#nemu x yukari
parti-poppers · 1 year
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A few of the many many ships I like other than fukalen / flowerin
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Title: Fading Blossom in the Sand (Chapter 10)
Pairing: Kyo x Iori, MaleOC x Cannon character(one-sided)
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Shingo Yabuki, Iori Yagami, Chizuru Kagura, Dr.Makishima, Male Original Character, Leona Heidern, Yukari, female!Kyo Clone
Rating: 18+ (Rape, non-con, tentacles, tentacle rape, dubcon, suggestive themes)
Status: Completed (20 chapters)
Summary: It’s 24XX, one of Resistance Force members, Kyo, was sent to investigate abandoned NESTS spaceship. The very little he would know that this place is not so lonely…
AO3 Link
Once they left this room, Kurama looks around, however, no signs of his assistant. Even so, he closes his eyes and smiles while silently telling to himself ‘‘Don’t tell me that you are still asleep, Nemu…It can’t helped that I have to look after you.’’, now he calmly addresses this Kusanagi ‘‘It seems that first I would need to go to my room and sort out couple things. So, for now, all you need to do is to keep a company for me.’’. Kyo remains silent and just plays along with this man's rules.  
After walking for awhile in the familiar white corridor, they were in front of an automated door from the right side. Now this silverhead picks a id card from his coat's pocket. Just before stroking it on the electric panel, he was interrupted by this brunette's question in irritated tone "When I can see Shingo? I just want to check by myself whenever he is fine or not.". He just impatiently starred at the professor.
However, after this fluffy silverhead fixes his glasses, without looking back he answers in serious tone ‘‘Be patient. You’ll see him soon after the testing.’’, once strokes id card into panel, the iron door opens and as Kurama takes step inside, he looks back and prompts this brunette ‘‘You can come inside.’’.
When they were inside the room, this silverhead placed a testing tube from his pocket on the stove with some other various tubes. However, something catches his eye. Apparently, some of documents were missing, which he left on the working table. As he gently smiles, he sighs - it seems that maybe his assistant went one step ahead of him. Even so, it was unusual for her to do anything without waiting until his approval.
Nevertheless, maybe this woman finally decided to stop acting like a dog, who never leaves Kurama’s side unless he asks. She was too passive and never disagreed with this silverhead. Hell, even her choker was fake and broken - it was only her own sign of her thought long-year loyalty. Kurama didn’t asked for this, but as long as his subordinate is doing her job, he didn’t minded. He felt nothing more than a pity for this woman, who once was not only a proud and lively scientist with ambitions higher than any mountain, but also with burning passion for her work. However, he did not understood when and why she gradually degraded to a mindless spirit, which only exist to serve. Maybe it was Kurama’s mistake to let her be his assistant, who knows…
However, right now he looked at this brunette and speaks to him ‘‘My, it seems someone was ahead of us. It can’t be helped then…Anyway, why don’t you sit down for awhile? I’ll turn the coffee machine and I’ll bring you some snacks.’’, but Kyo gave him doubtful look and asked ‘‘Why should I trust you?’’. Even so, this professor chuckles and calmly replies while dodging the question ‘‘You still haven’t got your breakfast yet. Besides, I don’t want you pass out during today’s test. So, why don’t you relax until then?’’.
Surely, this brunette still mistrusts this man, but he listened to this order and sat down on a office chair in front of the working table while this silverhead went to the end of the room where was another door leading to a different room, in which probably he was resting. And thus, this Kusanagi was left alone for a few minutes. It didn’t took long enough and Kurama returns with a hot cup of sweet scented liquid and a small glittering package on his other hand. After he was so close to Kyo, he carefully placed a cup and the package.
Apparently, it was one of these new generation nutrient bars, which in this day and age become a substitute for a food products, because they were so much cheaper and faster to produce. More important, they contain the same food value as normal food products, which is nowadays only a privilege of rich people. However, these nutrient bars also came in several different flavors, which suppose to emulate how it tasted back in a few centuries ago. In this case, it was a chicken flavor.
Nevertheless, this brunette wasn’t the fan of this flavor, but he didn’t complained and silently accepted it. Once he pealed off the rustling package, he carefully tasted yet felt such a pressure when he was being watched by this man, but his hunger won and he ignored the presence of this silverhead. Although, Kurama somehow felt assured and glad seeing that this Kusanagi was eating from his hand without any stress. More important, even if it was a brief moment, but this brunette was like an accurate replica of someone, whom he knew in the past. Maybe it was a mere coincidence or a cruel joke, but at same time he was glad yet somehow it hurts. Why he have to have same face and look as him? Or so, thought Kurama.
