#necro plays gnosia
necromancy-enthusiast · 5 months
I played what has probably been my dumbest loop in over 300 loops thus far in Gnosia. See I started as an engineer and when Chipie falsely claimed it I just... Had managed to forget? (it was like 2am and I was on half-auto pilot, ok?) So I could no longer claim it but I could still act as engineer, I just couldn't tell anyone because the way the game treats it is that you're technically proven to not be a certain role if you don't claim it when someone asks you to reveal yourself.
Anyway so yeah I knew Chipie was a fake, but. Ok listen I promise I usually pay more attention during this game, but I also forgot that for a bit and asked to collaborate with him, which he accepted. Then that night I investigated him and he was gnosia, but I couldn't tell anyone. Ok me forgetting to claim a role I actually had has happened a couple times before, I can still make this work.
I don't remember exactly what led to this next part but the 'definite human' command popped up and so I used it... On Chipie. And the game accepted it as correct.
'Wait he fake claimed a role AND he's gnosia, why is the game even letting me do this? Why am *I* doing this? I'm screwing myself over.' Anyway that's how I found the weird hidden event I've heard whispers of where you play the game in a way that breaks the whole premise of the rules. And I also got 0 exp when it ended like damn... I've never gotten nothing before. Guess that's a slap on the wrist for being a bit of an idiot in this incident. I glitched out the universe in a particularly unique and stupid way.
This is the result page I got at the end:
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We weren't doing so hot anyway, I guess. Oh well.
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necromancy-enthusiast · 5 months
'Sha-Ming is useless' he IS NOT (entirely), he's the only character in Gnosia who knows how to effectively play the guard role, everyone else fucks it up the vast majority of the time. There's this incredibly weird trend where characters are just so, so eager to announce themselves as the guard, often on the first or second day without even being prompted by anyone else. So many of them do this and it's especially annoying when I'm the other guard.
Pal. I invest in my stealth stat like a tech startup fuckboy investing in the latest iteration of the nft/crypto/ai art scams, if you give us away then I assure you the gnosia will not be going after me tonight. I will be perfectly safe and comfy in my bed while they blip you out of existence. Please think before you put a huge target on your back. If you were hoping to spread the heat evenly between us, that is almost certainly not going to happen.
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necromancy-enthusiast · 5 months
Do you think when Chipie found out about furries he assumed they all wanted to be regular animals instead of anthropomorphized animals or human-animal hybrids, so when he went online to look it up he was disappointed that most furries are in the anthropomorphized animal camp and he thinks they're the weird ones?
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necromancy-enthusiast · 11 months
Including a character in a single player werewolf/mafia game who often doesn't make it to the end of rounds because they're such a jerk that they either get voted out or get taken out by the enemy, so you stop taking them seriously until you're reminded that actually, they can be a huge threat if they manage to survive long enough and get people on their side sure was a decision the Gnosia devs made, huh.
I used to falsely claim roles a lot but I hardly do anymore because the one time Raqio definite enemy'd me was so infuriating. Like THIS LOSER (affectionate) CORNERED ME WHEN I THOUGHT I WAS DOING GREAT???
I've only been definite enemy'd twice, but the other time I made it until there was barely anyone left and they figured out it was me by process of elimination... Also because it was mostly Gina and Otome who were using 'definite human' and 'definite enemy' and you know, they're not jerks. So getting caught stung considerably less.
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necromancy-enthusiast · 5 months
It's my second-and-a-half playthrough of Gnosia, and it's once against devolved into an arms' race between Comet having the highest intuition in the game and not being afraid to be obnoxious about it and me dumping a majority of my skill points into stealth and performance in an attempt to keep her from constantly being on my case whenever I play as gnosia.
Hopefully soon she'll drop off and barely ever be a threat like she did in my last playthrough because *holy shit*, leave me alone already.
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Something interesting about playing Gnosia is how your relationship with other characters in terms of in game mechanics evolves. At first Comet was easily the most annoying for me to deal with since she was so good at detecting lies so if I acted a bit suspicious she was pretty quick to turn on me, but as I dumped more points into charisma, stealth, and intuition, she dropped off. She didn't give me problems as nearly as much later on, she was hardly ever a threat towards the end.
No, you know who started tripping me up towards the end of the game a lot? *Remnan*. He's often your detractor from the beginning, but at the start of the game he didn't really target me much, and if he tried he never got very far. Towards the end he started getting on my case a lot when I was gnosia, especially when there weren't a lot of people left so he didn't get talked over as much. A few times he almost single-handedly turned everyone against me, largely by being persistent since he doesn't exactly have a lot of charisma. It almost feels like he had a grudge against me for joking that I don't trust white haired anime boys right off the bat anymore. He was biding his time for revenge.
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I love the obfuscate skill in Gnosia, it's just this:
Character A: I think Character B is gnosia!
Character B: Huh, how very interesting... Hey, did you guys know that according to all known laws of aviation-
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Whoops, I played Gnosia until I maxed out my level and all my stats. Anyway play Gnosia, holy shit it's so good.
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New best feeling while playing Gnosia: Getting accused of being gnosia by someone who falsely claimed the engineer role and revealing that I was on guard duty, thus can't possibly be gnosia, AND PROVING WITHOUT A DOUBT THAT THE ONE WHO ACCUSED ME OF BEING GNOSIA IS A DIRTY FILTHY LIAR (hi Jonas this is about you :) )
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necromancy-enthusiast · 5 months
One of the best parts of Gnosia is how arbitrarily you can destroy entire timelines and universes. Just being a bug and surviving to the end gets the universe destroyed. Towards the end of my first playthrough my finger slipped while I was configuring the loop settings and I accidentally met up with Setsu in the no gnosia timeline before I got all the information updates about everyone, and just that was enough to destroy that universe. Whoopsie. Oh well, there are an infinite amount of them anyway, who cares.
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necromancy-enthusiast · 5 months
I'm exactly one event short of filling up the silver key in Gnosia and getting to fully finish the game for the second time and the one thing between that and me is Remnan. I keep having to grind for the exact same event only for it to start but then the loop ends before I can finish it and it takes like three in-game days.
That's one of the very few pitfalls of this game, when you don't have a fucking clue what to do or you DO know what to do but you're at the mercy of the rng and have nothing else to do but wait around for it to cooperate, it can get brutally tiresome and boring, which is *kinda* the point, and it would be hard to work around this from a game design perspective, but still. Remnan. For fuck's sake, kid. Work with me here.
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necromancy-enthusiast · 5 months
It's incredibly interesting writing when you have a character like Sha-Ming from Gnosia who is ever so occasionally genuinely likeable or at least somewhat sympathetic despite how off-putting he usually is, and at the same time when he gets murdered at the beginning of a loop by Setsu (which has a 1% change of occuring in every loop where he's present) you're just like 'yeah no I totally get it pal, that's fair'.
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