Closed Starter for::
(I'm sorry! I forgot to publish this for you. I hope it will work <3)
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"You're a new face, tell me, do you have a name my dear?" The Egyptian always enjoyed finding new possible prey. It was always such delightful fun.
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mutogamingco · 7 years
The Panelist //Closed RP
for: @neoqueenserenitychibiusarpblog
There were times Yuugi was still not used to the idea that he was actually the King of Games, and because of it, a celebrity. Even if most people outside of the gaming world hadn’t heard of him, there was still a large population who had, and their ages covered a wide range. When an email appeared in his inbox from a convention coming to Domino asking him to be one of their headline guests, he had almost flagged it as spam. 
Because him? Yuugi Muto? A headlining guest at a large pop culture and gaming convention? Surely this was a mistake. But it wasn’t. He also hadn’t been able to keep this to himself and his friends and family had convinced him that he shouldn’t turn them down, because there were a lot of people who looked up to him and would love to see him. Plus, as Jounouchi had put it, “It’s a free ride at a convention! How could you say no?!”
That was where Yuugi was now, having just finished up his panel speaking about the fundamentals of dueling and strategy, and answering questions. He hadn’t been sure what to expect, but the crowd was gracious and genuinely excited and attentive. It warmed his heart to be able to interact with them and inspire them. There were even cosplayers, not only of duel monsters, but (to his shock) of him! There were even Kaiba cosplayers! What a wild world. 
As he hovered near the door saying good bye to the audience members leaving and signing autographs on badges and cards, he couldn’t keep the smile from his lips. 
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xthexrevenantx · 7 years
Starter for @neoqueenserenitychibiusarpblog
As far as the eyes could see, there was nothing but destruction, few buildings were still burning and some still smoldering. The outcome of the final battle of The Battle City Tournament had been devastating to the people and the world itself. Ashes twirling down by the thousands as the great beast of the sky - his trusty god monster, Ra, had burned away every centimeter of viable ground, as well as the creatures inhabiting the area, wherever it was he had chosen for the time being to hold himself up. Death was soon to take over anything with a beating heart or however other way organisms managed to survive.
Flames aggressively spat from the mouth of the dragon-like beast that bend at Mariks command. And once again, violent violet hues watched over the environment as for a second time the surroundings were engulfed by the inferno. A sinister grin materialized from his lips curling. Destruction was such a pleasing sight to behold, he had done a good job, Odion was dead, his despicable weaker half rotting away in the shadows, and he had inherited the pharaoh's power. The world was wide open at his feet to be formed in the way he deemed well.
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darkxcrystal-blog · 7 years
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“Not exactly.”
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Before I say this, let me just remind you all that I’m  in no way, trying to guilt trip or seek attention in any way, shape or form.
 At least three of my muse’s birthdays have passed already. Klayson’s possible birthday is January 8th, 1990. Tygo’s January 4th, 1989, and Bryce’s January 20th, 1987.
Could any of you, please, at least tell one of my muses that you hope they’d have had a good birthday? I’m not asking for much, and I’d really appreciate it.
Look, I don’t wish you any harm. I just hate the feeling I’m getting ignored. I’m still new to rp, sorta, and like all other Role-Players, I’ll need time to improve. I’m not selfish for feeling sad or upset at my own misfortune. I care about others, and try to help’em....even if I’m hurting. I have a question for you all: Though we barely know each other, could we maybe be friends? I’ll try to be there for you, and I ask that you treat me with respect. I hate feeling like none of you care, and...I’m hoping you all do.Following someone shouldn’t just be about following them. We should talk, all of us, get to know one another. I’m not the monster Tumblr may try to make me out to be. I hurt too. I...I’m just misunderstood... @royberto-1313  @kaydrikoo @0lazy-bunny0 @red-paladin-of-marmora   @silvcrxeyes @smiletstoxik @last-inmate @neoqueenserenitychibiusarpblog   @shurakirigakurefangirl 
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snake-eyedsouldice · 8 years
"Reverse " 💰
💰: For my muse to pay your muse for sex
Bakura stared for a moment. “You’re paying me to sleep with you?” he asked, uncertain. Not that he objected, but… it was rather strange.
