#dweller lily
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Nerin’s sweet voice calling out to Lanayru, as the latter returns to consciousness
“What is that like, waking up?”
Well, Miss Lily…it’s a bit weird, I have to say. I start out so incredibly weak, and honestly if you ask me now I don’t remember much from those first few minutes. But slowly I gain my strength, little by little, until I am back to the Lanayru you all know and love. In the days following, though…I work a little too hard. I mean, I once passed out from exhaustion in Cordelia’s arms. I just want to make up for my long absence, and I always feel so behind, you know?
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bellonathedragonborn · 3 months
Part 3 of 4 (oops) of my Fallout character sheets:
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maggot-baggage · 4 months
British people pissin me off
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cowboybabeop · 5 months
Vault-Tec Vaults; Game Origin & Location
Hi I'm going to back to my "Fallout Blog" roots. Here is a summary of all of the vaults and experiments (starting with a timeline) because I'm insane ^_^ I had to add a weird break bc I literally hit the tumblr character limit, but I used it to section off the major spoilers for the TV series :)
The Great War: October 23rd, 2077
Fallout Bible: Compendium of added lore by the creators.
Fallout 76: 2102
Fallout 1: 2161 
Fallout Tactics: 2197
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel: 2208
Fallout 2: 2241
Fallout 3: 2277
Fallout: New Vegas: 2281
Fallout 4: 2287
Fallout TV Series: 2296
Corporate Vault - Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel - Texas 
A control group vault meant for Vault-Tec employees to continue research, primarily on FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus) during the war.
Vault 0 - Fallout Tactics - Colorado 
A control group vault with geniuses kept in cryogenic stasis, with their minds interlinked into an entity called The Calculator.
Vault 3 - Fallout: New Vegas - Nevada 
A control vault. Residents ended up opening the vault doors when the lower levels flooded. Eventually the vault was overrun by Fiends.
Vault 4 - Fallout TV series - California 
A test vault that was filled with residents prior to the bombs dropping. Experimentation on human subjects led to most of the original residents being killed in a revolt. In 2296 the vault is still thriving, while kidnapping surface survivors and continuing to experiment on them. The vault offered refuge for many inhabitants of Shady Sands.
Vault 8 (Vault City) - Fallout 2 - Nevada 
A control group vault that remained closed until 2241. Instead of receiving two G.E.C.K. (Garden of Eden Creation Kit) devices, Vault 8 received just one and a replacement water chip that was supposed to go to Vault 13.
Vault 11 - Fallout: New Vegas - Nevada 
Every year the residents were told to sacrifice a fellow resident, with the threat of everyone's death if they did not. In reality, the system would praise them for NOT sacrificing an individual and the vault door would be unlocked. This message finally played after only five residents remained.
Vault 12 - Fallout 1 - California 
A seemingly normal, safe vault with an ulterior motive to study the effects of radiation on the inhabitants. The door never fully sealed, and in 2083 the ghoul residents left to found Necropolis.
Vault 13 - Fallout 1 & Fallout 2- California 
Your home vault as the Vault Dweller. A rather normal vault, however due to a shipping mishap Vault 13 received an additional G.E.C.K. device (that was supposed to go to Vault 8) instead of a replacement water chip. Thus, leaving the Vault Dweller to leave the vault in search for a replacement when their only water chip breaks.
Vault 15 - Fallout 1 & Fallout 2 - California 
A vault that experimented with incredibly diverse ideologies and backgrounds. The vault became severely overpopulated in 2097 and the dwellers decided to open the door. Shady Sands was created using Vault 15's G.E.C.K. and the local raider gangs all have origins from this vault.
Vault 17 - Fallout: New Vegas - Mention Only 
Inhabitants were kidnapped and transformed into Super Mutants. Lily originates from this vault.
Vault 19 - Fallout: New Vegas - Somewhere in CA/NV/AZ/UT 
Paranoia was induced by noises, lights, and segregation. The vault was divided into two sections, Red and Blue, with a separate overseer for each sector.
Vault 21 - Fallout: New Vegas - Nevada 
An almost normal vault, with the exception of a culture and society built around gambling. All major decisions were made through gambling, with the decision to open the doors and become part of New Vegas being "won" in a game of Blackjack.
Vault 22 - Fallout: New Vegas - Somewhere in CA/NV/AZ/UT 
A vault dedicated to studying agriculture. A fungus designed to kill pests on plants became capable of infected human hosts. Vault 22 is curiously green on the outside by the time The Courier arrives at the location.
Vault 24 - Fallout: New Vegas - Mention Only 
Remnants of a Vault 24 jumpsuit are found in the FNV game files.
Vault 27 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
A vault designed to be deliberately overcrowded with not enough means to sustain the inhabitants.
Vault 29 - Fallout 76 - Mention Only 
Only children younger than 15 were allowed in this vault, with their parents being sent to other vaults. Harold is believed to originate from this vault.
Vault 31 - Fallout TV Series - California 
Part of 3 interconnected vaults, serving as cryogenic home for the managers and higher ups of Vault-Tec.
Vault 32 - Fallout TV Series - California 
Part of 3 interconnected vaults, serving as a healthy breeding pool for Vault 31 and 33. Somewhere around 2294, Vault 32 failed and the residents resorted to murder, cannibalism, or suicide.
Vault 33 - Fallout TV Series - California 
Lucy MacLean's home vault. Part of 3 interconnected vaults, serving as a healthy breeding pool for Vault 31 and 32.
Vault 36 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
The only food in this vault consisted of thin, watery gruel.
Vault 34 - Fallout: New Vegas - Somewhere in CA/NV/AZ/UT 
The vault was purposefully overstocked with guns with the overseer being able to give/deny access to residents. This inevitably led to it's downfall, and those who revolted and raided the armory relocated above as The Boomers in 2231.
Vault 42 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
No lightbulbs over 40W were provided.
Vault 43 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
A vault containing 20 men, 10 women, and one panther.
Vault 51 - Fallout 76 - West Virginia 
A vault with a supercomputer as the overseer. Interference from the computer led to most of the residents being murdered by other residents.
Vault 53 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only  
Most equipment was designed to break down every few months in order to stress out inhabitants.
Vault 55 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
No entertainment tapes were provided.
Vault 56 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
The only entertainment tapes provided were of one terrible comedian.
Vault 63 - Fallout 76 - West Virginia 
The inside of the vault remains sealed, with the outside door being all that is accessible to the player character. Other parts of the vault are revealed through cut content.
Vault 65 - Fallout 76 - Mention Only 
Remnants of the vault remain in Fallout 76 cut content.
Vault 68 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
The vault contained 999 men and 1 woman.
Vault 69 - Fallout Bible - Mention Only 
The vault contained 999 women and 1 man.
Vault 75 - Fallout 4 - Massachusetts 
A secret experimenting in refining human genetics through selective breeding, genetic modification, and hormonal treatments. The vault's concept was made by Stanislaus Braun.
Vault 76 - Fallout 76 - West Virginia 
The home vault of the player character in 76. It was a control vault, set to open after 25 years. This is when the player character leaves the vault.
Vault 77 - Fallout 3 - Mention Only 
Mentioned by slavers in Paradise Falls, this vault was rumored to only contain one man and a box of puppets.
Vault 79 - Fallout 76 - West Virginia 
A vault dedicated to hoarding the country's gold reserves.
Vault 81 - Fallout 4 - Massachusetts 
Designed to develop a cure for every possible sickness or ailment. Residents were unknowingly sprayed with diseases by nozzles hidden in their rooms. The first vault overseer had thought this to be cruel, cut off the scientists from the rest of the vault and cut the nozzles from spraying residents before the experiments could begin.
Vault 87 - Fallout 3 - Somewhere in VA/PA/MD 
The original vault experiment for 87 was scrapped, and it became a research center for FEV, leaving the vault wildly radioactive and inhabited only by super mutants by the time you access it as the Lone Wanderer.
Vault 88 - Fallout 4 - Massachusetts 
An unfinished vault inhabited by ghouls.
Vault 92 - Fallout 3 - Somewhere in VA/PA/MD 
The best musicians were sent to this vault to "preserve musical talent", but truthfully residents were subjected to subliminal messages mixed into white noise. Eventually some of the musicians went into random, murderous, psychotic rages that led to the end of the experiment.
 Vault 94 - Fallout 76 - West Virginia 
A vault with non-violent faith-centric inhabitants. The vault opened one year later to search for survivors. The vault became overrun by wastelanders and raiders that destroyed their G.E.C.K. and their nuclear reactor. The vault was swarmed with radiation and is now overrun by mirelurks.
Vault 95 - Fallout 4 - Massachusetts 
A vault designed to get people clean and sober. After a successful 5 years, a Vault-Tec agent brought out a hidden stash of drugs for other residents to find.
