#nestor oceteva x original charcter
crimsonheart01 · 5 years
If You Kissed Me Now (Nestor x OC)
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me simply golden Nestor.
Word Count: 3,432
Playlist: Last Christmas - Wham! & Christmas Time is Here (Vocal) - Vince Guaraldi Trio
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We had a specific arrangement. No feelings, no attachments, no obligation. We kept it simple, and fun. It worked. For the most part. There were a few routines we had that blurred the lines a bit, but neither of us were particularly bothered. He kept me a secret because of Galindo, and I kept him a secret because well, Galindo.
It wasn’t every night that Nestor stopped by, but I expected him more often than not. Tonight was another one of those nights. No prior text or call, just Nestor stepping through the door. When he did come over, there were two ways the night could pan out.
Typically, he’d ambush me the second he saw me. Throwing us into a long night of passion and good times. However, there were the few and far between nights that had him dragging his feet and collapsing down on my couch. Tonight happened to be one of those nights.
I was leaning against the counter in the kitchen when I head the front door click open. I peered around the fridge, seeing Nestor’s tired eyes. The door closed of it’s own accord, Nestor’s eyes closed as he stood in the doorway. I arched an eyebrow but waited. He wasn’t a man that you pushed. He’d make his issues known when he was ready.
Without a word, he trudged forward, past the kitchen and right into the living room. I watched the entire time until he fell back onto the couch. He leaned back, head in his hands. I sighed. Must’ve been a hard day.  I popped my hip off the counter and opened the fridge. Grabbing two beers.
I popped both caps off as I walked into the living room. I placed one down on the coffee table in front of him. I nudged the TV remote in the same direction, but Nestor was one to enjoy the quiet when the time called. Taking a swing of my drink, I stepped up onto the couch, settling myself behind him.
I encased Nestor between my legs and pulled his head back until it was laying in my lap. He didn’t protest. I set my beer down on the ledge next to me and began running my hands along his French braids. On my second time through them, I delved my fingers into his hair, massaging his scalp.
His shoulders immediately relaxed, and his body slumped into me. I smiled. I may have been the only person to know his secret. He was a man who loved his hair being played with. I slid one hand down the right braid, wrapping it around my palm and tugging. He let out a quiet mumble and I leaned down to press a kiss to his temple.
I let his hair unravel from my hand and watched as it fell back down to his shoulder. I continued to massage his scalp, reaching down to the back of neck and top of his shoulders. After loosening up the tension, I reached for the ends of his braids, took out the ties and began undoing the long plaits.
I didn’t mind these nights. They were welcomed. Over the last year of our tryst, we’d shared the few stress relievers that we held close to our hearts. These quiet nights were becoming more often and I couldn’t help the worry that built. I knew he appreciated that I didn’t question the change, but at the same time I wanted to make sure he was ok.
There were rumours going around that Miguel’s son had been kidnapped. If it was true, it would explain why Nestor was so exhausted. He was Galindo’s commander. He was in charge. He led the Calvary. If they were searching for his son, there was no way Nestor was taking any breaks. It was surprising he was even finding time to make these visits.
Lost in my thoughts, I almost missed as Nestor’s arm reached out and plucked my beer from next to me. He brought it back to his mouth and was about to begin drinking when I realized what he was doing.
“That one’s mine.” I murmured.
He gave a tired smirk but continued to drink out of my bottle, letting his eyes sink closed again. I rolled my eyes and gave a gentle tug on the end of his hair. He opened his eyes, narrowing them up at me. I winked, giving him an innocent smile. I let him drink the rest of my beer, while running my fingers through his unbraided hair, detangling it.
“You have plans on the 23rd?” I asked.
It was random, but I figured he could maybe use a distraction from his day job. He furrowed his eyebrows before shifting to his left and gazing at me.
I shrugged, “I have a work function. Want to be my date?”
His eyebrows shot into his hairline.
