#nerdy!ashton masterlist
Nerdy Ashton Masterlist
a little extra credit never hurt anybody - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) michael/ashton T, 4k
Summary: Michael and Ashton used to be best friends when they were younger, unfortunately Michael ditches Ashton for popularity when they get older. Things change when Ashton gets offered extra credit to tutor a failing student. That student so happens to be Michael Clifford.
Good Girls (ao3) - orphan_account michael/ashton N/R, 709
Summary: Calum thinks that Ashton is just a nerdy kid who lives for education and who could possibly have a crush on him. God was he so wrong.
i just wanna be bad enough for you (ao3) - metallicmoons michael/ashton M, 2k
Summary: just a typical adorable nerd!ashton and punk!michael fic because those are honestly my favourite.
i'm aint gon' hurt you child (ao3) - fffearless michael/ashton T, 944
Summary: Ashton and Michael make out whilst in detention. That's it, that's the story.
kiss me better (ao3) - waywardaussies luke/ashton T, 1k
Summary: luke hates seeing his boyfriend hurt.
Lettuce Be Lovers (ao3) - awfuldaycupcake luke/ashton N/R, 3k
Summary: Luke repeatedly comes into the shop Ashton works at and picks up a lettuce. Then, halfway through the shop, he decides he doesn't want the lettuce and puts it back on the shelf next to him, regardless of what aisle he's in. While most people might find this very amusing, Ashton is not most people.
Room 247 (ao3) - fivesecondsofaus luke/ashton M, 1k
Summary: Luke and Ashton are new dorm room mates and Luke can’t keep his hands off the nerdy boy.
Roommates (wattpad) - 1D_HarryStyles_1D calum/ashton T, 68k
Summary: Calum Hood was the stereotypical jock in high school. He was the star of the football team and basketball team. The majority of his old classmates loved him, envied him, or wanted to be him. Now that he was at the University of Melbourne on a football scholarship, he was hoping to reach that status yet again. He wasn't going to university for the classes and academics; he was going to pursue his career in football. He wasn't a lame geek that was going to spend his weekends studying and doing boring homework that wouldn't benefit him. He wasn't going to let those nerds annoy him with their smarts either like he did in high school. Not to mention that he was a full-blooded frat boy. Classes and grades and nerds weren't about to get in his way of that. 
Ashton Irwin was considered a nerdy hipster. He was more into the arts and academics of things, his strong suit being English and art history. Not only that, but he had a passion for music as well. He was a talented singer that helped get him a full ride scholarship to the University of Melbourne, along with his exceptional knowledge in English. Though, he wasn't at all popular in high school. He was quite the opposite and he was okay with it. He didn't want to be popular and have his every move analyzed. It also meant that he would've had to hangout with the jocks, who he didn't like at all. Now, due to his uni class schedule, he would be free of the majority of the jocks and hopefully frat boys. They were bullies and he didn't want to have to be associated with any of them. He would make sure of that. 
But, despite what Ashton and Calum think, life isn't fair sometimes and you have to live with the hand you're dealt. Literally. 
Shameless (ao3) - HeartnArrow luke/ashton N/R, 39k
Summary: Luke is captain of the hockey team, one of the most popular guys in school along with calum hood, came out as gay last year. ashton is a nerd who gets straight a’s and has yet to have his first kiss at the age of 17. michael is his best friend who isn't really a nerd but has known ashton since preschool. ashton has always watched luke from afar, admiring him at the hockey games and in the hallways. he’s had a crush on him since freshman year but luke doesn't even know his name. or Luke was looking for a fuck buddy while Ashton was looking for love.
take my hand, take my whole life too (ao3) - booksteaandcake calum/ashton G, 2k
Summary: calum always turns up to ashton’s drunk and they always end up having sex. it’s nice but it also kind of hurts when they are insanely in love and don’t even talk about it.
Wrong Way (ao3) - boomercal calum/ashton E, 9k
Summary: Two high schoolers who won’t admit they think the other is cute and some well-intentioned friends means that while Ashton’s looking for Calum on the Hockey field, Calum’s looking for Ashton at the library; what’s to be done when you’re pretty sure that cute guy in your English class is avoiding you?
You Are My Getaway (Something about the Sunshine) (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton, michael/calum N/R, 20k
Summary: Ashton Irwin just wants to get through senior year to finally leave Kalamazoo, Michigan. On a family trip to Los Angeles, he finds himself literally bumping into Lucas Hemmings, a teen pop sensation. Even though it doesn’t make sense, Ashton finds he actually gets along with the huge celebrity.
With paparazzi trying to catch their every move and Luke’s career to think about, their relationship might be ruined before it’s started. What will happen when they get found out?
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soft-luke · 4 years
A little bit of luck
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Request: #21 and #32 with high school!AU Luke (omllllll) where he is a complete nerd/loser and Y/N is one of the most popular girls in school!!!!
21 - Why are you so nice to me?
32 - You’re blushing
A/N: This gives me 2015 fanfic vibes and I love it. It’s a Drabble , but it’s still longer than intended, oops. 
Prompt List | Request here | Masterlist
You never paid much attention to Luke Hemmings and his friends. All of them seemed quite nerdy and you were sure you had nothing in common with them. Michael dyed his hair a different colour every few weeks and had recently got a piercing while still wearing merch from a video game. Calum played football, but outside of it, he seemed awkward. Some of your friends said that Ashton looked cute in his glasses, but beside that none of them would be able to have a proper conversation with him. And then there was Luke, who obviously had a crush on you. Whenever you sat in a classroom together, his eyes were on you, like a tickle in your neck. He was nerdy as well, fooling around with Michael a lot, but also spending a lot of time with the other two boys. You didn’t think of them as bad people, but they seemed so different than everyone else.
Luke Hemmings knew he should have stopped crushing on Y/N a long time ago. She was completely off limits and sometimes he wondered if she even knew he existed. She probably did, but didn’t think too much of him. He was awkward around people, preferred to stick to his three best friends and his siblings. Michael had told him he shouldn’t think about Y/N. He shouldn’t think about her beautiful eyes, how they shone when she smiled. He shouldn’t think about her bright smile that could enlighten a room. He shouldn’t listen to the echo of her voice in his head. Luke was trying to stop the thoughts about you, but he had already fallen too deep with no way out again. Whenever he saw you sitting alone in the cafeteria, he wanted to try his luck and talk to you, but the words left his mind whenever he stood up from the table. His head became empty, the words vanishing on his tongue. At first, his friends tried to prevent him from doing anything about his crush. They had soon realised it was quite serious, so they tried to help Luke as good as possible. It didn’t help when Luke and his friends saw you with the group of popular boys who also once mocked Michael for his appearance.
You sat down at your usual table in the classroom, taking out your notebook and pencil case. It would be a boring lesson today, since your best friend had caught a cold and wouldn’t be here today, so you would be sitting on your own. You were sure your teacher felt pure joy because of that, but you were just plagued by boredom. Luke entered the class room a little later, noticing the empty seat next to you and for a short moment he debated to be brave enough and sit down next to you. He quickly decided against it though, too afraid you wouldn’t like him and not be nice to him. He sat down next to Calum instead, who frowned at his best friend. “It’s your chance, mate,” Cal encouraged his friend, nudging his shoulder. “I am here if something goes wrong,” he continued, making Luke look around in the room. Barely anyone was there yet, so maybe the embarrassment wouldn’t be too big if Y/N asked him to go away again.
