#neither duncan nor the axolotl tanks have much of a say in his birth and tell you me
acid-vanir · 7 months
Just seen a postcalling out the Abomination aspects in Dune 2 as pro-life and fr, ??? I understand nothing about the situation eith the preborn is explained bcos "hurr durr we must mass market appeal the intricate worldbuilding and vast, layered plot out of existance" but truly, even in this book written in the sixties w/ literally thee worst queer rep physically imaginable, where every female character IS actually trained to be manipulative sociopath ripped from an incels strawman wet dream, jessica can only read to me as frank herberts ultimate proponent to bodily autonomy and the fact that can apparently be missed in the film is just another tally in my long amassing list of how the bene gesserit were done a disservice by this film. What would be your alternative? For jessica to have no command over her body? For the cult which raised, indoctrinated and conditioned her against any form of love, to have their final say and "prune" another child out of line w/ their eugenics program, against her explicit wishes? Being uncomfortable with the presentation of this plot line is understandable, and i agree that jessica is characterised as far weaker in this film than the books in such a way that strips her of some agency, certainly removes her as the active agent she should be in Pauls "fremenization" for lack of a better term, but if your take on pro-choice is wanton and disregards the wishes of the mother, i doubt theyd call that pro-choice
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