jellsmells · 1 year
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neksa and brendan…anyways i don’t know how to convey how much they tear me to shreds but they genuinely gut me . smth abt her being a crow … ill fated love… this journal entry !!!! u get the gist
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moodindigov · 1 year
lol lmao imagine giving unfinished snippets of a scene bcs u accidentally deleted the rest of it and you cant get it back bcs u write in ur notes app…haha…anyways here’s a small snippit of brendan and neksa scene that probably still has a note or two of mine there ill rewrite it when i have time
Brendan heard her yelp before he saw her again. He sat up straighter and stopped his mindless leg swinging. It was easy to spot the girl, her familiar figure sticking out like a sore thumb on the empty London street.
Her hair was tied into a messy ponytail held high on her head and her linen dress was filthy with grime and hard work.
It wasn’t uncommon to see young women and girls a mess of dirt and sweat, not anymore. It never was to Brendan in the first place.
In his family, no matter what you were—boy, girl, woman, man; everyone was given a job. And no matter the filth or shit you’d had to stick your hands into, the piss stained sewers and foul smelling slums, that job was to be completed without failure. Because failure meant death and an unimaginable sense of grief he couldn’t seem to escape.
Brendan shakily exhaled.
The financial crisis that Britain was going through, (The Devil’s Decade according to his father) was helping naught with business either. Hittin’ the North hard, his Da had told him and Jess once. They were lucky to live in the home they did with food on their plates and proper rooms to sleep in. A reminder of those words sat true outside their windows every night with eyes of defeat.
And foolishly he realized that with his reflecting came staring, and staring seemed to get the girl’s attention. <(better transition)
“Hey, you! What’re you starin’ at?“ she yelled over to him. He startled and looked around before stupidly realizing she was talking to him. She rolled her eyes and started walking closer to where he was sat.
Walk away, his mind whispered. It’s just another girl, walk away. You’ve got barely five minutes ‘til you’re expected back, sack it off. And yet, he couldn’t. For some reason, this girl, this completely average, filthy as dirt girl drew his attention. And maybe it was her dark shining eyes, or the pure spunk in her voice. Maybe it was the kindness and the small semblance of peace she gave him, something to settle to constant buzzing in his mind. He shouldn’t. He needs to walk away, never to see her again—
“You alright?” he asked her suddenly and she cocked her head.
“I’m perfectly content,” she started, “are you alright? You look properly down in the dumps. Don’t see a reason for it, either, you look lucked out.” Lucked out in the poor reality of failing families and lost homes he was, he grimly mused to himself.
“I’m fine.” The girl (he really had to learn her name) didn’t seem to be convinced.
“Oh, and I’m the Queen’s niece,” she scoffed. “You look constipated with all that thinking you’re doing.”
Brendan huffed with indignation. “I am fine. Leave me be, go back to milkin’ cows or whatever you do.” He walked away, once and for all he declared to himself.
“Do you talk to everyone you meet that way?” She stomped over to his moving figure and kept a steady pace with him.
He resolutely ignored her. She didn’t seem to like that.
“Hello? Anyone there?” Brendan huffed as she hesitantly poked his arm. “Oh, don’t be a big baby. What is it with men and getting sensitive when talking about feelings?” She mumbled the last part under her breath but Brendan heard her clear as day.
Maybe he’d run into Jess, or (gods forbid) his Da. They’d get him out of this situation. Well, he scowled, his idiot twin would run off without a second thought once he caught his eye. He clenched his jaw and the pretty girl seemed to notice.
“Is that it? You don’t want to talk about feelings?” She asked, not unkindly.
Brendan shouldn’t answer. He shouldn’t. He should keep walking away like he’d do to any other lady, any other lad, towards a house that wasn’t a home, could never be a home.
— end
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sspace-aart · 9 months
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rereading paper and fire bc my library didn't have ash and quill so here are some more the great library sketches :)
i saw @jellsmells draw glain w a rlly short haircut and overall very masc and it legit opened my eyes fr so idk anymore how i'll draw her but we'll figure it out
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oh no your inspiring me to write brendan meeting neksa scene in the slump au
Amaziiiiiiiiing!!! Brendan/Neksa is criminally under-done in the fandom.