His heart was beating wildly when he stood up from the chair again, his hands shaking a little with fear running through his veins. He shouldn’t be so afraid of you. It felt like years until he arrived at your table, his feet feeling heavy to move. “Hey,” he smiled nervously, his eyes sparkling with hope. You looked up to the boy, frowning. What did he want? “Hello,” you greeted him back and were surprised when he hesitantly sat down next to you. “I was thinking I could sit here.” A nervous chuckle left his lips, leaving you a little amused. He seemed really nervous to talk to you, but at the same time, it was pretty cute. “You’re already sitting here, but you can stay, Luke,” you spoke softly, trying not to intimidate him. “Why are you so nice to me?” It just fell of his lips and he regretted it the second the last word had been spoken. You found his question irritating and gave him a confused look. “I am not some kind of demon,” you defended yourself. Did he really think of you like that? Was that why he was so nervous? Luke nodded quickly, fiddling with his fingers. Maybe you could calm him a little if you tried to have a conversation with him. It would be better than the silence. “I never heard you talk about your hobbies much.” You already assumed he liked music like his other friends, maybe even video games like Michael. “My hobbies?” He asked surprised. You were also surprised you could find something to talk about. “Uh, I like to play the guitar and write songs,” he said hesitantly, blushing heavily. You hated to admit it, but that sounded both cute and interesting, also much different to what you have imagined. “You’re blushing,” you pointed out, chuckling silently. Luke gulped, but smiled. “I am just nervous I guess.” When the teacher walked in, you grinned and leaned over to Luke. “We continue the talk in the break.”
Luke hoped all of this wouldn’t just be a dream.
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daniellesimagines · 7 years
5SOS Masterlist (Luke)
Main masterlist
Note: Any title with * at the end may be triggering Any title with ♬ at the end means writer’s favorite  Any series with ✓ at the end means completed Any series with ∞ at the end means ongoing
All 5SOS Imagines
Luke Hemmings
All ↳ all luke imagines in one inconvenient place! scroll forever and ever!!!!
Out of My League ↳ you’re surprised when the one person you can’t stand comes to you asking you to be his date to an award show, but you’re even more surprised when you find out your brother put him up to it
Broken ↳ you never realized how much your friendship with ashton annoyed luke until he took it just a little too far
Please Believe * ↳ ashton calls you before you enter your next class, and you’re beyond thankful you make it home in time
Bet On It ↳ you get caught up in the midst of a classic 5sos prank, and a certain member seems to take a liking to you
Distractions ↳ your boyfriend forces you to choose between him and your best friend. you don’t give him the answer he was expecting.
Stuttering ↳ someone keeps leaving compliments on sticky notes on your things, and it’s really starting to bug you that you can’t figure out who it is
No One Does It Better ↳ you’re over the moon when you find out your roommate’s best friend likes you back, but it might not be all it’s cracked up to be
Change My Mind ↳ the only thing more terrifying than losing your soulmate is meeting your soulmate
After Party ↳ you wouldn’t trade the after party in your hotel room for the actual after party any day
Miscommunications ↳ you thought your date didn’t go well, luke thought you ditched him. what else could go wrong?
Secrets ↳ admitting he liked you would probably be a lot easier if his brother wasn’t always getting in the way
Remind Me ↳ when your army medic boyfriend suddenly stops calling, what else are you supposed to think but the worst?
Nightmares ↳ you finally confront your roommate about his habit of sneaking into your bedroom in the middle of the night to sleep beside you
Wrapped Around Your Finger (Part 1 / Part 2) ♬✓ ↳ your first date with the bad boy from high school isn’t at all what you expected
Caught Up ↳ you never realized that two of your best friends had feelings for you until they proceeded to handle it in the worst way possible
Never Be ↳ being the band’s songwriter was a lot of work, but at least being with the boys made it worth it
Our Song ↳ you’re paired with luke for a final project, but you had no idea it would end in a date 
Coming Clean ♬ ↳ you finally meet the person who’s been lying to you for three years
End Up Here (Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4) ✓ ↳ the shy, nerdy girl shows up to one football game and everyone acts like it’s the end of the world
Meant to Be ↳ your boyfriend’s daughter calling you her mom was probably the best thing that could have happened to you
Unextraordinary ♬ ↳ out on another of your many sneaky adventures from the castle, you run into someone you’d never seen in your kingdom before – well, someone you didn’t remember seeing before, that is
The First Daughter (Part 1 / Part 2) ✓ ↳ when you’re kidnapped by someone you were supposed to trust, your best friend won’t let anything get in his way of getting you back
Fix a Heart * ♬ ↳ a year after the apocalypse ended, most people are still trying to survive  – some are just a little better at it than others
Happily Ever After ↳ your 5-going-on-50 year old son is incredibly excited to have a new sibling he can love just as much as his dad love his mom
Forever and Always ↳ you hadn’t seen luke since the day you broke up with him, and it turns out he’d been keeping quite the secret from you
Coffeeshop Soundtrack (Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3) ✓ ↳ the only thing left to do when you find out one of your customers is deaf is to learn how to sign to him
Still Into You ↳ you meet the last person you expect when your boyfriend introduces you to his friends 
Our Little Secret (Part 1 / Part 2) ↳ you thought you’d be happy when your boss suddenly stops calling you princess, so why does it hurt so much instead?
In My Head (Part 1 * / Part 2 *) ♬✓ ↳ you can hear your soulmate’s thoughts, but not until you turn 18 – and that’s proving to be a huge problem for luke
One Last Time ↳ you and luke agreed no strings attached, but you always did have trouble keeping those kinds of promises
Fed Up ↳ you’re getting real tired of your best friend treating you like garbage in front of his frat brothers
Black Magic ↳ you knew your ex-boyfriend would be at the award show you were performing at, but that didn’t make seeing his face again any easier
Love Me Again (Part 1 * / Part 2 * / Part 3 *) ✓ ↳ when luke gets into a car accident after you kick him out, michael isn’t afraid to let you know exactly how he feels about it
Maybe Tonight ↳ you finally convince your boyfriend to try out for america’s got talent
Pictures of You ↳ you’re embarrassed to find out the cute boy who likes to sing in the park has known about you taking photos this whole time
Princess ↳ at what point does the resident bad boy understand that you actually mean it when you tell him not to call you princess?
Lost in Reality ↳ you and your boyfriend both being judges on the voice was much more entertaining than everyone originally expected
Through It All (Part 1 / Part 2) ✓ ↳ you try so hard to maintain your friendships while being busy with school. unfortunately, you’re not extended the same courtesy.
Broken Boy Meets Broken Girl (Part 1 * / Part 2 * / Part 3 *) ♬✓ ↳ the only thing worse than being stuck in group therapy is being stuck in group therapy with someone who hates you
Scars and All * ♬ ↳ your four best friends finally find out the reason you wear those damn gloves all the time
Home For the Holidays ↳ what better way to announce your pregnancy than by surprising your in-laws with a baby? 
