#nestor cortes grunge
nikfix · 6 years
Musical Romanticism with Ahmad of We Are Imaginary
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Photo by JLE Music
Ahmad is one of those cool dudes who play awesome pink guitars, and of those people keep it simple with their music and gear. His band We Are Imaginary recently celebrated their ten years in the industry by releasing their newest single, Dekada. We look a bit into Ahmad’s gear and his humble beginnings.
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Photo by Nestor Domingo Jr./The Slickmaster’s Files
How did you start making music and playing guitar?
Ahmad: Making music, it came first, even without an instrument. I was changing the lyrics of Andrew E’s songs, while in 4th grade. That dream was scrapped when I heard Guns N’ Roses’ “Use your Illusion II.” I think Khalid (WAI’s guitarist) was responsible for that borrowed cassette. Then I was introduced to the grunge movement and the genius of The Eraserheads courtesy of my older cousins from Manila. During those times, I was so inspired that I would fill up notebooks with songs I wrote with matching album covers.
Plus it was the 90s! Everyone was learning guitar. I was envious that my cousins can play and was determined to learn. My parents were persuaded to buy an acoustic guitar made by a local luthier. It was pretty heavy and has high action and big frets, but I didn’t care. They then enrolled me in this summer guitar tutorial class where I learned how to strum, pluck, then transpose chords (handy when I can’t play the bar chords version of my favorite songs). I attended more or less 8 hours’ worth of exercises. I would go home and teach Khalid what I’ve learned. That was the summer before high school. Also, Hothits played a big part in learning new songs.
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Photo by Mary Whitney
How did your band start out?
Ahmad: Before I went to Manila in 2008, I already expressed to my brother and Eric Po (former drummer) that I wanted to form a band that focuses on “real” songwriting and is inspired by the sound of the British and Swedish indie-pop bands I love. I used to play for this rock/blues band in Legazpi (Albay), but they don’t want to leave for Manila and test the waters. I was having a quarter-life crisis then, so I just left. The move I guess was expected and needed for my growth since I was already writing differently. Luckily, my (new) bandmates all trusted my material, which eventually became our 1st EP.
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Photo by JLE Music
Who are your main influences? And how did they inspire you to play better?
Ahmad: I am very much into Weezer and Nirvana – bands from that era. But my timeless favorites are The Smiths and Death Cab for Cutie, which I discovered when I was already out from college. Just proves that your sound doesn’t stop evolving. So for me, it’s more about the songs than technical proficiency – and yes, that’s a good excuse to justify that I’m the most untechnical guitarist out there LOL.
I call my style “kanto guitar” because what I learned in Grade 6, I still use now. I can’t shred to save my life. I’m more of an open chords guy so if you hear some repetitive melodic riffs in our songs, that’s probably me as I got that from listening to a lot of 90s Britpop and new wave bands.
If I force myself to dissect my style, it’s more like marrying the dynamics and chordal elements of Kurt Cobain with a bit of Robert Smith and Billy Corgan. Just way sloppier I guess.
I enjoy making up chords and building the song from there. When it comes to words, I always ping-pong between Ben Gibbard and Rivers Cuomo (and apparently failing on both counts) so marrying those elements I think makes up my style.
Tell us about your music. 
Discussing how to define our sound with my friend, Jon (of The Strange Creatures), I realized that we are in that tiny grey area where we can’t decide to be purely indie (the genre!) or pop. I mean I don’t think about it when I am writing songs but I can relate to The Cure or The Smiths' repertoire, where you’ll hear some jangly happy tune then you get this morose sounding ditty on the next track. I guess that’s what defines the We Are Imaginary sound too.
My band is currently in the process of arranging songs for a new album. We have enough material to fill another release, but time constraints and invoking that right headspace can be quite a hassle.
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Cover Art for the song, Dekada.
And oh, we have just released the music video of our latest single Dekada. A new single will be out probably this October.
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Tell us about your guitars. Which is your favorite one and why?
My main guitar has always been this 1984 Squier Telecaster (MIJ) which I had repainted to pastel pink (courtesy of Sir Max Rufo). I called this one “Areola” and was used to record our 2 EPs. I think Khalid got it from a trade and he let me use it ever since I moved here. It was also modified to house a DiMarzio pickup and double rail pickup (forgot the brand). Safe to say, it is not your usual Tele sound.
I then used a Peavey JF-1 Black Hollow Body. It was Khalid’s, and he used it for our 2 EPs too. I used it for recording Death to Romanticism along with a frankenstein Teisco EP2-L (which can’t seem to stay in tune out of old age). Sold both to get a 90’s yellow Danelectro ‘59 (MIK). I love this Dano guitar as it got this sick twang plus I am really biased towards pastel colors. I call her “Nana.” I miss the Peavey guitar though.
This Cort guitar is a favorite since I do acoustic sets from time to time. It just got that warmth that not most guitars have.
I still dream of owning a Guild Starfire IV and a Fender Mustang. Soon I guess.
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Let’s take a look at your pedalboard. What effects do you use live?
I just assembled my first pedal board a year ago. I used to be contented with a Zoom G3 ‘cause it’s just neat and practical. Now I have a Caline Pure Sky for my main drive, Proco Rat II (a gift from good friend/bandmate Siopao Chua of Taken by Cars/Olympia Maru) for additional heavy boost, a Rowin mini tuner and the aforementioned Zoom G3 for modulation, pre-amp, and EQ. Khalid’s hibernating Boss DD3 will soon join the pile as well as an EHX Holy Stain – after it gets modded by Howard Luistro’s (of Oh, Flamingo!) dad. I am currently gas-ing over this local brand PedalBot’s Royal Grit. It may soon replace the Pure Sky, but let’s see.
What amps do you use at home and live?
I don’t own an amp at the moment. I used to have a 15-watt Vox and a Guyatone practice amp but sold them when bills were piling up. I guess I am one of the few guitarists who prefers a solid state than a tube amp.
Favorite amp? I dream of owning a Roland JC-120 though I am not sure if it will work with my sound yet.
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Photo by JLE Music
What are you listening to right now?
In heavy rotation are Young Scum’s self-titled LP, Sobs’ Telltale Signs, Wild Nothing’s Indigo, as well as Vansire’s old LP Reflections and Reveries. I can’t wait to hear Death Cab for Cutie’s new album.
What advice can you give to your fellow guitar players and musicians who want to play like you do?
Never stop discovering new music. Everyone has a favorite era, but when you stop appreciating new bands and keep insisting that there’s nothing new or exciting out there, you will realize soon enough that your learning is stalled. We belong to this weird ecosystem where we feed off from each other’s spark of creativity, so don’t be a dead end.
Check out We Are Imaginary’s newest single, Dekada.
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