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okei, par torni atkal, bija vēl visādas epizodes, bet nu neatceros, galvenaa ir taa, ka no kiegeliem, sarkanajiem pilditajiem uz celju uz augshu torni un pats atrodos tornja augshaa, un lieku kiegeljus un taka kapju augstak un tas trnis neshupojas, ir mazliet taka lidzsvaru jatur, bet neksa negazhas un es nekritu nost. tas pr incipa ir labss s
bija tas par torni kur no akmenjiem taisu un ari esmu augshaa un tad to pedejo akmeni izdomaju uzlikt ritdien un tad viss trnis sagazhas un sak krist no debesim akmeni daudz, kaa krussa, ar troksni. tas bija pirms gadiem 4-5 apm. tipa pirms huinjaam.
taka principa labs sapnis
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omitemistefe · 2 years
Ez evîndariyê dizanim, lê belê... helbestek ji Ehmed Meter
Canikê ji paş ve gazî min kir:
“Ez ji bendemanê mirim,
lêvên min qirqiçîn,
giyanê min çilmisî,
cendek pizirî,
li daristanên min birîn peyda bûne ku derman nabin
û li çolistanên min pêtên êgir peyda bûne ku emanê nadin.
Lo helbestvanê min!
Tu dê kengê çolistana min bi şewata agirekî damirînî
û tu dê kengê daristanên min bi teqîneke xwînî biaxivînî?
Min dilê xwe wekî nivînekê ji bo te amade kiriye,
û ji evînê rayêxek raxistiye.
Gelek caran ramiyame
û gelek caran jî êşiyame;
lê dibînim ku jena dilê te vingîna fîşengekê ye,
stranên te zûrezûr û zîwezîw in,
hestên te fermana kuştina min in,
hêvî û daxwazên te dîlên min in,
tu vegeriyayî ariya agirekî
ku jê xwelî û çend çîkebizot mane;
ba jî pifî vê ariyê dike
û li xwezayê tartarî dike.
Tu nizanî bê ka evîn çi ye
û ez badilhewa mirim li bendemanê.”
Rehma Xwedê li dilê te bendeyê be
û ez tu lêborînê derpêş nakim!
Ez jî dizanim bê ka evîn çi ye, lê belê
di rastiyê de vîneke min tunebû;
zingezinga tofana kederê sîngê min hingaftibû,
evîn agirek bû, lê ji ber çavan winda bûbû,
evîn tavek bû, lê dema ku şevê roj pêça wê jî xwe veşartibû,
evîn beytikek bû, li ser gir û kêrtên min bi wîtewît distra,
û dema ku nêçîrvan xuya bû, ew jî firiya.
Ax, xwezila desthilatdaran
kûçik bernedana ser çermê min
û ji bo vê mebestê neketana pêşbirkê!
Ax, xwezila wan lûleyên min ên xwînê bi rûn danegirta
û neksa min bi toz û xubarê neçikanda!
Wê hingê ez ê bi helbestên xwe daketama qadê,
biketama cizbeya derwêşên xwewindakirî.
Min ê vîçevîça serê sibehê li qirikê biçikanda,
stran li dev û lêvan vegeranda,
hinehim bişanda sîngan,
li her devereke germ û sermayê agir berda keştiyan,
kevir bidana axaftin.
Min ê Îmrulqeys biavêta berîka xwe,
û Nizar Qebanî bi tevahî ji rojevê derxista.
Dizanim bê ka evîn çi ye,
lê belê evîna min
li ser bendê tamarên min daliqî ma
û di zindana dilê min de mir!
Canikê, nekeve wê gumanê ku evîna min bi xwekuştinê mir,
nekeve wê gumanê ku evîna min çiqilekî hişk bû û mêwe neda.
Canikê, nekeve wê gumanê ku ew jixwe evîneke şil û şeht bû
û heke qudûm tê de hebûya, dê bimeşiya.
Nekeve şik û gumanan,
min û evîna min bibexşîne!
Ji ber ku ez bi hêsiran jehên sazê dijenim
û gava distrêm, bi xwîn vedireşim.
Dijîm, lê kef bi devê min ketiye;
di sekerata xwe de vediçirikim
û lewre dema min nîn e ku ji bo sermestan bistrêm.