I laughed at him, “You don’t have too. I was just thinking it would be a nice change?”
He turned back, facing the front again. He lifted the bottle to his mouth, downed the remaining liquid and swallowed. I swung my leg around him and slid down the couch cushions to sit next to him. I bent one leg beneath me, and held my head up with my hand.
“That’s the day before Christmas Eve.” He observed.
I nodded, “Yep.”
“You’re inviting me to your work’s Christmas party.” He elaborated.
I exhaled, “Is that a problem?”
He pouted in thought. I wasn’t sure if he’d say yes or not. If everything with the cartel was as bad as it was sounding to be, he might not even have the time to break away for a night. I moved to reach for the beer on the table, the one original for him, when his arm intercepted mine and stole the second beer.
I let out a sound of protest, glancing up at him to see the stupid shit eating grin on his face.
“You already drank mine.” I argued.
He chuckled, shrugged and tipped it towards his mouth. I rolled my eyes and smacked the arm holding the bottle. He lost his grip on it, tilting it and spilling it all over himself. I fell backwards into the couch laughing, only to have him crawl onto of me and shake out the liquid like a dog, coating me in the mess.
“Ugh!” I groaned while attempting to shield my face.
His laughter rang out around us as he lowered himself down to my level. I dropped my arms let them settle on his shoulders. His hands caressed their way up my arms and encased my neck. I bit down on my lip but Nestor dove down, prying my lips apart with his teeth. He tugged on my lower lip before letting go and kissing me swiftly.
“What do I have to wear?” He murmured, pressing another kiss to my mouth.
I paused, holding his head a few inches from mine. I searched his eyes, unsure if he was coming by his question honestly. I would never want to make him feel pressured to make a change he wasn’t ready for. Knowing exactly what I was doing, he winked and smiled.
“Seriously?” I needed to ask, for my own clarity.
He nodded in affirmation, “Yes. What’s the dress code?”
“Black tie.” I responded, a shy grin growing on my mouth, “Super fancy.”
He rolled his eyes, and sat up, pulling me with him.
He sighed, “Alright. I’ll pick you up and we’ll go together.”
I scrunched up my nose, pleased that he wanted to be my date for the evening. I threw one leg over his lap and leaned my head on his shoulder. I grabbed the remote off the table, flicked the TV on and began channel surfing. Nestor reclined into the cushions, draping his arm around my shoulders.
I stopped on the Food Network, admiring the meal being made before my eyes. Whatever it was was deep fried and cheesy goodness. My stomach rumbled and I remembered why I was in the kitchen when Nestor showed up. I’d been hungry and rummaging through my cupboards for a snack.
I licked my lips and glanced up at Nestor, “Great, now what’s for dinner?”
He laughed and pressed a kiss to my temple before grabbing his phone to start scrolling through Uber Eats.
I stood in my hallway, using the mirror there to pin the last few pieces of hair in place. I hadn’t gone for much in the hair department. A simple up-do with a few stray tendrils here and there. It complimented the low cut off the shoulder evening gown I was wearing. I went for a deep rouge colour, knowing it would compliment my skin tone.
I hadn’t gone overboard with the accessories, choosing to only wear a delicate gold chain and matching gold pumps. I glanced out the front window as I heard a car pulling up. I checked the time on my phone and smirked. Exactly on time. I slipped on my shoes, making sure the straps were securely in place before reaching for the door.
I tucked my clutch under my arm, recounting all the essentials I needed for the evening. Lipstick, phone, keys, cash and cards. I stepped through the door, shutting it behind me and locking it. I turned towards Nestor’s car to find him ducking out of the driver’s side to come and greet me.
When Nestor came around and looked up he froze. I bit down on my lip, nervous. Neither of us had ever been so formal. I continued towards him, reaching down to grab a handful of my gown before reaching the steps. Upon reaching them, Nestor shook out of his reverie and held out a hand.
