thediabeticsurvivor · 2 years
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November is Diabetes Awareness Month!
INCLUSIVE SIZING - XS to 4XL  New #insulin4all Unisex t-shirts
🎉 10% OFF Site-Wide use code OURMONTH at thediabeticsurvivor.com
10% of profits go to this campaign which is tackling the global crisis of lack of access to affordable insulin 💉🌎
Pic 📸 Thanks Reagan @hangup.and.hangout for this pic.
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crabcrabcrabmeat · 6 months
id pretend me going down a trivia rabbithole is rare but this isnt even the first time i've done so on the topic of pencils lol. shoutout to me like 7 months ago, checking out historical business records online to fact check wtf went down w german stationery industrialists and twiddling my feet in the air going "omg Mr Faber of Faber-Castell was named Kaspar....just like Char Aznable fr"
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cerastes · 6 months
Not to ask a personal question but what do you mean Nue was the domino that led to you breaking up with your ex
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Long story short and fast, my ex would habitually talk about all the characters she wanted to get bent over by and have her brains fucked out by, such as Ch/ar Gu/ndam and Mo/kou Touh/ou. This was all the opposite of a problem for me, I really don't mind that, but also, back then, I used to be very reserved about my own desires online, I would post anything resembling horny maybe twice a year if you can believe it, so I didn't really share on my side. One day, I had a very sexual dream involving N/ue because I do find her design really good and good looking, so I shared that thinking she'd be cool with it, as I'd been cool with everything she said on a daily basis like that, and the response I got was "yeah ok whatever but it was only a dream, right? Involuntary, you don't really feel that way, right?" which was really weird to me, but more than that, incredibly irksome because I thought that was really unfair.
Based on that experience, a seed of suspicion arose towards her in me, so I started being slightly more overt with these things, and it pissed her off every time I admitted attraction to anyone except her blatant self-insert character, 2/hu Kag/uya, which in turn started pissing me off because it was such a blatant double standard. It led to fights that ended up revealing to me her real character, which I did not love, and not for lack of trying, and eventually it led to the break up.
Of course, the break up wasn't just about which fictional characters we wanted to fuck or get fucked by, there were a lot of other things, too heavy to casually comment about here, but the first cracks that led to everything else did in fact show because I think Nu/e is attractive.
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spacedustpan · 4 months
Ngl I'm a little afeared that my G G*ndam shenanigans text posts might eventually be scraped and affect the Google AI search for Ky*ji or Chib*dee or M*ster As*a.
I want to keep my archive function on my blogs though so I need to keep it searchable. :(
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T1D Awareness Month Masterlist
for those who don't know me, hi, I'm Ellis, I have type one diabetes and an unhealthy relationship with characters with more trauma than they should reasonably have. I also write fanfiction. the result is this! I wrote for national diabetes awareness month (ndam), but haven't yet shared them with tumblr. this is a series, but I'm pretty sure you'd be fine reading any one of them on their too
Pins and Needles
Relationships: past Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler
Summary: Steve Harrington's earliest memory is of a hospital when he was four years old. Everything that happened later was in part the result.
Warnings: Steve Harrington has Bad Parents, hospitals
Pumps and Possibility
Relationships: Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington & Max Mayfield
Summary: Thirteen is a big year for a lot of boys. It’s your first year of being a teenager, your voice starts to change, you start to notice girls.
It became a real possibility that Steve could get an insulin pump when he was thirteen.
Warnings: Steve Harrington has Bad Parents
No More Sugarcoating
Relationships: Eleven Hopper & Steve Harrington
Summary: Maybe it was the concussion talking, but Steve had a headache. There were four children in his car, which he hadn’t started his day expecting.
At this point, he decided to just go with it. Nothing could truly shock him anymore.
Except for maybe the girl with superpowers.
Warnings: Low Blood Sugars
What Family Can Be
Relationships: Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson, Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, developing Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Summary: The first person Steve willingly told was Dustin.
His worst low blood sugar happened around someone he never expected to need to tell.
Ever since 1983, Steve had seemed to collect a family.
Warnings: Low Blood Sugars, implied Steve Harrington has Bad Parents
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vetemunedheti · 2 years
Sa tkom dasht, sa tkom dasht - malet e kan pa, malet e kan pa. Diten kur u ndam, o moj vash - qielli o ka qan, qelli o ka qan.
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cbmchannel · 8 months
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Mia Guisse - La coupe reviendra (Manko wuti waat ndam li) https://www.curteboamusica.info/2024/01/mia-guisse-la-coupe-reviendra-manko.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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wiwsport · 9 months
Rétro Sport Sénégalais 2023 – Les Inoubliables de l'année ! Après une année historique en 2022, ...
