#need to add Sabo into this nonsense later.
one-idea · 7 months
I’ve been thinking more about my idea of the spade pirates coming after Ace and saving him from Blackbeard
So they get to him on Banaro island. They can’t beat Blackbeard but they can retreat. And Ace is mad because he hates running from a fight. But also Teach said he’s going to kill Luffy. Ace didn’t stop him and now he’s going to go after Luffy.
Deuce and the others are reassuring him. Better to live another day, we can get to Luffy first. Deuce is treating Ace while Mihar and Skull and navigating them away from Banaro and towards Water 7.
And Ace is furious but for so many reason. He’s angry he couldn’t beat Teach. That he couldn’t avenge his friend. There’s still the anger of Teach’s betrayal in the first place. But there’s also fear. He’s going after Luffy. Luffy who fights with his fist. If he touches Teach will that activate Teach’s devil fruit and take Luffy’s powers? He knows Teach’s powers take a devil fruit users ability when he touches them but does it work the other way around? He’s not sure, he had kept all of his attack from a distance just to be safe, but Luffy can’t do that. He physically hits his opponents. If Ace couldn’t beat Blackbeard when he has three years of experience on Luffy, how will his little brother hold up?
He’s hardcore spiraling. All he wants to do is turn back and fight. He knows how to fight, and he hates worrying. If Teach is defeated then there’s nothing to worry over.
“Stop that.” Deuce tells him. “You’re hurt and you don’t have a plan. Turning back is just going to put you in the same position as before. We’ll beat him to Water 7, meet up with your brother and come up with a plan. A real plan this time. Not you running off with no idea where you’re going.”
And that’s another thing Ace is angry about. The fact that his old crew is here. The fact that his actions put all of them in danger to. Cause Deuce is right. He ran off with no plan other than find Blackbeard and avenge Thatch. But he had been operating under the belief that Blackbeard wasn’t any stronger then he was on Whitebeard’s crew. He hadn’t planned for the devil fruit he ate to be such an issue.
But Deuce and the others get through to him, a bit, but he’s still going to blame himself for most of this.
They get to Water 7 and rush to find the Stawhats. Ace hasn’t seen Blackbeard’s ship anywhere near them on their travels but that doesn’t mean he isn’t here. (Though the town being in one piece is a little reassuring that they won the race here) Luckly the whole town seems to be all to happy to tell them about the amazing pirate crew who just saved the mayor’s life, beat the government, destroyed Enies Lobby, and threw the party of the century. Ace is both impress with his brother and also flabbergasted at the towns people who just point them in the direction of where the Strawhats are staying. Like no questions on who Ace and the others are, they could be here to kill the Strawhats and these people are just happily showing them the way. (Once again he’s desperately hoping they beat Blackbeard because these people just gave his brother away)
They make it to the Galley-La company right after Zoro’s speech about Usopp. They just finished having the conversation about how when they leave tomorrow Usopp can join them, but only if he apologizes first. When the doors are violently thrown open.
The crew whips around, some hoping it’s Usopp being dramatic. (Luffy and Chopper) others worried about Marines (Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and Robin) but it’s neither, its Ace making an entrance.
“ACE!!!” Luffy launches himself at his brother. Why is he here? Who cares! Ace is here!
Ace is so relieved as Luffy rockets into him. His rubbery arms wrapped around him several times, and Ace holds on just as tight. His three crew members are behind him, the rubbery body is a bit of a shock to see even though Ace had told them in advance. They’re all relieved that they beat Blackbeard to Ace’s brother.
After a second of just holding his brother and breathing in his relief, listening to Luffy babble a mile a minute, Ace finally pulls back. “It’s good to see you Lu. But we need to talk.” Ace tells them all about the hunt for Blackbeard. There are quick introductions between the crews, Ace asking after Usopp and hearing about the lose of the Merry. His heart drops. They don’t have a ship. They don’t have a ship! They need to leave NOW, before Blackbeard gets here. And they don’t have a ship. The ones the Spades chased him down on is fast but small, the whole crew won’t fit and Luffy would never leave them, Ace would never ask him to.