After awhile, he was also about to finish a cup of a herb tea, which he hoped didn’t had anything weird in it. Once again this professor calmly addresses Kyo ‘‘Are you feeling a bit better? So, should we go?’’. Once Kurama strokes id card, the door opens and both leaves this room.
Good quarter of hour has passed~ Now this fluffy silverhead repeats same procedure but this time with also entering pin code. The iron door kindly opens for them. However, inside this room there was area separated by thick wall. Maybe it was a space for the testing subjects, so, then it could explain why there was a big bulletproof glass window and below, the control panel. Behind the window there was visible an expensive look one-person sized mini couch covered in black leather, however, on it there were rather a newest design headphones and a VR glasses.
However, back to panel, it seems that in this room a familiar woman were already waiting them with her usual emotionless look. Now Kurama comments in is usual tone ‘‘It seems that you already prepared everything on your own.’’, this gal was waiting to be praised, however, instead that he continued ‘‘But first, could you help me preparing Kusanagi-kun for the procedure? I just want to make sure that you would know how to do it by your own whenever you would be working with anyone else.’’.
This silverhead now in comforting tone addresses Kyo while leading him inside the testing zone ‘‘We need to check your reflexes, it won’t take long. So, why don’t you try to relax and leave the rest to the program?’’.
Once this brunette was next to chair this fellow scientist prompts him to it sit down. After resting his arms on the chair, he gets alerted when one of his writs was tied up by sturdy leather strap. It seems that other one tied up by so-called Nemu and from other side - by Kurama. Kyo nearly growls at them ‘‘What a hell you’re doing?! Untie me before I’ll out you into right place!’’, but the professor only replies in chill tone while been working on putting straps around his ankles ‘‘Calm down. I’m just making sure that you won’t hurt yourself, that’s it.’’.
After finishing with ankles, Kurama fixes the final strap around the waist and chest of this Kusanagi. Surely, being tied up like an animal, only further infuriated him, unfortunately, he understood that he was not in the position to object. Now this fluffy silverhead places the VR visors on Kyo’s eyes, leaving him in darkness and then fixing the headphones.
However, after several minutes, this brunette started to feel how cold electrical pads were placed on his temples, under shirt in heart area and near the elbow veins. Now he hears a familiar voice through headphones ‘‘Can you hear me? Nod if you can. Then we can process further.’’, there was no choice and Kyo slowly nods, he could hear further instructions ‘‘Listen, now you should see a view in any second…Can you tell me what you see?’’, soon the image lights up and this brunette could see that he was now in some kind of abandoned prison cell and someone was approaching him.
Kyo only nervously chuckles and mockingly replies ‘‘It’s sure nothing really different how you keeping me. Instead that in this room there is even cellmate and for some reason he is not happy seeing me.’’. Kurama only gets confused while checking the data on the panel and then checking his subordinate, who also wore a pair of VR visors, this man could swear that she was even slightly smiling while working on the keyboard. Surely, it raises the suspicious of this silverhead, however, he decides to trust his co-worker.
Nevertheless, he addresses Kyo through microphone in slightly concerned tone ‘‘Don’t hesitate to say anything if something causes you pain, got it?’’ meanwhile in the testing a thin laser touches his hand. However, this Kusanagi only groans and tries to withdraw his hand. Another laser points to his other hand - same reaction, but with along that shaking his head. The laser points to his left cheek - grits his teeth turns his face other way and this brunette replies through the pain ‘‘…you asshole…’’.
Laser points to abdomen - this brunette lets out a louder scream. Kurama only crosses his arms as he observes further the laser pattern and the reactions of this Kusanagi - chest, abdomen, arms, legs, face and in random order. Definitely, it shouldn’t be in theory, even the when he looked on data, the heartbeat and breathing rhythm looked more distorted than should be. What a hell that woman is doing? - the test subject shouldn’t scream in agony! It should only cause slight irritation…The last drop was when Kyo began to struggle and move too much while roughly breathing and moaning in pain.