I laid my other hand in his and he guided me down the steps. As I made my way down I couldn’t help but be impressed with his attire. Nestor never looked shabby, but there was a distinct difference from his everyday clothes to this. He was donned in all black. Black slacks, a black button up and a black tie. The only colour on him was the gold Gaudalupe chain and pendant.
Both of us were caught up in admiring the other. I knew tonight would be different for us. We’d never gone out in public together. We didn’t ‘date’. Add in the formality of the night, and it made it seem like more than just a simple work party. It felt like an official first date.
While still holding my hand, Nestor took a step backwards and made a show of eyeing me up and down. I blushed but loved the attention. He stepped in closer, his eyes locked on mine.
“Mi princesa.” He murmured.
The heat in my cheeks strengthened and I attempted to hid behind my clutch. I took a moment to steel myself again, hoping most of the red had disappeared. I peered over at Nestor, who was still grinning. I tapped him lightly on his upper arm with my clutch.
“Don’t get all sentimental on me now.” I teased, “Where’s that bad boy persona you so like to flaunt?”
He chuckled at my obvious ploy to distract him but wasn’t falling for it. Instead of replying, he led me towards the car, opened it and helped my climb up into the seat.
“Think you can handle the buckle on your own?” He taunted.
I rolled my eyes, grabbing for the door, “Shut up.”
He laughed out loud as a I shut the door in his face. He rounded the front of the car before climbing into his side. I made a big show of pushing the buckle into the clasp and staring at him. He shook his head in amusement, a smirk on his mouth.
He pulled away from the curb and we were on our way. My heart was pounding, the rush of blood all I could hear. I knew that he agreed to this, but now the nerves were taking over. I stared out my window, watching the scenery as it blurred past. I really liked Nestor. Maybe a bit more than the ‘friends with benefits’ rapport we agreed on. I didn’t want to overthink the night, but it was Christmas after all. Didn’t we all get that one Christmas wish? He could be mine.
We’d only been driving for twenty minutes when his phone went off. Without glancing down, he picked it up and answered. I could hear immediately who was on the other end. It was a voice I’d grown to recognize. Miguel Galindo. We’d never met, seeing as Nestor and I never stepping out of our comfort zones. I knew without a doubt that Miguel was Nestor’s oldest and best friend. Aside from the whole cartel thing.
The conversation wasn’t long, and I knew that meant that Nestor wouldn’t be accompanying me to my party. When Miguel called, Nestor was gone. Not only was that his employer, but it was also his friend. Someone he cared deeply for. I couldn’t be mad. I sighed waiting for the inevitable. Nestor dropped his phone back down onto the console and turned to me.
“Mind if we make a quick stop?” He asked.
My mind reeled. What was he saying? I knew literally what he was asking me, but what was the underlying meaning? Where were we making this so called stop?
“You sure?” I confirmed, “You can just drop me here. I’ll call an uber, or catch a cab.”
Nestor shook his head, “No. Half an hour, tops. Then we’ll be back on the road.”
I arched my eyebrows, surprised that he was being so forthcoming.
I shrugged, “Alright.”
When we pulled into the driveway, I felt all the air from my lungs disappear. I’d seen beautiful homes before, but it was another thing to be pulling up in front of one. Nestor grabbed his effects, before turning off the car and stashing his keys in his pocket.
I relaxed back into my seat, prepared to wait out however long we’d be here. Nestor took no more than three steps towards the house before he realized that I hadn’t moved. He turned around and beckoned me to follow him. I widened my eyes, questioning him. Nestor nodded, coming back to the car.
“Come on.” He coaxed, “You’ll be more comfortable inside.”
He held out his hand, waiting. I swallowed. I was going to meet Miguel. This was huge. Was I prepared for how huge this was? I thought tonight was a small change. Something new added to our routine. Nestor had gone and chosen to make a full statement.
I exhaled and placed my hand in his. I’d already decided that I wanted him. Cartel and all. If he was willing to make that stand too, then I wouldn’t make it hard on him. I slipped from my seat, the sound of my heels on the cobblestone driveway loud to my ears.
