h-sleepingirl · 5 years
Scenes from a Hypnotic NEEHU10 (feat. MrDream)
((I don't usually put CW on these but there is just a lot of likening the sexy things to evil abusive stuff which is super good for me but may not be good for you. YMMV.))
Scrolling up and down our chat logs from the whole weekend, eerily quiet, so much just “where are you” or “I’m heading over”. I can tell where the evenings were, early hours of the morning, threads of me typing novels to him about how hot our play is, how much I miss him already despite the fact that I will see him when we wake up.
Then Monday morning, getting ready to meet at the after-munch, we’re both eating yogurt in our separate places, and I get a “Thinking about your pussy” and I remember tossing the phone down almost like it physically hurt me, and the distance feels like it’s widening back to 100 miles.
We were so on when we were on together. We were rockstars. There were so many wonderful people that we met and taught to, and I’m thrilled by the thought that some of them met us as sleepingirl-and-MrDream, partners who meshed effortlessly together and made sparks fly.
I went in to this NEEHU as I try to go in to all events when I’m going to see him -- as sexually frustrated as possible. I hadn’t masturbated for a couple of weeks, which is a feat for me, and was taking its toll. A week before the con, I had a dream about masturbating, and it just felt so good in the dream that I couldn’t stop, but as I started to reach the point of no return, I remembered my ultimate goal and despaired, unable to stop but completely shutting down, ruining my orgasm into something feeble and unsatisfying, and waking up.
A day before the con, I had another one that went exactly the same way.
Needless to say, I was excited to see him.
And he was excited to see me, too. When I arrive at the hotel room with him and his partner, it feels so good and right, and it doesn’t take too long before our giggling conversations turn, and his finger taps me square in the forehead.
Teaching and demoing in so many classes with him is such a treat. The 101 goes smoothly and after that is the fractionation class I am demoing for. I remember looking up at him, transfixed as he talks about Vogt, bringing out large graphs to show his hypothetical patterns of up and down. That sense of being so proud of him as my partner, as a teacher.
The room is packed and I feel like a peahen, fluffed and all pretty as he drops me deep down then up and talks to me about what I was experiencing. I answer as best as I can, and then he says I am going to go really deep, and it is just as simple as that.
When he brings me up and asks what I felt the differences were, I try to be as objective as possible, but as sometimes happens with me and deep trance, there is a hole in my memory. I am a little surprised at how pronounced it is, and so quickly into the class.
Shortly after, he takes me quickly and deep and leaves me there, profoundly gone, and my sluggish mind begins to wander as I am just left as a fixture of a pretty, deep girl to admire while he teaches.
My dreaming mind conjures up fantasies of him, whispers of control, him turning around and fucking me up right here, or later how he'd make me feel completely helpless with trance and manipulative words…
The demos get more intense as the class goes on. I am responding instantly, and it is so gratifying that everyone is getting to see how impressive we are together. We have nearly two hours, and we use all of it.
It is good. It is really, really good.
But there is an itch, something that feels missing from our dynamic.
It’s hit upon in the Inductions and Intimacy class, which we did at Charmed as well -- and indeed, he plays with the memory of that, using the crystal I gave him then to torture me sweetly with my own emotions. Each demo is powerful, sexy in its own way.
The control bubbled up quickly, a moment where I truly felt like the audience was an afterthought.
“It smiles,” he says to me, and instantly, my mouth turns up into a grin while the rest of me wrestles with it and almost panics at my own responsiveness and the humiliation of this particular thing.
I’m so focused on him, so desperately not wanting to look at the class, not wanting them to see my distress.
“It is excited,” he says, lowly.
Heat and arousal flares up inside of me, still with that awful smile plastered on my face, and my body stiffens, shakes.
He freezes me with my own responses, and I’m a trapped, horny doll, frozen and on display.
He uses his finger to finally tilt my head towards the audience, and there is nothing I can do about it -- not even my eyes can move to look around or close and hide. I am not at peace, but I can’t do anything but start surrendering to it.
“If that’s not porn, I don’t know what is,” he says.
I hear murmured agreement from the class.
“I want you to be mean,” I say, lamely. I am not used to asking for what I want with him, but I need it. “Like, really mean. You know…”
“You don't think I was being mean during the classes?” he asks.
“I mean, yeah, you were being mean, but not like…” I shift my eyes down. “Evil.”
“Oh,” he says, grinning. “You don't want that hypnosis shit. You want mind control.”
My chest tightens. Yeah, maybe that’s it.