Vault 96 - Fallout 76 - West Virginia 
A vault with a focus on agriculture, animals, genetics, and mutations. The original residents were killed in a failed escape attempt, and the vault was then used by West-Tek scientist Edgar Blackburn to continue research on FEV.
Vault 100 - Fallout 3 - Mention Only 
Remnants of Vault 100 can be found in game files and cut content.
Vault 101 - Fallout 3 - Somewhere in VA/PA/MD 
The home vault for the Lone Wanderer. This vault was meant to never open and Vault 101 did not receive a G.E.C.K. However, the overseer of the vault pretty quickly broke this rule and occasional survey teams were sent to the surface. Several residents of Megaton are the result of these survey teams. Daddy James found the vault after the birth of the Lone Wanderer and negotiated his doctoral services in exchange for shelter.
Vault 106 - Fallout 3 - Somewhere in VA/PA/MD 
Psychoactive drugs slowly released into the air of Vault 106, causing the vault to be filled with psychotic survivors by the time the Lone Wanderer visits.
Vault 108 - Fallout 3 - Somewhere in VA/PA/MD 
A slew of experiments occurred in this vault. The elected overseer was dying of cancer, the primary power supply of the vault was scheduled to fail after 20 years, the backup power supply would not be enough to power ALL of the vault, the vault was given three times the normal amount of weapons, and the vault was not given entertainment. With a majority of scientists, one of the inner experiments involved repeatedly cloning the same man... Gary.
Vault 111 - Fallout 4 - Massachusetts 
Your home vault as the Sole Survivor. All residents were meant to unknowingly stay in cryostasis, with scientists overlooking them. However, conflicts arose among those unfrozen, leading to the vault door eventually being opened.
Vault 112 - Fallout 3 - Somewhere in VA/PA/MD 
Residents lived in a virtual reality simulation to create their "perfect life" with their overseer, Stanislaus Braun, a scientist who proceeded to use the residents as playthings. Braun continuously murdered residents, then wiped their memories and reset the simulation.
Vault 114 - Fallout 4 - Massachusetts
 An unfinished vault meant for only the wealthy. Vault-Tec exaggerated the luxury of the vault, gave residents very small rooms, communal bathing and dining areas, and a homeless drug-addicted overseer named Soup Can Harry.
Vault 118 - Fallout 4 - Maine 
An Unfinished Vault meant to house both a handful of ultra-rich and hundreds of working class individuals to observe how they would interact within the same space.
Vault 120 - Fallout 4 & Fallout 76 - Mention Only 
The vault itself was meant to mimic the underwater atmosphere of Bioshock. The game was cut from Fallout 4, but remnants can be found in Fallout 76 game files.
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Lily. I reacted to your Steven Universe video from 2023. Not the 6 year old one.
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Did you forget you made this already? Have you taken your meds?
Or are your points in this video just SO similar to your points in your "Garbage" video 6 years ago that you can't tell the difference.
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Also big talk about other people being "basement dwellers" from someone who doesn't even own a car or have a license to drive and survives on Door Dash lol.
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meteor752 · 2 months
The Double Life Kids headcanons 3
A whole lot has happened since the last of these headcanon posts, like, a whole lot. The last post was before the kids even went to the Empires server
So, I thought I’d do one of these again, cause I like making headcanon posts
All the kids except Liana share the same birthday, since Liana spawned as an egg and hatched like, a month later. They wouldn’t usually celebrate their birthdays in anyway, especially after their parents deaths, but when they were separated it became a tradition on both ends to get a cake and blow out their candles, celebrating both them and the ones on the other server, counting down the years until they could see them again. Liana gets a cupcake on hers
Zee (The Lizzie + Skizz child) uses She/He pronouns
Skim uses They/Them
Liana, Jekiv, and Gertrude are girlbosses while Johnny, Novo, and Jassy are boylosers. Wes is somewhere in between
Johnny brought Lily the Warden with him to Empires, and later to Hermitcraft, and then back to Empires. She’s his little sister, and where he goes, she goes
Gertrude bites in her sleep. It’s not always aggressive, usually it’s just lil love bites, but if she’s having a particularly vivid dream or is very stressed out, then she can leave pretty extreme chomps. It’s usually just her pillow or blanket, but sometimes Novo falls victim to her sleep biting. He doesn’t mind
Johnny hates using a bed to sleep, and exclusively sleeps in a hammock.
Through trial and error, and many years of work, Wes, together with Jassy, BDubs and one of his many steeds, managed to overcome his fear of horses. He even got his own, an Ardennais named Dweller
Jekiv also got his own horse, but instead of breeding one he kinda, made one. Virgil was his first successful resurrection, that didn’t just crumble into dust immediately. He’s not very friendly and struggles with obeying him, but he’s (mostly) fully alive which is all that really counts
fWhip was the one who made Liana’s prosthetic, and Doc later made improvements to it so it would hold better and be more comfortable. She has many stickers on it, just for funsies
In the good ending, where the kids all got a happy ending together, Gertrude and Jekiv were finally able to meet their other dads. Jek was thrilled to get another chance to bond with his dad, and Gert was just happy to have her dad back
Jassy also got to reunite with her little brother, Hermes
Johnny is very face blind. It usually isn’t a problem since everyone around him dresses and look very distinctively, but in Empires where everyone he knows wore entirely different outfits in varying aesthetics, he struggled a lot. It just became a habit of the kids that if you wore something different than you usually wore around him, you’d immediately tell him who you are and let him inspect you for a bit
Wes has little control over his volume. It’s kinda strange for him, as he doesn’t really take notice of it himself. When talking to him, he can go from almost whispering to straight up yelling without even realizing it. The rest of the kids are used to it, but it’s usually a surprise to any new people
Liana drinks exclusively expensive whiskey, Jassy loves tequila, Novo is a huge fan of cheap wine, Gertrude likes rum cocktails, Jekiv drinks straight Vodka, Wes sticks to cider, and Johnny makes his own moonshine. Drink nights are a mess
Speaking of which, Liana is the messiest drunk to every messy. She has absolutely zero filter, and for some reason loves to spit out random pretty miserable and dark facts that she’s read about. She tends to clonk out after like two hours though, so it’s just to put up with it
Nobody ever calls Johnny Johnathan. Nobody, except Keralis
Liana and Jassy’s first wedding was less because of love and devotions, and more because they were 14 years into life on the double life server and everyone was fucking miserable, so they thought an event could help cheer people it. It did, but like barely
This is why they remarried, to have an honest chance to express their love for each other. Also an excuse to wear fancy clothes
Jekiv and Wes, in the good ending, got married shortly after reuniting with each other on their new server. It was a very quaint ceremony, but still lovely
Gertrude and Novo are still waiting for the other to propose, and they will just keep on waiting
Also, since this will be posted on the two year anniversary of my first ever post about the kids, I thought I’d share some scrapped ideas and other bts stuff. It’s not a lot since I’m one person using Hero Forge and posting stuff on Tumblr, but there’s some things lol
Jassy was first meant to be a set of twins. It was scrapped for many reasons, one of them being the “one child per couple”, but when I was still working on their first designs I had two wips. The original idea was that one of them was going to take inspiration from some other Naruto character, I think Hinata is who I settled for, and the other was going to have more of a fantasy vibe, to fit the theme of Shrek. This was another reason this was scrapped lol, but for a short while the idea of twin sisters Hinata and Princess Fiona excited
The kids were originally going to go to Hermitcraft. This was before we knew the portal led to Empires, so I was planning of having them enter the portal and exit in Grians base. The main reason this got scrapped was of course that we found out that the portal led to Empires, but also because I knew next to nothing about the Ren The King storyline during season nine, which I was planning to have be a big part of it, with Gertrude and Liana taking center stage as the main characters
To piggy back of the last one, I was planning to make a part two to Logbook, Jekiv’s fic where he wrote journal entries throughout their 20 year stay at the Double Life series. The premise of the sequel was that Liana was to have found the journal before he left it behind, and that she was going to keep on writing in it during their time on Hermitcraft. I even started a rough first draft of it, but as the Hermitcraft storyline was scrapped, so was the journal entry sequel.
Novo and Jekiv are both based off of dnd characters I’ve used in the past, a Bard who can’t play any instruments, and a character who picked up and slowly mastered necromancy halfway through a campaign. It wasn’t planned at the beginning, but it felt fun to pay homage to it, even if I would be the only one who understood the reference.
