#nestor oceteva imagines
obsessedasusual · 7 months
Specific Skill Set - Nestor Oceteva
Pairing: Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Summary: Nestor tells you about his new employment opportunity.
Warnings: swearing
Note: Hehe… hi👀 Just popping in for my usual ‘dump and disappear again’ trick. Rewatched SOA recently and it… rehashed a lot of feelings😅 So enjoy some Nestor🥰
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“You think it’s a bad idea.” Nestor stated from his spot at the dining table.
You braced yourself against the kitchen bench, taking a break from stacking the dirty dishes to gather your thoughts.
Yes. You did think it was a bad idea. You truthfully thought it was downright stupid.
Nestor sat staring at you, waiting for you to react. Reacting was your strong point. Your face unfortunately lacked the ability to mask your emotions. Sad? People knew. Surprised? People knew. In disbelief over someone’s stupidity? People knew.
So now, as you took in and processed what your partner had just brought up with you, he sat with his eyes locked on your face. Waiting for the tell-tale flick of emotion.
“Nestor,” you turned to face him, “I don’t know if this is a good idea.”
He had already showered, eager to get out of his uniform and into ‘normal clothes’ as he put it.
When he’d got home that night you could tell straight away something was plaguing him. You’d finally got him to divulge all over dinner.
You crossed your arms over your chest before continuing, “You didn’t even like Marcus most of the time, remember?”
His eyes flicked to the ground before lifting back to you, “That’s history, we’re good now.”
When Nestor had told you he’d had a visit from Marcus Alvarez while at work today, you didn’t really know what to think. Then he continued and said Marcus had offered to bring him over to the Mayans, you’d abruptly stood and started clearing dinner.
“Nes, you were good with Miguel too… that - that hasn’t worked out so good.”
“That’s completely different.” He sighed.
“How?! You and Miguel were family, Nestor. And it all went to shit. You and Marcus hardly know each other-“
“This would be a better fit for me.” Nestor interrupted you, desperate for you to see his logic, “This is more my skill set, you can’t argue that.”
“This wouldn’t even be a job, Nestor. What you had with Miguel? It was horrible. I hated it. But it was a job. What you have now? Listen, I know you don’t like it… but for now it helps pay the bills. It’s only temporary.”
“I’m a fucking mall cop.”
You knew how hard it was for Nestor to go from his position of respect to a mall security guard, but when everything had blown up it was exactly what you needed - security. And truth be told, you had come to appreciate that these days you knew your partner was coming home on time and in one piece.
The knots in your stomach when he wouldn’t answer your call had finally disappeared. You ate normal couple meals at a normal time. But you knew Nestor wasn’t happy.
“Why don’t you look further into that security business idea? I think that could be the better route.” You tried to reason.
He sighed your name, “This is a better fit for me, you know that.”
“I don’t even know what the Mayans do, Nestor! Do you?! I know they ride around on motorbikes, you don’t own a bike! And you’d be starting as a prospect, how do you even make money?” You walked back to him at the table and took his hand, “I know you’re not happy where you are. I want you to be happy, Nestor. But… I don’t want to go back to not knowing if you were coming home again.”
You thought back to all the times Nestor had come home injured, or come home a day or two later than promised. The panic and dread that filled your entire being was something you never wanted to experience again.
Nestor gripped your hand and tugged you to stand between his knees, looking up at you, “I know - I know it was hard for you, me working with Miguel. But this is what I’m good at. I don’t have anything else.” You started to disagree but he jumped in again, “This wouldn’t be like before. I wouldn’t be splitting my time between here and Mexico. I’d be here. I’d be close.”
You sighed and lifted one hand to cup his face gently, brushing your thumb back and forth allowing this moment of peace between you.
You knew Nestor needed this.
But you also knew that you couldn’t sit by in a constant state of anxiety like before.
He could make all the promises in the world but you both knew it didn’t change the fact that he was diving straight back into the war zone.
Nestor may have forgotten about your little talk back when everything hit the fan with Miguel, the promises he’d made when you’d set new boundaries.
No more danger.
You couldn’t control whether he’d go with the Mayans. But you could control your response if he did. You knew, and he’d soon learn, that you would have no choice but to leave if he chose this path.
What’s the value in having boundaries if you didn’t?
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Hi. This is an ask for Nestor Oceteva ❤️ The prompt is: 12. You know that I won’t let you fall. Thank you so much.
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References to Nestor's art in Spray Paint  and to events in the upcoming Stockton!Series
Nestor becomes despondent after his paintings are destroyed. You’re hoping it’s a temporary thing, that he’s still processing the attack on your home but the door to the studio remains closed for weeks.
The place he loved has become a source of anguish for him now. Joining the MC instilled a sense of belonging, brothers stretched out across the country, supporting one another. Now when he looks at the ruined artwork all he sees is the betrayal. It doesn’t matter that it was another charter, the people who preached about loyalty and brotherhood had invaded his home, fired bullets into the bed where he’d been sleeping moments before.  
It’s hurts to see him like this, so quiet, so distant. Without painting he lives his life mechanically, going to work at the scrapyard, before he comes home and goes to bed. There are too many changes going on in his life right now and he’s waiting for the next threat because there’s going to be fall out from the way the MC’s shifting right now. Yuma may have fallen into line with Manny at the helm but there’s others that aren’t so forward thinking. Both Marcus and Bishop expect there to be some splinting. With no outlet the only way for Nestor to survive is to shut down and that’s what he’s doing.
He's resistant when you bring him to the empty shop alongside Nina’s tattoo parlour. The space has been vacant for a while, ever since the Galindo Agra Park collapse. The high street is just starting to rejuvenate, the influx of tourism from the Springtime Festival has boosted the economy and they’re starting to see small businesses pop up throughout the area.
“Mi Corazón.” He says wearily as he finds himself standing inside an empty, dusty shop with a paste table sitting in the middle. “What are we doing here?”
“You can’t paint at home. It’s not a safe space for you anymore.” You say softly before gesturing towards the doorway at the very back of the shop. “You need a change of scenery so I’ve set up an area for you upstairs, somewhere private where you can go and do whatever you want, when you want.”
Nestor doesn’t speak, instead he swallows hard against the ache of emotion in his chest as he crosses his arms over his chest and looks towards the boarded-up windows.
“The things that you’re feeling right now, the trauma of what happened, you need to work through that and the way you do that is through painting. I know things are hard for you right now, that you’re struggling but this is how you move past it.”
“What about the rest of it?” He asks you, gesturing at the space. “What are we supposed to do with the downstairs?”
You remove the lime green project book from your bag. The one that Nestor has been working from since he and David were kids. You’d found it when you were trying to put the remnants of your house back together, jammed between some of books that had been torn off the shelves. You remembered him showing it to you when you’d first moved in together.
A nonprofit art gallery, something that showcased the creativity in the community, that delivered programs to help kids channel their trauma, to create and build something from it.
You hadn’t realised how much work he’d put into over the past six months, how he’s refined the concept, included business projections, financial forecasts, marketing ideas. This is Nestor’s legacy you hold in your hands and the good it could do…
Right now, he can’t see past the turmoil he’s feeling, it’s too big, it needs to be taken a step at a time. However, this project book is an avenue to the future, a way to remind him that there’s life beyond that, that he’s more than just the man he is in this moment.
“When you’re feeling better, we should talk about this.” You say setting the project book on the rickety paste table. “About how we’re going to make it a reality.”
Love Nestor? Get added to his tag list!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
@anime-weeb-4-life @danzer8705 @drabbles-mc @alwaysachorusgirl @witches-unruly-heart @mysoulisasunflower @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @est1887 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @thanossexual @lexondeck @weiwei0210 @trublu2u @justreblogginfics @oklahomapeach @keyweegirlie @wnbweasley @skyesthebomb @msjava1972 @fleureeee @jp1019 @jeybae
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imagininghim · 1 year
Drunk Dialling
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A/N: I have heard the song Dial Drunk by Noah Kahan so much on Tik Tok lately. Everytime I hear it I picture Ez, so of course I had to make a story about it.
I hope you enjoy!
Like, comment, reblog!
~~ Flashback ~~
"Swear Ez, it's always the same with you!" She screamed at me, continuing to throw her clothes in a suitcase.
"Mi amour, please we can talk about this!" I said taking ahold of her wrist in attempt to stop her from packing.
"No! It's always the same with you! Club this, Angel that! When is it gonna be me?" She said pulling her wrist from my grasp. I stood there speechless, unsure of what to say. With a sigh, she threw the last of her clothes into the suitcase and zipped it up. "That's what I thought, goodbye Ezekiel." And with that, she picked up the suitcase and walked out the door.
I stayed there and watched her walk out, hoping I would wake up from this nightmare.
~~ End of flashback ~~
It was a regular Friday night at the club, we had been throwing another party. I was sitting at the bar alone, sipping on my fourth or fifth beer of the night when Angel approached me.