“Yeah,” he says, answering for me. “OK. Let's go find a space.”
We set up chairs in the main dungeon and I sit across from him. I am having a hard time looking at him, but all of his attention is focused on me, and he only has to raise his finger in front of my face for me to unfocus completely, hypnotized.
He's talking about how it's different when we're alone, and it is, it is exactly what I've been feeling; I love being a preening demo bottom plaything but I miss being an emotionally abused, brainwashed victim --
“I mean, you forgot things during the fractionation class,” he says, heated, like a warning, like a suggestion, like a fact, “and you will never remember them.”
My world spins with how bad that is, given so much power by my unwavering belief in my own weakness to him, ultimately harmless, but a tease of something that could be truly awful.
It's exactly the helplessness I crave, exactly the evil I’ve needed since I was a little girl.
Sunday night, back at the hotel, socializing and having a little bit of partying.
We’re getting to be more on, getting to do these drive-bys where the room can see.
My eyes already fluttering is such a tricky time to pull out his pocket watch; I’m helpless to the way that it swings in front of me, even though every part of me wants to resist the trope that I’m so weak to.
I drop deep as he brings it up and over my head, rolling my eyes back manually.
As I stand, swaying, I can feel him start swinging the watch again, between my breasts, gently hitting each one in a methodical pattern, making them tingle... I’m hit with how humiliating it is, that I already see an inanimate, mundane thing as a sex object, and now that I’m literally having it stimulate me --
It’s too much, but it feels so good and I am so deep that I just stand there, hypnotized.
When he wakes me, I hide my face and whine, turned on, looking around guiltily.
“That was awful,” I say miserably, predictably.
“Mm-hmm,” he agrees.
Finally, we walk into the bedroom, just the two of us, and take off our shoes, wrap ourselves in one another on the bed.
“Oh, fuck,” I whisper, holding him, both emotional and needy.
“Yeah,” he murmurs, and touches my forehead, blanking me out.
Even like this, heating up, there is a difference in tone. There is no audience. There is no teaching. There is just me and him, and I feel like we can finally let go and be as terrible as we are together.
He exerts control with no effort, saying as he often does that it takes nothing for him, that it's so easy, that he can just say things on whatever whim he's feeling and they just happen to me. My fucked up brain just keeps grasping, chanting “yes”, pouring itself into his hands.
He ruins me and shames me and I throw myself into it, just going deeper, just getting more mindfucked, losing more of my sense of self.
“You were leading that discussion, and you were getting turned on by all the risks,” he says, confidentially, not a question, lilting to a mocking tone. “They would say something; oh, not remembering what you were like before; oh, dependency and loss of identity, and you were like, ‘I want it, I need it…’”
My body is shaking, twisted up against him, moaning, deep.
“You are so desperate for me to control you,” he says darkly, to my fluttering eyes and slack jaw, “that you are ruining your fucking orgasms in your sleep because you want to cum with my name on your lips.”
I make an unconscious, pained, choked noise and feel everything tighten at the horrible truth of it: how far gone I am, how sexually dependent.
How wrong and how raw, and how much I truly need it.
“Even when you are completely gone,” he says, “even when there is nothing left of you and you are so empty, this is still there. This need.”
He is right. I can never escape this core sexual part of me, the need to have my mind taken away.
“‘Take it away, take it away,’” he says to my hypnotized, silent body, imitating my desperate tone, reading my mind more acutely than he has ever done.
He turns me into a girl who wandered into a hotel room with a strange man, helpless on the bed. Being molested. I am tranced beyond belief and so turned on by his hands running over my breasts, touching me like I'm a sex toy, murmuring to keep me subdued.
Talking to me about how under the influence I am, drugged, not knowing what I'm drugged with, Rohypnol, something else. My eyes have been rolled up for so long, and I can feel it pumping through my veins on each word, each suggestion of what it might be.
He lifts one of my hands, and that's the kick for me, because I am completely and utterly limp, unable to make my brain connect with that arm if I tried. It flops easily down on the bed as he drops it.
The shift of the bed as he gets up, socked footsteps on the carpet. Camera shutter sounds. I can't do anything. He opens my mouth. More clicking.
I am not me, but a fucked sense of relief floods through nevertheless -- I'll have this, I'll see this later.
He removes even this identity, leaving me a blank, horny slate, completely new. Barely a person, more just a collection of responses. A very verbal collection of responses -- to him.