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baitibindja · 10 months
🔴[LIVE] SÉNÉGAL- JAPON / Coupe du monde U17 : le Sénégal perd gros face au Japon [0-2]. Après deux victoires en autant de matchs, synonyme de qualification pour les huitièmes de finale, le Sénégal a chuté face au Japon (0-2) au Si Jalak Harupat Stadium de Java (Indonésie) ce vendredi pour le compte de la dernière journée de groupes de la Coupe du Monde U17 2023. Méconnaissables, les Lionceaux ont perdu leur meilleur joueur Amara Diouf et leur gardien titulaire sur blessures. Coupe du monde U17 : le Sénégal perd gros face au Japon [0-2] Amara Diouf et Lionceaux au Mondial U17 réussissent leur entrée contre l’Argentine Leader avant ce match, le Sénégal avait besoin d’un match nul où une défaite et des circonstances avantageuses pour sécuriser sa première place. Malheureusement les joueurs de Serigne Saliou Dia se sont inclinés 2-0 face au Japon et dans l’autre match, l’Argentine s’est imposée 4-0 face à la Pologne. Déjà qualifié, Serigne Dia alignait une équipe légèrement remaniée. Félix Lima occupait l’axe droit de la charnière en lieu et place de Serigne Fallou Diouf, tandis que Saliou Faye remplaçait numériquement Yaya Diémé. qualification coupe du monde 2026 - liste complète des 23 Lions sénégal convoqués ��� A LIRE AUSSI Le Sénégal perd trois places dans les marchés financiers africains Comme lors de leurs précédentes sorties, les Lionceaux imposaient leur jeu dès l’entame. Saliou Faye plantait ainsi la première banderille après deux minutes de jeu, sans grand danger toutefois pour Wataru Goto (3e). Sauf que, pour une première fois dans la compétition, ils restaient muets devant le but. Ce n’était pourtant pas faute d’essayer. En effet, quelques minutes plus tard, Lima pressait sur la gâchette depuis l’extérieur de la surface, mais son croisé au ras du sol passait largement à côté du montant droit de Goto. 🔴[LIVE] SÉNÉGAL- JAPON / COUPE DU MONDE U-17 / ALLEZ LES LIONCEAUX NDAM REK🇸🇳 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmCxjWDKU5E Double coup dur pour le Sénégal Aliou-Cisse-Sadio-Mane-Coupe-du-Monde Peu en verve en attaque, le Sénégal n’était pas non plus rassuré en défense, alors qu’il voyait son gardien Serigne Diouf sortir sur blessure (remplacé par Macoura Mboup, 31e). Cerise sur le gâteau, son meilleur buteur Amara Diouf sortait au profit de Yaya Diémé après avoir ressenti une gêne(37e). Le nouveau rentrant faisait bonne impression en cadrant à droite près de la ligne de corner, mais Goto fermait parfaitement l’angle au premier poteau (40e). Au retour des vesitaires, Idrissa Gueye, fantomatique après son triplé contre la Pologne mardi, n’inquiétait pas non plus Goto, décidément sur toutes les trajectoires sénégalaises ce vendredi (46e). Clayton Diandy encore moins, bien qu’il y fût tout proche : Goto claquant in extremis sa frappe puissante de loin au-dessus (53e). https://twitter.com/GaindeYi/status/1725446606692995488 Il ne manquait plus qu’un but japonais pour complètement noircir le tableau, et celui-ci intervenait peu après l’heure de jeu par Rento Takaoka. Le nouveau rentrant s’élevait de son mètre 65 pour croiser parfaitement sa reprise de la tête au milieu de géants sénégalais, suite à un centre bien dosé de Shotaro Shibata (0-1, 62e). Le pensionnaire de Nissho Gakuen aurait pu s’offrir le doublé six minutes plus tard sur un copié-collé, seulement cette fois, il n’accrochait pas le cadre (68e). Ce n’était que partie remise. Car sur une énorme bourde du gardien, il subtilisait le cuir qu’il poussait dans le but vide (0-2, 72e). Coupe du monde U17 : le Sénégal perd gros face au Japon [0-2] La tentative d’Ibrahima Diallo fuyant le cadre au dernier instant (87e) ou encore le pointu de Pape Diongu enlevée par une manchette de Goto (89e) ne serviront que pour les statistiques. Conséquence, le Sénégal est relégué à la 2e place : l’Argentine lui volant la première place du groupe D après sa victoire 0-4 sur la Pologne. Les hommes de Serigne Dia hériteront d’un gros morceau en huitièmes, le 1er du groupe E, soit la France ou les Etats-Unis !
Le Sénégal perd face au Japon et chute à la 2e place du groupe / Coupe du monde U17 Coupe du Monde FIFA U17 Indonésie 2023 Argentine 1-2 Sénégal Avec ces deux résultats, les 3 équipes comptent tous 6 points, mais à la différence de buts, l’Argentine passe 1er, le Sénégal 2e e le Japon 3e. Toutefois, toutes les 3 équipes sont qualifiés pour le prochain tour, le Japon étant sur de faire partie des meilleurs 3e. Coupe du monde U17 : le Sénégal perd gros face au Japon [0-2] → A LIRE AUSSI Direct/Live – Mondial U17 : Suivez le choc Sénégal – Japon (vidéo) Sur le match, les Sénégalais ont été battus à cause d’un doublé de Takaoka. Serigne Diouf, gardien de but, et l’ailier et capitaine, Amara Diouf, se sont blessés durant la rencontre et ont été obligés de céder leur place. La compo du Sénégal U17 https://twitter.com/GaindeYi/status/1725426650949574827 → A LIRE AUSSI Entraînement du Sénégal : Que s’est-il passé avec Boulaye Dia, Pape Matar Sarr et Pathé Ciss ?