When we reached the door, he didn’t knock. Every alarm in my head began going off. I wasn’t even knocking at the door of Miguel Galindo. I was waltzing into his family home. A stranger. Someone he didn’t even know. I really hoped Nestor knew what he was doing.
Nestor led me straight into the main room. He offered me a seat, but I was too nervous. I discreetly shook my head, opting to stand for the time being. I was prepared to be kicked out on my ass. There was no way I’d be permitted to stay in here.
“Nestor!” I heard Miguel call from our left.
We both turned, and it took all but second for Miguel to notice me. I swallowed, seeing the calculating expression on his face. He made his way over, and greeted Nestor without any malice. When they parted, Nestor turned to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer.
“This is who I’ve been hiding.” Nestor announced, “The one I wouldn’t tell you about, mi princesa.”
For a split second I forgot where were were and sighed, lightly smacking Nestor’s arm. Miguel watched the interaction with fascination. His eyebrows shooting up into his hairline.
“Princesa?” Miguel questioned, pointedly looking at Nestor.
I rolled my eyes, trying to remain calm. I nodded, inhaling to quell the butterflies in my stomach and extended my hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I greeted, “Nestor doesn’t talk much about his personal life, but there’s no question that you mean a lot to him.”
Miguel chuckled, and took my hand. He pulled me closer and gave me the traditional kiss on both cheeks.
On the second cheek, he whispered, “You can relax. You wouldn’t be here if Nestor didn’t completely trust you.”
I blinked at the statement. Wild tears began to build. Ones that I hadn’t realized had been in the bank but now that my fears had been acknowledged, they felt the need to make themselves known. I bobbed my head in acknowledgement and turned away to wipe at the tears threatening to spill over.
Miguel pulled back, “Why don’t you have a seat out there,” He pointed to the back deck, “and I’ll have Nestor back to you in no time.”
I smiled, “Thank you.”
As I made my way across the room, Nestor broke from his conversation to catch my wrist. I turned to face him, and he puckered his lips to blow me a kiss. I smirked, laughing at his cockiness. Regardless of how sweet he was being, his inner sixteen-year-old always made an appearance. I shook my head at him, and kept on walking.
“Cool it lover boy.” I fake admonished, “You haven’t even taken me on a real date yet.”
I could hear Miguels laughter as I walked away. 
We were back in the car, no more than forty-five minutes later. It was a bit longer than the half hour he promised, but I wasn’t all that concerned. Nestor leaned forward, inserting the keys into the ignition but paused.
“What?” I questioned, tilting my head to the left.
He exhaled, closing his eyes. After a beat, he pushed back on the steering wheel and reached into the console storage between us. He lifted up the arm rest and pulled out a rectangular black velvet box. There was a simple red bow tied around it.
He held the box between his hands, staring down at it.
“I was going to wait until Christmas to give this to you.” He explained, “I’ve been carrying it around for weeks now. I wasn’t sure if it would be too much. We’d always been comfortable in our arrangement. And you barely wear any jewellery. I didn’t know if you’d appreciate the gesture. Then you asked me to come with you tonight. Some how, we ended up on the same page without the other knowing.”
Everything around me froze. My brain stopped functioning and I wasn’t even sure I was breathing. This was too good to be true. He handed the small package out to me. With shaking hands, I accepted the gift. I laid it down in my lap, taking a moment to process the gravity of our situation.
I ran one finger under the ribbon, breaking the bow away from the box. With my thumbs I pushed the box up and open. I let out an audible gasp when I saw what laid inside.
“Nestor.” I murmured.
It was beautiful, gold chain bracelet. It was dainty and subtle. There were two charms hanging from it. One a heart, and the other the first letter of my name. I rolled my lips together, unsure of what to say. No words seemed to be appropriate for this gift.
I held out my wrist, “Put it on, please.”
