#need to clear up some space on my phone so im going to spam tumblr with pictures of my in game horses like they are my irl horses
lavaburnsso · 4 months
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I <3 Nova 💙
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blue-beeeerrryyy · 6 years
Made in the A.M || Noah Centineo
So I haven't written anything (besides my short answer essays) in months. And with all this hype over Noah Centineo (who I've been obsessing with since season 3 of The Foster) I thought I would join the conga line of tumblr Noah hype and write my first ever series. So I got a lot of inspiration from One Direction’s last album, Made in the A.M. and I’m going to attempt to use every song but if I don’t use all of the songs as a continuation, the other songs will be one shots, or random points in the reader’s story. But the first part is going to be based on the song, Temporary Fix. Furthermore, if you guys want to listen to the album while you’re reading, I highly encourage it (but you are not required to).  Also if would like to be on the taglist, lemme know.
Chapter One -Temporary Fix
You knew who he was. The type of guy who knew his effect on girls and woman alike. You knew he wouldn’t take you home to meet his mom, never show you off to friends, or take you on cute little dates. But you didn’t want that at first.This is the story of how you fell in love with the internet’s boyfriend, before he was the internet’s boyfriend.
Noah was at some club drowning his sorrow after what he thought was the love of his life. You noticed him verily quickly, since you watched The Fosters since the beginning and glad of what he brought to the show. You thought about going up to him and asked for a picture. You stopped in your tracks when you noticed he was drinking alone. Noah saw you coming up to him, but became confused when you turned around and walked back. He continued to watch you from the bar. He thought you were beautiful, with the way you laugh and dance. Even though he wasn’t over his ex, he just felt the need to have you in his life. Soon after he finished his drink, he left the bar and was making his way to you.
You felt his presence before he said anything. You thought it was one of your friends with the drink you asked for, only to be met with a drunken stranger. He started to talk to you but with how heavy his slur was, trying to understand him was like understanding a baby’s gibberish. The more and more he spoke, the closer he got to you, and before you knew it. He had grabbed your ass. You could see Noah in your peripheral, walking at a fast pace towards you. He must have seen the whole thing. But you didn’t need his help. What happened next probably shocked everyone who was watching. You lifted your right knee right into the creeper’s crotch so hard, his balls might be in his stomach. Once he was on the ground, you started screaming your head off until you felt a hand on your elbow. Ready for round two, you swung around to slap the person holding you. Once you made eye contact with the person, you stopped mid-swing.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” you cried to your best friend Dallas. Dallas just laughed at you and motioned to the crowd that had surrounded the situation. You smiled at everyone and just went towards the bar.
Noah watched you shy off from the attention, and heads towards the bar with looked like a friend. He loved that, his ex loved the attention from not only him but others. Hence why they’re exes. He observed you trying to get the bartender’s attention with no such luck. He went to the empty space next to you and your friend and hollered the bartender’s name.
You were having trouble getting the attention of the bartender, who was too busy flirting with the blonde at the end of bar. You got scared when you heard someone yell next to you. Whipping your head around to the ear intruder, you see Noah standing next to you. He smiles at you and your friend and you blushed so hard you could feel the heat coming off of you. The bartender finally made his way down to you guys and waits for Noah to order, completely ignoring you and Dallas. You rolled your eyes at his ignorance and told Dallas how he wasn’t going to get a big tip from you.
“I’ll have what I was having earlier, and whatever they want.” Noah said over the loud music. You whipped your head so hard that you thought you got whiplash. He just shrugs and gives a wide grin. You told the bartender what you and Dallas wanted while getting the cash out for the drinks. That’s when Noah shook his head at you and said, “I got this.”
You didn’t want to intrude on Noah’s night but you wouldn’t say no. While you guys waited for your drinks, you struck up a conversation with Noah. you guys had talked for so long that you hadn’t even realized that your friends that you came with had already left and the club was pretty empty. Noah noticed you looking around and noticed what you saw.
“Do you wanna get out of here?” you nodded your head, feeling adventurous. Noah called for a Uber, and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. You were fangirling a little bit, but trying to be as discreet as possible. Noah brought up some random topics to talk about while waiting for the uber. You were discussing the show Friends, but got interrupted by the buzzing of his phone letting him know his uber was here. You noticed the black SUV and pointed it out to Noah. After hoping into the vehicle and having small talk with the driver, he turned up the music and gave you and Noah some privacy.
With the liquor courage still running through your veins, you jumped into Noah’s lap and started kissing him senseless. With it being so late, the streets weren’t that jammed packed so you made it to Noah’s apartment fairly quickly. You and Noah said your goodbyes to the driver and walked into the apartment building. When you finally made it to Noah’s door and it was unlocked, you were pinned to the wall. You giggled at the curly headed boy, who was attacking your lips, neck, and shoulders. He pulled you off the wall and started to make his move towards the bedroom. Clothes were flying everywhere as you were getting closer and closer to the mattress. Your exposed legs hit the edge of the bed before falling onto it, Noah still kissing you as you fell.
You woke up to find yourself a t-shirt that wasn’t yours and hickies all over your body. You were slightly hungover but thank goodness it was your day off. You looked around the room for your clothes. You knew what happened last night, the details being just as clear as if you were sober. You had met Noah Centineo last night. You held a conversation with Noah Centineo without sounding like a fangirl. And you played hookie with Noah Centineo. But now that it was the next morning, you needed to go and disappear from the world for a bit. Thank goodness, you could hear water running, assuming that he was in the shower. Which gives you the perfect time to dip on out of here. You got on all of your clothes and grabbed your purse from the entryway floor. After checking your phone for the time and notifications of your friends spamming the group chat. You wondered if you should leave a note? You decided that it wouldn’t be weird and took out a pen from your purse and grabbed a paper towel from the kitchen.