Now he suddenly approached his subordinate and removed the VR visors from her face. This brunette looked at him with innocent and questioning look on her face while Kurama puts the VR visors. She never seen her adored professor so openly stressed. This silverhead grits his teeth and yells ‘‘Nemu! What is the meaning of this!? Turn the switch off. Now!’’ after tossing the VR set, he pushes this woman away and now after entering a certain command with keyboard - switches off the system. Kurama storms through the door to the testing zone and removes all straps and devices from this brunette’s body.
However, it seems that Kyo’s whole body was slightly twitching while his eyes were wide open and filled with tears, even through his mouth the saliva was running down. Eventually, he stopped moving. After this silverhead placed his hand on this brunette’s sleep-artery, he sensed the pulse. Fortunately, he just lost his consciousness. So, now he placed his medical coat around this brunette and after picking a phone from his pants pocket, calls Makishima.
Meanwhile Nemu just silently starred through the window. She didn’t liked the gestures of her precious professor, the cold and serious look on his face, his stiff shoulders, nearly walking around in circles. After several minutes he dropped the ring and puts phone back to his pocket. Surely, it didn’t looked promising when this silverhead left the testing area and once he approached his subordinate, he addresses her in cold and serious tone ‘‘Did I tell you if you don’t understand anything, you need to ask and do not act recklessly. It seems you changed the settings and doctor Makishima was not very pleased, because this not what she asked us to do. So, why did you do that in a first place?’’.
Now he places his hand on her shoulder continuing ‘‘Nemu, don’t tell me that you saw what we did it today?’’, this brunette was shocked yet just starred with a guilty look on her face ‘‘You know, it’s none of your concern if I need to assist someone by just taking needed test samples. So, if you think that you can show your nerves by on purposely causing someone pain, then…I suggest you to work with someone else. This time I’ll pretend that nothing happen today. So, that’s it for today, you’re dismissed.’’.
After such a talk, Kurama returns to testing area, ignoring how this woman fell on her knees and her silently sob. Once he was closely to this still unconscious Kusanagi, he places his arm around his shoulders and helps him to stand up. It took several minutes to leave the room and walk away.
A good hour has passed~ This brunette started to wake up. However, once he opened his eyes, he panics - it wasn’t his cell at all. More so, it even if that was a minimal bedroom, he noticed that it was pretty dark there. However, soon enough someone switched the lights on, now a familiar figure shows up through a door. Apparently, it was that same silverhead, but this time he wasn’t wearing his medical coat.
When he saw half sitting Kyo, he gives a warm smile for him while asking ‘‘So, you’re awake? Took long enough…Anyway, how do you feel?’’. This brunette remains silent but after short pause, he asks in uncertain tone ‘‘What am I doing here? Have you done anything wrong to me again?’’. Kurama only fixes his glasses as he was walking towards this brunette. After sitting next to him, he replies ‘‘Rest assure. I’m off the duties for today. So, let me relax for a bit…Unless, you need anything.’’.
This Kusanagi clenches his hands into fists and gives a demanding look while asking ‘‘You told that I can see Shingo when it would be over. So, where is he?’’. However, this silverhead’s face darkens and he remains quiet for a moment. After sighing, he replies in serious tone ‘‘I talked today with doctor Makishima while you were dozing out. Along with reporting the results…Unfortunately, your dear friend didn’t made it. He died this morning. I’m sorry.’’.
Kyo just widens his eyes and remains dumb-folded. He thought that he misheard, maybe it was some kind of mistake. However, now he freezes in same spot without moving. Only after couple minutes he collapses. Fortunately, his head hits Kurama’s chest, where now he rest for awhile. The last ray of hope has dimmed that moment. Hell, it didn’t mattered that he was so vulnerable in front of this man. Now this brunette just wished for being asleep for an eternity.
Back to the day of the tragedy in NESTS spaceship~. After these mysterious soldiers took away Kyo, Shingo was left all alone in this spaceship. At this moment he still was out of this world, resting in the darkness. That blank stare gazed into nothingness. It was already clear as day what kind of fate awaits this young soldier.
