#nedcan week 2019
aphcanada-inactive · 5 years
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NedCan Week Day 2: Cooking / Music
Thanks to Carole&Tuesday and Given, I’ve been in a big Band AU mood lately.
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Guess who's finally working on her second prompt for NedCan week 2019 even though the event was like 2 months ago
It's me I'm working on that second prompt baby!
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crescent-canine · 5 years
NedCan Week 2019 Day 1: Autumn
Hi! This is my first time writing in this fandom/for this ship, so sorry if the characters are a bit OOC! And sorry that the prompt is a bit late, school has been keeping me busy lately...
Tim is Netherlands' human name, Matthew is Canada's.
I hope you'll enjoy!
The leaves crushed under their feet as they walked among the trees. Their breath came out in little clouds, the warmth of their breath contrasting with the cold November air. Peacefully, the pair walked through the woods, although one would say they made an odd couple. One of them had wavy, shoulder-length blond hair and framed violet eyes. He wore a red hoodie with a white maple leaf on it, and wore faded jeans. The other was tall, with spiked, blond hair and green eyes. He wore a white and blue striped scarf, under which a coat was visible. The taller one shivered.
‘’Cold already?’’ the shorter one asked teasingly, though one could easily hear the concern in his voice.
‘’It’s freezing, Matt,’’ the older one complained.
‘’No it isn’t.’’
‘’Maybe not for you, but normally, it isn’t this cold, especially not in November.’’
Matt rolled his eyes. ‘’What, you want me to go home and get your hat for you?’’
‘’Oh no. No no no no no. No. I’m not gonna wear that hat. Though I wouldn’t say no to the idea of going home.’’ After a second, he added, ‘’And get that grin off your face. You’ll never see me in that hat.’’
‘’Aww, c’mon Tim! Please? I won’t tell anyone, and I won’t make any pics!’’
At this, Tim turned. ‘’Matthew Williams, if you even think about taking a picture while I’m wearing that hat-‘’
‘’Oh, calm down, would you? It’s just a hat! Besides, you look cute with it!’’ Grinning wildly, Matthew spun around to face his boyfriend, who had stopped. A blush was spreading on his cheeks, and not just from the cold.
‘’’M not cute,’’ he mumbled, cheeks burning. Matthew walked back and kissed his cheek. ‘’Sure. Keep telling yourself that.’’
Walking forward, Matthew yelled over his shoulder, ‘’Hurry up, let’s get home!’’
‘’Alright, I can make us some tea or some hot cocoa, whatever you feel like.’’ Tim called out from the kitchen, debating whether he should make got cocoa or tea.
‘’Tea!’’ was the answer he got from Matthew, who was picking up all the blankets in the house and piling them on the couch. Rain was tapping at the windows, creating a calm background noise. It was all very cute and domestic. It made Tim smile. He smiled wider when he felt two arms wrapping themselves around his waist. Matthew had sneaked up to him and was now snuggling up against him. ‘’What’re you smiling about?’’ he asked in a soft voice.
‘’About you, and me, and us.’’ Turning around, he snuck his own arms around Matthew and kissed his forehead. ‘’Now, why don’t you go back to hogging all the blankets, while I finish our tea?’’
Matthew smiled up brightly at him and went back to the living room. Turning back to the counter, he filled a kettle with some water and let it boil. He got two teacups and tea bags out from a cupboard, as well as some maple syrup. He snorted. The day that Matt doesn’t want maple syrup with his tea or anything else is the day that the world ends, he thought. Hell, he probably has some sort of secret bunker filled with it, just in case of some sort of apocalypse. Oh well, who was he to deny his little tulip anything?
The kettle whistled, signalling that the tea was finally boiling. He filled the teacups with the water, and took them into the living room. Matthew had just finished piling all the blankets on the couch, though there were probably more blankets than there was couch. Smiling, he shook his head and put the teacups down. Then, he went into the kitchen again to grab the teabags and maple syrup, as well as some cookies.
When he finally sat down on the couch, Matthew started rearranging the blankets around them. When after a few minutes the blankets lay good enough for them both, they made themselves some tea. Matthew snuggled himself against Tim’s side. They just lay against each other, enjoying themselves and listening to the rain.
As had sort of became their ritual, Mathew insisted that Tim took a sip of his tea. After a moment, in which he looked like he was debating the taste, he said, ‘’It’s really sweet.’’
Rolling his eyes and smacking his arm, Matthew told him, ‘’That’s the whole point, smartass.’’
After this, they calmly continued to sip their tea. Tim, who was done faster than Matthew, ran his hands through Matthew’s hair and looked at him, lost in his thoughts. At some point, he must have started to smile, because Matthew looked at him and asked, ‘’What are you smiling about?’’