Min bibexşîne,
heke min newayên xwe damirandibin
û perdeyên xwe kişandibin.
Ji ber ku ez heme;
lê ne xwediyê dilekî kirêkirî me.
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velvserum · 4 years
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lalounia · 6 years
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Xartov‘ s suffering is endless.
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I don't the Archivist's little monologue just wait Neksa is going to be killed in an instant.
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trolldomblog · 5 years
The Elements
Astrological Rulers:  Venus, Saturn
Keys: Law Principle, Solidity
Auriel (“Lord of Awe”)
Rules: birth & death, body, growth, nature, stones & metals, material things,
caves, chasms, silence, graves, fields
Sanguine; Sensation; calm, imperturbable
Virtues: strength, endurance, commitment, responsibility, thoroughness, practicality, wisdom, patience, sense of timing
Vices: dullness, lack of conscience, melancholy, boredom, inertia, stagnation, hoarding of resources (including information)
Yule & midnight
North, Boreas
Colour: green
Symbols: oak, rock crystal, salt, bull or cow, stag, grains, comfrey, ivy
Tools: pentacle, altar stone (body of Anima Mundi)
Spirits: gnomes under Gob (friendly & easy to reach, teach access to own depths & caverns & how to mine & work the vein of gold therein)
Shortage: spaciness, hyper-activity, instability
Excess: body heaviness, general lack of energy, inertia, etc.
The Element of Earth is generally called from the North.
The element of Earth is considered cool and dry and is associated with the melancholic temperament.
The element of Earth represents the solid state of matter.
The element of Earth corresponds to the physical part of ourselves, our physical body and rules the elder stage of life.
The element of Earth rules the intestines.
The element of Earth rules the winter and the night.
The Element of Earth represents, the sense of touch and all physical, practical, material things including money, crops, livestock, the home, property, family, career, investments, saving.
The Alchemical Mineral associated with the Earth is Salt.
Other Minerals associated with the element of Earth are halite (aka salt), granite, jasper, emerald, jade, malachite, hematite, lead, ochre
It is usually considered feminine in nature.
Colors associated with the element of Earth include green and brown.
The element of Earth is associated with Old age, or maturity, the Winter, Nighttime and the Winter Solstice.
The best time to perform spells associated with the element of Earth is when the moon is in one of the Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo
Symbols of the element of Earth include- soil, the pentacle, cattle,
Herbs associated with the element of Earth include apple, bistort, comfrey, cypress, fern, all grains, all grasses, honeysuckle, horehound, ivy, magnolia, mugwort, narcissus, oak, oakmoss, primrose, rhubarb, vervain, vetiver
Astrological Rulers:  Venus, Moon
Keys: Love Principle, Fertility Gabriel (turns force into form)
Rules: emotions, love, sorrow, courage, astral planes, clairvoyance, tides, oceans, pools, streams, wells, womb Melancholic; Feeling; strong, excitatory
Virtues: compassion, tranquility, tenderness, forgiveness, modesty, fluidity in creativity, receptivity, influence
Vices: self-indulgence, negligence, cowardice, indifference, instability, moodiness, infatuation, easily put upon, delusions
Autumn & sunset
West, Zephyrus
Colour: blue
Symbols: willow, dolphin, fish, water snakes, sea birds, myrrh, ferns, rushes
Tool: cup or cauldron (depending on tradition)
Spirits: undines under Neksa (elusive at first, flowing & difficult to understand, watch politely and learn)
Shortage: deep body dryness, hotness, mind & body feel separated, no empathy
Excess: body puffiness, sinus (etc.) flows, mood swings, “touchiness”, apathy
The element of Water is generally called from the West.
The element of Water is considered moist and cool and is associated with the phlegmatic temperament.
Water is considered feminine in nature.
The element of water represents the liquid state of matter.
The element of water corresponds to maturity, but also has some associations with death and rebirth.
The element of water rules the heart and kidneys, blood and the sense of taste.
Blue may be used to represent the element of water.
The element of water rules the autumn, and sunset.
The Element of Water rules our emotions as well as our subconscious.
In Tarot, the element of water corresponds to The Hanged Man, the Queens and the suit of Cups
Animals they represent the element of water include the dolphin, sea serpent, the seal, gulls and the fish.
