#nemisae durdael
gull-noises · 2 years
Hi. I'm in contact with Nemisae post callout. So far in my interactions with her, she has been socially withdrawn and overall very quiet unless openly asked to interact. I'll send an ask in here if that changes, but overall it seems she's not only calmed down, but may have gone through personal trauma. Consent and permission has been a key role in a lot of our interactions, so it's a step in the right direction.
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missiekatjie · 4 years
On Nemisae Durdael
Hi all.
You’ve likely noticed the past few days the name Nemisae Durdael coming up a lot on my blog.
Over the past several years I have watched her stalk, creep on, harass, sexually harass, guilt trip, and manipulate many folks across FFXIV. I know people that cannot go to RP events without having a back-up plan available in case she shows up. I know people that have had to lock down FC houses so she didn’t show up and stalk them in their own homes, so to speak. I know people that she’s made so uncomfortable that they stopped going to events, or stopped logging in entirely because as soon as they were online she’d be bugging them for something or another.
I am certain I would have become a target if I wasn’t friends with one of her former targets, @mythroscat​, whom she had the audacity to lie about to me.
The way I put it makes it sound mild. It’s not.
Please read the following posts. If you have been targeted by Nemisae, I encourage you to add your voice and your story. If you’re friends with her, I encourage you to listen to what people say and don’t let her continue to get away with acting like this and treating people this way.
It’s about time she stopped.
Mythros’ response & story
Nova’s response & story
Anonymous’ story as sent to Mythros
tag on my blog
tag on Myth’s blog
ask from Myth’s blog
ask from Myth’s blog
ask from Nova’s blog
Anon report added 8:35 pm DST 2020/03/09
Anon report aded 7:26 pm DST 2020/03/10
report from akumeis added 9:02 pm DST 2020/03/12
(At the time of this posting, some things aren’t showing up in the tag and some are.)
This post will be updated when/if more people contact me. My messages are open to people that don’t follow me, and if you want to remain anonymous please send me a gdoc with your story.
ETA: Most recent post in the tag is from May 3, 2020. She has temporarily moved to Zalera but is still hanging out on Mateus targeting male characters.
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housefortempsknight · 4 years
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                                           Hopelessly Devoted
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A freebie doodle for @housefortempsknight !
All freebie doodle slots are taken and I am not taking any more of them for the time being!
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hithren · 5 years
My turn! (For anyone you think would fit)
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Josephine Gallier and Nemisae Durdael have joined your party!
Starting Dungeon: “A noblewoman? I see...”
Assisting: “Once is enough.”
Being Assisted: “...Thanks.”
Idle Dialogue: “I’m afraid I’m not in the mood to answer questions.”
Witnessing Nemisae KO: “...Trouble.”
Reviving Nemisae: “I’ll see it through.”
Finishing Dungeon: “I don’t like to stay in one place too long. I thank you for the assistance.”
Josephine will always prefer working alone, so it is often apparent she is quite bothered to be stuck with a group of people. Pride or perhaps some form of honor won’t let her leave until the job is done. With Nemisae, and others, she will only refer to herself as the Swallow. As a DPS she gets the job done, at a distance, and a bit trigger happy on the LB.
Send me “My turn!” for dialogue my muse would have while in a party with yours.
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locke-rinannis · 5 years
I don't know if you're still accepting these.. but maybe I could ask for A1 of Nemi who's Nameday is today?
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auliander-ffxiv · 6 years
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eureka wanderings with @housefortempsknight ))
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house-vexile · 5 years
❛ You’re so warm… ❜ (Written on the palm of Nikolai's hand from Nemi)
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The Hannish man did not respond for a long while. His sapphire stare settled on his palm, drilling into his makeshift writing surface. He had read the words, heard them in his mind, but not in the voice of the woman who shared his presence. No, his mind recalled another voice, coated in honey.
‘You are so warm,’ she whispered, slipping her bejeweled hands under his tunic to rest her palms against his sides, along his abdomen.
‘Only because of you,’ he returned, sneaking his hands under her pitch black hair to cradle the sides of her neck and rest his thumbs against the curve of her jaw.
She graced him with a smile of pearls ‘Should I leave you to cool?’
His fingers tightened, pulling her closer. ‘I would rather burn.’
Whispers fell silent in his mind and Nikolai lifted his gaze to the noblewoman. Rather than return the message with a similar one, he retrieved his hands from her hold to form the words with gestures instead.
‘Merely warmed by the embers now.’
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thatsadorbsyo · 5 years
We've never interacted but I'm curious what Hiresh's first impressions of Nemisae are. (for the heart meme.)
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗“She’s striking, isn’t she?”
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗“Nemisae appears to know a significant number of influential people, and she’s a traveler like myself. We would likely have a lot to talk about, and I imagine she has some very interesting stories.”
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗“If she were interested in such, I would hardly say no. I’m a giving person.”
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗“I would have to speak to her much more than in passing to make a determination on that. I take lovers easily, but letting someone into my life is a significant investment. I’m not sure someone with her split attention is an appropriate candidate.”
[hearts meme]
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kyrie-silverwings · 6 years
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Triple Triad Photoshoot Shenanigans Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
someone take my gpose rights away, I’ve become too powerful
@housefortempsknight and @under-the-blood-moonlight
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gull-noises · 3 years
Nemisae Update
She has been spotted hanging around on Siren.
Current alt list:
Therounne Jeulerand - Male Duskwight - Lodestone Link: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/33757177/
Sabine Arkwright - Female Hyur - Lodestone Link: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/30599609/ (Needs Confirmation)
Vianne Evrardoux - Female Duskwight - Lodestone Link: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/31833841/ (Needs Confirmation)
Iraeala Mez'Barris, https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/35184639
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missiekatjie · 4 years
Under a Read More, apologies to mobile users.
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Nemisae, you know you have made people uncomfortable (and worse) because they have told you repeatedly. Every last one of your victims has told you.
Every. Last. One.
Do not buy this, y’all. Do not buy this. It is blatant bullshit that she’s only throwing out there because she’s been caught.
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housefortempsknight · 4 years
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Happy Valentiones Day! - Nemisae De Durdael
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A wonderfully Starlight we wish to everyone!
I pray for a relaxing and wonderfully Christmastime for everyone (Especially those, who work in retail)! <3
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ariesmouse · 6 years
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There was a great deal of talk of sweet elezen beans in my Duskwight linkshell, so I figured I’d doodle something up for that. I’d like to do more, but lack the reference screenshots at this time to do so. :|
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roses-and-grimoires · 6 years
✧ just from first impressions of my duskwight, if you would like.
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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