He smiled, plucking the delicate bracelet from the cushion. He wrapped it around my wrist, attaching the clasps together. The cool metal made the hair on my skin stand up. It was precious. Important. I gazed up at the man across from me. His eyes were shining, proud of his present. Proud of me.
His hands framed my face as he bowed to kiss me. I met his mouth with mine. It was wet and imperfect, but I didn’t care. I knew a few tears had spilled over and I was ok with that. I pulled back, licking my lips. Never in all my years had I pictured myself having the fairy tale Christmas story but here I was, experiencing it all.  
“Merry Christmas, mi princesa.” He whispered, kissing me one more time.
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Bedtime with Nestor
Thanks too @lastremaininglights for the inspiration for this story and for being the biggest supportor of soft Nestor 🥰
“Teeth and bed please” I call out from the kitchen, closing the kitchen cupboards
“But Mommmmmm dad isn’t home yet” I hear Sebastián reply
Walking into the lounge room I glance up at the clock, realising my husband should have been home over an hour ago I sigh
“Looks like daddy is working late, you’re stuck with me” I tell the twins motioning for them to get up “come on go brush your teeth and I will tuck you in”
Sophia and Sebastián grumble as they get up and head upstairs to the bathroom, watching them walk upstairs I grab my phone off the coffee table
‘Video call? Or too busy?’ I fire off a quick text
Hearing Sophia scream upstairs I groan rubbing my temples, I head upstairs “Sebastián stop whatever you are doing to your sister” I yell out
Walking into the bathroom I see Sophia’s braids hanging loosely “Seb why are you pulling your sisters hair?” I ask him
“I didn’t do it” he replies grumbling
“Come on bed” I say pointing to the twins rooms
Watching as the twins climb into bed I head over to their bookcase “what would you like me to read tonight?” I ask them
“Can you call daddy so he can do the voices?” Sophia asks me
“Sorry baby daddy is working” I tell her
The twins look at each other, Seb shrugs and Sophie turns to me “it’s okay mommy, daddy can just read two chapters tomorrow night” she tells me
“What’s wrong with Mommy reading to you?” I hear Nestor’s voice from the doorway
“Daddy” the twins exclaim jumping out of bed and racing over to their father his arms sweeping them up into a tight embrace
Carrying them over he plops them down on Sophia’s bed “Alright daddy will do monster check and then read you one chapter” Nestor says as he drops to the floor. Pulling the covers up he checks under Sophia’s bed “no monsters” calls out rolling over he checks under Sebastiáns bed “All clear” he says jumping up. Flinging open the closet doors he pokes around inside “I think we are monster free” he tells the twins turning back to them.
Walking over I wrap Sophia up in a big cuddle kissing her forehead “goodnight baby girl” I say before turning to Sebastián and doing the same “goodnight my sweet prince” I tell him watching as they both snuggle into their father who already has their bedtime book open.
Smiling I head back downstairs, tidying up the lounge room I smile satisfied that it’s clean enough I head into the kitchen. Grabbing out a glass I put two stone cubes out of the freezer and pour in some scotch. Heading back upstairs I lean against the twins bedroom door watching Nestor cuddling with our kids, who are asleep curled into him.
Not wanting to wake them I gently shake the glass letting the stones rattle, he looks up smiling, gently manoeuvring himself out of their embrace he climbs out of Sophia’s bed and gently picks Sebastián up tucking him into his own bed.
Walking over to me he kisses my forehead and takes the glass out of my hand, placing it outside the room on the hall table. Standing behind me he wraps his arms around my waist burying his head into my neck and inhaling deeply. I turn the bedroom light off and push Nestor out of the room, pulling the door closed.
“I missed you” he murmurs into my neck
Turning around I wrap my arms around his neck “we missed you too” I whisper
“So I’ve been thinking” Nestor says softly his eyes intently locked on mine
“About?” I ask
“Maybe the twins are ready to be siblings” he says a smile spreading across his face
“Are you serious?” I ask him
His hands travel down my back, cupping me under my butt he lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist
“I’ve never been more serious” he tells me as his lips press against mine.