The elemental spirits associated with water are the undines.
In astrology, water signs include Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
The elemental tool of water is the chalice or the cauldron.
Minerals that correspond to the element of water include the metal silver and the stones topaz, sapphire, lapis lazuli, chalcedony, amethyst, citrine.
Plants the correspond to the element of water are usually juicy and refreshing or may grow near water. Plants that correspond to the planets Venus and the moon are often associated with the element of water. Some of these plants include apple blossom, calamus, chamomile, camphor, cardamom, catnip, cherry, coconut, comfrey, cucumber, elder, eucalyptus, fern, gardenia, heather, hyacinth, iris, jasmine, lemon, lemon balm, licorice, lilac, lily, lotus, melon, moss, motherwort, orris root, passion flower, seaweed, sandalwood, peach, lungwort, rose, rush, spearmint, stephanotis, sweet pea, tansy, thyme, tonka bean, vanilla bean, violet, water lily
Incense that correspond to the element of water include ylang, myrrh, onchya
Astrological Rulers: Sun, Mars, Jupiter
Keys: Light Principle, Action
Michael (victor over ignorance)
Rules: force, energy, spirit, heat, mental plane, blood, sap, life, will, surgery, destruction, purification, hearth fires, volcanoes, explosions Choleric; Intuitive; lively
Virtues: courageous, self-assertive, chivalrous, enthusiastic, passionate, experienced, virile
Vices: self-centered, ruthless, fanaticism, vindictiveness, anger, hatred
Midsummer & noon
South, Notus
Colour: red
Symbols: fire opal, almond (in flower), garlic, hibiscus, pepper, olibanum
Tools: scourge, sword, athame (in some traditions)
Spirits: salamanders under Djinn (elusive & hostile, teach power over fire & energy)
Shortage: body heavy or chilled, thoughts draggy, unenthusiastic
Excess: hot, hyper, flitting thoughts, insomnia, anger, snappishness
The element of Fire is generally called from the South.
The element of Air is considered warm and dry and is associated with the choleric temperament.
Fire is active and penetrating and considered masculine in nature.
The element of fire represents energy.
The element of fire corresponds to our conception and birth and our very life force- the "spark" of life, also of inspiration.
The element of fire rules the liver and the sense of sight.
Red may be used to represent the element of fire.
The element of fire rules the summer, and noon time.
The Element of Fire rules our passions, inspiration and life force. The drive to create.
In Tarot, the element of fire corresponds to Judgement, the Knights and the suit of Wands
Animals they represent the element of fire include the dragon, lion and the horse.
The elemental spirits associated with fire are the salamander and djinn.
In astrology, fire signs include Sagittarius, Aries and Leo.
The elemental tool of fire wand. Other tools that correspond to the element of air in some traditions may include the sword, dagger, rod, staff, candle, tripod lamp and/or censor.
Minerals that correspond to the element of fire tend to be red or brightly colored, and/or are formed in fire and/or are associated with battle, passion and fury. These include the metals iron and gold, and the stones fire opal, fire agate, ruby, obsidian, tiger eye, carnelian, garnet, and amber
Plants the correspond to the element of fire often inherit their correspondences from Mars or the Sun. These are often prickly, hot and/or protective in nature. They include allspice, angelica, basil, bay-laurel, beech, buttercup, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, deer's tongue, dill, fennel, garlic, juniper, heliotrope, lime, marigold, mustard, nettles, nutmeg, red peppers, onion, orange, peppermint, red poppy, rose geranium, rosemary, sassafras, sunflower, tangerine, tobacco, woodruff.
Incense that correspond to the element of air include olibanum, copal.
