iraacundus · 4 years
make a wish
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resonance series one:
investmentbanker!xiaojun x reader
genre: fluff, smut, tiny weeny angst words: 5.4k warnings: swearing, explicit sexual content, mentions of drug use
investment banking was a high stakes game, even for the interns. you and him were in constant competition, living the high life, stressed out of your minds, unwilling to let the other know that. “i could do this all day”.
He looked so smug as your supervisor named him intern of the week for the fourth week running. Once again you were just a few thousand won behind him. You could have beaten him… you just suffered an unlucky loss seconds before closing.
You typed furiously into your computer, nonsensical words appearing one by one in your spreadsheet. If you looked like you were working, you figured he would be less like to disturb you with his gloating.
Yet your bad luck seemed to be continuing as you were so focused on your angry typing, you didn’t notice Xiaojun standing behind you causing you to jump slightly when you heard his voice whisper in your ear,
“It must be hard always losing to me, but if it makes you feel better, no one ever does beat me, at anything,” he boasted.
You swivelled your chair round to face his grin. You wanted to strangle him with that stupid striped tie he wore. You stared into his eyes refusing to drop his gaze, that would be admitting some sort of strange defeat and you couldn’t face to losses in one day.
Xiaojun backed down first by deciding to wink at you, a glimmer of chaos in his eyes.
“Do you get off on being a dick?” you asked him, hastily closing the nonsensical spreadsheet even though you were very sure he had already seen it.
“It’s just friendly competition,” he said with a grin and you rolled your eyes at him. The competition was anything but friendly, it was far too much like bloodthirsty roman gladiatorial games to be considered as such. Every person for themselves.
That’s why you always pushed back your attraction to Xiaojun and replaced it with shallow hate. The only time you would sleep with Xiaojun would be to use it against him, to win. Yet that standpoint was so hard to keep when the breath of his whispered fanned your neck.
“Better luck next time babe.”
You didn’t want to kiss him, you reminded yourself, you wanted to throw him down a flight of stairs.
“Fuck you,” you replied, turning back to your computer, ignoring how you missed the warmth of him standing by you as he walked away, ignoring the irony of your statement.
He had totally interrupted your focus, you wanted to get back to work but instead, you couldn’t help but keep glancing over to look at him. He had aimed to throw you off and he had achieved that goal.
What would be anywhere else be seen as casual flirtation, in this world was a dangerous game.
You pinched yourself slightly under the table, forcing yourself to focus on the stock market and not Xiaojun’s stupid face.
You had so much work to finish before the drinks party that evening, especially now you had come second place again. You had spreadsheets to prepare, articles to read and a plan to set out for the following week. All you wanted to do after completing that was sleep but schmoozing with the higher ups, the investors, the CEOs, it was all part of the job.
You loved your job to a certain extent, the thrill, the high stakes, the money to be made. You hated your job to a certain extent because it made you stressed out of your mind.
One wrong move and you could lose the company ten million dollars in ten seconds. That kind of mistake would put a mark on your name forever and all you had worked would be for nothing.
So, when Xiaojun was winning, his face may have been good looking, but all you wanted to do was smack it.
That evening was the fourth party in as many days and you were tired, you weren’t sure that even the expensive layers of concealer you were wearing could cover that fact.
The lights of the club were bright through the darkness as you smiled at older men, damning sexism that this was the easiest way for you to gain favour. You drank one cocktail after the next, hoping it would dull the sensations of the world, just for a few hours, just so the stress of the job would go away and only the thrills would remain.
You shook the hands of some executives in the VIP section, conversing perfectly about market changes and ideas despite the fact you could barely stand. If investment banking didn’t work out, you were pretty sure you could become a professional actor.
It was half-past midnight when you noticed Xiaojun staring at you. He was sitting alone on a sofa in the VIP section, arm draped lazily over the back of it as he sipped some expensive liquor. His eyes were dilated, and you couldn’t tell whether he was attracted to you or had just taken far too many drugs.
You weren’t sure what possessed you to stumble over to where he was sitting, and half sit, half fall down next to him. Talking to Xiaojun presented no value your job, it wasn’t going to get you a promotion or a favour.