Tie You Down ↳ luke finds out the little secret you’ve been keeping since he left for japan
My Idiot ↳ your best friend makes a drunken confession you never saw coming
Ways to Say I Love You ↳ the 4 time luke doesn’t say ‘i love you’ and the 1 time he does
In the Neighborhood ↳ you try to surprise your boyfriend on tour, but venue security has other plans
Even If It's Just Pretend (Part 1 / Part 2) ♬✓  ↳ you’re in love with your co-star, but he’s already with someone else
Trust ↳ luke experiences the first time his daughter says ‘i hate you’
Love Me Like You ↳ luke surprises you while you’re on tour with little mix
Food Poisoning ↳ you were really hoping you could make it through your birthday party without getting sick
Looking Out ↳ you spend time with your lab partner outside of school, but it’s not for an entirely innocent reason 
Ghost of You ↳ she ran away without a word and left luke to pick up the pieces
The Only Exception ↳ you’re forced into a juvenile party game, but you’re not forced into your first kiss
Baby’s First Word ↳ most babies’ first word is mama or dada… not your kid
Reputation (Part 1 * / Part 2 * / Part 3 * / Part 4 * / Part 5 *) ♬✓ ↳ your criminal justice class is given the opportunity to review an ongoing murder case. you’re the only one who believes the suspect is innocent 
Friday Night Lights ♬ ↳ you’re the first girl on the school’s football team. some people aren’t taking it so well.
Love of My Life ♬ ↳ you’ve been dating your boyfriend for a year and your brother is not happy about it
Spin the Bottle ♬ ↳ spin the bottle is always a fun time until you have to kiss the one person in the circle you can’t stand to be around
Bad Side ↳ if the slytherin didn’t want to date a ravenclaw, then he really shouldn’t have asked her out to begin with
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angelicrome · 8 years
Paid to be Popular - masterlist
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Paid to be Popular is a series that I am currently writing. It takes place in high school and let’s imagine that all the boys went to the same school. This list will get updated as the parts come out. 
Pairing: I do not currently know who should be the interest. I am happy to hear your thoughts here. 
The idea came from this amazing anon.
Please be aware that some of these parts are posted on my old account (calumsbtich) and this is actually a re-post because it had to be on my current blog.
Summary:  When Calum, Michael, and Ashton are offered 5000$ to get the nerdy Luke to be popular, there was no way to deny. And who knows, maybe one of them will mingle with the gorgeous Y/N?
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 1 
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 2
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 3
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 4
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 5
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 6
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 7
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 8
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 9
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 10
Paid to be Popular - Pt 11
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 12
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 13
Paid to be Popular - Pt. 14
Why I put this fic on pause
Have fun reading!
-Regular Masterlist- 
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Fics Written In 2024 (so far) Masterlist
Always In Spring (ao3) - loveliketheweather luke/calum, background michael/ashton M, 17k
Summary: Luke and Calum’s friendship has gone through many highs and lows, and it’s so full of parallels and full-circle moments that it’s almost like the universe is set to make sure they grow, love and stay together.
Between the Sheets - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) calum/ashton, michael/luke E, 19k
Summary: the one where Calum recognizes the hot stranger in his record store from porn but doesn't realize it.
cream, no sugar (ao3) - strxngersagain luke/calum T, 15k
Summary: Calum loves his job.
Travelling so often is just a side effect of his job, and of the promotion he’d been given almost six months ago. One perk of all the back-and-forth he does in order to keep his fancy new title of Senior Project Manager of Copyright & Publishing is: Luke.
Luke is a flight attendant who works for United Airlines. When Calum’s lucky, he’s a flight attendant on the flight Calum is on, to wherever his next hotel room turned conference room is located. He’s been lucky more often than not lately, because Luke has been on every flight that Calum has been on for the past eight weeks.
detours and déjà vu (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum E, 34k
Summary: “Yeah, you can come along,” Calum says, smiling while he rocks the porch swing with his toes. “I could use a co-pilot.” After all the time he spent reminiscing on his bedroom floor, it feels like in a strange way he misses Luke.
Or actually, it’s not really Luke he misses, it’s being young and carefree, just happy, with no caveats.
But still, Calum craves the reconnection, curious to see if the Luke that’s next to him now can still make him feel even a taste of what seven-year-old summer Calum felt.
Just Drive (ao3) - heart_is_gonna_flatline luke/ashton N/R, 4k
Summary: Luke loved driving. He also really liked Ashton.
Or, Calum forces Luke to have his driving license and Luke has a crush on the driving instructor. That's it. That's the story.
michael wants another slice - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) michael/luke T, 3k
Summary: Luke is Ashton's nerdy next door neighbor, and he also just happened to get a job as a pizza delivery boy. Michael crushes on him as soon as he meets him. Cue the endless teasing from Ashton and Calum. And Luke helps Michael get a job.
N (ao3) - HolyAFIx94 calum/ashton G, 17k
Summary: ☆ Nurse. The touch of a soulmate can heal you from affliction and vice versa. ☆
New - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) luke/ashton E, 10k
Summary: Luke doesn’t remember whose idea it was to chain him to the fucking ceiling but he’s decided he’s going to get their name and send them a goddamn fruit basket, because he has never seen Ashton look at him like this before, and he has that crew member to thank.
off track (ao3) - galacticsugar, kaleidoscopeminds luke/calum E, 113k
Summary: Calum’s bumped into exes before, of course, but not all his exes are Luke Hemmings, who’s the sort of person that Calum had gotten used to the idea of never seeing again. And Calum had long since reasoned that it’s probably for the best that he doesn’t see him in the flesh ever, because Luke Hemmings is an itch in the back of his brain that never quite goes away, that he’s never been able to scratch, the someone that features in his dreams when he lets his subconscious take the reins.
He’s Calum’s the one that got away.
oh nostalgia (be your own spotlight) (ao3) - nightskeletons calum/ashton, michael/luke E, 142k
Summary: Born and raised New Yorker Calum Hood is temporarily reassigned to a job site in the middle of nowhere New Jersey for six months. After accepting his fate of being miserable the entire time, he ends up meeting a group of three boys who quickly become some of his closet friends and help him to see all the things he's been missing by never leaving his own backyard.
Cue a playlist of early-2000s emo music, unexpected farm animals, summer nights under the stars, discovering who you are, falling in love, and a whole lotta nostalgia.
on purpose (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/ashton T, 20k
Summary: The desire to kiss Luke is overwhelming. Calum knows he looks ridiculous right now, but Luke’s right there, face inches away, smiling fondly at Calum’s stupid face caught between his careful palms. His eyes are different too. He’s not looking at Calum like he wants to fuck him. He’s looking at Calum like he wants to gently cradle Calum in his giant hands like a baby chick. Somehow, that’s even worse.
Pick You Up If You Fall To Pieces (ao3) - heart_is_gonna_flatline michael/luke N/R, 19k
Summary: Luke's stepfather is cruel and abusive, his life is a mess, and Michael just wants to be friends with this shy boy who sometimes hangs out with Calum.
running from something (running back to you) (ao3) - elsie (the_technorats) luke/ashton M, 23k
Summary: the one where Luke is the District Four male tribute for the Hunger Games and he loses everything. Everything, that is, except for Ashton.
the cat's plan (ao3) - kaleidoscopeminds luke/calum T, 11k
Summary: Calum would like it to go on the record that Luke never wanted to keep the cat in the first place.