“Good thing Franky’s almost done with our new ship.” Robin reads the panic in the four new comers faces and easily reassures them that their ship is almost ready. It’s a tense night. People are taking watch incase Blackbeard Arrives and even those not on watch are barely sleeping.
The only one who’s sleeping well is Luffy, leaning against his brother. Ace can’t sleep and sat down to take watch, Luffy sat right beside him and fell asleep against him. Who could hurt him when Ace is here? A sentiment. Ace will do anything to keep true. Honored and touched by his brother’s trust.
The next morning is chaos. The Franky family shows up to tell them about the ship being ready but also the bounties. Ace is so proud of his brother and his crews new bounties! But then the Franky family shows them Franky’s bounty and beg them to take Franky with them. Luffy’s already decided that though. They head down to see their new ship.
Ace love it. He can’t think of a better ship for his little brother. It’s colorful and the perfect size for a small crew (Luffy has only ever wanted a ten person crew and right now Ace and his friends are pushing them over that limit, not that Luffy minds)
Mihar and Skull go to their smaller boat and bring it along side the new strawhat vessels. They can leave the boat here but they had found Stricker before they found Ace and had brought the boat along with them this far. Strikers coming along. (Franky probs stores it in ones of the bays)
The chaos of getting Franky to join occurs and boy I can’t imagine how Ace, Deuce and the others respond to watching Robin’s…. persuasion. 
They get going, Ace knows Luffy wants to wait for Usopp but his own anxiety is getting to him. If Blackbeard catches up they’re in trouble. They still have yet to come up with a solid plan for fighting the man. Ace never thought he’d be happy to see Garp throwing cannon balls at them but what can he say it’s been a crazy few days.
Zoro tells the Spades to sit this one out. After all they don’t want to give Ace’s presence away to the marines (even if it’s Garp) might make it look like the Strawhats have an alliance with the Whitebeard pirates. Plus he and the crew kinda want to show off. They’ve gotten better since Alabasta. Luffy’s all in for showing off to Ace.
So the spades sit out of the chaos. Usopp arrives and everything feels like it’s going alright. Usopp’s so confused why Ace and these strangers are here, and wait…. Is that a sniper? Did Luffy replace him already? No it’s Mihar, they’ll explain later.
Garp’s getting to be a little much and Ace is about to offer assistance when he sees it…..Blackbeards ship heading for them. He did say he was going to kill Luffy as a favor to the marines. And who better to impress then Garp the Fist, Hero of the Marines. Blackbeard couldn’t think of a better set up. (He has no clue how crazy their family tree is)
Ace freezes and starts to panic because what can they do. If Blackbeard locks on to Luffy, he can pull him to his boat and Ace won’t get there in time. How far is Blackbeard range? He seemed to still be getting a hang of it, but how far is it? Should Ace jump to his ship and fight him there, no matter the consequences.
He’s about to make a dumb decision when Deuce grabs him “don’t you dare-”
“Everyone hold on to something” Franky calls “Coup de Burst!” And the ship rockets forward. All the spades are shocked. The ship is flying. They just avoided Garp’s giant ball and chain and Blackbeard all in one maneuver. They made it out. Bought some time. Ace can figure out how to handle Blackbeard. He also gets to adventure with his brother for a bit.
They den den call Whitebeard and set up a rendezvous at Sabaody.
The adventure continues.
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gildedmuse · 5 years
Random Collection Of One Piece Thoughts, Take 17
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The best part of Doflamigo's jolly Roger is if you leave his crew or want to vandalize it or whatever, you can't just cross it out. it has the hate built in. It's like he knows just what an evil bastard he is and has planned ahead.
Okay boys and girls, gather around.
It's Headcanon Time.
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Everytime we see Robin chilling she seems to be reading, but the girl has a side hobby: making DenDwn Mushi outfits for her crewmates
Hear me out. We see that DenDen Mushi's faces change depending on the person speaking, but not their outfits. This means that when you see, say, a DenDen Mushi wearing a strawhat it is because someone made him a tiny little Strawhat.