My fingers intertwine in his braids as I kiss him deeply, a soft moan escaping my lips
“Is that a yes?” He murmurs as he carries me down the hall to our bedroom
“It’s a maybe” I tell him as I kick the door shut behind us
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crimsonheart01 · 5 years
The Perfect Ending (Nestor x OC/Reader)
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Nestor caught under the mistletoe
Word Count: 2,028
Playlist: Perfect Christmas - S Club 7
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I chewed on a piece of licorice as Emily went on and on about our old school ritual involving mistletoe. It wasn’t anything special. All we did was hang a bunch from our dorm room door and if you didn’t kiss the person in the frame with you, were subjected to a ridicule concocted by all the remaining roommates.
There was one year where I had to wear my bras over my shirt for a week, or the year we made Emily dye her hair green and red. It was our own way to celebrate the holidays and dare each other to do outrageous things at the same time. It was always all in good fun and if someone was really not into it, we never forced them to participate.
“I don’t care about tradition, you try and get me under the mistletoe and I will punch you.” I warned.
Emily laughed, “You don’t scare me.”
“Oh, of course not. Not now that you’re a cartel wife.” I teased.
We laughed together over the phone, until I heard her name being called in the distance.
“Please babe,” She pleaded, “I haven’t seen you in years and Miguel asked personally to invite you. I think he misses your wild partying ways.”
I rolled my eyes, “It was one time and we were in college. He’s at fault too. He’s the one that suggested tequila.”
“Either way, we both want to see you.” I could hear the smile in her voice.
I sighed, “Alright. I’ll check flight prices tonight and let you know.”
She clapped and let out a happy cheer, “Amazing! I’ve got to go now. Dita needs me for something.”
We hung up at the same time, neither of us one for goodbyes. I flipped open my laptop and started searching for the cheapest flight I could find. I wasn’t going to let Emily try and pay for me to come and visit. I didn’t care how much money Miguel made. It was a matter of pride. I wanted to be able to get there on my own.
Miguel hung up the phone, a smirk in place. Emily had just confirmed with him that her best friend from college was going to be in town for their annual Christmas party. He fondly recalled the night where they managed to finish off a bottle of tequila between them. She was always a joy to have around, and knew how to have a good time.
He was tired of the stuffy parties they always ended up having. After this past year he knew Emily needed to let off steam. They had Cristobal back, Los Olivadados was his partner, and Alvarez was second in command. The only thing that wasn’t running smoothly was his friendship with Nestor.
He knew Nestor well. He would never let it show but he took a hard hit at the news of Alvarez taking Devante’s place. It wasn’t anything against Nestor, he just needed someone who knew the game from the MC’s perspective. Alvarez was an asset he couldn’t pass up.
Together Miguel and Emily had devised a plan. He knew Nestor needed a distraction, something to keep him from focusing on any negativity. He neede Nestor in peak performance. He was still head of security. Miguel was worried that if he spent too long focused on his decision not to promote him then it would hinder his clarity in the position he was in.
That’s were Emily’s best friend came in. She was a wild card. Something Nestor wasn’t used too. She’d give him a run for his money. Something to think about. Something to distract him.
“What are you smiling about?” Nestor asked.
Miguel turned to his oldest friend, having forgotten where he was.
“Emily just confirmed a few details of the party with me.” Miguel deflected, “I need you to be there.”
Nestor deadpanned him. He wasn’t one for staunch-y Christmas parties.
Miguel chuckled, “As security.” Nestor deflated in relief but Miguel had one more point to make, “You’ll need to be dressed the part though. Black tie.”
Miguel watched as Nestor ground his teeth together. Miguel had to hide his laughter. If Nestor only knew what was in store for him.