Luke would argue that’s not entirely true.
Not that it matters anyway, because when Calum shows up in their flat after work, hoodie soaked through, a pitiful mewing coming from his pocket and a beseeching look in his eyes, there was no way Luke would have had it in him to say no.
there's something that you should know (ao3) - cxmp michael/calum T, 4k
Summary: Every summer, skater boys Calum and Michael travel to a sleepaway camp like no other — Camp Woodward — to hone their skills, meet new friends, and take their talents to the next level. But it's what they're not expecting that will change their lives forever.
the skies falling down (end of the world) - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 4k
Summary: Luke is severely hurt, and Ashton is desperate to find something to heal his best friend. He's on the brink of giving up when he meets Michael and Calum, who happen to be from a community that has medical supplies.
twink boy bottom erotica. (ao3) - badomensbaby luke/calum E, 13k
Summary: in which luke agrees to be calum's model for his photography project.
We Could Be Anything (ao3) - CalsAcousticSet michael/luke E, 14k
Summary: It’s become a habit now, a routine, almost normal for Luke to find himself outside of his dorm room, on the wrong side of the door, in the middle of the night on a weeknight. It was the third time this week (and it was only Wednesday) that Luke had been sexiled from his own dorm room by his roommate Calum. But he had to admit, Luke didn't mind being exiled nearly as much as he let on, because it meant that he got to spend time on the floor above. With Michael.
Or: college AU where Luke's sexile from his dorm room leads him to Michael's room instead; from the floor to the bed, from friends to lovers
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Sub!Ashton Masterlist
All You Had To Do Was Ask (ao3) - pityparyof1 calum/ashton E, 1k
Summary : Calum confronts Ashton.
Ashton's Turn (ao3) - Jay_isnotokay luke/ashton, michael/calum M, 4k
Summary: Ashton finds out what it's like to be in his princess's shoes.
I'd like to see you have your way (ao3) - iambic_pulse, phanjessmagoria ot4 E, 20k
Summary: Ashton asks Luke to take control of him one night, just for a little change of pace. It doesn't go as well as he hopes.
Let Me Feel Your Love (ao3) - warpedsoul luke/ashton, calum/ashton, michael/ashton M, 1k
Summary: Ashton thought he was going to be an alpha like the others.
He was wrong.
Luke's The Cure To Ashton's OCD (ao3) - 5sosquiff luke/ashton N/R, 3k
Summary: He fucked Ashton's mouth for a while before he deemed that the boy looked wrecked enough to fuck.
Oh, Honey (ao3) - anonymous luke/ashton E, 1k
Summary: Ashton misbehaves at an outing and has to face the music for it.
Room 247 (ao3) - fivesecondsofaus luke/ashton M, 1k
Summary: Luke and Ashton are new dorm room mates and Luke can’t keep his hands off the nerdy boy.
Through The Wall (ao3) - tinyglitterrose luke/ashton M, 2k
Summary: "Ashton, you are aware that I fucking fucked you in the ass, right? More than once? I fucked you, Ashton."
or Ashton likes to let himself be taken by random men on weekends and Luke finds out by accidently becoming one of Ashton's customers.
Try With A Little Tenderness (ao3) - orphan_account Calum/Ashton E, 6k
Summary: The boys are finally relaxing after their tour' they're back in Australia, and all they want to do is go back to the beaches they grew up on and have some fun in the sun.
However, Ashton has a different idea for what fun he wants to do in the sun.
with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now (ao3) - orphan_account ot4 M, 2k
Summary: Ashton had never really been nurtured in the way a child should be.
When his father had walked out on them at such a young age, Ashton had to step up and be the man of his house, helping bring in money and helping to raise his two younger siblings. He wasn't unloved or treated unfairly by his mother, quite the opposite, but she had never had the time to coddle him the way he craved.
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Nerd Michael Masterlist
Claimed (wattpad) - BriannaPark michael/luke 14 parts
Summary: An adorable muke fanfic. Michael is a nerd and doesn't really have anybody, until he gets claimed by Luke Hemmings, a popular jock who has never let anyone in before. **Trigger warning: This story contains mention of rape, suicide and self harm** (Completed)
cyberbabe (wattpad) - ohitsgee michael/luke 6 parts (ongoing)
Summary: "hello, what can I do for you?"
In where, Luke found his nerdy classmates in a gay pornsite.
Dripping like Honey (ao3) - FayeHunter michael/luke E, 8k
Summary: Michael can’t seem to escape Luke and her wild ideas. She doesn’t really want to
Have Faith In This Fragile World (ao3) - SilentlyFighting michael/calum, luke/ashton N/R, 19k
Summary: Michael Clifford is well known in his school, not for being popular, far from it, he is the nerd. The goody-two-shoes hasn't had the best past but his peers do not know this and a couple of the football team decide that he is their next target. A mysterious group of boys make an appearance, saving him multiple times, and when Michael runs out of money to buy food, they even find ways to get him food.
The boys do not scare him that much but they certainly catch his attention. Michael learns the names of two of the boys but the leader is set to keep his identity a secret. But, when Michael has another run in with the football team and they use him as bait, will the boys identity reveal itself?
Music in Me (Once. in a Lifetime) - orphan_account michael/ashton, luke/calum T, 14k
Summary: Michael Clifford, punkest nerd there is (or maybe nerdiest punk), is excited for to spend the summer with his new friends, Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood, and his boyfriend of 5 months, Ashton Irwin. Using his intelligence and surprisingly good organizational skills, he becomes the head planner for all events at Lava Springs Resort, courtesy of Calum. It looks like it will be an amazing summer.
But under all the plans hides a lot of drama. Michael thinks his parents might get a divorce, his job actually sucks, and he might be losing his boyfriend and best friend to someone who was their rival just a few months ago. Will everything destruct? Or will it just be him?
Shameless (ao3) - HeartnArrow luke/ashton N/R, 38k
Summary: Luke is captain of the hockey team, one of the most popular guys in school along with calum hood, came out as gay last year. ashton is a nerd who gets straight a’s and has yet to have his first kiss at the age of 17. michael is his best friend who isn't really a nerd but has known ashton since preschool. ashton has always watched luke from afar, admiring him at the hockey games and in the hallways. he’s had a crush on him since freshman year but luke doesn't even know his name. or Luke was looking for a fuck buddy while Ashton was looking for love.
"Shut the fuck up you nerd" (ao3) - Anonymous michael/calum G, 545
Summary: Michael rants about Star Wars and Pokemon and Calum loves him.
The Boy With the Multi-Colored Hair… (wattpad) - crybabyyhowell michael/luke 22 parts
Summary: Senior year and Luke Hemmings, the bad boy unexpectedly falls in love with the school nerd. Who is he? Luke doesn't know, he knows him as "The boy with the multi-colored hair"...
Til We're Separate Hearts (Soarin' Flyin') (ao3) - orphan_account luke/calum, michael/ashton T, 18k
Summary: Luke Hemmings, bookworm and math geek, accidentally finds himself singing with some random, really attractive guy. They share a New Year’s kiss and Luke figures he’ll never see him again. Then everything changes when he starts his first day at East High.
video games (wattpad) - confidentmuke michael/luke 14 parts (ongoing)
Summary: nerd michael knows that he can't win over punk luke.
punk luke is fascinated by nerd michael.
one likes cigarettes and the other likes video games. yet they still find a way into each others worlds.