“My -- my -- I need, oh, please, I need it,” I am saying, pressing my body up against his, shamelessly. I don’t know who I am, but I know who he is, or rather, I know what he represents, I know his name, I know who he is to me in this moment. “Please touch me, please, I can’t explain to you -- I don’t know --”
His hands run down the length of my body, down my sides, groping and touching, humming as he lets me babble.
“Oh -- oh…”
His fingers are dipping under my panties, and the touch is a more rare, sexual one, and my legs part submissively… A finger slides against my pussy, and he and I feel it at the exact same time -- I am so, so wet --
“Oh,” he says, a sort of low, satisfied moan, and I squeal, breaking.
“You did this,” I moan, accusing, adoring, exalting, exasperated: “You did this -- it was you, it’s you, it’s all for you, this is for you --”
I feel pitiful and broken, ineffectual in everything and anything.
He takes what I give him.
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neehu · 6 years
So what is a “Memory Play  Immersive” anyway?
Memory play is a topic that I have always been fascinated with, and have wanted more time to delve into it. Classes at cons are nice, but this topic is a rich one and I wanted more. More time to practice. More information. More experiences with more people. So the idea for a day devoted to learning more about memory play was born. I discussed it with Wiseguy, and he was up for teaching a whole lot about the topic, and the memory play immersive was born. It will be a full day intensive class led by Wiseguy with the assist of about 6 teaching assistants. The format will be alternating lecture followed by hands on practice time, drawing us ever deeper into the rabbit hole. Please ask questions! Please talk about what you would like to see/do/learn so we can adapt the event to what the audience needs! If you will be at NEEHU 10 and are experienced and passionate about memory play, and would like to be a teaching assistant for this, do get in touch as well!
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zanydanger · 6 years
Fund my registration cost for #NEEHU10 and get an hour long online hypnosis session with me! $83.79. (Discounted) <3 First one to bite gets it.  Googlepay at [email protected]
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h-sleepingirl · 5 years
Tumblr media
These pictures are me; these pictures are the most me; I am more naked in these pictures than any nude I've taken. I am not even myself in these pictures, but this is who I am.
In the hotel room at NEEHU on Sunday night with @hypnokinkwithmrdream. You did this, you did this, you did this.
Model: sleepingirl, Photo: MrDream
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h-sleepingirl · 5 years
NOTES NEEHU10: Brainwashing Discussion with sleepingirl and cckitten
After our very successful Brainwashing Discussion group at Charmed 2019 (for which the notes are also available!), we proposed this for @neehu and it was an incredible experience. A lively room, intelligent discussion, and a lot of amazing feedback (thank you)!
As before, these are the notes from the discussion, unedited except for spelling/grammar/readability, so they are not necessarily in line with my personal beliefs. They are conversation starters and thought-provokers. YMMV.
I will include our “class notes” once more and then move right on into the discussion notes.
What is brainwashing? How can we practically (and ethically) brainwash our partners, or be brainwashed? In this class / discussion, cckitten and sleepingirl will spend a small amount of time giving their polished perspective and expertise on a goal-oriented approach to brainwashing, and then quickly open up to a discussion format so we can brainstorm ideas and methods as a group.
-        Everything comes down to the question: What is brainwashing, practically? Which hopefully we get into for the discussion.
-        Boiled down, brainwashing is a sexy form of play that allows us to set and achieve goals with our partner.
-        Learning how to set goals effectively is a skill I recommend learning, and has a lot to do with being able to ask yourself the right questions
-        I sometimes separate this into two ideas:
-        General goals: I want a brainwashed slave. Question: What is a “brainwashed” partner? What is a “slave”? What is a “good submissive”?
-        Consequently, what is “a Master/Mistress/Dominant/your role of choice”?
-        Specific goals: I want you to call me by an honorific when we are in appropriate company. I want you to believe you’re brainwashed.
-        Think about the specific goals leading to the general ones
-        Sometimes it is easier to come up with your long term image of your partner by discussing short term goals. “A good submissive always… (makes my dinner, kisses my feet, etc)”
-        Setting goals is not only important from an ethical standpoint, but also the tool of simply setting an intention can be very powerful and motivating.
-        How you achieve these goals depends on the tools and knowledge that you have available to you
-        The risks are highly dependent on your personal goals, and thus so are the ways to try to mitigate them.
-        In general, dependency / “neediness/clinginess” is a risk and I’ve found this to be the biggest “problem” (only an issue when it’s an issue) (It’s hard for cc to be away from me)
-        This includes things like it being challenging when one or both of you isn’t feeling great, or isn’t feeling “on”
-        Falling in love
-        Not being able to trust that your partner will always make objective decisions that are not influenced by you
-        Most of these are NOT new territory, even with casual play partners. Lots of this should sound familiar.