“Are you okay?” he asked, he gaze fixed on yours. You rolled your eyes. You were ninety-percent sure he was looking for you to admit any sign of weakness he could use to take you down; you were his strongest competition after all.
“I’m fucking peachy,” you replied, taking another sip of your drink, the world around you just a blurry collection of lights.
In fairness your aggression towards him was unwarranted, it wasn’t his fault you had a bad week, but you were drunk, and he was easy to project your emotions onto.
Xiaojun sat forward slightly, leaning towards you, his face not close enough yet for to discern his intentions due to your drunken state.
“You seem like you could use some water,” he said, pushing a glass towards you. With this action you could just make out his face through the blurring and the lights, it wasn’t as smug as usual, yet you refused to believe he didn’t have an ulterior motive.
You ignored the water, childishly. Instead you sat back, far enough away to frame his face through your fingers,
“Why are you so perfect?” you asked him out of nowhere but perhaps out of jealously and curiosity. Xiaojun stared at you for a second but never answered your question.
“Just drink the water, y/n, you have to work this weekend to catch up with me, I don’t want my greatest rival to be taken out of the race by a hangover.”
You frowned slightly but took the water and sipped, the cool taste pleasant against your dry throat.
“And for the record, I’m far from perfect,” he added.
You did still make it to work the next morning but with a hangover indeed. You felt like you had been runover by ten buses as you teetered into the lift in your high heeled shoes and tailored dress.
Not everyone worked weekends, just interns with something to prove, the stock market wasn’t open on weekends, so you just did grunt work, hoping to please some executive and climb one rung up the ladder to hell.
You sat down at your desk and began to run the numbers, pushing your headache out of mind. You were so focused you didn’t see who had left some extra strength paracetamol on your desk, but took it anyway, grateful to dull the sensation.
This was your reality, no matter how you felt, you still had to give your top level of performance. Your ability to do this was almost the sole reason for your success to that point.
Every so often, when you stopped to drink water or check the time, you noticed Xiaojun glancing at you. It was both flattering and unnerving, you couldn’t decide which.
His eyes were a deep brown, mesmerising – distracting. He was throwing you off and deep down you hoped that throwing you off wasn’t the reason he was staring.
The next week for the first time in a month you won intern of the week. Xiaojun was no longer smug, on the intern ranking he had dropped to seven. You didn’t see him glance at you that week, you didn’t see him smile.
Xiaojun had never been below five up to that point, he had tainted his record far more than you had ever tainted yours with just one really miscalculated risk.
Winning had spurred you on to work late, to continue what you had achieved. You worked after the market closed on until 2am and when you finished Xiaojun was still there, his eyes bloodshot, his fingers typing away.
He was chewing his lip anxiously as he backspaced about fifty-times, beginning to look slightly unhinged.
You had seen Xiaojun like this before, everyone in the company had weeks like this, but for the first time seeing in him this state somewhat upset you.
You didn’t know why it upset you, Xiaojun wasn’t your friend. Maybe, despite everything you hated that he endured the same struggle you did, perhaps because you fully understood how awful the pressure could be. It was the true embodiment of “you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy”.
The next night you woke up at your desk at four in the morning after drifting off. The keyboard had imprinted into your face and the lights in the office were off. The only light still illuminating the office was one computer, even the night cleaner was long gone. Yet Xiaojun was still there, typing away.
You chucked your shoes off onto the floor, sighing at the comfort of it, before wandering over to his desk, settling down into the chair next to him and spinning to face him.
“You will make yourself sick, you know,” you told him.
Xiaojun looked up in surprise, he hadn’t noticed you sit down. Despite his somnolence he still managed a witty reply,
“From staying up late or the drugs I take to do it?” he said, making a joke but not joking, dangerously nonchalant about the gravity of his remark. You didn’t know what to say back, there wasn’t a lot you could say.
“I don’t want my greatest rival to be taken out of the race by hospitalisation,” you finally decided on, copying his own words.
Hearing this, Xiaojun’s faced curved slightly into what was almost a smile and he stopped typing.
“I’m afraid we face mutual destruction, neither one of us will stop until we win,” he said, his eyes searching your face, his eyebrows contorting into an expression you couldn’t fully understand.  