Astrological Rulers:  Jupiter, Mercury
Keys: Life Principle, Intellect
Raphael (instructor, traveler, healer)
Rules: mind, essential qualities, spiritual plane, knowledge, abstract learning, theories, windy or high places, breathe, speech
Plegmatic: Thinking; weak inhibitory
Virtues: gregarious, diligent, optimistic, dexterity, joie-de-vivre,
persuasive, friendly, healthy, knowledgeable
Vices: frivolity, boasting, absent mindedness, rootless, easily distracted, loquacious, tends to intellectualize emotions (rather than experience them)
Spring & sunrise
East, Eurus
Colour: yellow
Symbols: topaz, galbanum, aspen, frankincense, vervain, birds, eagle & hawk
Tools: wand (in some traditions), censer (arrow stabs air & conveys message Outer to Inner)
Spirits: sylphs under Paralda (very hard to see & know, teach mind control and how to level out your thinking processes)
Shortage: mind blank, shortness of breath, non-comprehension of known data
Excess: “gas bloat”, inability to focus attention, “spacey” thoughts
The element of Air is generally called from the East.
The element of Air is considered warm and moist and is associated with the sanguine temperament.
Air is generally considered either hermaphrodite or masculine in nature.
The element of air represents the gaseous state of matter.
The element of air corresponds to our spirit body and our breath and rules the infant stage of life.
The element of air rules the lungs and the sense of smell.
Yellow may be used to represent the element of air.
The element of air rules the springtime and the dawn and the Vernal Equinox.
The Element of Air rules the breath, the voice, speech, eloquence, information, communication, networking and intellect.
In Tarot, the element of air corresponds to The Fool, The Kings and the suit of Swords
Animals they represent the element of air include songbirds, eagles and hawks.
The elemental spirit associated with air is the sylph.
In astrology, air signs include Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.
The elemental tool of air is the dagger. Other tools that correspond to the element of air in some traditions may include the athame, wand, censor.
Minerals that correspond to the element of air include the metal mercury and the stones halite or salt rock, granite, holey stone, picture jasper, emerald, jade, malachite and hematite.
Plants the correspond to the element of air include acacia, almond, anise, citron peel, frankincense, gum-arabic, gum benzoin, bergamot, lavender, lemon verbena, lemongrass, mace, marjoram, mastic, myrrh, pansy, parsley, peppermint, primrose, sage, star anise, vervaine, violet, yarrow || apple, bistort, comfrey, cypress, fern, grains, grass, honeysuckle, horehound, ivy, magnolia, mugwort, narcissus, oakmoss, primrose, rhubarb, vervain and vetivert
Incense that correspond to the element of air include galbanum, sandalwood, mallow.
The element of Spirit is virtually identical to either Aether or Fire.
Sometimes the Spirit entities (ancestors, Gods, nature spirits, etc.) are referred to as the element of spirit in ritual. Sometimes it is magickal energy that is being referred to.
The following stones symbolize Spirit diamond, quartz crystal, jet, onyx
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jellsmells · 2 years
compilation of every character description i caught in the great library series while listening to the audiobooks (might be unreadable for anyone but me—esp bc these r from every single book w no clarification of which parts r from which books and r just dumped haphazardly into my notes—but if u can decipher it, it might b useful!):
Jess: 16/17, tattoo of a closed book on his chest over his heart, scars/cuts on his hands
Brendan: shaggy hair, can raise one eyebrow, tiny scar on his chin, scar on his upper face (“as if he hadn’t a care in the world except for the bloody wound in his head”)
Liam: sharp nose, shaggy blonde-ish hair, died at 17
Thomas: blonde hair, pale eyebrows, blue eyes, is large (looked big enough to bend iron, mugs look like teacups in his hands), neat square writing not a spare loop or line
Khalila: hijabi, dark skin, intense big brown eyes, can also raise one eyebrow, short, dimples, wide eyes
Glain: “raw-boned”, long legs, not light, curling brown hair, dark eyes, tall, chopped her dark hair closer for convenience/short-cropped, solid curves of endurance and strength, warm woody brown skin under sun, sharp impatient print, three tattoos
Zara: dark green eyes, dark round face
Anit: copper skin, straight black dark hair worn in a shoulder length cut, petite and pretty, ring necklace, 14 in paf
Dario: bronze skin, wavy black hair, a goatee, black/dark brown eyes, very white teeth, light muscle, shadow of a beard, longer hair
Wolfe: black eyes, dark skin, shoulder length black and grey hair
Santi: hazel eyes, tattoo inked high on his bicep is a lion, unscarred face, not overly tall, sharp chin, long straight nose, heavy dark brows, close cropped dark hair, deep brown Italian, lines on his face
Morgan: light brown honey eyes, pale skinned with lustrous brown hair, thin and smoothly curved, pointed chin
Brightwell: a smaller man, runted in his youth
Mrs brightwell: ash blonde hair streaks of silver
Danton: pale with flaxen blonde hair, eyes more silver than blue, light grey eyes
Artifex magnus: white hair shorn close to the scalp, square face that’s lean and strong, frosted blue eyes like winter, purple robes, gnarled fingers, old man/old face, shocking white beard, intimidating
Keria Morning: tall bronze woman, sharp features, backswept dark hair that falls to her waist, streaked with silver, LOOKS nearly 50 according to jess
Neksa: hair swept back in a braided queue, pretty, shark cheekbones, blushed copper skin, Egyptian
Eskander: silver hair cascading over his shoulders dark eyes dark amber skin
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moodindigov · 10 months
no dont mind me just reading lyrics that remind me of jess and brendan.