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mr-divabetic · 1 year
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Broadcast journalist Don Lemon's father's early death due to mismanaged diabetes has made him rethink his life goals after his abrupt departure from CNN.
Speaking to a group of reporters on the red carpet,  Don Lemon spoke about the challenges he has faced in his life, noting the tragic death of his sister in 2018 and losing his father young from diabetes. “Listen, I didn’t lose my job. I lost my sister. A job is something that is not as important as a person,” Lemon said. “I know what’s important in life.”
A few years earlier, he posted on Instagram, "Dad died of diabetes when I was a kid.Glad I can help @JDRF spread awareness for type 1 diabetes (T1D) during #NDAM. Will u spread the word?"
His late father, Wilmon Richardson, was an attorney remembered for being part of a lawsuit that successfully challenged the segregation of public transportation in the family's hometown of Baton Rouge.
Don was still a child when his father died due to mismanaged diabetes. Common diabetes health complications include heart disease, chronic kidney disease, nerve damage, and other problems with feet, oral health, vision, hearing, and mental health.
37.3 million people have diabetes (11.3% of the US population). Sadly, 8.5 million people with diabetes are undiagnosed. An estimated 96 million adults aged 18 years or older had prediabetes in 2019.
Don Lemon shared that his mother eventually married his late stepfather. He didn't specify his name.
With a new father figure, Lemon also recalled having a good relationship with his stepfather. There was no lack of love and connection in his family, too.
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mr-gentlemann · 2 years
Ca te boni prap ?
Mua ?! Asgje !
Ja beri vetes , mua asgje ! Un e kam fajin vet , fala nje person qe me tradhetoj ! Vetem sepse qau , me perqafon dhe me genjeu me fjale , fjale qe mua me mungonin ti degjoja nga ajo ! Mendova se do ishte ndryshe kete her !
Porrrrr jo , para 10 ditesh u ndam , dhe para disa ditesh te tjera dikush me tregoj se ajo kisht “shkuar” me te ! Ne fillim nuk e besova , pastaj po pyesja veten pse me shkruajti ky person anonim , dhe si kishte mundesi e njihte kaq mire ! Me pak fjal doli gjithcka e vertet ! Ajo tradhetoj , dhe para se ta merrja vesh un u largua vet !
Them se nuk me beri gje mua , sepse nuk beri dicka qe un te ndihesha kaq , ne fund te fundit kuptova qe thjesht un isha i dashuruar me nje person qe nuk ja vlente , me nje person qe jeton kot , nje person qe tradheton familjen e vet dhe jo mua ! Edhe pse une e quaja familje !
Mendoja qe e fala per ate qe ajo beri, por ne te vertet nuk e fala dot kurre dhe nuk i besoja dot me !
Dhe gjitha doli e vertet , ishte thjesht nje njeri me shume fytyra etj etj ! Nuk kam me dashuri per ate njeri , nese quhet kshu , por jam i zhgenjyer sesi nje person i till mund te bjeri aq poshte !
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any snz headcanons for k@mille?
happy to get a gu//ndam ask, but not sure if i'm comfortable answering this one given that he's a minor in his major appearances. i know he's an adult in the moon crisis AU manga but i haven't read that, sorry...
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Jeeba - Champion Lyrics
Jeeba – Champion Lyrics
Champion Lyrics by Jeeba Kone diot na Taay ma magg foutekou beurré daan God mayma Ndam dotouma trainée ioe Yennay diokhogn maay dagg am am bou sawaan bawaan Thiono adouna dotouma terrei nelow Bakoul reik maay guiss Champion nga fils Bakoul reik maay guiss Champion deug nga fils Mane beurrei na walahi beurrei na Mane beurrei na beurrei na beurrei douma danou Entraîné na entraîné na entraîné na…
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jamaica-song-lyrics · 2 years
Jeeba - Champion Lyrics
Jeeba – Champion Lyrics
Champion Lyrics by Jeeba Kone diot na Taay ma magg foutekou beurré daan God mayma Ndam dotouma trainée ioe Yennay diokhogn maay dagg am am bou sawaan bawaan Thiono adouna dotouma terrei nelow Bakoul reik maay guiss Champion nga fils Bakoul reik maay guiss Champion deug nga fils Mane beurrei na walahi beurrei na Mane beurrei na beurrei na beurrei douma danou Entraîné na entraîné na entraîné na…
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looybi · 2 years
Ndam Li Jahman Xpress Feat Bakhaw Dabrains & Kane Diallo
MUSIC: https://looybi.com/music/-ndam-li-jahman-xpress-feat-bakhaw-dabrains-kane-diallo-looybi-samedi-19-novembre-1668886618965?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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thusgalanthus · 2 years
Man... is it dumb that I've been on the verge for a couple days now but I spend one day over there vibing with friends and laying around with her watching gu ndam and other stuff and I feel so much better
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