#netflix movie list
Movies to Watch During Winter Storm Jonas
Winter Storm Jonas has hit and so has the Boredom Blues. So in your “down time” or the time when you’re not doing homework, working, goal setting, studying,etc. you know what to do.....
The Shining                                                  City of God
Reservoir Dogs                                             Forrest Gump
Bridget Jones’s Diary                                    Fargo
Tangerine                                                    The Grey
Don’t Be A Menace...                                   Snow Buddies
Antarctica: A Year on Ice                             Blue Ruin
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off                               Fruitvale Station
Grease                                                        Pulp Fiction
A League of Their Own                               In Too Deep
The Babadook                                             House of Wax
Wayne’s World                                            The Frozen
The Loft                                                      Let The Right One In
Circle                                                           Your Sister’s Sister
Making A Murderer (documentary)             The Kids Are Alright
To Kill A Mockingbird                                  Bad Boys II
OldBoy                                                        Brick Mansions
DJango Unchained                                     Clueless
Beasts of No Nation                                    Mulan 
The Wood                                                   Checkmate
American Heist                                           The Dinner
Reasonable Doubt                                      Stir of Echoes 1 & 2
Blindsided                                                  Cradle to the Grave
The DaVinci Code                                      Rear Window
Crave                                                         Kristy
Blink                                                          The List
Perfect Stranger                                        My Favorite Five
Beyond the Lights                                     Dawg Fight
The Harvest                                              The Unwanted
Cabin Fever: Patient Zero (watch the other two first)
The Lazarus Effect                                    Black Forest
Unspeakable Acts                                     The Devil’s Advocate
...and if these aren’t enough to keep you busy try one on this list below (Note: some of the movies may be repeated on both lists)
Happy Winter You Guys ! 
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weddingzindia-blog · 8 years
Check out the best romantic movies streaming on Netflix
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katiekemp-blog · 11 years
Netflix Movies YOU MUST WATCH!
1. Listen To Your Heart
2. Girl In Progress
3. October Baby
4. Unconditional
5. Keith
6. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
7. Mona Lisa Smile
8. Into the Wild
9. The Pianist
10. Radio
11. An American Crime
12. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
13. Being Elmo: A Puppeteers Journey
14. American Teacher
more to add....
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