Some scrapped design ideas is that Liana was gonna be part Vex (Scrapped because it was too messy), Novo was gonna have more of a purple shade in his hair (Scrapped because it didn’t look right, but his signature colour is still purple), Johnny was gonna have a blue fire motif (Scrapped because I like the red fire vibe more, fit him better), Jekiv was gonna have red hair (Scrapped because he just looked exactly like Cleo that way), and Jassy was gonna be entirely green (Scrapped because it looked weird and didn’t fully fit since Joel isn’t green and like no one designs him like that, she does still have some green to her tho).
I mentioned this in a previous post but Liana went through many names before I settled on Liana (The first one I came up with lol, it just stuck). These names (Sharina Ace Sage Aurelia Francesca Octavia Monroe) along with Xelqua and Jellie became her middle names
Not a fucking day goes by where I don’t regret having Jassy constantly change her hairstyle. I painted myself into a corner for that one, and by god am I suffering
And, as a final little thing to celebrate my two year anniversary of not knowing peace because of these fucking kids, I thought I’d show you all a little comparison of the first ever hero forge design I made of the kids, and the most recent one, both to show how they’ve grown but also how I’ve gotten better at using the site lol
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Ah, my babies
The funny thing is, that while yes they have changed and evolved over these two years, they canonically have not grown at all lol
Anyways, happy two year anniversary kids
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makothedorito · 3 months
My crk ocs, if they were in the Beast Ancients AU.
Beast Ancients AU is by @cuppajj go check them out its super awesome (plz lmk if i got anything wrong, this is predominatly being written from memory))
Hawthorn Cookie, Odollam Cookie, Belladonna Cookie and the rest of the Faerie Kingdom of Thorns- Fallen
After Midnight Lily took power as the new ruler of the Silver Faerie Kingdom, she had set her sights on having the entirety of Beast-Yeast under her control. And that meant conquering the other Faerie Kingdoms and bringing war to Beast-Yeast, unheard of since Shadow MIlk and co. were sealed away in the Silver Tree. And the Plant Faerie Kingdoms were the first to fall, with Midnight Lily's Chlorokinesis easily taking control of the Plant Faeries and bending their bodies to their will, and after a futile attempt at a rebellion lead by Nightshade Cookie and Odollam at her right hand, the mighty Faerie Kingdom Of Thorns and its dangerous Poison Plant Faeries fell to Midnight Lily's forces, and made an example to all other Faeries who dare defy Midnight Lily, Forcing each and every poison plant faerie to be in control of their own mind, yet in bodies they have no control over. now Odollam cookie waits in eternal torment as his body is used against his will, biding his time and hiding the secrets he was entrusted with, in the hopes that something, or someone will come...
Bittersweet Choco Cookie - Alive
(this bit was actually inspired a bit off of a dream i had)
Bittersweet Choco had no doubts that Dark Cacao, er- Frigid Cacao Cookie was the sole reason why the frostbite didn't reach the Black Citadel and the inhabitants inside it. for most of the time, life had continued as normal, until the absences of Crunchy Chip and Caramel Arrow, after Caramel Arrow got struck by the frost, and the two of them disappeared without a trace, and the atmosphere of the Black Citadel took a turn for the colder as the questions brewed under the surface. What happened to the cookies outside the citadel? Where's Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip? Bitter Bean? Eventually, the questions took ahold of Bittersweet Choco, and, under the assumption she remained unseen, fled through the Tomb of Blades in an attempt to find out the truth. Only once she laid eyes on the frozen wasteland that was once her kingdom bordering the licorice sea, did Bittersweet Choco realize the full extent of the frostbite, was caught and taken to Frigid Cacao cookie, who turned the exact frostbite he supposedly had saved Bittersweet Choco and the rest of the dwellers of the citadel from, against his own daughter, wrapping around her up to her throat threating to consume her fully in the unnatural ice that he controlled, but for what reason Bittersweet Choco could not understand she was spared, left cold and numb, a permanent ring of frostbite around her throat silencing both her voice, reason or no, and any possibility of stepping outside the Black Citadel ever again.
and for my other ocs whom i don't have such a big description for what happens to them:
Vanilla Buttercream Cookie, Spicy Margarine Cookie, Cinnamon Sugar Cookie and Caramel: Alive, in hiding with Royal Tarte Tatin Cookie and the others.
Vanilla Swirl Cookie- alive, in hiding under the name of Valley Lily Cookie, as she was never re-discovered by Gingerbrave and co. and reunited with the Forest Faerie cookies, hiding away in the deepest depths of Beast-Yeast holding onto the hope that the secret she entrusted Odollam Cookie with is still unbroken, and that neither The Saint or The Midnight Soverign seek her out...
Bitter Bean Cookie- unknown
with his frozen stronghold seemingly having been run over by Frigid Cacao's permafrost, it is unknown if Bitter Bean, with his own powers of Cryokinesis has held off the permafrost enough to flee, or if he had succumbed to the very power he had been sworn to watch over as an Ancient Guardian.
Cheese Cinder Cookie - Alive
Having been awakened by Celestial Cheese Cookie from his slumber at the heart of his volcano, had struck a deal with Celestial Cheese, that in turn for helping her conquest of Earthbread and the growth of her kingdom, that he is taken to Burning Spice Cookie to take his power.
Caramelized Raspberry Cookie - Alive
Having seen what Dragonberry has become and the sheer strength she is capable of, Caramelized Raspberry willingly joined her old friend as her right (or left) hand. Its only a matter of time before The Warrior and the Phoenix King meet on the battlefield...
Strawberry Jam Cookie - Alive-ish. Still stuck in the damned sword with all his Hatred, Strawberry Jam has been trying to seed words of dissent and infighting in the Black Citadel, and after his most disastrous attempt with the princess, he's still stuck there, with his hate, trying to plan his freedom.
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sundove88 · 2 months
DBZ: Waves of Freedom Chapter 3: Making Waves
After work that very day, Vegeta made his way down to the water and immediately perched on the rocky outcrop where he and Goku often had their conversations. As soon as he set foot on the smooth stones that dotted this little part of the beach, a few other merpeople besides the citrus tailed merman where beside him. “Wha- Where did you come from?!”, Vegeta shouted, unable to contain his surprise. “Vegeta, I’d like you to meet some of my family and friends.”, replied Goku as he perched on the rock next to his best buddy. “Well, if you hadn’t noticed, by know, I’m Chi Chi, Goku’s wife, to be exact!”, replied the arowana tailed mermaid as Gohan and Goten surfaced alongside her. As the others came forward and perched on the rocks in their own ways, Vegeta saw how diverse the world of merpeople could be- from Krillin’s weedy seadragon traits to help him hide within the kelp, Yamcha’s octopus tentacles to help him reach into tight spaces, Tien’s koi fins to help him slice through the water, Android 17’s dolphin instincts to help him find lost sailors, Android 18’s lion fish spines to protect her family, and so on, so forth.
It was then that he noticed Bulma and blushed at the sight- her blue hair that matched the seawater to an uncanny extent, and her blue tang inspired tail that sparkled with a radiant pearly finish. But the most beautiful thing about her wasn’t her tail, or her shiny turquoise circuit inspired top, or her aquamarine colored eyes. It was her heart that refused to waver in the face of adversity, and to care for her young son Trunks, who she had brought home from an orphanage under her metaphorical wing. “I see you now realize you feel right at home with us, eh?”, Bulma said as she let her son flick his Siamese fighting fish tail playfully at Vegeta’s face, seawater splashing onto his skin. But that made Vegeta remember something very important- and it wasn’t good. “Now, I don’t want you all to be angry at me, but… I have to attend a work banquet tonight.”, he said as everyone’s jaws dropped in shock. “WHAT?!”, they said in unison.
“Yeah… and it’s apparently to raise funds for the company’s efforts into quote unquote ‘Protecting the Environment’, which Empire Drilling does anything BUT.”, Vegeta replied with a sigh. “But I promise to swim with Kakarot tonight, and even if it takes sneaking out of the work banquet, I’d do anything to get out of that blasted company.”, the young employee said, taking out something from his shirt pocket. In his hands was a lifelike water Lily hairpin, from the petals to the leaves, all elements of it were handcrafted to replicate the look of a beautiful blossom on the water. “Kakarot, this belonged to my mother- I want you to have this. That way you can always think of me even when I’m at work.”, Vegeta said as he placed the hairpin into the merman’s hands. “Aww, Vegeta! You shouldn’t have! And I’ve got something for you as well!”, Goku replied, nudging Chi Chi as she presented a bracelet made from part of an old fishing net, decorated with pearls, shells, and pieces of coral from beneath the waves. “A bracelet like this one is something that merpeople give to show their friendship, kinda like you land dwellers.”, Gohan said as Vegeta placed the bracelet on his wrist, feeling the rough texture of the net and the smoothness of the pearls and shells. He smiled, genuinely touched by the gesture. “Thanks, Kakarot. I’ve gotta get ready for the work banquet, but I promise that I’ll swim with you!”, Vegeta replied as he hurried back to his apartment, smiling.