"When are you gonna stop sulking little bro? It's been a year, it's time to let her go." With a scoff, I picked up my beer and chugged the rest of it. Signalling the prospect to bring me another as Angel let out a sigh.
"I'm not sulking, I'm just not in a party kind of mood." I said simply.
"You're never in the mood for anything anymore. When are you gonna go back to being your old self again?" I scoffed back at him before taking my beer off the bar and making my way through the crowd. Hearing angel call my name, I ignored it and continued out through the door.
When I got outside, I took a seat on top of the stairs before chugging the rest of my beer and throwing away the empty bottle, the sound of glass shattering in the distance. I pulled my phone out of my jeans and began scrolling through my camera roll and looking at all the pictures of her and I.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear the door open and Angel come out.
"You wanna talk about it?" He said, taking the seat beside me on the steps. With a sigh, I slip my phone back into my pocket.
"I miss her." Staring straight ahead, I could feel Angel's eyes on me.
"I know you do, but you can't beat yourself up over it. It's been a year, it's time to move on! Fuck some other bitches and forget her!" I felt anger begin to boil up inside as I stood up and made my down the steps.
"You don't get it!" I snapped. With a sigh, Angel stood up and made his way down the steps and in front of me.
"What don't I get Ez? Huh?!" He snapped back poking at my chest. "It's been a year Ez, she's not coming back! You made your choice, it was her or the club and I know it hurts but you gotta let her fucking go. Ever since she left, all you've been doing is drowning your sorrows in a goddamn bottle instead of moving on!" Anger ran through my veins as I pushed against Angel.
"I can't! Why can't you get that?!" I screamed back at him. "It's not that fucking easy, I love her! Not a goddamn day goes by that I don't see her face, I look for her everywhere I go! I didn't even try to stop her." I felt tears begin forming in my eyes, "I jus- I just let her go, I let her walk out." Angel stared at me in silence. "Why did I let her go?"
"Come on, let's go back inside and forget this." I shook my head before walking past him and over to the steps.
"You go on without me." I said taking a seat. "I'll be in later." Without taking another look at Angel, I heard him let out a sigh before making his way up the steps and back into the club.
As the door closed shut, I pulled out my phone and went into my contacts. Hauling up her contact, I hovered my finger over her number, contemplating on making that call.
Letting the alcohol speak for me, I pressed down on the screen before pulling the phone up to my ear and hearing it ring.
ring... ring... ring... "Hey you reached (Y/N), leave a message and I'll call you back!"
"... Uh, hey... It's Ez... I just wanted to say... I miss you." And with that I hung up the phone. I rubbed my hand over my face, wondering if I was making a mistake leaving her a voicemail. Would she even listen to it? Or would she delete it and pretend I never called?
A million thought swirled around my head as I sat on the steps, the feeling of little wet droplets falling on my skin tore me away from my thoughts.
I let out a sigh, standing up and getting ready to head back into the club when I felt a vibration in my pocket.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)" Flashed across my screen. I slid my finger across the screen, answering the call and placing it against my ear.
"Ez... I miss you too..."
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Thy Art is Murder - A Nestor Oceteva/Reader Smut Short.
Just a little thing that popped into my brain, so I had to write it. Enjoy!
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Words - 451
Warnings - Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
He wore his hair down. You should have known right away at witnessing those onyx tendrils cascading around him like a dark halo that he’d seek to play your weaknesses. Every single one of them. Your body is the canvas on which he paints the most vivid of sins, your verbal reactions to them the symphonic accompaniment. If art is pleasure, then he is the truest master of such creation.
The bindings that fashion your wrists, intricate knots and twirls of rope binding you to the bed frame are replicated at each ankle, Nestor tying you so that you are a X upon his bed, the marked spot of where his focus draws, where he begins his creation. What he gives, you seek more, from his tongue and fingers to the soft caress of a feather, or the chilled, sharp kiss of a blade, he strokes you before you’re marked, pleasure prefacing the pain.
He maps out all areas with keen exploration, a tongue under the curve of each breast, fingertips stroking the arches of your feet, lips kissing the round of your knees, until he hears the strain against the ropes, the wordless beg for him to acquaint himself with you more intimately.  
"Little dove," he murmurs. "All you have to do is ask."
“Please, Nestor,” you grit, your body shuddering from the radiating hum of energy he’s slowly and carefully been building. “I need to feel you mouth lower.”
He pauses the decadent, slow trawling lick around your navel, dark eyes focusing on you. He then shifts, placing a kiss upon your hip. “Here?”
The action has you in spasm. “No.”
He smirks, his tongue rolling over the apex of your inner thigh. “Here?”  
He chuckles, his breath misting heat as he nears your folds, the scent of your arousal like summer wine to him, rich, full-bodied and so very sharply sweet. “Tell me where, mi amor.”
“Right on my clit. Please. Please!” you whimper.  
He kisses your folds, your nectar wetting his lips, repeating, watching the way the muscles in your abdomen bounce, before finally, his tongue grants what you so desire. The action sends warm wells of ecstasy tumbling through you, little pricks of pleasure melting down your spine, his tongue soft, circles drawn lazily over your bud. It’s gratification unmatched, but alas, not for nearly as long as you require.  
You whine, and he reprimands you, slapping your sex with the flat of his fingers. “Uh, uh,” he admonishes, moving to suck upon your nipple. “You will not be greedy. Understand?”  
“I do,” you breathe, his mouth meeting the juncture of your neck.
“Good,” he breathes, tongue moving to flick your earlobe. “Masterpieces always take time.”  
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thegirlwhowritesfics · 3 months
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Chapter Twenty-Seven is now live!
this is a long chapter and has a lot of violence, please read authors notes and take care of yourselves!
AO3 Wattpad
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iamaslutforcoffee · 1 year
Just Pretend
Chapter One:Princess of Santo Padre
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"Curiosity often leads to trouble"
-Alice in Wonderland (1951)
"¿Tienes algún plan hoy, niña?" (Do You have any plans today baby girl? ) My father asked as I helped him bring in my luggage to abuela's house and into the spare room.
I simply shook my head.
"No, other than going to lunch with Emily. You know she's going to have my head if I don't come meet her and Miguel's son" I replied, finishing off a tight dutch braid of my hair.
"¿Por qué? ¿El club me necesita?" (Why? Does the club need me?) I paused briefly.
He simply chuckled and came over to me, kissing the top of my head.
"tu dedicación a este club me hace pensar que eres miembro de este club" (Your dedication to this club makes me think you're apart of this club) he replied. I simply smiled and finished off the second braid.
"I'm going to head out, they need me in templo.. something about going to base town." He spoke, placing a kiss on my head and heading out the door.
I simply smiled and stood up, walking him to the door and making sure he put on his helmet when riding.
"You know, it's almost like you care about his safety more then me, Fleur" I heard from my best friend. I simply flipped him off.
"Angel, leave her alone. You and I both know she will gut you like a pig" my father spoke and I shook my head.
Its always these damn men.
As i finished getting ready for the day, my phone went off, noticing it was Emily I smiled and answered.
"If you're calling to ask me to babysit absolutely. I'll watch my god baby" I smiled, picking out the days outfit.
"I was actually calling to see if you wanted to have lunch. Miguel is busy doing some kind of work and I don't want to stay in the house with Dita.." Emily spoke, the irritation in her voice evident when she spoke of Dita.
"Emily.. I love you to death. But give me a break on the Dita thing. That's your mother in law..you have got to understand her side of things" I replied. I decided on a simple pair of leggings, a nice and flowy t shirt and a pair of converses. It was extremely hot today in Santo Padre, I wasn't going to try dying just because I wanted to look cute.
"Nicole.. I do understand her side. But she's just so... pushy. Its as if she wishes she was me instead of in her own position. " I could hear the frustration and decided just to bed it. I didn't want to deal with her anger.
"So, where for lunch?" I asked, grabbing my jacket and purse.
"Just here. If its okay, Nestor is picking you up on the way to Miguel."
I sighed. Nestor was Miguel's best friend, and he was merciless. A beautiful, but very troubled man. He was Miguel's right hand, and also his best friend.
As I went to go outside to my car Nestor was already there in the famous black escalade.
"Yeah, he's already here Em. I'll see you soon!" I smiled, hanging up.
I peered at Nestor, whom seemed to be as enthused with me as I was him.
"You gonna let me sit up front or am I still subjected to the back seat?" I asked. He stared me down, the dark orbs of his eyes peering back at me. He cracked a smile and shook his head.
"Always a pleasure, Fleur." He opened the passenger door and waited for me to get in.
" Don't call me that, Duendecillo" (gremlin) I climbed into my seat and put the seat belt on, not trusting his ability to drive. Nestor scoffed and rounded to the drivers side of the vehicle.
"You really ought to give him a chance, Nicole. Hes not that bad." I heard Miguel say from behind me.