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Awkward!Luke Masterlist
All That You Are (All That I'll Ever Need) (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke, calum/ashton, niall/harry N/R, 4k
Summary: Calum and Ashton are planning a wedding which is causing a lot of stress and Luke is struggling with the fact that he is 32 and very very single.
Beginnings (ao3) - thenewbrokenscene michael/luke M, 45k
Summary: [College/University AU] Michael Clifford was a sophomore transfer student, trapped living in the dorms again after a technicality dropped him back down to freshman status. He had requested a single room, determined to focus on his school work, get out of university housing as quickly as possible, and start his real life, but of course, on August 1st he received the obligatory "Get to know your new roommate this summer! You can contact Luke Hemmings, freshman student, at his school email..." message in his inbox.
Can't Deny The Moment When I Taste It (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum T, 17k
Summary: “Constitutes. Big word! Trying to confuse me, Lucas?” Calum squints and brings one of his flour-covered hands back up to Luke’s face. Luke jerks back at first, but then he steadies himself as Calum’s pointer finger gently swoops around his cheek with purpose. Calum’s face is close, so close, forehead wrinkled in concentration, and Luke tries not to let his eyes linger on Calum’s lips for too long. He’s hyper-conscious of his own breathing, probably too loud and too fast and– “There!” Calum says proudly, stepping back to admire his handiwork. “Now you’re Star Baker.” He picks up the bowl and holds it in front of Luke’s face. Sure enough, there’s a messy flour star printed on his left cheek.
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too (ao3) - galacticsugar| luke/ashton T, 18k
Summary: Ashton looks up at Luke through his eyelashes, still gripping Luke’s arm lightly. His eyes are filled with concern. “Are you sure? It looks kinda bad.”
“It’ll be okay. I’ll have First Aid look at it after I get my shortbread out.” This seems to placate Ashton, who nods once and drops Luke’s arm. “Okay, as long as you promise to get it looked at. I can’t be the reason you lose an arm. I’ll never be able to live with myself.” He smiles at Luke, and Luke can’t help but smile back. He hopes he doesn’t look too obviously smitten. He can almost feel the cartoon hearts popping up over his head.
I Don't Care What You Think As Long As It's About Me (ao3) - flowercrownmikey luke/ashton G, 3k
Summary: Calum takes his awkward little brother Luke to his first college party but after a random girl asks Calum to go back to her place Calum makes Luke go to his dorm alone. Calum's hot, nerdy, roommate Ashton Irwin happens to be there studying and listening to punk music in nothing but boxers, a bandanna and black rimmed glasses.
if you ever feel alone, don't. (ao3) - galacticsugar michael/luke T, 5k
Summary: Michael needs a tall man with broad shoulders and a slim waist and he needs one now. Not for sexy reasons, although he wouldn’t turn one down for that. No, he needs a fit model for his design final project that is due in exactly 9 hours, and his usual model is in the hospital after having an allergic reaction to unannounced shellfish in the dining hall pasta.
just give me one more quiet night (ao3) - iambic_pulse ot4 E, 5k
Summary: Ashton needs to be needed, but now that they're all older and his bandmates are more independent, they probably don't need him quite so much anymore.
Knee Socks, Sweaters, & Kitten Boys (ao3) - KiribakuBabe michael/luke E, 5k
Summary: In all the whole of four years that Luke and Michael had been married, he'd never once let the other man know about his habit. That habit being that he loved wearing knitted knee socks around the house with nothing else on but Michael's sweater.
That is, until he got caught...
The one where Luke loves wearing stockings whenever Michael isn't home and then he gets caught wearing them..
Noise Complaints (ao3) - mukedayparade luke/michael N/R, 2k
Summary: the one where luke just wants to take a nap and his neighbor is obnoxiously loud.
Paint Me - @daydadahlias​ (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) luke/ashton E, 17k
Summary: “Holy shit, hold on a minute,” Calum says, “is that who we’re supposed to be drawing?”
“I can’t draw him,” Michael gawks, “I’m not a Goddamn renaissance painter.”
Or, the one where Luke is an art student practicing realism for a month and Ashton is the nude model in his portrait class.
Risky Risqué - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) luke/ashton E, 22k
Summary: It's only his freshman year in college and Luke is having too many problems. One, he can barely afford to feed himself. Two, the junior in the dorm next door has way too pretty hazel eyes and keeps offering to make him dinner.
Or, the one where Luke needs a job to pay his tuition and ends up getting one as a phone sex operator.
sail along, let your path unfold (ao3) -deserteyes, TheseEmptySoundsAndEndlessStories luke/calum T, 6k
Summary: His heart's beating frantically with nerves. He doesn't know why; it's not like he's going to propose or anything. Just say "Hey, my name's Luke, I'm your new neighbor, nice to meet you" or something like that. Easy. He's got this, one hundred percent.
Luke gets a new neighbor.
The Catch (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes) michael/luke T, 6k
Summary: Michael Clifford, the town witch and most eligible bachelor, announces that he'll only date the person who manages to get the key from around his cat's neck. Luke Hemmings, the awkward local photographer, keeps accidentally running into the cat, even though he knows he has no chance with Michael.
You be the prince and I'll be the princess (ao3) - ercareyes luke/ashton G, 1k
Summary: “The obligatory my roommate is trash and leaves me locked out, but thankfully you’re a decent person so I’m not alone”
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Flower Shop Masterlist
Baby I'll Never Leave If You Keep Holding Me This Way (ao3) - FayeHunter Michael/Calum T, 1k
Summary: Calum stops by the flower shop to pick up Michael for date night.
bloom (ao3) - calumhood (orphan_account) Calum/Ashton G, 2k
Summary: calum is too nervous to talk to the beautiful guy behind the flower shop counter.
Bloom (ao3) - Calumthoodshands (tndart) Luke/Calum NR, 5k 
Summary: Luke is in desperate need of someone saving his relationship, and Calum tries to without falling for him. 2+1: Two times Luke leaves Calum for what seems like forever — and one time he stays.
Basically Calum unconsciously making Luke fall for him with flowers.
Daydreams (ao3) - @daydadahlias cornflowerblue (daydadahlias) Michael/Ashton, Luke/Calum T, 6k
Summary: It's not Michael's fault the owner of Fletcher's Flowers is so good-looking. And no one—Luke—should be able to blame him for wanting to come to the shop and admire the pretty buff man with large delicate hands as he assembles bouquets or pets his cat.
Floral Tattoos. (ao3) - orphan_account Calum/Ashton, Michael/Luke G, 8k
Summary: Ashton Irwin is a nerdy, quiet florist who is content to be alone. But when the vacant shop at the end of the strip mall is suddenly occupied, he can't help himself. Even if tattoo parlors are scary, the artists turn out to be pretty cool.
i bloom for you (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor Luke/Calum, Michael/Ashton T, 2k
Summary: Calum storms into Luke and Ashton's flower shop one day, demanding 'fuck you' flowers to get back at his best friend.
I'm over all the small talk (ao3) - cantgetback (irrlichter) Michael/Luke, Calum/Ashton G, 2k
Summary: Luke owns a small flower shop. Michael is fed up with his boyfriend. Sometimes, you just meet the right people.
