#with half the shit going on with the tleilaxu
acid-vanir · 7 months
Just seen a postcalling out the Abomination aspects in Dune 2 as pro-life and fr, ??? I understand nothing about the situation eith the preborn is explained bcos "hurr durr we must mass market appeal the intricate worldbuilding and vast, layered plot out of existance" but truly, even in this book written in the sixties w/ literally thee worst queer rep physically imaginable, where every female character IS actually trained to be manipulative sociopath ripped from an incels strawman wet dream, jessica can only read to me as frank herberts ultimate proponent to bodily autonomy and the fact that can apparently be missed in the film is just another tally in my long amassing list of how the bene gesserit were done a disservice by this film. What would be your alternative? For jessica to have no command over her body? For the cult which raised, indoctrinated and conditioned her against any form of love, to have their final say and "prune" another child out of line w/ their eugenics program, against her explicit wishes? Being uncomfortable with the presentation of this plot line is understandable, and i agree that jessica is characterised as far weaker in this film than the books in such a way that strips her of some agency, certainly removes her as the active agent she should be in Pauls "fremenization" for lack of a better term, but if your take on pro-choice is wanton and disregards the wishes of the mother, i doubt theyd call that pro-choice
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termiteconsumer · 2 years
ok here it is my thoughts on heretics of dune [SPOILERS]
(help im still new to tumblr can you hide text if somethings a spoiler?)
taraza and odrade shouldve kissed
other than that very good it asks very important questions like what if we removed two letters from arrakis wouldnt that be fucked up? and honestly it would tbh if i were mother superior of the bene gessirit and that happened i would also plot to destroy rakis. teg is cool i like to imagine that hes kinda what leto i could’ve been under better circumstances. hes like the pinnacle of the atreides ability to get people fanatically loyal to him half of his plot at the end is him just going around gammu and random ppl being like “hey bashar u saved us at [insert battle that took place] if u need me to die for u dont hesitate to ask.” this is cool and probably ties into herberts themes abt how charismatic leaders are evil but idk teg seems like a good person so maybe charismatic leaders are awesome and herbert was baiting us the last time. anyway herberts anti-government and anti-powerful ppl stance comes out a lot more here. both teg and taraza comment on power at points teg thinking something about how domination makes both the dominant and the subservient like soulless or some shit i forget 😔 and taraza talking to i think sheeana abt how dominating forces always create a counterforce - ie a rebelion or revolution of some kind. these are both moments i will say that. i added commentary there shut up.
i like how throughout the dune series frank herbert is able to examine the different ways power is enforced and critique them regardless of how such power is represented. for example the atreides rule by building a sense of trust and fanatic loyalty among those they rule, and that fanatic loyalty is a tool they use to establish hegemony and maintain power. in heretics the honored matres are introduced who “rule through sex” this could potentially be an analogy for pleasure in general i think. evidence? shut up shut up shut up. anyway if so it could very much be about consumption and consumerism as a tool to establish hegemony. theres probably an essay abt capitalism to be had there. unfortunately shut up.
there was one last thing i wanted to touch on: someone needs to find where the tleilaxu keep all their duncan cells and set off an atomic device there. it would be better for everyone.
in conclusion i give heretics of dune a chairdog/10
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dragon-writer · 4 years
For the record, I like bad sci fi. I paid money to see Battlefield Earth in the cinema. I also paid money to see Supernova in the cinema. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve watched Waterworld. Jupiter Ascending with that elephant-guy? I recommend that shit to my friends and family. I’m not some grand movie judge trying to get a boycott going or snuff out anyone’s excitement. 
All I’m saying is that I don’t believe that “Trade Routes... in Space”  is going to be the epic story that the cool promo shots of a Kylo-looking Maud’Dib are apparently leading people to believe Dune is. I’m just saying.
But now that I’ve spent time thinking about it, (thank you angry anons), I hereby acknowledge my bias. 
I got hooked on this as a child who saw the word Atreides on the back of a hardcover in a library and assumed it was going to be about Agamemnon. I kept reading to get to Agamemnon. That’s the extent of my investment. I read it for the evil robot, Shaddam, Feyd-Rautha, House Harkonnen, the Tleilaxu... I had to stan the villains to make it through each book. I read it for the Fremen quotes about things like spannungsbogen.
I like the world but I hate all the "heroes,” and I might only truly enjoy the movie if Maud’Dib and his Lady Mother are eaten within the first 15 minutes of touching down on the planet and never seen again. No ressurections. Nothing.  
Other than that, I admire the way people think that we’re all going to be back to caring about movies by December of 2020. I appreciate even the hate. It was nice. Very distracting. I haven’t left the house in a month. My cats hate me. I have to eat my own cooking and shit’s been getting weird tbh.
I kinda want to go back to that time where I could wander through libraries at will and read random books because of one word in a blurb... To have that kind of free time... But instead we’re living in the first half of The Stand. 
I honeslty can’t remember the last book I read on paper... Which is kinda sad.
Probably the last Harry Potter...
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