#nerin the swan goddess (by the amazing trippy!)
lanayru-the-water-god · 11 months
Living with secrets
While Lanayru’s physical strength has returned, Nerin soon finds out that her waterdrop has been keeping a secret of her own.
(Part 5 of the “All for the maiden” series)
Word count: 2683
The back doors to Lanayru’s palace glimmer in the light, their intricate white and gold pattern standing out against the sky-blue of the surrounding area. Nerin approaches, her heart racing with anticipation as she pictures her best friend’s smiling face. Lanayru had sent her today, supposedly to hang out like they always do. At last.
In the weeks since the Water Goddess’s awakening, Lanayru has kept her distance in order to catch up on all the days she missed. Although Nerin has understood why, she has lived through each day with an ache in her heart, longing to spend more time with Lanayru; they could sit and giggle together, playing with the new baby dragon, teasing Cordelia and the other Dwellers…just like it had been before.
The Swan Goddess stops in front of the doors, her brows furrowing with confusion. While there is usually a Dweller or two sitting outside to guard the place, today it is eerily silent. Nobody is here.
Taking a deep breath, she tries to open the right-hand door, only to find that it’s locked. Just as she raises her fist up to knock, a click sounds from the other side and the door pulls open.
She was waiting right here!
“Lanayru!” she shrieks with delight. “Oh, it’s so—“
The figure in the doorway frowns, her royal blue and purple hair taking Nerin aback.
That’s…not Lanayru.
“Oh…Cordelia.” She puts her hand back down to her side and smiles, trying to hide her disappointment. “I-I’m sorry, I thought—“
“It’s alright.” Dweller 2 chuckles, stepping aside to let Nerin in. “But there is something important I must discuss with you, before I let you see her.”
The Swan Goddess freezes, trying to peer down the hall. “Can’t that wait for just a bit? Where is she?”
“I can’t tell you yet. Lady Lanayru’s orders. Please, just follow me, and soon your questions shall be answered.”
Cordelia closes the door behind them, locking it in place, before leading a nervous Nerin down the elegant corridor. The Dweller’s colored hair stands out starkly against the rest of her figure, dressed in all black with a glimmering cape nearly touching the floor. Her heels click-clack against the tiles, as do Nerin’s, and the Swan Goddess marvels at the woman Lanayru created all those centuries ago.
She is truly beautiful.
But observing Lanayru’s creation brings her back to Lanayru, and her heart sinks again. A situation like this has never happened before, and she wonders if something has gone wrong. It must have, right? The Water Goddess wouldn’t shut herself out otherwise…
The two reach the sitting room, with its large intricate windows and flowy white curtains. Nerin checks around the room for Lanayru, only to find nobody there. Cordelia draws her attention to the low round table at the center of the room, where a piece of paper sits atop one end. It has writing on it. A letter.
“Is this for me?” Nerin asks, reaching out to take it.
“Indeed, this is from your waterdrop. I shall let you read it now…it might be difficult to do so.”
What does that mean?
With careful hands, the Swan Goddess holds up the paper, filled on both sides with unmistakable small, loopy writing. Lanayru’s writing.
Her heart pounds in her chest as she begins…
My darling Fea,
This is not an easy letter to write. I must inform you that I am not doing well. Although I may have regained my strength now, my emotional state has deteriorated. I have laid in my bed weeping, for you and for what I must have put you through. For I, too, have a secret. I have been hiding this from you since my head cleared enough to fully think, and I believe it’s time I let it out. While I would like to share this news with you face to face, I am too heavy with guilt to do so, and for that I hope you can forgive me.
You might still be thinking of how you’re gonna tell me, right? Or if you will at all. So let me make this easier, ok?
You don’t need to tell me, Nerin.
I know.
I always knew.
My words now may sting, I am aware you have wanted to keep this from me, and I am truly sorry. But I feel this is the only way. We are both dealing with heavy emotions and baggage to carry, mine from giving you such a traumatic experience, and yours from trying to keep me unaware of the truth. Don’t try to deny it, I see from your behavior how much you’ve been hurting, and each occurrence of this deals a heavy blow to my heart.
Again, my deepest apologies for keeping this to the written word. Now that I have explained this to you, I think we shall finally talk it out. Only then will I begin to heal.
I am outside, on the terrace by the right-hand side of the room. Please come, little one.
Much love,
The letter slips out of the Swan Goddess’s hands, and she freezes in place, unable to move. Lanayru still knew she still fucking knew oh my gods she knew this whole time-
“You okay, Lady Nerin?”
Startled, she whips around to face the blue-haired Dweller, still standing behind her.
“Oh, Cordelia, I’m sorry-“
“She’s over there.” Cordelia points to a large set of glass doors, her black and silver bracelets jingling. “Go to her, she’s been upset for quite some time.”
Through the glass and out onto the elegant patio, a familiar figure catches Nerin’s eye: the back of a short blonde bob with two pointy ears sticking out, the long flowy skirts in baby blue, droplet-shaped earrings glistening in the light…
“Lanayru!!” The Swan Goddess bolts for the door without thought, letting her dainty legs take her, and leaving Cordelia inside. With quick fingers she swings the door open and steps outside, closing it behind her.
The Water Goddess sits at the edge of a small spring, on a smooth round border functioning as a bench. She doesn’t turn her head, just stares out into the beautiful views of her domain, hands clasped in her lap. Does she know I’m here? Did she hear me?
“Lanayru?” Nerin calls out tentatively, approaching where her best friend is seated. At the sound of her name, the Water Goddess finally turns to look.
“…You came,” she breathes, relief filling her blue eyes and tender face. “I…I didn’t know if you would be mad at me.”
“Mad?? Why would I be mad?”
“Because I wouldn’t tell you that I knew.” Lanayru gently taps the spot next to her. “Here, why don’t you sit down?”
Nerin obeys, tucking her skirts back slightly before taking a seat next to her friend. The slight breeze produces a soft jingling sound, from the silver and white jewelry dangling from her dress and four sets of earrings.
“You knew…this whole time? H-how did you figure it out? Did you—“ She pauses in thought, her mind flashing back to the moment of Lanayru’s first awakening. “Do you remember that day?”
“…What day?”
“When you first woke up from recharging.”
“No…? I mean, I remember waking up, at some point, and then…” Lanayru’s brow furrows. “I don’t think you were there, though…just Cordelia. She told me I was fading in and out for a while, and…after that it gets a bit fuzzy, sorry.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Nerin smiles slightly. “I just wanted to make sure…I know I’ve asked you that before and you said no, but…”
“You think I would lie to you?”
“No, of course not! It’s just that…” A weak, half-conscious Lanayru comes to her mind as she trails off, bringing a pang to her chest.
“What?” the Water Goddess asks. “What happened?”
Might as well tell her now.
“Well…” Nerin starts, a sigh escaping her lips. “You figured it out. Right then and there. I didn’t think you would, you were barely conscious and so disoriented, but—I told you too much, I gave myself away.” The solemn, guilt-stricken look on Lanayru’s face is enough to break her heart. “For thirty-five days I thought about how to tell you the story, with the hopes that you would never have to know, and since you haven’t brought it up again I thought—“
“I’m so sorry…” Lanayru touches a ringed hand to one of Nerin’s own, gazing into her eyes. “Guess I figured it out more than once, then. But when I heard your story, the one I remember…I saved Ivory, and then you came to carry me back to my domain, devastated to see me lying passed out on the ground. When I started to gain more awareness I realized that this story wasn’t adding up, little one. Why wouldn’t you have been there when your maiden was dying? In your spring of all places? The others wouldn’t have waited to call you until she was unconscious, right? And why would I be out there with her and not you? I’m never in your spring by myself…it all just sounded like one big cover-up to hide something else that troubled you. So to make it 100 percent certain, I recently brought my concerns to Cordelia. She confirmed it.”