“Maybe we shouldn’t be so competitive,” you joked, but your face wasn’t smiling. Your face was tired and grey, yet Xiaojun still looked beautiful, his eyes shining in the computer light, even if they were fucked up and red, “sometimes I’m not sure what we are competing for,” you told him.
“We both love the competition though, you can’t deny that, if there was nothing to compete for, we wouldn’t work as hard. We compete for the thrill and the money; we both know that.”
“Maybe you could finish work before the early hours if you stopped staring at me all day,” you pointed out, changing the subject slightly. Xiaojun grinned but his face tinged slightly red.
“So, you caught that? I have to have some bright points in my day, the rush of success and looking at you.”
You laughed softly, pushing him and his chair away slightly and taking control of his computer. You saved his document and logged off.
“Go home Xiaojun, I would prefer if you survived, and for that you need sleep. I can’t win if your dead.” This time it was your turn to joke and yet not be joking.
You stood up together to leave the building, Xiaojun muttering something about this being a tactic for you to be the weeks winner. He didn’t notice that when you were walking along the empty street with him in the cold air, you, for one short moment, really didn’t care if he beat you or not.
That when you got to the subway station that ran all night and parted to get on trains in opposite directions, it took everything in your body not to kiss him.
Xiaojun won that following week and you wanted to throw him out a tenth-floor window. But when you saw his smug smile and his eyes a normal colour, you didn’t quite hate him as much. You would settle for throwing him out a third-floor window.
It wasn’t all bad either, not just because Xiaojun had moved away from the knife edge but because you made a record trade. You through your arms in the air and shrieked with happiness.
Everyone in the office looked at you, some clapped, others glared. Xiaojun settled for a soft smile and a text of congratulations – you never knew he had your number.
Both of you were celebrating at the office ‘party’ that night. Schmoozing CEO’s was off your mind for one night only. You thought you had made enough of an impression that week.
You did more shots than you could remember and hit the dance floor. Numerous guys tried to hit on you, but you weren’t interested. Only one man played on your mind and you wanted him out of there.
You drank more to forget him, but you couldn’t ignore him when he was standing in front of you, face flushed red with alcohol and a stupid grin on his face.
“I don’t know what is sexier, your intelligence or your ass,” he said, coming to dance next to you.
You hit his shoulder lightly,
“Oh, you’re such a gentleman, Xiaojun,” you replied sarcastically.
“I stopped taking drugs these last few weeks,” he continued, slipping his arms around your waist as he continued to dance, “you’ve become my natural high.”
You thought he was making a joke, some vague attempt at a pickup line. Yet even though he was smiling, you saw a sense of earnest in his eyes.
“I hope that’s true,” you said, “about the drugs at least.”
“I think I would do about anything to make you happy at this point… except losing to you,” he whispered back, his lips dangerously close you yours.
“As they say in our business, how about you put your money where your mouth is?”
His hand pushed your hair behind your ear gently,
“And just what do you mean by that?” he enquired. Yet before you could reply his arms released from around your waist and he grabbed your hand, leading you off the dance floor and towards the bar.
“A cosmopolitan for the lovely lady and a whiskey for me please,” you heard Xiaojun ask the bartender.
Xiaojun pulled out a barstool for you and sat down on the one next to it.
“We always sit in private rooms, how about a change, mix with everyone else for once,” he said smiling.
“At least there are no creepy CEO’s here,” you conceded, “how did you know my favourite drink?”
“I know you better than you think… and I’m accustomed to taking calculated risks, I seem cooler if I guess right than if I have to ask you, but if I guess wrong, I just wasted some money. Yet I figured money spent on you couldn’t be a waste.”
You decided that he was definitely hitting on you and while you hadn’t expected it, you equally weren’t surprised. You and Xiaojun were close by investment banking competitor standards.
“Why have you decided to start flirting with me?” you asked in a drunk moment of directness.
“Liquid confidence mixed with the fact you’re very beautiful.”
The bartender placed the drink down in front of you and you took a sip as Xiaojun handed him a 50,000 won note,
“Keep the change,” he added, nodding at the waiter before picking up his drink and turning back to face you.
He said something but the music in the club was so loud you couldn’t hear him.
You leaned in and talked somewhat loudly,
“It’s loud in here, I didn’t hear what you said sorry,” you told him.