Of Flowers and Tattoos (ao3) - elivigar Michael/Calum G, 2k
Summary: In which Calum is a florist and Michael is a tattoo artist, and their paths cross.
Roses Are Red (ao3) - mukeclemmings Luke/Calum T, 5k
Summary: Ashton and Luke open a flower shop next door to a tattoo parlor, and relationships blossom (quite literally).
you tend to the garden, I'll trim the weeds (ao3) - calumsbf (selvish) Michael/Luke G, 799
Summary: Michael always looks at Luke, and one day Luke looks back.
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Sad Ending Masterlist
Deathbeds (ao3) - orphan_account Luke/Ashton NR, 9k
Summary: Luke runs away from his abusive dad and meets Ashton. Ashton is just a sad kid who can't say no to the incredibly attractive blonde haired, blue eyed beauty. Luke is very depressed and homophobic and he starts to fall for Ashton, but he goes into denial and both boys are led down a very dark path upon meeting the other.
I'll Always Love You (ao3) - orphan_account Luke/Ashton T, 1k
Summary: "I want you forever, forever and always. Through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together, forever and always."
Or that one really sad fic where Ashton gets in a car accident, and Luke remembers what was supposed to happen.
I Like You Better When I'm Wasted (ao3) - HPFangirl71 Luke/Calum E, 5k
Summary: If you're drunk when you have sex with your best friend it doesn't make you gay does it?
But maybe the exchange of sober kisses the next morning are a telltale sign…
i've been cold since you left (ao3) - youranimalside Michael/Luke T, 1k
Summary: “Here’s what we’re going to do. We are going to go to Universal Studios; we are going to get sorted. If I am not a Gryffindor, I will fight the Sorting Hat. Then we will get wands, and be nerdy little shits, and then we are going to get smashed, watch a movie of your choice, Mean Girls will be vetoed, and tomorrow, we are going to get on a plane back to Los Angeles because you are better than this. Screw Luke, okay?”
Or Michael's heartbroken and Calum's trying to fix it.
Last Night (ao3) - orphan_account Michael/Luke, Calum/Ashton M, 5k
Summary: On July 16th, 2011, Life as everyone knew it, changed. Luke Hemmings birthday became an accursed day for him. Surviving as a 15 year old teenager wasn't easy, especially when you are trying not to be killed. Life has its upsides and downfalls, the apocalypse is definitely a downfall in Luke's book. At least there is no school.
Remembering the summer, it takes me back (ao3) - zephyrusnico Luke/Ashton NR, 995
Summary: 'Luke looks at the picture of them and he remembers the day it was taken, remembers the days and the memories before and after that day. He thinks about how he remembers the day that has long since been erased from Ashton's mind, never to be remembered by him again.'
Room 93 (ao3) - princessmikey Michael/Luke NR, 5k
Summary: Luke and Michael are dating, but Michael's not ready to come out of the closet, so the only times they can be together are behind the walls of room 93.
What I see is heaven on Earth (ao3) - beendreaminglikeafool Michael/Luke M, 11k
Summary: Luke was too innocent for this world. Too naïve to handle the harshness of the outside. He’s never dealt with being one of the most famous singers of his generation, no experience dealing with the press, so Michael couldn’t imagine him in a similar situation that wouldn’t leave him mentally or physically damaged.
Wired Love (ao3) - gloomywilbur Luke/Ashton T, 20k
Summary: Ashton's stepdad has a strange occupation. He's a mad scientist to be specific, though he kept it secret, making sure to lock his lab all the time. Ashton couldn't help but get curious, and his curiosity only grew when he found the extremely realistic looking cyborg in his lab, its blue eyes and blonde hair had him breatheless. The robot glanced at him, "Hi, I'm Luke."
Woman (ao3) - mtvluke Michael/Luke NR, 861
Summary: The morning sun began to rise, shining through the window that had allowed an orange toned light to saturate the room and light the skin of the duo reminding them that they didn’t have much longer before their night together ended finally.
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Nerdy!5SOS Masterlist
7 Minutes In Heaven (ao3) - xdistorted_cliffordx luke/ashton T, 54k
Summary: "Who wants to play?"
Ashton is a very dedicated party-goer, being at one each weekend. It's literally his life, he thinks. Though, when he's invited to one particular party, they decide to change it up a bit and play party games after a few hours and everyone is well buzzed. Ashton's never been big into party games, but he figures why not? They're rated R games, so they're bound to be fun.
Luke hates parties. He hates spending his free time socializing, period. He would rather spend a Saturday night on the couch, watching Criminal Minds and stuffing his face with pizza. But one night, his friend forces him to go to a party. Obviously, he hates it, especially when the party games come out. He's forced to play them and he doesn't really like anyone he's going to have to play against. Luke just wants to go home before all this supposed 'fun' starts.
Little do both boys know, that one certain game is going to bring them both together and may even change Luke's usual routine of not partying or Ashton's obsession with partying.
do the things that you'd only read about (ao3) - heartbreakgirl michael/luke N/R, 5k
Summary: When he looks over, Michael's eyes are open and he's grinning from ear to ear.
“I love you.”
He smiles shyly, eyes rolling fondly. “I love you too, Michael.”
or, book worm Luke & bad boy Michael
fight so dirty but your love's so sweet (ao3) - softirwin luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 11k
Summary: Luke hates a good ninety-five percent of his job.
A solid thirty percent of that comes from the fact that he works as a receptionist at a hotel, which he thinks is possibly the most thankless job humanity could possibly have created. A further ten comes from the fact that his desk is right next to the kitchen, meaning mouth-watering smells are constantly wafting under his nose, and Luke’s not allowed to eat on shift.
Fifty-five percent of it, though, is Ashton.  
written for the prompt 'lashton bad boy'
Have Faith In This Fragile World (ao3) - SilentlyFighting michael/calum, luke/ashton N/R, 19k
Summary: Michael Clifford is well known in his school, not for being popular, far from it, he is the nerd. The goody-two-shoes hasn't had the best past but his peers do not know this and a couple of the football team decide that he is their next target. A mysterious group of boys make an appearance, saving him multiple times, and when Michael runs out of money to buy food, they even find ways to get him food.
The boys do not scare him that much but they certainly catch his attention. Michael learns the names of two of the boys but the leader is set to keep his identity a secret. But, when Michael has another run in with the football team and they use him as bait, will the boys identity reveal itself?
Here's what he told me (ao3) - ShyyyVictoria luke/ashton, michael/calum G, 1k
Summary: All Luke's aloud to do is study. Ashton changes that.
i just wanna be bad enough for you (ao3) - metallicmoons michael/ashton M, 2k
Summary: just a typical adorable nerd!ashton and punk!michael fic because those are honestly my favourite.
kiss me better (ao3) - waywardaussies luke/ashton T, 1k
Summary: luke hates seeing his boyfriend hurt.
Polariod (ao3) - FxckHood luke/calum G, 1k
Summary: Calum used to take photos of beautiful things around him to later look and admire them. When he meets Luke , he decides to take photos of him instead.