Damn it.
Why did I tell all the Dwellers??
“….Oh, Lana…” she replies, as the Water Goddess moves her hand to fidget with a fold of her skirt. “I really didn’t want you to know. That’s why I never told you, because all this guilt you’re feeling- I was certain this would be your reaction.”
Lanayru stays silent, glancing down at her lap and letting out a deep exhale. For a second the only sound is the soft ripples of spring water, and the quiet chirping of distant bluebirds.
“My darling…I never wanted you to go through this, little one,” she speaks eventually, without looking up. “And none of this would have happened in the first place if I hadn't…you know…”
“Lanayru. No.” Nerin scolds. “Please don’t blame yourself! Do you know what would have happened had you not done anything?”
The Water Goddess nods her head slowly. “…Yeah, of course I do.”
“So you did a good thing, waterdrop, trust me. You saved someone’s life. Yes, what I had to witness was heartbreaking, but I’ll live. It’s much better than the alternative.”
She cringes as she speaks the last few words. No, don’t think about it. That didn’t happen. But she can’t help but picture if Ivory had been the one to die, not Lanayru…
“Little one…tell me.” Finally, Lanayru meets her gaze, tears running down her pale face. “What was that like?”
Nerin’s heart sinks in her chest, as she lets out a sigh.
“If you must know, it was the most painful thing I’ve ever had to…” She trails off. “Sorry, that’s not helping you at all—“
“No, go on. Please, tell me the truth.”
“…Okay,” she continues. “Well, you know how I told you that Ivory wasn’t awake to see you fall?” Taking in a breath, she hesitates. “The thing is, uh…she was. I lied to you, waterdrop. She was awake and very much lucid, and I wanted her to think you simply passed out. So after you went limp I buried my head into your chest so she wouldn’t see, and oh gods, I knew what to expect, but you weren’t breathing, you had no heartbeat, it was all just fucking silent, and I stayed there forever, minutes, hours, who knows how long it was…and Ivory tried to touch you but I shooed her away…it was haunting to not hear the beating of your heart because I knew you would come back but you were also gone, Lanayru, you were fucking dead—“
Burying her face into her hands, Nerin chokes out a sob. The memories she had been holding in are now free, giving her a tiny sense of relief, but now it’s almost as if she’s back in her spring, her head on top of Lanayru’s unmoving chest to shield the truth from her maiden…and she wants to forget this but she can’t, she can’t—
Slowly she lifts her head, at the sound of her precious nickname, to face her friend’s worried gaze.
“Oh, little one, I’m so sorry I asked…”
“Don’t apologize, please. You said we need to talk this out…I shouldn’t keep it inside any longer.”
“Well…” The Water Goddess sniffles, wiping a tear with her hand. “Is there…anything else?”
“I, uh…I do have one question,” Nerin’s own tears spill down her face as she watches her friend’s gloomy expression. “How-how long does that last? Before the resurrection?”
“Nobody knows exactly, my darling…but from our estimates, I would say up to two minutes.”
“…Two minutes??”
All of the pain, the waiting, the torture of silence…it was only two minutes?
“Yeah…that’s it, little one. I simply can’t fathom how long that must have felt for you, I mean—“
“Too long,” Nerin breathes. “It was too fucking long.”
Lanayru breaks eye contact with her friend, leaving the pair in silence briefly, before finally opening her mouth to speak again.
“…Rin, I am so sorry…beyond what words can say, I—I’m the reason you had to suffer like this, my stupid Healing Grace that wasn’t made for saving others, curse me! If only I was born with a power that didn’t fucking kill me every time I saved someone, I—“ Lanayru holds her hands out and weeps, stamping her foot onto the tiles in frustration and anger. “Whatever I do, I try to-to give one person…a second chance but I just end up hurting another! I’m never enough, I-“ She chokes on her own tears, letting out what must have been clawing through her since she discovered the truth. “I will…never be enough—“
Too heartbroken to respond, Nerin wraps an arm around Lanayru, bringing her in closer, and the Water Goddess rests her head on her friend’s fluffy feather shawl.
“I can’t forgive myself,” she continues, “I—I gave you…a traumatic experience… and now—now you still wanna be friends with the one who failed you.”
“Woah woah woah, Ru, stop,” Nerin interjects. “What makes you think you failed me?? That couldn’t be farther from the truth, waterdrop, you know that. You did everything you could to make sure my maiden wouldn’t leave me.”
“Y-yeah, I just…I wish I could save someone…without losing myself.” Lanayru sniffles, her tears running onto the shawl, and Nerin only squeezes her tighter. “I don’t wanna lose myself. All that does is hurt you.”
“I know, sweetie…oh, I wish I could change that for you…I don’t wanna lose you either. But you come back, right? You always do…and we get through it, we come back stronger. So we can get through this too, alright?”
Nerin gently runs a hand through Lanayru’s soft hair, feeling the silky strands between her fingers. The last few weeks have been draining, and she can only imagine how painful it’s all been for her friend. Pain that will take time to fully heal from.
Lanayru sighs. “…Alright.”
“Good, my darling. You will always be enough, remember that. Your Healing Grace may be less than perfect, but you’re still beautiful, kind, selfless…You’re still my Lanayru.”
“Aww…that’s so sweet…” The Water Goddess slowly lifts her head to look her companion in the eye. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Please, waterdrop…there is nothing wrong with you, ok? You have the most compassionate heart of anyone I know, and you never want any of us to suffer. I’m proud of you for telling me the truth, Ru.”
“Well…I can’t go through this alone,” Lanayru replies, wiping a tear with her sleeve. “Thank you, Fea. I really owe you one.”
Nerin smiles at her friend’s words of gratitude, even knowing that a repayment is never necessary. Just having her friend here, alive and breathing, with her full strength returned, is all she needs.
Because together, they can finally take their first steps on the long road to healing.
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
@ourgalaxiescollide and @lanayru-the-water-god sitting together, looking at the blue fairies and babey dragon 🥺🥹
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The fairy right in the middle is Droplet. and yes, Lanayru created this littol dragon, it hasn’t grown to full size yet but it’s also in the background which makes it look smaller. so it’s bigger than Lanie but not quite big enough for her to ride it!
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
idk if you saw the post that goes with the writing but…yeah, here’s part of it😭
Nerin doesn’t want Ivory to know that Lanayru “died.” When she sobs into Lanayru’s chest, it is a perfectly feasible action, but she puts her head there to cover up that Lanayru is not breathing.
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Bluebell the dragon
Lanayru helps Nerin overcome her fears by taking her on a dragon ride.
(Lanayru is ~950 years old)
Word count: 1978
In the domain of the Water Goddess, Nerin follows an ecstatic Lanayru down the path. Her friend has been eager to show her something, without explaining what it really is, and so Nerin’s thoughts swim with possibilities. It could be a newly created Dweller, waiting to meet their mother’s friend. Or maybe another fairy, or dozens of new fairies. Perhaps, nothing has been created at all, and rather it’s a splendid view of the water worth sharing. Lanayru is always full of mysteries.
Far away from the palace where Lanayru and the Dwellers reside, the two approach a large open area, almost like a field in the mortal world, surrounded by white pearly fencing and tall intricate pillars. A large creature lies curled up on the ground. Almost like…
Her dragon.