That night, the work banquet was in full swing as the chatter of work patrons filled the air, and talk of work and the newest opportunities for the company’s newest employees stifled the stuffy atmosphere even more. Vegeta stood at the edge of the hall where the banquet was being held, his black and white suit feeling like a restriction from the freedom that was right in front of his face- the ocean. “What’s wrong, Vegeta? Cat got yer tongue?”, replied Jeice as he passed by the melancholy young man in his red tuxedo, staring bitterly at the water in front of him. “Nevermind what I want.”, replied Vegeta as he gazed out to sea. Guldo, Recoome, Burter, and Ginyu tried to get through to him and strike up a conversation, but there was no trying to sway him. He remembered his promise to Goku, and he was determined to keep it. I’d better sneak away now, while everyone else is busy chatting like there’s no tomorrow., he thought to himself. As soon as he got the chance he dashed away from the hall the party was being held and ran towards his apartment building. And immediately after changing into his much more comfortable swim trunks (Which he hadn’t worn in a while), he raced down to the ocean and saw Goku on the rocks, as if he were waiting for him.
“Ready to go, Best buddy?”, Goku replied, his tail flicking droplets of water into the evening air. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Kakarot.”, Vegeta replied as he waded into the cool ocean water, lapping up against his skin and sending shivers up his spine. “It’s ok. Just let the water embrace you, and you’ll be fine.”, Goku replied as he helped Vegeta into the water. Before he knew it, they both dove into the water, the cool waters enveloping them. Vegeta felt an immediate sense of freedom as he swam beside Goku. The water was alive with color, illuminated by the moonlight that filtered down from the surface. It took a while for Vegeta to catch up with his fishy companion, but when he finally did, he was treated to something he had never before experienced. With his own eyes, he experienced a sensory overload- the good kind, as he looked down at the corals that made up the reefs and the fish that dwelled within their crevices and the various species that called this part of the ocean home. “Look over there, Vegeta! That’s a school of convict tangs. And those are angelfish. Aren’t they beautiful?” Goku explained as he pointed out some of the species on the reef. Vegeta’s eyes widened in awe as a sea turtle gracefully swam by, its chocolate colored shell glinting in the light. He reached out, his fingers brushing against the turtle’s smooth surface. A flame angelfish tagged along, its vibrant red scales glimmering in the moonlit water as he gave kisses to the land dweller before swimming away, while a mandarin dragonet swam by and tickled one of his legs. Even a school of Pajama Cardinalfish thought he was a local merman, even going as far as to make themselves at home in his vicinity.
As they continued deeper into the reef, the marine life began to approach the young land dweller and sense the kindness within him. A clownfish swam through Vegeta’s spiky dark hair, mistaking it for an anemone of sorts. “Hehe! He just wants to say hi.”, Goku replied, allowing the small clownfish to swim towards his anemone home. As they continued their swim, Vegeta could see that the marine life were friendly towards him, even though he didn’t have a fishtail. A small seahorse drifted towards him and latched onto his finger for a bit, a normally timid octopus worked up the courage to emerge from its den and perch on his shoulder, and even a pod of dolphins swam around him, sensing his kind and caring nature. “They can sense your compassion.”, Goku explained as the baby bottlenose nudged Vegeta, making him smile even more. And alongside the colorful marine life and the beautiful coral reefs, the duo also came across ancient ruins with secrets untold, forests of kelp that seemed to reach the sky, and shipwrecks that held treasures from times of old. After quite a bit of swimming, the two boys headed back towards the land, exhausted yet happy after their journey through the coral reef. “You know, Kakarot? I’ve got something to say to you.”, Vegeta replied as they neared the shore. “What would that be?”, asked Goku, always open and thoughtful. “I wanna stay with you- I wanna be part of this world from now on.” Vegeta said as he climbed up onto the sand, the feeling of a natural sugar scrub beneath his feet. “I like that a lot, Vegeta.”, the orange tailed merman said as he perched next to his land bound companion. “And I have a… request for you.”, said Vegeta as he dried himself off. “What would that be? Just get it off your chest if you can.”, Goku replied. Vegeta took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision but also the excitement of a new beginning.
“Can you… turn me into… a merman?”
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ratsoh-writes · 9 months
Say hello to hadaltale y’all!!
To explain the name: the hadal zone is areas of the ocean in deep trenches that lie between 6,000 to 11,000 meters.
The hadal monsters as you can expect, are all completely aquatic! After the barrier spell by the mages who tried to trap monsters during the Great War went wrong, the whole planet was flooded. The hadal monsters have only stone tablets as records of this, and they’re very vague. They believe at one point that their people may have been surface dwellers, but those days have long passed
Over time the monsters who survived on ships slowly evolved to better handle an ocean life, becoming stronger swimmers, being able to breathe water, and eventually abandoning ships all together to live in the ocean forever. Hadal monsters became master stone masons, carving into the rock of the ocean floor to make their homes, and taking advantage of deep trenches and cavern systems. To handle the harsh water pressure, these monsters became larger and stronger overtime at the expense of their magical output. Hadal monsters have incredible physical strength and durability, but lower magical output than the majority of surface monsters.
After the crash, the hadal monsters were first discovered by the sea AUs, then the sea monsters bridged the gap between the hadal and surface AUs. Hadal monsters cannot breathe air. But the royals were determined to unite all monsters and the hadal royals agreed easily with this goal. It took five years after the crash, but finally a spell was found that would allow a hadal monster to safely breathe and travel on land for up to three hours at a time. Work is still being done to increase this.
In turn, the second biggest city of ebott, jokingly named Atlantis by Asgore who has no imagination, lies slightly west of seashore. Atlantis is mostly underwater of course. But parts of it are on the surface and the surf on float in buildings. The city is built into the rocky cliffs of ebott, and the hadal monsters have drilled further into the ground for their own living spaces. There’s even a tunnel to waterfall that they created
And now, to introduce the siblings!
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Pearl (hadaltale sans)
Technically she was never named “sans”. Pearl was always named Pearl. She’s small for a hadal monster, only six feet long, and her lower half resembles that of an octopus. She’s a skeletal hadal monster aged 50 with a blue magic. She has the third eye characteristic of the royal family. She’s considered absolutely gorgeous by hadal standards because of her smooth tentacles and soft looking face and body.
Pearl is a gentle and affectionate soul. Pearl was raised as royalty and has a strong sense of duty from her upbringing. She has lovely manners. She’s a bit skittish at times though, and has a lot of anxiety over trying new things. She tends to cling to those she deems safe. She has very little experience with the surface
As one of the princes lined up to potentially take their place, pearls duties lie in management. She organizes events for Atlantis, manages finances, and spends a lot of time in the records hall. She has a reputation among the hadal princes for hosting the best meetings due to her budgeting skills
Hadal monsters didn’t summon weapons normally until it became part of ebotts curriculum. Pearl missed this part of her education and never learned to make one, nor does she care to
Pearls special ability is cloaking! She can change the color of her bones and tail to match the colors of whatever behind her. Unfortunately her eyes do not change with the rest of her
Things she loves: seashell accessories! Head wrappings, any sort of hat really, she has a collection. Fine jewelry, swing music, black and white movies, fancy chocolates, chicken nuggets, watching races and jousts, stargazing, floral and coral arrangements, interior design, the color coral pink, lily pad flowers
Silex (hadaltale papyrus)
Technically not a papyrus, as his name was always silex. Silex is a hadal monster aged 44 and 7’3 feet long. His lower half resembles a spiny eel with lovely sea green ecto to match his eyes. He has the third eye characteristic of the royal family.
Silex is a confident monster. He’s quite outgoing and friendly, making him a natural leader in any friend group. He has an eye for the shy weak ones in the group and tends to focus on them. He has a strong sense of duty being raised in the royal family. He can be overconfident at times though, believing he can achieve unrealistic goals, and his family often has to being him back down to earth.
As one of the princes lined up to potentially take his parents place, silex’s duties lie mostly in management. He has a good eye for people and is often in charge of hiring and managing the employees of Atlantis’ court as well as managing their work. He is also often taken to business deals.