Now look me in the eye and tell me that isn't the kind of cute ass shit our Robin would be into.
I am forced to believe that somewhere in this huge shop there is an arts and crafts room where Robin has her supplies and, in little DenDen Mushi sized closets, a variety of Strawhat themed outfits. She's made three prop DenDen Mushi katanasbabd a green shell warmer. The Sanji DenDen Mushi has a silver platter with a number of different drinks and snacks you can place on said tray. The Franky model has shoulder add-ons that flip open to reveal lil middle launchers. Chopper has four closets dedicated just to his outfits because if course the Chopper DenDen Mushi is her favorite.
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Added bonus, this means at some point Law might have sat down and sewed this DenDen Mushi a little spotted hat before sending it off to Doflamingo.
Imagine Law with a tiny paint brush trying to get the Jolly Roger tattoo juuuusssst right while also muttering about how this would finally be the day he got his revenge. Because I guarantee you that is what happened to this poor guy.
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This is honestly just how Luffy answers the phone. This isn't even the only time he's done this, it's just the one I happened to Screencap.
Also, what are our thoughts on Law's shirt? Did his crew pitch in and get it for him as a birthday gift and just all his other jumpers were dirty that day? Did he go out and buy it himself? Where does one even procure a Hearts Pirate shirt? I mean I suppose you could get it at like a pirate fan convention. Is that what has happened here? Is Law wearing his own merch?
Speaking of Law, here is the boy hiding in a corner trying to act like he's too chill and adult for the absolutely childish chaotic mess that is The Sunny-Go.
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And here he is like fifty episodes later questioning every life choice he's ever made. As he should.
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Great work breaking an already broken man, team.
So now we're in Dressrosa. It turns out the city is a shadowy nightmare with only the thinnest veneer of a happy, functioning society. The Navy is about to attack, Law's plan has been discovered, The Sunny is under seige, Doflamingo has spies and allies everywhere and worst of all Luffy knows none of this. Quick, Zoro, we need someone to inform him about --
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Hard tie for what I enjoy more: Zoro adding the whole "the Marines have you surrounded" as a quick ps afterthought or Luffy actually apologizing for not inviting Zoro to what they all clearly recognize is a trap. But it's a trap with fighting!
Yeah, this idiot right here. He's the love of my life, yo.
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Sabo as the proud big brother arg I would actually die for this one look at his face. The Dressrosa arc is a gift! A goddamn gift! And I'm so thankful I am so thankful I can watch through it without having to put up with nonsensical filler bullsh-
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cyriusli · 7 years
God bored the other day and had this idea of... what if! So here’s a small AU where both Zoro and Sanji are chefs. So I made Usopp a waiter and wrote from his PoV. I wasn’t sure if I was gonna share or not, but Shae talked me into it. So, hopefully, enjoy this small, unedited piece of nonsense.
Usopp knew what he was doing, he’d worked in restaurants before, but he’d never worked in one that was this big. The Baratie was set in the middle of the city, overlooking the bay and had all sorts of food. The menu was huge, covering all types of cuisine— over one hundred different items and more that rotated in depending on the season— and boosting on how their kitchen had five different specialty chefs.
It hadn’t stopped Usopp from applying to the place, overly excited and worried when he’d been hired. The older man who ran the place was strict and had expected only the best of Usopp, but he hadn’t made him cut his hair, only keep it pulled back, so Usopp was more than happy to accept the terms of the uniform even though he wasn’t one for wearing a vest and tie.
The rest of the waitstaff was pretty awesome, joking and laughing and he instantly clicked with a redhead named Nami, who promised to show him the ropes, but it would cost him. Usopp said he was pretty sure he would be fine and with a shrug Nami had left it, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms as their boss, Chef Zeff, started in on the game plan for the night.