Lanayru uses her magic symbol to unlock the gate, leading Nerin through the entrance.
“Well, I am delighted to tell you that Bluebell is fully grown now!” The Water Goddess claps her hands in excitement. “Look at her!”
The Swan Goddess moves her gaze to the large, magnificent dragon, much bigger than she remembers, its baby blue scales glimmering in the light. White spikes stick out from its otherwise smooth back, long hair in a mix of blues and whites frame its majestic face, and striking blue eyes gaze up at the two Goddesses.
“Wow, I…” Nerin struggles to find words. “It’s so…beautiful.”
Her heart races in her chest, though, as the dragon also looks…intimidating. As a baby, Bluebell was much less scary to her.
Grinning happily, Lanayru walks up to rub the dragon’s snout. “She sure changed a lot, huh? Haven’t you, girl?”
Bluebell snorts in reply, causing Nerin to raise an eyebrow. Can it understand what we’re saying? The way Lanayru is acting toward it reminds her of the way mortals play with their pets, easing her fears slightly.
“Come on, little one, pet her,” the Water Goddess continues. “She’s super gentle, don’t worry, I promise.”
“Oh-okay.” Nerin cautiously steps forward to meet up with her friend. She is not used to dragons, not sure if this one is in fact a wild beast who could lash out at any second.
But Lanayru would never lie to her. She knows Lanayru.
You’re gonna be okay.
Slowly and tentatively, she reaches an arm forward and rests her hand on Bluebell’s snout. The bumpy texture of the scales takes her by surprise, and the dragon snorts again.
“There you go! That’s it,” Lanayru encourages her. “See? You’re doing great.”
“Really? Are you sure?” Nerin moves her hand up to the dragon’s long and flowy hair. “Is…is this okay?”
“Yeah, go for it. She loves head scratches.”
Head scratches?
Puzzled by Lanayru’s comment, she places a gentle hand on its hair, feeling the silky and incredibly soft strands run through her fingers. Her long nails make her hesitant to scratch, wondering if it would hurt the dragon, so instead she rubs her fingers in little circles atop its head. Bluebell’s eyes close, followed by what sounds like a happy sigh.
“Yeah, doesn’t that feel good?” Lanayru coos to Bluebell, tapping a finger on its nose. “You’re a lucky girl today, huh? Yes you are!”
Nerin slowly lifts her hand away, turning back to her friend. “Well…she’s a sweetheart, RuRu, thanks for showing me.”
“I told you, right? I promise you there’s nothing to be afraid of.”
Instead of heading away toward the palace, though, Lanayru walks around the dragon’s head and beside its scaly body. Wait- what is she doing?? Putting her hands near one of the spikes, she hoists herself up on its back, legs stretched out on each side of the spike and arms wrapped around it.
Is she gonna-
“Come on, let’s go for a ride!”
Oh shit.
Nerin freezes in place, her hands becoming clammy as she bites her lip. “I-I, uh…I’ll pass on that one, thanks.” She laughs nervously. “If you- if you don’t mind, I-“
“Little one, pleeease? I promise you’ll be fine, we won’t do anything crazy, ok?”
“I mean—“
“Just try it this one time?” Lanayru’s blue eyes widen, like a small puppy begging for food. “For me?”
Damn it. Those darn puppy dog eyes.
Nerin sighs. “Fine…”
“Yay!! Ooh, this is gonna be so fun!” Lanayru shrieks in delight, as Nerin reluctantly approaches the spike directly behind hers. “I’ve been waiting for this ever since I created her. The two of us finally riding her together…Ack, I’m so excited!”
Climbing up on Bluebell’s back, the Swan Goddess positions herself the same way as her friend, arms around the spike in a death grip. It’s going to be okay, Nerin, you won’t fall off. Nothing crazy is gonna happen, she won’t flip upside down, you won’t fall, you won’t fall, you won’t—
“Ready to roll?” The sound of Lanayru’s voice brings her back.
“Yeah..I’m ready.”
Just don’t look down.
“Okay, Bluebell, rise up!”
And the dragon obeys, lifting its large body off the ground with ease. Nerin finds herself holding her breath as they rise higher and higher, her wrists aching slightly from the strong grip on the spike. A cool breeze ruffles through the hair of both the Goddesses and the dragon, causing Lanayru to chuckle. Alright, this isn’t so bad… She finally lets her breath go, heart still racing rapidly in her chest.
“Bluebell, fly!”
At Lanayru’s command, the dragon pushes itself forward slowly, moving its three sets of claws through the air. Nerin keeps her gaze focused on the back of her friend’s hair, directly in front of her. Never looking down.
“Don’t worry, little one, a forward fly is all she knows how to do,” the Water Goddess explains. “No going backwards, flipping or spinning yet, I’m still working with her.”
Not yet? Nerin wants to say. How about not at all? The last thing she needs right now is to be spun around, hundreds of feet in the sky. The thought alone nearly makes her sick.
Lanayru briefly turns her head back to glance at her friend. “Hey, how are you doing? Is this okay?”
The Swan Goddess, still pale and stiff, nods her head.
“Oh, good.” Facing forward once more, Lanayru whistles at Bluebell. “Faster, girl!”
“We’re going faster?” Nerin squeaks out, almost without thinking.
“What, you think we were gonna fly at a snail’s pace the whole time? You gotta have some real fun here!”
The dragon’s speed starts to increase, and her heart skips a beat.
“Oh…okay. Sure.” Breathe, just breathe. You won’t fall.
The wind whips through her hair, and she hears Lanayru shriek in delight. She almost has her entire body around the spike now, not daring to move a muscle. Look straight ahead. Look at RuRu.
“WOO HOOOO!!!!” Lanayru cries out, laughing. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about, Bluebell, good girl!!”
They glide effortlessly through the air, and Nerin tries to calm her stiff breathing. Now she is finally beginning to feel secure. Sparkles of white magic from the dragon’s body circle in the wind and flutter over the two Goddesses, dissipating slowly.
“Hey, RuRu!” she exclaims. “This is actually…fun!”
“See, I told ya so!” Her friend doesn’t turn her head, but Nerin knows she is grinning. “Here, watch this!”
Another whistle sounds, and the dragon speeds up even further. The wind howls in Nerin’s ears and she lets out a shriek of laughter. See, you’re okay! This is awesome!
“I’m trying to train her so she responds to my whistles only! Not my words!” Lanayru shouts over the noise of the wind. “But she’s still workin’ on it!”
Still a bit uncertain about looking down, Nerin closes her eyes, feeling as if she is floating on her own through the blue sky, perhaps above her own domain, as all her swan maidens watch her in awe…
Another whistle. “Bluebell, circle!”
The abrupt sound startles the Swan Goddess, as her eyes shoot back open and she instinctively wraps herself tighter around the spike. Her whole body tilts slightly as the dragon’s body turns to make a large arc, wind whipping hard into her side.
“Lanayru!!” she yells in surprise. “What are you doing?”
“Hahahaha!! Ha ha ha!!” The Water Goddess throws her head back in hearty laughter. “Now this is what you call some fun!!”
Bluebell moves around in a large circular shape, and Nerin feels herself smiling. She makes sure not to close her eyes again so she can watch her friend’s commands.
“One more thing, alright?! Bluebell, figure-eight!” Lanayru follows this with a whistle that sounds quite different from the last few.