What does it mean to be brainwashed?
-        To believe that someone else’s idea of reality is your idea
-        To purposely and with intent instill a different way of thinking in someone
Repeated conditioning
-        Changing someone’s patterns of behavior that suits the purpose of the brainwasher/ee
-        Altering that individual in a way that will affect your everyday life
 What’s your ideal version of your brainwashed partner?
-        Wanting something directly because the brainwasher wants it
-        Want them to be happy
-        Change and transformation, wanting to see them change
-        Uncertain what your own desires are before/after
-        Someone is brainwashed enough that their role can be changed
-        Seeing something that you clearly weren’t into before now into it
-        Giving sense of self to someone else
-        Feeling an automatic responsiveness
-        Knowing that your partner wanted it as it’s happening, they have given consent
-        Or not necessarily
-        Brainwashing to help with fixing things
-        Brainwashing people out of brats
-        Being in a brainwashed state becomes a sense of normal
-        Permanency
-        Certainty of knowing that doing a certain thing is gonna get a certain response
-        Giving someone the confidence that someone is responding correctly no matter what
-        Consciously believing that this is always how it’s been
-        Be aware of it every single second
-        Building amnesia into it so the brainwashing is behind a wall
-        Liking to see the discomfort
-        Exploring limits
-        Service oriented
-        Wanting to make someone a better version of themselves
 How do we achieve this?
-        Hypnosis
-        Incremental steps
-        Repeated exposure to something
-        Rewarding them for something they might not be into
-        Repetition of whatever structure you’re trying to create
-        Mantras, self-directed conditioning
-        Parts therapy / roleplay
-        Making it an active process
-        Pleasure conditioning
-        Organic?
-        Exposing for a bit into what they want and letting it accumulate
-        Fetishizing fictional ideas, like a brainwashing cult
-        The physical act but also the mental component
-        Assignments
-        Tropes / fantasies are longterms that are already done, so taking advantage of that
-        Ask them what they masturbate about, turn fantasy to reality
-        Punishments
-        Creating memories of having the pattern you’re already trying to create
-        Clicker training
-        Constant communication and info from the brainwashee
-        All information is weapons
-        Things that you feel are effective and the things that are written about
 Is it easier to remove or add?
 -        It’s not about the “not” filter
-        It’s about replacing the pattern because the pattern serves a purpose
-        It depends
-        Using what they already have
 What are some fantasies?
 -        Struggle fantasy
-        Ray gun / magic light
-        Helmet
-        Emotional manipulation
-        Logical fallacy trope
-        Being trapped watching, shameful experience of enjoying your doom
-        Brainwashing someone who doesn’t know that they’re being brainwashed
-        Being trapped in the dark room with spirals but they wake up and they never were
-        You’re doing it to yourself
-        Mass brainwashing
-        Hidden / subliminal messaging
-        Been made to forget that it’s happening so you think it’s a natural change until it’s pointed out to you
-        CNC turning into consent
-        Realizing that you’re being brainwashed and you’re fighting it and then you wake up and realize you’ve done this a hundred times before
-        Identity death
 What are some risks?
 -        Unclear communication resulting in unwanted changed
-        Credibility of brainwashee
-        Overdependence
-        Identity crisis
-        End of relationship
-        Accidentally long term changing memories
-        Reactions of family and friends
-        Objective decisions
-        Falling in love
-        Loss of function
-        Bleedover
-        Bad intentions
-        Is it really consensual?
-        People not understanding what you’re doing
-        Developing patterns or personality ideas that don’t mesh
-        Uninformed
-        D/s interfering with other relationships
 Mitigating risks?
 -        Triggers between headspaces(?)
-        Checkins, putting thought into what your values are
-        Trying to keep a blank slate where you can think objectively
-        Having a third party who can see changes
 How do people navigate power neutral romance with D/s?
 -        Signaling what “mode” to be in (vanilla vs D/s)
-        There’s a difference between a scene and dynamic
-        Giving brainwasher space is a profound and sometimes difficult act of service
 Navigating switching brainwashing
 -        Having alternate ways of expressing the brainwashing
-        More scene type things as opposed to long term
-        Switching triggers
-        It doesn’t necessarily have to be a big thing, can be small things
-        There can be a distinction between brainwashing and D/s, power neutral brainwashing can work
 Are people comfortable with this?