Despite being aged out by the time magic weapons were made a requirement for graduates, silex still learned to make one. His weapon is a long rapier. It’s a sleek and simple weapon. He wants to add more to it someday though
Silex’s special ability is electricity! When grabbed, he can produce electric currents around his body injuring and scaring off would be foes! Thankfully the electricity doesn’t seem to travel far, shocking every one else around him. He has very good control of his magic
Things he loves: the color silver, interesting metal weapons, racing and jousts, surfing, exploring the surface, sushi, HARD LIQUOR, watching spars on TV, jasmines, not wearing clothes, electro swing
Side characters
Titanic: hadal Asgore, titanic is the father of Pearl and silex and the main royal of the hadal. Titanic was the driving force between uniting his monsters and the surface and encourages his people all the time to reach out and explore. He’s a very curious and passionate monster with a love for all things new
Olympia: hadal toriel, the mother of Pearl and silex and the monster who fathered them. Olympia is the second royal of the hadal monsters and is an affectionate but proud character. She agrees with titanics desire to combine their people with the surface dwellers but is more cautious than him. She will integrate as long as she’s convinced her people benefit from each deal.
Voyager: hadal gaster, the second father of Pearl and silex, voyager is the mate of titanic and Olympia, and first in line to replace one as a royal if anything had ever happens. Voyager was the parent to carry Pearl and silex of course, and has a very close relationship with the two as well as his other kids. Voyager is a reserved but highly intelligent monster, and was the one who discovered a way to safely bring power to the areas of Atlantis beneath the surface. He always jokingly laments that none of his kids enjoy science the way he does
And the siblings in order from oldest to youngest
Angler (goat): aged 140, angler is the oldest prince and the first child of the royal trio. She was carried by voyager and fathered by Olympia. Angler is a strong aggressive but loyal monster with a tail resembling that of an angler fish.
Pacific (skeleton): aged 122, pacific is the second child of the trio, carried by Olympia and fathered by voyager. Pacific is an elegant monster with a taste for drama. He’s clever and known for catching people in lies. His tail resembles that of an orca
Bermuda (goat) aged 80, Bermuda is the third child of the trio, carried by titanic and fathered by Olympia. Bermuda is… eccentric. He’s a wild card who can’t be predicted, but he loves his family so no one worries too hard. He works closely with the navy. His lower half resembles a blue finned shark
Pearl, fathered by Olympia, carried by voyager
Silax, fathered by Olympia, carried by voyager
Atlantis (goat), aged 2 and named after the city in ebott, Atlantis is the newest member of the royal family. She was fathered by titanic and carried by Olympia. She’s a bouncy and giggly toddler with a big fascination for hot wheels. Her tail resembles a spiny pufferfish
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deztryx · 1 month
The more of bs fallout au content I consume the more hungrier I'm getting yehwhhw it's unbearable raahhh!!! /pos
Speaking of this au I'm honestly curious are there any characters/duos who survived the bomb? Whether they became mutants (idk what they're called apologize 😭) or they're all fine and dandy?
Here's a feast gang💪🏽
OKAY SO, here's the list of all the brawlers that are alive and their roles?/fractions, then I'll put the ones who are deceased last and explain how they died 👍🏼 if I miss a brawler I'm either trying to figure them out or it's a surprise lol
Mandy - Minutemen
Fang - Minutemen
Max- Minutemen
Colette - Minutemen
Berry - Mutant/Minutemen
Larry - Minutemen
Penny - survivor (just tryna survive and help anyone they see)
Amber - Ex raider/Minutemen
Nita - Minutemen (was in the same vault as Mandy)
Byron - Enclave (escaped)
Hank - Brotherhood of Starr
Janet - Minutemen
Pam - Minutemen
Willow - Mutant?
Lola - Fein/Cannibal
Gray - Starr city detective
Ruffs - Starr city detective
Tara - The stranger
Draco - Wandering Musician (he travels with Poco and just perform basically)
Poco - Wandering Musician (hes slowly dying tho)
Shelly - Ghoul
El Primo - Brotherhood of Starr Knight
Leon - Vault Dweller
Sandy - Vault Dweller
Jacky - Survivor (traveling with Penny until she finds a home)
Bibi - Raider
Bull - Raider
Crow - Mutant (but it being kept by Bull and Bibi, theyre trying to find a way to turn him back)
Piper - Institute
Barley - Bartender (used to be one in Starr city until he moved to minutemen)
Doug - sells food(?) in the market
Bo - Minutemen
Stu - Survivor (trying to find Janet and Bonnie)
Kit - Mutant (he stays with shelly)
Buzz - Mutant (hes basically a deathclaw)
Spike - Mutant
Clancy - Mutant?
Lily - NSR aka New Starr Republic (basically the NCR but Brawl stars)
Meg - Minutemen/technician
Surge - Minutemen/Gaurds leader?
Dynamike - insane dude that wanders the wastelands
Belle - Theif (also sells random junk with Pearl)
Pearl - makes drugs (sells them w Belle)
Grom - Brotherhood of Starr
Ash - Brotherhood of Starr
Nani - Survivor (lives in the junkyard of the wastelands)
Edgar - bit by Colt ghoul and shot by BOS knight
Chester - burned alive
Brock - fell and accidentally blows himself up w his rocket
Cordelius - killed by Fang and Mandy
Colt - turned into a Feral Ghoul and killed by Fang
Bonnie - Drowned in radiated water (Janet tried to save her but she was too late)
Jessie - Got shot during a raid in their vault
Gus? - he's is dead but he's not, still trying to figure this one out
Maisie - didn't make it to the vault in time
Lawrie - also didn't make to a vault in time but Larry stayed by his side until his core died
Gale - Heart attack
Frank - Mutat?/Feral Ghoul (he lost his true self)
Sam - got shot multiple times trying to save Belle
Mico - Mutant (also lost his true self)
Emz - Feral Ghoul
Darryl - Torn apart by raiders
Tick - Crushed by debris
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tic-toc-clock77 · 5 months
The Scarecrow Girl - Dwellers Version
Cw: abuse, religious, physical and emotional abuse/trauma, suicide, mutilation, sacrifice, force feeding, starving
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The Scarecrow Girl formerly lived in a small town as a regular young girl with brown eyes and black chin length. She lived with her average mother, father and was an only child. She grew up admiring the town farmer's son and they went to the same school and the same church.
At 15 years old, she began developing a crush on the farmer boy, she was utterly obsessed with him after a short while. Because her parents didn't want their young daughter dating and getting her heart broken, she had to hide her feelings until she couldn't take it anymore...
She told her parents she was in love but they were terrified for her and her overprotective father forbade her from ever seeing him again, going as far as to keep her locked away in her room for 4 years.
She tried to fight back but only ended up being abused for it, she couldn't escape the house and when she tried, she was tied down to her bed. From then on, she had to be force fed. When she screamed for help, she would be hit until her body was covered in scars and bruises.
Her screaming would last all night, every night until her mother called for the local priest to exorcise her. He came daily, screaming things at her while she begged for help, nobody ever came...
After 4 whole years of being abused, either force fed or starved, screamed at, beaten black and blue, tied down and mentally destroyed...her bonds came loose, randomly it seemed and finally, the hope she held onto, to finally confess, gave her strength.
Pale arms, bruised with long black hair reaching down her sides, she climbed out of her window in the dead of night and went to see the boy who looked at her in horror when he saw her and claimed she was a witch that came back from the dead.
Rejected and dejected, she made her way out to the farmer's field, took a pitch fork and stabbed it into her chest, letting her blood soak into the ground of where she and the farmer's son used to lay as children...
Days later, the farmer's son found the girls body. Instead of properly burying her, he thought that she was scary enough to be a new scarecrow and heartlessly, he dragged her body to his shed, mutilated her by stuffing her open wounds with straw, when the straw was pushed past her organs and through her mouth her once closed eyes opened again which he did not notice, he wandered out to the field, stuck her up on the post and nailed her rotting arms into the wood.
The boy had been, much more demented than the scarecrow had ever known when she was alive. He talked to her daily, she only wanted to talk back, like they used to but her eyes could still, her ears could still hear but her body, could not move.
One day, the boy came to the scarecrow and explained, he'd met a girl named Lily. He planned on bringing the young woman to his home and introducing her to the rotting corpse nailed to the wood. Enraged and jealous, the scarecrow screamed in front of the boy but he kept talking to her, ignoring her scream.
That night, a creature of mist and fog coloured in black and red appeared before the scarecrow, the creature named Zalgo explained he'd released her bounds and that he could more for her. The scarecrow begged for life again, she begged to have the chance to get rid of Lily and Zalgo granted it.....at a cost.
She swore she'd work for Zalgo forever if she could just live again and he granted that wish. Able to move again, she found a scythe and anxiously hurried toward the farm where she watched, seething with jealousy, as Lily and the farmer boy ate together with his family.
Finally, she broke the window, scaring the entire family which the scarecrow mercilessly slaughtered until it was just her and the boy, who was terrified of her. Just as she went to confess her love again, she was taken away by Zalgo and forced into the underworld...
As a Zalgoid minion, Scarecrow gave up on love and fully dedicates herself to Zalgo and her job as a minion. She, along with Stripes and The Rake, are always working and coming up with plots to take down the Slenderman and his workers...