This time, Nerin readies herself for the dragon’s change in direction, as it rockets through the air in a serpentine path, gliding a ways forward then looping around itself to complete the “eight” shape. She screams in delight along with Lanayru, noticing how relaxed her body has become. The fear and tension from before has almost completely disappeared.
“Here, if you’re feeling comfortable, check this out!” The Water Goddess tilts her head, looking down at the ground far below them. “The view is amazing!”
Making sure she still has a strong grip, Nerin cautiously does the same, something she most certainly wouldn’t have done five minutes ago.
Oh my Goddesses.
Her best friend’s domain, and everything in it that they each hold dear, is stunningly visible from this height. With a bird’s eye view she can see just about everything: the palace, the healing spring, all the intricacies of majestic waterworks…it is enough to take her breath away in amazement.
“Woah…” she mutters, realizing Lanayru probably can’t hear her.
“So, what do you think, little one?! Isn’t this so cool??”
“Yeah!!” Making sure to raise her voice, she beams at her friend. “I-I can’t believe it!! I have never seen anything like this before!!”
“I know right?? That’s how I felt my first time too!” The Water Goddess turns her head back to face forward, and Nerin follows suit. Bluebell is still moving in its figure-eight patterns.
Lanayru lets out one more whistle. “Alright, Bluebell, go home!”
The dragon seems to nod its head at the request, and soon it straightens back out before slowing down. The wind becomes less harsh, and she gives her hands a break by loosening her grip slightly. Whew, you did it! You…rode a dragon!
As they make their descent, Nerin lets out a sigh of relief, throat slightly hoarse from all the shouting. Bluebell’s knowledge of where it resides surprises her, and soon the familiar pillars and fencing draw closer. She wonders what her maidens will think when she tells them of the ride…especially Ivory, who is now very close with Lanayru. Maybe next time, the three of them could all ride together.
“Well, we made it,” Lanayru states, not needing to shout anymore. “Good girl, Bluebell. You did so awesome!”
Slowly and gently, the dragon lowers itself onto the ground, curling back up in its original shape. The two Goddesses make their dismount, their hair tangled and frazzled from the harsh wind up above. But Lanayru still looks as beautiful as ever.
“So, how’d you like that, little one? Fun, huh?”
“Yeah!” Nerin chuckles. “Thanks for, uh…forcing me to do it.” She glances at Bluebell, who closes its eyes and snorts quietly.
“No problem, darling.” Lanayru gently pets the dragon’s fluffy mane. “I knew you would come around anyway.”
Allowing Bluebell to take a much-needed nap, they walk side by side toward the exit of the dragon’s home. Lanayru clears her throat, voice slightly raspy from all the shouting to her friend. And in the peaceful silence, Nerin observes a couple Dwellers talking in the distance, the blue hair of Cordelia catching her eye.
One thought keeps coming back to her, though…of how amazing it would be to have her own dragon.
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After healing
Lanayru wakes up slowly, the weakest she’s ever been, but still realizes that Nerin isn’t quite right. Something happened…and Nerin won’t tell her.
(Lanayru is ~900 years old)
Word count: 1301
“…wait…takes a minute…”
Slowly, the first feelings of consciousness emerge from the peaceful dark void.
The Water Goddess groans, stirring only slightly.
“Shh…give her a minute…”
“Are you with me?”
The black void begins to dissipate, pieces of awareness floating into her mind. Lanayru groans again, eyes too heavy to open and body melting into a soft surface…Where’s Nerin?
“….she’s coming around.”
Her hands are cold, so cold, tucked under something warm and fluffy…her entire body seems to be covered. Almost like…a blanket.
Something, or someone, is pressing down on her chest, moving softly. Cool hands touch her face, making her wince, and she takes in a slow breath.
“Hrrmphhh…” With what little energy she can muster, she peels her eyelids open halfway, lifting her head only slightly. Through bleary eyes she can make out an incredibly blurry mass of white atop her blanket. “Wha…?”
“Lanayru!” The white shape moves suddenly, making her head spin. “Hi, waterdrop! Can you hear me?”
“Mmm…” She rests her head back down, closing her eyes. “…yeah.”
“Oh, thank goodness! It is so good to see you, my darling.” The pure relief is evident in Nerin’s voice…telling her something has happened. Her friend had been waiting.
“Lanayru, welcome back.” The other voice is speaking now. “It’s me, Starlight. Just relax, okay? Take it easy.”
Another groan escapes her lips, and she can no longer feel Nerin’s weight on her chest. It’s just the three of them, right here, in what she assumes is her bedroom…everything before that is…gone.
Nerin takes a second to answer.
“You don’t remember, waterdrop?” A hand nudges on her shoulder. “Come on, look at me.”
It takes an immense amount of effort to open her eyes, her blurry vision swimming, but she can see the outlines of her best friend standing above her.
“Here, what’s the last thing you can recall?”
Lanayru gazes blearily at Nerin, growing ever more fatigued from the attempt to think…
Nothing is coming to mind.
“I…” she croaks. “I don’t—“
“There has to be something! Please think, waterdrop!”
“Nerin, darling,” Starlight’s calm voice interjects. “I am afraid Lanayru’s memory has been compromised. You must tell her what happened.”
“No…no, I-I can’t…”
“She deserves to know. Please.”
Wh-what’s going on?
Something horrible must have happened. If only she could remember what…
“Lanayru?” A soft hand touches her chin, turning her head on the pillow. “No, don’t fall asleep, come on—“
Slowly she peels her eyes back open- when had she closed them?- and her gaze is once again met with Nerin’s blurry figure. From what little she can make out of her friend’s face, something stands out to her, something running down her cheeks…
Nerin is crying.
“Hmmm….you’ok?” she slurs out, the deep exhaustion still evident in her voice.
“Am I—Lanayru!” Nerin gasps. “Look at me…look at you! Please…try to remember?”
She wants to remember, more than anything…but oh Gods, her fuzzy brain won’t comprehend.
“…‘can’t…’m sorry.”
Somehow, Nerin won’t tell her. It’s almost as if her friend is…dreading the thought of it? Her head pounds slightly and her weak body threatens to drift off once again…Stay awake, Lanayru. She keeps her bleary eyes open, heart aching at the sight of Nerin in such distress.
“Okay,” The Swan Goddess sighs, wiping the tears with her hand. “RuRu, you saved my maiden’s life. Ivory would have… died if it wasn’t for you, waterdrop, but you’ve been gone for…” She sniffles. “…a long time.”
“Thirty-five days,” Starlight adds. “Four less than last time, but your Swan Goddess couldn’t wait. She was desperate, she’s been waiting here for days—“
Nerin holds up a hand. “That’s enough, please, don’t overwhelm her.” She then moves her delicate fingers to Lanayru’s forehead. “Now, anything coming back to you yet?”
Lanayru racks her muddled brain, things sounding so familiar…you saved my maiden’s life…Ivory…thirty-five days…last time? Whatever she had done, it happened before, but what…
In front of her, a hazy image appears. Her body glowing white, the life seeping out of her, a woman’s pale form lying on the ground…
Healing Grace!
Lanayru lets out a quiet gasp.
“I…healed her,” she chokes out, and Nerin lifts the hand off. “…Iv’ry.”
“There you go, that’s it!” The Swan Goddess sighs, in what seems to be relief. “You just finished recharging, waterdrop. I know you’re still out of it, but I’m here, Starlight’s here…you’re gonna be okay, you’re back with us. With me.”
Lanayru blinks, as her companion’s face comes more into focus. “Mrmmph…” she mumbles, keeping the warm blanket over her ice-cold fingertips.