Hey, last night was fun. Sorry to dip out while you were in the shower but I wasn’t expecting anything besides awkwardness. So to avoid that for the both of us, I’m heading home. But if you ever want to like hang out or anything hit me up.
After putting many holes into the paper towel, you left your phone number and headed towards the door. Hearing the shower turn off as you opened the door, you dipped out in the direction to the elevators. Your phone starts to buzz in your hand, scaring you shitless. Your uber was outside, and you breathe a sigh of relief. As you got in the uber car, your hand vibrated and you saw a text from an unknown number.
Its Noah
You laughed at the simplicity of the message but saved the number regardless. You had made it home about an hour later cause of traffic, and became bombarded with squeals and questions. Dallas, Lily, Sydney, and Cammie can’t contain themselves, so you have to yell at them to shut up so you can answer everyone’s questions in an orderly fashioned. It was about a hour and some change later when you finally were left to your own devices. You decided that you needed a shower since still being in your clothes from last night and just wanting to get rid of sweaty-ness that you accumulated from the heat of LA and last nights workout session.
After that much needed shower, you were laying in your bed, scrolling through some social media timeline, when you got a text from Noah.
Whatcha doin?
Laying in bed, why?
Wanna go to the pier?
Ummm sure, what time
Right now ;)
You started freaking out because Noah Centineo was asking to hang out with you. But you were supposed to have a girl’s night since its the first night in months since all of the girls were off at the same time. Maybe you could convince him to postpone till tomorrow.
I actually cant im supposed to hang with the girls tonight. What about tomorrow?
No its cool talk to you later
You felt bad for leaving him hanging, but the girls are more important.
It’s been a couple of weeks since you and Noah met, and you guys have pretty much have established that neither of you were looking for anything. Which is good for the both of you seeing as you both had just got out of crappy relationships. But that doesn’t mean you guys hadn’t added an a certain benefit to this friendship. You had just fallen asleep after working all day, only to be interrupted by an uncontrollable buzz coming from nowhere else but your cell phone. You answered with a sleepy hello, instantly being met with a loud deep voice.
“(y/n)! What are you doing?” the brown haired boy yelling into the phone. It sounds like he’s at the gym, from the noises of weights and punching bags. Just cause you don’t go to the gym that often, doesn’t mean you don’t know what those sounds are.
“I was asleep, No.” you yawned. “You know cause some of us have actual jobs that we have to go to everyday.” you say sarcastically. Noah chuckled dryly at your sass.
“You’re just so funny. Do you wanna come over?” now you’re fully awake and have already agreed to come over. Luckily you haven’t been drinking so you can drive yourself to his apartment. You had packed a bag just in case you can’t make it home in time to get ready for work. It was just one of those nights apparently.
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missfinefeather · 6 years
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Oh great, more Trolls.
Huggy Bear?
gif where the guy says some heavy burn or something and the crowd around his going absolutely nuts while he’s just standing there all calm, then one guy floats by making a goofy face. I can’t navigate tumblr’s gif thing at all.
Oh well, reaction gifs are kind of overdone.
TG: this is so weak im almost getting tired of wasting good material on you guys TG: its like TG: youve got nothing TG: its always one of you sprouting up and ranting about how hard im about to get trolled TG: with no ensuing substance TG: you dont even know anything about us TG: one of you fuckers thought i was a girl 
Wow, how tired is the Troll’s game?
...this is Gamzee, isn’t it?
It feels like they may each have a troll counterpart, and I’ve always seen Dave with Gamzee, so...
Announcing you’re going to be trolling them? Sounds like a Gamzee thing to do.
AT: i KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE, AT: oR WILL DO, aCTUALLY, AT: iT'S THE MOST AWFUL THING, tHE WORST YOU CAN EVER DO, TG: sorry i wouldnt cyber with you dude TG: in the future or whatever 
These trolls really have a beef with whatever is going to happen.
Also, good one Dave! xDD
I’ll spare you all my past history with Cybering...
TG: be honest with me TG: cause im busy TG: and i want to know exactly when i got to clear some space in my calendar for when some fuckwit blunders out of a magical phone booth and makes a ballad-inspiring play for my throbbing beef truncheon AT: sHOULD i BE PERTURBED BY THESE ALLUSIONS, 
Dave just feels like one step ahead of this guy through the entire conversation.
TG: i just need to know when to be there TG: when the stars come into alignment and your flux capacitor lets you finally sate your meteoric greed for crotch-dachshund TG: i wouldnt want to miss it and cause a paradox or something TG: itd suck if the universe blew up on account of you missing your window of opportunity to help yourself to a pubescent boy's naked spam porpoise AT: uHHH, AT: oK, THIS IS SORT OF STARTING TO UPSET ME, TG: jesus you are such a shitty troll
That they are xDDD
TG: bro look in my eyes TG: that twinkle TG: that be DEVOTION you herniated pro wrestlers sweaty purple taint TG: sparklin like a visit from your fairy fuckin godmother TG: shit be PURE AND TRUE TG: thats what you see TG: a kaleidoscopic supernova of all your hopes and dreams all swishin together TG: radially effevescing arms of more little boy peckers than you can imagine TG: turning out insane corkscrew haymakers of a billion dancing vienna sausages strong TG: this is how we do this TG: this shits more real than kraft mayo -- adiosToreador [AT] blocked turntechGodhead [TG] --
*slow claps*
*Claps become faster, many more join in*
*Crowd is applauding, people whistle and holler as they throw roses at his feet*
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