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(Lanayru is ~900 years old)
Lily: “What was that like, Lady Lanayru?”
I don’t remember much, just that I had to save her life. I had no choice…but as I was losing consciousness I apparently told Nerin I was sorry. Those were my last words…
Don’t worry, my sweet one, it was completely painless and none of this is new to me, ok?
*Lily nods her head, the concern fading from her face.*
After my inevitable resurrection, I was carried back to my domain. These are from Nerin’s words, of course, not mine…so Lady Cordelia, Just Faron, Lady Lorelei, they all offered to hold me and take care of me. But Nerin snapped back, “NO! Don’t touch my Lanayru!” And she whispered into my ear, “You’re gonna be just fine, RuRu, I promise…” At least something like that, from what she told me.
“But my friends? Did they do something wrong?”
Your fellow Dwellers were just here to help, Lady Lily, they did nothing wrong…but one thing you should know about Nerin is that she can be extremely protective of me. She carried me up the stairs to get here while I was unconscious, a difficult task for one person! It would’ve been easier had Cordelia helped, but Nerin wouldn’t let anyone touch me. My little one…oh how I love her so.
And a month of intense waiting later…here I am!
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gabriellerudessa · 4 months
Compass (Norm Maclean x OC) - III
“There’s this code I discovered… It hides if there is a connected holotape. I used it to hide when I was playing something during office hours.” Norm couldn’t keep the almost-disdain from the “office hours”.
He hadn’t been enthusiastic about the job, but at least he had learned some neat tricks in it.
He finished typing and touched the enter key. Some seconds went by, and they were back to the root screen.
AO3 | Part I | Part II | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV | Part XV | Part XVI | Part XVII | Part XVIII | Part XIX | Part XX | Part XXI (Smut) | Part XXII | Part XXIII | Part XXIV | Part XXV | Part XXVI (Smut) | Part XXVII | Part XXVIII | Part XXIX | Part XXX | Part XXXI | Part XXXII | Part XXXIII |
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Words: 3.827
Warnings: ... Lily has a foul language. Terminal bulshittery lol
Lily guided them, circling the main building, and Norm couldn’t help but notice how different and, at the same time, similar the dynamics were between the Vault and Wasteland.
Norm hadn’t been certain when he offered to take a look at the terminal, if they would turn it into some type of trade with a stranger. He was glad his bet had paid off; as long as he managed to fix whatever was wrong, he was certain to at least have something to cover the Vault number.
He just had needed to remember how even the Vaults did a Triennial Inter-Vault Exchange to improve their chances. Granted, there it involved Vault Dwellers and marriage. Considering what he had seen, he bet the surface had to lean even harder on trading and exchange – when someone wasn’t outright attacking and stealing, that is.
They entered a small shaded garden with an old manual water pump that had seen better days, a wood box a little bigger besides it. He also recognized some of the flowers and leaves and the maize, and while growing and evidently well-cared for, there was something… Withered in them.
They stopped in front of a door closed with a padlock, another closed door to the side. Lily pulled a long chain-necklace from inside her t-shirt, a dozen keys dangling from it, and used one to open the padlock.
Lily’s movements made Norm notice a small revolver protruding from a pocket on her jeans overalls. He blinked and swallowed, trying to get rid of the sour taste.
This was the surface. Food hard to grow and dangerous to hunt, with enough dangers that a small child had to learn how to shoot and carry a gun, even inside her own house.
In the Vault all the weapons were secured in a single location, only security had access free access, and even then they were rarely used outside of sport competitions. For God’s sake, they had used tranquilizers on the invaders. Lucy had used tranquilizers and left with one.
His Vault never stood a chance. He doubted it ever would have, especially if they decided that they should trample over everyone already living up here and become the invaders themselves, as that Bud-robot had implied to be the plan.
He wanted to think his Vault’s people were better than that, but he didn’t trust the ones sent from Vault 31.
The door opened soundlessly, and the three of them crammed inside the small room; it had just an old wood table with an even older terminal upon it, the outside metal stained in spots with rust. A cable connected it to some type of improvised fuse box on the wall, with an old chair and stool to the side and a rug covering the floor. A chain hung from the ceiling, and he saw that the light came from a plastic skylight, the chain connected by pulleys to a metal sheet to cover it.
The terminal was already on, and the girl typed in the username and password before stepping aside. Norm put the chair in front of it and Lily sat beside him on the stool, Mika with a shoulder supporting the wall.
“Just to rule old common trouble, did you clean the inside from dust and sand and anything else?”
Lily vigorously nodded.
“Aunt Catarina does it every time she comes, and gave me instructions to do so every four to five days, two if we have any type of sandstorm. The first time a problem appeared I did it. I also verified all the internal connections.”
Norm nodded, turning to the screen. That Catarina was obviously the tech-expert; he wondered why she didn’t live with them, then he remembered how loud it all had been. He could understand moving out to get some quietness.
Besides an upper line saying “Bear Family Ranch” – somehow he wasn’t surprised that their family name was Bear –, the terminal had two main entries: Status and Power Distribution.
He checked first the Status screen, and it both accused that all the system was perfectly working, all wind and solar generators online, batteries online and charging, how much energy was needed and how much was being produced… And what he had heard: drying room heater and tanning room fans online, lights online, electrical fence – so that’s what the energy in it was for – and turrets offline… And the freezers with a “malfunction” line. There was an extra line, “terminals”, as online. More than one terminal, then, and they hadn’t been mentioned as being affected.
The very last line was a diagnostics tool; he ran it, and it didn’t accuse anything. He could get it not accusing anything for what was online and offline, but not for the malfunction?
He went back to the root and selected the Power Distribution. Considering the fuse box, each fuse controlled by the terminal.
“Have you tried turning something off?” Norm looked at the kid, and Lily squinted at the screen.
“No… Just turning something on, and then something went offline as consequence.”
“Then let’s make a test. Can we open the fuse box to watch as we do?” The words had barely left him when Mika moved, arm easily going above both of them to reach the box and open it. “Thanks.” A thumbs up was his answer.
Norm looked at the box, taking note of the numbers messily scribbled over each fuse, comparing with the terminal. Only the fifth and sixth, for the fence and turrets, were down, but he didn’t saw the one for the terminals. There should be an independent power source and fuse for them.
“I’ll turn off the lights.” He warned, Lily’s voice a meek “all righty”.
He did it, the fuse going to the down position, and went back to the Status screen.
Lights were offline… And the “malfunction” alongside the freezers was now “online”.
“That’s… Weird.” It was Lily that said, squeezing besides him to look better.
“Totally. What can be safely turned off for a few moments for another test?”
Lily turned her head, and Norm did the same, catching some of Mika’s signs.
“Uncle Mika said that the Drying room heater. It doesn’t have much right now, so just a few moments should be safe.”
Norm did just that.
The fuse for the Drying room heater went down… And immediately the fuse for the electrical fence went up.
“That’s bullshit.”
Norm almost gaged with Lily’s language before being able to agree.
“It is. I’m not an expert in electricity, but as far as I know, fuses can go down if there’s a problem, like lack or surge of energy… But go up as one goes down without specific programming is new to me.”
He checked the Status screen, and yep, there it was, fence online. Still thinking, he turned it off again, and immediately the Drying room heater’s fuse went up.
It was too… Elaborated for something that should be simple.
He let his back rest against the backrest, trying to ignore how it groaned even under his weight, still watching the screen… And noticed the holotape entrance.
He went back to typing, opening the RobCo Industries Termlink. There was this code…
“What’re you doing?”
“There’s this code I discovered… It hides if there is a connected holotape. I used it to hide when I was playing something during office hours.” Norm couldn’t keep the almost-disdain from the “office hours”.
He hadn’t been enthusiastic about the job, but at least he had learned some neat tricks in it.
He finished typing and touched the enter key. Some seconds went by, and they were back to the root screen.
And under all the other lines, a new one: “Holotape: Insider”.
“Motherfucker.” There went Lily again with her language. Did the surface just not cared about this type of thing? “Can we just… Take it off?”
“With how it has been messing with your power system, I won’t risk it. We have to take a look into how it’s doing it and make sure it’s not running any other code. We’ll probably have to turn everything down too before ejecting it.”
Lily nodded in a hard way, eyebrows frowned, and Norm heard a sigh.
“What? Uncle, from the beginning, I lost some.” Norm turned and watched Mika breathe deeply before starting to sign again, Lily nodding at certain intervals.
“What he said?” He asked after the signs stopped.
“He said that he caught one of Nip-Nip’s men wandering around the garden last time. He hadn’t thought much of it, the padlock was still in place and the water pump was covered, but the problems started not long after.” Why was it important for the pump to be covered?
“And this guy also tried to rip you off.”