‘’Nothing much, just that you’re more like Arthur and Francis than you sometimes realise.’’ At the shocked and slightly embarrassed look he got, his smile became soft. ‘’That’s not a bad thing, Matt, but really, tea?’’
‘’Hey, nothing’s wrong with a good cup of tea!’’ At the amused look he got, Matthew started. ‘’Oh God, I really sound like Arthur.’’
He looked over to Tim, who was now laughing. ‘’Hey! Stop laughing!’’
When the laughter didn’t stop, he grabbed a pillow off the couch and smacked Tim with it. The laughing immediately stopped, and a startled silence took its place. ‘’Matthew, I love you, but what the fu-‘’ the older man started to say, but he got cut off by another pillow being smacked on his face.
‘’Matt, I’m not having a pillow fi-‘’ he tried again, only to be cut off by a damn pillow again. He grinned and grabbed a pillow. ‘’Oh, it’s on.’’
No one was really sure what exactly happened, except for the fact that a legendary pillow fight took place. It ended when Matthew pinned Tim on top of the couch (which was still more blankets than couch), before tickling him merciless.
‘’N-No!’’ Tim managed to exclaim between laughter.
This went on for several minutes, in which Matthew’s tickling became more frantic and Tim looked like he was about to explode from laughter. Tears were rolling down his cheeks, and his whole face was red. He was gasping for breath.
‘’Alright! Alright! I’ll surrender!’’ he managed to gasp out between laughter and gasps for air. Matthew finally stopped tickling him and got off him. Tim gasped for sweet, sweet air for a couple of seconds, before finally being able to breath like a normal human being again.
When he got himself together a bit, Matthew cuddled up against his side and mumbled, ‘’Sorry.’’
Tim smiled. ‘’It’s alright, rabbit. No harm done here.’’ He kissed Matt’s forehead, and then his nose, and his cheeks, which made Matthew laugh. Then he kissed Matthew’s lips, which tasted like tea and maple syrup. Matthew always tasted of maple syrup.
When they finally parted, they cuddled up again and just listened to the rain. After a few minutes of silence, Tim spoke up again. What he said, made Matthew smile again.
‘’I love you.’’
I just see their relationship as really open, honest, relaxed and really really cute. They also tease eachother constantly. Also Tim's pet names for Matthew include 'rabbit' and 'tulip'. Fight me about all of this (wait please don't)
This is the first time writing for this ship/fandom, and English isn't my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes!
Also this just turned into a very cute, fluffy, kinda domestic kind of prompt, whoops XD
(Oh, and the hat they're talking about in the beginning is a white hat, with rabbit ears and a ':3" face on the front. It was a gift from Femke (Belgium) to Tim. Tim is embarrassed about it, while Matthew thinks it's cute)
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gospacegay · 5 years
His Song
NedCan Week 2019 entry. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20491889
Netherlands stared hard at the Atlantic ocean. It was a gorgeous sight from Canada's Nova Scotia cottage. The shore was so close you could smell the salt some days. Still, The love of Matthew's life was broody. It was a dimming cloud over what was supposed to be a fun get away.
“Lars?” Matthew whispered, hugging from behind.
“What.” Lars snapped, voice off key. His breathing was a little ragged, a slight effort heard in the peace of this place. It was obvious now. He wasn't brooding, he was holding in his feelings again.
“Did you know you're my favourite cupcake?”
This finally cracked the porcelain mask of calm Netherlands wore. “I thought I was a muffin.” He mumbled, emotion heavy in the air.
“It doesn't matter what you are, you're always sweet.”
Lars finally looked back and gave a hug proper. “I'm just thinking about the past. A world war two thing is coming up soon. My boss wants me to go.”
That was a forbidden topic in their relationship. Canada was tired of hearing about it years ago, banning it from all his homes. It wasn't for lack of respect to the dead. It was more England's fault, for never giving Matthew any credit in the many wars he bled for. The soft spoken former colony was polite to a fault, but he believed he deserved the truth too.
“Now what did we agree to?” Matthew asked gently, touching noses with his long time boyfriend.
“My, um, boss is making me go to a work thing that's very sad. I don't want to go.”
“Well. I could cheer you up today.” Canada volunteered, smiling.
“I don't see how.” The taller nation brooded, slowly resuming resting bitch face.
The shorter nation shushed him softly, and kissed him on the cheek. “I have just the thing.” He skipped off to the piano in the living room. Lars followed curiously, shrugging of his trademark coat and scarf. The weather was nippy, but didn't quite call for such measures. He was greeted by a slow song as he entered the craft filled living room. Cozy knitted covers dominated every plush surface.
