calvariae · 4 years
@necronomiikon​ // sylvia + mithra 
Potential grave digging to gardening in her spare time- Sylvia felt like watching someone put a different mask on and off every time you blinked. Plants like this didn’t grown in the snow up north, but he knew enough from traveling around that these were just for show. If they could be used as part of a spell or curse, a cure or some other, that would make sense. Kneeling on the cobbled garden floor next to Sylvia, he examined the piles of dirt she’d been digging  up. 
Poking at a flower like it had personally insulted him, he snapped the bud from the stem. “For what purpose do you take care of these things. I don’t even think you can use this one for a potion.” Twirling the quickly wilting plant, he placed the end against his tongue and frowned on contact. 
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“Not even poison.” But even as he was insulting it, he carefully aligned the broken bit in his hand with the stem he’d taken it from, pressing his fingers together and letting go once the flower was healed. 
“But I guess if it makes you happy, that’s purpose enough to exist.” 
“Are you burying a body.” 
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ulluck · 4 years
Its study time
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wildberryoras · 4 years
     IT'S early enough that the smell hasn't overtaken the market yet. Not that he minds it. Not having to sleep, he's wandered the island of Ashita until he could grab something to-go upon the teashop's opening. By then, the catch of the day had already been put out, attracting the early birds, literally and figuratively.
He parks himself in a chair in a position it's absolutely not designed for while people watching, not wanting to scare away the locals. They're nervous around humans they don't know. Until he sees that girl, he's sure he won't even get close enough to properly admire the fish.
She's been staring at them for a while and just... acting weird. Thanks to what this place his done to him, he can't put his finger on it. He has no choice but to approach if he wants to get to the bottom of this. He phases through the chair rather than trying to untangle himself and walks over, sucking the last of his tea through the straw.
❝ Need help picking out a fish? What are you planning on cooking? ❞
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marliora · 3 years
hello! I'd like to apply with my OC Sylvia Stanwood. Her application is under /app!
Welcome home, Sylvia!
Please make yourself comfortable and get to know your new neighbours in your new home!
Oh, and try to stay out of trouble!
- mod saffron!
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vraelgard · 4 years
I'm feeling a bit spicy so I think I'd like to reserve zuko from avatar: the last airbender please! today is 7/16 and you can contact me here.
one spicy boy... one hot pepper boy.... one ‘thank god atla is relevant in 2020 maybe there really is some justice in this world’ boy
zuko has been reserved for you until july 24th.
♠ rook
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vraelgard · 4 years
hello, I'd like to app in my oc Sylvia without prior reserve
the city is open to you, sylvia stanwood. welcome to terra.
you will be housed in twin apartments A6, where you will find your tome waiting for you, purely because it seems like an interesting read, and it’s not like you have much else to do right now. you also get a ten-pack of glitter gel pens in case you need to add anything.
you will retain your spirit summoning ability to use at your discretion. perfect for gossiping, if that’s your style. oh, you wanted something useful?
♠ rook
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