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shadesofmidnightsun · 6 years
The Good (and the Not So Good) things about Smoke and Iron
I got my hand on book for, read it in a day, and figured I’d share some thoughts ... So here goes.
Spoilers under the cut
The Good
- The main crew managing to stay hopeful after the disastrous ending of book 3 (tbh, I thought that was no coming back from that).
- Wolfe and Santi being hopelessly in love (for once shown from their pov, not through Jess’s eyes).
- Khalila and Dario.
- Morgan. I never cared for her much, but she’s far more interesting without Jess when she gets a chance to so something on her own other than keep running and being involved in relationship drama. 
- Morgan questioning her feelings for Jess. Annis telling here there are different kinds of love and different kinds of people.
- Annis in general.
- Thomas and Glain still not showing any inclination of becoming a couple.
- Gregory dying.
- Santi not yet forgiving Jess for deception, because what Jess did was a stab in the back for everyone and could have been handled better.
 - Eksander.
- Fight against the Archivist already in book 4 as opposed to the very end. This story plays out on a much larger scale than just lived of the main cast, and with so much politics involved, the story needs time to show the changes on a global scale as well.
The Not So Good
- Brendan and Neksa!!! Why, Caine, why?!
- Jess’s stupid plan from book 3 makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. The only things that would have been affected if Brendan and Jess hand’t swapped places are Jess seeing that automata workshop in the Colosseum and possibly Neksa’s fate and, as a consequence, Brendon’s motivation for fighting the library. I’m sure Jess would have found his way to Alexandria somehow. Brendon does, too. After the lengths the series goes to establish that the plan Jess and Dario come up with is the best and only solution, finding out that Jess pretending to be Brendon doesn’t actually help anyone is very disappointing. 
- Everybody manages to stay hopeful precisely because they figure out that this was a part of a the plan, which meas it’s a pretty poor deception and therefore not a good idea (yes, I’m still sore). 
- Still going with that “Santi would never have allowed it” argument. Sure, he’d be the hell against it, but if there truly was no other way, he’d go with it just as much. He’s not an idiot.
- Zara. Could she make up her mind? I’ll betray you. No, I’ll help you because I like Santi and I’m an idiot enough to think he’ll pick me over Wolfe. Oh, he won’t? I’ll betray you again. 
- Morgan is way OP. She just happens to be the most powerful obscurist to walk this Earth. And knows to use her powers in ways other usually don’t. But it’s okay because Eksander can magically undo all the damage taking life from other causes.
- The whole crew is way OP. Somehow, we have the most brilliant engineer, an extremely smart girl with an insane talent for diplomacy, a member of Spanish royalty, a smuggler’s son with all the right connections, and the most powerful obscurist of her time. Glain, Santi, and Wolfe are more believable - very good at what they do, but not exactly one of a kind - but that doesn’t change the fact that substituting even one of the first five in the group would mean they would all be dead a few books ago and we’d have no story. Of course all the main characters have to advance the plot, but the brilliance of this group is pushing it a bit far. 
The I-Can’t-Decide
- Quall. This better be a set up for book 5, because if it doesn’t get developed or explained, it’s a complete waste of potential. 