Room 247 (ao3) - fivesecondsofaus luke/ashton M, 1k
Summary: Luke and Ashton are new dorm room mates and Luke can't keep his hands off the nerdy boy.
take my hand, take my whole life too (ao3) - booksteaandcake calum/ashton G, 2k
Summary: calum always turns up to ashton's drunk and they always end up having sex. it's nice but it also kind of hurts when they are insanely in love and don't even talk about it.
Tattoos. (ao3) - papi_chulo luke/michael G, 280
Summary: punk!Michael takes his boyfriend nerd!Luke with him to get his new tattoo, a tattoo dedicated to Luke.
teenage televised taping of love (ao3) - fffearless luke/ashton T, 10k
Summary: It's dumb for Luke to get excited that Ashton would say something like that to him when he's about a million percent sure he's only into girls and this means nothing for his hopeless crush but he can't help the surge of butterflies tickling his stomach with the flap of their wings.
(Or the one where Luke likes Ashton then lots of things happen then he hates him then he likes him again anyway)
The Nerd and The Jock (ao3) - Shirosaki (orphan_account) michael/luke G, 407
Summary: The blonde knew it was impossible for him to date Michael, like, this is Michael Clifford he was talking about. The number one jock in his school, did bad things, broke stuff in school, spray painted on the hallways, on the side of the building, embarrassed plenty of teachers. There was no way that Michael Clifford would ever want to date Luke Hemmings, the boy who was the nerd of his grade, always got A's and never went lower than a 98%.
Tutor (ao3) - onceuponatime michael/luke E, 11k
Summary: “And you agreed to do it because?” Ashton says, rubbing his apple on his sweater before taking a bite. His chemistry textbook lies open on the grass in front of him but his eyes are too busy looking over to the football field, where Calum is currently engrossed in a game. When he sees Ashton looking, he smiles and waves, and Ashton’s face turns bright red. Luke chuckles.
“Cause I need the money. And it looks good on college applications.” Luke lays down on the grass, putting his head in Ashton’s lap. “Yeah, but it’s him. He’s failed every test this year.”
Luke tutors Michael in math.
Wrong Way (ao3) - boomercal calum/ashton E, 9k
Summary: Two high schoolers who won't admit they think the other is cute and some well-intentioned friends means that while Ashton's looking for Calum on the Hockey field, Calum's looking for Ashton at the library; what's to be done when you're pretty sure that cute guy in your English class is avoiding you?
you make me feel like a million bucks (ao3) - michaels luke/ashton G, 3k
Summary: anything is more fun than picking up trash for community service, even making out with the person who got you there in the first place.
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Fic Titles That Start With M Masterlist
Magic Mike (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance michael/everyone E, 3k
Summary: Ashton Irwin is turning 21 and wanted a grand party. To his surprise, his idea of ‘Grand Party’ does not coincide with what his friends think a 'Grand Party’ means. His night may turn out to be better than he had imagine.
Magnet Souls (ao3) - jbhmalum calum/ashton, michael/luke E, 42k
Summary: Ashton loves sex a whole lot, Calum hates the thought of it. They’re soulmates. Alternatively, a story about self-respect and compromise in the name of love.
Make It Holy, Make It Special, Make It Right (ao3) - fivesecondsofmae michael/ashton E, 3k
Summary: Ashton gets super emotional watching a film and when he thinks about the baby boy in his lap that him and Michael love so much, he can’t help but be tearful. Michael comes home from work and does everything he can to make things right for his love. Mashton smut and super fluff.
Make Me Make Bad Decisions (ao3) - senioritastyles luke/ashton E, 7k
Summary: Michael and Calum dare Luke to do something and Ashton takes a liking to it.
maybe there’s no point in holding onto something closely (ao3) - hideforalifetime michael/luke G, 2k
Summary: He’s run this moment over and over in his head. Every day for four years, Luke’s imagined every possible scenario which would result in a face-to-face with Michael Clifford. His ex-boyfriend, ex-best friend Michael Clifford with the huge square-framed black glasses sliding down onto his round little nose, blonde fringe falling over his green eyes, and the dark bands tattooed on his forearms that Luke liked to trace as Michael glared at a textbook with smoldering intensity. Now here he is, shitting his pants at the prospect of seeing the man again, all while in a restaurant’s clammy, damp, tiny bathroom.
me and you just singing our song (ao3) - rory_the_dragon luke/ashton E, 6k
Summary: Luke’s come a long way from the kid he used to be.
He doesn’t know if anyone else has noticed, but Luke feels the difference.
And as soon as Ashton Irwin walks into Michael’s garage, Luke suddenly feels fifteen and blushing all over again.
(Or: the one with the very first band practice)
Meatballs (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance michael/luke/calum E, 3k
Summary: An idea popped into Luke’s head when he saw Calum and Michael sharing food, right before Calum made a statement about balls. That, combined with something Michael had said weeks ago, led Luke’s brain to work faster and thus, the birth of that plan. All he had to do was get to Michael and convince Calum.
melting in the snow (ao3) - toddamyanderson luke/calum T, 5k
Summary: The cute barista is working at the coffee shop.
This isn’t a rare occurance, but the circumstances are rare, beacuse it’s snowing and Calum is cold and he’s not on his way to work this morning.
Michael’s Dirty Diary (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance michael/luke E, 32k
Summary: Why did Luke find somebody’s diary? Why did he even want to read it when he knew he should not? The things he was reading were shocking but he could not help but read more, specially since he was involved. Who was that Michael anyway? Luke had to find out.
michael wants another slice - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) michael/luke T, 3k
Summary: Luke is Ashton’s nerdy next door neighbor, and he also just happened to get a job as a pizza delivery boy. Michael crushes on him as soon as he meets him. Cue the endless teasing from Ashton and Calum. And Luke helps Michael get a job.
Mikey’s kink (ao3) - Directioner_Jcats_5sosfam michael/luke E, 4k
Summary: Basically, Michaels want’s to try a few kinks, and Luke want to help.
milk teeth (ao3) - prettyluke (parting_ways) michael/calum T, 9k
Summary: the four times Calum couldn’t admit it and the one time he did.
minute suite dreams (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum M, 10k
Summary: The attendant disappears down the hall, and Luke finally gets a good look at the place he and Calum will be spending the night.
“Oh fuck,” Luke murmurs under his breath, wheeling his suitcase into the space and looking back at Calum apologetically. “It’s, uh. Small.”
Mixology (ao3) - dafeedil E, 23k
Summary: In which Michael is reeling from a recent breakup, Calum has just flunked a semester of university, Luke has never taken a risk in his life, and Ashton has taken too many.
One night, four boys, one Los Angeles bar. A recipe for…well, quite possibly, not disaster.
(or, they all meet at a bar and fall hopelessly in love for the night. Only, it’s actually a lot more than that.)
Mockingbird (ao3) - thesoulsailor michael/luke E, 43k
Summary: It was then that Michael realised two things. First off the boy on the ground was gorgeous. All fair skin and scrawny limbs, golden hair styled into a faux hawk and mesmerising eyes, coloured a clear, sharp blue. He was breath-taking in a subtle way that didn’t call for attention. Secondly the boy on the ground wore a yellow band around his upper arm, three black spots explaining why he wasn’t fighting back. He couldn’t. The boy was beautiful. The boy was blind.
or Luke is blind, Michael is new and everything after they meet is nothing one of them would’ve ever expected.
morphine lover, make me numb (ao3) - swiefts luke/ashton E, 15k
Summary: Or the one where Luke is maybe more than just Ashton’s fuck buddy. And Ashton may be falling for him.
my heart radio is set to explode (ao3) - horriblekids luke/calum, michael/ashton T, 15k
Summary: Five times everyone thought Luke and Calum were dating and then one time where they actually are.
