when he sees other guys flirting with u. hes v confident n trusts u 1000%!!
hes just better and he knows it
gets shy often so pda doesnt come easily
so when he holds ur hand while walking through campus u feel really giddy
doesnt let u eat in the dining hall bcus he thinks the food sucks so he tries n brings u lunch everyday
always there to lend support or advice whenever u need it
otherwise hes quietly cheering u on w the biggest smile on his face
he takes care of u a lot but u always make sure to return the favor!
he needs a lot of reassurance too so u always take time out of ur day to tell him how much u appreciate him
cup his cheeks n give him a kiss!!!!! he will smile so big...
hes v studious n never puts off his work
his good work ethic rubbed off on u but even during study sessions u both cant help but get even a Little distracted
laughs at all of ur jokes n ur not sure if its bcus ur funny or bcus he wants to make u feel better
riku ⌒☆
will do anything to take the same core classes as u so he can have a partner
if someone tries to take u as a partner first he will whine n cry until the other person gives in
designated study buddy even though u two get distracted 100% of the time
when ur rlly stressed from exams count on riku to be there to give u comfort n lots of hugs
whenever u get up for something as small as presenting or as big as mcing for ur club event, riku will always be there cheering the loudest for u
"THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" then covers his face in embarrassment
randomly calls u over zoom just for fun...
works at ur campus bakery n passes u free bread n pastries even after getting in trouble w his boss
also jumping in the dance circle n will take 5 min breaks in between to chug his water n fan himself
dragging u to every campus event..........
when u two have sleepovers ur sharing his twin bed
he will hog the blanket n steal ur plushies + the entire pillow
drunk riku is either spitting out nonsense or theres a constant string of i love u's
u two are learning tiktok dances in ur free time n saving them for ur drafts just to look back on later
always at ur apt/dorm? unannounced?
but ur roommates n housemates are used to it
plays volleyball for fun w his friends n u come to his lil games to cheer him on
yushi ⌒☆
takes pottery as an elective n every piece he makes he dedicates it to u
begs that u visit him at work with the widest eyes
gives u free drinks all the time even after getting caught n almost fired
lets u take as many silly pics of him bcus he knows ur gonna post it on main....
and gets super Happy when u post him
u two are regulars at his favorite stir fry restaurant! the owners love seeing u two together n will always add on the unofficial college couple discount
lives on campus so u two have lots of sleepovers together..
dormmates recognize ur shoes n always expect u to be there
always tagging along when u need to run errands! whether itd b for groceries or returning a shirt he will b there!!
ur always studying when hes around :((( < yushi
ur laptop on the coffee table n ur back against the couch as u sit on the floor..
sometimes he will come over n just lay his head on ur lap while scrolling thru his phone
matching accessories.. lil things like scarves, gloves, etc
has a cute selfie of u two as his lockscreen and an off guard of u walking along the pier as his homescreen
part of ur schools dance crew along w sion
u love watching his performances! u never get tired of watching him and bragging to everyone about how talented ur bf is
"and u didnt bring me flowers?"
matching merch for ur college... just showed up once day with two varsity jackets for u n him
is actually on the unis soccer team n is one of their best! #allrounder
u go to his games in his jerseys all the time just to see how big his smile gets on the field
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00127am · 2 months
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TAPE ONE. tokuno yushi & gn! reader RUN TIME. 1K words
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2OO4. 勇志
"you look pretty,"
the chatter of passing people from beneath your open window nearly consumes each syllable of his compliment, tone much too soft to be deciphered through the hustle and bustle of the city. a noise partnered with the all too familiar serenade of cicadas and the steady stop and go of traffic. the life all around you so loud that yushi, in all his gentle and tender words, is almost forgotten. washed away with the sudden strike of high tide, only to be resurrected by the lull in the surf and your significantly fine tuned hearing.
"yeah?" a question poised in the undertaking of an action as you pull your shirt from over your head, collar getting stuck on the angle of your chin. a problem solved as quickly as it had arisen with one harsh tug until the article of clothing is tossed absentmindedly onto the bed behind you.
he swallows softly, eyelashes fawning against his cheeks as his head tilts upon his shoulder. catlike eyes follow the curves of your naked spine, tracing over every muscle, every beauty mark, every imperfection and division. his answer is one made without thought, an immediate response that even he finds to be said much too instantaneously. "yeah,"
"thank you," you unbutton your jeans, shaking them off the bone of your hips with a few light steps and a yank at your beltloops. balancing on one foot as you slide them down your legs, kicking them off with a rightward snap of your ankle.