“I really wish I didn’t have to compete against you,” he said, leaning in to close the distance, his whisky touched breath fanning your face.
“Because you think you’re going to lose?” you joked. Xiaojun shook his head, placing his whisky back down on the bar.
“Because I really don’t want to have to take you down to win.”
In that moment you really just wanted him to kiss you… but he never seemed to make the move. Once he had stopped talking, he leaned away again and sipped his whiskey, something which confused you.
You really thought he had been flirting with you but now you had doubts, what if he only had a friendly concern for your welfare.
You drank your cocktail contemplating this, analysing what he did, trying to calculate which side of the equation his brain was on. He was as unpredictable as the stock market, yet unlike with work, here you didn’t know what to guess.
Even if he was flirting there was the chance that he didn’t actually have an interest with you, but instead he was trying to emotionally fuck with you.
You downed your drink and placed it down on the side. Xiaojun looked like he was thinking himself. You couldn’t guess his emotions, but unlike with work you reckoned you could figure it out.
“It’s nice to talk to you for once, outside of the work setting, well… almost,” you said, casually placing your hand on his thigh as you leaned in. That was your plan. Judge his reaction but Xiaojun just smirked. While you decided that probably got rid of the friendly concern option and confirmed his - romantic intent – it didn’t solve the question of how noble his intentions were.
“You could make a wish, y/n, I would give you anything you wanted,” he whispered, this time his lips physically brushing his ear.
“Except winning the internship competition,” you confirmed.
You laughed without humour. It was like a wall between the both of you.
“Not that I would ever ask you to give that up,” you added, “wishes are for genies and birthdays anyway.”
“Well, I’m not a genie but you could always make a birthday wish.”
“My birthday is in five months, so a bit of a wait. Another drink though, that I can make happen now… What do you want?” you asked him.
“I can buy you one,” he protested. You rolled your eyes.
“Gender equality Xiaojun, I can buy a guy a drink.”
“Then I will except anything you give me,” he relented.
“A sex on the beach and a whiskey please,” you said to the bartender. It was slightly dark, but you almost thought you could see Xiaojun blush slightly when you mentioned sex, even just in the context of a drink.
Then again, it could have just been the whiskey.
You only got halfway through that next drink before you realised simple conversation and suggestive gestures wouldn’t be able to discern what you wished to know.
You didn’t know whether to give up or give in.
“I think I should go home,” you said standing up. Xiaojun’s face fell slightly before he managed to put his smile back in place.
“I’ll call you a cab,” he replied standing up next to you, it was lucky he did as the first step you took almost sent you to the ground. Xiaojun managed to get a hold of you and stop you from falling.
“Aha thank you,” said, unable to stop yourself from grinning at him brightly. Xiaojun put his arm around your waist as you both walked along the side of the crowd dancing and out of the club.
The air outside was cold but Xiaojun was warm. He instinctively took off his jacket and placed it around your shoulders.
“You must have good intentions,” you mused, not realising you had thought aloud.
“Why would I not?” Xiaojun asked, looking slightly confused but unfazed.
“I’ve been trying to work out all night if you are genuinely into me or if this is all some part of a masterplan to take me down,” you answered, no idea why you were suddenly being so truthful.”
“This job really does fuck up one’s mentality,” Xiaojun said, looking ever so slightly forlorn.
“Maybe so… but I think you are a good guy Xiaojun, you have fooled me if you’re not. If this a lie, then I lost to you. I want to make my wish now,” you wrapped your arms around your waist.
“And what would your wish be?” he replied, his eyes gazing at yours. But you didn’t tell him your wish, you simply actualised it as you brought your lips to his.
The warm taste of whiskey against the cold was mesmerising. Now you both had your bloodshot eyes closed you almost seemed like you could be a normal couple.
Xiaojun pulled away slightly, his thumb pressed lightly on your lower lip.
“I just want to remember how beautiful you are,” he explained. You were speechless at the sight off him.
The taxi Xiaojun had called pulled up in front of you. Xiaojun let go of you so you could get in the taxi.
“Goodnight,” he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek, opening the door for you to get in.
“You can come too, back to my place I mean, if you want to, that is?” you propositioned, feeling oddly nervous, scared you weren’t quite on the same page. You shuffled over to the opposite side of the taxi so that he had the choice.