Usopp had the misfortune of starting on a Friday night, the Baratie’s busiest night of the week. Chef Zeff went over the specials, the soups and the wines for the evening and everyone jotted them down in their order books. When he was done, he walked toward the front door to unlock it, the first of numerous tables already waiting outside. “Can’t say I didn’t offer to help,” Nami whispered in his ear, but Usopp pushed her away and went to start his evening.
Things ran smoothly for Usopp until he needed to go back into the kitchen. That was a different world entirely. Usopp knew that it would be, kitchens always were in big places like this, but he hadn’t expected to walk into a battlefield. Pushing through the double doors, he paused, his notebook in his hand as one of the chefs threw a towel across the kitchen at one of the others. It was soaking wet, water dripping across the floor after it as the other chefs dodged out of the way and waited for the resounding smack as it clocked someone in the back of the head. “Zoro,” the blond screamed and half the kitchen burst out laughing, including the man who’d thrown the towel, a guy standing by the sinks with green hair poking out from under a black bandana. “I’m going to kick your ass, you wait!”
“Just trying to cool you off, Sanji, you looked way too hot over there by the stove. I was only trying to help.”
Sanji ran a towel across the back of his neck before bending to pick up the wet towel and throw it into a bucket near a small hand wash sink. “You can help by keeping your shitty ass on your side of the kitchen, we got orders coming in.” Yelling over his shoulder, Sanji washed his hands.
Usopp watched, amazed as the entire kitchen went back to work, acting as if the incident never even happened. A second later a guy with his arms full of folded aprons walked by and noticed Usopp. “Hey, Chef,” he started. “New waiter is here.”
Sanji turned to face Usopp and grinned as he wiped his hands on a clean towel. Reaching out, Sanji kept speaking. “I was told you’d be starting tonight. Chef Sanji, I’m the Head Chef. You must be Usopp, right?”
“Yes,” Usopp took Sanji’s hand, shaking it and clearing his throat. “I just had a question about the special for the evening that hadn’t been gone over in the meeting before opening.”
“Old man’s finally losing it,” Zoro asked as he appeared, pausing on his way to where Usopp had noted the walk-in coolers were.
“Shut up, Marimo,” Sanji hissed at him before turning his attention back to Usopp.
“Hey, was an honest question, Swirly.” Shrugging, Zoro walked away, continuing on his trip to the walk-in.
Sanji answered Usopp’s question and he returned to the dining room where he told his table that yes, in fact, they did have the option to remove the cheese from the special for dietary reasons.
Because of the way things were expedited out of the kitchen, Usopp didn’t really have a need to go back into the kitchen unless he was taking dirty dishes there or had a question for the chefs. Still, he quickly learned how things worked in the Baratie kitchen and the biggest one was the rivalry between Sanji and one of the specialty chefs, Zoro. Sanji was the Head Chef and son of the owner, Zeff Baratie. Sanji had been working in the place his entire life, but he had worked for the position he was currently in. He’d learned to cook much younger than that, but once he was fifteen he’d started in the dish room and worked his way up to his current position of running the entire kitchen. Zoro was a sushi chef, spending his apprenticeship in Japan underneath some of the greatest chefs of the country. While he was from the area, growing up here, as soon as he’d been able to get out, he’d run, moving in with his older half sister until he’d finished school and gotten all the appropriate degrees, licenses, plaques and certificates required to work here. One of the prep cooks had told Usopp he’d seen a picture of all his things framed on his wall at home once.
The two chefs seemed to hate one another and it was no surprise to Usopp when he learned that their stations were across the kitchen from one another. After his first introduction to them on his first night, Usopp tried to stay out of the war that seemed to be never ending within the kitchen. He walked in one evening, a tray laden with dishes to Zoro frantic as he roamed the kitchen, moving people and throwing anything he thought he could get away with. Across the open space, standing with arms crossed, stood Sanji, a smug smirk plastered across his face. “What’s going on in here,” Usopp had asked the dish boy, a young kid who also had green hair named Bart.