I leaned in the archway, a flute of champagne hanging between my fingers. I sighed. This might have been the most boring party I’d ever been too. I swirled the drink around, watching the crowd in front of me. I thought about making a run for it, but there wasn’t anywhere for me to go. I was a guest in this house, I couldn’t leave their party. That would be rude.
As I was considering my options, someone came to a stop next to me. I glanced over and raised my eyebrows. He was adorable. Sexy and adorable. Two adjectives that didn’t generally go together, but he pulled it off. I smirked, he was very concerned with keeping his eyes forward. He was either purposely trying not to look, or he was distracted by something else.
Either or, didn’t matter to me. I wasn’t going to let him walk away without at least letting him know I was attracted to him. Lust at first sight as it were.
“Well aren’t you a tall drink of water.” I commented.
He didn’t stir. His eyes kept straight, observing the entire room. I drank him in. Everything from the braids to the double gun holster he was wearing. It was obvious he was working security or something of that sort. He wore all black, right down to his socks and boots. I liked it. Simple and effective.
I raised my drink to my mouth and tilted my head back to drain the liquid when I noticed something hanging in the middle of the archway, above our heads.
“That bitch.” I swore into my glass.
Tall, dark and handsome whipped to face me. His eyes followed mine and both of us were staring at the mistletoe. He arched an eyebrow and I didn’t even bother to contain the annoyance on my face.
“I’m going to kill her.” I mumbled to myself.
Out of the corner of my eye I watched as the man next to me reached for his gun. It was a slow progression, as if he was a bit confused about what was happening. I breathed in and opened my mouth to deter him. I wasn’t here to actually kill anyone. I was speaking figurate. However, I was saved having to give any explanation by hearing Emily’s laughter bubble up.
“I see you’ve found the mistletoe.” She grinned. I moved to take a step forward but she held up a hand, “I wouldn’t if I were you. You remember the rules?”  
“Do you remember what I said on the phone?” I retorted.
She winked, “Punch me later. Or thank me. Whichever.”
She turned on her heel and disappeared into the next room. I scrunched up my nose. The woman was going to be the death of me. I looked back at ‘Braids’ and he was glancing down at me. I shrugged, downed my champagne and swung my arm around his shoulder. I gripped the back of his neck and tugged him down to my level.
Even in my heels I had to stretch onto my tiptoes. Before I was able to plant one on him, he tugged backwards and stared at me.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“You heard her.” I said, “There are rules. We have to follow them.”
He shook his head, “I don’t know the rules.”
I grinned, “Doesn’t matter. Kiss me.”
His eyebrows shot into his hairline and he smiled incredulously. He didn’t stop to pause for long before he was meeting me half way. Our lips met and electricity shot through me. I had no idea to know if he felt it too, but my body melted. I sagged against him, feeling as his arm slid across my lower back. He held me closer to him.
I let my fingers scratch at his neck and felt the shiver it sent down his spine. I grinned against his mouth and he reciprocated. I pushed hard into him, using my other hand to fist into his shirt. Getting carried away, I nipped on his lower lip. He opened his mouth in response and with a tentative taste, our tongues met.
He took control, exploring how far I’d let him go. I reacted positively eliciting a tiny moan. He delved his free hand into my hair. His fingers massaging against my scalp. I pushed against him, nearly knocking him backwards. We teetered for a moment before he caught out balance and held me still in front of him.
“Nestor,” Miguel spoke, popping our bubble, “I see you’ve met our special guest.”
We pulled apart. Nestor – as I just learned – tried to let go but I kept my arms around him. I wasn’t letting this man go. Not after a kiss like that. Nestor looked guilty as he met Miguel’s eyes. I arched one eyebrow, having caught on to the little power play.
“You planned this.” I interrupted.
Miguel chuckled, “You were always quick.”  
I pouted in thought, “What I want to know is how many other people did you force to kiss under this monstrosity?” I waved a hand up at the mistletoe above us, “Also how did you manage to get us both under here at the same time. What if I was under here with you? Or Emily for that matter?”