"Jesucristo, Miguel. Tienes que dejar de hacerme esa mierda sabiendo muy bien que tengo un corazón débil." (Jesus christ, miguel. You have got to stop doing that shit to me knowing damn good and well I have a weak heart.)
Miguel laughed, shaking his head. Nestor got into the vehicle and put his sunglasses back on, pulling out of the driveway.
"And give him a chance for what? To teach me how to braid my own hair?" I turned in my seat to face my bestfriends husband. I started playing with the end of Nestor's braid, much to his disapproval. I smiled and yanked it a bit, just for him to turn his attention towards me and give me a look that would normally make me melt, but only added fuel to the fire.
"I can't wait to kill you" he simply spoke, and I sat back in my seat.
"First of all, you can't. Emily would have your head and bitch to Miguel which we both know won't go over well. Secondly, where the fuck are you driving? Did you braid your hair too tight because this isn't the way to the estate" I replied. It wasn't a lie.. we weren't even headed in the same direction as Emily and Miguel's home was.
Miguel coughed uncomfortably in his seat, and I looked at him through the mirror. His eyes screamed for me to just please give him a break from our bickering and I sighed, knodding.
Eventually we did stop at an abandoned building, and a group of motorcycles stood outside the entrance.
"Wait, Miguel. Why is my father and the MC here? What's going on?" I asked, turning in my seat.
"It's just a small detour for buisness. I asked the MC for a favor on something and they simply complied. I hope you don't mind.. I can have Nestor drive you to Emily and Cristobal shortly.." he continued but I shrugged.
"No, it's ok. I can visit my father for some more time. " I smiled quickly and got out of the vehicle, being met by my tio bishop.
"Niña, ¿qué haces aquí?" (Baby girl, what are you doing here?) He asked, giving me a quick hug. He was always so protective of me, especially since his son, my cousin, passed away a few years ago. I think he took to me as if I was his own daughter..which was fine. Between him, my father and tio Marcus I was the princess of the Mayans.
"Quick detour, I was on the way to visit Emily. They picked me up. " I replied, looking quickly at Nestor and Miguel.
My eyes set on Nestor, who was standing against the vehicle. His eyes seemed to be trailing me, and as they set on mine he quickly turned his attention away.
We walked in and there was a bigger man tied to a church pew, this must of been what my father was talking about when he said that they were going to Base Town. For some strange reason, Miguel put on a yellow rain coat and it made me giggle.
"Look at him! He looks like he's going to audition for the role of georgie in IT" I quietly spoke to Angel, causing him to giggle.
"Nikki, stop." He replied and I couldn't help myself, I kept going.
"What? Look at him! He about to start singing and shit about dancing in the rain!" I replied, laughing harder. The attention in the room turned to us and I shrugged.
"My apologies" I very quickly spoke, Nestor looking at me with an annoyed look on his face. I shook my head at him and flipped him off, adding what ever fuel to a fire i could.
Miguel turned back to the bound man, starting to question him.
"You ever meet her?" He asked, crossing his hands infront of him.
"Never in person. She'd give us a call or a text, gave us a drop point" the man replied.
"Indio Quarry. We used proxies to drop off the drugs, pick up the cash. Never saw a face..no names.."
Nestor grabbed a bag off of the table behind him, handing it and its contents to Miguel.
"Found this in your jeep. Payment?"
"She didn't tell us it was the cartel..I swear" the man replied.
"Bullshit, your men were told of the fact it was the Galindo Cartel when they robbed the MC. "I spat out, getting annoyed.
"Not now, Fluer. Please. " Miguel spoke to me, turning his attention back to the man.
"Was she.. American?" Miguel spoke.
"No.. spoke English, but she was latina i think. Young. She sounded young. " the man replied. He looked so scared, but I knew it was a guise. I walked to Nestor who was playing with various knives, and picked up a machete.
"Unless you plan on getting your shirt stained and having a meltdown, put it down." Nestor spoke, not bothering to even look at me.
"Nestor, I think you did your braids too tight. You're forgetting I don't have meltdowns over blood on me.. you forget so easily." I cupped his face, smiling.
I walked away from him with the weapon in hand, towards the man. As Miguel turned around I lifted the weapon, and swung it down on the man's arm. He cried out in pain, obviously. His blood splattered on my face, my clothes..
Some of the Mayans who weren't familar with me looked at me in terror, my father simply shook his head and Miguel sighed, shaking his head.
"Nicole... we have people for that. " he spoke, but I put my hand up.
"He basically took food out of Cristobal's tummy. It needed to be done. Besides.. pigtails over there shouldn't be the only one to have fun" i replied. I walked back over to Nestor smiling. The look in his eyes was something different and I just stared at him, using his button up to wipe the blood off my face quickly.
"Dont ever doubt me again, pigtails. " I said quietly to him and walked back outside.
This was going to be fun.
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Yours, Mine, Ours
Nestor Oceteva x F!Reader
Inspired by Day 1 of the August Prompts: sunglasses
Warnings: none...just the fact that I haven’t written for Nestor in eons lmao
Word Count: 1k
A/N: Guess who is a glutton for punishment and is going to try and do another month-long marathon of writing a fic a day??? It’s me! I did it last year with the July Prompts and enjoyed it so we’ll see if I can get another streak going. Here’s to day one! Enjoy some little soft slice of life with Nestor. 🥰
General Mayans Taglist: @buckybarneshairpullingkink @thesandbeneathmytoes @paintballkid711 @queenbeered @kelpies-shed @sesamepancakes @yourwonkywriter @chibsytelford @gemini0410 @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @amorestevens @twistnet @garbinge @themoonandthewicked @bucky-iss-bae @encounterthepast @bport76​ @rosieposie0624​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ @choochoo284​ @blessedboo​ @holl2712​ @lakamaa12​ @masterlistforimagines​ @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @withmyteeth​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @punkgoddess-98​ @black-repunzel99​ @lexondeck​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @slut-bitch-brat​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ @angelreyesisdaddy04​ @mijagif​ @frattsparty​ @winchestershiresauce​ @bellisperennis0​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @mveggieburger​ @thanossexual​ @xeniarocks​ @littlekittymeow​ @beardsanddetectives​ @bruxasolta​ @passionatewrites​ (If you want to be added to my taglist, please let me know!)
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You were lingering by the front door, keys in hand while you waited for him to finish getting ready. You could hear him shuffling around the house as he looked for something. The number of times you’d heard him huff out little sighs of frustration was far too high, but you had to admit that each time it happened you got a bit of a laugh out of it.
Walking out of the hallway, he looked around for a moment as he spoke, “Have you seen my—” he stopped himself short when he finally looked at you, the answer to his question immediately staring him in the face.
You smiled, tilting your head slightly, “Seen your what?”
All of the annoyance immediately faded from his face as he walked over to you, tapping the pair of yellow shades that were resting on top of your head, “I told you, I’ll get you your own pair.”
You chuckled, shaking your head, “But I don’t want my own pair, I just want to keep stealing yours.”
He rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face as he went to reach for the sunglasses, “But I want to be able to wear my own gla—”
You didn’t let him finish the sentence as you gently grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand down away from your head and pulling him closer to you in the process so you could kiss him on the lips. You could feel the way he smiled against you, and the second you felt his arm loop around the small of your back you knew that you weren’t going to have to give him his glasses back any time soon.
Pulling your lips off of his, you looked at him with a smile, “What were you saying?”
He rolled his eyes at the way you batted your eyelashes at him, but he knew that there was no way he was going to be able to tell you no. He gave you a light peck on the lips, “Nothing,” he swiped the keys from you with a laugh, “Let’s go.”
“I said I could drive!” you chuckled as you followed him out the front door.
“You can’t wear my glasses and drive my car,” he joked as he hit the unlock button on his keys.
“Fine,” you dramatically opened the passenger-side door with a laugh as you swung yourself into the passenger seat on the SUV.
As the two of you cruised down the road, you slowly got more and more settled in the passenger seat. You propped your feet up on the dashboard as you pulled your phone out, scrolling through to find the right playlist for the drive. You felt the way Nestor kept glancing over at you, and you were expecting him to reach over and pull on your legs so that your feet weren’t up on the dash anymore, but instead he just rested his hand on your thigh, giving your leg a light squeeze. You smiled, resting one hand over his as you finally picked a song.
Any time the two of had to drive somewhere that was more than forty minutes away, you always ended up falling asleep. That was half the benefit of Nestor always being the one to drive—you usually got to take a little bit of a nap. If anyone ever had to sit in the passenger seat after you they most likely sank at first with how you had the seat pushed back and angled. Nestor always said that he never understood how it could be comfortable, how you could wake up and not have insane neck problems, but it worked for you.
This wasn’t any different than the other times he drove. Soon enough, you were passed out in the seat beside him, head resting back against the seat. He knew that you fell asleep the second your hand slipped from resting on top of his. Sparing a glance over at you, he couldn’t help the small chuckle that slipped past his lips. It was a sight that never got old.