However, a hour has passed~ A young woman in military uniform, who had a blue pony-tail, was wondering in a certain corridor and discovered the remains of undead people and animals. It seems she was already got used to see such a view and it didn’t even grossed her out, either scared. As she walks further, she notices a familiar rookie soldier resting against the wall and next to him a remains of a tentacle creature. Without hesitation this gal dials through her sound transmission device in serious and formal tone ‘‘This Leona. I found one of our soldiers. He seem to be heavy injured.’’, now she bends to check his sleep artery and continues ‘‘His pulse is weak, but he is alive. There are also lot of remains of various, from what I assume, test objects. Aside that there are only useless trash.’’.
Once she noticed an open room in front of her, she continues ‘‘Sir, there is also huge room in front of me. However, there is only scattered remains of some kind monster. Should I invest any further?’’. A less than minute passed, now Leona nods ‘‘Understood.’’ the sound transmission device signal was off. After entering inside the room, the blue-haired soldier quickly scans the room and her eye was caught by a weird looking panel. After taking a better look at it, Leona once again uses her sound transmission device ‘‘This Leona. Ralf, Clark, you need to see this. Over.’’…
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 9 Link
Chapter 11 Link
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curewhimsy · 6 years
I looked at Vocaloid Wiki and updated myself on Vocaloid knowledge, and because I was bored, I arranged them all into ships (without multishipping), albeit somewhat randomly.
A lot of these ships are probably very outlandish. Also they’re in no particular order for the most part...
Some of these Vocaloids are actually UTAU or Fanloid. Some of whom are obscure as heck.
Also I didn’t put in their full names so good luck trying to figure out who I’m talking about sometimes.
Haku x Luka Miku x Gumi Teto x Neru Akaito x Dell Kaito x Gakupo IA x Yukari Rin x Kokone Meiko x Lily Len x Piko Merli x SeeU Lapis x CUL Miki x Iroha Mayu x Galaco Zatsune x Aku Lola x Leon Bruno x Clara Mizuki x Yuuma Uta x Momo Yuki x Ryuuto Oliver x Nigaito Ruko x Ritsu Tei x Taito Ring x Lui Kiyoteru x Kikaito Yohio x Flower Miriam x Sonika Avanna x Maika Sora x Chika Prima x Big Al Fukase x Rion Tonio x Ann Anon x Zunko Luo x Qingxian Lumi x Una Kanon x Ruby Sachiko x Dex Yumemi x Macne Nana Xin Hua x Ling Longya x Nemu Matcha x Mirai Rana x Miko Yanhe x Taya Arsloid x Cyber Diva Kohaku x Akaza Cyber Songman x Daina Sora x Moke Yufu x Koto Uni x One Merry x Renri Akiko x Rune Xingchen x Yuu Kyo x Wil Yuecheng x Chuchu Mako x Luna Zing x Luniang Yowa x Sayu Haiyi x Lorra Mew x Ona Haruka Nana x Ito
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Title: Fading Blossom in the Sand (Chapter 8)
Pairing: Kyo x Iori, MaleOC x Cannon character(one-sided)
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Shingo Yabuki, Iori Yagami, Chizuru Kagura, Dr.Makishima, Male Original Character, Leona Heidern, Yukari, female!Kyo Clone
Rating: 18+ (Rape, non-con, tentacles, tentacle rape, dubcon, suggestive themes)
Status: Completed (20 chapters)
Summary: It’s 24XX, one of Resistance Force members, Kyo, was sent to investigate abandoned NESTS spaceship. The very little he would know that this place is not so lonely…
AO3 Link
Couple days has passed and there were no signs of that professor or his assistant, not even a single spirit bothered to show up to check Kyo. However, right now even the slightest noise outside door made him alerted and anxious. These black circles under his eyes were as a proof of sleepless nights and his growing hunger weakens this brunette. Yet he knew that he can’t give up so easy - he have to figure out how to escape from this place. But for now, he just curled into the ball in his bed and slowly closed his eyes.
All of sudden the noise of opening door made him immediately sit up. Once again a familiar couple shown up, however, it seems that this Nemu person was holding a tray with food and drinks. Like in his usual manner, Kurama speaks up in calm voice ‘‘How are you feeling? I hope that you managed to calm down.’’, this professor only chuckles ‘‘My, you don’t need to give such a look. I figured out that you would want something. Here.’’, now his assistant approaches Kyo and leaves tray next to him and returns to her professor side. ‘‘You need to regain your strength-’’, just now this Kusanagi straightforwardly asks ‘‘How is Shingo? If anything happened to him, I’ll make sure all sickos like you won’t recover any time soon! Even cowardly hiding behind this woman won’t save you!’’.