Canada, most elusive for speaking or being seen among all the powers, began to sing. It was kind blessing only France and Netherlands were granted. His voice was beautiful, in time with the piano.
 When you're near, My dreams come true, It's your voice I hear, When I pray to angels above me.
 I love your laugh, I love your smile, Why don't you stick around a while, Because I need you.
 You don't know, How much I care, I would follow you everywhere, You make it all an adventure.
 Cease your tears, Give a kiss for me, Come see how wonderful life can be, With me beside you.
 I love your laugh, I love your smile, Why don't you stick around a while, Because I need you.
 Because I need you.
Lars listened intently, his heart pattering with glowing love for this man. This perfect creature before him. After the song was over, Canada looked over his shoulder and pushed up his cute glasses. “I wrote that for you. Did it make you feel better?”
Sniffling, the dutch man couldn't help but chuckle and smile. “It's official. You're going to kill me with diabetes.” Matthew turned around in alarm, only to pulled into a gracious hug. “You're too sweet to me. Too pure for this terrible world.” Lars went on, kissing profusely between words.
“The world is better because you're in it.” Canada whispered, nuzzling him.
Lars blushed a mighty shade, unable to lie to such a pleasant man. “This is all... really turning me on, to be honest.”
Canada bit his lip lightly after a last kiss on he lips. He had that fire in his eyes, one that others never saw. It was promises of joys to come soon. “Then what are you waiting for?”
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orbitinghetalia · 5 years
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late day 6 coffeeshop au by @nedcan
Ned waiting for Maddie to show up despite the rainy weather.
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gospacegay · 5 years
Learning Her Way
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20475500
The F150 truck pulled up to the ostentatious university entrance and parked. Dressed in red flannel and red framed glasses, the driver was every bit a wholesome Canadian stereotype. He wasn't alone in the cab. Beside him was a tall busty blonde in conservative navy turtleneck. Beneath her sparing makeup and orange painted nails, anxiety loomed.
“Amber, I know you'll do great in there.” Matthew promised her lovingly. The couple had been together for three years now. He knew her power, her strength.
“I'm just... What if I mess up?” The woman asked, unusually shy from nerves.
Matthew leaned over and kiss her soft on the cheek, carding his fingers through her perfect thick hair. “After everything we've been through? This is nothing.”
It was true, they had been through hell together. Matthew hadn't known the journey he would take when they first met eyes three years ago. Amber was locked inside, called Lars back then. Before, they had depression, grey sweaters, and lesser Xanax addiction. With love, hormone treatments, and many operations, Amber emerged. Now she was here to sparkle in the dark of the universe, and kick ass as required.
“I don't know...” Amber whispered.
“Who's the sexiest lady I know?” Matthew asked in cheering style.
“... Me.” She admitted, batting long lashes at him.
“Who punched out a biker for touching her ass?”
“Me.” Amber replied with more confidence.
“Who's going to own this engineering course?” Matthew grinned, so in love with this fine woman.
“Me! I'm... I'm going to do great!” She finally grabbed her stuffed messenger bag, It's denim cover scattered with little boat buttons. They had made the project together in a weekend class. She left the truck and straightened out her outfit with a few choice tugs.
“Go get 'em!” He cheered, watching her saunter up the steps. Her black pencil skirt and stockings were very complimentary to form. She looked back one last time, green eyes meeting Matthew's own. Mouthing the words 'I love you', she marched with purpose into the stately university.
Driving away, Matthew was certain she would be fine. Amber was his trans-woman queen, his warrior priestess. She could do anything.
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orbitinghetalia · 5 years
Her new school.
Maddie was standing in front of the gate of her new school and she was absolutely frightened. She had her arms wrapped around herself in an attempt to keep herself a little bit warmer during this autumn weather.
She mainly shivering because of she was nervous. What people would think of her? If they would even think about her.
Most people only ever noticed her when she was with her younger twin sister. The sister who had promised they would walk into their new school together. No one ever forgot her or walked right by her without noticing.
A promise soon forgotten as some students called out to her, asking if she was new. When Amelia answered them, with a bright smile on her face, that she was indeed a new student and proudly told them that she was on her way to try out for cheerleader.
Some had offered to show her to walk with her to the auditions, Amelia had run and left her twin behind.
Someone bumped into her. She heard what sounded like swearing but didn’t understand the language and turned around. She saw a guy a bit older than her trying to gather some books of the ground while holding onto and balancing the.. bulbs?
Picking up the books he dropped for him she tries to apologize, but he stops her. “My fault, I should have noticed you” he says with a rather heavy accent, though his English is perfectly understandable.