You turned your head in your sleep, the shift in angle causing the sunglasses on top of your head to slip down and land over the bridge of your nose. The sudden feeling of them on your face snapped you awake from your nap, jolting you upright as your eyes popped open. You blinked hard a couple times and when you finally started to really come around, you could hear Nestor’s laughter from the driver’s seat.
Sneaking your fingers underneath the lenses of the shades you were wearing, you rubbed at the corners of your eyes, “How long was I asleep for?”
He shook his head, “Not long.”
“Are we almost there?”
He chuckled at how sleepy you still sounded, “Almost, yea. We got about twenty minutes left.”
“Hm,” you adjusted the glasses so that sat better on your nose, “Not long enough for another nap.”
He shook his head, eyes focused on the road, “Probably not.”
You readjusted your seat, sitting up a little straighter now that you were going to be awake and somewhat alert for the rest of the ride. You reached over, resting your hand over his on top of the center console. He didn’t turn to look at you, but you could see the small, satisfied smile on his face.
“Do me a favor?” he asked.
“Sure, what’s up?”
He nodded towards the glove compartment, “Open that up for me?”
Reaching forward, you popped it open, the door of it dropping down. There was a mess of papers haphazardly stuffed in there, but you also noticed a pair of sunglasses as well. Not the same type of yellow shades that you had taken from him, but just the typical darkly tinted kind.
He nodded again, “Grab those for me?”
You laughed as you reached for them and handed them over to him, “All the times you’ve given me shit about taking these, and you had a backup pair?”
He laughed as he put them on, “I give you shit because they’re mine, not because I don’t have any other pairs.”
“If you have other pairs, can’t these just be ours?”
He shook his head, and even though you couldn’t see it to be sure, you were fairly certain that he rolled his eyes, “No.”
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happysoldlady · 1 year
Coney Island Part 2 - Nestor Oceteva
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a/n: I'm back! Also, I wish I could tell you what this is but I can't. Y'all said you liked this concept so here's a part two. I'm on a real Nestor kick lately. Mans has got me in a grip. Enjoy!
warnings: NSFW!!, fem! reader, brief mentions of violence/abuse
"Fuck, dulce." Nestor groans, rolling his hips against yours, his fingers buried deep in your hips for leverage. He takes pleasure in the way your face relaxes into ecstasy every time his dick meets that spongy spot inside of you. The way your eyebrows furrow as he pulls out, and the rolling of your eyes to the back of your head as he presses back in, moving a thumb to roll over your clit. He feels your pussy clench around him as you reach to touch any part of him. Your nails find his chest, and he lets out a deep groan as you run them down his skin. He picks up the pace on his strokes, keeping the same tempo on your clit, leaving you a withering mess below him. Moments later, the two of you reach your climax together, Nestor then collapsing onto the bed next to you. His chest rising and falling as he tries to settle his breathing, his eyes finding your profile as you take a minute to breathe, your hands lying idly on your chest, eyes closed in relaxation.
Following the incident last month of the two of you being kidnapped, you had found yourselves making up for lost time in the bedroom (and on the kitchen table, bathroom sink, against the wall in the foyer, ottoman in the living room...wherever, really). It had been probably a year since the two of you had had this much sex. Being busy with work, and oddly disconnected from one another had pushed you to opposite sides of your king-sized bed, not sharing it at all some nights. But for the last few weeks, Nestor seemed eager to get home if not for any other reason than to bury himself in you. And well, who would turn down an orgasm from the man you love? However, should the two of you probably talk things through? Absolutely. Were you going to do it while Nestor is fucking your brains out? Absolutely not.
You peel your eyes open, and turn your head, meeting his dark eyes that beam at you with affection. You find yourself wondering if he's always looked at you that way, and if that look will fade when the post-nut clarity comes.
"Te amo." He mutters, as one of his hands reaches out to brush a piece of hair out of your face. He leans over and presses a soft kiss to your head. And then, he's up. He strolls to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
You let out a breath, setting up in the bed and pulling a robe around your body. The sex...well, it's great. It's always been great, but sex feels like a band-aid for the disconnect. Nestor comes inside you and then goes off to work while you wait for him to come home and do it again. There is very little conversation...or apologizing.
You hear the shower turn on and let out a breath. A grumbling in your stomach reminds you that you should probably eat something. You slip on a pair of shorts and are digging through the fridge to find ingredients when you hear a rustling outside. Your insides freeze, and you lift your head to look outside your kitchen window. Nothing. You take a breath and shake your head, going back to your search when you hear it again.
“What the fuck?” You mutter under your breath. Taking no chances this time, you scurry back to your bedroom and bang on the bathroom door. “Nestor!!”
The panic in your voice damn near makes him panic. He quickly rinses the suds off his body and turns the water off. He wraps a towel around himself and unlocks the door.
“What’s wrong, mi amor?” He gives you a once over, noticing the way your chest is heaving up and down in a panic. You slip into the bathroom with him, and shut the door making Nestor’s brows furrow.
“I heard something outside.” You rush out, hushed.
“What was it? Like a person?” He asks, leaning over to open the door to go check.
“No, no, no. Don’t go out there.” You say quickly, grabbing his hand before he can turn the doorknob.
His gaze softens and he raises his eyebrows. “Mi dulce, you know I’m not the type to sit here and wait it out.”
You shake your head, swallowing hard. “I just don’t want them to find us again.”
Nestor grabs your wrist and pulls you into his chest. He’s still wet from his shower but you don’t mind. He holds you there for a second and you feel him press a kiss to your head. He knows you’ve been stressed since the incident. He’s watched as you glance around, rushing to the door of your home. He’s seen the panic on your face when you can’t find him at work events. Your newfound hyper-vigilance has not gone unnoticed by him.
“Mi amor, no podemos vivir nuestras vidas con miedo de algo que puede suceder o no.” Nestor says, taking your face into his hands. “I protected you then, and I’ll protect you now. Always.”
A shaky breath escapes past your lips and your eyes dance between his in uncertainty. You open your mouth to reply but his lips come down to your own for a few seconds.
“I’ll get dressed and take a look around. Give me five minutes.” He mumbles against your lips and then disappears before you can protest.
Ten minutes later, you are pacing around your living room, biting at your nails. The fear of not knowing if something actually was out there is starting to get the better of you when Nestor slips back inside. He slips his shoes off at the door and then meets your worried gaze.
His gaze meets your and he gives you a small smile. “The coast is clear, mi dulce.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and take a seat on the couch. Nestor’s eyebrows furrow as he watches your head fall into your hands. He crosses the floor and kneels down in front of you, his hands coming up to hold yours.
“I would never let anything happen to you. You know that, don’t you?” Nestor questions, his eyes searching yours.
You want to reassure him. Tell him that you’re sleeping well and that you know he would never let anything happen to you. But the look in his eyes when those guys threw you into that van haunts you. He was helpless. And you were helpless. And there was absolutely nothing that he could do to maintain your safety. Especially after they separated the two of you.
Your mouth opens to whisper the lie to him, to tell him that you have faith in him but the words die on your tongue and his face twists in confusion.
“Hey,” Nestor breathes out, moving to sit next to you on the couch. You turn your body to face him, your hands falling to tug on your fingers. “What’s happening in that head of yours?”
You look up at him, your hands gripping onto each other to stop the shaking. “Something already did happen. And we couldn’t do anything.”
Nestor shakes his head. “You are safe now. You were always going to be okay. I would have never let them actually hurt you.”
“They did hurt me.” You whisper, looking away from him. “They did. And you weren’t there. You were in the van. And it’s not your fault and I’m not blaming you because you are just a human being. But I’m afraid, Nestor. All the time.”
Nestor’s heart shatters in his chest. You’ve been together for years, and no it’s not always been the perfect relationship but the love he has for you is deep and unrelenting. Never did he think that fear would be the thing you felt while with him.
He takes your hands gently into his, pressing a kiss to each of them and then meeting your gaze. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you then. I tried.”
You shake your head and it’s your turn to take his face into your hands. “No, no, no. You did everything you could and I know that. And I love you for it. And I feel the most safe when I’m here with you. That’s not at all what I’m saying.”
His eyebrows are furrowed and he shakes his head. “What else can I do to make you feel safe? More boxing training? Do we need to find a new house?”
The desperateness in Nestor’s voice breaks your heart and you shrug, “Those might help. We can try them.”
He nods at you, his hands grabbing at you and pulling you onto his lap. His arms wrap around your waist and he holds you close to him. The two of you sit like this for a while. Probably too long, but despite your anxiety, you really do feel safest in his arms.
“Do you want to talk about how they hurt you?” Nestor mumbles against your chest after a while. You lean back so you can meet his gaze. His dark eyes are somehow even darker and you lean down to catch his lips with your own.
“Yes. But I don’t want the details to hurt you.” You mumble, using your hands to smooth over his hair.
He shakes his head, “Don’t worry about me, mi amor. I want to know.”