When he got in beside you and closed the door, you felt your heart begin to race slightly. Your heart leaping – literally. “322 Sinsa-Dong, Gangnam,” you said to the driver and the car started to move. Xiaojun moved his hand so his pinkie was touching yours across the seat between you and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“You’re really cute you know?” you said to him. Xiaojun made a sad face,
“Surely if you invited me back to your apartment you must think I’m attractive, sexy, enthralling…” he said, quietly enough only you could hear him.
“You are all of those things too, but you really are cute Xiaojun, especially when you wear your glasses at work and your face concentrates on something hard.”
“You watch me at work? I never caught you staring at me once and I stare at you pretty often so I thought I would have noticed.”
“Always got to keep an eye on the competition.”
“I never knew you liked me back, that’s why I always kept my feeling hidden until now… I didn’t want to complicate anything, life is already hard enough,” Xiaojun explained.
“I didn’t realise I liked you either, I was too focused on winning, but at some point, I started to realise, I didn’t like winning if it meant you lost… that’s caring about someone I suppose. The passion… we already had that, enemies or lovers, the passion always existed.”
The car ride wasn’t much longer and neither of you said much, you simply paid the taxi driver and got out of the taxi, holding Xiaojun’s hand instinctively when you led him up the staircase to your flat.
It wasn’t an instant thing. You both spent your lives making split second decisions. You knew how important every second was and that’s perhaps why you took it slow.
When Xiaojun came in you hung his jacket up and asked him if he wanted anything to eat, he politely declined.
You settled for watching Netflix together in a drunken haze, your head resting against his shoulder, his arm around your shoulder.
It wasn’t until the two actors kissed, an hour into the movie that you began to refocus on why Xiaojun really was here.
His arm around you, suddenly seemed different to just moments before. Xiaojun’s blush matched yours as you turned to face each other. Unable to ignore the building tension any longer.
Neither of you were exactly pros, you spent far too much of your time working. When you thought back you hadn’t had sex in over a year. Now, sitting so close to Xiaojun, you wondered how it was possible that you had managed that. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to,” Xiaojun began, “we can just continue watching TV and then go to bed, I can even go home if you want me too.”
Once again you didn’t respond with words but by kissing him. You sat up and moved so you were kneeling over his lap and leaned downwards, pushing him into your sofa cushions, until your lips met his.
His lips were slightly chapped from the cold, but you didn’t care, melting into his touch as his hands moved to grab your waist.
He sat up slightly to move closer to you, his hands pushing you down against his hips as he began to press kisses to your jaw and down your neck.
You jolted slightly with pleasure causing the friction between you to increase as your hands messed up his hair.
Beneath your thigh you could already feel Xiaojun starting to harden as your hips rolled back and forth against his.
“How comfortable is your bed?” Xiaojun asked, pressing his forehead against his, his breathing already affected.
You moved off him to stand up, grabbing his hand before you had time to miss his touch.
“You can be the judge,” you told him.
Xiaojun sat on the edge of your bed, taking the time to look at you as you tossed your dress to the floor, revealing your black lingerie.
“Did I tell you, you are beautiful,” he uttered, his gazed fixed on you, mesmerised.
You notice him readjust his trousers slightly, the bulge forming, starting to appear uncomfortable.
You walked over to stand between his legs as he pulled his shirt over his head.
“Would you like me to help?” you laughed slightly, getting down onto your knees in front of him.
“Are you sure?” he asked, “I can move so you can be more comfortable?” he offered. You shook your head and smiled.
“I assure you, I’m anything but uncomfortable,” you said, reaching to unbuckle his belt, before tossing it away as well. You unzipped his trousers carefully, Xiaojun sighed at the slight relief of pressure.
You pulled his jeans off his legs until he was just left in his boxers. You didn’t remove them immediately, you instead began to touch him through the underwear, causing Xiaojun to bite his lip slightly.
When the precum started to stain, you decided to put him out of his misery, pulling on his waistband until his cock sprung free.
For the first time you didn’t waste any time. You placed your hand carefully around his shaft as you ran your tongue over his tip slightly.
When you finally took him into your mouth it caused Xiaojun to elicit a moan so sweet you felt your core weaken.
