Pa kako si ti? Nisi uopće aktivan posljednjih nekoliko mjeseci 😕
ja sam tu ali vas nemaaa
dobro sam, hvala na pitanju, ti?
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freckles-arelife · 6 years
Englezi la pa-pa, Hrvati na postolje!
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"Les rats... Zig et zig et zag... C'est lui... Gloire à Satan... Hell Satan... Nemaaa"
Sorry for the crakle, one of my laptop's speakers is dying. The sound editing and mixing are almost complete, the video is ready. I show it to a friend and her reaction makes me so.fucking.happy and brings me so much confidence!
I'm counting on you to be here tomorrow, I'll finally post a model!
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pairuhnoyed · 12 years
talking to my ex-boyfriend on the phone. sharing tears, laughter & all that shit. I miss him a lot. I still do love him. I fucked up though. *shrugs*
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pairuhnoyed · 13 years
Dashneh was here and I love u girl
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pairuhnoyed · 13 years
I say she's my girlfriend but she's not... yet. I wish she would just ask me already :/ I want her and only her. *sigh*
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pairuhnoyed · 13 years
no unique title for this.
I've had a crush on this girl for almost four years, I finally told her two months ago. Little did I know, she liked me too. She just never said anything, like me. We're both in relationships and we love our significant others dearly. A couple weeks ago, we decided to see how things would work out for us as far as being together. She warned me that she hasn't been herself lately and that she didn't wanna hurt me, I didn't listen though. I was just ready to have her, I was tired of us being just friends. She was the only person that mattered to me at the time. Towards the end of the first week, things started changing... she stopped texting me "goodmorning", we didn't walk each other to class, she barely texted me at all. I went to her house the day before her birthday to see if everything was alright, I could tell it wasn't though. I wished her happy birthday on her birthday and never heard from her after that. From that point on, I knew we were through.
Yesterday while on the phone with my boyfriend I get a text, it was her. She texted me apologizing for hurting me. The text read " .. I really just wanna apologize to you... I told u that I didn't wanna hurt u but I know that I did... and I'm sorry". I immediately started to cry, I thought I was over her and over the situation but I guess I wasn't. Our whole conversation carried on for two hours, all I could do was tell myself everything was my fault. That's my way of coping with things, even if I'm not in the wrong. It's really hard trying to get over her, especially when I see her everyday at school. I just come home and cry myself to sleep but I keep waking up with her on my mind. I didn't think it would be this hard.
She leaves for college in less than five months and I'm not ready for her to leave. I wanna fix our friendship before she leaves, but I don't think I can do that without wanting her to be my girlfriend. I guess I was just asking for too much, shit can't always go my way. I need to learn that.
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pairuhnoyed · 13 years
simple irrelevant shit.
... not that anyone cares tho but if you just so happened to be curious.
I'm Nema.
I'm 16.
I was born and raised in Chicago.
I live in Tennessee, yes I hate it here.
No I don't live on a farm -___-
I'm a lesbian, by choice.
My brother is the only family member that knows about my sexuality.
I'll be going into my senior year next year, C/O 2013 :)
I'm a kind asshole
Music is my counselor.
I'm single as fuck.
I'm afraid to die.
I have a fear of clowns and balloons.
I'm not a "people-person" but I like to socialize.
I love raves <3
I'm addicted to twitter...
and make-up.
I still don't know what I wanna do with my life.
I'm not ready to grow up.
I'm undecided about college.
I worry if my brother will ever make it to see 25.
I worry if I'll ever make it to see 20.
I can be awkward as shit, sometimes.
I think I'd have more friends if people understood me.
But I'm very misunderstood so I don't have any and I'm cool with it.
I've run out of shit to say.
I'm done.
Oh, one more thing...
The Motto is my "booty-shaking" song ;)
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