“How are you feeling, Lanie? Do you need anything?”
“…’m tired…” The image of a bleeding Ivory drifts through her mind again, the last thing she can remember. “…’s Iv’ry ok?”
“Yeah, she’s doing much better,” Nerin replies, smiling through the tears. “Back on her feet and fully recovered. Thanks to you, waterdrop.”
“But…you lost me…”
“Yes.” Another tear runs down her friend’s cheek. “It was a horrible situation, Lanayru, trust me that you did the right thing. No matter how hard it was for us.”
The Water Goddess groans again. She doesn’t know if it’s the exhaustion talking, but Nerin just seems…off. Almost like she’s hiding something.
Healing Ivory must have killed her. It had to…right? And Nerin’s tears are not of joy but of agony. Something happened. Something else happened…
Was she there?
Did she…
Lanayru whimpers, vision continuing to clear. The look on her friend’s face is enough to break her heart right in two. She almost wishes she was still unconscious.
“Hey, are you alright? What’s wrong?”
“I-ugh, I…don’t know.” The more she tries to gather fragments of her memory, the more her head spins. “Y-you’re upset…”
“I’m sorry,” Nerin mutters, quickly wiping her eyes with one arm. “I shouldn’t overwhelm you, Lanayru. You’re still so weak, and chances are you won’t remember this conversation later. That happened last time—“ The Swan Goddess briefly buries her face in her hands. “Argh, I can’t help it.”
“It’s okay, Lady Nerin,” Starlight assures her. “And Lana, your friend is right. You should just focus on resting…I should have considered how you may not recall much of this, my apologies.”
Ignoring the Dweller’s comment, the Water Goddess continues to gaze at her companion with tired eyes.
“Lil’one…if I won’t remember this…then—tell me what’s wrong.”
“Lanayru, I can’t. It will upset you too much. Just listen to Starlight, okay? The sooner you recover, the sooner we can get this all sorted out.”
“But…’m recovered…”
“No, you are not.” Nerin’s voice is surprisingly firm. “You’re fighting just to stay conscious, I can tell. You are too weak to even sit up, waterdrop. So I would hardly call that recovered.”
Lanayru sighs, her heavy eyes drooping again. If Nerin really was there, then—
She thinks back to her friend’s head on her chest, and her own heart sinks.
Then Nerin saw me…stop breathing.
“Urrgh…’m so sorry, lil’one…” she groans, rubbing her pounding head. “So sorry…”
“For what? Oh, Goddesses—“
The darkness begins to welcome her with open arms…
Slowly she blinks her eyes back open. “Hmm?”
“You have nothing to be sorry for. Ivory is okay, I’m okay…soon you’ll be okay too. You saved her, waterdrop, never forget that.”
“Nerin…were you there?”
The Swan Goddess falls silent, eyes widening. She seems to be struggling to respond, but that is all Lanayru needs. The answer is finally clear.
“You watched me…”
“Shh…relax, waterdrop.” Nerin gently soothes her. “Everything’s gonna be fine.”
I died and she watched me.
Floating on the edge of the comforting darkness, Lanayru feels the sharp pang of guilt in her chest, taking over her senses…
“You can go back to sleep, okay? I’ll be right here.”
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Gifts of gratitude
In this fourth installment of “All for the maiden,” Lanayru returns to her best friend’s spring to reunite with Ivory.
Word count: 1471
Slowly and steadily, Lanayru’s footsteps echo against the shiny surface. In front of her is Nerin’s spring, which over the centuries has become her second home, and today she comes to receive a gift from the eternally grateful swan maiden.
The one she sacrificed her life once more to save.
Memories of her sacrifice dwindled away as she slept, leaving only tiny fragments of a blurry haze. But still she can see the fallen maiden, close to her final breath, the blood pooling against the tiles. She can feel the glow of her hands, and soon her entire body, overflowing with the healing magic as she thrust every last inch of it out—
And then…nothing.
Several days after her awakening, Lanayru is still slightly fatigued, but finally strong enough to travel to her best friend’s domain. Her heart flutters with a mixture of relief and excitement, eager to reach the sweet maiden.
As she makes her way around the quiet, serene spring with its pure waters and soft swan feathers, her eye catches on two figures close by. One of them is the Swan Goddess, her fluffy shawl wrapped around her body and loose white hair framing her face. And the other one…the dainty being is strikingly familiar—
“Lanayru!!” the swan maiden shrieks, bolting toward the Water Goddess and throwing her arms out. “Oh my gosh, hi!!”
Before she can respond, Ivory’s head is already resting against her chest, arms wrapped around her frail body in a tight squeeze. Lanayru grunts in surprise, chuckling as she glances up at Nerin. The Swan Goddess simply smiles.
“This one has not been patient, waterdrop.”
Lanayru runs gentle fingers through the maiden’s soft hair. “Are you alright, my dearest one? I know you’re still recovering.”
“What do you mean?” Ivory slowly loosens her grip on the Goddess, glancing up at her with a frown. “I’ve been good as new for a while now. You’ve just been out for-“ She pauses. “…a long time.”
“I know, my apologies. If only saving you hadn’t taken such a toll on me…but I digress. You’re doing well, sweetheart, and you have no idea how delighted that makes me.”
Ivory steps back, her smaller form glancing up at Lanayru. With her limited memories of the maiden, it’s as if she is meeting a stranger. But Ivory knows her now; so much more time has passed than she can grasp.
“You look so, uh…so…different!” The maiden’s cheeks flush pink as she speaks. “Like- your hair!”
The Water Goddess runs a finger through her short bob of blonde locks, cutting off above her shoulders. Days before, it had reached all the way down her back, having not been trimmed in several years.
“Yeah, it’s a little shorter, isn’t it?” she replies with a chuckle. “I was thinking of chopping it before I healed you, but I just never got around to it.”
“Well, it looks absolutely stunning.” Ivory fidgets with her white dress, seemingly a bit nervous. “So…Lanayru, are you feeling okay? Were you in pain at all?”
“Well, I don’t really remember…but it was painless, my dearest one. It felt almost like a nice, long nap.”
“Aw…thank goodness, I am so glad to hear that…I mean, I was there when—when you…”
Lanayru’s heart sinks. “When I—?”
“Yeah, when you lost consciousness…I saw it all…” Ivory mutters, breathless. “Oh, my heart couldn’t take it, Nerin was so devastated…she explained a bit to me, how you were gonna be gone for a while.”
That’s right. Nerin told her to keep the death a secret, worried that it would upset the troubled maiden even further.
The guilt still pangs in her chest, just as it has each day since awakening…Nerin knew. The Swan Goddess watched Lanayru fade out, and she knew. Soon her darling waterdrop would stop breathing, her body shutting down completely, anywhere from seconds to minutes of a lifeless form lying where the Water Goddess once stood…
“It was very hard for her, yes,” Lanayru confirms, careful to not let out the truth. “Ivory, I am so sorry…I never meant for you to go through that.”
“Why are you apologizing? You- you saved my life.” The maiden stares at her with pleading eyes. “I owe you everything, Miss Water Goddess, far more than I could ever offer.”
Lanayru sniffles. “Ivory, please—“
“Lady Nerin, give it to her,” Ivory turns toward the Swan Goddess, who grins with delight.
“You’re gonna like this one, waterdrop.” Nerin tells her with a smile. “A lot of thought went into it.”
To Lanayru’s confusion, Nerin takes off the fluffy shawl around her shoulders, stepping forward and holding it in outstretched hands.
“But…isn’t that yours, little one?”