So you do. You sit in his lap and tell him everything. The pain, the fear, the shooting. Their greedy hands grabbing at you and making innuendos toward further abuse. The way they kept laughing that Nestor couldn’t help you. By the time you’ve told him everything, you can feel Nestor’s anger buzzing under his skin.
His arms tighten around your waist and he buries his face in your chest. "I should've ripped them limb from limb."
You let out a quiet chuckle and press a kiss to the top of his hair. "And I know you would have if you had known."
Nestor leans his head back against the couch, deep in thought. You trace a finger along his jawline and wait for him to gather his thoughts. Several minutes later, he meets your gaze and you don't recognize the look on his face.
"Do you remember that apartment you lived in when we first met?" He asks, one of his hands coming up to smooth down your hair. You nod, silently wondering where he's going with this.
"I remember the first time you invited me over." He starts, his fingers playing with the ends of your hair. "I was so nervous. Worried that this life wasn't going to be what you wanted, and absolutely positive that it wasn't what you deserved. I walked into that apartment and it was in one of the shittiest neighborhoods in Santo Padre and somehow, you had made it nice. The walls painted a green color and plants everywhere. You were wearing these baggy pants with a white shirt and denim button-up thing, and you offered me lemonade." Nestor lets out a laugh at the memory, as if it's the most absurd thing he's ever heard. "No one has ever looked at me and thought to offer me lemonade."
You smile, "I just didn't want you to be thirsty."
Nestor's eyes lighten up as he laughs. "You're the most effortlessly thoughtful person that I know." His face grows serious and then he closes his eyes. "I know that this past year has not been easy. And I know that I have driven you to some dark places in your mind and I can never apologize enough."
You wait for him to finish, your fingers running up and down his arm in an attempt to comfort him as he speaks.
"I can't promise you that people like those pieces of shit won't hurt you again, mi amor. I wish I could. I can promise you that I will die trying to stop them." He says seriously, his eyes locked onto yours. "And if you want to leave and get out of this shit, I won't stop you. Hell, after the year we've had I wouldn't blame you."
Your face crumples at his suggestion. You shake your head at him, leaning down to press a kiss to his mouth. Nestor's hands find your waist and squeeze as you deepen the kiss. Your hands tangle into his hair and tug as you resituate yourself on his lap. Nestor lets out a deep groan, and you feel him pressing against you.
You grind down onto him, his lips trailing down your neck, suckling onto the skin there. You're breathless by the time his lips find yours again and he lifts your legs, laying your back down gently on the couch. Your robe falls open and he quickly undoes the tie, his dark eyes trailing over you.
You shrug off the robe and toss it onto the floor, reaching down to remove Nestor's shirt and then his shorts. His lips find yours again and his hand trails up your leg. He revels in the sound you make when his fingers brush over your sex. He removes his lips from yours and trails them down your body. He lines his mouth up to your sex and licks a long stripe up, his tongue focusing on your clit. Your hands find his hair again and you let out a moan. His lips wrap around your clit and he inserts a finger into you. Then another.
"Oh my fuck." You curse, your back arching at his assault. Nestor continues for several minutes, adding another finger which causes you to cry out. The familiar pleasure builds in your lower abdomen and you moan out his name as the pressure snaps.
His fingers fuck you through your orgasm and then he comes up, kissing you and allowing you to taste yourself on him. You groan, gripping onto his back. You can feel him pressing into your leg and spread your legs further to accommodate him.
"Hmmm, always so thoughtful." He mutters against your lips. You grin and urge him forward. "What is it? What do you want?"
"I want you to fuck me." You mumble, tugging lightly on his hair. He growls, and teases his tip at your entrance. One of his hands come up to rest against your throat. He meets your gaze and tightens his grip as he sheathes himself inside you.
"Oh fuck, Nestor." You moan out, your back arching against him. He lifts his hip and thrusts back into you. Hard. The sound that comes from his throat damn near makes you come right then and there.
Nestor sets a quicker pace than usual, never letting up pressure on your throat in a positively delicious way. His eyes stay locked on yours, silently checking in on you as he watches your mouth drop open in pleasure.
"Fuck mi amor, you look so fucking good like this." He grumbles, his mouth coming to make its assault on your ear.
You let out a moan and reach a hand down to your clit. The familiar twinge of pleasure begins to build again and you let out a louder moan.
"That's it, mi dulce. Go ahead and fucking come for me." He coaxes, his hand tightening some on your throat. Your orgasm washes over you in waves and Nestor fucks you through all of them before reaching his high as well.
He pulls out of you slowly, immediately removing his hand from your throat. His eyes meet yours and he presses a kiss to your lips, grinning at the fucked-out look on your face. He settles himself between your legs and rests his head on your bare chest.
Several minutes pass before anyone speaks, but oddly enough, Nestor is the first to break the silence. "I don't want you to think that I'm complaining but you didn't answer my question."
You let out a giggle and shake your head, "There's no one else in the world I want to have near-death experiences with. Let's just maybe get a camera on the front door or something."
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band--psycho · 7 months
New Character Update
So there's a few characters that I've been meaning to write for, I have a few ideas of my own but I would love to get some requests for them!!
The new character are:
LT. Simon 'Ghost' Riley - Modern Warfare
CPT. John Price - Modern Warfare
Alucard (Adrian Tepes)- Castlevania
Treveor Belmont - Castlevania
Gilber 'Gilly' Lopez - Mayans M.C
Hank Loza - Mayans M.C
Angel Reyes- Mayans M.C
Nestor Oceteva - Mayans M.C
As I said before I would love to get some requests for any of the characters above (the requests can be fluffly, angsty, smutty, or a mixture of all of them if you wish).
I will be continuing to post the stories for my 3.6k drabble challenge in the mean time so stay tuned for those as well!
Thank you all for your continued support! 💛
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nestor423 · 6 months
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frattsparty · 3 years
My Heart Needed You Part 10
AN: I felt like we deserved some smut and fluff, so this one is nothing but that 🥰 next chapter prepare yourselves, we are getting answers anddddd there may be an appearance by some of our favorite people from Charming 👀 also this hasn’t been edited, I decided to post randomly when I got up this morning. just winging all the things.
warnings: unprotected sex and all that goes with that, so if you’re under 18 please leave.
tag list: @nessamc @lexondeck @redpoodlern @chibsytelford @thegirlwhowritesfics @withmyteeth
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Before you and Nestor could get too comfortable your stomach growled loudly, causing him to chuckle.
“Let’s go get dinner, Mikey and Em are doing their own thing and the guys are all here with them.” He said while lightly rubbing your back.
“Where are you going to take me, Mr. Oceteva?” You look at him through your lashes and don't miss the corners of his mouth lift slightly.
“Hmmm what if I didn’t plan to take you out but took you home and cooked for you instead?”
Your face lit up, one of his secret talents that Miguel definitely didn’t take advantage of is his cooking ability. “I guess that will do.” You respond dramatically with a giggle.
Patting your butt he laughs with you, “put some pants on.”
Reluctantly you pull yourself from his arms and put on a pair of leggings deciding to switch his shirt for one of your own and your tennis shoes.
“Ready,” you say, grabbing his hand and pulling him from the bed.
Walking out of the house hand in hand, he opens the door to the Escalade for you and then joins you on the driver's side. In no time you pull into the driveway of his house.
You both make your way to the kitchen and he motions for you to sit up at the bar while he opens a bottle of wine, and brings you a glass.
Nestor is moving around the kitchen with ease pulling everything together to make you chicken Alfredo, your favorite food. He always complained when you were dating and he cooked for you that it was boring and not fancy, but he would still make it for you whenever he planned an at home date for the two of you.
You watch him for a while before you move from your seat and go stand behind him at the stove, wrapping your arms around his middle as he stirs together his homemade sauce. “It smells so good, baby.”
He reaches to grab a spoon, dipping it in the sauce and turns, putting the spoon at your lips, “but how does it taste?”
You open your lips taking a taste, and you let out a satisfied moan. “Mmm as good as it always did.”
Leaving a light kiss to your lips he turns back to the stove, and you jump up to sit on the counter beside him. Needing to be closer to him.
You enjoyed watching him cook, he always looked so peaceful in the kitchen. His love of cooking came from his Abuela, they had a bond like no other.
The first time you met her the two of you were 8 years old and visiting her in Mexico with his family. She pulled the two of you in the kitchen to help cook after you had gotten yourselves in trouble. Her form of punishment turned into a day of fun, laughter, and learning her way of doing things in the kitchen. Over the years she had shared all of the secrets that were passed to her from her mother to you and Nes.
“Oh my little Nestor, you are doing so well, you are going to make some girl very happy someday,” she said as she kissed his cheek, and gave you a wink causing your cheeks to heat up. His smile couldn’t have gotten any bigger than it was in that moment. Nestor’s parents weren’t always the best at encouraging or giving praise, but his Abuela always made sure he knew she was proud of him.