Xiaojun’s leaned back as you started to move faster, the salty taste of his precum leaking into your mouth.
“Can you look at me?” he asked, “I want to look into your eyes as you suck me off.”
If that was his wish you were happy to oblige. You gazed up at him as his cock hit the back of your throat. Xiaojun let out a low moan.
“Your so fucking perfect,” he praised as he came, his cum leaking down your cheek as you tried to swallow it, “I’m sorry,” was all he said.
Once again you shook your head, wiping his cum from your face.
“Stop apologising Xiaojun, it’s making you cute again, not sexy,” you joked causing Xiaojun to chuckle.
Once you were on the bed next to him, he pushed you back into the cushions, propping himself over you.
He kissed down your neck and to your collar bone, reaching back to undo your bra clasp. It was his turn to toss your clothes away as he revealed your breasts, his eyes dilating.
He clasped your breast as he kissed you, pinching your nipple slightly causing you to cry out in pleasure.
“I think I am sexy now, am I not?” he said, not waiting for an answer as he continued down your body, kissing your chest, down to your stomach until finally be pressed a kiss at your waistband.
“Are you ready babe?” he asked you, his eyes soft but his grin devious. You nodded, slightly lost for words as Xiaojun moved your panties to the side, not bothering to remove them before he dragged one finger across your wet opening.
You moaned loudly as he slipped his finger in, quickly adding a second as he pumped in and out. It was the best thing you had felt in ages, but it just wasn’t enough, you knew what you wanted.
“Please can you just fuck me already?” you asked him. Xiaojun bit his lip again grinning.
“Your wish is my command baby,” he said, finally dragging your panties down and leaving them to the side. He was already hard again from the sight of you in front of him.
He placed his cock against your wet folds but before he could enter you had another wish,
“Can I ride you?” you asked him. Xiaojun smiled slightly, pressing a soft kiss against your lips.
“You can have anything you want y/n,” he said, sitting back so you could get up. You positioned yourself above him, his hands on your hips as you finally started to lower.
Xiaojun hissed softly as his length slowly entered you. You didn’t stop until you had taken all of him inside of you. You placed your arms around his neck and kissed him softly as you started to move, up and down him at a tortuous pace.
You didn’t want the moment to be over too quickly.
Xiaojun had other ideas, after a minute or so he started to push up into you, getting the message you speeded up, fucking him as quickly as you could.
“Fuck y/n,” Xiaojun cried out as he came closer to coming. You grinned slightly before moving off him completely. Xiaojun swore again at the loss,
“Are you punishing me for all the times I teased you?” he asked. You just chuckled.
“No, my legs are just tired, we can have sex whatever way you want to make up for it,” you said, stroking his hair lightly.
“On your hands and knees then babe,” he ordered, and you obliged.
Xiaojun began to fuck you again, but with him in control it much faster, much more needy. You whined his name as he fucked you relentlessly, his grip on your hips now strong enough to leave some sort of bruise.
“Please come in me,” you pleaded as you felt your high coming.
“So many demands baby,” Xiaojun remarked, tutting in mock dissatisfaction but really, he was happy that he was able to make you feel so good.
“Xiaojun!” You called out as you met your high, the feeling of your walls clenching around him causing, Xiaojun to cum too, just seconds later, filling you up until he pulled out.
You collapsed down on the bed beside each other, exhausted, glistening with sweat.
“You’re the best thing that job ever gave me,” Xiaojun said, pulling you in towards him, so your head laid on his chest.
“I think I would even lose the competition for you if you wanted,” he said, his finger tracing your cheekbone.
“I would never ask you to do that,” you replied, “also you really think I need you to lose, I can beat you Xiaojun, mark my words.”
“No chance,” he laughed, “Okay maybe some chance, but still, I will be the winner.”
You hit his chest lightly in jest.
“You’re overconfident.”
“No, I just know I’m already the winner, I have you as my girlfriend?” he half said, half asked with a raised eyebrow. You nodded in agreement.
“I have you as my girlfriend,” he confirmed to himself, “then my wish has come true.”
“You’re cute Xiaojun,” you smiled, kissing his nose, “and very sexy,” you added.
From then on, every time you needed to make a wish; you knew Xiaojun would grant it.
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