“No, silly, it’s for you. Take it.”
The Water Goddess carefully obeys, gasping in awe as the large shawl drapes over her wrists and arms.
Oh my Goddesses.
The assortment of white and gray swan feathers, with even tinges of baby blue, blend together on a neatly cross-stitched base pattern, one that clearly took an immense amount of time and care.
“Ivory, this is…beautiful,” she gushes, eyes beginning to water. “Did you make this?”
“I sure did, my darling. That was the one good thing about you being unconscious for that long…I had time to really create something memorable.”
A pleasant warmth washes over Lanayru’s body, bringing her a sense of peace and calm…each one of the delicate feathers seems to have a life of its own, glowing in the daylight.
“Wh-what is this? Is it a shawl?”
“Not quite…it’s a blanket, made from my own thread and magical swan feathers. Each of us offered a few of our feathers and Nerin helped gather some too…when you sleep with it, a bit of our swan magic will come to you. I bet you’re even feeling it right now.”
Oh my—
“I-I can’t accept this! Please- this is far more than I ever need—“
“You must, Lanayru.” the maiden interrupts, gently touching the blanket with her hand. “I know that someday, you’ll save an innocent soul once again. When you’ve slipped into a deep sleep, I will come to drape this across your body, and your… slumber, should I call it that, will be as peaceful as the waters you give us.”
Tears roll down Lanayru’s cheeks; as both her hands are occupied from holding the blanket, she is unable to wipe them away.
“This was far too sweet of you,” she states, sniffling again as she holds the blanket close. “I-I can’t believe you…you did this for me…”
“I wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for you!” Ivory shouts. “Goddess, please, stop all this. You did the most selfless thing any of us could have imagined, something that I’m sure half of us wouldn’t have the guts to do—“
“What choice did I have? It was either to save you, or just stand there and watch you fucking die—“
“Lanayru!” Nerin’s firm voice startles her. “Don’t.”
“Oh…sorry,” she mutters. Her friend has never been too fond of her profanity. “It-it’s just that…I will never expect a reward for my actions. Always remember that.”
“I know.” Ivory reaches a hand out toward Lanayru’s tear-stained face. “Here, is this okay?”
The Water Goddess nods, letting the maiden’s cool, dainty hands wipe the tears from her cheeks.
Nerin steps closer to the two, beaming with delight. “Save your tears, waterdrop,” she explains. “This isn’t the only gift for you today.”
“H-huh?” Lanayru chokes out. There’s…more than one?
“The other maidens know everything, we couldn’t possibly hide it from them…Lanayru, I still don’t think you really understand how grateful we all are. Every one of our maidens is extremely special to us, and you care so much about our well-being.” The Swan Goddess gestures to the stunning front entrance of her residence. “Come inside with us, waterdrop.”
Ivory turns back to Lanayru, touching the blanket once more. “RuRu, why don’t you wear this around your shoulders?” The maiden pauses suddenly, brow furrowing. “Oh…is it okay if I call you that?”
“Of course,” she replies, nodding slowly. “You have my permission, darling.”
She has reserved the nickname RuRu only for those close to her, but for Ivory it just feels…right. And perhaps they can indeed become close friends as the months and years go by. She may have Nerin, and all the Dwellers…but she can always open her heart for another companion. With her devout kindness and joyful spirit, Ivory is a perfect one.
Lanayru wraps the soft blanket around her shoulders, just like how Nerin wears her feathery shawl, and begins to follow them along the path. Embracing the warmth of the swan magic from the blanket, she listens to their soft footsteps among the peaceful sounds of the spring.
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All for the maiden
Ivory, one of Nerin’s precious swan maidens, awakens after being gravely injured to an unfamiliar sensation. Lanayru, being the selfless Goddess she is, has made another ultimate sacrifice.
(Lanayru is ~900 years old)
Word count: 1100
Just seconds ago, she had been in unbearable, mind-numbing pain…but now Ivory’s mind is empty, her body somehow…painless.
When had I drifted off?
“...ple…don’t…stop it…”
Distant, muffled voices drift into her fuzzy head as a cool, lightweight sensation washes over her entire body.
“…La…ru, stop…”
“...Lanayru, stop!”
The swan maiden finds her body too weak to move, but slowly she blinks her eyes open to see an incredibly blurry, yet familiar, figure above her, glowing white hands hovering over her chest…and a matching luminance spreads around the two of them.
Is that…
“La…Lan…” she tries.
“Just hold still, okay? I’m almost done…”
Is she…healing me?
Exhausted from the effort of keeping her bleary eyes open, Ivory lets them slip closed once again.
“Please, Lanayru, you’ve done enough…she’s not bleeding out anymore, please!” Nerin’s voice.
The Water Goddess gives no response.
And within seconds, a bit of strength returns to Ivory as the sensation from the glow dissipates. Her legs, which had been nearly numb before, regain their normal feeling. It no longer hurts to breathe, to move…Still lying on the hard ground, she stretches out her arms and sighs with relief.
Lanayru saved me.
“Hey, Lanie, look at me,” Nerin continues, bringing Ivory back from her thoughts. “Stay with me, dang it! I can’t lose you again…please!”
Ivory slowly opens her eyes again, out of curiosity, to a confusing and worrisome sight: Lanayru on her knees, now a few feet from Ivory’s body, and Nerin grabbing her by the shoulders. The Water Goddess’s head lolls forward, her long hair slightly covering her face.
“I…can’t…’m so…ti…red…”
“I know you are, ok? Try to fight it, though! Think about anything, your dragon, your-”
“...’s not how ‘t works…”
Lanayru’s slurred mumbling is barely audible to Ivory’s small ears, but Nerin seems to have understood it…
“You used all of it, didn’t you?”
The Water Goddess suddenly slumps over, too weak to stay sitting, and lands on the ground with a thud, nearly hitting her head.
“Lanayru! Waterdrop, just answer me! You did, right? Every last bit of it?”
Through Nerin’s desperate pleas, Ivory finds her hands grounding her body so she can lift herself up. Her head spins as she stares with wide eyes at Lanayru, now lying on her back, eyes slipping closed.
“LANAYRU!!” Nerin shouts frantically.
“I…had to…” she croaks out. “I’m…sor…”
I’m sorry?
“Lanayru?? No…please…” Tears well up in the eyes of the Swan Goddess, tugging at Ivory’s heart. “Open your eyes, waterdrop…you can’t leave me…you can’t…”
Nerin pauses, the spring becoming eerily silent, as Lanayru leaves no response.
As her vision swirls slightly, Ivory swallows hard. She has never seen her beloved Nerin like this…ever. And she remains there, watching with disbelief as the Swan Goddess breaks out into choking sobs, burying her head into Lanayru’s chest.
For what seems like an eternity, she stays, headache and dizziness slowly receding as the healing finishes taking effect.
She saved me…but what happened??
“Lady Nerin…?” she asks, voice dry and cracked. “Is she…?”
No answer.
Ivory fidgets nervously with her dress, close to tears herself. After everything she went through…all the immense pain and suffering- she had nearly lost her life- and now…this.
As she glances down at her body, she gasps in surprise. The blood that had once stained her dress, pooling out onto the ground, is- gone. Only a tear in the fabric at her torso remains. Carefully she spreads her fingers over the hole, taking a look at the skin underneath…nothing. Not even a scar.
It’s almost as if the whole thing never happened.
What the…
She remembers now: Lanayru’s Healing Grace. Just like Nerin had told her before. The Water Goddess had used every inch of her magic, leaving herself unconscious, to save Ivory’s life.