You looked at Nestor standing at the stove and you feel so much love for him, and you are stuck on the words his Abuela said all those years ago, he did make some girl happy, you.
“Your Abuela would be proud of you,” his face lights up just at the mention of her, “and she was right about you,” pausing to peck his lips. “You did make some girl very happy.”
He smiles at your words, his full smile, you can feel the happiness it holds.
“She was right about you too.” He smirks as he moves to stand between your spread legs.
You lift your eyebrows in question, “what did she say about me?”
“Just that you loved me, she could see it in your eyes from the first time she met you that you and I were meant to be.” He took your hand, “she said that any girl who would spend summers in her little house in Mexico to make her best friend happy, was more than a best friend and I needed to grow up and make a move.”
You giggled at that, she never did hide her intentions. She was always trying to find Niko a good girl, because the girls he was finding in California were “no good” in her words.
“She wasn’t wrong,” you look into his eyes which are level with yours. “I’ve always loved you, even when you didn’t know you loved me.”
“Okayyy just because it took me so long to say it doesn’t mean I didn’t always love you.” He looks at you with a dramatic eye roll.
Now you are full on laughing, pulling him to you for a kiss. “You’ve always been better at showing your love, and I’m sorry I haven’t always appreciated that.” You lean forward leaving another kiss on his lips.
“You’re pretty easy to love.” He pecks your lips, but you don’t let him pull away. Wrapping your legs tightly around his waist and your arms around his neck you hold him to you kissing him deeply.
You stay that way for a few moments before you both stop for air. “Okay now, let’s eat before your stomach growls at me again.” He breathes out.
You hop down, grabbing the wine and your glass and one for him too, heading to the counter where he was setting plates of pasta down.
“Oh my gosh this looks so good,” you sing out as you do a little dance in your seat. “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome! It’s nice to have someone to cook for.” He looks over at you with a soft smile.
“So you haven’t used this skill to charm any ladies?” You look at him with a questioning look. Not sure if you want to know the answer to this.
Shaking his head, “No, there was never a girl I was willing to bring back here. This was our place so it felt wrong to ever have some other girl here.”
You nod and smile, “poor girls, missed out on your best feature.”
“Please, I have many other features you enjoy to take advantage of…often.” You could feel the smug look on his face.
“You are a man of many talents, baby.” You reach over squeezing his thigh.
As the two of you finish your meal you take the dishes, ignoring Nestor’s protests that he is doing the washing. So you compromise and he sits at the bar and watches as you quickly load the dishwasher and wipe down the counters.
You make your way to the living room and notice boxes in front of the couch, “what’s all of this?”
“All of our photos and things you had on the walls here. I thought you may want some for your new house.” Smiling, he grabs your hand and pulls you to sit on the couch with him.
Point to a box against the wall, “that one is all of your diplomas and graduation things, I packed them up for you and I always meant to take it to your parents but I couldn’t face them.” You squeezed his hand tightly and then went on to the first box and were shocked at the first picture you pulled out.
“Oh my God, Nestor!” You slap his thigh hard in excitement. “I love this one so much, I was just thinking about this day while you were cooking”
It was you, him, and his Abuela in her tiny kitchen, both of you with flour on your cheeks, huge smiles and her hugging you closely.
“She was one of a kind.” He said you can see the love in his eyes, and a little bit of sadness too. Losing her was difficult for him,you weren’t sure he would ever get through it, “did I ever tell you what she said to me when we graduated high school?”
You shook your head as you pulled out a few other photos, but your focus was still on his Abuela, “well, she said that I should marry you, get you pregnant and name the baby after her.” You burst out laughing because that is exactly something she would say. “She knew Niko wasn’t going to be bringing her a great grand baby anytime soon, so she was banking on us.” He is laughing so hard he barely gets the words out.
“Oh my gosh she did not! Everyone wanted us pregnant so fast back then.” You both look at each other, smiles on your faces. “but in reality I always planned to name our daughter after her.” His eyebrows shot up at your confession, you’d never told him this plan all the times you had talked about babies. “She was the sweetest, and she loved you more than anyone else I think, and the same could be said for you. She was your person Nes, you loved her with your whole heart.” You smile at him again, cupping his cheek, leaving a soft kiss on the other.
You spent the next hour going through all of the photos laughing about the stories behind them, shedding a few tears when certain pictures came up, but enjoying the trip down memory lane. You made a stack of photos you wanted at the new house and Nestor promised to go with you in a few weeks when the house is ready to put them up.
“Thank you for this, Nes.” You whisper as the two of you laid on the couch, your back to his chest, resting between his legs.
“I knew a night in was exactly what you needed,” he mumbles into your hair and leaves a kiss on the top of your head. “I love you.”
You cuddle in closer, holding on to the arm he has wrapped around your chest. “I love you too, Mr. Oceteva.”
You stayed on the couch holding each other for a little longer before you both decided to head back to Miguel and Emily’s. You are going out of town for a couple of days so you needed to be there to pack early tomorrow.
“We should move in here when you get back from your trip, you can stay until your house is ready,” Nestor states as the two of you buckle up for the drive back. “You don’t have to decide now, but think about it.”
You look up at him, he has a soft smile on his face and you can tell he is serious about this.”I think I like that idea, Nes.” You quickly lean over and kiss the corner of his mouth then start kissing down his neck, other hand roaming up his thigh. “Mi Amor, if you keep doing this we aren’t making it out of the driveway,” he breathes out.
Laughing, you made your way back to your seat, “I mean we could have some fun in the car like we used to.” He turned his head smirking at you, for the teen years of your relationship you always had to use the car. Between your parents and his brother, privacy felt limited in either house. Nikos' love for you was endless like any older brother, and he was never okay with you and Nestor’s intimacy so if he could intervene he did. “We’re a little bigger than we were back then you know,” shrugging, “but the car’s bigger than it was back then.”
He immediately puts the car back in park right there in the driveway. You’re grinning, moving quickly to pull your leggings and underwear off, “front or back, Nes?”
“Front, get on my lap.” He pulls his seat belt off, as you make your way over, hands immediately going to his belt and zipper. He lifts his hips so you can pull him free from his pants. Grabbing you, he pulls you forward to straddle him. Working him with your hands, while his fingers find your entrance making sure you are ready for him. Slowly you sink down on him, causing both of you to moan loudly. Your hands land on his shoulders, his on your hips.
Taking control Nestor begins pulling your hips up and pushing them back down on him as he thrusts up, his pace is hard and fast, you were gasping as he hit your g spot with each thrust.
“Fuck Nes,” you moan out as your body starts to tighten with pleasure.
You lean down kissing up his neck, focusing on his tattoo. You leave little bites along the journey from his neck to his jaw, getting to his ear where you kiss and lick the shell, “cum for me Nes, I want to feel you fill me up baby.”
He grabs your hips tighter holding them down and he trusts up hard, both of you finding your release. “Hails, car sex with you is even better than I remember.” He smacks your ass causing you to let out an involuntary moan and to squeeze him since he is still inside you, and you both make eye contact.
He moves a hand to your neck squeezing slightly causing you to let out another moan, and he’s quickly pulling your face to his and kisses you hard.
“Get in the back, face down ass up, baby.” He said. Before you climb over the seats you take your shirt and bra off, while he finishes getting his pants off and removes his shirt.
You are both climbing into the back like a couple of teenagers, and are immediately all over each other.
Nestor has you pushed into the seat, as he roughly thrusts into you. “Fuck you feel so good, Hails.”
Reaching your hand back you grab his forearm to ground yourself as he roughly thrusts in and out. “Harder, Nes..I need more,” you gasp out.
Grabbing your hands he moves them to your hips and puts his over yours, holding you tightly as his thrusts become harder, deeper and deliberate. With nothing to hold you steady you are depending on your legs and Nes to keep you up.
The car smells like sex, the only sounds that can be heard is skin on skin, your gasps and moans, and Nestor’s grunts. You can’t even put together a coherent sentence. He's making you feel so good. “You’re close, Hails, I can feel you.”
You're shaking, barely able to keep yourself up on your legs. “Please.. please ..please Nes,”
Nestor stops moving, causing you to whimper, “I got you baby, roll over, I want to watch you cum,” he whispers in your ear as he leaves gentle bites along your shoulder.
Once your back hits the seat he grabs your thighs pushing them up and out. He enters you quickly, this angle letting him get as deep as possible. Eyes closing from the mix of pleasure and pain at how deep he feels, “eyes on me Hails,” he grunts out.
You grab his face pulling him to you for a deep kiss, and as he does he leans further into you causing you to let out a muffled scream against his lips. He’s deep, and his thrusts are harsh, you love it.
Smirking, he stays in that spot, continuing his hard thrusts, “I know you love this baby, I can feel it, don’t cum until I tell you too.”
“Nes, I need to cum,” your hands are squeezing his arms, eyes focused on him, begging for a release.