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I am very bad at writing Brendan unfortunately, but I 1000% agree he needs more fics. His fucked up childhood alongside Jess! His accidental falling in love with Neksa! Just as much a romantic as his twin, I suspect, but much deeper down. What did he really think about Callum and Celia Brightwell and the life he was forced into?? Did he really try to pretend to be Jess for a while after Ash and Quill?? How did that go?? Etc, etc.
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spellwazifa-blog · 5 years
Black Magic Spell To Get Husband Love Back
Black Magic Spell To Get Husband Love Back
Loneliness doesn’t mean that you are living alone; you can feel lonely in a relationship too. A woman sacrifices everything for her husband. She leaves her family and changes her name for her husband. In spite of doing and sacrificing everything, if she does not get love and respect back from her husband then her life shatters. She feels a vacuum and emptiness which is extremely difficult to tolerate. Husbands often lost interest in their wives after marriage and the problem of extra marital affairs is increasing each day. Husband’s takes their wives for granted and treats them nearly like an object. Black Magic Spell To Get Husband Love Back
Powerful Black Magic Spell To Get Husband Love Back
Nothing can be more humiliating and disrespectful for a woman to be treated like this. So if your husband is losing interest in you and all you want is to focus his attention on you and love you as he used to do before then you can take the help of black magic. You can use the black magic spells to get husband’s love back. This magic will change the feeling of your husband towards you and the love will emerge again. Follow these steps:
Go near a tree and light 10 candles in a big wide circle.
After that put the photo and a piece of your husband’s cloth in the middle of the circle.
Now recite the following mentioned black magic spell to get husband’s love back 50 times:
Vismos dismota visona ko siwan himsha omta vico tiro nis kos taus von kia rowz unio heliso mechos cheto vondas dardo frexi lento hyto mok cholas lyons tonsi antonios nasio homas livu Naomis tomais honega sokamisa miea nois chigo hoga nies tela.
Now take a parchment and use a red marker to write these lines of black magic on the parchament:
Phamosas veldras kalaus rajizo kamso mant ishos neh paros nidiosa vedi ponja puckio tento moisa hej vi vol domas teo hois difhe khi eis isee usios pues ile oius esei ques gion fenchos noimas tola hongas viras has mex polisomas tundrasio mentro.
Now tear the parchment in 10 parts. Burn each part of parchment with different candles.
After the completion recite this one line black magic spell:
Kios hores nokesa po jios jis nota sioe tona jios hest nosa.
Repeat this ritual for 1 month and your husband will start to feel immense love for you.
Now we are providing you another ritual and spell of black magic to get husband’s love back. Follow these steps:
Take one egg and one lemon.
Put all these things in a bowl and add hot water.
Now recite the following mentioned black magic spell to get husband’s love back 50 times:
Lofismo consa toi ni jo sai toisa fosmorasa hoi neka cho den po
Nokis toi ho na se jis hog sey nes poz nosa nema dori pong sios
Foma neksas plos jio wis siw oyeb pow tis sals mik toma fenzo
Bamiso censa terso poj ges sies ki ori niw osi niw domesa kois.
Now go near a lake, take the egg in your hand and recite the following mentioned black magic spell:
Rajzo sas rakmos hel sei toi phioz tes nos li te ponesa hoga noz
Deltoas noga fes kol hes pora joma kosi helda nesta pandest si.
After that throw the egg in the lake.
Go near a burning fire, take the lemon in your hand and recite the following mentioned black magic spell:
Pils curs insto trans dek meso denyso snod dracros mes toi ho
Colas fins toz hes pe tow comte sie liew kei sie losi fosmosa ti.
Now throw the lemon the the fire.
Repeat this ritual for 3 weeks and your husband’s feeling will start to change towards you. His mind will start creating the feelings of love and he will love you unconditionally forever again.
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U.S.A. – +1-8643025528 (Whats App)
WEBSITE:- https://spellwazifa.com/
OVERBLOG- http://spellwazifa.over-blog.com/
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WIXSITE- https://spellwazifa.wixsite.com/mysite/
BLOGSPOT- https://spellwazifa.blogspot.com/
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tunisie-annonces · 7 years
Nouvelle annonce en Tunisie
Terrain a vendre jebba mebniya neksa ken issaba mise7a 104'5 m carre belmhamdiya numéro téléphone 21827764
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