Nerin still hasn’t lifted her head, her sobs ringing out, and Ivory slowly crawls the few feet needed to reach the Goddesses.
“Lady Lanayru…?” She slowly reaches out a hand, to place on Lanayru’s limp one- but suddenly Nerin jerks her head up, her eyes red with tears, white hair disheveled.
“Don’t touch her.”
Ivory pulls her hand back in. “Oh, I…I’m sorry…”
“Just- wait, please…” Nerin sniffles. “Let my baby rest.” The Swan Goddess pauses, reaching out a hand for her maiden. “Ivory…are you okay?”
She nods weakly. “I’m fine now.” Glancing at the Water Goddess, pale and unresponsive, she sighs. “But I owe Lanayru my life.”
“Don’t feel like you owe her anything, darling. I…I should be grateful that she was here, if not…then you….”
I would have died.
Both fall silent, Nerin wiping another tear from her face.
“She did that…for me,” Ivory breathes, still stricken with disbelief. “She…really…”
Ever so slightly, a faint blue glow surrounds Lanayru, before dissipating as quickly as it had appeared.
“Wh-what was that?”
Nerin hesitates before answering. “Oh, that’s…uh, not important, okay? Just a sign that her magic is ready to start recharging.”
“How…how long will that take? To-to recharge?” Ivory nervously stumbles over her words, palms sweaty.
“My darling, I don’t know.” The words seem to upset Nerin further, and Ivory twinges with regret. “Last time it took…thirty-nine days, so…at least one mortal month.” The Swan Goddess chokes back another sob. “Another month without my waterdrop…I-I didn’t get to say goodbye.”
“Lady Nerin, my deepest condolences,” Ivory replies, her soft voice almost a whisper. “I-I understand now…I can’t imagine what you are feeling, I’m sorry…”
“Ivory…please don’t be sorry, okay?” Nerin gently strokes Lanayru’s hair with her right hand, moving it away from her face. “Now, I must take her home.”
The swan maiden slowly rises to her feet. “May I assist you? That’s a tough job for one-“
“Please, darling, you must stay here. You are too weak to perform such a task…I shall be back later, I promise.”
Ivory sighs. Nerin was right; even with the full healing powers activated, she is barely strong enough to stand, let alone help bring an unconscious Goddess to another domain. Perhaps she should return to her quarters and rest instead.
She watches as the tear-stricken Swan Goddess grabs Lanayru by the shoulders, hoisting her limp body up and resting her head over her left shoulder. The Water Goddess’s feet, and the hem of her dress, drag along the ground. Oh, if only I could help…
“Farewell, my maiden.” Nerin whispers, her voice slightly strained from the effort of holding Lanayru, before making her way out of the spring. Ivory, alone and frail, is left to watch in admiration, with only the sounds of the water to soothe her.
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A Waterdrop’s Awakening
Nerin watches as Lanayru wakes up from yet another recharging slumber, finally being able to see her best friend after over a month of waiting.
(Lanayru is ~700 years old)
Word count: 1756
Thirty-nine days.
It has been thirty-nine days since Lanayru slipped into her restorative slumber. And thirty-nine days Nerin has spent without her best friend.
Another trip to the Surface brought the Water Goddess into this state once again, though Nerin has yet to know what happened. Upon Lanayru’s return through the teleportation circle, she was too far gone to notice her swan companion standing beside her.
You are just so darn selfless, Lanayru. Perhaps a little too much?
Nerin makes her way through the calm springs and towering palace of Lanayru’s Realm, anxious to be by her friend’s side once again. Every day she has come to see her, every day she writes a letter praying for her return to awareness. On her stationery she has tally marked the days, and when it reached six sets of five, one whole month without Lanayru, the maidens of her Realm could hear her pleading cries from the window.
But now, she holds some hope: Lanayru is far into the latter phase of her restoration. Soon they will be able to see each other once more…but when?
The front gates to the elegant quarters of the Water Goddess are inaccessible; Lanayru needs to be conscious for her magic to unlock the door, so Nerin makes her way around to the back entrance, only partially hidden and guarded at all times. Today it is the Dweller Marin who watches it, a friendly and compassionate being much like her mother in creation.
“Oh Swan Goddess, I’m so glad you came!” exclaims Marin, as she allows Nerin entrance through the back door. “The glow on Lanayru’s hands has completely disappeared; she will awaken soon.”
The Dweller’s words make Nerin’s heart skip a beat.
Lanie is waking up?
Finally, finally, she can see her beloved best friend again, not merely a limp figure lying on a soft dainty bed. For the figure is still Lanayru, alive and well like she was always made to be…but it is not the Lanayru whom Nerin holds dear. The Swan Goddess can see her beloved companion, feel the steady beat of her weakened pulse, hold her hand, even wrap her arms around the Water Goddess’s delicate body. But Lanayru is still…gone.
As Nerin bolts up the intricate spiral staircase leading to Lanayru’s bedroom, she prays that she is not too late. All she wanted, throughout each occurrence, is for Lanayru to wake up with her best friend by her side, but each time Nerin had failed. She could never get the timing right, somehow.
Perhaps today will finally be the day…
The open doors lead into the dimly lit room, with a single Dweller, Lorelei, standing beside the large bed with its flowy white curtains. And in the bed lies Lanayru, exactly where she has been for the last thirty-nine days: eyes closed, breathing slow, completely unresponsive. Unmoving.
“Lorelei,” she states, walking further into the room without as much as a knock. “I have come to see Lanayru. Marin told me that-”
“Yes, I know,” Lorelei holds out a hand and smiles. “And Marin is right. This waterdrop will come around, possibly within minutes. You should stay.”
Waterdrop. Her precious nickname.
Perhaps this Dweller has been more observant than she thought.
Lorelei moves to the other side of the bed, giving Nerin room to stand by her companion. Upon approaching the spot where Lorelei had stood, she reaches an arm forward to pull back the blanket, to touch Lanayru’s cool and clammy hand, but Lorelei interjects.
“Please refrain, Swan Goddess. Your friend needs the covers to stay warm.”
Nerin’s cheeks flush red, and she averts her gaze from Lorelei’s. “I…I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, it’s alright…” Lorelei trails off, eyes moving to Lanayru, and Nerin is quick to follow.
Something has caught the Dweller’s eye…ever so slightly, the Water Goddess begins to stir. At first it is only a tiny movement from beneath the covers, of the Goddess’s left hand. Nerin’s heart flutters as her friend at last shows movement in her face, from a twitch of the eyebrows to a slow shifting of her head…the first signs of returning consciousness.
Nerin’s voice is calm and soft, as she is careful not to overwhelm the Water Goddess with her frantic mix of excitement and relief.
“Lanie…can you hear me, waterdrop?” Nerin continues, heart pounding rapidly as she watches Lanayru shift and groan, eyes still closed. “It’s me.”
Lorelei holds a hand up, gaze soft but firm. “Shh…give her time.”
But for Nerin, just giving her time is such a difficult task. The Swan Goddess has waited so long to finally see her best friend again…why wait any longer?
“Nggghhhh…” Lanayru groans, touching her forehead with one hand, which Nerin can see has returned to its natural form.
The Swan Goddess gently runs her long fingers through Lanayru’s soft hair, clearing the bangs from her face and sighing gently. It is unclear to Nerin if Lanayru is aware of her presence…she doesn’t seem to be aware of much at all.
Turning her head towards the sound of Nerin’s voice, Lanayru slowly pries her eyelids open. And for the first time in thirty-nine days, Nerin gazes into her friend’s beautiful blue eyes.