“Not yet, hails,” he grunts, “not until I say.”
Using your knees, Nestor pushes your legs completely into you, folding you in half, somehow going even deeper. Your hands move to his chest pushing him, “too much, too much, Nes, I need to cum, I can’t wait anymore.” You cry, with tears falling, your nails digging into his chest.
Moving your arms around you grip tightly on his lower back, your nails cutting into his skin, “Nes, please baby, please let me cum.”
He ignores your pleas, hissing as you continue to dig into his skin, his trusts are getting sloppy you know he’s close. “Fuck…fuck Hails…cum now…cum with me.” He grunts out.
“Nes, oh my god, Nes!” You we’re chanting his name as you came harder than ever before.
Releasing your legs Nestor helps you put them down while you’re still coming down from your high. He started kissing all over your face with one hand on top of your head running through your hair. “I love you so much, Hailey.”
“I love you, Nes.” You run your fingers up and down his back, and you both just stay in this position catching your breath. “We should probably go, I haven’t packed anything and I have to leave early. And you probably need some sleep.”
Kissing the side of your head he mumbles, “let’s go.”
Reaching forward he grabs your clothes and helps you redress and you then help him. Climbing back in the front he takes your hand in his and leaves a kiss on the back before finally leaving the driveway.
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crimsonheart01 · 3 years
My Favourite Things (Nestor Oceteva x Female!Reader)
A/N: The world always needs more Nestor in it. Those braids, those tacky purple flowered shirts, that stoicism, all of him. @thegirlwhowritesfics​ this one is for you! 
Prompt: 21. “Bath and Body Works was having a sale on their holiday scents so I bought twenty bottles of lotion.”
Word Count: 1.9K words
Playlist: My Favourite Things - The Supremes [Spotify] [YouTube]
Warnings: None. 
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“When I’m feeling sad I simply remember my favourite things And then I don’t feel so bad” My Favourite Things – The Supremes
She scanned the driveway for the millionth time. Grateful that it was still empty. Only she and her car parked there. She inhaled deeply, running through her explanation to make sure she had it down pat. There wasn’t any room for error. She needed it to sound natural and aloof. If she slipped up even a little bit, he’d catch on to her lie. She couldn’t have that. She’d be taking this one to the grave.
Resolved and prepared, she looped the handles of all the bags onto her forearms and hopped out of the car. She hit the pavement and scurried toward the front door. Even though he wasn’t home right now, it didn’t mean he couldn’t be well onto his way back. She’d have to find the right hiding place for everything. She fought to come up with areas of the house he didn’t frequent often but kept coming up short. He was hands-on in everything, going out of his way to be as involved as he could, even on the late nights when she was dead asleep, and he was only just getting home from work.
As she unlocked the door, she was reminded of the few times she’d found him home during the day, only to find out that the boys dropped him off for a quick shower and change before they were scheduled to come back to pick him up. That particular thought startled her. She knew it was a longshot, but there was a possibility he might be home. It didn’t happen often, but it happened enough for her to notice the routine.
Pushing the door open, she stuck her head around the opening and inspected the front hall. No discarded shoes, no holster hung up, nothing. It was utterly devoid of him. She let out a long breath and slipped past the threshold, letting the door click shut behind her before she leaned back against it. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes. The racing of her heart still going strong, but the anticipation of being caught lessened.
After giving herself a chance to calm down a bit, she knew she needed to get down to business. There was no telling how long she had. She needed to hide her transgressions and all the evidence before he stepped through that door. Dropping the bags down, she ripped off her coat and shoes. She draped her jacket down on the side table before bending to grab the bags up and tore off into the main area.
She glanced around, several options coming to mind, but none of them seemed to work well for her plan. She figured she’d have to divide everything up and hide them in separate places all over. She let out a frustrated groan at herself. She should’ve thought this through a bit more before losing herself. However, a sale was a sale. There was no way she was turning down one of those.
Chewing on her bottom lip, she decided it was in her best interest to have a drink and then come up with a proper game plan. Trying to hide things in a panic would make her work sloppy, and she couldn’t have that. Setting the bags down on the counter, she went about getting herself a nice cold glass of wine.
She struggled with the cork for a short moment before managing to get it popped out nice and clean.
Pouring herself a generous glass, she stared at the bags in front of her. She laughed at herself. Hadn’t they just been discussing her obsession with scented candles and lotions? He was probably going to kill her when he found out.
“No,” She spoke out loud to herself, “Not when but if.”
She was going to do her damnedest to keep this her little secret. He never needed to know. They weren’t for him anyway. She huffed to herself, feeling confident in her abilities. She learned from the best, hadn’t she? He’d always been open to teaching her some minor tricks of the trade. A few for fun but most out of precaution for if anything happened to her or him. He wanted her to be prepared.
She leaned back against the counter, inhaling the sweet scent of her drink before taking a long drink. Her nerves settled nicely as she let herself relax and properly devise a plan to hide her purchases.
As she was about to start unpacking the bags to section everything off, she heard the distinct latch of the front door and then listened as his voice carried down the hallway. She squeaked and ran to the sink, dumping her glass into it and creating a commotion. She screwed up her face at all the noise and called back out to him in greeting. She spun around in a circle, panicking over where to hide the bags when she decided a quick solution was to shove them into the cupboard under the sink.
Grabbing the bags all up in her hands, she ripped the doors open and shoved them all in. A few bottles fell out onto the floor, and she cursed before picking them up and tossing them in efficiently and slamming the doors shut. She popped back up in time to walk around the other side of the counter. Leaning forward, she grabbed her glass again before trying her best to get comfortable in the bar stool while she waited for him.
“Querida, ya he vuelto.” He called out as he pushed the front door closed behind him.
He heard the clang of dishes in the sink and chuckled. He wondered if she broke something, but when she called back, he could hear the panic in her voice. He paused in taking his shoes off, standing completely still and reached for his weapon. He heard several more thuds and a slam of doors.
He tilted his head to the side, taking a moment to listen. He couldn’t hear anything out of the ordinary, aside from her rapid footsteps in the other room. He glanced around him, assessing his immediate area but found nothing out of place. Her shoes were placed on the mat, her purse was hanging on the hook, and her jacket was hung over the table—all standard instances of their daily routines.
He reached for the coat and hung it up like he did every day when he got home, but this time he kept his other hand trained on his firearm. He let it sit in the holster, at the ready.
“How was your day, mi amor?” He called out again, waiting to hear if there was more duress in her tone.
She answered him quickly, a subtle hint of the strain in her voice but nothing that would have him assume she was being held up by an enemy. With deliberate footsteps, making sure he was heard, he came around the corner and found her sitting in one of the bar stools. Her back was straight, and she was gripping the stem of a wine glass. He could see the white of her knuckles and knew that she was pressed. However, he didn’t know about what.
He scaled the room but again, found nothing to be suspicious about. Breathing in deeply, he let go of the Glock and stepped up to her.
“Hey baby,” He grinned as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
She leaned into his touch and smiled back, “Hey.”
He could feel the tension in her body but chalked it up to a stressful day. He didn’t often find her having a drink this early without cause. He reached for her glass, and she chuckled while he took a sip. He kissed her head again and then rounded the island into the kitchen to grab himself a beer from the fridge.
“You’re home early today,” She commented, “Or is this another stop to change and then go again?”
He shook his head with a grin, “No, I’m home for the day now.”
She hummed in response while he pulled his keys out of his pocket and used them to pop the cap off his bottle. He tossed the bottle cap into the sink and reclined into the counter behind him, gazing over at her. She was looking down into her glass as she took another sip. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off, but there wasn’t anything to indicate that he was right in his suspicions.
With a sigh, he tilted the lip of the bottle to his mouth when something caught his eye. Without any pause, he zeroed in on the partially opened cupboard door across from him. He ran through the succession of noise that he walked in on a few moments ago. Flicking his gaze back to her, he could see the agitation emanating from her.
He raised an eyebrow at the scene before him. She wasn’t one to keep secrets, ever. He felt his curiosity peak. What could she be trying to hide from him and be failing so horribly at? He almost let out a chuckle but schooled it into a smirk instead.
He deliberately knocked his knee against the door, only to hear the sound of several things falling and watching as she cringed. She dropped her head between her hands and pulled her shoulders in. She was hiding from him. He  backed away and reached down to pull the door all the way open only to have a mountain of body lotion bottle tumble from within.
He blinked, trying to comprehend what he was looking at before letting out an incredulous laugh. He bent down and swiped up one bottle, examining the packaging.
She squeezed her eyes shut and scrunched up her nose, “Bath and Body Works was having a sale on their holiday scents, so I bought twenty bottles of lotion.”
“I can see that.” He murmured, still reading the blurb written on the side of the bottle. He arched an eyebrow in question, “Is Candy Cane a scent you needed to have?”
She let out a huffed laugh, “Hey! You can’t knock it until you’ve smelt it.”