This silverhead sighs and after he swooshes his hair recklessly replies ‘‘You sure are so energetic like last time…I wonder how long you going to keep up like this. Well, as for that boy…No changes, aside that he started to say singly words during his sleep. He sure care about you, Kusanagi-kun…Poor little guy. But I heard that someone mentioned that a day or two and his life support might be disconnected. Unless…’’ now he fixes his glasses and further addresses this brunette, but with slight malice ‘‘I could try to over-talk doctor Makishima and make her reconsider this decision, if you are willing to cooperate with us. Don’t worry, as soon as your little friend recovers, we will erase his memory and release him, there is no use of him. On other hand, you do seem show a high potential. So, from now on, let’s get along.’’.
Now Kurama bends and stretches his hand towards this brunette while Nemu silently observes it. Even if her face might be indifferent, but she just narrows her gaze. However, Kyo furrows his eye-brows and brushes away this man’s hand ‘‘How can I trust you? Show me a proof! ’’, but this silverhead gets serious and now from his coat’s pocket picks up couple of recent date photos and answers ‘‘I guessed that you might ask about this. Look, I even went through all this troubles just for you.’’ after handling a photos Kyo studies them. Certainly, the person resting inside capsule and having oxygen mask, looked similar to the same junior soldier, who went on this mission with him. Kyo just lower his head and returns these photos, however, even then Kurama adds ‘‘You have couple hours left before procedure. In meantime, why don’t you have something to eat or drink.’’ now he looks towards his assistant ‘‘…Let’s go, Nemu.’’, this woman sighs and nods leaves with her adored professor.
After they left, this brunette just punches nearest wall and curses. Kyo has never felt such a strong self-hatred before, he wanted to disappear instantly without a trace. However, right now his dry throat reminded about his biological needs and he rushes to open the bottle of water, which was on the tray and chugs it with such a greed. Yes, it was dripping everywhere around his mouth, but this water tasted so good like it was a blessing for deserted person.
Two hours has passed, however, this time instead of that annoying scientist, a couple men in black suits and wearing these stainless iron masks shows up. Without a telling a word, they approach Kyo and now all of sudden he was pressed against the bed. He was suffocating on the pillow yet tried to catch as much air as he could, but one of these people were keep pressing him hard against this bed. The bed was creaking from such a pressure. Right now, his arms were forcibly crossed on his back and it was followed by a clicking noise. A cold pair of steel cuffs were tightly putted on his wrists and feet.
Just now that crushing feeling was gone and his head being now forcibly yanked up. This brunette was still deeply breathing and each savored gulp of air was so value but that pain when he was grabbed by scalp the only made him more pathetic. Were they enjoyed his suffering? Who knows what kind of expression they hold behind these guards…However, once they made Kyo stand on his feet, he was dragged from this room - one guard was holding his right arm and another one, his left. This brunette was nothing than a prisoner and now he was leaded in this long corridor to greet his punishment.
After long wondering through corridors and going down to lower floor of this laboratory. Finally, this Kusanagi was pushed inside the operation room and left under the care of the squad of surgeons. The beaming light from above made them look like threatening shadows of the beasts, who looked down on Kyo like he was just a small animal. Right now the arms of these people has stretched to grab him and place on cold iron examination table.
It was too bright and this brunette instinctively closes his eyes and could feel his heart beating faster. Two surgeons were from left side and other from right. They worn face masks and caps, along with glasses, which reflected Kyo lying on this table. Hell, there were not a single word and it only made this atmosphere more intense. Now the fifth surgeon, who picked a thick a ten centimeters length needle and a black color electric choker with at least half meter hanging very thin wire, this person orders in cold and strict tone ‘‘Lie him on stomach and make sure he won’t move.’’ while he was getting closed to Kyo, he clicks on choker and it opens.
However, now one of surgeons from right side asked ‘‘Should we at least use anesthetic before operation?’’, but this senior surgeon replied ‘‘No need. In best case, he would survive only for couple more days. So, there is no need to waste drugs on scums like him. Just make sure he is not moving too much. One wrong move and his nervous system is beyond repairing.’’. Surely, it didn’t sounded so assuring to this Kusanagi, but now all sudden he felt a sharp pain on his nape and now he gasps. The thick needle was piercing his nape and now the surgeon was slowly pushing down the wire through inserted needle. Nevertheless, Kyo’s face was twisting in agony. After all, a cold and sharp foreign body was slowly going down his spine. He tried to hold back by gritting his teeth and not to shed any tears, at least maybe only this way he would not let these people enjoy his unbearable suffering.
