neshirys · 4 years
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When I found OCtober list I knew I'd participate it because it was a nice opportunity to draw my old neglected original characters. I had to stop it after some time due to my irl duties but here I am to continue this challenge with more content to show! Let's begin!
Neria: One of my oldest OCs. She was transported to another world by accident but Neria didn't want to be a damsel in distress. She decided to become a warrior and find her way in new reality. I still wonder how she manages to fight with a sword and a magic staff at the same time.. Yukio: is one of my newest characters I created while drawing short comics of my original story about the life of mountain monastery monks. He's a collected exchange student who acts on his own and influences other characters' interactions. Kaiyoshi: is a supernatural being who guards the seas and lives alone on a distant island. It's my original humanoid [gijinka] concept of Lugia but he can appear in my other story and universe. Yenna: is a young pirate (self-described) captain and surprisingly the crew has nothing against it (probably because her presence brings luck). She likes to write journals and study books from around the world and her knowledge is pretty vast. Ashar: This character is quite old and enigmatic. Ashar travels across millenia to find a reason to continue his existence. The more he travels and sees, the more his body changes and crumbles. His story is full of symbolism and imagery. Neryuu & Sairo: young adepts of Phoenix & Dragon legendary powers. She is a new dedicated student and the only girl in the monastery who was allowed to undergo the training. He is a humble genius and a one of the most talented monks. Sorano: a monk "librarian", specialist in scrolls, legends and knowledge about the outside world. He appears less often than other main characters because he is in his office most of the time, studying books and manuscripts. Allen: a redhaired highwayman with leader charisma that attracts others and makes them follow him. Hot-tempered with self-control at the same, acts like a clown but is actually smart (especially when drunk). He usually steals cookies just for fun. Nansha: Rightful captain of Sassilla ship, navigator and organizer of all plans. Admirably gentle and polite for such a position. Despite his youthful appearance, he has a quite long experience in life and great respect of the crew.
I finished the 1st part of OC-tober 2020 and I wonder who is your favorite character so far! 😄
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