“No one ever does.” She answered with a small smile as she stands up.
The brown haired boy stares at her and for a moment she’s uncomfortable, but then he says “They should. Are you related to the new girl trying out for cheerleading?”
“My twin.”
“Figures. You look alike.”
“People always say we look the same.” Which Maddie had always hated. They were twins, not clones.
“Nee.” The other replied, shaking his head. “You look alike. Not the same. It’s easy to tell you apart. What’s your name?”
“Madeline. Maddie.”
“Johan.” He introduced himself.
Maddie might have never blushed as much as she did at that moment.
“Are those bulbs?” she tried to change the subject.
“Are you not trying out for cheerleading?” He asked, instead of answering her question.
The Canadian shook her head.
“Tulip bulbs.” The new girl looked up. “What?”
“The bulbs. They’re tulip bulbs. Its they right time to put them into the ground and I promised I would help out with the school garden.”
The blonde smiled at that. “I’ll help you carry your stuff to the garden.” She said before she could stop herself. Looking around, she had no idea which direction to go.
“This way.”
They stayed silent for a while before the boy mentioned having to go to the football training.
“Try outs as well?” Maddie asked.
He shook his head. “Yes, but I’ve been part of the team for a few years now. I’m helping with judging the people who are trying out.” Just as he said that, someone nearly walked into her so fast that the petite woman would have been knocked over. Only the tall football player had stepped in front of her and the other student had fallen to the ground.
He didn’t even seem to care about the other boy and let Maddie know with a motion of his head  to leave that student alone.
“Shouldn’t we ask if he’s alright.” She asked softly.
“He’s just fine, I know him. We had worse collisions on the field.”
While  they dropped of the bulbs at the school garden and Johan put books, he asked her to come with him to the try outs of his team. She agreed.
Things went a little wrong when they reached the soccer field and they stopped.
“Why are we stopping here?” she wondered out loud. Maybe his friends played soccer?
“You wanted come to my team’s try outs?” He asked. Brushing his hand against the scar above his eyebrow.
Maddie stared at him. Blinked and then blinked again.
“You said you’re on the football team.”
“This is football.” He argued.
Maybe she could have guessed from his name and accent that he was a foreign student.
Maddie just smiled up at Johan.
In response, the jock stood a little closer to her before he began to introduce her to some of his friends and teammates.
With someone like Johan walking besides her, no one was going to run into her and they might even remember her.
Maddie didn’t mind that idea at all.
late submission for the NedCan week by @nedcan
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gospacegay · 5 years
Love Is For The Birds
@nedcan Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20333995
Matthew is a gay Canada goose. He gets a swan boyfriend. Preview: Jack was concerned. The Australian zoo keeper was genuinely flummoxed. Matthew, the Canadian goose, was sulking in a corner of the shared pond, barely paddling about. He hadn't eaten in a while, over preening and being upset in general. The bird was barely considered exotic by Australian standards, but all the geese could perform. The massive bird display was tended to by two zoo keepers, mostly due to size. It was a mixed population by the gates, a hit with kids.
For seeds and bugs, the entire mixed flock was packed with performers. Ducks quacked and hopped. Swans flapped and sat near guests, gobbling up tasty food. Geese honked and splashed for attention. Everyone loved the interactive display.
Today one of three geese was not happy. Matthew only brooded and slowly starved.
A secondary caretaker for busier days, Elizabeth, walked over from another display. She was fiery fun just like Jack, a perfect fit to wrangle cranky animals. She had only been in Melbourne a few years, so her Hungarian accent was still entertainingly thick. “Jack, I have news on the goose.”
“What is it Liza?” He asked in curiosity, finally walking away from the enclosure.
“Matthew isn't sick.”
The news was relief. Jack smiled though not too hard, he still had a bandage on his face from a very vicious duck named Romano. “That's great news mate.”
“We have been coming up with theories in the vet's office. One of the stranger ones might be true this time.” She went on.
“Is it going to be expensive?” Oh Jack did not want to ask for more funds. He particularly liked his head being attached to his body.
“No. The girls think Matthew might be gay. He's been seen trying to court the male geese and swans on several occasions.”
Jack raised a brow in surprise. The idea had not come to him in the slightest, despite the fact that may bird species held same sex bonds. “How confident are you about this?”
The veteran bird keeper nodded, looking to her forlorn goose patient with seriousness. Matthew was still floating about, refusing to eat. “I'm certain. I've seen this in flamingos before. All classic signs of sexual frustration and loneliness.”
Jack grimaced at the thought of asking for more resources from his boss. It had to be done. Besides, if Matthew managed to get a boyfriend, publicity would be nuts. Jack had to at least try.
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