Miguel laughed and Emily’s joined in a second later. She slipped her arm through Miguel’s and patted her hand against his forearm. I let go of Nestor, allowing him to straighten out.
“Was I even meant to be doing security?” Nestor inquired.
Miguel shrugged, “No, but how else would I have gotten you here?”
I nodded, rolling my lips together. If they wanted to play it this way, then I’d step up. I grabbed Nestor’s hand, twining my fingers between his. He gazed down at me and I smiled at him. I tilted my head in the direction of the kitchen.
“Come on.” I goaded, “If they wanna play games, then let’s beat them at their own competition.” I tugged him along with me shouting behind me, “There better be tequila hidden somewhere in those cupboards.”
“Bottom left, next to the fridge.” Miguel called back.
Nestor laughed. He was in shock, but that wasn’t going to stop him from enjoying his night. Especially seeing as Miguel didn’t even need him to be working anyways. We reached the kitchen and Nestor, knowing his way around better than I did, grabbed four shot glasses while I bent to grab the Ley .925.
I smirked knowing that this particular tequila was the most expensive one in Mexico. Maybe in the world. Nestor lent me his hand, and I grabbed it as he helped hoist me back up. I licked my lips, and winked at him. He gave me a knowing grin. I handed him the bottle and he stopped for a split second. He recognized the brand as well.
“Don’t worry about it.” Emily said.
We both looked over to see her and Miguel smiling. I shook my head. The tequila was planted. It appeared that Miguel was trying for a repeat of that night so many years ago. I laughed and turned to Nestor, sliding the glasses in front of him. Having his permission, he popped the cork out and began pouring.
The four of us all took a glass.
“To happy endings!” Miguel toasted.
Nestor slipped his hand around my hips and tugged me towards him. I looked up at him and he smiled, “To happy beginnings!”
We all cheered and downed out shots. The second my glass was away from my mouth; Nestor was covering it his tongue searching. I opened up to him, tasting the alcohol on him. We could both hear Miguel and Emily cheering us on, but neither of us cared. We were too wrapped up in each other.
It may have been a dirty plan, but in the end it worked.
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Kiss me
Walking down the hallway I’m surprised to see the lights on in Nestor’s study, usually he comes in to kiss me as soon as he gets home.
I head into the kitchen, refilling my water glass before I head into his study, opening the door I see him sitting at his desk cradling an empty scotch glass.
Walking around I take the glass out of his hand placing it on his desk besides my water glass, pushing myself up on to his desk I gently stroke his cheek.
“Rough day?” I ask softly.
“Better now you’re here” he replies smiling up at me.
Rolling my eyes at him I lean down kissing him, his hands slide around my waist pulling off the desk and into his lap.
Straddling his waist, my hands lightly travel up and down the back of his neck as my tongue softly opens his lips.
His kisses are slow and delicate, as his fingers slide under my shirt, cool against my bare skin.
Twisting is braids through my fingertips, I gently tug pulling his head back, as I softly kiss down his jaw and throat.
His soft moans music to my ears as I kiss back up his neck, my teeth dragging along the delicate flesh. My lips finding his. His hands now wrapped up in my hair as he pulls me closer, kissing me harder than before, my hips grinding across his lap as the rhythm increases.
“Maybe we should go to bed” he moans, breaking the kiss.
“Or we could stay right here” I reply winking at him as I lean back into him kissing him.
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crimsonheart01 · 5 years
A burst of anguish fell from my lips and I screamed hysterically.
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NEW! First chapter of Stolen Paradise available now. Read it here: FFN, Ao3, or Wattpad Listen to the Playlist on: Spotify
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It’s my birthday y’all, here’s the first chapter of my newest fic!
Big ups to @thegirlwhowritesfics , @chaosinourbones , and @thats-so-rhyan who have taken the time out of their days to beta this for me. 
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