She reached across the island, grabbed the bottle out of his hand, flicked the top open and poured a dollop onto the back of her hand. She massaged it in and then lifted her hand to him, inviting him to take a sniff. With a skeptical expression, he took her hand in his and raised it to his nose. He inhaled, closing his eyes as he did. He licked his lips before folding her fingers and kissing her knuckles.
“Edible.” He smirked at her, his eyes gazing up her arm.
She felt the flush of heat run up her neck at his tone. She opened her mouth to speak, but he held a finger up to his. She bit down on her lip to keep quiet while he lifted their joined hands up and he circled around the counter to stand in front of her. He flipped her arm over, exposing her wrist to him, and he nibbled on it lightly. She melted at the affection and ran a finger down the line of his jaw.
He peeked up at her and tugged her forward abruptly, circling both his arms around her hips.
“We’re going to have to talk about this obsession you have with that store,” He mumbled.
She shook her head and pulled him into a fiery kiss, “Another time, we have more important things to do right now.”
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Hi 👋🏻 Here is another prompt for Nestor Oceteva ❤️ #18 “So take these words, some good advice” from the ‘Mini Radio Show Prompt List’. Thank you so much.
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Nestor wants to marry you; he has for a long time. The problem is you’ve never expressed any interest in it, he isn’t even sure if it’s on your radar. He rises the issue with Marcus when he’s collecting Santi for comic art class one afternoon. The young boy is packing up his sketchbook and pencils in his bedroom whilst Nestor stands in the kitchen with Marcus, the other man in the midst of making a cup of green tea when he broaches it.
“I want to marry Rosa.” He finds himself telling the other man.
Marcus smiles, his gaze fixated on the mug in front of him as he pours the hot water into it.
“And you want my permission?” Marcus asks as he picks up the cardboard tab of the teabag and begins to manipulate the string.
He raises his eyes to meet Nestor’s and the two of them share a smile. Marcus has been a father figure in your life for as long as you could remember, and he’s always been Nestor’s confidant when it comes to matters of the heart. There was a time a few years ago when they’d both sat in this kitchen wondering if they’d ever see you again. The fact he’s here right now, discussing this is a testament to just how far the two of you have come.
“I don’t know if it’s something that she wants.” Nestor says, outlining his problem to Marcus.
“It’s a tough one mijo,” Marcus sighs, taking a sip from his tea. “The truth is I have no idea. There was a time I would have said never but she’s settled over the past couple of years, put down roots. She may be ready for a little more security.”
He gives Nestor a moment to process his words. The other man has always been a grounding presence in your life, he’s given you a stability you’ve been lacking over the years, and he couldn’t ask for a better son in law if you choose to go down that path.
“I think the best course of action would be to sit down and have a conversation with her.” Marcus tells Nestor, “Get a feel for where she is with the whole idea.”
he knows that Marcus is right, that springing a proposal would be a bad idea. You have a habit of bolting when you get overwhelmed, and Nestor hates the thought of putting you in that position.
Every single one of the decisions you’ve made about moving forward have been together and Nestor intends to keep it that way.
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When Plans Go Astray
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Summary; Being late for an anniversary date is never a good idea, but after a terrible day at work, Nestor has to change plans and quickly.  WordCount; 554 Pairing; Nestor Oceteva x Female Reader Warnings; Fluff, Mentions of Injury, Surprise ending.  A/N - My first time writing for Nestor, so feedback would be appreciated!
Day 2                                           ➽───────────────❥
Nestor was late. After spending all day in the kitchen, putting so much effort in tonight, you were seething. Despite understanding the importance and the dangers of his job, you couldn't help feeling that you should be able to have one night with him. Especially on your anniversary.
If only you knew why Nestor was so late. 
Parking up in the driveway, Nestor knew he was late. Four hours late, to be exact. When Nestor left your home in the early hours of the morning, Nestor desired one thing, to return home to you. He hadn't expected the day to transpire the way that it did. Every plan seemed to go astray. Nestor had managed to find himself in two fistfights and a shot out. He was unwilling to imagine his appearance as of now, the bruises, the cuts, he could feel them all as if they were fresh. 
Begrudgingly, he left the safety of his car, awaiting the inevitable argument, but Nestor could admit he deserved it. He made a promise to you, which he broke. Sighing, he dragged his feet up the several stairs before opening the door until your shared home.
"Mi Reina, where are you?" Nestor called out as he threw his jacket onto a nearby chair. The house was so silent Nestor could have heard a pin drop. Perhaps you had finally had enough. Should he be surprised that you've had enough with the inconsistencies that being with him brought?
In a last-ditch attempt to locate you, Nestor searched for you in the back garden. There you were, sitting in there in your favourite outfit, drinking your favourite bottle of wine. Nestor witnessed the amount of effort that you had placed into tonight, from the decoration of the table. The melodies of Nestor's favourite song playing softly in the background.
"Mi Reina, I'm so sorry."
"I asked for one night! One night and you couldn't even give that to me." Raising from your chair, you turned to face him, to unleash every emotion you had been feeling all night onto him, however, the second you noticed him, your mind turned from anger to concern.��
"Mi Rey, what happened to you? Are you alright? How badly are you hurt?" You were in front of him at an instant. Examing the visible skin for marks, cuts, bruises. Both of your hands reaching up to cup his face gingerly. 
"Mi Amor, my injuries are unimportant. Tonight was supposed to be about us, and I've ruined it. I'm sorry." While you had been upset that Nestor had been late, now you understood what kind of day it had been, realising that Nestor was only late when things were particularly bad. Resting up on your toes, you pressed a gentle kiss to Nestor's lips. 
"You have nothing to be sorry for, we've still got the entire evening, so what do you say I go run a bath."
Allowing you to walk past him, Nestor remained outside for a moment, as removed the square box from his pocket. Plans had changed. Would a proposal in the bath be as romantic as it would have been over dinner?
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Come Undone - A Nestor Oceteva/Reader Short.
Just a lil’ bit of fluffiness for Nes! 
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Words - 583
Warnings - None! 
“Are you okay?”
You shuffle onto your side, turning to look at him. “I’m sleepy.”
He snorts softly at this, reaching to stroke your face. “Oh, really? I could never tell.”
His sarcasm is always soft, never biting, unless he’s angry about something. With you, though, he has little cause to ever be vexed. Well, perhaps when you take much too long deciding on food, or where to go in order to get it in the first place. For a man whose whole life is steeped in bullets and bloodshed, Nestor is remarkably calm and controlled. He has to be, you suppose.  
“I believe the technical term is dick drunk.” Your words have him laughing quietly in an instant.
“That doesn’t sound very technical to me.” The proud smirk that lights up his face has enough wattage behind it to power an entire city. “I’ll take it, though.”  
“Well, why break the habit of a lifetime?” He frowns, pinching you. “Nes, no!”
“You know your sass won’t be tolerated, young lady.” Oh yes, how right he is. “Besides, you’ve only known me a few months. Give it time before you make such sweeping statements.”
You scoff, poking him in the chest. “Oh, I need more than four months, do I, to attest that you soak up compliments like a sponge without even a hint of modesty?”
“You just let me fuck your mouth until I came all over your face, and you’re mentioning modesty?” He snort laughs, shaking his head, rooting a finger into one of his braids and scratching his head.  
“Yeah, yeah,” you sigh, waving your hand at his comment, sitting up a little. “Whatever.”  
“You’re cute, you know that?”
You beam, watching as he continues to scratch. “I try.” A moment of pause follows, your fingers curling around one of his braids, giving it a gentle shake. “You should just unbraid your hair if your head itches. I don’t think I’ve ever seen your hair loose, either. How long is it?”
“Long!” he exclaims with a soft snort. “You can unravel ‘em if you like?”
You like.  
Shifting up, you push his back gently, encouraging him to move and seat himself between your legs, Nestor stroking your calves as you unfasten the first one, placing the band down on the nightstand, your fingers unhooking each careful link. He's better at doing his hair than you are yours, you think, knowing that your own endeavours in attempting French braids were not executed quite as neatly. You work up to his scalp, the hair coming loose in your hands, a mountain of black waves becoming free, repeating the same on the other side.  
“Oh wow,” you exclaim softly, letting the curls tumble through your fingers. “You have the most beautiful hair I’ve ever encountered. Shit, what’s your conditioner bill like every month?”
He raises his eyebrows, leaning back against you. “Enough for me to consider buying shares in Aussie.” You knew you recognised the scent somewhere.  
“You should wear it down more often,” you comment, Nestor shaking his head.  
“Nah, it gets in the way.”
“Of what?”
He turns, pushing your legs wider apart, kissing you between your breasts. “Lots of things. One in particular.”  
Half an hour later, and you’re left wondering why he’d think that, as clutching handfuls of his beautiful mane while he goes down on you, from your perspective at least, is only an added bonus to anything sexual, rather than the hindrance he alluded it to be.  
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thegirlwhowritesfics · 4 months
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