"have i ever told you that?"
you crouch down to one of your wardrobe drawers, sliding it open in a single, fluid motion. tongue caught in between your teeth as you sift through the clothing, fingertips slipping over the folded fabric once, twice, then three times over until you've successfully found the bottoms you've been searching for. "that i'm pretty?"
he nods, leaning against the doorframe as he watches you stand to your full height. a motion undertaken with little thought, one that he realizes you did not catch with the continued silence on your part. so instead, he offers you a hum of affirmation. one which stands out from the noise of your backdrop, a sound much too sweet too blend into anything else.
you pause, thinking for a moment before tugging on your pants. brows furrowed and nose scrunched as you button them, slender fingers dropping to the zipper. despite the thorough mundanity of the action, your red-haired counterpart gazes upon you as if you were dancing a pirouette la seconde. though, he supposes that he would watch paint dry if you were the one who had put it there. "i'm not sure,"
"well i do," he says, lips parted and tongue caught gently between them, expression tensed as if it were a matter of life or death, "think you're pretty, i mean,"
you laugh, eyes flicking upwards to meet his gaze. eyelashes upon eyebrows, the upwards curve of your lips obscured by the angle of your chin. your inflection is genuine, earnest. "so are you,"
despite the warmth which spreads throughout his chest at the register of your reply, your words are anything but. they're cool. refreshing and short-lived, like a breeze in the unrelenting gaze of the summer sun. one he wished would lay upon his skin for even a second longer, yearning for the chill which lays upon his spine and the sigh of relief which escapes his tongue.
swallowed in the heatwave of june, you're the only one who could make yushi freeze. and perhaps that's why his next words slip off his tongue with such ease, such an unconsciousness that he barely registers that he was the one who said them.
"i was in love with you last year,"
if you were at all startled by the sudden admission, you didn't show it. instead busying yourself with adorning your top chosen just a few moments prior. you're focused on straightening your shirt, attention unfocused on the boy in front of you. and for once, yushi's glad to not hold every ounce of your consideration. for if he did, if he was met by your gaze (the one which makes his heart drop to his knees) then he's positive he might explode.
your tone is nonchalant, an underlying hint of amusement evident in the ending intonation of your vowels. "really? did my failing grade in economics charm you?"
he shrugs, attempting to keep his tone every bit as casual as yours (it doesn't work, in fact, he sounds too much like a schoolboy with a crush for his replies to be considered anything but lovesick). "a bit,"
"glad it did something," you laugh, finally picking up your head to meet his gaze. a movement which encourages the sudden flight of a million and one butterflies, battering and banging against the walls of his stomach and sending his cheeks burning a shade of red most akin to his hair. "but now?"
yushi clears his throat, a last ditch effort for any sliver of composure (one which reaps no rewards). "what about now?"
arching your brow, you shoot him a incredulous look. as if what you were referring too was all but obvious (it was, but he's trying so desperately hard to wear an aloof facade despite the feeling of it unraveling with each and every glance in your direction). "you said last year. was in love. past tense,"
your words are spoken with a hint of haughtiness, a puffed up pride which sits upon your head like a golden crown. as if you had just gotten him to admit something you already knew and won the cat-and-mouse game which the two of you have been rattling between for the last year and a half. something that for all intents and purposes, you had. a trend which he was all but reluctant to continue. an unwillingness that lasts for just a fraction of a second. he huffs, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms in a show of faux annoyance. "i'm not giving you the satisfaction of using present tense,"
"but you would use it?"
"yeah," like the initial confession, the answer comes easy. slipping down from upon the tip of his tongue as smooth as honey. pooling in the roar of your heartbeat and resting upon the crimson blush of his cheeks. yushi's words are spoken with such an ease, such a natural lilt as if they are the only things in the world which he was ever meant to attest. "i would,"
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return to the vhs collection
🧾 © 00127AM 2024
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neocatharsis · 3 months
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NCT WISH for Dazed Korea Digital Cover
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