Luke puts up an ad for a roommate-slash-bandmate online and Calum’s the only one who responds. He turns out not to be a serial killer, though.
my, my, those eyes like fire (ao3) - badomensbaby E, 22k
Summary: “What the fuck?” he breathes out in a panic, eyes widening and abandoning the grip on his dick, almost frozen with shock. “Oh my god. No, no no-” There’s no fucking way. Luke’s nakedly scrambling off the bed in search of his phone, which ended up beside the entertainment center, luckily void of scratches but the photo that caused his panic-ridden phone throwing episode is still pulled up. And it’s unmistakably Calum.
my taste in music is your face (ao3) - lukeisababe michael/calum T, 2k
Summary: Five times Calum says no to Michael and one time he says yes.
Or the one where Michael can’t stop proposing to Calum.
my thoughts will echo your name (ao3) - lifewasradical michael/calum G, 3k
Summary: “Have we met?” A voice says, pulling out the chair next to him and sitting down without an invitation, knee bumping against Michael’s under the table.
Looking up, Michael finds the eyes that had been staring at him across the room.
“I don’t think so,” Michael says softly, words barely carrying across the space, only a whisper from his lips.
0 notes
Fic Titles W/ Lyrics (2) Masterlist
part one
are you going to let 'em hold you down (ao3) - mukelftv michael/luke T, 2k
Summary: luke and michael have a phone call.
he was sunshine (i was midnight rain) - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/ashton T, 5k
Summary: Luke and Ashton are roommates, which sounds perfectly fine, but Ashton is the biggest grump according to Luke. At least, only during the Christmas holidays. Luke makes it his mission to get Ashton to like Christmas by the end of the month.
How did we end up here (ao3) - BrokenTailLights luke/ashton E, 4k
Summary: Where Luke hates guests, but maybe he can tolerate them if 'guests' include curly-haired, muscular teenage boys with cute giggles
lights will guide you home (ao3) - prettyluke (parting_ways) luke/ashton M, 48k
Summary: After a night blurred by blood and fear, Luke struggles to rebuild his life, and his search for the light leads him right to Ashton.
lost in the swirling sea (ao3) - irwah michael/calum/ashton E, 3k
Summary: '“Adventuring is my thing. Skinny dipping is my thing. And you went without me.” Ashton muffles into the pillow.
Calum rolls his eyes, stroking Ashton’s hair. But Michael smirks.
“We can skinny dip into your bed if you want?”'
Or: mashlum sex, inspired entirely by malum's antics and ashton's jealous tweet
michael wants another slice - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) michael/luke T, 3k
Summary: Luke is Ashton's nerdy next door neighbor, and he also just happened to get a job as a pizza delivery boy. Michael crushes on him as soon as he meets him. Cue the endless teasing from Ashton and Calum. And Luke helps Michael get a job.
my thoughts will echo your name (ao3) - lifewasradical michael/calum G, 3k
Summary: “Have we met?” A voice says, pulling out the chair next to him and sitting down without an invitation, knee bumping against Michael’s under the table.
Looking up, Michael finds the eyes that had been staring at him across the room.
“I don’t think so,” Michael says softly, words barely carrying across the space, only a whisper from his lips.
oh nostalgia (be your own spotlight) (ao3) - nightskeletons calum/ashton, michael/luke E, 142k
Summary: Born and raised New Yorker Calum Hood is temporarily reassigned to a job site in the middle of nowhere New Jersey for six months. After accepting his fate of being miserable the entire time, he ends up meeting a group of three boys who quickly become some of his closet friends and help him to see all the things he's been missing by never leaving his own backyard.
Cue a playlist of early-2000s emo music, unexpected farm animals, summer nights under the stars, discovering who you are, falling in love, and a whole lotta nostalgia.
our house (is a very, very, very fine house) (ao3) - consumeprilosec luke/ashton M, 4k
Summary: Single young dads Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin met at a Zoom support group for parents in quarantine. Since then, they’ve been shooting the shit for a while, yet their kids don’t know each other well. As they get the kids together, Ashton and Luke realize they need each other in more ways than one.
running from something (running back to you) (ao3) - elsie (the_technorats) luke/ashton M, 23k
Summary: the one where Luke is the District Four male tribute for the Hunger Games and he loses everything. Everything, that is, except for Ashton.
sickeningly sweet like honey (ao3) - merlypops michael/calum E, 5k
Summary: Calum and Michael have anniversary car sex, and are sickeningly in love with each other.
sucker for the way that you move, babe (ao3) - merlypops luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: Luke looks after Ashton better than anyone ever has and they can't get enough of each other.
take my hand, take my whole life too (ao3) - lifewasradical luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 2k
Summary: Luke and Ashton share a dance at Michael and Calum's wedding.
there's glitter on the floor after the party (ao3) - strxngersagain luke/calum G, 2k
Summary: Calum and Luke attend Michael and Crystal's wedding.
the road not taken looks real good now (ao3) - lifewasradical michael/luke T, 6k
Summary: Twisting to put the carton into his handbasket, Luke looks up down the aisle. At the end, bathed in yellow cream lighting, is Michael.
Michael, who Luke hasn’t seen since a few days before his departure years ago. Michael, who Luke hasn’t really thought of over the past few years, too wrapped up in his own life to check upon the people he used to know.
Michael, Luke’s first and only ex boyfriend, staring him down like he’s sure Luke is going to disappear into thin air if he takes his eyes off of him for one minute.
a (kinda) ‘tis the damn season song fic
the skies falling down (end of the world) (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 4k
Summary: Luke is severely hurt, and Ashton is desperate to find something to heal his best friend. He's on the brink of giving up when he meets Michael and Calum, who happen to be from a community that has medical supplies.
We Keep This Love in a Photograph (ao3) - bloopmichael michael/luke T, 2k
Summary: “Wait for me to come home,” Michael reassured the sobbing boy over the phone, trying to make his voice sound comforting but he was just as pained as Luke.
“But you are my home, Michael.”
with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now (ao3) - orphan_account ot4 M, 2k
Summary: Ashton had never really been nurtured in the way a child should be.
When his father had walked out on them at such a young age, Ashton had to step up and be the man of his house, helping bring in money and helping to raise his two younger siblings. He wasn't unloved or treated unfairly by his mother, quite the opposite, but she had never had the time to coddle him the way he craved.
you are in love, true love (ao3) - osweir michael/calum N/R, 2k
Summary: They stare into each other’s eyes for a while, before Michael breaks the silence.
“You’re my best friend,” he whispers, and it sounds different this time.
you need me, i don't need you - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/omc T, 6k
Summary: Luke's got his first boyfriend at fifteen, which is great, but unfortunately for him he has three protective band mates who try to protect him because they care. There's a bunch of misunderstandings and yelling, but ultimately the boys are there for Luke as he tries to go through his first relationship.
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