“You’re back,” she breathes, almost in disbelief. “You finally came back.”
At first the Water Goddess stares at her friend blankly, with bleary eyes and a look of deep confusion, seemingly unable to fully grasp her surroundings. But after a few seconds, when Nerin grins with delight, a spark of recognition lights up her companion’s eyes.
“…mmm…” Lanayru mumbles, “…lil’one.”
Her words are slurred, but Nerin can just make it out: Little one.
“Hi, waterdrop! Oh, it is so good to hear your voice.”
Lanayru’s eyebrow furrows, her gaze unfocused. “Wh-what…?”
“Relax, Miss Lanayru, you’ve been out for thirty-nine days.” Lorelei explains, voice gentle and slow. “You saved his life, don’t worry. Everyone is okay.”
Of course. It had been another boy…just like the first time over half a century ago. Did he drown? Was he a child? The questions rack Nerin’s mind, begging to be answered, but alas, she must save them for when Lanayru has gained her full strength.
The Water Goddess is slow to respond in her current state, but the corners of her mouth turn up in a weak smile.
“Hmm…could’ve made that’n even forty.”
“Lanie, for your sake.” Nerin teases, nudging her friend on the shoulder. “Stop it.”
“…’m sorry.”
“No…please, it’s okay.” Seeing the goddess make a joke now is in fact a relieving sign. “Are you alright? How are you feeling?”
“I, uh…” Lanayru attempts to clear her throat, voice raspy. “I…could be better, yeah…but ‘m fine.”
“Oh good, I am so glad. You have no idea how long this last month has been for me…” Nerin holds out a hand, which Lanayru slowly accepts with her own. Although she had been expecting it, the bitter cold of her friend’s fingers makes her gasp slightly.
Lanayru giggles weakly. “Sorry, I…forgot about that.”
“You’re all good, waterdrop.”
The empty side of the bed, between Lanayru and Lorelei, catches her eye…and she is suddenly aware of how stiff she has been from standing. It has been a while since she got to sit down.
“RuRu, is it okay if I sit with you?” she asks, gesturing to the spot. “Unless you want some space…”
“No, it’s fine…get up here, silly.” The Water Goddess has gained some strength, Nerin can tell, but her voice is still dry and raspy. She needs water…her sacred element.
Nerin climbs into the soft bed, taking a seat inches from Lanayru, who doesn’t seem quite ready to sit up. Lorelei steps away slightly but still remains in their line of sight, there to give assistance when needed.
“My sweet waterdrop…” Nerin starts, fighting to compose herself as the various feelings overwhelm her. “I missed you so, so much, I know why you do this, but…” A tear runs down her cheek that she had failed to wipe away. “…that doesn’t mean it’s not incredibly hard for me. For all of us.”
“I…I know it is, li’l one,” Lanayru croaks, “and I’m sorry…that you have to see me like this.”
“Please, don’t be sorry, okay? It’s alright…”
The Water Goddess coughs dryly, and Nerin glances back at Lorelei with concerned eyes. But the Dweller only points to the nightstand and smiles. Along with an elegant white lamp sits a full glass of water.
“Your Grace, I prepared some fresh water from the spring,” she explains to Lanayru. “If you can sit up…you should drink it.”
“Y-yeah…I can try, hold on.”
Lanayru grunts as she slowly lifts her head, moving her feet to ground herself. As she makes her way to sitting, Nerin props up the pillow she had been lying on, flipping it to the other, cooler side.
“Here, I’ll give you the water.” Nerin assures her, eyes still wet with softly falling tears. Carefully she turns to pick up the fancy glass, made of intricate sky blue and white patterns, and places it in Lanayru’s ice-cold hands.
As her friend takes a long sip, Nerin quickly wipes the tears with her sleeve. She had never meant to cry, not in Lanayru’s Realm, not in front of Lanayru and especially not a Dweller. But seeing the goddess return to consciousness, finally showing up at just the right time, has touched something deep within, something to make her…vulnerable.
“Is this better?” Lanayru asks, her voice more or less back to its normal charm. “That felt so good…”
“Yes, my waterdrop. You sound great.” She waits for her friend to place the glass, now half-full, on the other nightstand, before holding out her arms. “Do you…want a hug, Lanie?”
“Of course!” Lanayru studies Nerin’s face closely, her smile fading slightly. “Oh, little one, are you okay?”
“Am I okay? Darling, you were unconscious for thirty-nine days!” The Swan Goddess sniffles, touching the tear-stained black markings below her eyes. Typical Lanayru.
“I am aware, yes. It’s just that…you’re crying, little one. More reasons for a hug now, am I right?”
“You are indeed. Come here, waterdrop.”
Nerin wraps her arms around Lanayru’s slender form, pulling her companion in close and brushing her fingers through tangled white-gold hair. The cold hands of the Water Goddess touch her back, making her giggle. They still have not fully warmed up.
Closing her eyes, Nerin becomes lost to the world…just her and Lanayru, reunited at last, each melting into the other’s embrace and never letting go.
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Dear Lanayru
While the Water Goddess’s magic is recharging, Nerin writes her letters almost every night.
ooc bailey: @ourgalaxiescollide i hope i wrote her ok, lol i wanted to do something for this hc :)
(In this one Lanayru is ~ 700 years old)
Dear Lanayru,
30 days without you- it has felt like an eternity.
The maidens are doing just fine, the skies in both our Realms are clear, I try to stand up straight, to fulfill my duties just like I was made to do. But my heart aches because there is something missing. You are not here next to me.
The glowing on your hands is beginning to fade- the Dwellers told me it’s a good sign, that you’re almost done recharging. Please, I know you won’t read this until you are back with us, but don’t keep me waiting too much longer, ok?
I hope your return to consciousness, whenever that may be, is smooth and painless. And I hope that I can be there by your side when it happens.
Lorelei and Marin have been guarding your back door today. With you gone, the Dwellers like to talk to me, so they don’t feel alone. Sure, they have each other, but nothing is the same without their Goddess.
My sweet waterdrop, I miss you dearly. I pray for you each and every day and I will keep waiting for the day you open your eyes.
For you are the sweetest and most caring friend I have ever been blessed with.
Sending love,
Your “little one”
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
class doodles :)
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(Lanayru is ~900 years old)
Lily: “What was that like, Lady Lanayru?”
I don’t remember much, just that I had to save her life. I had no choice…but as I was losing consciousness I apparently told Nerin I was sorry. Those were my last words…
Don’t worry, my sweet one, it was completely painless and none of this is new to me, ok?
*Lily nods her head, the concern fading from her face.*
After my inevitable resurrection, I was carried back to my domain. These are from Nerin’s words, of course, not mine…so Lady Cordelia, Just Faron, Lady Lorelei, they all offered to hold me and take care of me. But Nerin snapped back, “NO! Don’t touch my Lanayru!” And she whispered into my ear, “You’re gonna be just fine, RuRu, I promise…” At least something like that, from what she told me.
“But my friends? Did they do something wrong?”
Your fellow Dwellers were just here to help, Lady Lily, they did nothing wrong…but one thing you should know about Nerin is that she can be extremely protective of me. She carried me up the stairs to get here while I was unconscious, a difficult task for one person! It would’ve been easier had Cordelia helped, but Nerin wouldn’t let anyone touch me. My little one…oh how I love her so.
And a month of intense waiting later…here I am!
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
anyways my swan river fic thing will be up here after the event is over 👍 (like 9-10 my time)
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