“Just the war,” he shrugged a shoulder, his frown deepening. “Sanji’s hid Zoro’s good sashimi knife, called a yana-something-or-other. Zoro is pissed.”
“Don’t blame him,” Usopp stacked his dishes, listening to Zoro growl out of frustration behind them. “Hope they don’t waste too much time looking for it, the dining room is starting to fill up.”
“Not worried about it, they are professionals, they always know when to call it quits.” Bart loaded some of Usopp’s dishes onto the dish racks and went back to his work, ignoring Usopp as he finished unloading the tray.
Just as Usopp pushed through the doors back into the dining room, he heard Zoro yell in triumph before cursing out the blond for stealing his yanagiba.
“You gotta chose a side.”
“I gotta what?”
Nami placed another set of rolled silverware in the basket and picked up a spoon. “You have to chose a side. You can’t keep playing it neutral, everyone is waiting.”
“What are you talking about?” Usopp had been at the restaurant a few weeks now and had finally settled into how things worked around the Baratie. One thing he never got involved in though was the prank war that constantly raged on in the kitchen. It just wasn’t his style and while Usopp did like a good joke now and then, he didn’t like to mix play with work and he needed this paycheck.
“You’re neutral. Even Chef Zeff is in on this, you have to pick a side.”
“Of course he is, Sanji’s his son.”
“He’s on Team Zoro though.”
Usopp snorted back a laugh. “You have got to be kidding me. Seriously? Chef Zeff is on the team against his own son.”
Nami nodded, dropping another perfectly rolled set of silverware into the basket. “Yup, sure is. Zoro loves it and Sanji hates it. It just adds another layer to the dynamic, ya know.”
“This is unbelievable.”
“What’s unbelievable is that you haven’t decided on a team. Everyone is on a team.”
“What team are you on,” Usopp asked, looking over his shoulder quickly to the kitchen. Even through the doors, you could hear the banging and clanging of a working kitchen beginning to warm up. The doors opened in about an hour and it was Nami and Usopp’s turn to roll silverware for the place settings that would be used all night long.
“Oh, no, that’s not how it works. I can’t tell you. You have to chose on your own. Come on, you’ve been here long enough, you have to like one of them over the other at this point.”
“Well, I don’t really know. I mean, I—”
Usopp broke off as Sanji’s voice flooded out into the dining room as one of the waitstaff pushed open the door. “What the fuck is this? I’m going to kill you, Zoro!”
Both Nami and Usopp turned to the doors as two of the waitstaff, Ace and Sabo, high-fived one another and Zoro’s laughter rang out of the swinging doors. “What happened,” Nami asked as Ace walked by.
“Zoro swapped Sanji’s salt and pepper shakers.”
“No, like,” Ace paused, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his dress slacks. “Zoro put pepper in the salt shaker and salt in the pepper shaker.”
Sabo spoke up. “And barely screwed the covers on so Sanji just dumped a ton of pepper into the pot of soup he’s working on.” Nami started laughing as Sabo laughed from where he stood by the bar. “His face was priceless.”
Usopp gave Nami a flat look. “Team Zoro,” he asked, indicating herself, as well as both Sabo and Ace.
“Team Zoro,” she replied.
It was a particularly hot day in the area. It was still early Spring, but the temperature was insanely high compared to the normal and everyone was miserable. The waitstaff was complaining of the heat and so was the kitchen staff. Usopp had managed to dodge the bullet on having to chose sides in the war, but it hadn’t made the pranks stop. He was just walking through the double doors, clearing away the dishes from his last table that had just left to see both Zoro and Sanji standing by the large wash sinks. They were standing a little ways away from one another, but it was clear to Usopp that they were, at the least, being friendly with one another. Or they were until Sanji grabbed the spray nose that hung quietly between them and squirted it right in Zoro’s face. Zoro sputtered and Sanji laughed. “Oh, that’s it, Swirly,” Zoro stated and stalked off, brushing past Usopp on his way to the walk-in.
