#need you all to know this was actually yhe night before i learned what was going on w the banned tags this came to me like a vision before i
wingedbeings · 3 years
girlboss? no. boyloser. guyfailure. dudenobody
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nico-404 · 3 years
Actually it's time to yearn for my high school musical performances. I was in a string orchestra and a choir. The string orchestra was great, I was second violin first chair for a long time, then I was first desk in first violins in my last year, next to the head girl. We were close, honestly wouldn't want anyone else as first chair that year. That was the year our school burnt down. It was rough, but we rose up, kept practicing, and performed at the winter concert that year. My last performance, all the leavers performances were got cancelled bc of covid. We went to our yearly regional "festival for music", which was kind of competitive, because it was all the schools in the region, and your performance could be ranked bronze through platinum. People could get the same ranks as each other. None of our groups ever got worse than a gold my entire time there (except woodwind ensemble, who got one silver). O was proud of us. We were strong. Choir was particularly strong, always getting platinum. I was the only true alto in the choir, so I had to learn to sing LOUD to be heard above the sopranos. I remember how the festival would always be at night, so the head of the music department would buy us pizza so we could stay at the school before taking the minibus out. Yhe whole way on the choir bus, warming up, leading into practice. Making sure every tiny aspect was polished. The heat of stage lights, the sting in my palm from clapping on and off entire choirs. They never called out what your rank was, just handed the certificate to your representitive (lead soprano or first chair) and you walked off. Of course, you wouldn't make any indication as to your rank that the others could see, no matter how well you did. People heard anyway. Hushed whispers to your conductor and your friends, slowly spreading, til the whole hall knew what you had. Sitting on the bus home, late at night, listening to the feedback on each song, celebrating because you were the only ones in the string orchestra division to stand to perform, and everyone knows good posture means good sound. After all, your instrument is your lungs, and you need to breath to make it sing. Getting home, telling your parents it was another successful night. Almost like it was a hunt, and that certificate our prey.
Yes this is incoherent no I'm not editing it it's 4am.
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