queenmatilde · 3 years
A Toast To Madame Rac (An Original) from Houston, Texas-
Although it isn’t quite finished, we thought we’d share. 
Madame Rac’s song was inspired by two of her sterling bracelets I won at an online auction (See Alexander Archbold’s channel). Madame Rac was a music teacher most of her life, teaching music to underprivileged children in Canada (Saskatchewan area).
This song just came to me one night after her sterling bracelets arrived at my door after winning them at an auction online. There was just something about her I really could relate to. I love music. She loved music. I love children. She loved children. Flashy dresser (I always wanted to be. lol). Even though I never met her, we shared a common bond.
I’ll add more lyrics later. This is just a test run of the song. Dedicated to Madame Rac, hopefully having some fun jams with Bach and Leon Fleisher.
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