Lily just nodded, and Norm turned again, frowning at the screen as he logged into the holotape.
As he explored the holotape, occasionally answering Lily’s questions and doubts, it became clear that the code was programmed to run into some type of cycle. For now it was only the fence and turrets turned off, but eventually it was expected for everything but the terminals to go offline. In fact, the code seemed to be very clear on not messing with them.
A well-aimed question about when that guy’s caravan was expected to return made Norm certain that the man expected to act when everything was down. No defenses, no preserved food, nothing of value to trade… Only the manual water pump still working.
If water was as valuable in the surface as he was starting to imagine, and the man had discovered the pump…
Mika had paced the small room the whole time, and even not understanding what he said, Norm caught on the frustration of his signs.
“I think I caught what the holotape is doing. We’ll need to stop all the codes from running before attempting to eject it, or it could cause some long-lasting problem. And a restart of the terminal after, just in case.”
“We’ll have to turn off all the energy too?” Lily asked, and Norm thought for some seconds.
“It would be better and safer, probably unplugging the terminal from the fuse box for it. It’s better not to risk it.”
“Uncle Mika asked how long until needing to turn it all off.”
“From what I saw, something between twenty and thirty minutes.”
“He said he will warn everyone about it. And ask Grandpa Francesco to come disconnect the box.”
“Good idea.” He didn’t know why that Francesco man, but he wouldn’t deny someone else risking with what half of him thought was being held by duct tape and prayers.
Mika was just leaving the terminal room when she arrived – Ma was really starting to worry about the lack of lights… Even if the freezers were working without a hitch again.
“Hey. Ma asked me to pass by. How’s it going?”
“Nip-Nip did something. Norm knows how to solve, but we’ll need to turn all off, disconnect the fuse box, and restart the terminal. I’m gonna warn and call Dad. Tell Ma to turn off the records terminal just in case. Keep an eye on them.” Mika signed while walking backwards, and Marigold crossed her arms.
“I’m gonna kill Nip-Nip. And feed molerats with his sorry ass.”
“Don’t, it’ll poison the molerats.” Mika finished, grinning, before turning and vanishing behind the corner.
Marigold sighed; turning to the terminal room, she leaned her shoulder against the doorway and watched Norm and her niece.
They were clearly focused on the terminal, snippets of their conversation reaching her, enough that she understood they comprised of in depth questions about what was being done, answered equally in depth by Norm.
Still just magic for her ears, but… It was cute. Not the technology-talk, but how he treated Lily as capable of understanding what he was explaining and took in consideration what she said. A dialogue about something they both understood.
Goose had signed he was okay behind his back at some point, and said “Good character. He’s all right. No need to worry” later. Marigold had still to see Goose make a mistake of the type – even Nip-Nip, her words had been “Dangerous. Trade, but watch out”. At that moment, Marigold could only smile, whole hearted agreeing with Goose’s assessment about Norm.
She also caught every time he got flabbergasted at Lily’s language, and snickered silently to herself. They all had tried to keep their language in check when her oldest nephew, Moth, had arrived, some-fourteen years ago – God, he had been so small – but… Well. When Moth’s first words were “fucking raiders”, it became pretty obvious that the family was able to do a lot of things, but watching their language wasn’t one of them. They didn’t even bother trying with Evie, Josh and Lily.
“You think that’s it?”
The phrase caught Marigold’s attention, and she watched them both leaning their heads this and that way as they looked at the screen.
“Pretty much. We should just turn off the energy and disconnect the fuse box.”
Marigold threw a look outside, not seeing Dad Francesco, but he should be on the way… If he hadn’t become caught up with some other maintenance. There was always something to be done in the ranch.
“Dad Francesco must arrive soon to do it.”
Norm startled on the chair – cute – and Lily jumped from the stool, hugging Marigold’s legs. Marigold barely thought before patting the girl’s short brown hair, pretending not to notice him staring at the leather belt crossing her chest and its sheathed knives.
“It seems you had fun.”
“He taught me a lot of cool programming tricks! I don’t think even aunt Catarina knows them!”
“She probably just hadn’t taught them to you yet.”
“Bullshit.” Was Lily’s only answer at Norm’s attempt at glossing over what he knew, and Marigold masked her laugh at his pained face with a fake cough.
Steps attracted her attention, and she moved inside with Lily to open space for Dad.
“Mika passed the message along. Are you sure we need to turn it all off?” He frowned at Norm, breathing deeply.
“Necessity? No. But if the holotape has something nasty that escaped, ejecting it while it has access to the power system could cause trouble for you.”
Dad Francesco pressed his lips into a line, pulled on his working leather gloves, and moved towards the box, a hand just over the fuse-keys, another around the cable connecting it to the terminal.
“Whenever you say.”
Norm turned towards the terminal, fingers above the keyboard.
“Do it.”
Dad Francesco first turned off all the keys, keeping his hand in place, and unplugged the cable, muscles bunching with the force he used. The moment the cable was off, Norm’s fingers moved, and seconds later the terminal ejected a holotape.
He caught it and turned off the terminal.
“You can plug it in again, but keep the fuses off. We’ll use the terminal to turn them on again.”
Dad didn’t answer, just retreated the hand over the fuse-keys and carefully connected the cable to the box again. Norm powered the terminal, and the fuses remained in their off position.
Lily caught Marigold’s hand and pulled, until they were all crowding around the terminal as Dad Francesco typed in the login and password; Marigold did her best to accompany and read the commands as they turned on the power distribution, but the letters and words seemed to start to swim and she just ended up squinting and threatening a headache. She had long ago it was because of how it was just fucking light in a screen.
Thank God written word on paper was bearable as long as she exercised patience, or she wouldn’t ever have managed to read The Fellowship of Ring and The Two Towers.
Blinking and rubbing at her eyes, Marigold instead looked at the fuse-keys, watching as they turned on one by one, until all were online.
Everyone seemed to hold their breaths.
One minute passed.
Then another and another, and the fuses kept their position.
Marigold sighed in relief, Lily screamed some variation of “hell yeah motherfuckers”, and Dad Francesco slapped Norm’s shoulder with such force that the poor guy almost face planted into the keyboard.
“Fucking finally. Thanks for it, kid.”
“Uhm, sure… Here, the holotape that caused all this. I don’t recommend inserting it into anything not one hundred percent isolated.” Norm handed over the holotape, and Dad made it disappear into one of his jackets pockets.
“Will do. Thanks again. C’mon, Lilly, you still have shooting practice today.”
That immediately dampened Lily’s enthusiasm, but she just waved goodbye to Norm – promptly answered with a small wave and smile – and followed Dad Francesco.
“She’s smart.” He pointed out after they had left, smile disappearing, and Marigold leaned against the wall, arms crossed and watching him.
“Kids up here need to be.”
He nodded at that, looking again at the terminal.
“Something wrong?”
“No, just-” a yawn interrupted him “-making sure. That holotape is dangerous.”
Marigold squinted at him, and yep, there they were, eye bags juuust starting to appear.
“When was the last time you slept?”
Norm looked at her and shrugged. Marigold shook her head, straightening.
“C’mon, we have a bed you can use.”
“Wasn’t the agreement only about information and something to cover the Vault-Suit?” that slightly sarcastic drawl again, both eyebrows slightly raised. It made her grin.
“Yeah, but you pretty much uncovered a sabotage that would’ve fucked us up, place to rest can be safely added, Norm-boy. Besides, crash-course on the Wasteland addendum one: if a safe place to sleep appears, you sleep.”
If he resisted again, she would carry him to the singles bedroom and drop him on one of the beds.
She hadn’t kept him from being killed by radroaches nor had he managed to strike a deal regarding information and cover for the Vault number for him to fall into a trap or whatever because of sleep-deprivation as soon as he left the ranch.
The silence extended, and Marigold raised an eyebrow at him, hands at her hips.
Norm-boy. First Vaultie, now that.
With how serious she was looking at him, a challenging eyebrow raised and both hands at her hips, Norm bet that Marigold would carry him if he said no. And without the leather cape, it was pretty obvious she could do so easily, with how her muscled shoulders and arms stretched the shirt.
Damn it. It wasn’t that she wasn’t right, he could barely remember when he had last slept, but he wanted to get on with finding Lucy.
“All right.” He sighed, standing, and she immediately smiled.
“Great. Just wait by door, I’ll logoff.”
Norm did it, standing awkwardly under the doorway, watching as Marigold squatted next to the terminal and squinted at it, slowly pressing the letters in the keyboard, the whole time mumbling, too quiet for him to understand. He tried to imagine what was the problem, but he could only say that it probably wasn’t far-sightedness, or it would be hard to use that hunting rifle of hers.
Sounds of shots reached him. The shooting practice.