 -        It’s taboo so only with the right people
-        It’s important to have these discussions
-        it’s affirming to talk about this
-        it’s great to have these discussions especially about consent
-        spreading the gospel of consent
-        it’s hard in different communities
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h-sleepingirl · 5 years
Scenes from NEEHU: Thursday with MrDream and GleefulAbandon
We were alone together in their hotel room, just him and her and me.
We had done our pleasantries. We had joked together. We had all looked flirtatiously at one another, every possible permutation, and everything devolved, the fuse lit, the wheel starting to turn.
He snapped his fingers and I knew exactly what was going to happen: I was fixed on her as her eyes slid slowly up, fluttering lids drooping over them. She started to pitch to the side just slightly, finally falling gracefully into the couch.
I couldn't really tell what I was feeling, entirely, but I was so gripped and turned on, more openly than I expected to be. There was something disquieting about the intimacy in the hotel room, but something else that felt so masturbatory that it didn't matter.
He woke her up with another snap and the silence of the room hung thick in the few moments of seeing her try -- struggle -- to refocus.
In the next moment, barely given enough time to breathe, I felt him turn to me. My face scrunched involuntarily as if to hide itself, but a deep hunger, deeper than my intense discomfort, drew me to look to see what he was doing, if he was really going to --
His fingertip tapped the center of my forehead, and I dropped instantly down.
I felt both a sense of being propelled downwards by him and a sense of being gripped and pulled by my own self-destructive desire.
He woke me up, and I gasped as it all hit me coming back, out of my daze.
In that quiet as I blinked awake, wrenching myself up, seeing her staring at me, turning to look at him as his white hot attention was turned on me… I had the most distinct feeling like the air was filled with sex and tension. It felt dangerous, like we were on a precipice, and the most awful part was that it was imbalanced; she and I were waiting, and he could tip us over it on a whim.
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neehu · 6 years
Memory Play Day Survey!
The results from the Memory Play Day Survey are turning out to be super helpful to us in planning your Memory Play Intensive, but we've got fewer than 50 replies so far! (Sorry if you already filled it out and we are bugging you!) If you haven't filled it out yet, please do so, even if you aren't attending it (and especially if you are!) We want to make this the best possible day for you all! This is going to be so much fun!!! I’m really getting excited about the chance to delve into this! And for once to just be a participant and enjoy and learn! Should be an interesting experience to start NEEHU really fractionated. ;) Half of the day is going to be hands on trance time! Lots of practice, with expert guidance! And did we mention that it’s included in the price of your NEEHU admission? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVzNCepzLmSUE4s24DHdDcRSbEHHR8t52nHWCCcY2hGlzKeA/viewform
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neehu · 6 years
Many thanks to everyone who submitted their classes already! I have a suspicion that A) the presentation submission form has had some technical difficulties, and some of the things y'all submitted did not end up in my spreadsheet and B) there are people who want to present who have yet to submit classes. So! I've added all the presentations from the form as of 10 minutes ago to the publicly visible programming spreadsheet. Check it out! (BTW, there are tabs on the bottom, the presentations are on the “class list” tab right now!)  Do you see the stuff you submitted? Do you see something that needs to be taught and isn't on there? Do you feel inspired to present something else? Is there a fun activity that you would like to have happen? Now is the time! I plan on making the schedule on Feb 26 so that I can get started on making the program book and -Jmo- can work on the volunteer schedule!
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neehu · 6 years
NEEHU 10 Schedule (draft) is online!
We’ve got classes! We’ve got evening programming! We’ve got food! 28 days until NEEHU!!! Are you excited yet?  (we are!!!) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rl6xEfk1Wc-AD0DDXxO692zePeFTHvajtrgFPhyWypI/edit#gid=0 You might notice that Wiseguy is not on the schedule this year. This is because he had a stroke about a week ago and is working on recovering. He wishes he could attend (and is OK with me posting about this... he wants y’all to know.) (He also could probably use some virtual hugs.) We will miss him very much this NEEHU.
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neehu · 5 years
Excitement! A new class!
It’s not going to be in the program book, but it will be up on the wall! Ventrue Vixen and Ana Tremere team up to teach Better Safeties, Better Play on Friday at 4:15 PM! They will be having an Ask Me Anything/Office Hour session immediately following the class in the main room! Ventrue Vixen, assisted by Ana Tremere, demonstrates how they improve safety for both themself and their partners. Using techniques that are both easy to implement and result in more effective and satisfying play. This class is accessible for all skill levels no matter what side of the watch you sit on. Techniques to be covered will focus on creating and testing safeties that feel more like play than what is typically thought of as safety setup and strengthening. This class is targeted at all levels of hypnotists and all levels of skills.