The time was like slow down by several times during this procedure. An hour has passed and finally this wire nearly reached his lower back. Right now the surgeon asked one of fellow assistants to pass him a smaller pliers. After pushing out needle from Kyo’s nape, this surgeon carefully cuts the needle and now finishes to push down wire until the choker touches this brunette’s nape. When another assistant passed him a tweezers which holds a cotton-ball soaked in alcohol. After carefully cleaning around the bleeding area, this cotton-ball was removed and now dyed in light red.
Lastly, the choker was fixed and now it properly attached for this brunette, who didn’t bothered to move, just blankly starred where his head was resting on soaked from his tears and saliva table. However, it seems that the door of this room was opened and it seems a familiar doctor entered. Makishima in her usual manner kept her hands in medical pocket and just silently observed this Kusanagi without any concern or emotion like he was just a mere disposable testing subject and now she addresses senior surgeon ‘‘Well done. Don’t forget to remove cuffs and send him back to isolation unit.’’ and with she leaves the operation room.
After awhile couple of nurse assistants returned this brunette in the camp bed back to his room, where that silverhead professor and his assistant were waiting. Before he was transferred back to bed, one of the nurse assistants gave a pile of documents to Kurama and once they done with transferring, they left. This silverhead only sighs and smiles while looking down on Kyo who was lying. ‘‘Welcome back. You did well.’’ gently says this professor and before leaving, he added ‘‘Tomorrow we would need to test some of your reflexes, so, rest, you deserve it.’’.
This brunette was left alone in his cell and after couple hours he finally managed to regain control over his body and now he touches over his new choker. After realizing that from a proud soldier he become nothing more than a toy in someone’s hands, he just stares at ceiling as he remembers one certain redhead. Probably Yagami was still chilling out somewhere in Headquarters or already was sent to another mission. But this should be keep him busy for awhile and distracted, right? or so hoped this brunette. Kyo just sighs, probably after his unexpected disappearance during the mission, in the Resistance Force’s data base his status was changed to ‘deceased’. However, this kind of thought strangely comforts this brunette, at least being known as killed sounded much more appealing…
Even so, what would Iori would do by knowing about his supposed-to-be death? Definitely, this fellow soldier won’t sit with his head hanging down, that’s for sure. Of course, like heck, this stubborn idiot would acknowledge that! Right now Kyo was more concerned of what can happen of Yagami once he lost control of his emotions. It was nearly impossible to wake him back to his senses and only singly people in whole Resistance base are able to do it.
Therefore, this redhead might try something reckless as chasing down this brunette even to the most distant corners of universe. Yes, once Iori was determined about something, even his own death meant nothing to him, it would just get in his way. So, this redhead won’t calm down until he will find a proof by himself and this is what Kyo was afraid of. Very least this brunette would want to be found by him as a mere tool in someone’s hands and how he is being treated.
Despite that, Kyo wanted to see him again, even if for brief moment, maybe even if it was too much to ask for. Even a short voice transmission would be more than enough right now. That’s right, like back in the day when they used to that pretty often when one or another were on mission. Besides, keeping in touch was this brunette’s idea. After all, this was the only way to keep safe Iori from reckless behaviour and it seems it works pretty well - knowing that Yagami become more calm and safe, surely, assured Kyo as well. So, even as small detail as hearing each other’s voice thanks to private transmissions was more than enough. Nevertheless, somehow it was even strangely comforting that seeing how Yagami has even started to open up for him.
On other hand, this redhead also started to act more strangely and that behaviour surely can be irritating sometimes. The way how he looked at this brunette - why he must use such a demanding and curious gaze like expecting something to happen. However, this redhead stubbornly keeps insisting that it was only this brunette’s imagination. Yet in this case, Kyo might never knew what causes such a weird behavior of Iori. After all, he can be disposed any moment - if not today, then tomorrow and etc. But for now, this brunette crashes into bed. It was still aching around his nape and spine, but it’s not as bad as before. And thus another restless night begins.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 7 Link
Chapter 9 Link
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