Sanji shrugged, chuckling under his breath to a couple of the other chefs when Zoro came back out of the walk-in with a pitcher of water in his hand. He looked right at Usopp, their eyes meeting. “You tell him, that puts you on his team, you stay quiet, that puts you on my team. Don’t make the wrong choice.”
“Zoro,” Usopp hissed, watching as he walked away, the pitcher gripped tightly in his hand. Walking straight up to Sanji, Zoro didn’t even pause as he dumped the water over Sanji’s head. The man screamed, it had to be so cold, whipping around and pushing Zoro in the chest.
“You absolute asshole,” Sanji yelled at him. “I’m fucking soaked.”
“Calm down, there’s a spare change of—” Usopp didn’t hear the rest as he left the kitchen, unsure of how he’d made any decision in what had just transpired. All he knew was that Zoro and Sanji clearly had it out for one another and he wanted no part in that, no matter what anyone else had to say about it.
Usopp figured he’d been working at the Baratie for about six weeks now. He’d been deemed part of Team Zoro after the water incident, but he still never actively partook in any of the pranks that had been going on. He refused to get excited when Zoro pranked Sanji or act defeated when Sanji pranked Zoro. He remained neutral, trying to just come to work, do his job and go home.
The entire staff had been called in early for a meeting that day and Usopp was amazed at how many people actually worked at the Baratie when you piled every one of them in the large dining room. Everyone was being loud and their voices echoed off the high ceilings as laughter, taunts and jeers rang out in the large room. In the middle of it all sat Zoro and Sanji, sitting surrounded by members of their own teams, throwing insults and just picking on one another.
Usopp had been drafted by Nami to help bring out a bunch of small plates to the table and was just pushing through the dining room doors as Chef Zeff stepped through the front door that was being held open by Ace. He was carrying a large white box with balloons held in one hand. “All right, settle down.” He was quiet for a moment as he waited, but no one calmed down or even seemed to notice Zeff standing in the doorway.
Usopp could see his boss finally grow tired and with a roll of his eyes, he took a deep breath. “Roronoa,” he shouted over the crowd and everyone fell silent as both Zoro and Sanji turned toward the door and shouted a combined, “What?”
“Happy Anniversary, boys.” Zeff held the cake out a little more as both Zoro and Sanji stood and moved toward him and it seemed their feud was completely forgotten. Everyone around them cheered and joined in on the congratulations while Usopp stood stunned by the door with his stack of plates in his hands.
“You didn’t,” Sanji started and pushed Zoro in the shoulder, but he was laughing now, almost flirting with Zoro and it was the weirdest thing Usopp had seen in this place to date.
“Didn’t have to,” Zoro replied, wrapping his arm around Sanji’s shoulders and tugging him close. “Dad did it all, I just had to pay for it.”
“What did I say about you calling me ‘dad,’ Zoro?” Zeff grumbled, but his words didn’t really have a lot of bite to them.
“Not to do it at work.” Zoro huffed as Sanji wrapped his arm around his waist before he leaned over to kiss Sanji’s cheek. “Happy Anniversary, Sanji.”
“Happy Anniversary, Zoro.” Sanji pressed a quick peck to Zoro’s lips. “I love you.”
“I love you,” Zoro answered back, flushing red when Ace called out for the two of them to just get a room already.
“Wait,” Usopp shook his head, dropping the plates heavily to the table he was standing by and waved a hand at Zoro and Sanji. “You’re married?”
“I don’t see how this is such a big deal.” Zeff answered, setting the cake down on a different table. “But if it is, we can discuss it in my office while everyone else celebrates out here.”
“What? No, no, it’s not that. It’s just— I thought they hated one another. The pranks, the having to chose sides, all of it. It’s flirting?” Usopp couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Why didn’t anyone say anything? This entire time I have thought Zoro and Sanji actually hated each other.”
Both Zoro and Sanji turned back to look at Usopp, grinning madly at him. “And that’s the best prank,” Zoro started.
“Fucking with the new guy,” Sanji finished. “Who wants cake?”
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