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neehu · 6 years
NEEHU 10 Scholarship Information (Deadline Feb 1, 2019)
Do you really want to go to NEEHU, but lack the funding to attend? Are you really excited about the idea of NEEHU and dream about attending but Hartford is just so far away? Are you passionate about the idea of a local/national hypnosis community? Do you write about hypnosis or your hypnotic adventures?  Do you want to become part of this network of hypnotically pervy people having safe hypnotic fun across the country?
Deadline for submissions is February 1, 2019 Submit entries by e-mail or fetlife message to Mephki (at) NEHG (dot) info with the word Scholarship in the title.
All submissions will be reviewed by The Committee, and winners will be selected based on merit and enthusiasm. Please spell-check your entry prior to submission.
Recipients will receive up to a $300 travel allotment, registration for this year's NEEHU, and accommodations in the co-ed 2BR volunteer suite.
Option 1: Community Enrichment
1. Write an essay of at least 500 words or record a short video (less than 10 minutes) on the topic of:
What I have contributed to my local or online hypnosis community.
How my trip to NEEHU will help my hypnosis community.
Why I would LOVE to go to NEEHU.
2. Provide evidence of hypnosis events that you have been involved in organizing within the past year.
Option 2: New Presenters
1. Write an essay of at least 500 words or record a short video (less than 10 minutes) on the topic of:
Your experience with presentation so far
Your proposed presentation(s) for NEEHU 10
Why you would LOVE to go to NEEHU.
2. Include any class outlines or notes you may have prepared for your presentations.
E-mail or message Mephki, mephki (at) NEHG (dot) info, with any questions you might have!
P.S. Should you be the altruistic type that wants to bring MORE awesome people to NEEHU, we do accept donations towards this scholarship, too!
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neehu · 6 years
The Ribbon Ceremony at NEEHU
It’s about aftercare and telling people how much you appreciate them. It’s a time to approach people who made your weekend wonderful and giving them a small thing from you to remember your connection by. It’s a time to reflect, to say so long, see you again, thank you.
How it works:
Everyone has a ball of yarn or length of ribbon. Take about a 2-3 foot loop of yarn to loop around your neck. (Bring your own if you want!!) If you don’t have your own, we’ve got a good variety! There are lots of scissors around. You cut your yarn into perhaps 5-6 inch pieces and then approach people who you want to thank and ask if you could exchange ribbons. If they say yes, attach your ribbon to the yarn they are wearing (double knot works well) and let them tie theirs to yours.
Bring your own yarn!
In past years, some people have brought fiber that means something to them... perhaps something they made or dyed themselves, perhaps something from somewhere that is meaningful to them.
Bring yarn to share!
Do you have ends of yarn or ribbon that you don’t need? Bring it here and we will use it!
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neehu · 6 years
Get your tickets before March 24 to ensure that you get a nice printed name badge!
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neehu · 6 years
Programming Highlight: Ambassador/Explorer program
Misty and Mephki team up to bring newbies together with more experienced NEEHUvians to provide support and advice before and during the con! There’s still time to sign up to be either an Ambassador or an Explorer! Here’s the link to the signup form!  This is for non-play interactions, in fact, Ambassadors are strongly discouraged from being play partners with their Explorer. We match people up based on interests and demographics. The first round of matches will be going out in a few days! Participants in the program last year had a really good time and made some strong connections that endured after the con ended. There will be a meetup on Thursday night with some icebreakers, and interactions will continue throughout the con!
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neehu · 6 years
Soft deadline for presentations is February 1, hard deadline is February 15!
This form is the all purpose “I want to contribute something to NEEHU, be it a presentation, icebreakers, an evening activity, a meetup for people like me, or an idea for organized shenanigans at the conference.”
We’re trying to get presentations finalized earlier this year because Mephki/MindControlFun and the Iowa crew are doing the printing this year, and we need to have stuff ready to go sooner for logistics reasons. Mmmm.... submission!
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neehu · 6 years
Today is a great day to get your registration for NEEHU 10! (So is tomorrow, and the day after...) But after February 1, not so much because rates go up $20! (But don’t worry, your late registration means more $$$ for us to get nice things for you, like avocados and cake!) $80 now, $100 after Feb 1. (And if you’re feeling extra generous, we’ve got a benefactor registration which goes towards scholarships!)
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