Finally the terminal was logged out, and she waved for him to follow, stopping just to use the padlock to lock the door.
“I’m not robbing someone’s bed, am I?”
“No, we have some extra ones. Some siblings are away, and sometimes we shelter some trusted travelling merchants. Why, that’s something you have to worry in the Vault?”
“Not as long as there isn’t any overpopulation.” They passed by Goose and Moth, carrying plastic baskets towards the shaded garden, and nodded at them.
It didn’t take long for them to reach the front of the ranch, the sounds of shoots louder. Norm had just enough time to see that the shooting practice comprised of both Lily and the twins, with Moose supervising – and now he understood the nickname, because the man was taller and bigger than Marigold – and then they were back inside.
The living room was empty now, the skylights with closeable sheets of metal easier to notice, and he yawned again as they traversed a short corridor on the other side and entered a bedroom.
The skylight was covered, but enough light penetrated through the edges for him to see.
It was small, with three bunk beds with metal frames, thin mattresses and sagging pillows above them. Yellowed bedsheets and carefully folded blankets covering the mattresses; one of the upper beds was occupied, the soft sound of snoring echoing. Double metal lockers separated them, duct tape slapped on the doors with names written – Mika, Marigold, Regina, Goose. Two wood dressers flanking the entrance door, the varnish gleaming, and hooks on the walls with guns hanging by their straps; he immediately recognized the hunting rifle Marigold carried.
“This one.” Marigold whispered, pointing the bunk bed on the right. “You can sleep either up or down, it doesn’t matter. Just don’t awake Mika, he is a pain in the ass if bothered during sleep.”
And just like that, she left, closing the door. With all the sounds outside – the shoots and creaking of wind generators and others that he still didn’t recognize –, Norm couldn’t help but wonder what he could do that would awake the man. It didn’t seemed like much would.
A yawn interrupted his line of thinking, and he looked at the bunk bed. While half of him was curious about sleeping on the upper one, he couldn’t help but be worried he would forget the height and end up on the ground with something broken.
He sat on the lower mattress, a faint floral smell reaching him, a pleasant one. Sliding a hand against the bedsheet, it felt clean against his skin, despite the small holes in the fabric, and something was clear: despite how old, weathered, worn down everything was… It was also cared for, well mended and fixed, kept clean and whole to the best of everyone’s ability.
He took off his boots, carefully putting them under the bed so it wouldn’t hinder anyone. After some consideration, he did the same with his sidebag. He kept the Pip-Boy around his arm, turning down the volume and brightness, and just then he lied down, eyes staring at the bed frame above him.
Touching one of the metal bars, he felt the smoothly applied paint. It didn’t matter if the bed was pre-war or after, someone had taken the time and trouble to either paint it again or make it from zero. Someone had varnished the two dressers, had made sure the lockers were properly named, had mended Marigold’s clothes…
His father had talked about the Vaults keeping the candle of civilization lit.
Norm was starting to see that they were late. Some people in the surface were already doing it.
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rainbow-sheeps · 10 months
hello, folks! it's... been a while ^^'
we finally got everyone together to make an about us post! so without further ado-
howdy, i’m head admin kili, aka kiwigreentea/kiwi. i am a dragon, who hoards names, and so any name you see with 🐉🌿🌙 will probably be me. probably. my tag for reblogs will be #the moon will sing - Kiwi
Hello! We're the Carus Carna system, fellow admin next to Kili! You can refer to us as Carna as a whole, and you'll see anyone in our system with ୨♡୧ in their name. Our tag for reblogs on this tumblr is #into the garden - Carna
Hey howdy hey, I’m Jor-El, also known as the Disaster Dryad on Rainbow Sheep. I’ll use the tag #disaster-mod when I reblog here - Jor-El
Hey y’all! I’m Catalina, aka ornamental hermit on Rainbow Sheep. I’ll used the tag #hermit mod when I reblog here - Catalina
Hi there! I’m mod Lily, also known as the Library Dweller on Sheep. I use the tag #Lily-Bugged when reblogging here! - Lily
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the-sky-queen · 8 months
Can you tell me more about the Sing Me a Story AU?
Sing Me A Story is a new AU by me and Lily! The cast has been split into Sirens and Gaians (land dwellers), who have been bitter enemies for as far back as history records. However, when Tails falls off his ship during a storm, Sonic rescues him, and an unlikely friendship begins.
The first chapter is already up, so make sure you read it!
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rabbitcruiser · 6 days
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Talk Like a Pirate Day 
Brush up your sea-farin’ vocab and talk like a pirate for a day. Ahoy, yo-ho-ho, and avast ye matey! To port! To starboard! Bring a spring up on ‘er! Whatever that means.
Yar harrr! Ahoy there ye lily livered blaggards! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day, and that means it’s time for pillaging and the imbibing of rum!
Pirates have been all the rage in recent years and out of that particular fascination came an insane and completely pirate-oriented idea: that there should be a day dedicated to keeping the piratical language alive and, more importantly, the tradition of all things related to pirates.
So Talk Like a Pirate Day was invented. And now it’s time to celebrate with all of the pirate talk that can be mustered in one day!
History of Talk Like a Pirate Day
It was June 6, 1995, and a group of men were playing racquetball at Albany in Oregon. All throughout they were shouting encouragement to each other. On this particular day, for reasons unbeknownst to them, they started shouting piratical slang at each other. From there it just kind of took on a life of its own, and they realized by the end of the game that it was necessary that they establish a holiday to celebrate that encouraged the use of such a fine vernacular. The first thing they needed was a date, and it just so happened that the date selected was the birthday of his ex-wife.
For the next seven years they honored this holiday, in relative obscurity, until they happened upon the email address of one Dave Barry, a syndicated columnist and author of a great number of books. He also happened to be hilarious, like any good pirate should be. From there it’s all history, Dave Barry promoted the holiday, and it’s been one amazing year after another as people all over the country celebrate this auspicious holiday.
How to Celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day
Getting involved with this day is sure to be a LOAD of fun! Because it’s just a silly day, be sure to involve all of the pirate-like silliness that can be mustered. Try out some of these ideas for enjoying Talk Like a Pirate Day:
Talk Like a Pirate
Ahoy, Matey! This obvious application of the celebration might be a little more difficult than one might think. Because, who actually knows what pirates sound like when they talk?! Some phrases are more commonly known, like “pillage” or “landlubber”. But others are a little harder to understand. Here’s some vocabulary and lingo to help get novice pirate talkers started:
“Son of a Biscuit Eater”. This is what pirates might call someone they don’t like, the idea being that a biscuit eater is refined and, well, not a pirate.
“All Hand Hoy!” Upon hearing this, everyone needs to get on deck to help out.
“Bring a Spring Upon ‘er”. A phrase meaning to turn the ship in another direction.
“Grog Blossom”. A person who has a red nose because they drink too much alcohol (probably rum).
Read Some Pirate Tales
Even people who are land-dwellers can certainly use their imaginations to read about different pirates and their escapades. From classic to modern, stories about pirates are bound to be exciting and adventurous! Surely reading some books about pirates will help to build up that Talk Like a Pirate Day vocabulary.
Take a look at these classic pirate novels to get started:
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. The Scottish author brought pirates to life in 1881 with his talk of buccaneers and buried gold.
Peter Pan by JM Barrie. Infused with run-ins with Captain Hook, the original Peter Pan stories from 1904 are much darker than the Disney animated remake films.
The Pirate by Sir Walter Scott. Written by another Scottish author, this 1821 novel features Captain Cleveland, a shipwrecked captain in the setting of the island of Shetland.
The Life, Adventures, and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton by Daniel Defoe. The first book written on this list, the 1720 book tells the story of an Englishman who was stolen, raised by gypsies, and eventually takes to life on the sea.
Watch Pirate Films
Not into reading? That’s okay! Plenty of films about pirates have been created so that individuals and groups can spend a couple of hours hearing all kinds of pirate-speak.
The Pirates of the Caribbean series of films can take up a nice chunk of time with its 6 different movies in the franchise. Or for an inspiring one-off, try a modern day somewhat-true-to life pirate story starring Tom Hanks, Captain Phillips.
Invite Friends to Celebrate All Things Piratey
Well mate, celebrating talk like a pirate day can be as easy as a day in the tropic. Simply work to turn up that pirate-speak vernacular, pour a few fruity drinks with umbrellas in them, and gather with friends to celebrate the day in your piratey best clothing! There are songs to be sung and wenches to be clenched, and who can resist a backyard barbecue with grilled pineapple, salmon made by walkin’ the plank, and a perhaps inappropriately large amount of pure sugar cane rum? Talk Like a Pirate Day is comin’, are you ready to pirate it up? This is certainly the perfect day for it!
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