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xthexrevenantx · 6 years
Starter to ✍️
Guess it must have been one of those nights where he had too much to drink.. It was the only way he could explain as to why he would not be able to remember anything, for at least a little over a day had been missing from his brain. 
That wasn’t too uncommon.. Even if it wasn’t all that likely, either. But it had happened on more than a handful of occasions where he woke up to a place he didn’t know by default and didn’t know how he ended up in such place either, and surprisingly, yes, even for such an extended period of time.
Still, this time he woke up to experience something entirely different compared to all other scenarios he’d ever awoken to. And that says quite a lot for somebody who didn’t shy away from using drugs or alcohol on plenty of occasions. Where was he? 
He pushed his torso off the ground, wanting to get up, only to find that he was restrained by the height - or, rather; the lowness - of the confinement he found himself to be imprisoned by. What the hell? Hands reaching out and finding the cold and metal steel of the bars surrounding the entire enclosure. Marik immediately narrowed eyes fiercely as he bared gritted teeth in rage. What the hell? Where was he? Who did this to him? If he’d ever tracked down who put him in this situation... Violently, the dark entity shook the metal shafts trying to make any of them give way to his force of strength, as roaring escaped from deep within his throat. But the confinement did not bent to his will.
He then tried lifting the metal construction Oh yeah, he was definitely going to hunt down whoever did this and make them suffer greatly at his hands. But he found it was just too much weight on his shoulders to be able to lift up this mini-prison. 
He peeked around through the darkness, but wasn’t much given for vision as it was too dark and there only seemed to be a small window, placed high and right next to the door. It emitted some light through that came from the pathway behind. Probably a hallway. ‘Escape.’ He thought, and set his sights on that door.
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@neoqueenserenitychibiusarpblog -
Oh. This just made it worse. Too easy, he sighed to himself. He lay a hand on his millennium ring, summoning forth the shadows.
“Bored now.” He watched as the shadows wrapped themselves around his victim, feasting on her soul.
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alliesxofxamahara · 7 years
Chibiusa was lost and didn't know where she is as it starts to rain as she starts to cry " I don't know where I am. I wanna go home Wahhhh I want my mommy and daddy " She said as she cried
@neoqueenserenitychibiusarpblogHearing her cries, a male with short black hair donning in modern assassin clothing was on his way home before finding Chibusa crying in the middle of a rainy street as he goes over to her and kneels down a bit, despite the ground soaked in rain water. "You lost little girl?"
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musesofdestiny-blog · 7 years
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Since I reached 40+ followers I might as well~!!
@kaijoucorp II @angelusprinceps II @adventurersoftheworlds II @crowned-atlus II @pharaohed II @yoru-no-requiem
People Who I’d Like To Interact With/With More:
@neoqueenserenitychibiusarpblog II @cxberdrxagon II @thxcxlxstialwarricr II @adorablesorcerylittlearle II @frollothings II @hell-howling
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mutogamingco · 7 years
You’re so sweet! 
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xthexrevenantx · 6 years
Alternatively, send me 🔑+ for our characters to reverse roles.
Omg, I’m dying, this is amazing. Muse is irked, quite severely. He cannot believe he is put in this situation, either. But I love.
🔑 for a starter where my muse has locked yours in a cage. || + Alternative.
You can find the starter here. ❤️
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jayd690999 · 7 years
Say you had some of your followers in a zombie apocalypse who would be in your group? Tag them in your reblog
@gamer-mind @bat-with-a-blog @neoqueenserenitychibiusarpblog @warmaster-ulysses @lucky-rps @lucky-dimensional-crossroads @lady-scorpion-and-friends @thelittlemermaidfan1989 @mimibunnychanblog @saphirafoxgirlspost @most-beautiful-red-rose
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krag-and-levi · 7 years
((Do I need to reply to anyone?
I still need a reply from @haelth01 and @neoqueenserenitychibiusarpblog Let me know if you need the link.))
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marikslittleangel · 7 years
Irisi and her twin brothers were getting ready for their first day of school, and she did not want to be late for their first class, they went to the house, Sebastian saw Luna. “Usagi, we’re here.” Irisi called. “Good morning, Luna.” Sebastian smiled softly as he stroked her head.
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